PAGE SEC The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morfalng. June 5, 1343 Pinner Sedarstrom Home - Mrs. Oscar Sederstrom'enter tained Friday at a one o'clock '. luncheon for Mrs. Al Torger ' con, who is leaving on a vaca tion Sunday with - her husband and daughter, Jacqueline, for Denver. Roses decorated the ta- ble. ' ' Present - were the honored guest, Mrs. J. A. Sholseth, Mrs. . Ethel Ramus, Mrs. LeRoy Stew-' art," Mrs. M. A. Getzendaner, Mrs. Oscar Luidahl, Mrs. Everett Holmes, Mrs. George Fake, and the hostess. Pastor Tells Of -India Rev. S. Raynor Smith, pastor of Jar on Lee Methodist church, and a former missionary to India, spoke before Dakota club mem bers Thursday night in the WC TU hall. He said natives preferred the Intense summer heat to an In dian winter. Winter weather there resembles an Oregon ' spring. The natives -don't like it because they must build fires to keep warm. Before an Indian goes into his temple to worship he places a wreath around the sacred cow at the entrance. Up on his return, he kisses the cow. Preparations for a native wed ding start six months before the ceremony. The wedding feast lasts a week. Rev. Smith showed several garments that were em broidered with gold. Preceding his talk, a skit was given by Mrs. Dora Stanton, Mrs. Edna Gilkey and Miss Es ther Herbert About 100 mem bers were present. Piano Pupils Give Recital. At the YMCA auditorium to night at 8 p.m. Mrs. Jessie Bush Mickelson will present her piano pupils in a recital. Appearing are Johnny West phal, Shirley Rocks, Joan Neu man, Joan Trout, Barbara Tay lor, Lenore Pogue, Barbara Ryan, Dickie White, Darlene Pettit,- Dickie Reeves, Ann Swig art, Lenore Phillippe, Marilyn Blakeley; Ida Jo Henderson, Bet ty Trout, Jeanette Sullivan, and Edithann Simpson. Elmo Inno centi, violinist, assisted. CLUB CALENDAR SUNDAY -. Nebraska club meets for basket dinner picnic at dinger park. Nebraska friends invited. MONDAY American Legion auxiliary, Salem Woman's club at S p. m., business meeting. Nomination of officers. TUESDAY Yomarco club, meets at Mrs. ' M. G. Carl's home. -865 X street, for 1:15 covered dish luncheon. Mrs. Walter Spaulding and Mrs. W. B. Minier assisting. . THURSDAY G. of PEO sisterhood meets at -Mrs. B. E. Sisson's home, 1633 Saginaw, at 2 p. m. Variety for Tots Here's story-book charm in a 5 1 versatile style r for t o ts. First - make up Anne Adams Pattern : 4387 as a dainty party frock, . with flared sleeves and a square - sion, using up remnants to make ' a contrasting collar, puff sleeves I , yoke and heraband, rT v : $ - Pattern 4387 is available only t a mm Jll UlUUi Ul I T, V, W uu 10. Size 6 takes. 1H ' yards 35 ' Inch fabric and 2V yards ric- Send SIXTEEN CENTS tn coins for this Anne Adams -pattern. - Write plainly SIZE. NAM. ADDRESS. t STYLE NUMBER. - - - - - TT.N CENTS more brings you our fpnne; Pattern Book with Its. easy-' : to-mana styles for everyone Send your order to The Oregon : Statesman. Pattern Department. &a . lem. Oregon. - .. " . r r 1 . JANICE RUTH JONES. 7N ARLEE ELIZABETH TAYLOR Service women What they can do What they're doing about it Two Salem women became ma rine corps, privates Wednesday when' Misses Janice Ruth Jones and Arlee Elizabeth Taylor were' sworn in- at Portland by 'Major James B. , HartUe, recruiting pffi . cer. ,: t.