Thm OnilGCN CTATECMAU. Calazn. Oreoa. Ccrturday Morning. June 5. 1C13 .... i 1 i . (S3 ' '" or The -JL9as, m i w TK - - Classified Adertblns . . SaXcirrwm " Classified Ads Call 9101 . Thre Insertion per linn ... tic Six insertions -per . Una ,.40c On month per- tine f 1.23 Minimum charge -33c; S U. min imum 35c; tL miOr iSc No refunds. Copy tar this per accepted tnv ta 6 ii th eveauie before publica tion - for classification Copy re ceived after this- Urn wUi be run under the beading . "Toe Late to Classify.- - -. - . . s The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsioutty tor errors which reprint -that part ot mm advertise- stent to vhica : the typogTaptolcal mistaae occur. ' The Statesman rea crves tn rtfftt may appear ta advertisements pub lished tn its columns and to cases where this paper Is at tault will to reject questionable advertising , It further reserves the rtcht to place ail - adverusln under, the roper classification. , - t . A "Blind"" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number tor an ad dress i for the protection or the advertiser- - and - must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the MeoaKy . of an advertiser using a, "Blind-' ad. Livestock and Poultry V Attention i it Will remove dead At worthless stock In a moment's notice I SALEM FER THJZEa At BY PRODUCTS. Pb, 5000 Collect. No other Phone.). WANTED: Tons of rabbit skins. Pay ing highest prices. Wesuude Fur Co, . West Salem. . -": ' BRED DOES for sale. Arthur Egel hoff. S2S3 Lee. 2 -v - t .. WHITE LEGHORN fryers. 0c ea. L. J. Shrake. 580 Monroe Ave. j FOR SALE Colored fryers. Hi to 4 lbs. Alive or dressed, raoat zzzae, COLLIE. Box . S. lh. ana N h SmI mokrels. wka. old. Ne ea. O. Jk Spiva. t mi. W. of Shaw- BRING TOUR own egga for custom batching. Tuesday or Saturday morn ings. Pb- 2-2861. Lee Hatchery. , TOR SALE Newnarapshire pullets, ready to lay. Ph. 12861- Lee Hatchery Help Wanted . I NEED a man or woman 'on the 'griddle. If you are willing, will break you hi. Top wages, even to a begin ner." Mickey "t. Sandwich Shop. FIRST COOK. perm, position, good sal., rm., bd. V laund. Ore. State . Training School. Woodburn. LADY Cook. IJD ijn. to S30 p.m. Dishwasher -10 ajn. to 4 p.m. Ph. 6972. SERV. STN. and gar. helper, male or female.-808 Edgewater. - MAN or woman for custodian work to college bldgs. Perm, . employment. Contact business .- office, Willamette University, r - - WANTED; Bookkeeper, man or worn-' ' an, permanent position. . Give ' refer ' ences and experience In reply. Box 2624. -Statesman. -. JANITORS WANTED. Good wages. Call in person. Oregon State Tuber culosis Hospital. ; x Help Wanted RIale Workers ow employed fin war pre- duettos shoal net apply and wUi net be censMere for employ ment by em ploy ers advertising as this section. Wanted: Log Trucks ' 33-mil Haul AO favorable grade ' 21 miles public highway " Permanent - job Winter roads - ; Gross i Scale Corvallis Lumber "Company. Corvallis. Oregon MEN wanted for brush cutting near Salem. 70c nr. See Dorcas Moo. ajn. art Ore. Elec. depot. , WANTED: Delivery aojr. M arr Gro cery. 2150 S. Commercial. AXTTO. MICH. Top wages, tot Edge water. Wert Salem. , . TAILOR, exp. alteratteai men's cloth ing. Perm, good, proposition. Joe's Upstairs Clothes Shop, 442 State. -. WANTED SHOE salesman. Exper lenced. Sell high grade shoes. The Price Shoe Co MEM WANTED for Hopyard work & -"."1-''". :T:1 - - V:? - - i"- -'1 EXPERIENCED MnJKER Schlndler 3ros. Dairy. Sout Help Wanted Female RM . and bd. to girl or woman for at4S S- Sumnur. . . Woman-for hwk. by bx. Ph. 730S. i MIDDLE AGED . housekeeper for elderly lady. Homr and wages. - 290 K. cottage ..' . WOHAN or girl to care for 2 child ten in my home. BOOS, Nebraska. - '. SEAMSTRESS,-exp. alternations, on men's clothing. Perm. Good proposi tion. Joe's Upstairs Oothea Shop, 44S 1 State St. .- v --"'.-"S 5 WANTED. Girl or woman for house work or help cars for young turkeys. Ph. tox. Jefferson., -.