The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 29, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    Churches Plan
Turner Meet
.. Christian Groups to
Assemble June 28. .
At Tabernacle
TURNER Dr. C T. Swander of
Portland,' secretary . of the . state
board of Christian churches, has
announced, that the annual state
convention will convene at the
Turner tabernacle on June 28, and
continue through July 4. The 1943
. theme is "More. Than Conquerors"
and the guest speaker will be the
Rev. M. Owen Kelson, famous
educator of the eastern and south
ern parts of the . United States.
The large Turner tabernacle
which seats several thousand re
cently has been painted white pre-
-paratory to the state meet and a
new roof during the' summer
months.'' :
- TURNER. Rev. E. J. G ilstrap
returned Wednesday from a
speaking tour in eastern Oregon
. where he was gone for a week.
He spoke at Heppner, Athena and
Hermiston, and showed moving
pictures of the Turner, Memorial
home. He also visited at lone
where he attended ,his first year
of school and his father-taught
there. Mr. G ilstrap reports that
the wheat looks good with the pea
harvest prospects excellent.
TURNER Rev. Gene Robinson
delivered the baccalaureate ' ser
mon on Sunday in the Turner
Christian church to the 17 gradu
ates of the Turner high school.
Rev. Paul Jaquith sang "My
Task," and Mrs. J. Q. R u s s e 1 1
played the processional and post
- lude. Rev. Heath Lowry read from
the Old Testament and Rev. Rob
inson from the : New Testament.
The benediction was given by Rev.
Jaquith. .
The church was filled to capac
ity, honoring the graduates of the
1943 class, Melvin Baker, Clarence
Cox, Eloise Fowler, Lois Fredrick-
son, Edward Hatfield, Frank
Hedges, Lois Maxfield, Robert
Metcalfe; Carl Schifferer, Jo Tan
ner, Stanley McNeal, Morris Pe
tersen, Edith Schifferer, Theodore
i von Eltz, Hildur Warren and Doris
Webb. . .
AMITY Sunday night the un
- ion service of the Amity churches
will be h e 1 d at the Christian
church.! Meyer Tan-Ditter, a con
verted Jew will be i the guest
; spreaJcer i r ? i .-..s
. . -V. i hi '- l
on.vr.mur Trinity congre
gation planned a birthday surprise
party for their pastor. Rev. M. J.
K. Fuhr Thursday night in, the
: social rooms of the churchv with
."members of the Dorcas society
:, end Aid society in charge of ar
rangements. ' . , . ,
-A table, centered with a large
cake and candles, : was arranged
for the honor guest, for Mrs. Fuhr;
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olson and
. members of the choir. Mrs. Olson
: also was observing her birthday
. as was Mrs. Moffett, who left be-
fore refreshments were served.
M. G. Gunderson was toastmas-
ter. Silas Torvend gave a report
on the recent Lutheran conven
Ttion in Washington, and Rev. Fuhr
spoke briefly. The choir also sang
a number of anthems.
Irvin Fried
Is Graduated
eighth grade graduation exercises
will be held at the school Tuesday
,at 8 pjn. j
I Irvin Fried is the onlv sradni
ate this year. His class motto is
:"Ever Onward;- colors, red, white
and blue: .flower, red rosebud. I
The program will be: proces
sional; flag salute song "America
.the -..Beautiful" by the school cho.
rus; prayer by Herman Hohn;
. songs, "Long, Long Ago" and
."Home on the ; Range," ; by. the
-. school chorus; . valedictory and
class history: "Ever Onward,", by
' Irvin Fried; song, ''Mighty Lak' a
. Rose,", . by school -; . chorus; . com-
: mencement address br Frank Ben
nett,. Salem city superintendent of
schools; presentation of diploma,
f by Tom Sellwood, chairman. Lake
iaoisn school board; presentation
of other awards, bv Mr Holon
Mayfield; song, "Without a Song,"
or we school chorus; recessional.
The piano accompanist . will be
Mrs. Lila Duffus. , -
School ; will close Wednesday,
June 2, -with the annual play day
and basket, lunch; picnic held on
the school grounds! Races and con
tests will feature the morning pro
gram. A basket lunch will : be
' served at noon by , the mothers.
