The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 29, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tha OrJIGCrZ STATECMAIL Zc&esx. Orepa, Saturday I 'cmin.I Toy 12. 1C 13
pace rr.
.Tf - n TY
! I frs II is. yj ttn
Chrre -Denied Rollie South
wick, Salem carpenter, did not
hoot "Hitler papers" as .he
walked by the State and Com
mercial street corner where R. B.
Miller sells the Townsend Nation
al Weekly, he declared in Salem
ir justice court Friday. He didn't
- even go by the stand when he
could cutja : corner inv fact, X
should . have - been arrested for
jaywalking, : I guess, he ex
plained. "All Z said at the time
he complains of was 'If you had
. your way you would have Hit
" lers picture on the' front page
Instead of Roosevelt's, South
wick maintained. The case of state
vs. Southwick, : with R. B. Miller
v as private - prosecutor charging
Southwick with : "doing an act
" that caused gross disturbance of
. the public peace," was taken un
der advisement by Justice of the
Peace Joseph Felton, who asked
both attorneys to submit briefs.
- Paradise Islands now open. Pic
nicking, swimming, and ball park.
Native water lilies now in bloom.
Located Turner road immediately
south of Salem airport Vernon
Truit, manager. . Z
4 You can still buy a Johns-Man-viHe
Roof, nothing down, 12 mo.
to pay. Mathis Bros., 164 S. Cpml.
Summer School Set Salem
students who were absent from
- classes during the current school
year may be allowed to make up
their absences during a six week
summer course tentatively set for
June 14 to July 23. The Salem
school hoard stipulated, however,
that students must be . certified
by' their " principals before they
are eligible for the summer ses
sion. Although- text books will be
provided by the Salem school dis
tricts, work books must be fur
nished by the students.
Wall paper. Elfstrom's, 375 Che
meketa. Dance at Armory Sat. night.
Car wash. 1295 State,' Union 76
: Called Again Fifty - two em
ployes of me Oregon state offices
responded again to a call from the
Salem branch of the US employ
ment : office for workers in the
canneries, reporting lor1 work
Thursday and Friday ' nights at
the United Growers plant at Lib
erty. The plant is trying to get
spinach canned . but has been
swamped by the heavy crop ma- j
tured during the last few warm j
ImU. florist Ph. 9592. 1276 N. Lib
For home loans see Salem Fed
erals 130 South Liberty.
I . . 3 p
- Dance Mem. Day, Mon. May 31st.
Top Hatters Music Salem Armory,
; - :.a
Found at Home Alarm - over
the disappearance of little Carol
Anne Hagemann, 4-y ear --old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
F. ' Hagemann, was quieted late
Thursday; afternoon w hen the
child was found in bed, after
leaving her mother, hiking home
arid raiding a : cracker box The
.child disappeared while her moth
er was visiting , at the home of
friends five miles away.
Dance at Armory Sat. night
Car wash. 1295 State, Union "76.
Memorial Program Set Ger-
vais will observe - Memorial day
with service at the Pioneer church
two miles southeast of town with
a program at 2:30 o'clock Sunday.
The speaker will be A. M.v Esson
- of Portland, while special music
will be provided also.
Hofer '.. ,
In Pasadena, Sunday, May 23,
T Mrs. i Anna Bv Hofer, late, resi
dent of that city. Widow of the
.lae Andrew 'Andy F, Hofer.
. i Mother of Mrs. Marie Alexander
and Mrs. Dorothy Ingram, both
1 of Passadena, and .Paul Hofer of
. Ontario, Calif. ; Funeral services
will be held Saturday, May 29, at
: 2 pjn. in the W. T. Itigdon chapel;
with concluding services in City
View cemetery. . .
i Goulet
William Henry Goulet, late of
5656 North Boston, Portland, May
. 26, on a train. Survived by wife,
Mrs. Eva Jeanette Goulet of Port
, land; mother, Mrs. Florence Goulet
of Woodburn; one sister, . Mrs.
' Mabel . Harmon of Portland; one
brother, Glenn of Woodburn.
' ' Services win I be held . from the
: , Oough-Barrick . chapel Saturday,
' May 29, at 130 pan. with Rev, H.
C Stoven officiating.' Interment in
Belcrest Memorial park. : . r .
royje ,
Mrs. Sarah E. Broyles-at, 780
Stewart street, Salem, May 27.
Survived by three daughters, Mrs.
Letha Francis of Buffalo,, Wyo,
Miss Mary Jane Broyles and Mrs.
