'FACS.EXZYC? Ivdii- ' Gat: The ; Mo'. -Foe1 The" JL3isk...Saei Tia CZIGCII CTATCMAIl. Cclsa. Oregon. Tuesday l-Uxzlzj. Juss 13 1C13 Classified Advertising , , Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Thre Insertion per Una 25c Six Insertion per line 40o On month per Una, ;, 91-23 Minimum charge 25e; 3 tL min imum S5c; 8 tt. coin. 45c. Mo refunds. - Copr far this page accepted on-' tU -30 tne evening before publica tion for classification ; Copy re ceived after this tuna artM be run under the heading , "Too UU to Classify." ' The 'Statesman assumes no finan cial respensuulity -tor errors which reprint that part of an advertise ment in jsrhtc the typographical mistake occurs. - ' Tba SUteaman reserves the right may appear in advertisements pub lished in its columna and In eases where this paper la- at fault will to reject questionable advertising It further , reserve the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. - A "Blind" Ad-enad containing Statesman box number lor an ad dress la for the protection of the advertiser and -must therefore be answered by tetter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of an. advertiser using a 'Blind" ad. , Livestock and Poultry WANT home for good 4 gaL cow. 'Close to Salem. Ph. 21019, yOR SALE: Romnejr ewes. S 8c 8 -years olo.. Ph. 2SF23 evenings. ATTENTION lit . WU1 remove dead 8t worthless stock In a moment's not ice I SALEM FER TILIZER Ax BY-PRODUCTS. Pb. 6000 Collect. tNa other Phone .) - FOR SULE Newnampahlre pullets, ready to lay. Pb,228U, Lee Hatchery Help Wanted - STRAWBERRY PICKERS -wanted go pickers." paying St cents a carrier 1 with .04 bonus, subject to raise. Good patch. Clean camp. Ben Brown. Sublimity. Ore, R- 1. Box lis. near S. -C. Falls. - - ' RESORT WORK FOR SUMMER - Life guard, laundry worker, woman bath attendant, waitress, hotel clerk. Write N. D. Bruckntan. Breitenbuah. Oreg. ; Help Wanted Male - Workers aew esseteye t war are ' taction should net apply and will not , be considered for staple reseat by em ! players advertising as tela sec tie. , , MARRIED Man .for, stock farm. 17 miles south of Salem; no milking. See . Floyd Tharp. Rt. 9. Box 43. Salem. WANTED SHOE salesman. ' Exper ' fenced. Sell high grade shoes. - The Price Shoe Co, Salem. MEN. WANTED for Hopyard work -?--'7?!. . .-. JJZ't . :2 " : EXPERIENCED MILKER Schindler Bros Dairy. South Salem. i Help WantedFemale WANTED 1 General Beauty Operator . f -l ; and - Manicurist . Olds A King's Beauty Salon has opening for experienced general ope rators and manicurists, salary and commission. Write giving age and ex perience to - Superintendent's Office. OLDS & KING Portland. Oregon. - WANTED; Saleswoman for dry goods ; with some experience in .dictation. " typing. 4c bookkeeping.' State range of salary expected. Box 262.' Statesman 1 PART TIME Position open with well estab lished local financial and in surance firm for woman able to meet -the : public and han dle general! office routine. Knowledge ; of credit end in surance business desirable. Po sition is permanent ' on part time basis. Ideal for woman Interested in afternoon work in pleasant office. Attractive hourly pay. Phone 4440. v prutrwrrn knrt nn(r arirl Tiav j nil .... . uv. . v. w. , - . shift. FerMsnent position. The Blue -. Hint. . ----K i- - EXP. 'Housekeeper, for housework at soma cooking. SOe hour; Apply m . person. 3390 Portland Kd. . - - : TURKEY PICKERS wanted. North- WE HAVE OPENINGS for part ' time waitresses and serving girls for Saturdays and Sundays only. Aug ment your income by -working the shift . convenient to .your present schedule. High type personnel only for clean class, of trade, wo beer Transportation home n late, shift- Apply The Bluebird. , Situations Wanted i DISABLED Soldier wUl do part time work. Painting, gardening, anything, any time,. Write or can at 847 Pine St IGH SCHOOL Graduate wants lab work in Dr's, office; can type. Ph. 8933. FAST CARPENTER. Ph. 3969. EXPERIENCED fountain girl wants aught work. Phone 67a. . ; For Sale Miscellaneous WORLD BIKE like new. F. Roasch. 