-n Private Taylor has been teach ing social science and English at Independence high, school since 1939. She graduated from Willam ette university in 1938. Her par ents are Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Al Taylor, 300 Culver Lane. i Miss Jones graduated from. Uni versity of Oregon in 1941. She has been attending a local business college the past six months while employed by the state industrial accident commission. Private Jones is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis H. Jones, 2110 South Cottage street. Both marines will be called to- active training at an early date to New River, NC. ; Alumnae Plan Project : Kappa . Alpha "Theta alumnae , meet at Mrs. Donald McCargar's ' home Thursday night for . their business meeting. Plans were j made for a winter project Re freshments were served. Present were Mrs. Clifford 1 Brown,- Mrs. ;Roy Keene, Mrs. ; Ida Murdock, Mrs. Willard.Mar ! shall, Mrs. George Hoffman, Mrs., Charles H el tz el, Mrs. George Schwarz, Mrs. James Sears, Mrs. W. W. Baum, Mrs. j Lora Taylor Hawkins, and the j hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bingen- heimer are parents ' of a boy, James Arthur, born Thursday at the Salem General hospital; It is their first -child. ; Mrs. Bingen heimer is the former Miss Eloise Sullivan. . - Mrs. Alma Barkns had as din- I ner guests Monday Dr. and Mrs. j H. F. Pemberton, 'Miss Margaret , j Hillsboro, Mrs. Ann Kooreman, : Leaving today for Nelscett for a week's vacation are Miss Ma l rian Carter, Miss. Bonnie. Dixon ;j and Miss Mary Jean Fisher. : Miss , Rath Ricnwsld. Miss j Shirley Magnuson ? arid Mrs. E. Zimmerman have been visiting 5, this week in Portland. -, - Mrs. George Peer ; and sens j Phillip George and John Lester, are. visiting the - former's par i'ents, Mr, and Mrs. George Pro. . - JEFFERSON The Wedding ; Ring club met at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. William Hart Saturday night for the last meeting of the " spring. Following supper a social time followed. Present were tjr. and Mrs. Charles Hart ir Mr. - and Mrs-TUxon Vose, Mr. and 'i Mrs, Robert Harris, Mr. and Mrs. ' Leland Wells, Mr. and Mrs: Oli ; ver Stephenson.' Mr. and Rlrs. - Arthur Rothrock, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Hart- mm mm www Girl: Will Wed This Summer : ; Miss Elaine Harms, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harms: will leave Sunday f or AmarUlo, Texas where she will marry Mr. Donald McBain, son of Mr. Don- -aid McBain. j ' Miss Harms graduated from Salem high school and has been employed by the Portland Elec tric company. Pf c. McBain at tended Salem' high school and Sacred Heart academy and is stationed with the army air corps at the Amarillo post Mrs. Harms will accompany her daughter south for the wed ding. . . - ' - A' Students Piety ' Piano Recital ; ; j Mrs. Mabel S." Powers pre sented her piano pupils in a re cital Friday night in the Roberts studios at 8 pjn. Only pupils were present Appearing were Carolyn Geise, Curtis Humphrey, Carolyn Parker, Margaret Ann Taylor, Joyce Rautenkranz, Gordon Ful ler, Ruth Geise,' Hilda Fox, Catherine S i eg m u n d, Joyce Spillman, Susan; Steed, Mary Elizabeth Taylor, Loraine Well ing, Sylvia Spillman, Mary Alice Andresen, Ruth Fuller, Marian Geise, Dolores Deitz, Leta Jean Evans, . Sarah ' Jane Backstrand, Leone Lewis, Margaret Action, Carolyn Lee, Sue' McElhinney; Wedding. Is In Summer ' I Mr. and Mrs. Alyin S. Hem mingren of Corvallis announced the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Eyilyn Alma Hemmin- gren, to "Mr. Malcolm A. Peirson of Portland on Friday. The wed ding in Portland in the late summer. ' " .Miss Hemmingren graduated from Corvallis ' high school and is now employed, in war work in Portland. Mr. Peirson attended Oregon State college and is now employed by the Douglas air craft company in Los 'Angeles. ' Give Dinner at , Rhoten Home Mrs. C. S. Gale and her daugh . ters, Charlotte and Gwendolyn, - were honored at a dinner in the home of Mrs. George' Rhoten on . Wednesday, with members of the AAUW Spanish class acting as hostesses. Mexican decorations were used on the dinner table. Mrs. Gale and daughters will leave soon to live in Massachu setts, their former home. Present .were Miss FJise Schroeder, Miss Virginia Ben diksen, . Mrs.. Belle Niles Brown, Mrs. Gale, Mrs. Rhoten, Char lotte and Gwendolyn Gale and Betty ; Merle Rhoten. : : . ' . Mrs. Georre Herbert Smith, wife of Willamette university's president ; and -" her - daughters, Margie and Sally, will visit rela tives in Indiana and Tennessee this summer. The former's moth er resides in GreenCastle, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. (Lon) Ty ler of San Jose; California, and B. H. Tyler of Santa Rosa, Cali fornia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. 