PAGE CSVET? - Students Will Go South Miss Nancy Brown, daughter Professor and Mrsv- EL T. Brown of Willamette university, Hush Lovell, ton of Professor and Mrs. Ivan Lovell of Willam ette university, and Miss Lois Bar-rick, daughter ot Dr. and Mrs. Leon E. Barrick, will leave in August for Pomona college in California where they have been 'awarded scholarships. '" All were members of honor society. Miss Brown, this year's Clarion editor, was also award ed a scholarship to the Univer sity of Oregon. " , Those from .Marlon eetutty at tending the state home extension council held at the Memorial Union building on the state col lege campus in Corvallis Friday were Miss Frances. Clinton home demonstration agent and all sev en of ; her committee members including Mrs. C. A. Lynds, 'Mrs. Harry Martin, Mrs. Verny Scott, Mrs Floyd Fox, Mrs. James Keys, Mrs. II. R. Wood burn, and - Mrs. Grace Cramer. This is the first time the state council has met since . the last home interest conference two years ago which has been, can celled for the duration. Region al meetings were held last year. Miss Frances Clinton is in Cor vallis this week teaching at the 4H summer school. Shelburn Miss. Dorothy Os- born, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Osborn was united in marriage with Sam J. Burdick at Vancouver, Wash, on June 1. Mr. Burdick has re cently been discharged from army service. RATION CALENDAR! : f rOOD Canned Goods Blue stamps G. H and K valid throJjK Juno 7. Stamps K, L. and M good through July 7. Meat, cheese, canned fish and ed ible fats Red stamps L now valid. M. June 13; N. June 20: all. includinf J and K expire June 30. - Sugar Coupon No. 13 expires August IS. good for S pounds. Nos. ; IS and IS valid for S pounds each canning sugar. Apply to ration board for additional ration if needed. - Coffee No. 24 in book 1 good for 1 pound until June 30. ' OAIOUNI Book A coupons No. good for four gallons each, expire Jul 31. run. on. Period coupons expire - Septem ber 1. " SHOES - r Na. IT coupon to ration book No. -1 good for 1 pair, expires June IS , WAftM fFUR STOOGE 1 - IPn'ODteiBd; WARDS NEW FUR STORAGE, . CLEANING AND REPAIR SERVICES, . . ; - . , ;- . ' : - : ' 4 ; r . -' . COST SO LITTLE!... Don't fret a moment about your precious fur. ; . ' 1 - 9 t If'tng H to Wards today for safe cold storage! i -Our new modern vaults will protect it from the moths" and from drying Summer heat (which robsN' furs of their natural ... well insure ft at your fire, theft and lots. At , . . : - , - ' Fvnitn specially trained for this work wfil t clean end r,!axt your coat. If you wish, they'd . repair it . . . even remodel it into a new styUu Comt In today end 1st us gle you an estimate. - ''. Youll be omaztd how littfe it costs at Wards! , Weather Eye Watch For Opportune Minute to Can Local Strawberries; Time Is Near : By MAXINE BUREN ' Speaking of aboemaker'a chil dren -they have nothing on the dwellers in a, great strawberry .:. country,; for we have to watch v the market carefully to get good berries at : the lowest possible , price. They, often start pouring j - into the canneries for use out side the state,' before local buy ers know the season is on. " Strawberries in the market are now too high for economical can ning at home, but we must check carefully to make sure that the peak of the local supply doesn't ; pass before we know it. Contact your grocer, asking him to no-' tify you when his very best buy may be expected. . - ; Many city folk as is their cus- torn, will buy direct from the far mer, but this again will cause complications. 'The ban on plea sure driving has thus far missed , Oregon, and anyway maybe this will not come under the category , of pleasure driving, but just o eliminate any question, take along' a load of neighbors who wish to buy berries at the same place, making the most of the gasoline used. " , There are those who pick their own berries, to save. Some grow-: ers consent to this system, but smart farmers with good, berries find that ,; the loss in careless picking and tramping of vines overshadows any advantages to.' them, f i . . . " : In case you are one of those who have found a farmer willing to let you pick your own berries, remember to pick the vines clean, treat the berries and the plants gently and keep your feet off them. Don't take young children along to tramp on the fruit and be reasonable in the amount of berries you eat while nicking. As to the method of putting down,! many people have given up canning strawberries and are now freezing them entirely. The government bulletin on canning the berries recommends the fol lowing method for those who WEST SALEM The West Sa lem Worn ens club will hold a pktiic in the West Salem park Wednesday, June 9. A covered dish dinner will be served at 12:301 o'clock. An Invitation is extended . to all women of the community. . , ; . . -" ; MONTGOMERY WARD Hp oils and beauty). And i . . ... own valuation against ' prkes so very low! v wish to' put theirs 'down in sy rup: . . Bring to a boil, prepared ber ries in medium syrup (this year we must use no more than ,i cup' sugar to ach quart berries) and then pack the berries in jarsv put into hot , water and bring to a boil, leaving them for 10 minutes after the water in the pan has come to a rolling boil.; This hot pack' method (bring ing to boil in syrup before pack ing in jars) is especially desire able in preparing i strawberries, which often float on - the Jars and fade. The boiling , helps -get the -syrup well Into the' berries, thus .cutting. down the tendency to float and sets the' color As to freezing, there are two schools of thought on the sub ject: dry pack and wet pack. All agree that sugar, must be thor-; oughly mixed v into the berries. The syrup j method of course, combines the sugar evenly, but the" dry method requires a little more care. Best way is to toss berries and measured amount of sugar in a bow, packing in the jars after combining is complete. All experts agree too that ev ery finy spot of bruised or spoiled berries are to be cut off. Frequently one berry partially spoiled, will flavor a whole jar. Many experts halve each berry. After sugar and berries are well mixed, pack in jars. Put sy rup over the berries, 'but allow s OK , : :l Today's Menu Radishes will make aalad, strawberries dessert in today's main meaL Radish, onion, lettuce salad Asparagus cheese souffle Bran muffins, honey . Fresh strawberries and cream ASPARAGUS CHEESE SOUFFLE : 2 cups vegetable white sauce 1 tablespoon' minced onions " 2 tablespoons minced parsley 1V4 cups cooked asparagus Ss egg yolks ;. cup boiled rice ' H cup grated cheese V teaspoon mace( . 2 egg whites, beaten , lightly, mix ingredients and pbur into' shallow greased.baking pan. 'Bake-50" minutes in pan of hot water in moderate oven. Cut in. squares,'- surround with creamed cabbage.' (White .sauce uses butter.) Sargeants Move v WEST SALEM The Loreu Loose- property of 890 Cascade Drive in West Salem has been sold to Bruce Cooley of Salem. He plans on making his home here and will move about the middle of June. Mr; and Mrs. Oliver Sergeant, who now occupy the property, plan on moving to 335 South 19th street in Salem.; ' a good inch at the top of the jars for swelling. If berries are packed dry, fill lightly only, avoiding any packing of fruit Take immediately to freezer. LAG7IC30 I'JOAD AHD LOVCLinQOO e e Amazing quafity? We should say! Made during the slack sea- . son, these magnificent sable-dyed muskrats are painstakingly fashioned from choice sturdy skins the very pick of the pelts! And that means extra wear, extra pleasure for you fortunate enough to own one of these handsome coats, everyone has the luxurious new turned-back cuffs, so much In fashion! Come try one on . . examine the wonderful quality . the superb i workmanship . . . pay only 5 down now, and have It all paid hit by November! Sizes range from 12 to 20. , AT WAS3S FOX ONT.Y pla regular payments, holds yeur eelecdesi vntll the lS:h f l.'avewiber! Lang Shows Farm Pictures To Grangers MACXILY Memorial services were, held for Herman Brown with Mrs. Edith Wilson draping the charter, at the grange meet ing held at the hall Friday night. At the business meeting, Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Jones were elected alternates to attend the- state grange convention j Mr. and Mrs. Gus Grimm were given' the third and ' fourth' de gree obligation, and reports were made by Mrs. M. M. Magee, Mrs. Harry , Martin, Mrs. Ediul WiL- son and - Mm C-' A. Lynds on legislation,- by Albert Mader -and M. M. Magee on agriculture and home economic work by Mrs. Al bert Mader." -- l l-';-v During the lecturer's hour, "in charge of Albert Mader, chair man of the agricultural commit tee, Harold V. Lang, representing the county agricultural "agents of fice, showed pictures of farm in terest n ' ' 'i j : ' ' - .' ; Afer grange, a surprise birth' day supper was given for the Harry ' Martins. The table was centered with a large decorated cake flanked by , white - candles in crystal holders. Mrs. Palmer 111 AUMSVILLE Mrs. C. Palmer is very ill at her home here with mumps, and is under, the care of a physiciajs. 1 . -.y i- .. . :f. .. ...x-..V.. ; --- 5 nwtsfsjm Gates Families Entertain Guesta - "GATTS Mr. and 'Mrs. Stanley Spinier and daughter, June,' were guests: of Mrs; Katherine Klutke the first of the week. Belatlves visiting, her were George Klutke and family of Albany and Mr. and - m rvi for a and on June 4.98. For shopping ... fee the vCoe . for dinner data thara'i mt ing quite so smart as dork sheer. A cooL tissue thin black or navy rayon romaine crepo vriili frost whits touches for flattery! And wo have them la all sizes 9 to 19 12 to 20, 3S to 44, 46 to 521 7.98 Worth a few dollars more ff yo prize fine'detailing ... beautiful workmanship! These : axperttlvo looking rayon romalno crtpo . navies and blacks have Just the cool elegance you want for now and through September. Sim 9 to IS and 12 to 2 S3 to 44,' I.. Mm Fred McOojr of PortlaniL Cab UsUey tad mtl f Salesa were Gates callers ITednesday. tSn. Carl Knutson is spending socie tine la San Frmncisco visit ing wiih her dausJiter, EUlotL Henry O. Bevier Is In Albany for a few weeks at the home of his brother, Burt Bevier. While there will receive medical treat ,'tk. J .awseaasssssassfv m fly ' , ivvm r- Am:' - through September i . w i - j ' i ment He has been quite ill for, some time. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stelger f Silverton were Saturday guests at the Sam Knap? home. Miss Louise Grafs who has been a teacher la the school at SL Pe tersburg, Alaska, for the past two rears, is here to spend the sum mer with her father and family. . " j. a tk ntummu " . r?a . iW 'WW.. - f 1 .r-M.MJJvi 4 w - e f. j -1,. - -4J i . W m m m : '"' WW 799 IkMJi i ,V ' v '.t I'm I 155 N. Liberty .St, These CIS I IZZ-IU Ulzrty St. Phone 3194