-.r WE HAVE openings for part-time waitresses, cashiers and serving girls ' for Saturdays and Sundays only. Aug 5 ment your income by working the shift convenient to your present - schedule. High type personnel only for clean class of trade. No beer. Transportation home on late shift. .Apply The Bluebird. - . WAITRESS: Recent experience not necessary; also dishwasher at cook's helper. We have dishwashing machine. Carleson's Cafe. State 4c High. . ' . 1 ADVERTISING) . Western Advertising . : . Representatives George D ; Caaee. toe. San Fraocieco . Los Angeles Seattle Eastern Advertlsins ; Representatives ' " Ward-Grtfftth Company, fne. Chicago, New Yoric Detroit. Boston. Atlanta. ':t ' " ,.tX' f' n ' - --.- entered at the Pooi'ft at Salem. Oregon a Second Class ii after. Pub lished every morning except Monday. Bustntn ofice 2JS SamtM Commer cial gtreet. " . . -z. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' Man Subscription Rates tn Advance: Within Oreron: Dally and Sunday. M . f J cents; I Mos tJ 00; 1 year. $S 04 I lsewhere 69 cents pet m or $120 ' tor 1 year tn advance. Pes copy i cents. P City Carrier. TO cents month, year In advance In Marion and adjacent counties. . Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or phone itlCB) U. Baiera s oldest largest home owned and home managed - finance tnstitn tion Your financial mffstrs wul be discussed and loans made in strictest privacy You will be green every eon (deration tn the repayms of voui loan or erMrtns ot extensiona. r I to 12 MONTHS TO REPAT- You can nay b full any- time t ijmj the cost. ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorser! ture or note. ROY H SIMMONS. MGR. Ue. No. U U1 GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION - M - Las No S-Ut ' s v 134 So. Canunercial St Phone tlSS rtrst - door south of Ladd Bush bank - Convenient ground float location Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LJCENSS H. M ISt . Help Wanted -Female EXP. WAITRESSES. Call V Labor Temple. Ph. 377S. ' . j YOUNG GHO. to care -for S yr. old boy by the week. Light housework, no washing. - 13W :N. Liberty. " GIRL, s gen. housewk help with baby.' Room, board at salary. Ptu WIS. TURKEY PICKERS wanted. North west Poultry & Dairy. Situations Wanted TYPING or fJlins. No. shorthand. Ph. 334. v-,' MARRrED" AN."' wlto depend- ents. - wants Job. Good driver. Some mechi abUity and exp. Not less than 75c hr.-m S- lh. Upstairs. MAN. 4s. public, exp. Sales - craft counsel. ' Executive abUity; steady. Box- 2616. Statesman. HIGH SCHOOL Ctrl wants clerking or similar work. Best of reis. Ph. 7229. 2 COLLEGE BOYS want Jobs driving light trucks. Ph. '4080.- YOUNG MAN wants farm work. Age It. Exp. with tractor, horses. 1011 Berry, f . --i-, For Sale Miscellaneous. NEARLY new Simmons twin bed. springs at mattress . S42J0 used ruli size Deo, spring ac mattress . , , , ,,' $25.00 Nearly new pc. walnut dinette set i " 49.75 . Used S pc walnut dining, set $35.00 Nearly new. all cast, full enamel wood range 1 ; S SO Used pc. breakfast set . S9.75 ' . BRIGHT FURNITURE 453 Court- Ph. 7511 NEARLY new. Ige. capacity oil neat er for ; home. Ph. T772. . 140 HOUSE TRAILER, clean, af ter 5 P. M. Vera Warnock, 1984 State St. J: . : :. i- It-WTj SCHULT. houw tntter al most t new tires: sleeps ' 4. Taylor Trailer Camp. State St. OZONE health iMchtoe Ph?36ra. 130S N. 5th. S DZ. M gal. fruit jars. Also frozen young kid meat. (No points required.) Mrs. E. D. Roseman. Ht 1.- Bx. 199. - BED.' Spring -and -mattress M. E. Terhune, 45a N. 23. - - ? ; NEW HAMPSHIRE fryers, alive up to 3 lbs. 85c your pick. Leonard Patter, Box 126. Lansing Ave. off Silver ton Rd. KITCHEN CABINETS linoleum top. enameled. Standard sizes available or built to order. Folaom Mfg. Co.. 1108 way - Ph. 4929. POULTRY fertilizer for , Victory Gardens- 20c per sack. Bring sacks. Ph. 22SS1. Lee's Hatchery. ATMORAYS for sale or rent H. C Pugh, P.O. Box 483. Ph. S-243S. DUO-THERM automatic oil burning hot water heater 199.50. Available on A-18 rating, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. 