C C fTrT "" v Crsssr CcHsry T-r"''r y-. f -1 I I 1 1 I 15 I " oiz -aft The :Mbt&M$$, th -I Statesman . Classified Ads Call 9101 Threw Insertions per line ..,7.5c Six insertions per line ;.,,,40c One month per iine..... .... 1.3i Minimum charge. 25c; 1 tL min imum 2Sc; 8 tL min. 45c. No .refunds. ; Copy - tor this pax accepted un til 8:30 tha ivwui before publics Uon for - classification. Copy re ceived after this time wilt be m under the beading "Too Lata to Classify." . - . j The Statesman assume no finan cial respoasiniiify -.tor errors which reprint that part of aa advertise ment In which the typographical mistake occur, v : Tha Statesman reserves the right may appear In advertisement pub lished la its column and tn eases where this paper ta at fault' will to reject questionable advortuing It further reserves ' the - right to. place all advertising under the proper classification. .- A "Blind- Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an sd dress la for the protection of the advertiser' and - must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman la not at liberty . to divulge Infor mation a to the - identity of an ftdverustr using .4 'Blind" ad 1 ' i Livestock ancj Poultry j AUCTION Of the entire Sunshine Dairy nerd on account of the recent destruction Of all dairy barns and equipment by fire. High grade, heavy producing young cows. Dairy located at Roberts Station about 3 miles S.W. of Salem an South River Road. Sale commences at 11 a. nv, Monday. June 14. Lunch by Roberta Community Red 'Cross, for particulars ph. S23 or. 33058. . . rORK HORSES , SAOOUC HORSES Bar K Stock Ranch Large assortment . oa , band at an times at very attractive prices. CRED IT given anyone. Discount for cash. Guaranteed as represented. Free de livery. Harry -Kuehne. Carlton. Ore. : luxated 6i mL W. of Newberg. rOR SALE: TWO GOOD Beef -type bulls: one registered four year old Poll Hereford: the other a good grade Hereford.- two years old. Prices rea sonable. Fred Auer, Dallas. Oreg. Tel. pallas 12F11. i WANT home for. good' 4 gat cow. : Close to Salem. Ph. 21019. FOR SALE: Rotnney ewes. 8 & I years okt. Ph. 2SF23 evening. T 'ONE GOOD Cow. fresh, milking between- four & five gal. Price $115. Richard Miller, Rt-7. Box 423, Salem. One. mile North of Middle. Grove Sen." Hse. . .. - - - - ATTENTION I !i -WOl remove dead St worthless stock In a moment's notice I SALEM FER TILIZER At BY-PRODUCTS. Ph. 6000 Collect -No other. Phone.) . FOR SALE Newtiampshtre pullets, ready to lay. Ph. 22861. Leo Hatchery. Auctions AUCTION SALE Every- Wednesday. N. Salem. 8 good milch cows, S 'Hereford heifers, other heifers; 20 bead weaner and feeder igs wt 88 to 140 lbs. Furniture, tools : other articles. ' - . - A. I. BAKER. SAIJMAUCTIONEER HelpWanted STRAWBERRY PICKERS wanted SO pickers, paying 21 cents a carrier with .04 bonus, subject to raise. Good Satch. Clean camp. '. Ben Brown, ublimiry. Or.7R. 1. Box 116. near s. C sails. - -. . . RESORT WORK FOR SUMMER Life guard, laundry-worker, woman bath attendant, waitress, hotel clerk. Write N. D. - Bruckman, Breitenbush, Oreg. COOK wanted, man or woman. The pa. ; , Help Wanted Male Workers new employed la war ere aacttoa shoald not apply and will not be considered for employment by em ployers advertising ia this secttoa. MARRIED Man for stock farm, 17 miles south of Salem: no milking. See Floyd Tbarp, RU 5. Box 43, Salem. 4 HUSKY Boy or man on farm. Top Wages. M. Van Busklrfc. Mt. Angel. WANTED SHOE salesman. Exper- fenced. Sell nigh - grade Price Shoe Co Salem. The MEN WANTED lor Hopyard work. Ph. 7958 '. . , EXPERIENCED MILKER Schindler . Bros. Dairy, South Salem. Help Wanted- Female WANTED 'General Beauty. Operator and - Manicurist ' Olds t King's Beauty Salon has Opening for experienced general ope- tors and manicurists, aalary and Commission. Write giving age and ex perience to Superintendent'a Office. , : OLDS & KINGL - Portland. Oregon LADY for cook's helper, sandwiches, salads, etc.. not much experience re- fuired, easy to learn, good pay. The pa. 1 - -7 : - BEAUTY Operator, out of state li cense accepted. Salary and commis : gtom Ph. 6033. . .r . WANTED: Saleswoman for dry goods ; With some experience - in dictation, typing at bookkeeping. SUte range of salary expected. Box 2628, Statesman. - WOMAN for housework. 1 child, home nights Call 3067 after B. i ; . ADVEirnsirio Western Advertisins; i I ' Representatives ! George D. Close, Inc. Saa - rranciatio Los Angeles Seattle ": ' Eastern Advertising ' RepresentatjTes 'Ward-Griffith Com pa or. tne. v Chicago. New -York. Detroit. , fioston, AUanU ,. - - . - J - entered 1 Vm Pettof fire 'at XaTem: Oreo aa Second Class Hattrr. Pub I'shtA evert tnonrfng except Monday. Iurtnrsj o4;. tli South Commsr dal . gtreet, - ' ; ... SUESCTJPTION RATES rall Subscription Rate in Advance T7iuiin Orf on: DaPy and , fcunday. M f 1 cents; t Mos $i 00; 1 year. 8 Ul I isewhere C3 cents p-r mo or 379 tor 1 rr tn advsnce. Per copy S cents. r C.y Carrier. 