5 Harry Scott' The former resi dents are brothers of Mrs. Scott Mr. Clyde Wiegand of Berk-. J . ley,-California, is visiting his j mother, Mrs. Cecil Gregory. He- . graduated from Willamette uni versity and is now studying at! the University of California." 'U TALBOT Mrs. Ernest Free-; - man ' entertained 'the " Talbot ! Women's club at her home Wed-' nesday afternoon. She " used: i bowls of roses for decorations.; : Mrs..D. E. Blinston presided over - - the meeting." Mrs. Freeman ' fur- . nished a game, Mrs. John Cala- van gave a reading. Following ; 'were elected: president, Mrs. Len Edwards; vice-president Mrs Hattie McCarty; secretary, Mrs. Elmo Brown;' treasurer, Mrs. Clyde McClain. Members pres ent were Mesdames John Fin lay, Len Edwards, Richard King, i ! Delmer Davidson, N. S. Nave, George Potts,-jr,- Elmorown, ' : Addie Davidson, John Calavan, Hatfie McCarty, ClydeMcClain, D. E. Blinston, Ole Jorgenson, -. Roy Crosley, Gilbert Belknap. , : Albert Case, Jane Garlick, Ches ter Myers, John Bostract ' Rob . ert Johnson, Al Gingurich and ' the hostess, Mrs, Freerfan. Miss ; , Ida Belknap was a guest " Women, in : Subject .. . . By, MAXUNTE BUREN T , ' All the speakers during the ' -state conyentionof the Oregon Federation of . .Women's -clubs .-held this week in Salem, agreed on several facts, that -Oregon women, are taking and will con tinue to take, a good portion of -'the i burderi of wirining'the war on the homefrorjV and that ju'n venile delinquency is one of the major problems of the time. Mrs. John Y. Richardson prac . ticing lawyer, of Portland, view ing the war problems through the; eyes of a professional wom an, and discussed the approach of equal, rights for American women, but listing some of the obstacles to real equality. " - . Referring to. this, she discussed -unequal marriage laws, and what is being done to eliminate them. She explained that women will control the 1944 vote, ; recalling ? - that right now' there are more women than men voters in Ore gon. .:-.-;"' She discussed 7 the problems arising from. the. influx of 8,000 colored people into Oregon since the war began,- and the fact that nothing has been done to give . them proper housing and recrea tional facilities. ; : : Mrs. Richardson, a dynamic speaker and a woman well vers- - ed on such subjects, talked on ' . .plans- for; post-war employment and about how, although 75 per cent of the women now em ; ployed are. theoretically expect ed to return to their homes, a much smaller number will actu ally, go home after the war. She also talked, about the necessity for home women to learn the rudiments of banking and eco nomics. ' - ' ' Mrs. Saidie On Dunbar, in an " impromptu talk on Friday after-, noon discussed the situation of employed mothers of small 'chil dren, and the deplorable condi tions in Portland arising from lack of . parent interest in chil dren. She talked, about plans to care for young children in small er units, throughout the congest ed areas, and arrangements be ing made to transport them to the nursery schools. Men speakers, Mr. Charles A. Sprague and Mr. Jerrold Owen, continued on the subject of wom en in the war and were generous in; their praise of our share in the organization of home defense. Mr. Sprague's opinion is that women's first , duty is in the home, war work and defense work are necessary, but must be subordinated to this prime Inter est. He reminded the women to continue as nearly as possible to remain a normal atmosphere in the home, so that when service men return, they will' find