The 1 OSEGOII STATESMA1I. Salem. Oregon. TburdaT Meaning. June 3. 1S43 PAGE EIGHT) Steels -Rails Lower Market AP Composite Down .1 at 52; Rails Lose .3 for 26.5 . . i - " ; 1 . - NEW YORK, June 2-iJFJ-Stfels and rails led the stock market IntQ lower ground Wednesday al though a few prominent shares, chiefly motors, managed to hold their own or advance a. bit Activity picked up arourfd the halfway j mark when plus signs were fairly well scattered, then tapered off; ' ; ' Swelled by the midday flurry, transactions for the full session amounted to 1,310,490 shares against lj.259,600 Tuesday. Off fractions o nearly a point at the close were such shares as US Steel Bethlehem, Santa Fe, New York Central, Great North ern Preferred, US Rhbber, United Aircraft,! Western Union and Am erican Smelting. Westinghouse lost 2 in closing at 95. Against the trendy gains of frac tions to two points and new highs for the year were scored by Gen eral Motors, Chrysler, ' Montgom ery Ward, Oliver Farm, American. Can and Johns-Manville. It was' a relatively broad mar ket with 922 issued tra4ed with 622 unchanged or lower against 900 Tuesday. The rail component of the As sociated Press lost .3 of a point at 26.5, while the 60-stock compos ite was off .1 at 52. Friday's Radio Programs Today's programs appear- mo editorial page. ' SLM FRIDAY 13SS Ke. 10 Newt in Brie.. 75 Rn "n" Shine. T JO News. - . I . 1:45 Morning Moods. : Rhythm rive. S:30 News Brevities. S 36 Tango Time. SAO Pastor's Call. -fl:15 Uncle Sam. 030 Lest We Forget. t:49 Popular Music. . 100 World tn Review. 10:05 A Song and A Dance. 1030 Lang-worth String Quartet. - 110 Maxine Buren, , - 1130 Hits of Yesteryear. 11:00 Organalitiea. KALE MBS FRIDAY 133 EC 0:45 Uncle Sam. T:00 Around the Clock. 7:15 Texas . Rangers. , T, 30 Memory ' Timekeeper. t. -00 Cheer Up Gang. 30 News. ., S 45 What's New. 1:00 Boakc Carter. 1:15 Woman' Side of the News. 30 Edgewater Arsenal Band. . 10:00 News. - - - 10:15 Curtain Calls. 1030 This and That 11:00 Buyer's Parade, lias BUI Hay Reads the Bible. 1 1 JO Concert Gems. 11:45 Rose Room. 13:00 Music ,.. KIXBN FRIDAY 11M Ke. S 0 We're Up Too. :15 National Farm and Bom. 0:45 Western Agriculture. 1 0 Smihn' Ed McConneU. -' 1.-05 Home Demonstration Agent 1:15 Music of Vienna, .130 News. 7:45 Gene and Glenn. SAO Breakfast Club. V AO My True Story. 30 Breakfast at Sardi's. 10:00 Baukhage Talking. 10:15 The Gospel Singer. 10:30 Andy and Virginia. 10:45 The Baby Institute. 11 AO Woman's World. 11:15 The Mystery Chef. -1130 Lawson's Knights. 1145 Your Hollywood News. MAO Songs. KOIN CBS FRIDAY 070 Ke. C :U0 Northwest Farm Reporter. :15 Bteakiast Bulletin. 20 Texas Rangers. :45 Ken Klock.. 1-15 Wake Up News. 130 Dick Joy. News. 1:45 Nelson Pringle. News. SAO Consumer News. S -IS Valiant Lady. :30 Stories Am exits Loves. S:45 Aunt Jenny. AO Kate Smith Speaks. :15 Big Sister. 30 Romance of Helea Trent 45 Our Gal Sunday. 10 AO Life Can Be Beautiful 10:15 Ma Perkins. 1030 Vic and Sade . . . 10:45 The Goldbergs. 11 AO Young Dr Ma lone. 11:15 Joyce Jordan. 1130 We Love and Learn. . 1145 News 13:15 Bob Anderson, News. (Off NBC FRIDAY 420 Ke. 4A0--DawR Patrol. 5:55 Labor News. AO Everything Goes. - ' 30 News. 35 Labor News. - 1 AO News.. 1 : 15 News Headlines and Highlights 7 ao Keveiue Kounaup. 