840. S.- Capitol St. - 12 DOE RABBITS; - 88- hens. aU lay ing: 5 brood sows : to farrow soon; X trailers; 1 good elec. washer 1 to trade for cow. zzse Mission at. aa letn. . - ADVERTISING Western ' AdrerUsing . -Representative.-"-- George D Close.' Ina, , . San Francisco . Los Angeles Seattle Eastern Advertising . Representatives Ward-Griffiur Company. Ina . ' " Chicago, New York. Detroit. ...v Boston. Atlanta Enterei at the : Postof fV at SoUrm Oregon at Second Class Uatttr. Pub lished eeery morning except Monday. Husinex tficm. 1U South - Commer cial ftreet, , . SUBSCHIPTION RATES ITsU Subscription Rates In Advance: Viuitn Oreeon: Datlv and Sunday. Mo f ) cents; I Mos SJOO; I year. $8 00 " I isewhere 80 centt per mo or $72:9 lor 1 vear tr advance Per copy 8 cents fv Citv Carrier, 75 cents a month. . a yer in -!vsnce ta Marteav and Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or phone X9168 to Salem's - oldest, largest noma owned and home . managed finance institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made In strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration rn the repaying of your loan or granting of extensions. 1 to 12 MONTHS TO REPAY You can pay . In full any time to reduce the cost. - ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on furni ture or note. . ; . SEE - - . - . ROY H. SIMMONS. MGR. . 'Lie. No. M-132. s GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION ," Uc.-No. S-13g 134 So. Commercial St. Phone 918 First door . south of Ladd e Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location. Auto, Loans Willamette Credit Co. STB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M 19t ! Loans to Both , Men and Women In AH 'Types of Employment I $30 to $300 i On furniture, car. livestock or note without endorsers $50 repaid in four monthly installments of $13.45 each, costs only 13 80. Other amounts in same proportion. Inquiries invited by phone, letter or In person. Calkin9 Finance Co. Rra. Sit (3rd Fir.) ' Phone First Nat. Bank Bldg . Salem S-23S U& M-27S .For Sale Miscellaneous - ANTIQUE wafatut. secretary & I an tique Engbsh crystal crested sher- berts. tn. . ini. -- AT ONCE: " Book ' shelves, cheap chairs, tables 5c good- radio. Ph. 4157. SNARE DRUM like new. 25-33 Win, gun 4c amm. 1150 N. Church.. 2 BEDROOM Sets, maple dinette. fruit - Jars, : BtltweU daveno & chair. 1595 N. CoraX - . f WRINGER ROLLS for all makes of washers. Ed Ellis, Nelson Bros. Fuml ture. SIS N." Liberty. ; , v---.. ' POULTRY fertflizer for Victory Gardens- 30c per sack, Bring sacks. Ph. 22861. Lee's Hatchery. ATMORAYS for sale or rent. B. C Pugh. P.O. Box 463. Ph. 2-2458. POULTRY FERTILIZER $1.00 per yd You haul it Ph. 2286L, Lee Hatchery SEX HOGG BROS, 280 State St for liberal trade- to on vour old furniture Fuller Brushes. 1745 Grant Pa 5391 ' STRAWBERRIES You pick. 10c lb Bring, containers. Come Wed. S mi. East of Chemawa 4 Corners. Louis Zielinskl. . ' ;.- - ' ' STRAWBERRIES, you pick. Sc. B. E. Bower. mi. East Union . Hill Schl. Silver Creek Falls Sd. IS . FOOT Runabout Jr 16 HJV out board $323.00. 233 S. ComT. . DEEP WELL PUMP. Ph. 7765. J6 ft - ladder,- 11a. N. . 4tni Ph. -4S7C -FWE"aUkhart"""c $32.M. Ph.:S96S. -M.-:-''.- . . i Miacellaneous CHEST OF DRAWERS. 3 sixes in stock. limited quantity. 