13 cents a monta. put yesr in advance la iiarloa and ajaceol coiLaUea. Honey to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WRITE or phone (S16S) to Salem's oldest, largest home owned and . home , managed , finance Institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made tn strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration In the repaying of your loan or granting of extensions. 1 to 12 MONTHS TO REPAY i You can pay in ; full any time to reduce' the cost. ' - ONLY BORROWER - SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on furni ture or note. ? 1 SEE V" v ROY H. SIMMONS. MGRV. Lic No. M-15S. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION , Lie. No. S-13S 134 So. Commercial St. -' Phone S16S First door - south of Ladd c Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location. . Auto Loans .. ' Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING ; . - i LICENSE N. M 1S ; CASH FOR TAXES Special Income Tax : Loans to both men and women for June IS tax in stallment Phone, write or come la. CALKINS FINANCE CO. Rm. SIS (3rd Ft " Phone 444 First Nat. Bank Bldg.. Salem . S-xM , Lie M-X7S ; ; Help Wanted Fezaala Housekeeper .for housework & some cooking. SOc. hour. Apply la person. 3390 Portland Rd. . . . BEAUTY Operator, out-of-state U cense accepted. Ph. 3753. - - - TURKEY) PICKERS wanted. North' west Poultry Ac Dairy- WE HAVE opening for part-time waitresses, cashiers and serving girls for Saturdays and Sundays only. Aug ment your . income by working the shift convenient . . to your present schedule. High type personnel only for clean ' class of - trade. No . beer. Transportation home on lata shift. Apply The Bluebird. Salesmen Wanted MERCHANTS NEED MERCHANDISE WE HAVE ITI Our resale line - consists of leather and glass specialties, tile plaques, com plete assortment of shop- caps, me chanics aprons and carpenters aprons We have been known for the past 61 years as one of the nation's outstand ing advertising companies, having the largest and most diversified advertis lng specialties in the country. Also i complete calendar line. Weekly ad' vance against earned commissions. Our men work - in exclusive territories and we have need for an switstanding man. for this territory. No sideline, it you are interested tn tying up with a fast moving national organization who Is domg double their volume of last year, write the KEMPER-THOMAS COM PANY. Cincinnati. Ohio. ' Situations Wanted "HIGH SCHOOL graduate wants lab. work ia'Dr's. office; can type. Ph. 8833. HOUR WK. some laundry exp., con sider anything else. Ph. 50S4 ltl S. 14th. upstairs.. .: EXPERIENCED fountain girl wants night work. Phone S7O0. , MARRIED MAN, St. driving, me chanical i or - tractor experience. Call Sun. , eve.- or Mon. Ph. 7213 IMS Madison. CARS for , S small children in my home (days). 1380 6th, W. Salem. : For Sale Miscellaneous SHOP NELSON'S - for some really J Jood used furniture; combination settee folding bed, oak, genuine leather upholstering; 1 square oak dining table with S leaves, and 6 leather uphol stered - chairs; oak revolving library cabinet; oak library table; bed and springs. NELSON BROS. FURNITURE , i 315 N. Liberty .. SM. RESTAURANT, money maker for two; equip, furnished. Inq. 309 Chemeketa. t - ANTIQUE walnut secretary & 8 an tique English crystal crested sher berts. Ph. 787L v ROYAL ' Portable typewriter, model C, used very Uttle. Call Sun. eve or Mon. 1140 Madison. Phone 7X1S. AT ONCE; Book- shelves, cheap chstrs, tables at good radio. Pb. 6157. - ONE 12-gal. , stone jar, fruit- jars. 1 brass bed. . 1 drop-leaf table, chairs, old ' books, antique dishes. Ph. 21443.- WU JUM likenew?win. gun at amra. 1150 N. Church. 3 BEDROOM Sets, maple dinette, fruit Jars, Biltwell .daveao . at chair. 1585 N. ComX GRASS HAY from 4 acres, now ready to i cut. and cherries from 33 large trees, heavy crop. E. Rhodes, Rt. 6, Box 373. Salem, ft ml. N. Fruitland church on Center St. Road. MOD. A front axel complete with bubs. 1647 WaUer St. CANOE good condition. Inq. 1115 BUM1SOB. fa. soax. RANGE Coal - or wood, with coils, ia A 1 condition. 323 Jefferson St. Ph. 6S71.- 5 ' , ' 3 QUARTER hot blood saddle horse, broken or unbroken. Rt. , 6, Box 396, Salem. Pa 32503. ' : RANGE; Copper ceils. 