-Delia Schmidt, both of Salem; one
son, John G. Broyles of Seattle,
Wash.; also : 12 grandchildren, 15
great- grandchildren, , and six
great-great-graridchildren. Serv
ices will be held at the Clougb
Barrick chapel Saturday, May 29,
at 3:30 p. m. with Mr. J. . White
head officiating. Interment will be
in the I OOF cemetery. ;
George W. Ferrell at the resi
dence, route one. Brooks, May 28,
at the -age of 84. Survived by wife,
Mrs. Elizabeth Ferrell, and one
niece, Fay Loomis, both of Brooks;
also by five grand nieces and
nephews. Announcements . to be
xnade later by Clouh-Earrick
company. .
w'":r;-v-, r-rrs : a
r v in r-fjn ttN. I r
Thursday maximum temper
a tare 73, minimum 49. Friday
river 1 foot Weather data re
stricted by army reuses i.r
xnree Fatalities mere were
three fatalities due to industrial
accidents in Oregon in the week
ended May 27, the state industrial
accident commission reported Fri
day. The victims were Noah
Weatherby, Portland, shipyard
worker; Joe Smejkal, Buxton, log
ger, and Grant Oxford, Browns-
vulle, garage mechanic. There
were 1174 industrial accidents re
ported during the week.
Wanted to. rent,'
Phone 9118. ,
6-room house,
"Allstate Auto . Insurance. All
Coverages at Sears Roebuck Co.
General - Speaks Brig. Gen
John E. Dahlquist, recent arrival
here who is to command the Trail
Blazers division now in forma
tion at Camp Adair, delivered an
off - the - record address at the
Portland City club .in Portland
Friday. Dahlquist who served 19
months in England before com
ing here, is from St Paul, Minn.
Dance at Armory Sat night
Like new, bungalo style piano,
Ph. 7511.
Peggy Turley, formerly with Ana
bel's. has returned to Salem and
has joined I "the staff of Price's
Beauty Salon where she will be
pleased to serve her former . pa-
trrn i '
Building Said Purchase of the
half interest in the business build
ing at 150 North ; Commercial
street ' which was formerly held
by the Eckerlen estate has been
announced by Otto Klett, owner
of the other half interest for sev
eral years. The price was not
made public. .
Dance Mem. Day, Mon. May 31st
Top Hatters Music Salem Armory.
WnntH Tiav ' Mr r-hair Ph 5HK7
; Collision Reported Cars driv
en by Rudolph H. Dolinsky, 865
Cade street and lone J. Warg-
nier, 558 South 14th streef col
tided at 23rd and Trade streets
at 9:25 Thursday night damaging
one side of Miss Wargnier's car,
city police reported Friday. . ..
Get the right legal car insurance.
Abrams tc Ellis, Masonic Bldg.
Dance at Wheatland every Sat
nite. Rowland's Band invites you.
' Lad Barned Jimmy Hoick, 7,
sustained burns on, the right hand
and right : leg when a - gas can
blew up at his home, 1740 State
street' Friday afternoon. City first
aid men dressed the-injured mem
bers and said , the- burns : were
painful but not serious. -
Rummage ! Sale, 477 Court
Friday and Saturday. ' i
Car wash.' 1295 State, Union 76.
; Car Recovered -An automobile
owned by Frederick - J. Brown,
Methodist old people's home, re
ported stolen Thursday, was re
covered Friday morning in, down
town Salem by city police. -
Sybil M.- Dotten vs. Luther S.
Dotten; ' divorce complaint charg
ing cruelty asks custody ef one
child and support money; proper
ty - settlement stipulated.? Couple
married in 1930 in Yamhill county.
Goldie M. Bloom vs. Arthur M.
Bloom; agreement that plaintiff
is to have custody of child,-stipu
lates property settlement; divorce
granted after hearing before Judge
George R. Duncan.
; Levi Y. Congdon vs. Gladys E.
Congdon; stipulation as to proper
ty settlement, defendant to have
cbHda custody; divorce granted
after- hearing before Judge Dun
can. - i - . . :: .. ;
; Lowell Mortgage and Adjust
ment Co. vs. T. W. Sell wood; or
der renewing judgment. - -
' Elmer Griepentrog vs. Maxine
Griepentrog;- order adding Martha
Griepentrog aa additional, defend
ant. ...
Minnie Hein, executrix of the
will of . John L. Hein, vs. George
Mealey and Edna L. Mealey; ap
plication- to place on trial docket
Skewis & Judson vs. E. E. Lind
say; application to - place on trial
docket. .?:?; -, ;" , i -: "iV-.
Jack T. Ryan vs. Maxine Ryan;
application to place on trial dock
et; order grants plaintiff permis
sion to file second. amended com'
plaint ' S'i s
Supplementary, iury' panel ' was
drawn Friday, its members to re
port June at 9:15. ajn. with the
regular panel when trial of the
case of McRae vs. State Industrial
Accident commission is scheduled.
Jurors drawn are Mary L. Bosch
en. Edna G. Boyer, Phillip H. Ja-
skoski, Frank Spears and Donald
O. Walters, all of Salem; Vera
Harper of Gervais, Ellis Hill of
Mill City, Jerome J. Jackson of
East Hubbard, -Florence Lamb of
Hayesville : and Till ian . Rue of
North Silverton precinct
Ruth Hornschuch estate; or
der sets hearing on final account
of Ronald C Glover, administra
tor, July 12. - .