Stunts and a ball game will be
the afternoon's entertainment ;
Cemetery Groups - "
To Elect Officers
. MACLEAY E 1 e c 1 1 on of of
ficers for the , Stipp-Macleay
Maintenance': association will, be
; held at the cemetery Sunday at
' 11 ajn. All interested are asked to
attend. , "
Valloy Births
: - SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Gooding of Gervais' are re
porting the birth of a son at the
Silverton hospital May 24 ' " f
. AMITY Sir, and Mrs. Edwin
Tutherland are the parents cf . a
daughter, Dorothy May, -w ; -h I
lit pounds, born May 21 in a
I.Iinnvilie hospitaL - , V ;
Mii- Willamette
Reports From
Teachers Leave
On Vacations
JEFFERSON The ' Jefferson
schools closed last' Friday and-all
the - teachers ' have gone except
Mrs. Cornell, who plans to spend
most of the summer here. "'" -
f M. H.-Beal and daughter Nancy,
have gone to St Helens, where
Beal Will help with the farm work
on his father-in-law's farm. Mrs.
Beal and son Robert, will leave in
a week or two,' and will also stay
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Thomen. 1 ; ;
Miss Josephine Getchell, high
school teacher, will spend part of
the summer vacation in ' Seattle,
Wash, visiting at the home of her,
niece, Mrs. W. J. Deskins and Mr.
Deskins. The rest of the time will
be spent in Jefferson and Eugene.
Mrs. James Wilier and daugh
ter, Yvonne, left Tuesday morn- :
tor for , Walterville, Maine,
where she will be with her has-
band, who is a cadet in the air;
corps.! She plans to , spend a ;
: week In Sioux City, Iowa, vis
: Iting at the home f - an aunt
of Winer's, Mrs. Ed Dunninr
ton and Mr. Dunnington. : She
has beens taring with her fath
er, W. C Chilton. Mrs. WillerV
sister, .Betty Chilton, and Mrs.
- Melvina Eteel, took them to
- Portland where they . bearded a
. train Tuesday night
Mrs. Hannah; Smith, who has
been making an extended visit at
the home of her. sister, Mrs. John
DeWalL left Monday for Canby
where she will be employed. h
Miss Flora Vaughan, who has
been staying with her sister, Mrs.
R. A. Golden in Portland, return
ed home Sunday. Her sister ac
companied her to Jefferson and
returned , to Portland that night.
' Y: Robert Simpson left ''. Tuesday
morning for Portland, where he
will spend several days visiting
at the home of his uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wed
dle, and other ' relatives.' '
Mrs, Alice Dowell left Wednes
day morning for Seattle, Wash,
for several days visit with ' her
son, Archie DowelL who " is" em
ployed in the Boeing Aircrait
plant there. . V
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wynd.
who ; Recently purchased K the
Thnrston property in south
.Jefferson,- win make extensive
repairs and remodeling before
moving. Wynd will do the work
when his summer vacation be
gins In a week. He is a mathe-
-; matics teacher in Albany high
school, and will ; return there
: next ; term. They have been
making their home with Mrs.
f Wynd's" parents, Mr.: and ; Mrs.
Walton "J.' Looney.
i Mrs. C M. Smith and Mrs. Ina
Thomas of- Albany spent Sunday
at Waldport visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKee,
former Jefferson residents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Kester, Mrs
J. H. Roland, Mrs. Nettie Reeves
of - Jefferson, and Mrs. ; Frank
Schultz, Mr. and Mrs.; Max
Schultz and their uncle of the
Parrish Gap district attended the
retreat ceremonies at Camp Adair
Tuesday afternoon.
Harwood Becomes
Oil Company Agent;
Chit wood Resigns . "
STAYTON The interest of H
F. Chitwood'as commission agent
for the Standard Oil company
passed Thursday from' Chit wood
to Clarence Harwood of Indepen
dence. Mr. Harwood has been a
wholesale dealer for Standard Oil
in Independence for several years.