437 S. Uberty.j 4 WRINGER ROLLS for all makes of washers. Ed Kills. Nelson Bros. Furni ture. 313 .N... Liberty.,' i-'i-tfr.if.''; POULTRY fertiliser for Victory Gardens: 30e - per sack. Bring sack. Ph. 22861, Lee's Hatchery. - - ATMORAYS for sale or rent. H. C Pugh. P.O. Box 463. Ph. 3-245. POULTRY FERTILIZER $1.00 per yd. You haul It Ph. X286L Lee Hatchery SEE HOGG BROS, 280 SUte St f of nberal trade tn oa your old furniture Fuller Brushes. 1743 Grant. Ph. 5391. lc::2 tzz mj - 5kiw Honey to Losa PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. "Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape, you will retain posesston of the vehicle. 1 to IS MONTHS TO PAY. - ROY H. ; SIMMONS : 138 South Commercial Street Phone S16S - Lie No. M-152 Income" Tax Loans If you will need money to pay be June 15th installment of your Income Tax get a Special " Income Tax Loan from- Personal Finance Company. H Personal Finance Co-1 512 State St. N. Anderson. .Mgr. Phono 3191 Lie. 1-1X3. M-16S -; ' - MONEY ' - " , S per cent Income on your Invest ment funds: i; - " : 4 . W have a number of real estate mortgages in amounts from 8500 to several thousand dollars. " Make your surplus funds earn your INCOME TAXES. - , j. ST ATX FINANCE CO. r ' . (Lie. 2.16-222) - - Guardian Bldg MONEY TO LOAN - Wanted, real estate mortgages, loans, city or farm - properties; loans made aa small as 8300. See us about refinan cing your present contract or mort- gago. - ' , - -LEO tL CBXLDS. INC. 344 Stete St. , v . Phone 8261 For Sale Rliscellaneous) USED Universal electric Tang la A-l condition. ; 'NELSON BROS. FURNITURE - f. 315 N. Liberty - DEEP WELL PUMP. Ph. 7763. ; proper . 147 N. W. G. Krueger, Com! Ph. 4T2S USED baby .grand, piano. Ph. 8477. 16 ft ladder. 1188 N. 4th. Ph. 4876. FINE - Elkhart clarinet with 332J0. Ph. 393. v'- Miscellaneous' CHEST OF DRAWERS. 3" sixes in stock, limited quantity, 7 1 sizes in book cases, dressing tables, wardrobes. Folsom " Furn. Mfg. 1108 L Broadway. Pb- 4828. m . " .. ; Dental Plate Repair . TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Man Your Plata for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg SUte ComtPh 3311 KITCHEN CABINETS, standard size or built to order. Folsom Furn. Mfg. 1108 . Broadway. Wanted Furniture CASH for your furniture and appli ances. Call Du grain's Used Furniture before you sell. Ph. 87623360 Fair grounds RdJ - i: - -. : TOP CASH price paid for furniture St household goods. On article or bousefull. Ph. sees. Jacobean' Furni ture - Store. 806. Kdgewnter St W. Salem. --. - CASH rOR used ftirnltare & bold goods, R IToggey Ph 1443 - SET YOUR own price, then call Glenn Woodry. the auctioneer, for action tat a- hurry. Pa. 6110. l, L Wanted aiiscellaneong. FURNITURE ' Xn pay your price within reason. Phone .3118 & be convinced. Glenn Woodry, the Auctioneer. WILL PAY CASH for good used small tractor. Call Glenn N. Larklns. Willamina. WANTED: SMALL GARDEN TRAC TOR. Ph. 31582 or 310 Pioneer Trust Bldg. . ,: WANTED: Good home for two cute, healthy kittens. Call 4980. t - " - SMALL Electric range. 38 in. top. Ph. 4711. u- BABY BUGGY. Phone 21088. WILL CARE for babies or small children in my home. 1860 Mission. ' PRESSURE COOKER - wanted- 4652. 1078 6th. West Salem. BOARD c rm. for man & child. Care of child. Box 3633. Statesman. . WANTED: Riders, or will ride of share rides to Iron Fireman Co. near Coml. Iron Works. Portland, i for graveyard shift. Ph. 31548 or Inq. 520 N. High. . CASH PAID for upright spinet or grand pianos. Ph. $707. i . WANTED to Buy: One HammermlH suitable tor a 30 HP. motor. Give de scription, make, and length of time in use. Write P.O. Box 467. Corvallis. Ore. USED rURNITURE Pb 8185 WANT TO Buy. Used cameras at tenses MeEwaa Photo Shop 433 State For Rent Rooms Housekeeping room. 280 Center , St Room and Board BRD. ' lr RM, 703 Stewart Vh. 4488. For 1 Rent Apartments ; 3 RM. FURN.- court apartment pri. bath, laundry, garage, fuel.- water, block from bus. $20. -1807 Lee. , , . 1 RM. basement apt 375 N. Capitol. NICELY furnished 3 Rv Refrig $33. 173 S. Liberty. Ph. 7113. : : ' FURN. basem. 2 garages. 440 Mill. v:awtn,f eat 3t bath. 1728 N. Cottage. Ph. 21880. ' ' TURN, Apts adults: reaaoaabl rent; 624 N Capitol St. For Rent Houses 3 RM. FURN. house. 3 adults. Light St water. 2030 N. 5th. - 4 BEDRM. house. Fairmount HiU: fireplace, oil heat. Will rent for term of years. Winnie Pettyjohn. Ph; 6408. See "Blondie" in color, in new Statesman tabloid comic section For Rest Ilccses 6 EM. suburban unfura. hse. Mod- era. Ph. 3287X " - 4 RM. mod. hse. Unfurn. Hrdwd, firs. flreplaccgarage, basem. Ph. 848L FURN. 8 rms. Mod. . Adults only. Suburban. Ph. 3-2453 for appt. or Inq. Cbas. Krauger Store. Liberty so. Trailer bouses for rent. 1003 S. 21st. For Rent RESTAURANT. PARTLY equipped. 