the home and family the same as that which they fought for. Gen. Gordon Cook, command er of the Timberwolf division at Camp Adair, chose the subject of the relation between the homefront and the warfront His subject took him through train ing of . soldiers, home training and the proper attitude of the home folk to the soldier who is away from home. He stressed especially, the necessity; for writ ing pleasant letters to service men, keeping them from the worries of household problems. Morale, he said, is broken down through worry about home af fairs, far more often than by discomfort and danger close at hand. ,,. . , . ' : Suit Accessories is-. , 02 . tl 6kS i -- i-- Perfect suit allies these gay, ferninine accessories to crochet - in straw yarn -or" cotton. The saucy sailor hat makes head line" news with its ruffled brim that's smartly edged ' with rick rack. There are two ruffled flounces to match on the draw string "purse. 'Pattern 387 con tains directions fori; hat and purse; stitches; list of materials required. a - i Todays Menu ".Tongue .will make the Sunday dinner meat and can be served outside or indoors, according to a whim of the weather man. ' . '- TOD AT ' -"" I - " Asparagus salad - . Z Thousand Islands dressing . - Hamburger cakes .with. , ; , Toasted. buns i ; 1 ; Beets . and greens . '. ' " ' ' Cottage pudding-' sundat; m Sliced tomatoes and, cucumbers "l "-'1' 1 " Boiled tongue - ; , -. . , Young carrots . . : 5tamed potatoes A X '' Strawberry sundae -' : -.. : :- - , - r MONDAY Mixed cooked vegetable salad Cold sliced tongue - . , Potato chips .... . . Creamed . broccoli ., Hot orange cobbler NORTH HOWELL Cempll men ting Miss Marylou Wlesner, . whose marriage to Robert C Mc- Kee of 'Salem will, be on' event of , June 12 in. Sacramento, : the North - Howell home . economics club sponsored a bridal shower "t at the grange "hall , Wednesday afternoon. .-. V-: '., Arrangements I were " directed ; by Mrs. K. D. Coomler, presi dent of the group, assisted , by ' Mrs.' W. H. Stevens, Mrs. L. A. ; Esson, Mrs. R. C. Jefferson, Mrs, H, C. Espe, Mrs. Wayne Strach- an and Mrs. Robert Beer. Mrs. C E. Waltman arranged a clothespin contest which was ' won by Mrs. M, A. Dunn.. . ; Miss Wiesner was assisted at the gift table by , her ' cousins. Mrs. Fred Scheidegger of Salem and Mrs. Melvin Hewitt of Port land. .Others, besides those men- . tioned, present included Mrs. EL M. McKee, Mes.- John Coomler, Mrs. Francelia Allen, Mrs. Or ton Hilfiker and : babies, and Mrs. Lee Raimp. of Salem; Mrs. L. R. Sawyer and Mrs. Arthur : Dickman of Silverton; Mrs. Perle Wood, Mrs. E. G. Wiesner, Mrs. W. M. Oddie, Mrs. Nellie Tuve, Mrs. Verna Leichty, , Mrs. Don Kuenzi, Mrs. August Woelke, Mrs. Thomas Bump, Mrs. Ward Manning,' Mrs. John Beals, Mrs. Roy Dunn, : Mrs. Percy Dunn, Mrs. Peter Schmidt Mrs. Mar tha Vinton, Mrs. Earl Rickard, Mrs. James Rickard, Mrs. John Olthoff, Mrs. Jim Blaney, Miss Emma Fitzke, Mrs. J. : J. Jack son, Mary Jane Manning, Rolleen Rickard, Doris Schmidt, . Janice Jackson and Mrs. A. B. Wiesner. DAYTON The closing meet ing for this season of the. Kill Kare Klub was held all day Wed nesday' at the home of Mr. and .-Mrs. Charles Hagan, "with 17 members present Since the first Wednesday - in October the club has met every two weeks at the homes of mem bers. Birthdays have been hon ored for all members. A great deal of charity work has been done. Dinner was served at noon. A picnic had been planned, but abandoned because of inclement weather. - RATION CALENDAR " l FOOD ' : Canned Goods Blue stampa G. H and K valid through June 7. Stamps K. L and M rood through July 7. Meat, cheese, "canned fish and ed ible fata Red stamps -I. now valid. M, June IS; N, June 20; all. Including J and K expire June 30. Sugar Coupon No. 13 x p I r e August 19. good for S pounds. Nos. IS and IS-valid for S pounds each - canning sugar. Apply to ration board for additional ration if needed. . Coffee Mo. 34 in book 1 good for X pound until June 30. - GASOLINB- -Book . A coupons No. good for - four gallons each, expire July 21. ! rciL on. Peiiod coupons , expire Septem ber 1- . .. . ; ' ' J" . SHOES . . No. 17 coupon In ration book No. 1 good for 1 pair, expires June IS ,.. ;i,;,., , - . ; .. ; t-V'-X . " '.:' Bears Entertain . Families Moving ' TURNER, ROUTE ONE Mrs. Hazel ' Stewart . 