The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 13, 1943, Page 11, Image 11

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    Tit CZTCCn CTATZCZLHI, Zdsza. Oreson, Candor Ucisit?. Juaa 13.
Winnliag. the War so ,aleim 4
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Purposes and destinations of all these tears and shafts may net be told, hat It's clear that the machine
room of Salens Ire Works, pictured above. Is one of the places where civilian workmen are -winning-
the war fat Salem." Demagnetizing eaotaeaent for Liberty ships Is' one of the major wartime
projects at this plant. -
Magnetic Mines 'Licked' by Salem Iron Works
. . . By TOM WEISS - "
Near the mouth of the Thames river the steel hull of an Am
erican tanker passed within a few yards of a submerged, mag
netic mine planted Usere by it nazi'subrnarine. There was no ex
plosion. Motorists on the east coast had not sacrificed their gas
to be spread over the ocean in a burning film, but had provided
fuel lor the RAF arid destruction for Hitler.
That ship was saved by no blunder of Hitler's but by a de
magnetizing unit made by the Salem Iron Works which repelled
the mine as much as if the full were made of wood. Those lives
were saved by a few men working
overtime in a small foundry do
ing their bit in the fight.
Workers, at ; the Salem foundry
'do not . know- any more than the
crews of tankers how many mag
netic mines American ,. ships have
passed, but all' Americans know
that the ' nazi trump card in na
val warfare, the magnetic mine,
has been made just another mine
by , the demagnetizing units.. .
Now crews of American tank
ers are no longer bait for these
mines which once found their way
to the sides of ships and blasted
their cargo or precious 100 octane
gas and killed their more precious
crew. , Once these r mines, were
deadly unarmed torpedoes. Now
American seamen 'can tell the
nazis, If you want us, come and
"get us; lbhshea"' statistics show
the mines are getting less. Salem
Is doing1 moct making demag
netrzers. . .
' Althengh the anmher of de
magnetlsers tnrned oat by Sa
lem Iron Works' Is military ln
" formation, ir can he said that
the less than SO amesf emplored
have' saved many times' their
own number of American boys,
more than five-sons of shipping'
for. each man who-' has .poured
the molten steel, aad enough
gas to tarnish -more than two
thirds the feel retake on the
Cologne raid." ;i.
That's a lot of "winning the war
for one small foundry in a middle-sized
American city It goes
without saying that the men at
Salem Iron Works, from "Virgil
Hack who was with the plant be
fore it was transferred to its pres
ent ownership in 1925. to Donald
"Walter who has been there work
ing on a lathe1 .anly oix months.
are pround of the part they: are!
playing, and that " jrealitation X
their contribution adds, test to
their dairy : tasks.. ;
' , Salem Iron' Works also has pro
duced all of the girders and other
structural steel supports for, the
deckhouse of the .assembly build
ing at the Vancouver shipyard. ,
. "At flrsV-aaid Glenn. Stevens,
plant, manager the Vancouver
yards did not think the. structure
could be constructed nnd trans
ported to ; Portland, but we' suc
ceeded in keepugbead .cf their
. orders and delivered the girders
to them in 60-foot -sections." In
that" way the Salem plant was
able to eliminate a bottleneck in
the Vancouver 'yard construction
.and an such a . way that a major
.Item of real transportation was
-avoided. .-r:-" j,.,-;
' . Practically everything Salem
Iron . Works turns out In ..these
times contributes in some way to
ward victory. The plant has pro
duced cutting knives for Willam
ette valley plywood- plants and
.steel shafts for the Oregon -Pulp
c Paper company in Salem. For
another item, it is winning the
war wifhmanhole covers. .
Why not?'Deadly missiles, those.
If dropped from an airplane in the
richt soot: Actually, however, nne
manhole covers were' ordered for
' the Eyerie and Klamath Falls air
,jxrts as items, in their drainage
vystemi; .Throush their operation,
xumvay are loept dry. and safe,
and American airmen andtheir
planes are kept' alive :o fight the
: Japs. - : ;r"", ' -' i':' '
" The warehouse connected with
Salem Iron Works is authorized by
WPB to serve all of western Ore
gon north to Woodburn, south to
Eugene. IJeeded steel is allocated
and distributed from this ware
house t3 machine shops , and to who need,' steel"' Jor'jre
rairs. Al Gerlinger, general man
ager cf the plant, considers this
c! iitr ILution as important as pro-
These ezzsll warehouses provide
an important reserve of steel for
the country's production. , Some
times WPB '., sends telegraphic
form orders to small warehouses
and plants instead of huge mills
whose rolling schedules would be
interrupted for a. minor item. Such
telegraphic orders have been filled
by the : Salem . plant, performing
tasks I usually assigned to larger
plants and at less cost Some of
the services performed by Salem
Iron Works well illustrate the wis
dom of . the ."d'-H-sal" program
whereby small plants, most of
them at a distance from the busier
production centers, play a part in
major 'tasks while keeping their
own identity. ' -
Senators See
For Campaigns
" WASHINGTON - (IP) r Senators
recently appreciatively studied a
movie of a helicopter V floating
down to an easy landing '15 feet
from the front door of a house and
agreed-it would be a mighty fine
contraption 4oanpaign in.
"Why, you wouldn't even have
to walk through, a pig-sty to call
on your farmer constituents,'
marveled one, who hustled to the
hustings the hard way last fall.
i The. lawmakers had gathered in
a big caucus room as guests of the l
naval affairs committee to hear
Igor Sikorsky, the helicopter man,
explain the principles and capa
bilities : of his craft which flies
backward, sideways and forward
with equal facility, and takes off
Ope of the movies showed a
helicopter alighting. on a tanker's
deck at sea. As the flying wind
mill shyly sidled In under the rig
ging for a gentle landing, a weather-beaten
admiral in the third row
whispered critically JLo a fellow
officer: 'Seems to , land easier to
windward than she' does to loo
'rd" ' -
Present models of the ship, Si
OT3kr"sata7 will-travel 80 miles
per hour; and carry a payload of
600 pounds. Within a year he ex
pects to be able to double the pay-
Dear 'Boss.