881 N. ComX, Apt. . , - - FLOOR SANDER for rant, gomery Ward. - Moat TRUCKS for rent. Yo drive. Me Cunc at . LovelL phono .8600, . . Wanted to Rent 2 or 3 bdrm. furn. bouse, with no objection to children. Ph. 21998. APT. or house fully furnished, for adults. Price ao item. Box 3638, statesman.. , . ,--"....; ; - DOWN STAIRS, small apt, prefer ably la pri. home, close la, or Room Ac Board for elderly lady. Box -3637. statesman. . :.;.,.-., .. Wt HAVE a valued client who wants to lease a room house. P. H. BELL. REALTOR 213 Guardian Bldg. - - .Phone S18B 3 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. hse, pref. North part of town or close in. Best of ref. . Write Box 2638. Statesman. For Sale Real Estate FATRMOUNT HHX: Good - plastered horn with five rooms down and three up, nice large lot witn bearing rxuit and nut trees, double garage. Rented for 833 per mo. Will sell for 83500. $1000 down. 835 per mo. A GOOD INVESTMENT. , W. H. GRABENHORST as CO. REALTORS -134 S..-Liberty St. - Ph. 4131 '83500. buys 8 rms, large lot, paved St. -East Salem. . 86000 3 B. R. Hrdwd. Dm., basement Sawdust burner. North. - R. A. FORKNCR. REALTOR 1853 W. Capitol . . Ph. 3031 79x100 lot, Lincoln St, btwn. Fir & Fairmount. Firs, oaks, maples, view of Capitol dome. etc. Worth 32000. Price 31300. Ph. 21573. r- -.A GOOD INVESTMENT: Good five r. plastered home with cement basement, furnace, garage, near - SUte office bldg. Price 83000. $1150 cash. bal. 830 per mo. Rented for $30. AN EXCELLENT VALUE. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St .' . ; Ph. 4131 IMMEDIATE Possession. 8 R. Close in $3000 Castv. Will carry good loan. Willamette Real Estate, 172 S. Liberty ATTRACTIVE new modern 3 . room house in rapidly growing coast com munity, for sale or exchange. Heati lator. fireplace, finish attic, double ga rage. 8 lots. Easy terms. Owner. Box 3592. Statesman. I : MODERN HOME Five rooms, H.W. floors, : Fireplace. 2 Bed rooms, basement' furnace, near Hi school. Englewood dist. Would con sider good used ear as part payment. Immediate possession. See Louis Bech tel or Mrs. Needham. 341 SUte St. R. 4. BY OWNER: 3 yr. old. view home an Kingwood Drive. Exactly 2 ml. to Post Office. 4 large rms attic, aarace attached, new lawn, 3 lots, some fur- rusnmga. pn. 6333. " 4 KM.-House? bath. St roof: S.lota 150tf. ak me cash -offer. Winnie Pettyjohn. 145 N. 14th. 8 RM " DwelUna:. 1668 X' st 82250. Good terms. ' - H. P. GRANT. 828 Court T. 8744 Business Cards la this directory ran a a asenthly basis only. Sate: IL25 per 1 1 a per ' tnontfc. . Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES. Cherry - City Model Aircraft 21st At Market " Auto Brakes Mike Panek 273 South Commercial Batteries WTLLARD batteries, - all types R O Woodrow - 384 Church. Phone 8608 Bicycli BICYCLES New and reconditioned Harry W Scott 147 S Um cl. P 45.6 Chimney Sweep - . ; North nea Chimney Sweep Ph 4458 Florists Bretthaupfs ? 447 Court Phone 185 Funeral Pireetors TswtiUger-rniaerat Home. Pb, Gift. THE APRON Shop 878 N. High. . 'Hosiery '' t steal Silk Hosiery Mills. Pa. 87SS Mrs. K Moseley. Gen Del, Salem Lawn Blower. Sharpening Machine ground 840 S. Capitol St Mattresses; CAPrrOL- BEDDING CO Phone 06 Painting & Pa per hanging PAINTING Sr Decorating. Ph. 7552. Experienced - Reasonable. Pa. . 4323 Fcr Sals ResI.Estkla A GOOD Investment Duplex house completely .furnished. Full basement Two furnaces. Located about-4 blocks from SUte House. Income , 863 ; per. month. Priced to sell for 840004 cash. - k acre with 7 -room house. Has elec tric water system and imtde plumb ing, a mues from Salem on paved road and bus line. Price $2750. 8-room house and garage with X lots. A real good buy for $2100 with $508 down, balance $23 per month, inc. Int - Immediate possession of a good 8 roonv house with, basement and fur nace. Price $2950 with 8500 down. It's a good buy v-s : -; -. 6-roorn house with 3 lots, several xruit trees. Good location on bus line. Priced for quick sale S2000.. - . '8 acres close in with T-room boms. barn, chicken bouse, family orchard. met awn.. ., . .. - , , : : 23 acres, . about M la cultivation, some timber. Fair house, good new barn, family orchard. Elec. water sys- nm, w spring. rice saaov. ' , ROSTEIN Jc ADOLPH. INC. ' llOVs North Commercial' Street " Salem. Oregon FOR SALE .: Two bed room bom located at 1383 Jefferson street Garage, Utility room. met auu.ou. W. H. Crabeahorst 3c Co, Realtors f- - 134 S. Liberty-Street- ', . YOUR CHANCE, TAKE ADVANTAGE! $27008500 down. 8 room plast bom, basement centrally located North. Wired for range. -. . 84200 8500 ' dowa. 8 room, strictly modern home, base, furnace, hwd. floors, wired for . range, near Enf le- wooa scnooi. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High, 8838 KrJ'v FOR SALE "'' Modern 7 roOTn borne located at 1128 South Liberty Street 7 rooms, base ment furnace, modern plumbing, large lot located at 1120 5 South, Liberty Good 3 room home located at 881 South 15th street This place is in good conaraoa ana is a good buy at $2500.00. Modern bom located at. 863 South Liberty street large- lot basement fur nace, fireplace, garage. This place la a good noma and in good condition. Old 7 room bom located aa South High street large lot garage, plumb- n. a goea-Duy at saaoajm. Good 3 bed room borne located 12 blocks North, corner lot, a buy at 33500.00. . r - . If you are looking for a good buy m m nune. see - W. H. Grabenhorst te.Cs, Realtors ""-I". S. Liberty Street- $10003 small houses.' one lot. " 817008500 down, close in. a BB. ' 82O00 500 down. 3 BJt North. $21008600 down. 8 room, plast ' $2200 Cash 1468 North 4th. $29005 rooms located 1188 Broad way, close tn. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 6838 "$6300-Nice uvtnt rnUitog rml, hardwood ; firs, nook, nice kitchen. 2 bed rms. & bath down stairs. 3 bed rms. upstairs, lots of closets, fine basement, furnace, fireplace, nice lawn. e.wamut trees, cherry x peach tree. Good location. x , . . 3400O Stucco hse. st 859 N. Liberty St. 4 bedrms.bath rm. on 1st floor. toilet ac lavatory upstairs. Basement xumace. iirepiac. . MELVTN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 3723 $30003 B. R. mod. home located on Court St I $55004 B. R. mod. home. Court St 88300 Larse mod. home. Court St C. H SANDERS 231 N. Hies 6838 FOR SALE 11 room home located at 1853 Court Street large- lot, modern plumbing. Here Is your chance to make a good ouy. iei us snow you tnis property. w. n. iinoennont at (Jo.. Keaitors 134 S. Liberty Street I ATTRACTIVE 3 bed rm.- mod. home. good furnace, shower and ldy.. trsys in oasement. targe artractive yard, neai shopping center and schools. Moder ately priced at 85000.. Easy, terms. Shown Sat and Sun. by apaointmeat. Pa. 70S3. . - - . . Directory Paints and Lacquers Complete line NASON paints - Liberal terms R D Woodrow.' 384 N. -Church Printing FOR STATIONERY., cards, pamphlets programs books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 213 S- Commercial Tele phone 810L ; Radio Service PTERCE Radio Serv 842 N. Coml. 7831. Septic Tanks Cleaned SEPT IC TANKS and cesspools cleaned. Satisfaction guaranteed. Stat e-wide service. Gene Fite, 642 Edgewater St West Salem Ph. 8745. inspection free Kenneth Hamel 1143 Eighth St. West Salem. Ph. 6663. Transfer U-DRIVE TROCKS . FOR r REN1 Blankets turn 187 S Lfberty Ph. 8062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfer storage, burner oil. briquets rrucks to Portland daily. Agent Pierce Auto Freight Including Calif points Larmer Transfer Co Pa . 311- 4-, Transportation WANT RIDERS to Willamette Iron at Steel; day shift Ph. 21310. Tiling i- THJC bathrooms, drain boards, fire places and storefronts. Ph. 8473. Vacuum Qeaner Service CERTIFIED GUAR. serv. All makes. Vince's Electric 137 S. Lib. Tel. 6292. FREE inspection to your home. Au thorized Hoover service We service all makes cleaners Hogg Bros Phi. 3148 Weaving DORA TITTLE, 1688 N. Fourth, P. 7249, Well Drilling C. 3. PUGH. 2123 Myrtle. Ph. 8338. ft A West at Sons, Rt. 6. B 448 8 every Sunday For Ssle Real Eitsta - GOOD HOMES PRICED RIGHT $908 down. bal. $25 M per no. Price only $2858 00. Nice 8-R. House, small cement basement. Double, garage. Nice corner lot--. - -"- - $1008 down.' Price $3008. This place has 7 rooms. 8 R. & 3 R. Apt. Good renting place. Has basement at nice lot. ttooa -ouy 85600 buys this nice 8 XL' house. Good basement automatic heat - 3 garages -at work shoo.- Lot -75xlW. corner. (Close in). Look this over. Call or see ; JAS. - D. - SIARSvV REALTOR -" 507 Center. ... . , Ph. 8443 S -RM. house, large lot. Hollywood dist- excellent condition, furnished. immed. poss.- $3750.00. Term arranged. E. M. LARSEN. BXALTOR c . 153 So. High' St. " ; . Ph.' 7488 3 R. HOUSE 'N.' Cap 'very fine loc. hwd. floors, fireplace, fine kitchen. 3 large bed Rs. St dining R double garage. 83800. - : -" ; ' - '?r- - ' C J. JACKSON. 341 State St. .-Salem ALMOST NEW bouse, 8 rooms, floors all carpeted; basement gs .furnace, attractive, yard. Within easy walking distance.. Write box. 2640, Statesman. $7000 : Cash. Apartment house.. - .7 blocks north of banks. Nice hv. qts all furniture (value $1750); $140 month income, worth your consideration. C. H. SANDERS 331 N. High 8838 MOD. g B. Furnace. Lg. lot Fruit trees, garden. Hollywood Dist $3858. About SizOO will . handle.- New 8 R. St (unfia. upstrs.) $5850. $308 to $1006 Da.' (immediate poascsston.j - Willamette Real Estate. 173 S, Liberty. NEW! 8 Rms. unfinished upstairs, hdw. fls else, water heater, automa tic heating aystem. . Large lot New , district Easy terms. 