487 Court St POULTRY FERTILIZER 81.00 per yd. You haul it Ph. 13SSL Lee Hatchery SEE HOGO .SROS, SB State St for liberal trade as on your old furniture Fuller Brushes.. 1743 Grant Ph. 5391 Wanted Furniture CASH for your Furniture ac Holse hold 1 appliances. No waiting, best prices for -any amount of fur nature Beds. Stoves. Washing Maeh., etc Phone S7C2. Du Train's Used Furni ture. 2360 Fairgrounds Road. TOP CASH price paid for furniture St household goods. - One article - or housefuO. Ph. 9682. Jacobson's Furni ture : Store, 96 Edgewater St, W. Baiem. - i , CASH FOR bold coeds - B furmiuun At rergey Pb 1448 ' SET : YOUR own price, then eaQ Glenn 'Woodry.- the auctioneer, for action in a hurry. Ph. Slle. miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair ' TWO-HOUR SERVICE DM MOST , , CASES Brtng or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR. BARRY SEMLER, OCNTUT Adotpb Bids Stat ComlPh 13H Wanted M iseellaneous WANTED: dec ranie. Ph. 3862. WOULD like daveno or davenport set. not over - 840. Phone 2-4613. USED FUawrTUEEj Pb : rits . r FARMERS, clear your land and get rid of your slashings. We need all of your saplings and umbwood. Anything 3- to 1" In diam.. 48 long. Will pay l4c each Help win the war. ; - PLYWOOD DESIGN CORP. 300 Wallace Road - - Ph. 4813 j FURNITURE rn pay your price within reason. Phone 5116 at be convinced. Glenn Woodry, the Auctioneer. WOOD, coal circulator.' 2307 Laurel. ' (VXr060CJTA(PriW A LETS SEE t - - - '(StJSYtXIVE( i r. . . MS-ITS TIMS MQMf ' TDeSTONS T - n S- I ij x s 'v ' ' illy Money to Loan Income Tax Loans If you will need money to pay the June 15th Installment of your Income Taxget a -Special income Tax Loan from Personal Finance Company. Personal Finance Co. 511 State St N. Anderson. Mgr. Phone 3191 Lie. 1-122. M-16S CASH LOANS $30 to $300 AUTOMOBILE."' FURNTTURE. LIVE STOCK and SIGNATURE. : Calkins Finance Co. :. .21 (3rd Fl) Ph. 444 ' . 1st Natl Bank Bldg.. Salem " S-ga Ue. M-27t - PRIVATE MONEY ' AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS RXF1KANCXD to r dues payments - Money for new ot used cars No delay red tape. You will retain pessesston of the vehicle 1 to IS MOfTHS TO PAY ...... '; ROY. H. SIMMONS . 13 South. Commercial Street Phone 16S Us No M 132 Wanted Miscellaneons , CASH "PAID for upright.1 spinet or grand pianos. Ph. 1707 WANT TO Buy, Used cameras t McEwan Photo Shop, tu state For Rent Rooms LGE. NICE rtn.. twin beds. Walk ing distance. Ph. 7772. FURNISHED Sleeping room. Close in. Ph.. C322. , . 2 SLEEP, rooms. Close. Ph. 582S. Room and Board BOARD and Rm. Single of double. 1563 Court- - For RentApartments 4-ROOM unfurn. Apt, .for 1 or 2 dependable adults. - Inquire rear Apt. S, 1144 N.. Cottage, St W NICELY FURN. 3-rm. apt. 2018 Ne braska. Adults, only. r 3 RM. AFT. free for cars of nous. Call 267 S. Church. jLi 2 R, FURN. dnstrs. 1397 N. Coml. 3 RMS. FURN. with shower. 2217 Lee.' - APT. at 760 N Church. Large furn. housekeep. rm. Pb, 5715. 2 furn. rms. 1st fir. 420 S. 20th. For Rent Houses UNTIL SEPT. 15. 2 bdrm. mod. house, furn. or partly furnu. gaa range, sawdust burner. Vacant not Jeter. than June a. 2514 Hazel Ave. - 9 RM. HOUSE Garage. Adults. No dogs. 2045 N. Church.. For Rent RESTAURANT, PARTLY equipped. FLOOR SANDER for rent. Mont gomery Ward.. . TRUCKS tor rent You drive. Me Cune , at LoveO. phone- 960. - Wanted to Rent . JUNE 15 Responsible young woman with 2 children. 7 and 11 yrs. 3 or 4 rm. furn. apt or - small house -within reasonable walking distance of Court House. $35. Can furn. references. Phone collect 471 Monmouth. . WANT strictly mod. 3 bdrm.