He and Mrs. Harwood and two
children will move to Stayton as
soon as housing is available.
, Mr, Chitwood has not made def
inite plans.- He has been connect'
ed with Standard Oil for 20 years,
the last six of which were in Stay'
Two Receive Diplomas
At Pratum Exercises
. :PRATUM Graduation exercis
es were held at the Pratum school
Tuesday night with Dr. Robert
M. Gatke of Willamette university
giving the address and presenting
the diplomas and awards. Wanda
Rodgers and Paul Unruh were the
two graduates.;' sA
The program included: Invoca
tion, Rev. D. J, Unruh; accordion
solo, Lawrence Fischer; play,
righting I Through," the upper
grade room; song, "There's a Star
Spangled Banner . Waving Some
where," upper grade room; flag
drill, primary room; processional
of the graduates; class will, Paul
Unruh; : class prophecy, Wanda
Rodgers; : presentation of , awards
and diplomas, and address by Dr.
Gatke; song, "Good-Bye, upper
grade room.
The school closed with a com
munity picnic on the school
grounds Friday.
Ilav Ctitlinrr Starts
hay of the season was cut this
week when Glenn. Ililderbrand
commenced on his alfalfa. All in
dilations are -that -hay will be
scarce here this year.
The. Statesman's
Colea, Oregon. Saturday Morning, May 23. IS 3
Independence Friends Honor
Mrs, Purvine on 80th Birthday
birthday of Mrs. Leita .Purvine
was remembered" Sunday - when
friends called to wish : her well.
Many messages 'of congratulation
were received. Calling during the
day; were lUx. 1 and Mrs. A. G.
Byers, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. our
vine and daughter of Portland
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dotson of Fort
land, Beta and Hazel i Dotson,
Mrs. Charles Stryker, Mrs. Mary
Brown,1 Clara ? Brown, - Margaret
Mix, Rev. .and Mrs. Ralph Wag
ner of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Byers, Mrs. A. B. Mosier, Mrs. C
W. Mosier. Mrs. Purvine, who has
been confined to bed for: several
months, is i at the home of her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. George Graves. v T ,
Mrs. Lennie Irvine and Miss
Jean Ellen Irvine returned Mon
day after spending several days
with Mrs. Loren Mort at Renton,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander
of Vernonia visited this weekend
with J Mrs. Kullander's 1 parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Seaman.
Frank Van Dyke of Sacramen
to, Califs visited ; briefly with
friends in town Friday night and
Saturday. Mr. Van Dyke was on
his way to British Columbia on
an inspection trip : of hop yards
there. : - -
Homer Dixon and son Loring of
Junction City visited Monday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Robinson. Mr. Dixon formerly
taurht. In the high , school here, ;
Among those who attended the
Victory flag raising and flag pole
Turner Hosts
Give Dinners
TURNER Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Arensmeiere and sons, Danny and
Timothy of Medford, were dinner
guests Wednesday at the home of
Mrs." Nellie Gunning.
Sunday guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Francis were
his brother and family, Mr.' and
Mrs. Carl H. .Francis and small
daughter Judy, of Dayton. He is
mayor of Dayton and also state
representative 'for 'Yamhill coun
ty. Recently he enlisted in the ma
rine reserve corps, and is waiting
to be called. ', ,--. . ,A ;
Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry. Wilson of
Salem were Sunday dinner guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Hogsed. They formerly owned the
home here now occupied by Rev.
and Mrs. Heath Lowry. At present
the Wilsons are in the restaurant
business in Salem. '
Mrs. N. W. Hutchens and grand
daughter, Margaret ; Ann Prather,
left for McMinnville : Friday,
where they are remaining until
after the Memorial : day holiday
Before, coming to ' ' Turner, Mrs.
Hutchens had resided there for
nearly 40 years. They will be
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Payne, the latter being the daugh
ter of Mrs. Hutchens.
Wright Will Lead
New Cub Troops
STAYTON Felix Wright
will become cub" master for a
group of lads nine to 11 years of
age : if application for a charter
is approved by the national head
quarters. The cubs will be di
vided into two dena to meet on
Thursday - afternoons at , the
Wright and Lyle Shelton homes.
