,Tta C7JX!0:i CIAItCMJUT. Celsn. Oiseari!itTi:sni:5,I.:c7:. K3 Nothing Much Happened Fog Blanketed Attii Island And Yank Troops Tent In' : -: ON A CATALINA IT.YINGBOAT OFF ATTU, May ;iW(Do ? layed)-Ugly weather-r-first wind, then snow, then fog upset the American time-table to drive the Japanese invader of Amer ican soil." - . , ' - ?t Fighting General r -i ,1 1. :): 7 No' arsnehair general is Maj. Gen. . Horace IX Fuller, ; commander - of the 41st division, US army, In New Gaines,' The - man who - leads -Oregon's own Is here pie' tared in the battle dress In which he leads his troops, and state police and others who met him here as he led another unit . of men in the-maneavers, sum mer, 1941. recall, that he then , dressed the part 'and 'exhibited a feeling of personal, responsi--' bility for every lndividaol in his troops. , In New Guinea, the : general carries a carbine ; and - . rides ina Jeep. Official US army . signal corps photo. (Interna tlonal) , Visitors Arrive . At Smithfield , SMITHFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reese Sunday. Mr.- and Mrs. Jack Flannigan I and boys, Bobby and George, of Portland visited with Mr. ; and Mrs. Harold Smith and with Mr, :' and Mrs. Milton Barth and fam ilies on Sunday. Dr. Henry A.. Fast of Newton, Kan., stopped over from Sunday . until Monday at the home of Mr. . and Mrs. H. W. Wall and family, r He was on his way to Lapine on .business. Mr. and Mrs. David Giesbrecht I and ; family attended the Perry- - dale baccalaureate services in' the Christian church Sunday night. ' Their daughter, Elsie, is among . the graduates from high school. From"! here another high school graduate is Joyce Johnson. There are also two Smithfield students being graduated from the eighth, jj Miriam : Rempel. and Aganetha Wall. f Guests at the John P. Neufeldt j home during the : past weekend 5 were Dr. and -Mrs. Robert S. San dilands and family of Montesano, 5 Wash- and Mr. and 'Mrs. Alfred Quiring , and daughter, Shirley of Hermiston; 1 Jftlrk Clipfell Ends Visit in Baker l FOX VALLEY Mrs. George i Clipfell returned home from Ba- ker where she spent a week at the j Don. Shepherd home. Mrs. Shep- herd's sister, Elaine Clipfell, isre I maininr in Baker for the sum- sner. - -,- - -'. f Little kathryn Johnson Visited i Janice Jungwirth In Lyons Tues- day while her mother was in Sa lem for the day. V,-:-:,:J: Wilbur Martin visited Fox Val ;ley friends Saturday night. ; Mr. and Mrs. Albert- Julian 1 were callers at the George Clip , fell farm recently.1 - " j. Mrs. Earl T h a y e r and son, r Garry, returned to Stayton Sun day night after visiting here for a week at the Hugh Johnston ' home. .; ' :. Several Fox Valley children are enrolled in the daily vacation Bible school being held In Lyons 'this week and next. Since May 7, Rear Admiral Thomas Cassin Kinkaid, comman der of the. north' Pacific force and in - supreme :ornmand of - the 'ex pulsion operation,' had warships ready to pour steel and dynamite into Attu. Navy Venturas were ready-to dive bomb." Army Mitch ell and Liberator (light and hea vy) bombers, escorted by -Lightning (fighters) were loaded with bombs, waiting. - j v A storm delayed the time-table one day.' ; When that storm subsided and transports were able to steam out of an Aleutian harbor another storm roared out of the Bering with snow. : The attack was postponed until dawn, May , 11, today. This morning patrol plane com cander Lieut. Wilbur J. Wehmey er, 29, of 6370 i Devonshire, St Louis, Mo, lifted his Catalina off the runway of an advance RAT Island base at 5:05 (Dutch Har bor time, during, a slight drizzle. ; We. cruised at about 750 feet over a solid blanket of fog' and under another layer of scattered cloude 250 feet above us. i f- -; Twenty-five miles east of Attu, we saw the Semichi islands unob scured. -"". Then arriving at Attu; the fog was glue-thick and hid; the base