The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 15, 1943, Page 12, Image 12

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Tin CZLGCII CTATECMAII, Cclata, Oregon. Tuesday Monag. Juan IS. 1ZL2 "
Sociability . r
- Noted at
. Next best to going to county
fairs, We like attending auctions.
It is easy to understand how
- simple it would be. to get into
' the habit of attending auctions,
and how one could become a
;eal bidding adict. It would .
only take a good excuse to make'
a man go to every auction ad-
vertised, and , to bid on cows,
farm equipment or furniture.
Yesterday we went to the auc
tion out at Roberts'- and prob-
ably the only thing that saved
us from bringing home a nice
" : fat Guernsey cow, "was that they
demanded cash. A cow would
have looked rather out of place
in the middle of town. ;
But auctions are a social event
and yesterday's was no excep- ,
tion. Women of the Roberts dis
trict took the opportunity to
serve the prospective buyers a
luncheon, at the same time mak
feig money for the Red Cross.
Baked beans, club salad, pickles,
sandwiches, doughnuts and cof
fee put the guests into a good
frame of mind.
There's nothing like .a com
fortably replete feeling to put
one in the mood for spending
a hundred dollars or so.
Suitable weather, a good loca
tion on a hillside, and a large
umber of acquaintances in the
; audience turned the trick" of
, completing the . good humor of
those who went to the auction.
So, sales become social gather
ings, friends are greeted and a
leisurely visit to the barn to '
view the cows makes one feel
' ? like the trip was not in vain, for
even city,, dwellers should visit
manufacturing plants, even if
. they do happen to be blue blood- '
ed bovine milk factories.
Alountain Lions Are
Slaiu State Hunter
LEBANON -Guy Pritchard of
near Mill City, state predatory "
animal hunter has been working
m this vicinity the past week. He
killed a coyote south of Browns
ville. During the past six weeks
he reports the killing of , two
mountain lions. Since his work
for. the state began, August 24,
1942, he has killed 72 predatory
" animals.. The pelts are sent to the
fish "and game commission. ;
It Says 'Welcome'
Brighten your home welcome
your guests with this sampler.
Its simple colorful stitchery will
xascinate you and "make you
want to do a second one as a gift.
Even the center panel alone.
would make an effective picture.
Pattern- 565 contains transfer
pattern of a picture 10 x 13
inches; color chart; stitches; list
i materials. ;
Send ELEVEN. CENTS in coins for
this pattern to The Oregon States
man, xteeaiecrari Dept.. Salem. Ore.
Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER,
fw dajiu. ana Auuntss.
or sandwiches
For tli workmom's lunch box
x dainty party serving. Master
. tfmf n texture to hast
i3aa u
Homemade Hose
Just Pour Your Stockings ; ; ; . . ;:. .
On; No Snags ' ;
, . . ' ' AF BMUty Xditor - -; t ;
Dear Housewives: ; ? ;
How would to own
snag nor wrinkle? You can, this summer just by pouring them
out of a bottle. There are many lovely shades to choose from,
including beige, copper and bronze.
Most of these leg films stay put and do not rub off on clothes,
! -
.Today's Menu "
i . - - .
Menu for today, includes an
almost meatless main dish. Try
It with variations frequently. -
: Jellied fruit salad
) " Spanish rice':,:. r
! ' Franfurters
Buttered resh green beans
" Cantaloupe
i -
J -
? Spanish rice wrni
3 tablespoons bacon fat
3 tablespoons minced onions , -
cup diced celery
cup sliced frankfurters
- j (rind discarded)
2 cups boiled rice
2 cups tomatoes, canned
, teaspoon salt
teaspoon paprika
i ' 1, teaspoon sugar
Heat fat in frying pan, add and
brown slightly the onions, cel
ery, frank slices and rice. : Add
rest of ingredients and simmer
IS minutes. Stir frequently.
' FOOD ' "
Canned Gooda Blue stamps G, R
and K valid through June 7. Stamps
K, L and M good through July 7. :
: Meat, cheese, canned fish and d
Ible fata Red stamps L. now valid.
M. June 13: N. June 20: all. Includinf
J and K expire June 30.
Sugar Coupon No. 13 expires ,
.August IS. good for S pounds. Noa. .
IS and IS valid for 5 pounds : each
canning sugar.-Apply to ration board
for additional ration If needed..:
Coffee No. 24 in book 1 good for
S pound until Juno 30.
Book A coupons No. good for
four fallens each, expire July SI.
fuel on,
coupons expire
: SHOES -No.
17 coupon in ration book No. 1
good for 1 pair, expires June IS.
New Officers
The Hollywood Lion's
met at Mrs. J. V. Scott's home
.Monday afternoon to install new
officers for the coming year. Mrs.