145 Sam Hays. AO Stars of Today. - 1:15 James Abbe Covert the News S30 Rose Room. ' . . S45 David Harum. . A0 The O'Neills. ' S:15 Louis P. Lochner. 30 Mirth and Madness. 10 AO Benny Walkers Kitchen - 10:15 News.. . 1045 Homekeeper's Calendar. 11 AO Light of the World. ( ' -lias Lonely Women. .; 1130 The Guiding Ugtat. 13 AO Story of Mary Marlln. ! KOAC FRIDAY 450 Ka. 10 AO News. 10:15 The Homemaker'a Hour. 11.-00 Music, of the Masters. 13 AO News. Extends Phone Line OAK POINT-rCarl OeArmond has built an. extension on the tel ephone line to bis home from the 'end of the line at the Rogers farad. -' - - - r I Try stse of Chines f em dies. Aa-aaiag ' Buctrss lor eeev years to CHINA. No ataMer wa what ailatea yea are AffUCT KO diserders, - einusiti. heart, lam. liver. kidneys. stomach, gas. ' eoaatipattoa, , ler, Ua aetis. fever, skin, ' lew tie eoss- CI:xIb CLzz ( Cl-aese Cerb CC Cfrsca Bears' Oaly j 1 era. and Sat. i. a. to I H m. and ; ssMs. and wee, ay a. sm. to 13 gv ss 122 R.' Caal CU galea, Crev "Strictly Private' i . ' :rd- , . . T 1 ' .T VJ MOTS f cyEenwH&Ait aER Am?ms p.m. -the VvwJ P-S. RUT X D0MT IBSS. Willi Salem Market T nrlm below sunnlled bT a lo cal grocer are indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed bv 1 The Statesman; w Cauliflower, crate . , .- Corn. doz. ears T Avocodos. crate , .n 3.00 Crook neck squash.f crate 3.50. Italian squash. 30 IDs. ,. Cucumbers, doz. . 1-95 Asoaragus. 30 lbs. 50 Calif rhubarb, box . 1S5 Red cabbage, lb. , J Broccoli, case -- -00 Green onions, doz. bun. 'SO Turnips dos bun. 1.10 Mustard greens, doz. un. t SO Calif cabbage, lb. , J07lfc Swiss - chard, doz. bunches SO Hot house tomatoes, lb. - 33 Strawberries. 1 doz. boxes, pts. 3.00 Endive, doz bun. , l-zv Artichokes doz. - Brusset sprouts, lb. , ' J" Radishes, dox bun. M Canteloupe. crate 11.00 Carrot., doz on. .1 Spinach, crate 1-50 Curly kale, crate , , - , 100 Celery, doz bun. 1.S5 Parsntos. to. - m Onions 1J7 1.50 Watercress, doz, bunches . GRAIN. HAY AND -EEDS tBnytng Prices! Oats. No. 1 38.00 35.00 38.00 3S.00 Feed barley, ton Clover hay. ton Oats and vetch bay , Wheat 1A0 BUTTKR, KGG9 AND POULTRY Aadiesea's Bay tag Price (Subject to change without notice.) BUTT ERF AT - r Quotations at Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore., June 3 ( AP) Butter AA grade prints 50c; car tons SSVaC: A grade prints 51 tie;- car tons 52c; B srsde prints Sic- lb. Butterfat First quality, maximum of .8 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered at Portland 52-5',ic lb.; premium qual ity, maximum of 35 of 1 per cent acidity. 53-53 ,ic lb.: valley route and country points 3c less than first or 50Vc; second quality at Portland 3c under first, or So-50'ic lb. Cheese Selling price to Portland re tailers: Oregon triplets 29c lb.; loaf 30c lb.; triplets to wholesalers 37c lb.; loaf snie lb. . . Eggs Nominal price to retailers: A grade, large 30c; B large 38c; A me dium 37c; B medium 35c; A small Me dozen Eggs Nominal prices to producers: A large 37c; B large 30c; A medium 35c; B medium 33c. Live, poultry Buying 'prices. No. 1 grade Leghorn broilers up to 3', lbs. 30c; colored fryers 2 to 4 lbs. 2c; colored roasters over -4 lbs. 29c; Leg horn hens under 2Vi lbs. 25ic; over 3i lbs. 35',ic: colored hens 4-5 lbs. 2S,ac; over 5 lbs. iS'.ic: old roosters 31 He R. Dressed turkeys Selling prices: Country dressed breeder hens 30-32c lb. Rabbits