and harbors and Jap installations despite a five knot wind. :; 'Five miles- away, occasional patches of cold Bering Sea was visible. Only once during seven hours of patroline could we look into Holtz Bay, through wispy shreds 1 of fog, and see two large Jap landing barges and buildings. Belatedly, near, noon, American troops made a --. landing without advance shelling or bombardment by our fleet and air force. ;Now as we turned ta.go to our base, radioman Phillip B. Vogt, 22, of Belle Chase, La., says: "I just 1 heard we are landing . sup plies. Our landing must have been successfuL Towe to Preside . At Memorial Event SILVERTON C J. Towe will preside Sunday , afternoon-at; the Joint Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wsrs program to be given at , the armory : at 2:30 o'clock. Chaplain L LWhetsell of Camp Adaaf Will address the group, the Rev. O. Leonard Jones will give the ; benediction and the invoca tion. There will be special music and taps wiU be played by Bill Hutton and Don Renwick. Honor ed guests will be seated on the stage and will include members ' of the Women's Relief Corps,; Spanish War Veterans, officers of j the Legion post and auxiliary, j Veterans , of ; Foreign Wars post and auxiliary. Lions club,' Rotary club and gold star mothers. - ' Following the program a march to the cemetery will be made. In cluded in the march will be the state guard members and the cav alry members. Other organiza tions are invited to attend, ac cording to the chairman of .the day, F. M. Powell. 'Don't Neglect Slipping ; FAtSE'-TEETEJ. Do false teeth drop, slip or wabble when you talk, eat. laugh or sneeze? Don't be annoyed and embarrassed by -such handicaps. FASTEETH.. an alka line non-acid) powder to sprinkle on jour plates, keeps false teeth more firmly met. Givea confident feeling of security and added comfort. No gum- 'mv, fooev. pasty taste or feeling.' Get T AS TEETH today at any drug atore.-- Unionvale Folks Leave on Trips 1 UNIONVALE Mrs. Clark No ble, and her aunt, Mrs. D. Lynn Gubser, were guests from Wednes day until Friday of Mii. and Mrs. John. Buffan and Mrs. Archie Stoutenburg at Kelso, Wash. They visited also with other relatives at Portland. j Mr and Mrs. Vernon Estelle of Salmon River cutoff were Thurs day ? guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Braat. They are mov ing to -Myrtle" Point for summer logging. . - j Miss Lena Clow accompanied her brother, Ed Clow, on a recent two-day business trip to Klamath Falls. vMrs.Henry Schindler and son. Ronold, and Miss Lena Clow spent Saturday , in Portland. Mrs. Simpson Improves f SMITHFIELD Ross Simpson returned from - Cedro v Wooley, Wasru, Friday and brought the In formation that Mrs. i Simpson; is convalescing after a major opera tion performed at the Memorial hospital there last Thursday. Mrs. Simpson had goone to Cedro Wool ey about three weeks ago to visit parents and other relatives.' . mil imp, - Sba as Livoly aa a Younritr : Now her Barkaeha ia batter - ; Many sufferers teSevs aaQiac bsekadM eukkiy. one tbey diseorer that the ical of their trauble aaay b tired kidaera. Tb kidneys ars Natim Khiei mny ol tek in the execas acids and mat out of the biood. Tbey help aaoss poopla pmas sboot a pint a day. W hea disorder of kidney faaetkia permits poisonous matter to icmaia in your blood, it may eacss sanguis backache, rheumatic pains, lec pains, kxw of pep and enri i , (rtuos op Bjhta, sweiiiai; po&aom vauf ths eyva. ' headaches and dSaainri, Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning; some times show there is something wrong vitk ' ycT lidneya or bladder. Don't vaitl Ask your dnwrrmt tat Doaa'a fUia, nsed sueeeaefully by bujoobs for oer9 40 years. They give happy relief and will help chs 13 miles w kidney tubes flush out poiiu- txoni you biood. det VvmzSm t urn. Qiye the Qraduate a Qift He QaniUse Every Day! .. Cosed Ccr 6!: Ofcfcrj r.la jestic Pen a Pencil Set j- iJnvjrrz - : nnrv? -A-inc Max ractor fac. FowtJsf $1 r Dawo Corn Remover. 