Harry Scott of the town club in
stalled them. Tea was served in
the garden. " "
New oficers are Mrs. Don Pat
ton, president; Mrs. Al Crose,
vice president; Mrs. Ray Smith,
secretary, and Mrs. Dale Taylor,
Present were Mrs. Jim Tin
dael, Mrs. Dale Taylor, Mrs.
Hans Hofstetter, Mrs; Dick Mey
ers. ! Mrs. Albert Barry, Mrs.
Vince Rodakowski; Mrs. Roy Bat
dorf, "Mrs." Karl Gies, Mrs. Har
ry Scott, Mrs. Ray Smith, MrsL
Al Crose, Mrs. Paul Purvis, Mrs.
J. V. Scott and Mrs. Don Patton.
Girls Attend
Camp Dance
Thirty-five Salem Junior
Hostess league members will at
tend the dance of the enlisted
men oi uc medical division at
Lamp Adair on Wednesday
Girls who wish to attend are
to contact the USO center for
information. , Transportation is
furnished and girls will leave
from the center, at 6:30 p.m. A
camp orchestra will play and re
freshments will be served dur-
ing ; the intermission.
) 1 Farieas Nasi dive.
Jk"fc attack
kfll A taak
, oanla ala
n tut a
H M Mb
it" ef da
, rida with
f Asm aaiaiad ibt i
we aba aalmiaif
attach Staltagraa;:
... Rmmb Siaa...
WtW tiniiil Jitattwl
MfT Sae twai fciaa t
tat, fcawiag axfaraj
Cat m asw 2TT"
ftmtm seed -ATU FOR
. fat sis ead Wogta cnecked:
U It.. Snam. : Jli7l n
l3 ft Smut. IS
189 ft.. lAmm. . 1 " US D
U9 ft.. lUmm. - 93
153 ff 14mm. Soaad tIM Q
a pair of stockings that, neither
The simplest , way to remove
them -is to stand in the-tub-or
under the shower and use soap,
water and. washcloth.. -."
But first make sure all- the
fuzz is removed from your legs.
For not until they are absolutely
. sleek - are - you ready to apply
' the liquid.
The art of applying it seems
to make 'all the difference be
tween smooth beauty a n d a
' streaky, splotchy, bar e-legged
appearance, i ? m
A famous Fifth Avenue beau
tician says the - first rule is to
finish one leg before beginning
on the second. -
Pour enough of the liquid in
to your left hand so that, start
ing at the instep, you can smooth
it on with the right hand in
long overlapping strokes, push
ing the color up and away from
the foot , - r
The color should be lightest
where the shoe touches the in
step. Work' up and over the knee
to a point at least five inches
above. When you have applied
all the color, use both hands to
smooth and blend, making suit
that the back of the leg is cov
ered. ;:' '''.t'.;-" y '-:' .-ir-ft
Be sure to wear foot protec
tors There are many to be had
in the shops for strapless and
"toeless shoes as welL Or make
your own by saving your worn
out hose, cutting. off the feet if
they are still wearable. ,
Gty Hall Converted
Conversion of the old city hall
at Astoria into 67 dormitory units
for single war workers was ap
proved by ' the national - housing
ad will
appreciate fine
UOZZ, chly 3Q
Hera's a label that Dad rightly
associates with quality, good
looks and long wear! New as
sortments In mercerized rayon
and cotton yarns. lOVi to 12.
" f 3 pr. for 1.10
Japan s parliament meets to
day amid increasing indications
that the .warlords are alarmed
, by. the Inability f the empire's
war industry to meet their de
man da upon it. The announce
ments broadcast from Tokyo
eceiTung the session are not
enlightening but nearly all stress
the idea that something must be
done to increase the output of
planes,' ships and guns.
v It is to be e-nly a three-day
special session to approve
siricuy iimitea legislative pro
- gram designed, as"' Tokyo radio
says, to produce "a drastic in
crease, of the fighting strength.
Premier General Tojo has al
ready given notice, that he will
stand for no nonsense. He is. to
be the only speaker; the usual
reports by the foreign ' minister,
finance minister and others are
to be dispensed. with. There will
be no. interpellations; the pre
mier wants no embarrassing
questions raised about the course
of the war. He will give his own
account of it and that must be
. . it wm De interesting to see
what Tojo will tell his compa
triots about the war. His recent
utterances have been much less
boastful . than those of a year
. - "The greater east Asia war is
more and more in the stage of
decisive battles , and - the war
situation is becoming increasing
ly serious," he said last week;
Japanese propaganda has taken
on a sombre note of warning like
, the Germans after Stalingrad.
This is due in part, no doubt, to
the impossibility of discussing
some of the disasters which have
befallen Japanese arms. The loss
of Attu, for instance,' could not
be hidden; therefore the story of
the garrison's last charge and
obliteration was' given the most
Does ho lean
Ms mi j
tlsles ... foftcytribbad sport cottons , .
rkh-looldng rayons? ThtyVi all hero at Worcbl
Patterned or plain, colorful or conservative,
. in regular and shorter lengths. 101& to 12. '
Ffca kdiiy
In the rich colors and pas
terns be prefers! Cotton re
in erred for extra wear.