'and ." children, Quentin and Pauline, of Dayton, "who have sold their home prop erty and have purchased a home in .Portland where . Mr.' Stewart is on the police force,' spent most of the week at the , C A. Bear home; also . Mr. and Mrs. Wil lard Bear and Charlene, of Carl ton, who are moving to the pear home ' for j an Indefinite period. Bear , has just closed his third year as principal of Carlton high school. ' Mr. and Mrs. Scott Funston of Portland, visited their farm and called on old friends recently. Henry Beuner has returned to his Portland -shipyard' work after a week of Illness at his home. ' , Mrs. J. Peterson and; Mrs. Ag nes Bear furnished, cars -Tuesday and drove the 4H. club members having scholarships, to , the, 4H surnmer'schobl at Corvallis... i Mrs.' Waldo Riches of Carna tion, . Wash, . and Miss Rachel Riches, "recent graduate of Reed college, spent a week t the S. AJ Riches home. , ' Stay ton School Board Purchases Logs ; ... , For 7intcr Fuel ; : ' ' STA xTONThe school beard el district J7, being unable to ' seenre next year's fnel needs tn the rerular manner by call- lag far bids has resorted -1 purchasing the whole timber which Is being: delivered. The beard new "will have te have the logs sawed n the grounds. Eiglitb" Graders Get, Diplomas .. . . ' - l - - ' '..- . . ' ;' ' - - : -' - : f 11 h Separate Ceremony v Held, Silverton, -, S , - After,20 Years . SILVERTON. Tor the first time in - over 20 years, Silverton eighth . graders had a - commence ment of their own. This was held Friday night St-the Eugene-Field auditorium with Dean Walter" E. Erickson of .Willamette university as fh'seaker.r.:;: .tff . 'The program consisted of:' pro cessional,, high school band; sa lute to the Hag; Invocation, . Rev. Omar Bailey; piano solo, Tum ble - Weed Louise Ulvin; .. com mencement address, Walter E. Er ickson, dean of freshmen. Willam ette university; music, high school band; presentation of glass, Jen nee Sigurdson; presentation of di plomas, - Hr W. Adams, superin tendent of schools; ' benediction, Rev. Russell Myers; - recessional, high school band. - -' Graduates were: Orville Adams, jr.. Patricia Belle Adams, Dorothy Louise Alrick. Barbara Fay Anderson. Mil dred Bailey. Orva A. Bird, Jr- Ouane W. Blocn, Joyce . Bolin. Phyllis June Bracken. Minnie Enna Brown, Joyce Bruton, Donald E. Burnes, Alice Arline Cooper, Raymond Beece Cowan. Ar thur K. Cox. Barbara Ella DeLangh.' Waldo Ralph Amstutz. June Pearl Elliott. Catherine Joyce Cladem. Joyce Giroux. Ellen Loretta Gunderson. Don ald Hackstedt.' Mary Ann Hanson. Earl Charles Hartman. Lewis Hayes, Loren Jack ones, James R. Johnson. Sonya Jentlna Johnson, Zebna Ilene King. - Barbara Caroline Lais. Virginia May Letter 11, Charles M. Leonard. . Bonnie Ilene Lermo. Alma Mar Maulding, Edith- Hazel McCammon, Gerald ine Lee McDonald. Jean. Middlemiss, Alvin Hei mer Mikkelson, Julius O. Mikkelson. Russell Edward Myers. Glenn Eugene Nado. Ronald Neperud. Edgar Norton. Myra Pierce. - Tim Preston. - Godfrey Daniel Priddy. . Hazel Marie Range. Howard Rex Reed, Charlotte Remington. Joyce Una Riley. Warren Thomas Rowden, Bert R. Sewall.. Dale Sewall. Naomi Schulke. Chester Gerhard Storruste. Paul John Sullivan. Paul Herbert Sunset. Richard Earl Wallace. Edward Walker. Ralph Wickham, Francis Lewis Thomas, Dor othy Mae Thompson. Irene Joyce Tot land. Marvin Totland. Louise Elizabeth Ulvin. Frank LeRoy Van Epps. and Frances Lena . Zahler.' Rylands Move; Roberts Families Leave on Trips - ROBERTS - Mr. and - Mrs. George A. Ryland recently nave moved to ihe Henry Thielson home just south of Hiverdale park. Mr. Ryland is Mrs. Ernest Gray's brother. S. L. Spurrier of Pasadena, Calif., is visiting at the home of Mrs. Alice Coolidge for the summer.