- sub. home in Parrteh Dist. , with fruit and garden plot Will lease for . duration and pay. good rental for same., Ref. as to character and car of Home. Ph. 7847 WANTED; s rm. mod. house. Adults. Call or write 160 K. Superior. ARMY OFFICER at wife desire modern furn., bungalow or apt. Box 226, Statesman. farm near Salem. I have good eqinp- a . i 1:i i tku . . invxil wvum Mimw iiwmwuu uu uui about Oct I. Reliable party. Box 2S3V Statesman. - t RESPONSIBLE couple -wants -4 or S rm. furn. house. Garage. Ph. 5042. For Sale Real EsUte , S. HIGH ST. HOME: 7 rooms, -large lot, paved st. garage, near Leslie school. Price 8230. fl00 down wUi handle. W. H. GRABENHORST ac CO. REALTORS M ACRE with new home, H. W. floors, large living rnv, 2 nice bdrms. Venetian blinds. Auto oil heat. Nice yard, lots of shrubs. Immed. prise. -See Mr. Goodwin, with - HAWKINS at ROBERTS, 'INC. REALTORS W joomhomt. JpetUrmrnaee! beeuttrul creek lot 78x150. close . to State House and all schools. C H. SANDERS 231 N. Hign , MM LOOK. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Nice aaodern T r. home with double plumbing, basement, oil heat, fire place, double garage., shade trees,, near schools. Price S6B50 cash. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. : REALTORS 134 8. Liberty . Ph. 4131 ' NICE 3 int. home on . Madison St. Bosmt, fireplace, H.W. floors. Good condition. See Mr. Goodwin, with HAWKINS r ROBERTS, INC. 4 REALTORS $8500 4 BJt. Colonial type, strictly modern, double plumb., double ga rage, living room 15x22. dining 12x14. A dandy home ac location. South. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 FOR SALE: Modern 11 r. home on Court St with large grounds, oak firs, basement, furnace, fireplace, an exceptional buy at $7500. Terms POSSESSION SOON. - W. H. GRABENHORST ac CO. . REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 4131 sionfl '. eash-2 small houses on one- lot. one rented for $7. Large trees. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 538 See "Blondie" in color, In new Statesman tabloid comic section For Sale Real Estate FOR sale: . Late built 4 r. home on Jefferson st. Northeast Salem, paved.' St. Price only $2900. $900 down: baL terms. W. H. GRABENHORST fc CO. REALTORS . -134 S. liberty Ph. 4131 NEW 3-bdrra. Modernistic home on No. 22nd. You .can have Immediate psssasslon - of this beautiful home.' See Mr. Goodwin, with - : tt HAWKINS at ROBERTS. INC . REALTORS . LESLIE SCHOOL DISTRICT " A good 5 room home cement base ment furnace. Garage corner- lot. Price only $3800. Call Mr. Voorhees with Leo N. Childs. Inc.. Realtors. Ph. 9261. ' . NEAR McKINLEY SCHOOL: S r. plastered home with cement basement furnace, two lota on -corner. Price $4250. i cash to handle. A GOOD VALUE. . W. H. GRABENHORST CO.? ? t REALTORS W S. Liberty - . Ph. 4131 ' ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT: Comfort able older house, neat and clean - 2 fine lota with large- shade, nut and fruit trees. It's a real buy at $4250. See Leloce H. Ellis with Leo N. Childs, Inc Realtors. Ph. t261. . - $700o One of the beet homes - In N. Salem, 4 bed rms, bath rm. on 1st fir, toilet ac lavatory upstairs, hard wood On, fireplace, basement, fur nace, double- garage. Terms. $5500. Good, home, large living, rm. ac dining rm, hardwood firs, S bed rms, 2 bath rms, basement, furnace, fireplace, good location. $1500 down. $3500. Bungalow, north, bed rm. Ac Urge sleeping porch, basement, large lot close to bus & school. MELV1 NJOHNSON, REALTOR 723 Court St. . Phone 3723 1740 SOUTH WINTER ST. s Good 8 r. modern home near Leslie school. $ rooms, basement, furnace, fireplace, double garage. Price $6000 cash. W. H. GRABENHORST ac CO. ' REALTORS " 134 S. Liberty . - . : V ph. 4in S RM. mod. house, til drain board, hardwood floor. Venetian blinds, floor ed attic. V, acre. N. River Rd. Keizer DUtt Ph. 2-2244. between S-10 A. M. GOOD $ room house, divided into two- apartments. One rented for $30 per mo and the other, occupied by the owner Priced - at 8325.' Creek back of lot. - D. A. TJSH ATI Court : Ph. 524 3 HOUSES only 4 yrs. old. ONE Rm.. basement furnace. TWO 3 Rm. with automatic gas fir. furnace, gas hot water heaters and ranges, excel lent location and paying; 12 on in vestment SlO.oqp. No trades. Immed. E. M. LARS EN, REALTOR 153 South High St Ph. 7490 ..HOMES FOR SALE -rm. Practically new. Basement. Sawdust Furnace. View. Play Room in Basement. Shown on appt only. 4- rm. Good condition. Large lot N.E. part of town. 5-rm. Basement Furnace. Can , be sold on easy terms. ' -rm. Close to town, small lot. Base ment. Furnace. W B MERCER : 1231 Edgewater St. Ph. 3200 BY OWNER: 5 room house & garage with two lots. auto, -oil heat auto matic water heater. Fruit trees Ac gar den space. 