Roportor T ntasd Soldier
koops his hand in at ropornzig.
6 This week the big event, in
our barracks was that Tex" fi
nally escaped
detail' work aft
er starting what
appeared to be a
career jinxed by
inspection, j vi
At Saturday
"once overs,
company of fl
eers have a tech
nique of looking
for a new fault
1. V . a 1
eacn ume. jusi wtastoa Taylor
when you have profited from all
past errors, along comes some
thing you hadn't reckoned on. ,
These boys from; Texas are
definitely in the minority at Camp
Barkeley, but they don't escape
notice, whether it be for' their ac
complishments or troubles.
In our west Texas camp, be
sides barracks, there are sleep
ing quarters called hutments or
"huts' for short. Since they are
decidedly temporary in construc
tion, the guards in those areas
are - said to have two principal
duties: To dig out the sleeper aft
er a dusty night and to give arti
ficial respiration- after a rain
storm. - .. . 1,'
Bars and Stripes Department
We were puzzled -when the
boys said a corporal was looking
for us. Such things aren't ordin
arily friendly calls. The. mystery
was solved, pleasantly, when we
saw the corporal's new, stripes on
Jim Turk, a friend of early Wil
lamette U days.' Only a week be
fore; he had been a pfc Jim took
the same training .we're : going
through and is stationed at MRTC
personnel -n office. He and s Mrs.
Turk (the former Effie Barrows
of WU) Uve in AbUene. .
"i ') . ' ; . ' ---
Thbixs That Never Cease to
Amase Us: . -: ;
Seeing large neon street , signs
fully, lighted after coming from
dimmed out Salem, . .
; The skimpy patches of green
that are here . called lawns. To
one from the Willamette valley
these hardly seem worth the trou
ble. . -. I '
load and step up the speed to 100
miles.- . .j'
be lost! r; i
Don't take chanees jast
yon think yon have siren eyes, r
Don't brush aside the tboaght
that headaches and discomfort
may ha eaased by eyestrain.
Don't neglect to take every pre
caution against CARELESS
nave- roar eyes examined . .
prescribed for ... and flUed
with corrective eyewear now.
ys lenses and frames can be
booghl on Divided Payments, .
Low Weekly or Hon thJy Terms
I4 SUie Street .
rhone iZZi
- C-vertca - -
-? -
Get your full value's worth
for every dollar you spend
ai amply demonstrated
by the, fine quality furni
ture in our 'varied "cdllec-
tion. NothlnV.can compete
with v War Bonds for pri
ority on your purse ... but
furniture also represents it
long term investment that
will provide many pleasant
hours in your hoine.
I!ot7 Is ito Tino f3 Day
i ri m rrn'
Choice ci Cclsrx
I !.- '-'fe J 'rU
. iir- i wmT : . -r!!5
' !'BSsmonnsol i
0c3 cl Ozr Finer
IZcdcra Ualnnl Veneer Snile
Enjoy the thrill of owning a bedroom of modern beau
ty and luxury . . now at a price you can afford! This
'stunning: new design has big-, plate glass landscape mir
ror, dustproof drawers and other finer features. In
cludes Bed, Chest and Vanity,
Living Doom Snilp
...... -i. i t
v Dccoralor-Slylcd!
rag How Priced Only-
Two-piece American Modern Iiv- Qrfl o)f0
injr l room suite, streamlined in j L ; 2: nVT )
style; young in spirit, and built to r1 SLwTV
v- - ... . :
endure! Covered in. rich mohair.
Ilcisrn PBfcra Ilcdrer CH
Deep! Restful! Rocks smoothly on .sturdy
base. Choice of colors, now oruy
Each Day
Brings Us.
Speed Ike
v.',."'-: v.,.-C: v'"-f
Hore .
Adhsniic lClh Cca
luy bedrcsn isile in
cLcice nahegany
users! Includes Panel
Bed, Cfcesf, and Van
ily wilh plalo glars
- $ I . it
These- chairs are quality b u i 1 1 in
' . very detail, luxuriously deep and
8pacious. Kesilient cushion seat, tnit
- ed back, distinctive rr
'. . rintctiil".V
.. ontssMar90 sa v v w w ...
sevenu - khuul cu;
. - era. . . - : - --
r, -
' I
f I
" Trim,: nicely -tai- r
: lored occasional
. chair that Is per-
'; feet for Ony.
room. A real btty .
. at, this low-price!
5 ' ; ij 2
( - )
LJ:: j
Ccnpnrc This Valne!
In Eich Ualnnl Veneers
8-Pc Dining Suite for Only . .. , v. - .:
Skillfully matched walnut veneers, smart fluted' legs distin
"cuish this good-looking , suite!. Includes Buffet, u.
tZZZZzzzSj '4 . and .
ilake Your Ilome llora Livable Cuy New,
1 Quality Furniture t j'.
Esse, -Banal
- si H Ml 4 U
All ; ...
Sheer, lustrous rayon - marquisette
curtains in a lovely floral self-tone,
pattern! v.. -
ii pair
. f , -i - a Deauurui modern
t 1 Waterfall Desk. .
r" , Has plentiful draw-
er space. An unus-
tial value!
..... -. ,
J '
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- "
.ii.n.jy.i U....J.... ..i.i I .... M Jt 3
, ' In'-
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