Robert Schachtsick ' and Richard
Easton, scouts, will act as section
leaders.. , - , . . Z . '
--.Charter members listed are Ro
bert Carter, David Easton, Charles
Hastings, Charles Morgan, Lowell
Nightingale, i Richard Q u I g 1 e y,
Dwight Shelton.. Kenneth Smith,
jr, Stanford S. Smith, Harold Ti
tus, Billy Trask," Thomas "We
chensky and Loel Wright "
Piano Students Give
Recital Thursday
SILVERTON Violet Byberg
Is presenting her piano students
in public recital June 3 at S
o'clock : at Immanuel Lutheran
church social rooms.
Taking part are ; Jane Hande,
Lois Porter; Ann Rice, Ruth Gear
hard t. Mae Belle Burnes, Joan
Johnstone, Diana Hobart, Mer
vin Brokke, Jacqueline Rue, Car
ol Porter, Kathryn Bayes, Phyl
lis Seaman,' Maribeth McCrack
en,iMlldren Marie Cook, Barbara
Anderson, Leah 5 i Ann. Hutton,
Gloria -Swanson, i Joy Watterson,
Willetta Hersch, Marlene Ruth
erford, - Lawrence Hobart and
Elain Hamre. - ..
- . - . - - -. . s -"
Corner Ilood & Church St
OIJ Tlae p.indn2
I.Iccic by . '
. Tlie Orrcnir.a
Community Correspondenta
dedication at Camp Adair , Tues-"
day afternoon were Miss Veva
Couey, Mrs. William OToole,'Mr.
and Mrs. M.- "W. .Weber and Mr.
and Mrs. Verd Hill. :'
Mr. and Mrs." Ed Lawrence and
Mrs. Pauline Evans of Eugene
were Sunday visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Will Mattison.
Miss Barbara Ruef returned
horn e Friday following the close
of the school term-at Grants Pass,
where she has .taught this past
year.. . " . ' . -'r-'y'
Mrs. M. H. Gentemann and
Caroline, Gentemann ' accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McCuiston of
Dallas to Carver ' Sunday to Visit
with - Mrs. . Gentemann's . sister,
Mrs. Otto Hilke. . ' " "
Mrs. Charles Witham of Port
land visited this weekend at .the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Newton. Mrs. Witham - is Mrs.
Newtcci's aunt. "-'
Mr. and Mrs. John Donaldson,
Mr; and- Mrs. R. W. White and
Mrs. Dole Pomeroy visited Sunday
at the Eastern Star and Masonic
home at Forest Grove.
Dinner guests Tuesday night at
the home of Mrs. Stella Fluke
were Mrs. M. J. OTJonnelL Mrs.
Fred Reed, Mrs. Robert Bartlett
and Mrs. Dole' Pomeroy. "
Mrs. Hugh Amsberry plans to
go to Seattle next week to visit
with her aunt, Mrs. J. P. Murray,
who has been seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Arthur
and ' daughter Fay of West Fir
visited Sunday with Mrs. Arthur's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cook.
Mrs. Carlton Nelson entertain
ed informally Tuesday afternoon
for Mrs. Thad Moreland, Mrs.
Kenneth McGinnis of Monmouth,
and Mrs. James -Brown. .
Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Beal spent
the weekend in Estacada at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hale.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patterson
of Corvallis and Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Hayter of Dallas were
dinner guests Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Weber.
The women from the Oakpoint
community were in charge of the
entertainment at the service
men's center Saturday K night.
Home made pies were served.
Mrs. Lloyd Hughes and Mrs.
Ralph. Kletzing were hostesses.
Memorial Plans
LaidjMlv Angel
MT. ANGEL The Mt. Angel
Legion and auxiliary are sponsor
ing the usual Memori-1 services
at Calvary cemetery next Mon
day, May 31, at 9 o'clock.
" Mass will be celebrated Jor, the
departed service men at the out
door altar in .the cemetery, Rev.
John Cummisky, pastor : of f St.