Clara Enesa estate; order au
thorizing Nichola Russell, admin
istratrix, to pay certain tees, j
Louis R. Knapp estate; order
seta hearing on final account nf
Claire M. Inman, administrator,
June SO at 10 ajn. ;
Ben 7 Kantelberg estate; . order
substitutes Ora Johnston and Mi
riam Jensen ' as appraisers for i
To Visit Husband Mrs.. Noel
E. Simpson left Salem Friday to
visit her husband at Camp Stone
man, Calif. Sgt Simpson was re
cently transferred from Vancou
ver barracks - to the California
Bltinr Dc Reparted A dog
owned by neighbors bit his small
daughter on the calf of the leg
Friday, A. J. Killin, 1368 North I
Fourth street,, reported - to ciry i
police. , ' .
Floe Fire Friday East Salem
firemen answered . a. call to 270
South 14th ' street at. 7:30 p. m.
Friday, when a flue fire was re
ported there. , -
; Meetlar Tuesday - Townsend
club No. 3 will meet Tuesday at i
8 p. m.. at 17th and Court street
Hofer Services
Will Be Today
Widow of Newspaper
Founder -Wag First
Home c Columnist -
Mrs. 'Anna Ballou Hofer, former
resident of Salem and widow of
Andreas Franz Hofer, died at her
home in Pasadena, , Calh last
Sunday. Services for her will be
114 m O O-l 1 . L '
- oai-urvuij
noon at the W. T. lUgdon chapel
and interment will be .at the City
View cemetery. - ' . s
. Mrs. Hofer was born in Iowa
and lived there until after ' her
marriage to the late Mr. Hofer
who came to Salem in 1890 and
became one of the' founders "-of
the Capital Journal with his bro
ther, Col. , Hofer.
After 18 years 1 in the news
paper field Hofer became the first
full-time secretary of the Salon
chamber of commerce. -
Mrs. Hofer .remained in Salem
until the death of her husband
to make her home with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Ballou,
early settlers of Pasadena.
Following her late husband's
work, Mrs. : Hofer became the
first household columnist on the
Pacific coast
Surviving Mrs. Hofer are three
. ' : m , r 1 . a A 1 I
aer, iormer leacner in ue rasa-
dena city schools, Mrs. Dorothy
Ingram of Qualey, CaliL, and
Paul B. Hofer of Ontario, Calif.:
eight grandchildren, Master : Ser
geant M. S. Hofer of the US en
gineers. Cadet Paul B. JHoier, jr.
of the US navy. Cadet Phillip F.
Hofer of the US armv. Alan and
Sanford Alexander of Pasadena.
Mary Anne, Ruth, and John In-
gram of Gribley. Calif.: and one
great granddaughter, Nancy Jean
Hofer of San Francisco. Calif. A
brother. Benton Ballou of On -
tario. Calif lso, : survivM. ;v
Members of the family arrived
in Salem Friday for the services.
Previislv 'ctrivate cervine were
held in Pasadena - Tuesday.
Florence ; Stewart . and Evelyn
Jones; appraisal by Ora Johriston,
WUU1U DCUKU : uu ; uniuuu a-a.
Rund sets value of estate at $3,
Adolph J. Bourson estate; order
authorizes ; payment of - $50 a
month s to - thai widow, Camille
Bourson, for her maintenance.
Alice Small estate; Norris Ames,
Glen Briedwell and F. N. Burch
appointed 'appraisers.
ri"rV c
"u ,
lem, merchant marine, and Anna
Mae Rood, 20, Portland, stenogra
v Robert O. Dickman, 20, Camp
White, soldier,: and. Violet Holgate,
18, Redmond, student
Maurices Williams,; 21, -1965
Breyman, 4 Salem,! fireman,! and
Clara Mildred Ohm,; 17, same ad-
Maurices Williams, r 21. 1965
: Ralth Thomas Morsan: chanred
with larceny by bailee of an-imto-1
mobile belonging, to. Salem Auto- J
mobile comnanv: allowed 24 rinre 1
to enter ; plea and committed to j terminal service at. Oregon; ship
jail in lieu of 11000 hafl. lyardsi and the deliray of; loads
Richard Miller: failure to atonVlof workew to maritime docks in
$1 and costs; tine suspended and
costs paid, 'r- : :
Charles H. Purchase:
another moving-vehicle on crest
of a hill; $5 and costs. - ',
Clarence Philip Loewen; oper-
a ting motor -vehicle with defect-
tve muffler: plea of guilty: ? con-1
tinued to June 5 for sentence. " 1
Fred C Newman; NSF. checlc; j
do aays 4n Jau, with sentence J
suspended on two-years' proba-1
tion, requiring defendant to pay 1
cnecks and court costs and toare-1
fram from, use of intoxicating? I
liquor. t ; I
Marshall Snyder; no motor ve-1
hide license; 11 and costs.' .1
RoHie- Southwick;' - disturbing I
the peace; 4aken under' advise- i
ment, briefs to be submitted.
