Relatives Visit At Lyons Home Over Holiday LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Mel- Tin Stockwell and ion Buddie V. 'of Bingin, Wash spent the week' - end visiting relatives in Lyons and Fox Valley. ' They were guests at the home of her par ents, ; Mr. and Mrs. Art Ayers of . Lyons, and his parents, Mr. and - Mrs. James Stockwell of ' Fox . Valley. - - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Decker and son, Clarence, jr., of Bremer- ton. Wash., visited over the week end at the. home of her brother- . in-law and sister? , Mr. and Mrs. . George Huffman. They spent . Sunday at 'the Bruckman fcot springs with ' her parents, " ... Mr. ' and Mrs. George Hubbard. . I Mrs. Ida Worthington of Os . wego and daughter, Mrs. William Laidlaw of Portland, -visited Me- morial day at the home of Mrs. , Stacey McCall and Mr. and Mrs. Roy. HubeT . Mrs. Worthington is "a sister , of. Mrs. McCall and !an " aunt of Mr. Huber. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert She! ton and Mr. and Mrs. , Arthur Beaver of Dallas also vis- . lted at the McCall and, Huber homes. :' ' , Mrs. Alex Bodeker and daugh ters. Miss Betty Jean Bodeker, Miss Constance "Bodeker of Mol alla and Mrs. Earl Allen, spent Saturday j in Portland shopping and on business. Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman , and daughters, Janice,. Janet and ' t Jeanette, . spent Sunday at the Bruckman! hot springs with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard who are employed there. Mrs Alice Culhane of Salem visited the first of the week in Lyons with relatives and friends. Mrs. Culhane is a former Lyons . resident, j Mrs. Lloyd Sletto and daugh ter Carroll, left Sunday for Nemo, .' SD., where they will visit with ' her parents and Mr. Sletto's rel atives for several weeks. Mrs. Percy Hiatt left Monday night ' for Los Angeles, Calif. where she will spend - some time visiting at the home of her par ents, Mr.' and Mrs. Thomas Jen ner. She : also will visit with a - brother, Thomas Jenner.Jr., and sister. Mrs. Al Nydiggard. : Miss Constance Bodeker of 1 Molalla spent the Memorial hoi Iday at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. . Miss ' ' Beulah ' Lewis of t Salem .'also ' spent the weekend at' the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Clyde Lewis. U -.v.; I- A. Frank, Daughterg : Leave on Eastern Trip" ' ROCKY POINT Albert Frank and twou daughters, Mrs. .Ellen Reynolds' and Mrs. Ida Williams, left Stayton this past ' weekend to' go td New York to " visit'his son and t the women's brother, Norris' Frank and ? family. - They will be joined in the east by Mrs. Williams' ; husband, . Vern Wil liams,' who "is in the service and is having a. furlough during their trip. The - Frank family were former :. residents here, the . . chil dren growing; up and . attending Rocky - Point grade school,; but moved to Stayton .about .23 .years ago, -and still have many friends in this, community.' Norrisl Frank has lived in New York since the close of the first world 'war. v Postof fice Hours Told AUMSVILLE Beginning June 1, postoffice hours here changed. The : office ; will be "closed .from 11 ajnC'to 2 pjxL,; as announced by ' the postmistress, . Miss Viola Bradley, v .' , r? J .Pur it if-.. hn InaredUnts plvtt sooth docauiaoM ssake Motor Breed yew loadiaff health food. ; AT YOUS GROCE3TS EiLiFSTrmaDMi9; . - . fri - it CAETCT3 ' " . ie:oieui4 C2. EL. niLPSTTmlOM CO. 375 Checseisfct t ' Ffcm 221 MM -Willaimieltlte Reports From Hbefer Fire Sirs 'large Woodburn Council Blames Railroad - " For Delay WOODBURN Charges that firemen were delayed In answer ing .the call to the : Hoefer axe handle factory Friday night due to traffic being held up at the Southern Pacific railroad cross ing flared up at a meeting of -the Woodburn city council Tuesday night ' . Hoefer testified . that . trainmen did their best to clear the way but had held up traffic for about 15 minutes before the call to the fire department went through, so should .not have been blocking traffic that , much longer. The plant, the Valley Manu facturing company; was damaged to the extent of $10,000. It was the only plant in the northwest i r j ji .. producing sauuies, surrups, con veyor rollers and other equipment for use in war industries in the Pacific area. Council members after some debate moved to ask payment from the Southern Pacific for damage done to a fire hose when an engine ran over it. As one crew of trainmen had been told about the fire, and location of the hose, and had been delegated to spread the warning to the other crews, councilmen concluded that it was negligence on the part of the railroad employes which' caus ed the damage to the equipment. Discussed