7 sizes . in book cases, dressing tables, wardrobes. Folsom Fura. Mfg. 1108 Broadway. Ph. 4929. r i Dental Plate Repair - TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates tor Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST -Adolpb Bids Stale Com l Ph 3311 KITCHEN CABINETS, standard sizes or built to order. Folsonv' Furn. Mfg. 1108 Broadway. Wauled Furniture TOP CASH price paid for furniture cV household goods. One article or housefun. Ph. 0682. Jacobson's Furni ture Store 568 Edgewater St. W Salem. cash rem no Id . goods 0 furniture at a rorgey Ph- 1448 SET YOUR own price, then call Glenn Woodry. the auctioneer, for action m hurry. Ph. 8110. Wanted Miscellaneous , WANTED at once for war produc tion work: lav Salem. 1 table saw and 1 cut-off i saw. Reinholdt & Lewis. Qj. 891. FURNITURE rn pay ' your ' price within reason. Phone 9110 . 4c be convinced.- Glenn Woodry. the Auctioneer. WILL. PAY CASH for -good used small tractor. Call Glenn N. Lark ins. Willamina -;', WANTED: SMALL GARDEN TRAC TOR. Ph. 21582 or 310 . Pioneer Trust Bldg. r ' ' ' - SMALL - Electric' range, 38 in. top. Ph. 471L i - - BABY. BUGGY., Phone 21089. WILL CARE for babies or small children hi my heme. 1968 Mission. PRESSURE COOKER wanted. 4692. 1079 6th. West Salem, . - CASH PAID foe upright, spinet or grand, pianos. Ph. '$707... - WANTED to Buy: One HammermUl suitable tor a 30 US', motor. Give de scription, make, and length of time ta use. Write P.O. Box 467. Corvallis. Ore. USED FURNITURE Ph 6189 WANT TO Buy. Used cameras aV tense MeEwaa Photo Shop 439 State For Rent Rooms Housekeeping rooml 260 Center St ' ' . .... i i v . - 4 ., ....... - - 1 ' ' Eldoc, pot? we iTiicrSMor TDLOCXUKEATREE TP"" I , r . ... .J t:i ..,., .. y , I I V t -. ... : l 7. . - ikJ a . Xt T-3S " - I T, ; awiiin 'if i erTnTrTwra-srsfflrr .- J'' - " - - - ' - 1 " ... . . Elonej: to Loan PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new or used cars, no delay r rea tape, zou will retain posession of the vehicle. 1 to 13 MONTHS TO PAY. ROY H. SIMMONS X3S South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-13J Income Tax Loans If you will need money, to pay the June 13th installment of your Income Tax get a Special Income Tax Loan from Personal Finance Company. . Personal Finance Co. SIS State St. N. Anderson. Mgr. Phone S19I Lie. 1-123. M-1S3 . MONEY " oer cent income on your invest ment funds: We have a number of real estate mnriMiH In amounts from SSOO to Make your surplus funds earn your STATE FINANCE CO. (Lie. S1C-222) ' - : Guardian Bldf. lrl' MONEY Tof LOAN . . . -t ' i Wanted, real estate mortgages, loans. cltv or farm properties: loans made as small as S300 See us about refinan cing your present contract or mort- LEO N. CTTTT.nS. INC. ) Phone tsa 344 State St Room and Board BRD. A RM, 700 Stewart. Ph. 440C For Rent Apartment 1 RM. basement apt, S7S N. CapitoL rURN. basem, garages. 449 M1U. For Rent Houses t RM rURN. house. 2 adults. Light 6s . water, mw xi. aui. BisTiirnANT.; rnoiwr maker forr two; equip. ; furnished, j inq. S08 Chemeketa. . : .. . r ; t '- ; 8 ROOM furnished house in. Keixer Dist $39.00. " -: P. H. BELL, REALTOR , i 21 Guardian Bldg. - i Ph. ! 316 iTTvmiRN' 6 rm. hse. 2048 N. Church. Adults, no aogs. 6 - RM. suburban unfurn. hse. Mod ern. Ph. 22873. Trailer houses for rent. 1009 SV 21st. For Rent RESTAURANT. PARTLY, equipped. 891 N. Com'L, Apt I. j- - FLOOR SANDER, tor rent , Mont-. goaiery Ward I ; t'.;. TRUCKS for rent. You drive. Me Cune Loveu. phone 9600, Wanted to Rent 9 nr a Mrm. furn ' house. With HO objection to children. Ph, 21998. APT. or house fully furnished, for 4 adults. Price no item. Box 2636. Statesman. . , ivtirM STlTM rault ant., nrefer- Kiv itt nrt - hiww - rlnw 4n. or Room 8c Board for elderly lady Box 2637, Statesman, j - . .. l 8 ot S bdrm. unfurn. hse ; pref. North part of - town or close in. Past of ref. Write Box 2638. Statesman. For Sale Real Estate S 82500 buvs S rms- large lot paved St. East Salem. : - $0000 3 B. R. Hrdwd. fuu. basement. Sawdust burner. North. R. A. rORKNER,- REALTOR 1833 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 6 RM. Dwelling. 