Government ceiling: Aver age country killed to retailers 44c lb.: live price to producers 34c lb. Onions Green. S5-90c doz. bunches; Oregon dry $335 50-lb. bag; new wax 4; ; yow $3.78 per 50-lb. bag. Onions Ndftr Texas yellow 5337; wax $330 per 50-lb. bag. Potatoes . New California white S4.04-4J4. " i Potatoes Seed stock 4-4 ',4c lb. i Potatoes, old table stock Cash and carry price No. 3. $135-130 50-lb. bag: local No. 1. $3 50 cental. Country meats Selling price to re tailers: Country killed hogs, best butchers. 130-140 lbs. 20c; vealers. AA. 34c; A. 23c; B. 21 lie: C. 18 lie: D, H'c R.f canner-cutter cows (new ceiling) 1614c lb.: bulls (new ceiling) 17c lb.; lambs. A A. 3Sc; A, 3S4c; B. 14',ic; C. 23ic: ewes. FS 15lc; medium 14c; R. 134c lb. Wool Government control. ICascara bark Dry. 20c lb. 1 Mohair 1942 12-month. 45c lb. Hops Seed stock. 1942 crops $1.40 lb.: seedless S1.50-1 SO lb- contract Tseedless 70c; seed 65c lb. . Hay Wholesale prices: Alfalfa no. 1 or better $34; No. 2. 534 ton; oat vetch $25-30 ton valley points; timo thy (valley) $25: d Montana $3230 313 ton; clover $25-30 ton. East Side Market ' PORTLAND. Ore, June 2 (API Portland Eastside market quotations: - Asparagus Canby. loose, No. 1, $4.50-5.00 pyramid: No. 2. $330 pyramid. Beets New, local 135-130 doz. bun ches. Cabbage Local, pointed $135-130 crate, round type. The Dalles, $5-535 crate. . Cauliflower ( broccoli ) Local, No. 1. 330: ordinary 235; No.: 2. 133 crate, i Root vegetables Turnips $135-135 dozen bunches. ' Gooseberries Regular -tc; English ISC. .- ,. ' f r - :f , . f Gfeens-Swlss chard 90c doz. bunches: watcreeeas $1A0 dee. bunches:, mus tard SOc doe. bunches. - Lettuce local. 3s. $3.50-4.00; Lablsh 4s. $2.75: The Dalles. 3s. $4A0 crate: leaf stock 90c doz. bunches. : Peas The Dalles 13-12'4c: local $4.00 orange box.- -f . Radishes -r No. 1 soriDg. red 0-70c: white 70-75c doz. bunches. , : w - Rhubarb rield $130 bo; bulk 3c lb. -Spinach-LoeeL old: 13513 xtranae box; new spring $1.40-130 orange, box. onions Green SO-SOc doz. bunches. Strawberries Oregon. j Marshall 35-3.00. Potatoes Government celling.' Pcrtland Grain PORTLAND. Ore, June S (API- Wheat; Mo futures. Cash grain Oats No. 2-38 lb. white 41.00,: Barley No. 2-45. Jto. S.W. 3S.50. No, 1 flax 3.03. . By Quinn Hall ASS. VbttT5V TO MiM OR PUSH HM V6RT AT GGA t MWw t30N 0 &i Quotations Premium No 1 S3 No 3 BUTTER PRINTS A ' ! . Al SOMt S2 B Quarters EGGS Extra Large, whit and brown 35 Medium ' . 33 Standards, - 32 Pullets SO Cracks 30 W1I1ITK Colored frys up to IV lbs. Colored frys over tVt lbs. , W 39 35 31 colored nens Whtt Luhoni frva White Leghorn bens 30 Ut ai 4-aa pea aaarw'a Mas . tm 9mtm mm (Subject to change without notice) EGGS Large A ' ' ' ,. -35 Medium A , , , 33 POULTRY An. hens . -tS AH springs , r' -20 Roosters or stags 1 30 Above prices for prime stock, under grades according to value. LIVESTOCK Buying prices for No 1 stock, based on conditions and sales reported Shorn lambs , 10.00 Spring lambs , , 13.00 Ewes a.uu .to i.uu Hon, top. 100-325 lbs. 1435 Sows. 13.00-13.00 14.00 to 1430 Top veal. 150 lbs. Dairy type cows Beef type . cows Bulls . 00-950 SAO to 10.50 J.00-13.00 30 to 1030 -- 33 Heifers Dressed veal Portland soft white excluding Rex 130; white club 130; western red 130. Hard red winter: Ordinary 139; 10 per cent 132; 11 per cent 134; 12 per cent 136. Hard white Bart: 10 per cent 1.41; 11 per cent 1.43; 13 per cent 1.45. Todays car receipts: Wheat 37, corn 3, flour 7, oats 1, millfeed 4. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore, June 2 (AP) US DA ) Cattle : Salable and total 50: calves salable and total 29; market slow, most sales. around 50 lower than last week, some cows 130 lower; very few steers available and asking steady odd medium steers 1430; good fed steers held above 15.75; few medium heifers 12.50-13 00; canner and cutter cows $30-230; fat dairy ' type cows to 10.00; medium-good beef cows 1130 13.00; com mom-medium bulls 10.00- 13.50; aood bulls held above 1330; vealers weak to 50 lower: good-choice 15.00-16 oo. odd head 1639. Hogs: Salable and total 300; market around 25 lower; good choice 190-230 lbs. 14.00-25: 250-300 lbs. 13.50-75; light lights 1335-50: good sows 1230-75; good choice 100-130 lb. feeder ; pigs 1630 1730. Sheep: Salable and total 100; market steady with Tuesday's late 50 cent decline; odd good-choice spring lambs 15.00; common-medium -1130-13.00: common-medium old crop shorn lambs 9.00-13.00. odd -bead 1235; good re cently shorn ewes mostly 9.00; com mon-medium 230-430. Fairview-. Singers n To Appear on KGW FAffiVIEW Ha Taskinen and Helen Ojua plan to sing over the KG W "Stars of Tomorrow pro gram beginning at 11 a.m. Sat urday, June 5. Mrs. Toivo Bant- sari will accompany them. A picnic in the oak grove back of their home was held Thursday afternoon ' at the home ' of Mr. and Mrs.' Toivo Bantsari for pi ano students - of Mrs. Bantsari. Those" attending were: Ailene and JoAnn Lehman, - Helen - Ojua, Ailene Allison, Ha and Ellen Tas kinen, Dickie Bantsari, Mrs. John Ojua, Mrs. Oscar Taskinen . and Mrs. Bantsari. Attend Kufner Rite " McALPIN Mr. . and Mrs. Fred Yost attended funeral serv ices for August Kufner in Salem last week. , Mr. ' Kufner was an uncle of , Mrs.' Yost's. . Stocks and Bond Compiled toy The A or ted ' STOCE ATKXAGES ; 30 13 IS 0 ' Indus Rails Via Stka Wednesday 7S3 33 34.0 52 Previous day nj ZSS 34.V - S2J Week ago 71.1 331. 34.4. S13 Month ago 10.7 33 343 Se.7 Year ago 51 .0 143 333 353 ISO high 713 f 33 34.9 -? 52.1 1343 low 0i 1SJ 273 , 4L P.V. . PkA BOND AVERAGES 29 1 1 1 fiails indue UU. rogn Wednesday -773 1053 103.S 593 Previous day 71 1043 1033 ' tO.l Week ago T7.S . 1043 1033. 5S.S Month ago 76 1053 1023 03 Year ago SO. 103 M l 4S.4 143 high, 7S.1 1053 103. ,61.1 1S43 ' low ...... .43 1033 SSJ ' Ui Nnr 1S43 high. - Grains Rally To Small Rise . CHICAGO, June 2. (if) After declining during the morning, trains rallied around noon Wed nesday and closed with slight ad vances. At the close, wheat was H low er to higher, July $1.44H-H; September $1.44-$ 1.43 corn was 4 unchanged, July $1.05, oatswere unchanged to H higher and rye finished unchanged to , higher. Some of the early liquidation of wheat was believed to be hedg ing, apparently reflecting some selling of the bread cereal before harvesting of the new crop. Har vesting is already under way in Texas and-should start in Okla homa and Kansas within a few weeks. ..The FDA reported the follow ing' purchases for lend-lease and military export during the week ended May 22: 10,640,000 pounds of cricked wheat; 8,995,500 pounds of semolina; 4,000,000 pounds of rolled barley; 840,000 pounds, of rolled oats; 