also was a plan for raising the standard of upkeep at the city hall. j Awards Made At Silverton SILT EK TON- All eyes ef friends and relatives wne pack ed Silverton .high school's aud itorium Wednesday stent-to see the more than lot seniors' eom . mencement exercises were fast ened upon the leaders of the precession, those stadents who by virtue ef their achievements daring their fear years in high school were, selected for special merits and awards. . Leading the procession were Ethel Bennett, valedictorian, and Jean- Mcdanathan,- salnt . terian, who was honored also by being selected as the girl whose, name, was engraved on the TNT plaqne. The tgf selected for the same honor was Don Renwick. Each year a. boy and girl, out standing In citizenship, scholar ship, character ad leadership, is awarded this distinction. Winner' of the American "Le gion award for the student' showing the most improvement during four years went to James Rue. Award for being outstand ing in athletics, the Davis tro phy was won by3Burt Burr, who has been active in football, bas ketball and track. . ' Charles Walker, Portland, ad dressed the graduates and R. W. Adams presented the diplomas. Portlander Buys Seed Company In 'Aurora V AURORA Zuglar Brothers Feed and Grain business has been purchased by John Todd of Port land and he took over the man agement on June 1. He was asso ciated with the White Star Con centrates 1 company in Portland for a number of years and has had 'Considerable' experience in the feed business throughout the country." - - ;- -,- - - - He says that the feed business. is going through a crisis because of j the Jack of ingredients neces sary in the- preparation of the feeds and that it is going to be difficult to find enough r feed . to take care of all the farm animals. Mr. and Mrs. Todd have bought the home of Mr. and . Mrs. Ed S toner on Main street , and will make their' home in Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Stoner are expecting to leave for Montana June 10. After visiting relatives for some' time, they will make their home in one of the western states. :i - ' The Statesman9 s Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, June 3. 1943 Jefferson Families Enteriain Relatives on Memorial Holiday JEFFERSON Many people from out of town were entertained in Jefferson homes during the Memorial day holidays. Miss Mary Donohue entertained the following guests Sunday: Mrs. Nora Gibbons of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gent and. daughters, Louise and Phyllis, Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Morgan and Kel ly Donohue of Beaverton; Mr. and Mrs. C L. Donohue of Scio; Mrs. Olive McRae of Salem; Mrs. Han ry Siegmund of Stayton, and Mrs. Al Cross of Salem, f U Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Henderson were . Mrs. Maggie Dixon, and Arnold- Grif fith of Camas, Washer Jim Kizer and Leon eLster of Shevlin, Ore., Mrs. Margaret Albertson of North Dakota; Mrs. Roy Dixon and Bet ty Jean Kizer of Portland, Mr. and I Mrs. Roy Henderson and daughter, Carol Lee; Mr and Mrs. Gordon Hoefer and children Les lie and Patsy of Dever. ; Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Kester had as guests Monday Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Klampe and Miss Arlene Klampe of Labish. .. At the heme , ef Miss Anna Klampe and Mrs. Nettle Reeves was their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and i Mrs. E. B. Klampe of Brooks, and Valmer Klampe of Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Burneson of Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stephenson and . children were guests art he home of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Stephenson." Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wadsworth of Harrisburg were Saturday vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jones. Mrs. Bland Sheffield and baby, Luella Sheffield, Thelma Shef field, and Fern Stucker spent the weekend in Portland visiting rela tives. " ' ' ' ; . . . Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Longcor of - Portland were overnight guests Saturday at the home of Mr. and - Mrs. X R. McKee. Sunday they visited relatives at Wheatland before returning - home. Mrs. W. W. Warner has as guests her two sons, Floyd War ner, and: Mrs. Warner of Forest Grove, and Willard Warner and family of Tacoma, Wash. Arlie Libby of Portland spent the holidays at the home of his mother, Mrs.' Grace Thurston! He is employed at the American Can company, in Portland. : t v Mrs.. Lura Libby of Springfield is spending . two. weeks in town visiting .her sister-in-law, Miss Addie Libby, and other relatives. C. H. Miller and daughters, Mrs. Ldls Boice of Portland and Miss Doris Miller, spent Saturday night at their ESme in the Parrish Gap district. Sunday they visited rela tives in Corvallis. Mrs. Virgil Hall left Monday by train for Sioux City, Iowa, where she will visit relatives at her former home." She plans to be gone about three weeks. . Miss Evelyn Beach left Sunday for Lebanon for. a visit with , her sister, Mrs.: Ray Lawson. . Mrs. .Georgia Whitman" and daughter, Mary - Ellen,: spent - the weekend "in Harrisburg visiting friends, Mr: and Mrs. E. L. Brown. Mrs. Charles Harvey ; and daughter, Beth, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKee for the . past two weeks, left for her home in Port land Tuesday. Her mother accom panied her home arid will return Wednesday. : . Vail Grange Club Talks Meet WEST SALEM The Horn Eco nomics club of the West Salem grange met at the country home of MrsT. T. Crosier on Tuesday af ternoon with president, Mrs. Ar thur Brown, presiding.. Those an swering roll call were ..Mrs. Wil liam Moss, Mrs. Fred Kuhn, Mrs. Harry White, Mrs. Louise Sim monds, Mrs. PhU Hathaway, and Mrs. Crosier. The treasurer re ported $13.75 funds on hand. It was voted to invest the funds Jn war stamps. Due to so many of the members working during - the summer months it was decided to postpone the meetings until fall. The busi ness meeting of the grange, which takes place at the city hall Thurs day June 13, at 8 p.m., was dis cussed and plans made for re freshments following the meeting. It was finally decided that it would be better to dispense with lunch altogether ' at that meeting owing to small attendance during summer months. - - The- state grange conference, which meets at Eugene June 7 .to 11, inclusive came ,in for some discussion. The West Salem grange will be represented by Mr, and Mrs. Fred Kuhn, alternates, substituting for 'the master and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hath away, who will be unable to at tend. Mr? Kuhn will serve on the legislative committee, which is one of the most important com' mittees of the session. Farmers Hear Bank History OAK. POINT Greenwood lo cal of the Farmers Union met at the ; Greenwood school , Tuesday night The president, Mr. Hamil ton, presided and Robert Pence of Waconda acted as secretary. Ernest Brunk was initiated as a new member. The applications of Harry Thacker, 'prominent hop grower of Eola, and James John son of Oak Point were accepted. Ii- J. Chapin of Keizer local gave a talk on money and bank ing.; He related - the , history . of banking . up to the present' time. starting with the ': Bank of. Eng land which was the first chartered bank . in the English-speaking world. Mr. Chapin ; will be remem bered by people from Polk coun ty, as he served as the first coun ty agent for both Marion and Polk counties in 1918 and 1917. Social Set in -Pedee - To Buy Fire Euipment PEDES Mr. Walker, fire warden of Dallas, gave a talk, on fire protection at the Pedee high school Saturday night. There will be a pie social at Pedee high school Friday to buy equipment for fire protection. x Community Gorgeous Creofions from tha Finest New JYork manufac turers. - ' i .Right now when you need a few . new dresses, but hesitate to buy . them because you MUST buy at -least a bond every payday we bring you a sale that will enable ' ' you to buy your war bonds and dresses too! Originally -made -to sell for considerably more, through special purchase we able to offer them, money price! , News Cofresp ondents PAGE THSES Students End Year With Play ' Mill Gty Graduation Highlight Is Comedy, CMan Gefr MILL CITY A graduation program was presented ' by the Mill : City grade ' school May 26. A play -G-Man Geff," was given by the graduating class. The cast included Walter Glendon, Robert Anderson; Marie . Glendon, Ruby Anglesey; Geffory Glendon, Les ter Poole; BOlie Match Harry White; Patricia Match, Virginia Dawes; radio voice, Jaquelyn Pot ter. Stage workers are: prompting. L.u e 1 1 a Flatman; properties Jeannine Howe, Ursula Witt; managers, Raymond Potter and Modena Downing. " ' . ' Mabel Z. Needham principal, -presented the awards. A musical skit was given by the grade school. The' presentation of diplo mas was made . by Frank W. Smith, superintendent. The grad uating class ended the program singing' "In a Little Red School House.""1 - :: A! . The Mill City grade school end ed the school year. last week with a play. day program held on the baseball, grounds. The 25, 50, .75 and 100-yard races began the fes tival, -with wheelbarrow,: three- legged, sack, potato ' and relay dashes following. The school was divided into groups; first, second, third and fourth grades; t fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades. The third grade