15c Uath.ric Faw Powrftr. 1 l w Tryc9 Oinrment, 75e Zoning in ram F.e 35 Dr uhctVt Zino Pafi. . rowcr, i. w. - ' . ... t jit ! m . Smartly styled, and designed for wear ana service. ISoxed in at- , tractive sift boxes and ' assortment of colors. Give these new sets for lonjr wear and ' practical service. ive one of 2.50 - II wear and - U - $2.50 Diilfold .Hi Yardlsy Dcauty Cxe, la - browa leather .'with I atitebed . r. 3 D ; dgts for a-mart wear and acrvlca. 'r. Carry this for travellnc. . - -tt" i - A MtUa plastic top. hat , filled 5 --1,t "-'1C f -with perfuma. ' UVCmijIU tuI2 a15.t J Colonial Dames Dubblo Oil of Sachet, $1.00; Dath, 51.00 ' ara! OP "prinkl'.,B JcwcIIire Driish and Comb Set, $2.45. ; . l piaatie. transparent plaatie la lovely eolora. - K $30 Valrham Travel Clock, $23.95 r Encased In pigskin leather case, auida wit precision care. $1X3 tfoubigant Face Fowaler, $1 Lady Esther Face Powder,' Cashmere Bouquet Face Powder, 50e- y-'" - . 35 Cert Ir, 29c COe Vim Corn ind Callous ' Remover, 49c . " - ' !. --.- .... . '. ftt Jfyr Drag ttHimm " KKIsMaUM For Lovelier; Whiter. Hands j Czln Arhcnta . "t . a. V., .'... . 10 t, . .. ad Lealhcric "XIcziaH" Scl $3X3 Skylark 4-Pc. Introductory set, $1 .25 Four essentials to good grooming In .this set. . . - ...... ... ' . ... ...... . . - - FrmJ Hmymr Drug Strfi'ai - 90ei Smooth . a drop -of soft Balm Ar Jtenta ' en your hands after each . time you wash 7' - them and aotiea 1, how aoft tha . skin Is to touch. t rroievta CUtbee Larycx -: Mpth Spray $1.00 .Qr Cottle ' W - t ... w Juat spray, this la the .closets and ia drawers for moth protection. . '. . Drug $titm Wrm M eysr Drug Jsrttas ' Regular $1.00 Nujol 69C Qt; $1.50 Tussy Face Powder $1.00 25c Fred Meyer Citrate off Msfnesle 11c v $1.00 Value Carcid aid BUe TaElcis: . Rej. 25c - Calamine Lotion 4 os. SiM 13c In Oval or Cake Size " - ySca-Pray. - Jo-Verllay : 13C... .. Clcans the) ftkia fcnd lesTM It raioolh and young looking. wwww x wee wsofl m ecoroC'ion ay Supplies " S'' " ' j x i - IS iPdcdti DC Irsleedls 3 for 25c Paper Plates Paper Table Forks 1 Paper Cups Paper Forks fr Spoons Get all your Decoration Day supplies now for that picnic or small trip. Buy early . while , : stocks are complete. Select from the com plete stocks at Fred Meyer Drug Sections. , 75e Gennine Thermos' Vacuum Fillers ' . 1 Vi or pints to fit nearly all thermos. ' Repair- that old thermos -and put it - into use again .with a new filler. America Flat. SxS Feet $g m . riy your country's flag- for Decoration . Frmd MtyT Drmg Ssetisisi C i"t eSSSSBBSSSSslMeaV Protefls Hands' From Dirt '. " and Crease Hand-Saver Cream 15 i.Jor" Ks asors sltrk Jpcraiasd gresss slrt Is spass7 hogrs UtIdk ts wash away. Hand aavsr "orka ntlraeJss! Protsets tbs aasda acainat skis awcasi picKM a- y - aaaaa. Laxor Savon Soap A fins toilet Box ei ff aoap at ak - ; 4 ., . j.VU . price. Carna- tlon Bouquet, Apple "Mlosaom, American Beauty. ffi Htym Drag Sactfs i IdviuM. jiioti of pnttttmn. miss aaalnM pmm, 4trt or srtcM. : -Try it applies, saiors . woraius saa torn Ul asrte that It H wonderful. At auai Just wash-up ubm tks ersaai and tbs sirt 41s . selvs . liks saacle. No nor aar4. ts clsaa aaads with Haid aav.r. . -r. FrW Jfsjrar Praa Sttllmm . .. Partlaael's Own Fragranoa t : Le Cui Toilet Water -..