Secular or short lenctha.
litt to 12. ;
dramatic possible presentation.
Doctor Goebbels apparently!
found this propaganda of gloom i
best - calculated vto support ' a '
campaign for all out mobiliza
tion of the civilian population.'
The parliamentary session is a i
phase of such a campaign In Ja
pan. Obviously the Tojo regime
is making a tremendous effort to
gear the war machine for an ef
fort surpassing anything : that
has gone before. Whether t h i s i
will be offensive or defensive re-1
mains to be seen. Despite some
manifest weaknesses the Japa
nese armed forces still have tre
mendous' striking power. The
temptation to have another try
at knocking China out of the war
must' still be strong. The flower
of the Japanese army remains in
Manchuria along Russia's far
eastern border. It must , be
sumed that Hitler is exerting all
possible pressure to convince
Tojp . and company that they i
must help finish off Russia thisl
. , summer, .that unless the axis
powers hang together on this I
matter they must hang separate -
w later. But it i. d uTtf i
whether the Japanese will listen
to this argument, M
There can be no doubt, how
ever, that the Japanese generals
and admirals are face to face
with the, realization that the
hope they held when they chal
lenged the United States that
the " great American , industrial
potential could never be fully
.mobilized for war has proved
a false one. That more than any
other factor probably is in their
minds now, as they- realize that
even their greatest exertions can
produce only one-tenth or one
twentieth of the great flood of
weapons '' now L pouring from
, the American shipyards and fac
to classic, neat-looking
AT CrilV JQs
Artesl Ki afTactsI Fancy
ciock designs! In better quel- '
Ity rayons, full mercerized ,
cottons. Sizes 1 0H to 12. .
a f. i' JSk i '-nTLVKN
US army scouts beside a newly-raised
set vp equipment In the Holts)
1 A-.:J r i
Accident Fatal
Airs, ueorge isitt, Boardman.
died in a Pendleton hospital from
injuries suffered in an automobile-
truck collision near Hermiston.
Delegates Register V - ?
Approximately 50 delegates reg
istered for the opening of 'the
Oregon Music' Teachers' 28th an
nual convention "at Portland. f
1 c-'X
American Flag Planted
flag (left,, background), while
bay area of Atta isIandV-Assoeiated
Liquor Ration Stable
Administrator Ray Conway of
the Oregon liquor control com
mission returned from a three
week liquor buying trip In . the
east; and announced at Portland
he foresaw no Immediate prospect
of .a . further cut - in statev- liquor
rations. : . ' - . :
X ... . 8asw Jane
Most. ovorytKjiiq you cor think- al ki "parlor fun
- foe: yoaaft. oiwd oJrf fc. Words new Com Doport
inent! Lorg assortwont of oxdting games far par
ties . . . good old-fashioned family fun . ; . and gifts!
Large selection of flno qualify cards In booutifu! '
designs! Take your pick NOW! Shop at Wards and
Save! Luxury tax included o all prices
Famous Staunton pcttam . . . unbrook
abl, prfclfy moMadl AH pieces ore
wlghtad and wMi raft bosavt . ,
cruses flayi::s cacss
DoubU Dack Conor brand I Satin
WflWy resfctont to moisturel ' t
pc nun ca
Singie dock licyda brandl Fine quaBty
Bnen ftnbhl Extra snap, oay to shuffle
and doall Choka, Foker, or FinocKUl
tockgaajMNoa, ckoss,
chips, etc, m pocket
designed to look like
Oreular revolving rock with brown leath
erette cover I Walnut ftnUi with s.tal
kandle! Holds 300 chipsl
pcpuiar . cc:ac:"k.
Fun with numbersl Floy and score by
mutchfcig numbered trianglesl 36 chlpst
knssrvctions for 2 to 7. '
irri r2TAiaao e e l xxcn
Popular f avoriro for parties or for on
evening of fori For 2 to t piayersi kv- '
strwdlon for 7 different gem ail . " " '
Strong wood frame covered with -gator
or pigskiN grofn laomaMltakCuw i O
piete with Cata&n Men . j ; cScevetc-
on Attu-
communications men (foreground!
Press Telemai. -
Highway Reopened
Reopening of the North Umpqua
highway from Roseburg to Dia
mond lake through completion of
a temporary, bridge over the June
Uon of the North Umpqua river
and Steamboat creek to replace
a - span washed out In last win
ter's flood was announced" at,
Roseburg., i
Fclher'j Diy
f.::oci:le catiss
diockars, bingo.
sixo flames. Eodi
a book.
pc:icn kac:i
- i
155 N. Liberty SU
Pfcone 3194
155 N.Libertj SL
rfcene 3194-