3 Rra. house north. Completely fur nished. Full price $1500.03 Cash. - We also have a - few others. SEX RICH L. REUIANN - 167 S. Higit St Phone 8203 BARGAIN: 2 houses, each has 2 BJL, LJt with Hwd. firs, kit, nook. bath, utility rm. gar, automatic - gas fir. furnaces, gas ranges Ac hot water beat ers; only a yr. oia; excellent con struction St investment $6500.00. E. M. LARS EN. REALTOR 153 So. High St Pb. 7488 3 RM. hse, furn. or unfurn. Good lo catioa. Modern. Box 3834. Statesman. LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE HAVE LOTS OF BUYERS At LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKINS t ROBERTS, INC REALTORS PH. 4108. NICE S-rm. home on Capitol Street Large corner lot. Plenty of shrub: maple floors, fireplace. S3HOO.DO, see Mr. uooawin, wiin 'HAWKINS 3c ROBERTS, INC. k , REALTORS MODERN 8 R. Furnace. Lg. lot fruit trees, garden. Hollywood Dist $3800. About $1200 will handle. - New 3 R. (unfin: upstairs) 15950, 8500 to 81000 dn. - . Mod. except neat, s rm. near state bouse S31SO casb. Strictly modern 3 bd. rm, trees & shrubs, good garden. $3800 cash. Willamette Real Estate. 172 S. Liberty S R. HSE. 3 bed rms. 82250. - S rms' 3 bedi his, furnace. Nice back yard. Good garden. Located nr. High school $4000. F. H. Weir 463 Center REALTOR ' Ph. 3411 rURNBHID B. - R, L Ri. ftre- place. D. R.. kit, bath, full basement with fireplace, wood furnace, elect. Range. Refrigerator. $6000.00. Terms arranged. K. M. LARSEN. REALTOR Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 153 South High St, Ph. 7400 SM. MOD house, excellent loca tion. Price 82750. Call 6030. . tchange----Real Estate 40 A. at Hermiston. - Oregon. 38 A. under irrigation. 13 A. in alflfa. S-rm. hse. fully mod. ia every wsy, barn. room for' 16 head of stock. Garages and other bldgs. Wired for electric equip. A Real Homel Will trade for property ' here or sell. See me for furtner a eta us. F. H. Weir . 463 Center T REALTOR Ph. 8411 FOR TRADE: 330 acres 10 miles out 80 acre field. spring water, some good fir timber, bat. pasture, no bldgs. Price 812.000. Will exchange for - city property of equal value or less. W, H. GRABENHORST & REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 168 ACRES. Clackamas county. Wil- hoit district Creek, timber, 30 acres cultivated, no buildings, for clear acreage N. or NZ Salem. C. C. Fletcher, Rt 5. Box 291. Ph. 22F4. For Sale Farms SPECIAL ' -A fine 338 acre farm, about 80 acres in mixed fruit. TO acres of pasture. 80 acres in crop. 8-room house, good barn. Large Dryer. Elec, springs and creek. About 80 acres of prunes with a good crop. Priced to sell for 383.00 per acre. It's a good buy. ' 205 acres, a good stock and dairy farm. 110 acres ia crop. S-room house, good dairy barn, large chicken bouse. Elec. watei system, spring and creek. Some timber... Price $44 per acre. $2000 down. ROSTEIN St ADOLPH, INU. . 110 North Commercial St V Salem, Oregon "... $25,000 will buy this 183 A. farm. aU under cult 150 A. to crop. baL pas ture, barn for 30 cows St 4 horses. mach. shed, hog house, and S-rm. house with. running water. This farm Is stocked and equipped.' 18 cow. 6 young stock, 4 horses. Tractor, com bine, or full line of mach. Crop goes at this price. V cash, baL . terms. See Mr. Lersea. with HAWKINS At ROB ERTS, INC, REALTORS. : ' EXCELLENT FARM BUYS 25 A, best soil, good buildings, 8 ml. to Salem. $9000. Terms. 140 A 21 dairy cows, 14 head of young. stock. 10 brood sows, milking machine, good bldgs. $isw. -uooa terms. - 140 A. with machinery Sx stock. A-l bldgs, very good soU. Price $23,500. GRANT, Realtors 329 Court St " 1, $7448330 63 A crop, stock Si equip. 15 about 13 fine gilts. 8 horses, calves St chickens,' good tractor, all machinery. $8500 for alt No help, must sell. Terms. s A. near Ketzer, K.-nouse, eiec. aarace. small barn. si208casn. ' C. 3. JACKSON, 341 State St, Salem 34li ' ' Acrestborders" on Lake Labish. 3 acres real beaver dam, 6 room strict ly- modern borne, hwd. floors up ar down, hv room 16x24, dining 12x14. A real horn at farm. - income about $9000 yearly.-. Let us show you - this producer. Price $18,000.. i C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 3838 23. acred with about U In cultiva tion. Some timber. Fair house, good new barn. Family orchard, elec. water system and spring. 7 miles from Sa lem, Price 83500, - 203 acres, lie acres m - curavattoa. balance . pasture - and - timber. ' 8-room house, elec. water system. Good dairy barn, large new chicken house. Spring and creek. It's a good farm for 844.00 per acre. KUSlLUi C AAHJl-rtl, 1PIU 110!i North Commercial Street t - ' Salem. Oregon 105 A. close to Hubbard. 