Mary's - church, officiating and
preaching the occasional sermon.
The Legionnaires and auxiliary
members and Boy Scouts will meet
at- the entrance of the cemetery
and march : in procession to the
altar, headed by color bearers.
Service men home on leave are
asked to take part in the services.
After the mass, all the graves: in
the cemetery will be blessed and
those of the ? veterans decorated
with wreaths of Memorial poppies.
Business houses" will " be closed
during the services -
Turner Friends Attend 4
Kendall Funeral
TURNER Among the Turner
friends attending funeral services
in Salem on Monday afternoon for
John B. Kendall were Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Leep, Mrs.' Pearl Giv
en," Mrs. Jay- Denhem, Mrs. Aj-O.
, Warren, ? Mrs. Frank ' Parr,! Mrs.
LAnnie Windorn, Mrs. Homer Hag
gard, Mrs. E. J. Gilstrap, Rev- J.
L., Ellis and Rev. and Mrs. B, F.
Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Kendall made
their home here for a number of
years, and made many friends in
this community. ' .
Master Sread has toasiaBdrr
its aaMoth, tm txhu and
fust tke riflLl Li slics saaka
rvxxl toast.
, ,
AT YCU3 CnSSni"3
( 1
Mrs.- Texhune
Tells Pr ogre
Of Day Room
... ... . . .....
nunc, chairman of the committee
In charge of collecting material tn
furnish a recreation room at Camp
Adair, has made a report of the
progress being made. She reports
the committee still has funds on
hand and. plans 4 add and find
needed articles? This is a commun
ity project, for the duration. A
plaque stating the name, of the
community Ivrhich "furnished the
day room" will be furnished, and
when ready for hanging, it is hop
ed a group from here can go over
for a program. .
Cash was received from the fol
lowing: scrap, $50; Rebekahsand
Odd Fellows, , $23; Masons, $10;
Euclid chapter, OES, $3; high
school, $12.85; Woman's club, $5;
Catholic Ladies, $5; Methodist
WSCS, $2; Christian Missionary
society, $2; Ladies of Marion
Farmers Union, $5; Past Matrons
club, $1. ;
Personal contributions - were
made - by Mrs. Herbert Looney,
Mrs. v Fred Looney, Mrs. Nettie
Sherman, A. L.. Page, E. Cchlebo
rad, Frank Rehfeld, Lydia Hoyt,
Louisa Miller, Frank Wied, Ken
neth Barry, Mrs. Earl Lynes, Roy
Wickersham, Frances Phelps, Rob
ert Terhune, . Mrs. .Jim Wilson,
Mrs. F. C. Schermacher and Mrs.
Gus Hageman. . ,j
Dona tors of articles of furni
ture include Mrs. Herbert Looney,
table, victrola and rocker; table,
Mrs. David H. Looney; Mrs. Fred
Looney, chair," picture; Mrs. Ep
ley, chairs? Dick Lane, card table;
S. (H. Goin, magazine racks; Mrs.
Harry Jones, four chairs; Mrs.
Earl Lynes, floor lamp; Tom Har
ris, table; Mary Donohue, table;
Charles Hart, victrola; Past Noble
Grand club, card table; Mrs. Earl
Phelps, gameaT?..'-' rr4-". '.'"":.'
Articles purchased by the com
mittee include 11 pairs of draper
ies: radio, two round: oak tables,
six oak chairs, ping pong table,
three davenports, easy chair, da
venport cover, chair cover, card
table and two mirrors.