1669 A St 82298. Good terms. H. P. GRANT. S29 Court T. 6744 a nss unn. hawc. Hdwd floors. floored attic, wired for elec. range. garage, large lot with garoen in, ous nm. n . t-Mn! tnTMM. NT. Salem. 85300. 1000 cash, baL like rent Box 2830. Statesman YOUR CHANCE. TAKE ADVANTAGE f $2700 $300 down. 9-room plast home, basement centrally located. North, Wired for range. sezoo 50 down. 5-room strictly modern home, base- furnace, hwd. floors., wired for range, near Eagle- wood school. I C H. SANDERS 231 N. Hlgn SKI 47000 CASH Buys this .apartment bouse, - nice He. qU, all furniture (valued at $1750), $140 a month income. C. H. SANDERS 1W. High -- 8838 S4onooo 1 lota, fruit Jc aarden. 4 bedroom house with double plumbing. - as829ao S bedroom house, basement furnace, easy walking distance. - Y. xl. tuu ftiAbivn - 3 B. X, LJR, D3, hwd. firs, large kitchen, wired for range, full base merit, wood furnace. Excellent condi tion and location. $4200.00. E. M. LARSEN. REALTOR 153 So. High St-----' Ph. 7490 $9000. ONE OF THE FINEST HOMES IN SALEM. Large, living rm. dining env, carpets on floors, beautiful -fire- piaee. lovely scttcnen ec sooc. i oca rra, bath 8c shower down stairs, 2. bed rms, toilet ac lavatory up stairs, full basement fireplace, oil burner fur nace, double garage, lot 90xl47,a. MXLVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR ' 729 Court St Phene37 8 R. HSE.. large rooms. $4200. r. hse. with good bsrat Nice back yard. Some fruit Nr. Senior Hi. $4000. ; F. H.Weir - 468 Center REALTOR " Ph. 9411 nruTTITlTT OAMMsinn K "f firm In, $3000 cash. Will carry good loan. 8 R. Furnace. Lg. lot. Fruit trees, garden. North, $300. About $1200 Da, 4 ft - N. E. $2300. Terms. Willamette Real Estate. 172 S. Liberty. BsrTsrkaufl' Vmma Mil VMM -- tC'Syitvia Mnu vc w-e " old. H.W. floors, fireplace, utility room, automatic oil furnace. Venetian blinds, large corner lot 2390 North mk. asaoa and worth . the money. Shown by appointment. W. IS.' SULUVAf), UALIVB ; ;. v.. Phone .8198 . i See ?BloxidieM in color, in new Statesman tabloid comic section m- v--i wvca.im v 1 ...... j 7MnSMK II. . ' r A X. For Sale Real Estate BARGAIN: S houses, each has 2 B.R.. LJ- with Hwd. flrs kit, nook. bath. utility . rm gar- automatic gas nr. furnaces, gas ranges & hot water heat ers; only a jrrs. id: excellent con struction Be investment, soouu uu. ; . E. M. LARS EN. REALTOR - 153 So. High St. . Ph, 7490 LIS1 YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE HAVE - LOTS OF BUYERS & LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKINS e ROBERTS. INC REALTORS. PH. 410. NICE S-rm. home on Capitol Street. Lance corner lot. Plenty of shrubs; maple floors, fireplace. S3800JW. 4 See Mr. Goodwin, with - HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC. REALTORS MODERN 5 R. Furnace. Vg. lot fruit trees, garden. Hollywood Dist $3809, About 1200 will nanaie. - New 9 R (unfln. upsUirs $5950. $500 to $1080 da. Mod. except heat 9 rm. near State bouse 83150 cash. Strictly modern 3 bd, rm, trees & shrubs, good garden. $3800 cash. Willamette Real Estate. 172 S. Liberty Exchange Real Estate ; ' GOOD T rm. mod. hse.. good, condi tion, in stiverton, to trade for saiem property. - . F. H. Weir 469 Center REALTOR Ph; 9411 For Sale Farms ' $25,000 will buy-4hls 182 A. farm, all under cult 158 A. in crop. baL pas ture, barn for 30 cows ex 4 horses, mach. shed, hog house, and l-rm. house with running water. This farm is stocked and equipped. 19 cows. 6 young stock. 4 horses. Tractor, com bine, or xuu una oz macn. rop goes at this price.