1357 Market St. Phone Mr. Clark at 3345 or 9101. Price $3250. Might take car as part down payment FOR ! SALE at $5750. this fine 7-rm. home. 2 Bedrooms and sleeping porch, living room 16x30. Fireplace, full basmt., .wood furn. Landscapes moun tain, view. Double garage., small barn ac chicken bouse.- and. 1 A. -of ground. 5 Blk. from bus. in So.- Salem. See Mr. Larsen, with HAWKINS & ROB ERTS. DVC, REALTORS.. BY OWNER: 4 rms.-Nook and utility rm. Lge. lot. fruit tree. 1 tdk. Leslie. Bargain for someone who can make repairs.' $1800. Ph. 5252. Card ta this dlreetory , raa e monthly b s s I s . enly. Bate: l2S per II per Airplane Models KTTS 'and SUPPLIES. Cherry? City Model Aircraft. Uat at Market. Auto Brakes Mike Panek 273 South Batteries WTLLARD batteries. oB type. R. D Bieyel BICYCLES. New and reconditioned. Harry, W Soott 147 I. (WcL P.a;8 Chimney Sweep NwfUnsss Chimney Swes. Ph. Florists BrmthaMst 4t Caw. Phon 919 Funeral Direetbrt . TerwUUger Funeral Be Gift. APRON Shop. CTt.tL High. Hosiery Real Silk Hosiery Mills. Ph. 7St air. , K. . Moss ley, cot. wt. Lawn Mower Sharpening Machine ground. 4t S. Capitol St Blattressea CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phon 4069 Painting & Paperhanging PAINTINO Ac Decorating. Ph. T552. Experienced Reasonable. . Ph. ' 432$ For Sale Real Estata S BDRM. home. hdwd. floors, Venetian- blinds, fireplace, wired for range. run Dosemt. furnace, fenced back yard, corner lot. Bus by door.- Terms. COMMERCIAL REALTY 2020 S. ComX v 7024 LIS! YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE HAVE LOTS OF- BUYERS Ac LOAN ON REAL ESTATE BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKINS At ROBERTS. INC. REALTORS PH. uy-r 1 WENSLOW. ArbL. 8 turn, houses. Sewers. Handy man make living from rents, wgn dry climate, aught con aider chicken ranch trad. Owner 312 W. 1st. Winslow. Aria. For Sale Farms ' FOR SALE: On ot the best 210 A. forms, IS mi. No. of Salem. 70 A. of it is River Bottom. baL upland, all Willamette soU. a-rm. modern bouse with elec. lights, water in aU build ings, pig nam. silo, and other build ings. Crop all in and -goes with place. Priced at $22i00. Some terms. See Mr. Larsen. with HAWKINS ac ROBERTS. irtv;,. realtors. - -: FOR SALE 177 acre form. It miles from Salem, large house, modern barn, lots of out buildings. - good soil and this farm Is priced right CHAS. HUD KINS 27$ State St Phone $494 60 A. One of the finest farms, in the Hael. Green country, modei home.' good barn ac out bMgs, all yr. stream, som fruit dc timber. $200 MELV7N JOHNSON. REALTOR 723 Court St 1 . Phone 2723 FOR SALE at 87500. this 9 A; farm. fa a. cuit. ana tn crop. oai. in pas ture. Fair buildings, elec lights.. On Luckismut . river. Some terms. See Mr. Larsen. with HAWKINS ac ROB ERTS. INC, REALTORS, s S3 ACRES mL Salem. Practically new buildings. Rm. House. Basement ac Furn. 20 Ac. in cult Bal in pas ture. Year around creek. Good sou. W. R.- MERCER 1231 Edgewater St , - Ph. 2300 Acreage FIFTEEN ACRES . . - Salem. room house, barn, garage, chicken house. Family orchard, good soil. Price $6000. Call Mr. Voorhees with Leo N. Childs, the. Realtors. Ph. 9261. " . 1 1t ACRE, t room house. $850.00. ' $1500.00 ocr tract, small t cottage Ac- garage. lota, variety fruits. 3 bedroom house, double plumbing. North part of town. $5000.00. - P. H. BELL. REALTOR 212 Guardian Bldg, : Phone 1188 Suburban ,i A 4 rat house, chicken hue . ear- dan in. $870 cash. Box 43. Fsirhsven Ave. ; "' Wanted Real Estate DO IT' NOW : f " -If you have a house for Sola. Rent or to ' Exchange for other- property, hurry and see Louis Bectatel or Mrs. Needhanv 341 State SL Room 4. Phone 6963. We have cash buyers. WE ARI lit nmmA m 1leJna. A oral types of property.