San Franciscans Visit
KEIZER Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Smith had as their guests the past
week Mr. and Mrs. Noah Carter
from San Francisco, . Calif. They
came up to look for a home. They
formerly . lived here almost 12
years ago, and wish to return to
make their home ' here after the
war. Mr. Carter is in War work
in San Francisco.' : -; .-
cl wot
1 few
' 4 '
J 1 1 Minim 11
1 mmmmmmmmmm
i . TMne . " - fj
; v
r.oiuaa::3 uu:.uir:cs
Ccmish Addresses 54
IIS Graduates on , -Ck)iains
TTorld' . : -V
WOODBURN Graduation ex
ercises were held in the Woodburn
high school gymnasium Thursday
night for 54- students,' Including
three ' service men. Nf IL Cornish
of the -University of Oregon gave
the main address, Opportunities
for and Responsibilities of Youth
in the Post-War Period."; :: 1:
' Boyce Cannon ' was. the saluta
torian and Luther Asper the- vale-'
dictOrian. ,The Bosch-Laumtr sci
ence award was. given . to Boyce
Cannon, Muriel Haroldson and
Carl Gustafson received the Le
gion auxiliary and Legion citizen
ship awards. Grace Warwick and
Walter : Scarborough had -: their
names put on the plaque for-being
'.the . outstanding in . grades,
leadership, character and service,
with scholarship being stressed.'
WOODBURN The "eighth grade
graduation of Washington Junior
high school was held Thursday af
ternoon. :-.-- - w-i
The invocation and benediction
were given by Rev. Gulick; Helen
Rose was the valedictorian; the
class history, class prophecy and
class will were given by Donna
Gilliam, Bobby Fillsbury, and Col
leen Gagner, respectively; and two
songs were sung by the seventh
grade chorus. ?
County Superintendent Agnes
Booth gave the principal address.
Those graduating were ..Colleen
Gagner, Charles Tetik, Fred Ha
gelstein, Rodney Polly, Clyde Ri
ley, Robert Joslin, Florence Nus
sear, - Leona - Clemens, Delores
Benson, Arlie Dehut, Maxine Gu
lick, Betty Adams, Carl Alleman,
Doyin Lane, Kate Duffield, Wino
na Breunienger, Clifford Hockett,
Donald Oaks,' James Mandiville,
Jack EzseL Louis Danskey, Rose
McClain, Walter Anderson,' Jimmy
Peterson, Donald Thompson, Bill
Rogers, Ramona Broyles, Carl
Bauman, Truman Foster,
. : Jeannette Nims, Marion Shaw,
Junior Clark. Glen Fryer, Donna
Gilliam, Delbert Kropf, Mary Kel
sel, Doris Oleson, Johnnie' Mat
thews, Eugene Sorensen, ' Clea
Schroeder, Barbara Fisher, Aileen
Armstrpng, Helen Rose, Marilyn
McLaughlin, Anita Miller, Bobby
Pillsbury, Glen Stone, and Arnold
Bigler. - 1
The last two listed are from the
Union school.
Fairview "Area Units '
Hold Last Meeting v
On Home Methods
FAIRV1JSW Ten members at
tended the ' closing meeting for
this season of the home demon
stration unit of this and adjoining
districts. Miss Hazel Packer of
McMinnville; was ' leader, when
"Time Management" and "Home
Dehydrating were discussed." A
noon luncheon was served. The
meeting was held at the home of
Mr. and. Mrs. W. A. Stockoff. j ;
th terror ol .th ,eaf
m r ought, iova
. Here's th raw, rovgh oel- -
venfwre off history's snost
swathbwckling era... with
- the creates! swashbuckler
! them all I V.ViviU-.-'
SabatinTs Jnost reusing story
) . , ... : . r.
S la Ir A Cregar 'Thossas
Mirehell Geergt Senders
V An: y Oylnn George Zwceo
"COif Aiaoxi FEATUUE
1 .m - -m
Lambert Houce'I " . '
Burns Again : v
inXEZTCX Again tie U
verton fire department was' able
ia save the house la which the
. Ed . Lamberts, are living en
James avenue. The boose caught
fire . late Wednesday afternoon
as 3 the deoartmest arrived fa
time to keep It from being de-
' strreL On Thonday foreaeea
. another call from the same loca
tion was answered - la , time, to
, ketj. much -damage from occur
ring. The house belongs to the
JBarold Davisea of. Salem.
To Graduate '
ANGEL -r The fifty-sixth
annual graduation exercises of Mt
Angel -college will be held in the
college auditorium Sunday after
noon. May 30, at 2 pjn. Rt Rev.