-I Cologne 2 ex. $4.00 lottle I , A eistlaeUvo UngtricK frag, rases oX Fort la ad's SWB f racruea. r 4 OS. bottle, f 1.75 Frmd Utyt Drug $ ttitm I Tor Healthy Scalps Wildroot Tonic u3 With Oil 47c 50c. Value ... -I f .KMSaii, I- f ' O rooms tbs hats without that aeteat Isathsr. took. Rs Sstss ariiaa. aa4 leoss eaaerafX. aa cleaa miV.i s4ot. Ft4 JTajW Drug $ scrisM . Brass! Kew aa4 lOfkly ... AatUewMe j' Hcnc!i Tapo ! with Sulfathiazole 23c $1.35 Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound 79c i , $2.00 Barbara Could - N Special Cleansing Cream 51.25 $2.00 Barbara Could POM POM Cream $1.25 Powerful and Cleansing Amphyl Disinfectant L"; 49 c Kar Bath and Complexion Camay Soap a? Bars 20c A medicated ' band aid with fiufalthiaaole to cut down risk of lnfec Photo : Finishing 300 Bring in all your photos to be finished and developed at Fred Meyer Photo or Drug sections. Any six or eight exposure roll developed and one good print . of each negative all for the low price of 30c. i Cleansing and Refreshing! M.D. Douche Powder Easy to Use' Cologyn, Syringe 60c Size. 49c Use for feminine hygiene and for cleansing stimulant. Frsst M sysr Drmg SscO'ea 3..29 -7. Uade of oft rub fa e r for '. practical wear . and - service. ' Household Vaxos end Polishes ; For Your Summer Housectcaning . Regular 50c Dott's Liquid Wax I S Fefreshing and Stimulating $H.C0;.Tussy Eou Be Cologne . V2 Price For a limited time only 7" at ' ; Here is a lightly f ragrant cologne for after-bath , v refreshinp; or for a fine stimulating' cologne to keep you fragrant. all the day long- Jnclude one.;' of these attractive bottles to your dressing1 table or send one to the graduate for a clever little gift i The attractive bottle will add a touch' of xlamoar k:. i and smartness to your, collection and'you. will like ' ; this spicy fragrance. .....,.' . ..'O. - - '? - ' - - FtU Mrm Vrmg $imm f. 1 ' " J, w m . fS: rr- .7 " . i .7 ; - i Learea Room Sweet and Fresh No Excuse J 7' SIRAT -.?' Deodorant COc Sise nv' nn.' th. tw srtiEh ta-. bandy ayn y ,sr aat IM Mo EaeM stavas tits air frss ifrom sdor and atsls- Frwl timymr Drmg 49e A self polishing- wax for aU types of floors and for linoleums and fur niture. ;'. - 75c Johnson's Clo Cost. 59c ' 75c JolinsM's Pasrer Wax -1 Ib.i59et 75c Cld Englisk Paste Wax 59 75c Johnsons Caritu, pt. 59c . 75c UejiiM Veitccr; Polish, ' CM InglUh Upkelsrery Cleaner . Quart, 59c." '. - 50c OXedor Polish; 47c ' Frmi Jfcer Drmg tttttmm " Wmw m aJght'Coloraa or . Teiiet Waters-' , ' Pinaud ' . ' Corrrida Cologne "' sJ:59sS:C9' Fragrant light'.- cologne . for after bathing - tr sharing. frW Mmyr Drmg Sartms - Well Creonied MaJr fr..Yoa - iFitch'oii I : Sfia mpoo . 79c 12 os. .!?. Size Leaves the,., hair aft and ahinlag. Drmg 3timm . . . l$l Hind's Hohay - .Ind Alrnsnd Cream j. .... Regular 1 0c Sweetheart Soap AW : Llmrfef Wta Bar. -6 tars Frad Mtymr Drmg Smttimm Relaxing forVSpre Muscles ' Fred Meyer Tooth .Ef.t?a'f .,?'c?7,r'3;7 f K,:' -Powdsr KH&axng AKonei wompownei I For Soft, Smooth, Lovely Hands n r. i I I UN Mi "II I 7' ihntty and Economical----Eaton,s 1 I - 7 I . Uruzhlzzz Shsvo Crccm i 13c Saothlnr anS rclaxtna; for aera acblns aus sms. ess s wtl for sattsrpU - etsaasias wouada aa eaia. K. lrascripUo assd. C frsserftXisa Mttimu Cueit Sixe" IvcrySocp : V , Kc Bar : KUd (. and 'fragrant toilet aoap.' for bath or complexion.- .. , - ITtmi Afsyer Draf Jscfisa f.- 50c Size 29c Leaves the teeth sparkling torn perfect cleansing . and refreshing of the mouth. Fred MT Drmg Sttmm I - A I r iUlca's 2 Drcp Used Lciicn i Rcsular 25c 7c J I With Coupon " Void after lisy II, 1943. t- I, I "tuJW Rev!ar 35c Vi:h Coupon redeead Retail Sales Tax af 1st Applies to An TofWrlea, Ferf uaaeav i - - eto. Uadaded la the Taa Law and WIU B Added to the - t : ' retail Fries at the Check Stands 1 gntooth, ! Faat JEha1r, and : . t SooUklngt the racs , . .IColfste Cruihlsss ... Shave Cream ir 39c" .Try this fast shaving cream lor a better shave. frsd Mttymr Drmg ttlmm a? -. Try this lnezpensiye t ' share cream for 'a ' r . . fast, smooth shave. I Frarrant and ; kind : to taa akin. . . 1 ' -. - I .... - ' f . ISA.. . Frad ktaymt Drmg liU 7 -, - PRICIS CCCD FRIDAY TllrtU MONDAY ' i ... il.J '. t . ): y S Ciant Size. Tube ... : .- Pa!mo'!a " r ' , Lrr:s Tkw Crc;s Cc-ci;:.i - .Tcllrics r - ; 1 Ia - t tr. f - : 1 end rfif-f J, c ry shaves. at AU Drmg SctM