Jean Alberts, Reith; disorderly
conduct; . $50 bail.
Leo E. Hopp; running red traf
fic light; $2J0 fine. .
J. J. Walton; parking violation:
$3 fine and 50 cent warrant fee.
R. P. Kook; no operator's . li
cense; S3, with $2jJ0 suspended.
Chester Locke, Portland; viola
tion of basic rule; $7.50 baiL
Albert G. Brown, Albany; vio
lation of 'basic rule; 125 ball.
Mrs. Eveljn Meyers; no opera
tor's license; T2.S0 bait
Vins Rotary Scholarship
- 1 4 t.
Jane Huston, daflrhter of Mr.
winner of the new Salem .
scholarship. Her selection far the honor was annonneed Friday
' night at Salem high school commencement exercises. Next year
she will attend Willamette mnlversity, using the elsb'a 1208 scholar
ship award, which can gVmly to one in the vpper 25 per eent ef
; (he high school's gradaatlng- class, and U based on leadership
ahllltv and extra-corrlcHlar aetrrltv reeorAt. Mi, ifnatn ... lTfh
la her class ef 42$ members schelastlcally and was the choice ef
the Willamette committee an the schelarshlp as well as ef the
Rotary club's committee. A second winner Is to be named, probably
ohnta aV. .U. mf-kA
... u .mrmAmA . Twin- Mn.k.uvu m'
f Center9 Show
j C fhffrt gm lr-gtarl
Talent Not Available
For Tonight ; ' Two
Events Next Week
Somewhere in the Book of
Aesop there is an adage that says
"It never rains, but it pours'
is that 'the trad slrtcan run m lvv
I nf -VT gait
According to a report from the
junior chamber of commerce Vic-
tory center committee the adage
: is correct, because excuses have
literally poured in concerning this
week's program, which has now
been rained' otrt; y
"In the first lace," Don Black,
4 chairman of the center, said.
appears mat mere are a numner
OI oiner anracuons on tne social
caienaar tnat nave tasen our en
I tertamers.
1 "1 the second place, our sol-
I dier talent has been removed lor
I various reasons, some or wrucn
I were previous engagements; over-
I looked.
"And in the third place, judging
from conditions, we shouldn't
have planned a program for this
week , in the-first place.'
But- that is all the bad news,
according to Black. Two programs
are - assured for the center next
Thursday nfcht program
of entertainment will present 'an
enlistment program f o r the
WAVES and SPARS. Saturday
night the firstVictory center war
bond and stamp program will
actually get under way with a
full bill of entertainment with
an ' added attraction of a street
dance for men In uniform. All
arrangements for the Saturday
Iprogram were completed by Black
yesterday together with comple-
tion of arrangements
4. w sa w
guaranteeing future programs.
Shipyard Bus
- . JT-, . O
IN 6t Approved
With more than 40 shipyard
workers appearing in person k to
oppose - the cancellation of bus
West Portland, from where they
would travel by ferryboat to the
shipyard job, Public Utilities
CtKrimlssioner Ormond R. Bean on
Friday sustained the workmen and
ordered the old service continued.'
Service by Gray Line busses: was
affected in the hearing.,
The men testified to a toss of
from one to one and one-half
nours iz the change became eriec-
tive as ordered from Seattle by
the . office of defense transporta-
It is the second such decision
the commissioner Eas been -called
upon to make In the last 33 days.
Heretofore he has held that simi-
lar changes ordered by the office
of defense transportation and
Sunday 7:SD P. M.
" Dr. Irving A. Fox, D.D Pastor -
'That the Scripture Teaches About the
Dead in Christ'?
Special Soloist :--Corp. Ilackey Swan
- fetofc, . M ;i J
and Mrs. OUver Hasten, is the first
Rotary' , elnb Willamette university in WW A
I Af-m 1 o o - .
Jt-llif ISllUUS iJfle
Sunday Theme
On Memorial
The spirit and challenge of
-r .i c j i 1
iucuuuuu iuuu4iy wm cnaracxer-
ir hoth inrnnn. mnA .1
"VT" rr.",.,f
lecUons at the First Christian
" " T T . , i j aptnem A Song ox peace" by 51 -
lermon bf tht minlitr. Rv.l. . - ,,,
. . - . '.