- Anything you have im Salem or within IS miles, if Driml rifhL M Mn mmll D, A FISH ; 477 Court Ph. C524 WANTED tn Inn A mull rwm, a-. Poultry ranch in Salem vicinity.- Jer wu acauu, tan neonn, num. RAW A MtTTLTRTO for Salem property. A listing with- us at this time means a ready sal. hiui i. atsuatANX 17 South High Street Phone 8203 Directory Paints and Lacquers Complete fine NASON pamta . Liberal R D Woodrnw. '. 394 N. Church Printing FOB STATIONERY, cards, eamphlets. programs books or any kind of print Ine. call The Statearaa Printing De partment 21t ' a ComnMrctoL Tsle pbeoe tlOl. - Radio Serriea PTERCE Radio Serv, 842 N. ComX T081. Septic Tanks Cleaned SEPTIC TANKS and f assy wills cleaned. Satisfaction guaranteed. State-wide set lee. Gene-Flte, 42 Edgewater St, West Salem. Ph. $748. Inspection free. ' Kenneth Heme. 1143 Eighth SV West Salem. Ph. 646X Transfer O-DRIVB TROCKS FOB - RENT Blanketa furn. 197 S. Liberty. Pn. 902 FOB LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfer; storage, burner oil. aeiquets rrueks t Portland daily. Agent . Pierce Auto Freight, tnchtdinfi Calif, points Larmes Transfer- Co Ph. Slii. Transportation WANT RIDERS to Willamette Irea at Steel; day shift. Ph. 2131. Tiling TILE bath rooms, drain boards, fire places and storefronts. Ph. 8472. Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE inspection in your home. Au thorized Hoover service. We service all makes cleaners Hogg Bros Ph- tl4t Well Drilling a J. PUGH. 2123 Myrtle Ph. 833. K A West s Rt. . B 445 eYery Sunday. Easiness Opportunities SALEM INCOME PROPERTY Woman can manage. $15,000. trad to $5000. 1510 r. zisu INCOME PROPERTY: Ten unit court, fin location near State Bides, shows a nice Income. Price $25,000. W. H. GRABENHORST At CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 BUSINESS Bldg. Stucco concrete. 4 yrs. old, stores ac Apts. Income $230 per - month. Taxes $265. Full price $1,000. V : " - V . . E. M. LARSEN. REALTOR i '-vi Exclusive Listings Personal . Service 153 S. High SL. PB. 749 UVTNO Qt at 2 4 Apts. to rent Good Income.' ' 1 ApU- Close in.: flSOJW per mo. income. All Furn. W. R. MERCER ; . 1231 Edgewater St. Ph. 3200 For Sale Wood 18 MILLWOOD, 4 FT. SLAB, FRESH CUT SAWDUST. PH. 8862. . - - - Wood Green. 412 N. list St Ph. 5370 Plywood cores At and., Ph. 8503 Wood Sawing Charles F. Simon.' 1311 N Liberty Ph, 683. . Lost and Found A GAS Ration Book. Arthur Frank. Jr. Route X Box 234. Salem. LOST:. Brown leather billfold, money and driver's license. Reward., A. A. Robb. Rt 8, Box 257, Salem. LOST: Ration Bk, 1. Birth eertif. Ins. Prem. Bk. Floy S. Miller, Grants Pass. Ph. 8473. Salem. Reward. ' LOST: Gaa ration book. Ph. 22739. LOST: Lady's Gruen wrist watch at rest room Ladd Ac Bush Bank. Re ward. 1338 Plaza St, West Salem. LOSTmT gas ration book. Samuel Carter. iU N. 20th.. For Sale Used Cars 3 FORD D Luxe V8 Sedan, punc ture proof tires, radio. Inq. Salem Central Service, Ferry ac Liberty. Ph. 9062. !--,-.' - ' . - 1930 FORO Truck, flat bed. Good mechanical condition. $150. Phone 5797, Room 13. Ladd ac Bush Bank Bldg. - 1937 PACKARD Sedan. 4 door. Ex cellent tires. Paint and upholstery In very good condition. Ladd and Bush Bank Bldg Room - u. pn. S7S7. 1938 CHEV. Coach, good cond. throughout. $293.00. 876 So. Commer cial. , 1929 FORD Sedan. 2 dr. Very good mech. 'Condition. $125.00. Phone 5797. Bra. 13. Ladd t Bush Bank Bldg. '29"' MOD?XrC?1i'"2ioM "ari "41 FORD Dump Truck.-Pert. cond. throughout. Take late .model ear , in trade. 1760 Berry. f 38 PONTIAC Coupe. Motor A-l. Ph. 4277 after 50 P. M. Wanted Used Cars Orval Pays TOP GASH PRICES ; For Used Cars - ALL MAKES MODELS ORVAL'S USED CARS Center ' at Church - Ph. 4702 ARE YOU BUYING OR SELLING? See Sam's - First r FOR THE - BEST DEAL SAM'S MOTOR CO. 43 Chemeketa - PhoneTSlT Opposite Downtown City Fire Dept. WE PA TOPS! Get every dime your car Is worth... Cash on the Barrel-Head "C" SHR0CK SALEM'S oldest .ndendnt used ear dealer. . MX Corner Church Si Cbm. Ph-722 BEST Used Car that a high as 828 to 2130 will buy. Ph. 3-1330. LATE MODEL CAR for Cash. Oer- old N. Harris, Monmouth. L. L. Dodd. isn. a. ee SELL- YOUR CAR Borroll-Owcn Used Car Center. 