- - ':' :'- :-' :. ' :. Mrs. Blanche Xing is home again after , making an 'extended visit with her daughter in Spo kane, Wash. Mrs. . Karl . Heyden, Miss' Ed ith Schifferer, and Miss Jean Bell are accompanying : Mrs. Albert Jensen by car to Las . Vegas, Nev, where Mrs.' Jensen will join - her husband stationed in the service there. " j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johnston, Mrs. George Higgins, Mrs. Harvey ScheubeU Rose Howland j and Mrs.' Albert Blankenship spent Sunday ' night serving at the Sa lem USO center. Palmers to Sell ! j Dairy Business . DAYTON For 20 years, Mr. and Mrs. Milton A. Palmer have supplied Dayton with milk and for lack of help to carry on, they are forced to sell all of their dairy cows, equipment and dairy trade. A public auction will , be held at their farm near Dayton Wed nesday beginning at 10:30 j ajn. In the offering are 22 head -of cows and a herd sire. All are .high grade Guernseys except one cow. which is Jersey. Robert Hodge is selling several cows .- also. . Some farm machinery also is included. -..Auctioneer McKinnel is in charge. The Dayton .Baptist church women will strve lunches t noon. No other milk route is at Dayton. Luelf Given Party GRAND ISLAND George and Leslie Douglas attended " farewell party at ; the . home of Oscar Luelf, FFA instructor at Amity union high school for sev eral years, who will teach else where next term. fervinq 3 slices of Master-. Bread at every meal gives plenty of ex tra Vim, Vigor and Vitality. at ycua Gnocnrs Mrs. Pqmero'y Goes to Idaho: ' INDEPENDENCE Mrs. Dale Pomeroy left Tuesday ,for Moun tain Home, Idaho to be with her husband who is 'working on the airport ' there. The' Pomeroy s ex pect to be there about three weeks more.'-"; -;.. -' Misses Barbara . Mattison , and Nona Jean Brown spent the week end at the home of Miss Louise Murphy in Eugene. v y " Z Mr. and Mrs Carl Verm and daughter, ; Beverly . of v Portland, visited . Sunday at the Jbome of Mr. f and tMrs. George '.- Ruef.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van Loh of Lebanon visited last weekend with Mrs. Van Loh's father and sister, R- W. Baker, and Elizabeth Baker. -v;,'-;. v y Mrs. Elsie Bolt and Mrs. - Don Barnum and Richard spent the holidays visiting with relatives , in Lebanon. : .- Mrs. Delia Keeney left the first of the week to make her home in Portland. Mrs. Keeney who has taught " for .many years In the training school - here ' will teach a 4 "v y ..." i4 3 1 V SUMMER SUITS tifcm ( III riL 1 W . mm; A 2inn.ooa . i APPAREL . . I I I. SIIOPS . ,1 i - . I! . ' mathematics in one of the" Port land high schools next year. : Returning home after complet ing the school term were Clara Syverson froiin Newberg," 0 1 g a Syverson from Salem and Mar garet Syverson from Dallas. V ; ' Mrs. Elsie Bolt and Mrs. Don Barnum and - Richard ; will visit Saturday at the home ef Mr." and Mrs. L. R. Cheadle at Perrydale'. David Ams berry, son of Mr. and Mrs. "Hugh . Axnsberry left Tues day to visit with bis grandparents,' Mr. a n d Mrs. M. W. Knicker- I bocker, at Redmond." 1 I Jefferson Relalives r ; Hear of Death of uarencc weaaie - i JEFFERSON Funeral serv ices were held . In -Oregon City Saturday for Clarence Weddle, 45, who died .in a hospital in Oregon City; He was a nephew-of Mrs. Earl Phelps, Mrs. Earl Lynes, Mrs. Guy Roland and Frank Wied of Jefferson; and was well known In this community where he lived for some time during his boyhood days. . 4 f 10 m. Ii Round-tho-dock suit styles that cater to your demand for well-poised coolness. As dressed up or casual i as you pleasel r " " 6i. - S! 11 s gd v ' : - . - -. i