XUOiey fittrain, ana me CnOlT WIU
uyvicuicii k um mcwigs- wim inein...
a, . -r-r,i aa. ?m I VOS.
nuieni rrw wubivl i wvi nr-1 mr
Nation." A mixed quartet com
posed of Gertrude Cherrington,
Edith Serrell, LesUe Carson and
Erne Bjork wfll f aing "God of
Our Fathers by Warren. '
Inasmuch I ak. May 30 is . also
rural life-. Sunday, the night mes-
aa will roint in the rrfationshlo
which should exist between citv
m . ' w
j r
uu rux i"" " "
survey among the Churches of the
Discrpies or urnst, a large pert!
centage of the leadership of ur
ban cfmrretirms had been sun-
olied hv rural : chrirchea. figures
puea oy rural. cnurcnes,. ngures
revealed. The message, "A Lesson
from the SoiL" will nhatT the
Christian v 1 r t u es which ne
learns from living close to the
Plans are being .. completed for
the vacation church school, a city-
wide. Inter-church project which
wiU begin. June 7. One of the
sites chosen by the committee on
Ttftkl in h niiMio ar4inr1 f tho
First Christian rhurch- which will
- "
serve the Children in the area BUT-
rounding the church. Mrs C." E.
Lee will be principal of this
school, and will be, assisted by I Rev. V. L. Motfenbeier. pastor. Sua-I hour. Evening servic S o'clock. Ser
A.Am -afkM. H.nnrnlnatinns Ay.amt..1'1AJ-- subject, -Man's Duty to God.-
Evangelist, Singers v
Return Fifth Time
At Foursquare Gospel
For the fifth consecutive Sim-
day night, Evangelist Reppond I
ana the boutnern Stingers WUl oe
niMt arftift at tha Trniruitur
, .V .'I i I t," ml
uwyet uiurui, uw imwi,
W. Henderson, announces. They
. . . , . . .... .
Win preacn ana imj oia-iastuonea
southern songs, , r Jv : r:
a . t' v I
Aa juurv uiicicsk 1a ucuij bwwu l
each week in the evangelists, their
stay will probably continue indef -
inltely, Rev. Henderson revealed. I
Holiness .Speakers
Slated Tuesday v
Two representatives of the Ken
tucky Mountain - Holiness associa-
finn Rm T.n ft TLfrrtrm!! antlPntST PRESBYTERIAN
sneakers at the Leslie Methodist I
church next Tuesday at djxl
t ; I
cnangmg tne routes ana scneauies I
nf , tht (irrrai Mntof . ffBTmart
busses and the Tualatin Valley
Stages were not In the public
All three lines will, continue to
carry passengers from the area
south of Portland direct to the!
r ' , . ..
i.ixioriai uay services ox lac
Federation of Patriotic Orders
Salem will b held at tho Vint
. - . - Z 7
Prebyterian church Sunday
mornins! at 105 o'clock. Or.
.. JTIr. , . , yKMa- , .
uva kwuuuij( u (UCUI pjn. -
to assemble at 10-45 n'rlnrc
,i a, .
assist in, seaung arrangemenxs.
Two anecial anthemc "Aris
Lord by Hoffmeister and "Thou
J V.T" , " ::
ww De suns oy me cnorus cnoir
tinder the- direction of Vireinia
VVCUU UUUkk Ill ' u iw tm
liams, pastor, will 'speak on the
--fc. j Jin. r
wpic, via ibcj in a
m m - a e . -
bunaay mgni service win com-
vi.. - -i .- j it.
-COnciUdmg Westminster Cnlmesipjn. .
broadcast at 8 pjn, a half hour
later than the Usual time. The It
Salem men who have died In the
" ...
ct.l ..M. h. nmimm
- r
will be a brass trio by three
youths. . Roger Middleton, Danny
McCall and DICE Smith. Tne cnoir
will m t n two antheniS. 4Th0U
u(ffl OI All iMuora y -Jusiriic 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "That
trtA Sjt. tivnrt h Xffnrrn I Thev Mav Not Die In Vain." Christian
. - w '
by Stabler. Mrs. FJliott Will Sing
"Requiem' by Homer, Frank I
- IK.
Bev. Williams Will preach in
I mnr nrn with a musical
ZZZZLi t.v- n
n trimiU-Mtt. at 4ha a r tf a n and
vrciaiuiiicr oiujua '
PoeM-'a CSnn
- "Slui B JUU
Will Speak
VJi O Methodists
I '
Father ahd son will share Hon
org at ine Jesue aaeuiooiat caurcn
c.H., n!hi whm Rev ' Joaenh
... . .. it a m .
I . . . . . ,
I KnottS. Pastor. Presents his SOn,
Rev. J. ROSS KnottS, as guest
speaker at tne B O CIOCK service.
. - e
Rev. ROSS KnottS, a graduate of
Willamette university,, also was
graduated from Drew Theological
seminary at Madison, NJ. At prea
I ent he is Pastor Of the Methodist
church at St Johns. Portland. I
I . . '
At tha . nuM-nfnar tfnHrw Ytv.J
.. T. . '
JoPh Knows wiu Dnng tne mes-
Mge built up0n a Memorial day
1 OeUUS ana aars. A. U. aaason Wiu
I Mlm.r:n,n Pn Rtsok-
i - ' :
n' T? W171o;M :
.TT . p..