- Vi cash, bat terms. See Mr. Larsen. with HAWKINS 8c ROB ERTS, INC, REALTORS. t- 341 i Acres, borders on Lake Labish, 5 acres -real beaver dam. 6 room strict ly modern nome. hwd. floors up ac down, liv room 16x24, dining 12x14. A' real home 4c farm. Income about $9000 yearly. -.Let us . show you that producer j price Sls.ooo. C. H.' SANDERS 231 N. High 8838 29 A?Ra1ncH " located nr.' Salem 6 r, home. Large barn 8c other outbuild ings. Electric - liKhts ec water system. Owner leaving Salem ec must sell. Price $9000. Is.cesh. tot real -values sea - W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. Commercial Ph. 4728 - 4',i 'ACRES, borders on Lake La bish. 9 acres real beaver dam: 6 room strictly modern home. hwd. floors up 8c down, liv. room 16x24. dining 12x14. A real home & farm, income about $9000 yearly. Let us show you this producer. Price $16,000. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 JUST LOOK! 360 A. farm. 200 cult, and in crop. 100 A. of fine River bot tom land Full set of buildings, all new less than 8 yrs. old. This is a fine farm, location is grand, $30,000 will buy this farm, or with stock & equipment, $40,000. Easy terms as own er, is not able to take care of this place.- See Mr. Larsen,- with HAWK INS 4c ROBERTS. INC, REALTORS. $7,000 win buy this 62 A. chicken ranch. Room for 1200 chicken. Good barn, double garage. S-Rm. house with bath end elec, water system, other buildings Located 11 mi. No. of Sa lem. See Mr. Larsen. with HAWKINS At -ROBERTS. INC, REALTORS. Aerease -Hi .ACRES smallntce one B.R. home, all furniture, $2250, $500 . down. 5 Acres. North, older bides. $3000. $1000 down, bal , at 8, - C. H SANDERS 231 N. High 583 Card I this dlreetory nm an a tnanlhJy basis aaly. Bate: f L25 per - Una per month. . - Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES. Cherry Qty Model Aircraft 21st 8c Market Auto Brakes Mike Panek 27S South Commercial Batteries WtLLARD batteries, aU types. R. D Woodrow S84 Church. Phone 9608. BicYclf BICYCLES. New and reconditioned Harry W Scott 147 S. tna'ct P. 4U6 Qiimney Sweep Northaeaa Chimney "weep. Ph. 449 FlorUts Brelthaupt'a ' 447 Court ' Phone 193 Funeral Directors TerwUllger i ruaeral K Borne. Ph- 9B21 Gifts THE APRON Shop. 879 M. High. Hosiery Real Silk Hosiery MiUs. Pv 78 Mrs. K Moseley. Gen Del, Salem Lawn Mower Sharpening Machine ground. 848 S. Capitol St Elattresses CAPITOL BEDDXNO CO. Painting fi Papcrhacics PAINTINO Ox Decorating. Ph. 7552. Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4329- Aerease 1 A. 3 rm. with unfin. attic elect water syst, lge. chicken house, paved road. $4250.-:, -.-: i.- 10 A. 5 rm. rood, hse., bam, chicken house well located. , Near : Salem. North. $6400. . i 13 A. hses. to rent rm. - mod. home, elect., water -syst . Near Salem. a bargain. R- A. FORKNXR. REALTOR 1353 . Capitol , '; Ph. 3031 5 A, creek. 9 Rm. house, needs some woric and plumbing; chicken house foi 500 hens; city water avail able. $2500.00. Term $200.00 down, baL av.uu per month. E M. LARSEN. REALTOR 153 So. High St. r , Ph. T490 20 A. 8 rm. mod. hse. Fair barn All in eiiltivatiniv cmnn , Chicken hse. ec other bldgs. l" A. of umoer. SKime rruit. on Hwy. $9000 $2500 wiU handle. F. H. Weir ' 465 Center REALTOR i ' Ph. 9411 2, ACRES., well landscaped. 4 ml. e rm. ptasr, . nome, wired for range, oil floor furnace, good barn 4c chick house, with water & elect. price soooo -cash. - -- Ci H. SANDER, 231 N. High 5838 Wanted Real Estate TP YOU want to sell, list with us. We have .several clients -wanting houses, farms 8c acreage. -MOSES ec PXRRTNE, 331 ,i Steta St - WANTH) TO TRADE, one of Minn finest resorts . and dairy farms for fruit and dairy farm, Salem vicinity tuupn J. tnua. La pone, Minn.. HAVE A NUMBER of cash buyers for Salem property, A listing with as a in is nme means a ready sale. - RICH L. KEIMANN 167 South High Street Phone 9203 Business Opportunities EQUIPPED down town Restaurant Living quarters. $850.. Some terms. Willamette Real Estate, 172 S. Liberty. Personal MEN. WOMEN I WANT VTMr Stimu lants In Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking Iron. Vitamin BL Cal cium. Trial size - costs : little. Save REAL money, get $1. size. Ask about Dig money-saving economy size. At all drug stores everywhere. Resort Property NEWPORT beach lot for sale or trade with $300 as dn. paym. on acre age East ot Salem. .Inq. Penitentiary gate, .