233 So. Commercial ' Transportatiott WANTED: Riders to Commercial Iron Works. Graveyard shift 849 S. 18th; . - V.: ; "t . ; WANTED: Some on to help drive and ahare expense to Sioux Fatte, . Dak. Saturday. Reference. Ph. 21202. Legal Notice y, n. HQmiAiT estate,';''- Notice is hereby1 given that the final account of Maud Z. Unruh and Edna Frogleyrdministrices of the estate ot J. H. Hoffman, de ceased, has been' filed In the cir cuit court of Oregon for Marion county, and that the . 15th day" of June 14S, at" the hour of 10 o'clock A. M, has been appointed for hearing objections to such ac count, st which itime, say person interested in said tesate may'ap- pear -and file objections thereto in writing and contest same. - . MAUD Z. UNRUH , V ' ' EDNA FROGLEY. - cA' N, ' ' v ' . Administrices, CHRIS J: JKOWITZ '' 406 Guardian Bldg, j :-x"-; Salem, -Oregon,' i,- . " , Attorney for Admmistrice. vr- :" .15-22-29.5-12, AD:.:i.'I3TS.ATOa'S FINAL 3 ';. NOTICE .f ,r v'. Notice is hereby : given- ithat Claire I.L Inxnan as administrator with Will annexed of the Estate of Louis - R.: Knapp, . Deceased, has filed his Final . Account in. said Estate in the Circuit Court of the State cf Oregon for Marion Coun ty and that said Court has fixed June 30, 1943, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the court room of said court in Salem. Ore gon, for the hearing thereof and of any and all objections' thereto Le-ral Notice and the settlement thereof and ot said estate. 1 " CLAIRE M, INMAN, Adminlstcator with Will . annexed of the Estate of -4. LOUIS R. KNAPP, de ceased. -My 23-J 5-12-19-25 NOTICE OF . FINAL SETTLE3IENT' NOTICE ; IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the undersigned has filed in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, Pro bate Department, his duly, veri fied .final account as executor of the estate of Mary C. Condit, de ceased, and that said Court has fixed ' Monday, the 12th -day of July, 1943, st the , hour of -10: o'clock . A M. of said day as the time, and the court room in the county court' house at' Salem,' in said county and state as the place. for hearing said final account, and all objections thereto. Dated this Sth day of June, ROYAL E. CONDIT, Executor of the Estate of , Mary Cj Condit, deceased. Ronald C. Glover, " Attorney for Executor, Salem, Oregon. J S-12-19-28 JlyS. CKEDITORS NOTICE Notice is- hereby civen that the undersigned has been aDDomted Executor of the Last Will and Testament and Estate of Caroline A Burton, deceased, by the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and has quali fied.4! All! petsons haSrins claims against ' said estate are herebv notified to present the same with proper vouchers, to the ' under signed, at 210' Pioneer. Trust Building. Salem. OreKon. within six months from the date hereof. The date and first publication of tnls notice is June 5 1943. D ELBERT C. BURTON, Ex - ecutor Estate of Caroline A Burtorf, Deceased. Page and Page, . - -Attorneys for" said Estate, 210 Pioneer Trust Bldg. i , Salem, Oregon. J 5-X219-28. JlyS. Mickey; Mouso Glub Notes -Hi, Ho, Mice! . : ; Well, Kids, today Is "another Saturday, and another swell "Mickey Mouse Show. : - Ronnie S pence will take over the show, as hew is your . new Mickey Mouse Chief. Bob Hage- dorn is going to California:,' Our show will: start off with Donna Lawrence, who will tap dance for you Miriam Snellen burger7 will aing '- one of the hit tunes. . . . , , i -Say," Mice,' if -you kids ' want any contests, you had better tell Ronnie what you want. ; 1 ' j Our serial is on its fourteenth chapter, so- don't miss it. WelL kids, 1 1 . cant teU you just who-- will . be your new sec retary for" the summer, but rm sure you will like her. I will be back again next fall, so until then . . . r Goodbye. , ROMONA SPENCE, Secretary. RONALD SPENCE, Mickey Mouse Chief. Crossword Puzzle IS IS 22 zi I 2 iv n 35, 4 WL a2 A7 49 : HORIZONTAL Lfotd r4.Engtish ' .: town 0. consume , -lt'IubrlcaU . 