800,000 pounds of wheat bran and screen ings; and 18,475 pounds of rye flour. . Corn reports were mixed. Marion Farm Families Get j j. v - '" Certificates ' Marion - county farm families who have enlisted their farms for all-out production in the 1943 food for freedom drive wUl receive certificates of farm war service. The ' certificates .' a r e being awarded to each farm family sign ing a 1943 farm plan for maxi mum war production, and are in tended as a measure of recogni tion for the patriotic cooperation and willingness of farmers to un dertake this year's production task despite the many difficulties. . Signed by Secretary of Agri culture Claude R. Wickard and by W. M. Tate, as county war board chairman, the certificates are em bellished with a red border and a superimposed "V" in blue. They are being awarded simultaneously to farm families all over the na tion. . . The awards are., described by Secretary Wickard , as a simple word . of appreciation . and encour agement to' the fighting units of thef food .front the nation's farm families. "On the long, hard work of ! these families, on their inge nuity in overcoming every handi cap imposed . by - total war will depend to a considerable measure the outcome of this war," Wick ard said. . - Scales Service Men : Available; Rumored Shortage False All reputable scales companies have service men available in Oregon, the state department ' of agriculture has been advised. Of ficials cited -his in answer to re ports that word has been spread in some sections of the state that only one scale service and repair man . is avalable for the entire state. Department officials said also that a southern Oregon inspector 4 few days ago intercepted 51 100-pound sacks of potatoes that were short, weight from 10 to 12 pounds per sack. . Dayton Residents Attend BacettUmretUe 1 DAYTON A large gathering of : relatives -and friends , of "the 18 i seniors of .the Dayton union high' school attended the bacca laureate sermon at the 'Dayton Methodist church. Sunday" night, given by Rev. Dallas Reserve. Miss' Jeanne Magee played the processional; invocation and ad dress were by Rev. Reserve. Vocal numbers were sung by the Dayton Glee club. Benediction was by Rev. Harry Olson. Frank Smiths Move To Fire Patrol Post MILL CITY The Frank Smith family is moving -this, week, to the former- CCC barracks on the highway .between' Detroit i and Idanha, where he will be em ployed as foreman over a sus pension crew this summer. This crew, made up of young boys, will be ready instantly to fight forrest fires and for other Jobs placed upon them. The Smiths will return to Mill City at the beginning of the new school year. DRESSED Vcnl and EIcj3 Uanf2d!: Top Prices Paid! -' r- Trwatipt ateB-ittanes , : ; Ship to : Fred IZsjcr-. . llzzl Eivlrlcn . 444 8. W. Yamhill St er S. E 12nd A Fester Clvd. animals killed la eompUanee wlt XX r. A. nr-iaUons. , r Henry Aldrich In a new role and he lores It! He's the center sf attrac tion In his new Paramount comedy, Henry Aldrich Gets Glameor," ;; now at the Elslnore theatre, with Jimmy Lydon as Henry and Charles Smith, John IJtel, Olive Blakeney, Diana Lynn. Frances Gifford and Vaughan Glaser. Above, Frances Gifferd andaDlana Lynn en either side of the glamour bey, Gail Russell and Ann Ree neyjoeklng down en him. Co-featured with he new Lana Turner hit -SUghtly Dangeroos." . TEARING OPP YOUR V ' 1 VPNJkXWn tM "TOOT 7 s CAVES f TUfi TBOUSUE jT now yownt no lon6R r:- SCOBCHY SMITH ex TrltirVCT tACX BARNEY GOOGLE MICKEY MOUSE n .si: THIMBLE THEATRE- l AM KOTACTNG 5U(y-IT5ADDEM5ML . WHEM 1 THWK Cf MfPDOR. WXfKT CmXCEM PUfWG SECOMD TOOLE "D, THAT OATfr CS7IAN, LITTLE EOONET urm I'M MKTAHJ1, rr is! but THAIS THE LOftt a.ataa. ar a aas. twit r n C0MU1S YSSS. TH VwV. 4CO-2THAJiJ PI UfVD' W0 : rir THE LOrn: BAITSEn PAR11 STOHS youN f thoujwt yaso rum V0U. I CUT , r THAT (T 7 AND OUR DEFEAT r5 NOUQ FAULT. TOO yoy UT 4 I Via- PBIOKiE a tctBlL0 -: f MOnrMX5 TO DOlSUT blblo A S2ATT THAT'S VHAT DANIEL BOONE VJOULDVE J-T I30E r xr rXWT lOJ RLALIZE THAT ANWC ' IS RESPONSIBLE FW ML CSS! , 6000FC5TDi?&VA5 THE NSTCUMENTCF FATE THAT- LintD US FCCriV GAGS TO ) I Jest Received 2 I oO cNuicV, l xxm A ROCS CjTI I DCKT WCW. 'S.COME 0t,V DM1 YtS COrW )V ifltVER J Smooth Wire, 9 to 14 Gse - 14-Gag Eaxb Wire" 22-Ineh 12-Inch SUj Stock Fence - Slaridn Forlcs r Residents Visit Towns Nearby MARION FORKS Mrs. Lew Jacobs and daughter, Caryl and Mary Lou spent several days last week in Silverton. ; Mrs. Scott Young was in Sa lem. Friday, on, business. She was accompanied by May Phillips and Mrs. J. Rand of Idanha. Mr. and Mrs. Dona v in Nash and son Donnie of Salem, vacationed at Marion Forks two days last week. . v . .. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scran ton and daughters of . Independence, called on friends at the Prather camp Sunday. -. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith spent Sunday in Portland.' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pugh and Jo Ann spent Memorial day! at the home of the former's father in Salem. Frank - Blank, "Jr.," came home with them to spend a cou ple of weeks.5 ; . r, . ; . 1 jThe Misses Dorothy Young and Inez Runner called on Dorothy's parents Tuesday night. - Elmo Prather is spending this week with. his parents here. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Westerberg and granddaughters of Portland Xv or tm OWN SCORES TO SETTLE WITH vourvt: eN vvaitin. A LONG TIME P0R THtS., fcoswf it's; QUIETf 3rrnN 7 ROUSM! .PIONEERS1 OONT ? W6 MANNA GO HOME M0M5EK5E.-VOR MOTHER 5PO(T A ram HLMTNGi FOR YOU AFTER YOU VEBE KIDNAPED AS A BAB'-MER MONEY DESERVES THE CEEOT NOT THAT SHIY UTUE CttATUCE -c. feET VICTOR APOLEDVkE S AP RAJtVOUVE GOT TO J PUEP.' I VwV5l COHC. WITH ME Carloads cf Wire . v m w - m . t - m -- .m i is ' rnuc i K.TX'-t ml. jTf J are spending few. days at the Scott Young home. " .- LOflllS fcr Gellinrj Ilid cf Old DEBTS Stop fretting, and fearing to face those you owe moneyj ' Clear yourself of debt the business-like . way: with a Krsonal loan, to- be' paid i c k in - 12 months, " in amounts geared to - your earnings. . ?':;' For Money In' a Horry' See ' Side Finance Co. .212-222 Guardian Bldg. t Corner Uberty State " Telephone S1C8 l Lie S-2H M-222 - We at always la the market to Say for CASH Real Srtate Mortgages and contracts. Mer chandise Dteceaat Paper ane Notes. .... ITS NO USE. XER0- EVEN IF M85 ma DOtS ADOPT ME, HE850N5 1 WIFE W0N1 STOP HATMS ME- AN THAT WOULD MEAN JZQUUL FOft 7 ft-C ci m ki 1 tVLGEt BGHT. M AFRAID j nam: 173 a UECIITY : SALE:.!, 0aEG0?J iQ VWJ2 4 tifKVK-R WvOSStL 4i''e5eef TMCV ALMOST V 5 riV-- BEAT US-OTH'Jf . m i ft AX Mm Cash -wheat (bid): Bon .white 139;