-...s.-i, , ; ! ;v For Sale Wood 16" MILLWOOD. 4 FT. SLAB. FRESH CUT SAWDUST. PH. 8862. - , Wood Graen 412 N 21st St Ph 8370 Plywood - cores ' 18 ends " Ph. 8909 Wood Sawing Charles F. Simon. 1311 i N. Liberty Ph 6689. - -v . .. For Sale Used Cars 1930 FORD Truck, flat .bed. Good mechanical condition. ; Phone 5797. Room IS, Ladd as Bush Bank Bldg. '41 FORD Super Deluxe, radio, heat er, fog lights. Take highest cash offer. Accept trade. 1760 Berry St. 1938 CHEV. 4-dr. Good motor 8c tires 6489 cash. 820 S. College, Mon mouth. :- : . . : 1936 DODGE. SEDAN. - call at - 1170 Market St, after P. M.i Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON paints Ubcrt) terms. R D Woodrow. 394 N. Church Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets. Srograms books or any kind of print ig. call The Statesman Printing De partment - 319 S. Commercial. Tele- Radio Service PIERCE Radio Serv, 942 N. Com'L 781. Septic Tanks Cleaned SEPTIC TANKS and eel pools cleaned. Satisfaction guaranteed, Stat e-wtde service. Gene rite. 642 Xdgewater StaJ West Salem Ph, 8749. . Inspection free. Kenneth HameL 1143 Eighth St, West Salem. Ph. 8663. Transfer . U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn. 17 S Liberty. Ph 062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfer storage, burner ail. briquets frocks to Portland daily. Agent Pierce Auto Freight Including Calif, points Larmer Transfer Co. Pb Slai. Transportation WANT RIDERS to Willamette Iron Steel: day anift Ph.. 21318. ; Tiling TILE bathrooms, drain boards, fire places "and storefronts. Ph. 8472. Vacuum Cleaner Service CERTIFIED GUAR. serv. All makes. Vince's -Electric. 137 S. Lib. Tel. 6292. FREE Inspection ta your noma. Au thorized Hoover service. Wa service all makes cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph. 9149 ' Weaving DORA TITTLE, 1668 N. Fourth. P. 7249. Well Drilling C. J. PUGH. 2129 Myrtle. Ph. 9338. a A West as Sana, Rt . a 449. every Sunday. CALLXSFF f For Sale Used Cars 41 FORD Super DeL Conv. Cpe, radio, heater, all ace, 6 ply tires, per- feet cond. 725 Edina Lane. 41 FORD Super Deluxe, less . than 10.000 miles. 1760 Berry. -St. - 42 CHEV. Spl. DeL Sedan, low mileage;- take older Chev. in trade. Must have priority. 1699 Bdy. - "37 CHEV. Sport Sdn. Good cond. Ina. after JO pja. Roy Tuiey. , sni East Finley-Fox Farm on Hi way 99, South about 12 nu. . Lost and Found LOST from 259 N. 15th. black Per sian est 'Contact above address or call 69?r. Child's pet. LOST: Brown biU fold. Ident in side, Reward. Harry L. Hendrickson Pn. 5754. . . , - -; . ' NO 2 RATION Book. Marion Hum phreys. 647. Pine t;. .- LOST: Black leather portfolio. ' fri ffiU 411- v - ... LOST on Summer street, strawberry ocjeets. rn. 438B. Wanted Used Cars 1931-1933 CREV. Coed -shape. R. H Risteen. Rt. X Box 681. mi. W Roberts SUtlon. WE PAT? TOPS! Get every dime your car, is worth. Cash on the -Barrel-Head "C" SHR0CK SALEM'S oldest ndepeadent used car . . dealer.- -N JC Corner Church ax Chem. Ph. 7923 MOD. A . cpe. or coach. Pref. 18 tires. Give price 8c description. Rt 1, BOX 332. Dallas. - - -.; - . SELL YOUR CAR H err aD -Owens Used Car Center. 