Dr. Irvinar A. Fox will sneak on
. ' I " . . 7 .
I vnAminV MAnlfi' aa T a I Aralas in 1
I TT. a .
cus. sapust cnurun., aaorn -
goloigt will be Mrs.s Harriett
, ' . .
nunniT nienL l. micict
Swan will be guest soloist singing
I Lord Prayer" by Mollett.
, . m .,
The men chorus will sing. also.
Dr- Fox h chosen for his theme
I v.uaua vera
-vre ney.-
1 11 n 1 ! ri
" ww
! rTVilimTlort
LTl fJ'Z1
A W ,.H. WIWII( pa WAKI w mv
I ening servic- 7 JO o'clock. Wednesday
j1 pjn-
LUkes catholic
I atcuon ancr no shi ajn. mass, wees.-
uay luaaacs tw uik . ...
Pirst and Arthur streets. Sunday
school t ajn. Morning, servic 11 ajn. Morning oervic 11 o'clock. " hT 1 r.V
17", v. . .- t ... I b,.,wm mnMm "TWm. ktM.. n.. I suDject. In weanss or renx.
Evening servic 7:43 o'clock. Tuesday
aerwte 1S-4S ajn. Wtdwdav nnr
servic 7 AS pjn. Friday young people s
wntn t;4S Vm V 4rT' i
. --. '- :
I WtrnVAf V. ssaL. AIMJOIL gsH I ITr asilirMI T
I achool aiS ojn. MonuW seme ll
I o'clock. Evenimt servlca a o'clock.
I Second and Garfield strets. Sunday 1
I Khaol 11 m m , 1
I 7 , . ' :
- ! Lester neias, pastor. . sunaay
school ! ajn, -Mornmg sti tu. liistaaer. apeaxer. Diru 1 p.m. inurs
o'clock. Sermon subject. -Why Umit I
iL "XZ.'
Courag of Prayer-. Tuesday, X J pjn,
1 I
.;Ur . m I
servK a vcnck. udoiki ounaay ai-1
a postponed, coniirmants .will I
Saturday at IS ajn. Ladies Aid 1
meets Thursday at 1 p.m. Hostesses I
ar Mrs. Carl Haugen and Mrs. Theo-1
dor Thompson. - , i j
WMnsaai avivw w w oa.iis gamuuig aw w a
lest-11 o'clock. CThrtetian Endcamr at I
pjn. Evening servic 7:44 o'clock. I
"5! ThBr,Uy at " pJn- i
bethel FUnrmuN ' I
Rahhath vhnol tni m m TB I
H. Hughes, supt. Morning servtc 10 I
' ' ' ,W Wm Take Over iha
.. " - lan'isasv Issavoasi vavaai mm i . ba -ttm va ws - Isn) gP
222i If. CcrsrieTcial CL, Calern
Frcm Jlr. tzi Jlrs. Chs Cin
. . ..." . , .
and will not be responsible for any bills contracted be
fore that date. Present any bills before that date Mrs.
Mary Fon. . , i - ; , .
Open Under I,Iy Llanseraent June 1st
44) ferry, street, a. 1L lds. pastor.
I Sunday school 19 a m. Moming serv
ic ll:li o'clock, t venin service
o'clock. T3o pjuL WednetKlsr, prayer
service. lM p.m. Saturday, mission
service. - - ...
I -- -
I uadkan itmit nvtMiii , .
of I tabchnactji '
I 1410 Madison street. Ray BHxeth. pas-
tor. sumuy acnooi is ajn. ator
I service n, o'clock. Evcnina- serri.
I o'clock. Young- people's meeting Tues-
I day. S p.m. Prayer meetine Tbursdajr,
i I ' ' 1 "
, i xsvTB iuiu
I XM SUte street. Olive Stevens. MiD.
O I pastorafomuif service 10:4V o'clock.
- I ficrnuin aublect. -Tli Good Smmart.
j tan."
ltth and A streets. H. W. Gross.
I Ptr. Sunday school a a-m. Moraine
choch or acscs chjust or
, North, Cottage street. Don Walt
. -
I otanop. aunoay scnooi 10 sat, 101
wwfa Dy reuei society ana priest
tTr.1, nw z:
I MO South 22nd street Bev. T. W.
J? "" school it a rru.
, ice o'clock. Revival now in oroareas
i wl services each night except Sat
1 uraar.
I North 17th and Nebraska avenue.
f-R Chetter O, Goodmaii, pastor.
1 r m tn - . -
o'clock. Sermon subject. "Burden
J Bearers - Thursday pjn, prayer
I streeta. Edward I Allen, pastor. Sun
I day school t:49 ajn. Morning service
" 'flock- Sermon subject, -christian
I w vcivitiicua c vcraaaaa iscitkv -ew
o'clock. Sermon subiact. Tha starved
Word." riorence VaU Missionary so
7 1 ciety program meeting Iriday. X p.m,
at the church. Party for service men
at the church 7:43 pjn, Saturday.