108 A. rich bottom, bal - good hill land. T-rm. home, bath, lights, basement furnace, fireplace, barn 40x60, soma timber. $105 per A. - . - lei a. is mt. zrom saiem on pavea road. 1-rm. hse. 3 barns, 80 A. in cuitivatlon. some -"timber. several sprtr". y rr A. 7Z3 Court St. Pb, Z.Zi Tor Sa-crnii JUST LOOK! 360 A. farm. 308 cult and la crop. 100 A. of fine River bot tom tend. Full set of - buildings, all new less than 8 yrs. aid. This Is a fine farm, location , is grand. - $30,000 will buy this farm, or with stock St equipment $40,000. Easy terms as own er is not : abler to 'taka- car -of this place. .See Mr. Larsen. with HAWK INS ' Ac ROBERTS. INC, REALTORS. esaajna 30 A. Mod. bldgs. $7300. 40 A. River bottom land. $4500. 110 A, 80 A. in vetch. All crop. Implements ac - livestock. 6 head of choice milk cows. Immediate pose Stoo. 812400. ' - -' 262 A, 200 A, in cult 130 A. la rye grass.' fair bldgs Crops go with place. $20,008. - . V - - . - 149 A.-Stocked . S equipped.' 39 bead ox Hamnstura, sneep, xzauo. . . . ic-:F.Hs:?Weir- 483 -Center "REALTOR . - Pb. 8411 87.000 - wUl buy. this S3 A. chicken -ranch.' Room for 1200 chicken. Good barn, double garage-. 3-Rm. house with bath ' and elec.-. water system, other buildings. Located --11 mi. No. ot Sa lemi See Mr. Larsen. with HAWKINS di ROBERTS. INC, REALTORS. Acreage FOR SALS ' 18 acres with drilled welt sightly location, an la gram crop, good berry and filbert soU. S)a mUea from Salem. PrtCO $1690.08. W. H. Grabenhorst Sr Co, Realtors ' 134 S. Xibertr Street ' - - -- FOR SALE '8 acres, beiiy soil, sightly location. M miles from Salem. 8800:00 cash will take this tract. W. H. .Grabenhorst St Co,' Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street S R. St bath. A. B3ee. .W. Sty. East, axsos sooo to siooo Dn. Willamette Real Estate. 173 S. Liberty, FOR SALE 9 acres located mala Pacific High way, 3l acres bearing cherry Orch ard., balance timber with small creek. This place is a real buy at $1600.00. v. n. uraberinorst as co. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street lVa ACRES, small nice one B.R. horn. all furniture. $2250. $500 down. 9 Acres. North, older bldgs. 33000. siwo aown. nai. at C. H. SANDERS 331 N. High 3838 ' FOR SALE ' 100 acre farm located 5 miles from Salem. 73 acres plow land, balance pasture and timber, 3 acre- berries. family fruit 33 acres pasture and tim ber. 8 room farm house with lights, barn, chicken house. This place ia a real buy at $8500.00. W. H. Grabenhorst ac Co, Realtors 134 8. Liberty Street 1 LOOK his 28 A. over on the Gar den Rd 1 ML E. of Swegle School. Sell on terms. Will finish house. A real bargain. H. - SHIELDS. Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8002 , TOR SALE v"v- 20 seres on main Psclfic Highway south of Salem. 18 acres prunes, some timber, f me building site. well, no buildings. A buy at $2000.00. W. H. Grabenhorst Sk Co, Realtors - 134 S. Liberty Street i FOR SALE 2i acres . bearing cherry Orchard. drilled well, crop goes. 4 miles south of Salem close to facirie Highway. Price $1000.00. w. n. uraoennorst ac co. Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street ta A. near underpass. 4 R. house. lights. - bath, small cow stable. $3208. 34a A. N.E. close to town. 8 R. house, hwd. floors, furnace, fireplace, elec water beater, part - timber, pasture. S490Q. Terms. C 3. JACKSON. 341 State St, Salem FOR SALE: , 50' acres in timber located 8 - miles southwest of Salem. Price $2900 cash. W. XI. GRABKNHORST C CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. ' Ph. 4131 H A. 4 Rm. house wired for range, city water. $1680.00. Terms. $200.00 dowa. $20.00 per mo. Immed. poas. CM. LARSEN. REALTOR 133 So. High St. Ph. 7498 t TIMBER TRACT: Located on good paved highway. about I fir, balance oak. Price $3000 cash. . ; W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St - Pa. 4U1 S ACRES with 3 room hse, fully plumbed ac wired, garage." 3 lots. 3 chicken hses, bam fixed for 2 cows, water . system, good stand of clover ready for -cutting, on paved road. A splendid investment. . Can give pos session quickly. P. H. BELL. REALTOR 213 Guardian Bldg. - . . Phone 8163 FIVE ACRES WITH CREEK: -Located 6Vi miles out on good road. electric power line, good drilled well. No bldgs. Price $1000 cash. W.H. GRABENHORST at CO. v v - - ,!:.;? REALTORS 134 a.! Liberty St. Ph. 4131 " . . FOR SALE . IS acre tract with small cheap house. Ills acres in young filbert grove, good location. Price $3500.00 cash. - SO aeraa with IS aerea bearina- charrv Orchard, balance pasture. This - tract can be bought at $4000.00 cash. W. H. Grabenhorst Sc Co, Realtors : 134 S. Ubcrty Street 1 A. 3 rm. with unfia. attic, elect. water syst . Ige. chicken house, paved road. 84250. It A. I rm. mod. hse, barn, chicken Mtse- well located. Near Salem. North. $6400. 