235 So. Commercial Transportation WANTED: Riders to Oregon Ship yard, say ac swing shift. Ph. tb. Legal Notice IN THE CIKCTJTT COURT OF OREGON FOE HAUON COUNTY PROBATE DEPARTMENT No. 16947 In the matter of the) -Guardianship of MARGARET " ) " C. SHERRELL, ) CITATION An Insane Person. ) To: Samuel Sherrell, Grover Sher- rell, Allen Sherrel, and all per sons interested in said estate: WHEREAS, application having been made in due form to the above named court on the24th day of May, 1943, by John G, Mumm, guardian of said estate, for an or der, license and authorization em powering him to sell the real pro perty" belonging to the said ward. and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the South half of the Northeast quarter ' of the Northeast quarter of Section 12, Township 8 South, Range : 3 .West of the Willamette Mer idian in Marion county, Ore gon, and running thence East 13.93 chains; ' thence South 5.485 chains; - thence ' West 13.43 chains; thence North 5.485 chains to the place of beginning, and ' containing 7367 acres of 'land, more or, less, in Marion county, Ore-' gon. AND WHEREAS, said court on said date directed that citation is sued to the next of kin and to aU persons interested in said estate to appear and show cause, if any exists, why an order of sale should not be made as prayed for in said petition. Therefore, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby cited, directed and required to appear in the circuit court of Oregon for Marion county, at tha city of Sa lem therein, within ten days from the date of service of this citation upon you, if served within said Marion county, or if served with in any other county of this state, then within twenty days from the date of service of this citation up on you, or if served by publica tion, then ; within twenty-eight days from the date of the first publication of this citation, then and there to show cause, if any exists, why- the order of sale should J not be made as prayed for in the said petition. WITNESS the Hon. E. M, Page, Judge of said court with the seal of said court affixed this 24th day of May, ; 1943. , . H. r MATTSON v Clerk Pro Tempore By: A. M. ROETHLIN Deputy Date of first publication: May 25, 1943. i chris j. kowitz Attorney for Guardian . J My. 23 J. 1-8-15-22 NOTICE OF HEARING ON . FINAL. ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEJi, That the Final Account of Walter W. Wells and Perry A, Wells, as executors of . the . estate of C. P. Wells, deceased, has been filed in the Circuit Court of Marion Coun ty, State of Oregon, and that the 12th day of July, 1943, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M, has been ap pointed by such - court for the hearing of objections to such Final Account and settlement of - said estate, at which time any persons interested in such estate may ap pear and file objections thereto in writing and contest the same. : . Dated this 8th day 'of June, 1943. WALTER W. WELLS, .. .. PERRY A- WELLS, -- Executors of the estate. Otto K. Pauhis, ' ,.- 419 1st Nat Bank Bldg, Salem, Oregon. . " j. Attorney for the estate. First Putllcatioa Jue 8, 1943. Last Publication July V 1843 ; J 8-15-22-23-Jljrj6. fS?wsir 'K..v.-.- t $ r r . h t Vaei;iiajjJ , .,,.. DINNC R COW N Far dining and daactnr. Actress Eleanor Powell wears this short dinner dress at brawn moire with sleeves and bodice of sparkling sequins and blue accessories. ARDMORE. OklaHT-The" far mers blame a 'meat shorta for their inability to keep the wolf from the door. - - - . ' The shortage - ia among -the waives. There's a acarcity of rab bits, normally the wolves', chief fare. , -'-" : ' :.. So the ; hungry animals are sneaking into barnyards to at tack calves, lambs and poultry. . Legal Notice NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Executor has filed his Final Account and Report in the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Marion County, In Pro bate, and that Thursday, the 24th day ; of June, . 