Center and High streets. Rev. Dud
ley ; Strain, pastor. Sunday school
a.m. Morning service VSlm o'clock.
Sermon subject, "Tho Blessings of
Insecurity " 11 a.m children's church.
Speaker. Miss Edna Holder ef India.
ID us. four CE ertMina. - Evenin
service,- 7M3 o'clock. Sermon subject,
"A Lesson from the Sou." Thursday
at 1-m n m . itnri. ...
t ' " -'
I North Winter and Jefferson streets.
i a. ftaynor smitn. pastor, sunaay school
lets Ham. MornlniTaervl 11 oVlnck
SermonMbJect. "-ABleeal Hope."
a ass ii isissi aciiuwaniu as mm sriua'BE
1 youth fellowshlD t o'clock. No nieht
I service during the summer.
J rEES methodist . jmo nsubject, "SuppiecaUoa for An
I w Market Norm Wtater atreeta.Me-
I Evening service 13 o'clock. Young
E25! . w
l .
S4 worth Church stroet. M. a.
Gjteendaner. dd. pastor. Sunday
1 w -rr
I Couth rammer and Wtn atreta
I Jaaenh Knotaa. naator. StmHrnw adinnl
ito ijo. mmn aervico ji ciock.
I Bmbmh lhWt "MmiukIiI; Tkmrw-
I . ' - j -
Youth groups will meet st T pjn. Ev-
I ZJ'il.".
-.r." " " "
Cottaeo and Shipping streets. H. K.
1hornhilK nuinr. SinulaY whiinT 1A
ajn. Mornin vservlce 11 o'clock. Oueat
I SDeaker. Cant. Virgil Jackson oT Fort
Lewis. Wash. Evening service 701
o'clock. Bible cl
S:9 pan.
I knirht mkmosi at..
1 r..fl.Tinl ZiT .
ltn and Ferry streeU. Howard C.
Stover, pastor. Sunday school 1 smiu
1 aaorning seme n ocioca. sermon
wonn, imwoi nr wmonu
pewpi "JLI
nth and Court streets, w. H. Ly
mtttu p.. Sunday school t:
Morning servicelO JO o'clock. Sermon
c-nH,,vnr , nm r.un mA a
o'clock. Sermon subject, "With On
1 Accord." Service and choir practice
340 North . Pront street. Sunday
school pjn. Worship 3 p.m. Sermon
subject. -What Is the Gospel, or Good
News of th Kingdom?" by Elder J.
Eagleston. Prayer service Wednesday.
a nm
Center and 13th streets. Rev. Weaver
W. Hess, pastor. Sunday school 9 AS
ajn. Morning servic 11 o'clock. Ser-
mon subject. -Christ's Three Great
Imperatives.- T pjn, young people's
1 Wednesday, Bjn, prayer meeting.
i , ,
i a. roa uu. pastor. Sunday school
I Wher Ar They?" Young people and
I adult Bible study S0 pjn. Wednesday.
i P-m- prayer meeting,
I uranw acnoi. sunn; scaeoi :w
la.m. Dewey Davtt. Supt.
i Brush CoUeg school. Rev. Earl L.
I awsvaMa vvsAuanaa aaoaravvaa
i Baker, pastor. Sunday school t.-4 a.m.
I Mark BneU, Supt Morning servic
I I0?te o'clock. Young people's meeting
P-"- ' ' " '
1 East Stat and Elm streots, Sunday
I school S:45 ajn. Leon Lambert, bupt.
1 servc 1
day, t: pjn-. prayer meeting
dtmanuel baptist
Harel and Academy jrtrehv Wsrren
ajn. Morning servic 11 o clock. Young
oeoola- at 7 JO pjn. Evening servic S
;brk. Phtm nUM Wedneadav at I
f . . -
- " ' - :. . -
Chemeketa and Winter streets. W.
h-rln WUliams pastor. Church school
:43 ajn. Morning service 10 AS o'clock.
I sermon suojcci. ma torj wn in
Vain Youth fellowship S JO sjn. Ev-
sense S o'clock. Memorial
Thursday, i-J pjn, servic.
Ut. pauls epiIo7al
Church and them acta streeu. Kev,
RmM H Swift Jctor. Sunday school
Ss- Jn. tsa. communion in me cna-
I 12th and Les streets, L u i ree-
- 1 man, minister. Sunday school 10 man.
a I Mornlnf service II o ciock. a.reninT:
I service W W o'clock, yours people .
I meetinf. Sermon, 7 pan.
1 North r-ntt. aruf n atrMts. J. T.
I oithon. do. pastor, sunder school
I : sjn. MornuiK service 11 "clock.
mon subject. "The Deed Based on the
Creed." . Service Wednesday at 7:44
l pm.
i amauunD raunui
North Churca street at Highland,
I avenue. Herman H. Macy, pastor, bun-
day school 1 ajn. Morninc service 11
o'clock. Christian Endeavor croupe at
V pun. Evening service S o'clock.