Abbot' Thomas Meier will confer
the bachelor of arts degrees on 11
graduates. " - ' . .;:
The address : to' the graduates
will be given by Rev. John B. De
launey, CSS, dean of men of the
University of Portland. Lawrence
Epping, president of the associat
ed students, has been chosen as
salutatorian, and Joseph Neuville
as valedictorian. ' -", ;
- Degrees will . be awarded to
Robert Bayner, Patrick Curtin,
Edward Drysdale, Lawrence Ep
ping, ' Thomas Gorman, Francis
Greiner, Fr. Peter Houch, OSB,
Edward Joyce, Joseph Neuville,
Ft. ""'Roman Schmidt, OSG, and
Ervin Yandehey. .
: The gold medals for general ex
cellence and oratory will likewise
be conferred on the winners. The
class motto is: "Be ye doers of
the word." '
A solemn ' high mass will be
celebrated in the college chapel
Sunday morning, at1 which the
graduates will attend in cap and
gown. The baccalaureate breakfast
in the seminary refectory will fol
low the mass.
Community Club
To Elect Officers :
for the corning year will be elect
ed at the Saturday night meeting
of the Silverton Community club.
A 6:30 o'clock no-host supper will
be served following a program
and business hour. ;
Virgil Tschantz is president and
Mrs. Chester .Maulding secretary.
Whether or not the club will con
tinue , meetings during the sum
mer months also will be discussed,
members state.
Continuous Today from 1 P. M.
The Dramatic Story About the
Man Who Stopped Hitler !
Jcscplr E. Davies
.. ... ,.,....,:
. . ; UtUlTvCKatl
y Plus . Companion Feature
; Uhsl A FanUy! Xlhzl Fez! : t 1
Dixie's Dcbii Is Dynziiis!
She's on the-warpath In wartime Waahingion! Sabo
tagingr saboteurs and foiling; fifth-columnists. Meet the
screen's new scream!
ys stDE-spinrasr
til P j.L
; i
Eiglitli Grade
EjiereiceG Held
ATJMSVILLE Eighth grade
graduation - exercises were held
here in the school gymnasium on
Tuesday night The class had two
valedictorians, ; Luella La Foun
taine and Buret Banks ton; Agda
Malone. was salutatorian. - Evelyn
Mai one and Mary Creason sang a
duet A quartet number was sung
by Martha -Creason, Agda Malone,
Luella .La Fountalne. and Eleanor
Dodd, followed by a clarinet solo
by Robert Mullen, Miss Harding
accompanied all musical numbers.
Anna May Nichol read the class
history. Arthur Coats spoke words
of farewell to the class. Rev. J. B.
Willis gave the address.' ' '
Mrs. Gladys Claxton, teacher of
the eighth grade, spoke briefly to
the graduates. Roy Wilcox, chair
man of the school board, made the
presentation of the diplomas, with
Bryce Creason giving the response
for the class.
' A picnic for all the grade school -children
'was . held - at the school
house Wednesday, with the teach
ers and a large number of moth
ers serving the picnic dinner in
the school dining room. The Til-
-1..V. - ' ...1.1.1. v....
been working on two PTA quilts
for the free hot lunch for school
children for next year, were in
vited to Join the grades at the din
ner in the dining room. - . t
Seniors and juniors enjoyed a
picnic at the coast Wednesday.
Freshmen and sophomores went
to Silver Creek Falls Thursday for
a picnic
Rotary Elects
3 Directors -
WOODBURN Carl Huber, El
mer Mattson and Walter Schuler
were elected the Rotary club
board of directors at the Thursday
Because of the election, no
guest speaker was invited. Instead,
one of the guests, Pvt. Al Halter,
of the marines, gave a brief talk
on his training so far, and his
chances to get into the action ho
so desires.
To round out the program a
discussion period was held. Rota
rians pledged themselves to -give
all possible 'support to the com
mittee of nine selected from , the
ommunity at large to direct the
drive for a " community service
men's memorial. And, as many of
the members were interested in
the furtherance of youth moye-
Campfire Girls, and so forth, the
next meeting is to be devoted to
that program.-"-::;"--. ;.''''' r
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