room was champion of the lower , grades with the fourth grade winning second place and - the . - second. grade, third place. A picnic lunch was held at noon in the recrea tion room of the high school building. , , 1 , The second grade entertained mothers and friends with a pro gram in their room on May; 21. Each guest was presented with a corsage. The program consisted of poems, songs and . dramatizations. Mrs. Vivian Hoenig is the teacher. Webster Give . ; Dinner; for Son 1 During Furlough SUNNYSIDE --On-, Sunday s a dinner was' - held at the home of Mr. " and Mrs. Joe ' Webster, for their son, Pvt' Doyle Webster, who left Tuesday for La Mesa, Calif n after spending a 15-day furlough at home. . - .. Those present . were . Mr. and Mrs.' Luther Billings and-family. Mrs. Rossetta McMillin and fam ily. Mr. and, Mrs. "Ed McMillhv Mr. and Mrs.' Charlie 'Jones and family;- Mrs.; Sally ' Jones, Mrs. J Nellie Reed, George Webster, Rol-J lie Webster, Miss Agnes Webster, Mr. and Mrs.Roy-Hagedornand family, Mr. and 'Mrs.' Lafe' Sher wood and family, - and Mr. : and Mrs. 'Charlie" Stevens and family. Attend Griffin Rite LYONS Everett Crabtree, Charlie Johnston - of Stayton andt Edwin Keech of Salem attended 1 the funeral services for Jess: A. Griffin in Cottage Grove Friday. Griffin, had been bookkeeper . for the Linn Lumber company here in Lyons , for the . past four. years While here he resided at the Sur ry 'home. ":"':'; '.'';; (OS to you at Kloft Funeral Held Tuesday MT. ANGEL. Funeral serv ices for Frank Kloft, 70, were held at '. St Mary's Catholic church Tuesday. 'The Salem requiem high mass was celebrated by Rev. E. C. OTVell, ; CSSR, assisted by Rev. Vincent Kappert, OSB," and Rev.-Edward Birmingham, CSSR. Pallbearers, were J. A. Albrich, Paul Bleske, Edward Merier, John Klrchoff, all of Portland and N. G. Mickel and Fred Hassing of ML AngeL ." Hennessey Goetsch and McGee made the funeral arrangements. Burial took place in the Calvary cemetery. Rev. E. C Oneil con ducted graveside services assisted by - Rev. Vincent ' Kappert, Rev. Edward Birmingham, Rev. Hil debrand Melchior and- Rev. ' Se bastian Terhaar. - ;, - Mr. Kloft was : born in Ger many. He came : to the United States in 1882 and to Mt Angel in Lovely casuals that rise to every occasion and never let you down! 'FfomTofr fice to canteen . . they ; volunteer their services and- are destined- to be come the mainstay of your ) wardrobe. Trim in fit 'and- smartly, styled, " i they .: conform to your moods at the change of a hat! " - $39.75.'. -Values Reduced to 25 - t " i - $29.75 Values Reduced to m $24.75 Values ' . Reduced to . . Several Groups i :--. 1887, He died at his home in Port land early Saturday morning. lie is survived by his widow, four children and ten grandchil dren. Children surviving are: Rev. J. K.. Kloft, "formerly pastor at Coeur - cTAlene, Idaho, now seri ously 111 at Monrovia, Calif. Mrs. L Edward Hammer and William and John Kloft of Mt AngeL. Graveside Rite Held ; For Colbert Infant ALBANY Graveside services were held at Willamette' Mem orial Park Tuesday for Baby Col bert infant son of Mr and Mrs. Robert L. Colbert, who died at the Armfield Nursing home Satur day. 'Surviving besides the par ents are four sisters, Kathryn, Olita, Carolyn and Roberta, all at the family home; his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Morris in Oklahoma, and his ' grandmother, Mrs. L. B. Colbert in New Mex ico. " '"v '..-".' .. . Slightly Higher - y i Values T4. r Reduced to ... , '. ?. . . V n i . .ii ii I till y ii i There's a hat for every kind of summer 'print and sheer - dress: for every shantung, and ' faille, cotton or wool suit To look really smart this summer, your, wardrobe calls for one - wonderful hat that will be '. "right with several of your cos ,S tumesl Youll make a rplen- ' did choice here. I '; Blitchella Hosts :r To Sunday Guests PERRYDALE Sunday guests at the Robert Mitchell homo were Mr. and Mrs. Norris Jensen and son Lee, and Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Tyson of Portland, Mis Lora Mitchell of McMinnville and Idr. and Mrs. Ray Mitchell of Bnfcid mead. . - May Van Staavern arrived from Portland with Mr. and Mrs. Jensen and spent the day with her parents. Mrs. Fay Morrison went to Oregon .City Tuesday to spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. Coulson. .. - i . Mrs. Lydia Conner of McMinn ville and Mrs. Lizzie Morrison of Sheridan are at . the Robert Mitchell home for a few days.' Mrs. Morrison was staying with her sister while Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lee are moving and Mrs. Conner came out . to stay a while after receiving the news of her grand son's death.. 1 , Greatly Reduced -;-::'-':::: ,