13 A. 9 hses. to rent, e rm. mod. home, elect water syst Near. Salem. A -bargain.'- R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR 1883 N. Capitol - " Ph. 3031 ACREAGE for Sale: 1 acre St. 3 rm. car, ch. house. Keizer . DlsL. S29O0. Good term. Willamette Real Estate. 173 S. Liberty FOR SALE ? IS acres. S acres nruns. . 3 strawberries, prune and berries leas ed, some timber, small shack, fin view. This place is only 8 miles from Salem and is a bargain at $1108.00 cash. W. H. Grabenhorst Sc Co, Realtors 134 S.- Liberty Street - j. MILE and Vs from Salem. 3 Acres ia good wood timber. - vr ,;..;. SEE RICH Ia. RK1MANN , 187 S. High Street ----- Phono 8203 "" FOR SAxIir1 i 10 acres of good land, all plow land. first class berry or general farm land, located 8 miles out. Price $1250.00 cash. W. H. Grabenhorst St Co, Realtor i 134 S. Liberty Street . j It Wanleti Real Estate WANTED: farm, acreage, and house listings. Willamette Real Estate, 173 8. Liberty. Ph. 7113. .,. rf": ' .i ILVVTCA CUent that wants a Ranch from 3 to- 40 acres, not over 10 miles out. Want good Bldgs. Sc good loca tion. .Call r- - J. D. SEARS. 807 Center. Ph. 9443 HAVE A NUMBER of cash buyers for Salem property. A listing witb us at this time 'means a ready sal. RICH L. REDXANN - in South Hia Street Phone 2Z3 Hescrt Prcperty: NEWPORT beach lot for aal or trad with 8308 as dn. paym, on acre age East of Salem. Inq, . Penitentiary gate. , . .- - Casisess Oppcrtnniticj PRIVATE PARTY wants to buy modern Duplex. 4-cleX or small apart ment tlJ. i0 CAIXTJ., O. Dox 3:3. Silei-o. ....... rf Des!rcij Oppcrtuslths SERVICE StaUoa with store and ee- sssiory contract for district wkch t, pays very good return. - H- I. MARSTERS 329 Court St Pb, S74 !S PAVINa APABTVTTNT HniK,. T it This place has Income of $140 per ' mo. and all nicely furnished. Can be bought for $13J08.00. Good location Sc good investment. About 7. blocks north Of Capitol. See ' . , ; - JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 507 Center : Pb, 3443 For Sale Wood PLANER and -mill wood tor imme, . I. m -Dft. ' AIM ' diate oe livery. Pa. 9188. 10" MILLWOOD, 4 FT. SLAB, FRESH CUT SAWDUST. PH. 8862. Wood Craea. 413 N. 21st St Pb. 337A, .Ptywead Pb:86SVr: ' 1JM '.; Wood : SaKing . & Charles. V, Simoa. 1311 "'N. UbertyV,, Ph. 8683. ' , ' 5, Lost and Found - WOULD party who' found snea'a shoes at Woolworth's Saturday please return to address on inside of pack- ' age or Telephone 3-3083. -ro-y. LOST: Hand crocheted at linen table : runner on Liberty, St Sat. Return gal 430 S, 21st or Ph. 21430. Reward.. , LOST: Black portfolio, gTs-'- Tet 416L For Sole Ugrd Cars 1838 BUICK 4 door. A-l ahan. SO' Rubber. 458 N. 18th. . - 1930 FORD Truck, flat bed. Good v mechanical . coadltloa. Phone 5787 , toom 13. Ladd St Bush fBank Bldg.. , '41 FORD Super Deluxe, radio, heat. .' er. fog lights, take highest cash offer. Accept trade. 1768 Berry St , 1938 CHEV. 4-dr. Good motor - tire $405 cash. 828 S. College. Mon mouth. , . -- . 1838 DODGE SEDAN, call at 1178 Market St, after 9 P. M. . '41 FORD Super Deluxe convertible. radio, heater, fender pants, all , tras. 23,000 actual miles, see at 723 1 Edlna Ave. . Wanted Used Cars WE PAY TOPS! - Get every diaae your ear Is warfhu. Cash on the Barrel-Hcad : W SHROGK I ' ' SALEM'S oldest independent used oaf - - 'dealer. NX Curner Church At Chem. Ph. 7822 MOD. A cpe. or coach. Pref. 18 tires. Give price Sc description. Rt. . L Box 352. Dallas. -. . . ' V SELL YOUR CAR BerraD-Owens Used Car Center,, " 233 So. Commercial WILL PAT Cash for 3 to '40 Sedan, : 2218 . Broadway. j Transportation STEADY RIDE to Willamette Ship yard. Phone 8168. . HIUF.RS to Ores on -Shipyard.' swing shift 1138 N. Church- St ? Center of Fight T r - j Charles W. Faroes (above), coa- vlct st Colorado peaLtentlaxy, Caaaa City. Cola, holds a copy of the satyr bit, "Yoall Never Knew." a bant waose aathorshlv a eentraversy rages. Forbes, 24, claims thai be ts the aathor af th sang, bat tha Now York firm which pabUshed It says that It was eeasposed by Hack Gordon and Harry Warren far a metlea 4 vouti scfvta (mom, j ptetare, Prlsoa Warden Es Beat said be waald eendact , ' taejalry lata Ferbes claims, j-r Assaclatcd Preas Telemat , f i - Color Girl Sweetheart af one mldshlpm A 'and sister af aaother, IlarUjn VSaadoaist, It, (above ), ef Cbl cage, traded the nation's colors for the traUlanal kls at hbv tor to U3 ftsrsl' scaiemy Juna ''Week " cererao&ki' st Ar.22 polls, Md. TLa LLs went ta JlUshlp- - msa George Jafcb af Corpns ' Cbrlsti, Te3t as commander at m winning company. lie plckti ' her for tha honor. Eie is a st Cent st the University Ct IIIl noiv Ar-JcliteJ rrcs Tt!i- A