Prayer meeting Thursday at S pjn.
ttn and Gaines streets. C. H. Stein-
mann, pastor. Sunday school B Ai a.m.
Morning service 11 o clock.' Evening
I service T 30 o'clock. Wednesday. 7:45
. - a
- 1 pjn prayer meeting.
- 1
p lSth and Breyman streets. Rev. T. W.
I Sermon subject, "God s Abiding Pres-
ence.- evening seme 7:4s o'clock.
I services: Sunday I JO. voune Deonie.
- I Tuesday." 7rU p.m. Inspirational serv-
Ice. Thursday, 7 :4S pjn
I Pe.
1 rrasT congeeoational
Marion and Cottaae Streets. David .
Nielsen; pastor. Sunday school t:49
I nvn subject, "He Made the . Stars.
I Also.1 . i
I SUte and Church streets. J. C. Hsr-
I ". vmmurr. ounaay scnooi :w ajn.
Morning services 10:50 o'clock. Rev.
I William Wallace Youngson speaking.
- I perlence." No night service. Intermedi-
I at fellowship 30 pjn- youth
lowship pjn.
- 1 Ml SUte street. Adj.
I ward T. Hill, pastors. Sunday school
1 1 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock.
I Message by Col. James Dee. Evening
service te o'clock. Message by Col.
I Dee. Young people's service Sunday
- 1 P-m. Tlwme. -personal Faith re a -
I World at War." Saturday. S p.m, mem-
I oriai service' conducted by col. Iee.
I - :
I Mariotv and Summer streets. Rev. 3.
I Kenneth Wishart. pastor. Sunday
I school S:C ajn. Morning service 11
I a'clock. Junior church at the- same
I hour. Sermon subject. "Following Af-
1 tr Vmith mrnni a t e r m VvMiin,
i . - -: . - : -
I serrtee a o'clock, sermon subject. -The
I Passing Christ. rraycr hour Thursday,
l " "- .
1 - -
f Capitol add Marion streets. E. At
fsto .r5 Mm .L: Lowell Gileer.
I Pastor. Sunday school la jn. Morning ,
V'orTor Prf
service Wednesday, a pjn.
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun
day school 1 1 ajn. Morning service 11
o'clock. Sermon subject. "Ancient and
Modern Necromancy. Alias Mesmerism
and Hypnotism. Denounced. Evening .
scrvic S o'clock.
Stat and ltth streets. T. H. Theuer.
I f". pastor. Sunday school wm ajn.
Morning service 11 o'clock. ' Sermon
subject. Ths Power of Christian
Market . and Capitol streets. Rev.
William L. McGlasaon. pastor. Sunday
I school :43 aun. Morning
ing - service- 11
I 0 dock. Young people at 7
J p.m. Xv-
emng . serweo- m o'clock. Wednesday
I ml srauTUALisT
I 24S North Commercial street. Kr.
I B- P??0- ,snrk 2 J
j 'Subject -Spiritual Gift.- Ev-
1 'J.''b ZZ
l -
Robert D. Bennett, pastor. Sunday-
school it ajn. Morning service at 11
a'aIiuW tf K.klui gOVl VI t
BiMhT Prayer service Thursday ml
tf.H.. L.. .-.-.L.
I V U 1 ID V 4IlUrc:iir?ri
I r,l"J"a
I v""Pr. P"r- ?rnina
J,L!.C.. ,a,e" . id wm
Wednesday at the parish hall.
1.rmrvovTr- ..rmrM
MErfPfONir?. 1 "r .
I XJm aticwary sxreeis, wesT oa-
day school 1:44 aun. Morning servic ;
LW: 'fl0k SP?ker. ?v. John Hie-
SSJTS.w ClSt' SiS?
YIhil -TKSl
LiTff- J2?l. tlTf?'., pr,yer
Mill city. W. S. Crockett, pastor.
Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning servic -
11 o'clock. Sermon subject, Th Great
I iCi iT" .-7i,
Silvcrton Churches
Second and B streets. M. J. K.
Puhr. pastor. Sunday school IS ajn.
Morning servic 11 o'clock.
Pirst and Park streets. Russell My--su
pastor. Sunday school t:4l ajn.
Morning servic 11 o'clock,
O. Leonard. Jones, pastor, risk and
Main streets. Sunday school t:4S ajn.
Morning servic: 11 o'clock. Sermon
I subject. The Sower Goes Porth to
SOW.", .y. ' - i . ' . V
Tuns aa-ua.. a 'tt tTs! a. S
r?7 .Tt" "77 " "n
Delivered Frcsli
Every day your Master Bread
salesman checks your grocer's
supply of bread . . . h keei-Mi
Just enough on the rack to Lil
your needs with fresh Master
Cread. -
" ' a . a,
at Ycun cr.c
. .. I