13. dialect X 14. cravat 15. classifying . 17. declaim I 19. weary ; 29.anar T .- 21. gluts 23.meddlei 2$. wast -; -: allowance ' f'.v. 27, Etruscan. 'g-ols':-.-"-' ;:: "22. exclamatloa' rSfieotUsa frr? tawn'' j.-fr :Ty 23. heaped i..; - St. fourth ."caliph 32. tahtalum . . " i (sym.) 33. waridp sticks , ' ' 34. dal - T V S5.toIers,tei 37. get tip - ' 39. broad smile 40. crippled ' 42. binders 45. lyric poem ' 48, put up - 48. th turmeric 49. foot-ik part . 50. took th ; Trt Of BLatiteh . mm pIP mm Answer , to yesterday's puszt. -jIASjf S) 'SlMjelW s it A.S J. jT O E " S 4ImU AN Gl A 5 f, ':Fi7TTh LL p" 7!T lLH5 tpAr'qr dtHt: yfrpi .ck pi. TQ oiNi 1sa rjaic N5 Arerars tlas of salstlosi J adaaUs. Stat, by Xing Features Syadteat. Inc. Families Sp end Weekend At Seashore r '- INDEPENDENCE i Mr. O. D. Butler, Capt and Mrs. James Brown and daughter, and Mrs, J. J. Spitzer spent the weekend at the Butler cottage at Waldport, "Mr. , and Mrs. John Holechek and children, Mr. and Mrs. Rol lan Layton and children, Mrs, Hetzendorf of Albany, and Mr. and Mrs. Braden . Daggett and daughter of Shedd, spent the Memorial weekend at Yachats, .Mrs. George Knott left Thurs day to spend a week with her daughter,' . Mrs. . John Irving in San Francisco. . i . Mr. and Mrs. Norval Taylor and children of- Lebanon spent, the holidays with .Mrs. Taylor's par ents, Mr. and Mrs, Bill . Cook. .Mr. and Mrs. B-, L. Cotton t of Lebanon and Mr. and Mrs..C iH. Greenlaw of Westport were din ner guests recently, at .the home of Mrs. Elsie -Bolt and Mrs. Don Barnum, A family dinner honored Doug las Dodele on his recent fur lough from the navy. The dinner, was at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Dodele. Pres ent were Douglas Dodele, ' Mrs. Carl Palmer of Caljstoga, Calif, Geraldine .Dodele ot San Fran cisco, Mr. and Mrs. H. Waias- brough of Albany, Mr. and .Mrs. Rulhmff and children of 'Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Michels and children of Albany, E. G. Dodele and daughter of Eugene, Grace Williamson of Corvallis, and the hosts.-' y " -- ; Meeting for dinner at the Mar ion hotel Friday were Mrs. Delia Keeney, Mrs. Lenxue Irvine,' and Dr. and Mrs. George Knott, The dinner party was in honor of Mrs. Keeney's birthday. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wells and children of Albany were visitors Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. O: Sloper. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stonefield of Florence are spending several days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Newton.- Mrs. Stonefield and .Mrs. Newton: are sisters.. . . ' . ;V Polk AAA Office: Contacts Truckers DALLAS Letters have gone out from the AAA office ,in Polk county to all farmers having truck and potato crops asking for '.. sig natures from the operators-: . I In order ; to ' correct . any., nis understanding -that- might arise, the AAA office explains thai only truck crop which are sold or consumed as green foods are 'eli gible for an incentive payment. All cannery foods; are controlled in price through a government subsidy to the cannery, permit ting higher prices. Lodge Has Degree ' , STAYTON Meeting Tuesday for the last time until fall, the Eastern Star lodge had a special degree honoring a newly affilated member, Mrs.' Esther Easton. A "hobo" paper sack lunch followed the meeting. - ." 'i 3 o u. IT 4 '9 'A .tT 'A J7 9 sr. St VESTICAL Lshtp diary. -3.larg dish 4. dens y 6. eagle ;-,'" .inciU 7. accomplish s. raged -.Russian. Cockade 10. riTer-laad 1L golf mound 18. restricted menu 18. knock . 20. weeds -' ' 2L assert V 22. on of A primitive people ' 23. narrative 24. breathing sound , v' 25. glow 27. flax fabrie : 30. processions ' SLcveners 33. remedy ' ' 34. hold r . tenaciously'1 34. U. S. coins 1 37.weapond . 3.fenc ? ; entrance. t 40. cut off sort. 41. citrus drlnkl 42. possessed ' 43. femai ruff 44. cutting Xoclr. 47. lithium I' - tsym.) - :-;