1943, at ten o'clock A.M. at the courtroom of said court in the courthouse in Salem, Oregon, has been set as the time and place for hearing objections to said Final 'Account and final set tlement of said estate. ' ' First publication. May :25th. 1943; last publication, June 22d, 1943. . . . C. M. BISHOP, Executor. Last Will and Testament of C P. Bishop, Deceased. 'My; 21-J. 1-8-15-22. NOTICE QP PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE . IS : HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held byf the. Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, on the 21st day of June, 1943, at the hour of 8:00 P. M, in the Council Cham bers, at the City Hall, Salem, Ore gon, relative to the adoption -of a new ' zoning. . ordinance where in the boundaries of districts and regulations' are Imposed therein. CITY OF SALEM; OREGON By ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder. J 15-17-19. Irdsswbrd HORIZONTAL 1. Luzon ; - Negritoes ' 6. mother 9. border 12. solitary 13. book of Old Testament " 14. age 15. affecting " -.nations 18. ' accomplishes 19. bee 20. peevGh - " 23. Hawaiian ' wreath - . 24. Bulgarian ' coin 25. Assam . . silkworm 28. overt ' - ' 55. Algerian ' seaport' 5S. narraUre '. : 57. annex 58. father , : 59. treland . VERTICAL 1. fourth caliph 2. weight measurt , 1" V 5? nsT 7"" o" 3 ; II 5 - TTT .. 17 .... - ... ...... ..x. .: .'.- ." ' ; 2 TT" 'mmmm ""T ITT 2?T zs 25" 4 ai 57" T"" ' s3T Tffi, 37" T mmmm 3T" 4144 "Pu my TT" : sST mTm "Tr" "TT 50 ;, j! Answer to yesterday's puzzle. At -il ; 32.sweets01 ' 34. eternity 35. nostril 2. simple 37. on the oceaa 39. a bon , 40. Umb. 42. grasps 44. papal veil i T Yi 47. vend 49.verUed . fLcbserV Aversr tSste f eela'.s: tlVt n-Ustes.. DUt fey dug restarts Eraista, I&e. Silvertori Bank - n Gives. Dividend SHLVESTON Depositors Wf the old Coolldge and McCIalne bank at Snvertea will recelre a 810.009 dividend; en June ,13. acordinx ta annonacement f M, G. Gmtdersoa, trustee, -- The dividends will xnake.th tenth payment en saving ac counts and the 11th an commer cial accounts. Depositors will have received with the current 'dividend a fatal at 8160.070.78. This represents 9 per cent pan an commercial accounts sad '73 . en saving accounts. - .1, .it.t . Sunshine Ensemble War-work interludes Call for a halter-neck 'sunshine" frock like Pattern 4391 by, Anne Ad ams. There's . a bacXrbuttoning deep enough to serve as a plack et. The inset waistband and dirndl skirt show off a tiny waist line. Let the bolero . match or contrast, . ; - .-.- , Pattern 4391 is available mly in junior mjaa sizes 11. 13 15, 17.. In 35-inch fabric size 13, dress takes 2 yards; bolero, V yard. --' u - ' . Sean SIXTEEN CENTS in coins for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS. STYLE NUMBER. i TEN CENTS mere brings you our Spring Pattern Book with Its easy- - to-tnake styles Sor- everyone.- - Send . your order - to The Oregon 'Statesman. Pattern . Department Sa lent, Ore. Delivery of patterns may !take longer than usual because of the heavy volume of malL; - : 3. Insect c ;4LplanU'Jv . 5. animal' , 4 , neck hair ' . 8. win vessels 7. pithy saying. 8. apart . cotton cloth .10. Persia . 1L wan 18. garden y - flower IT. constellation 20. bivalve :.; 21. network 1 4 i 22. abov - s 23. country road 28. paper . ;i meaaur 27. bombycid : motha - - 29. recreation ground v ' . 30. Great Lai 3L beaks ' : 33. close her4 . meticaUy : 23. mythical r-kir.s-:.' ;5J 41. to cap ga. 43. wicked : t 44. mountain In ' . Thessily ( ; 45. regretted 45.1a bed. . j 1 a .- O .IA 47. break 43. Sicilian H volcano CO. macaw - " Cl.saUor ; '- C Ciltttrcw'. t.!-h r:'"if C3.Uir I ! w-ii