The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 28, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    TLm CZZCCll CTATrCMAir.- Cdsv Crt-cra. n:ij X Zzzzlzz I Zz? IZ 13
Visit Father,
UNIONVALE Mr. and Mrs.
' John .Stoutenburg : of Casper,
Wyo, who have ; been guests of
- their father, : Neal Stoutenburg,
. and other members of the family
since May 16, left early Tuesday
morning -for their home. Compli
menting them, a family dinner at
tended by 23 members was held
Sunday.- While - they were here
they purchased ; a 15-acre tract
and home four miles north of Sa
lem adjoining the Dayton-Salem
state highway, and will arrange
their, business affairs as soon as
convenient and i move here. Mr
and Mrs. O. S. . Bartlett, former
owners, ; will, care -for the place
until they come. ; .
Attending : the family , dinner
. Sunday J were " tBe honor guests,
Mr." and Mrs. Orval Stouten gurg
- Stoutenburg of Fairview, Mrs. Joe
' Gisler . of Salem, Mr, ' and Mrs.'
Harry ' Stoutenburg of Mission
Bottom, Mr, and Mrs. Will Chand
- ler and infant . of Grand Island,
- Mrs. Bert McFarlane of Pleasant-
dale, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Due
on and son, Mr. and Lester Holt
and Neat Soutenburg of Uninovale.
Pvt Sidney Jones of Vancouv
er, Wash, and ; Mrs. Jones of
' Amity were Friday dinner guests
. of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Launer.
r Mrs. Frank Atkinson and daugh
ter Colleen of Salem were Tues-
day and Wednesday guests at the
' same home.' , -:
Members of the home demon
- stration unit of this area attended
the May meeting at the home of
- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stockoff on
Mascacre BayrT7here Americans Landed
Food Demonstration ..-
To Be Held at Swegle ':
, SWEGLE Friday afternoon
at 1 o'clock Miss Frances Clin
ton. Marion county home dem
onstration ag-ent will be at Swe
gle school for a talk and demon
stration on flrylng fruit and vegetables.-
She will answer nes
: tions on canning- and : f reeslng. "
Everyone who is Interested Is
Invited to be present. '
Have Breakfast Guests
FERR.YD ALE Sunday break
fast guests at the Jtobert Mitch
ell home were Dr. and Mrs. V.
A." ' Para of . Sheridan and J First
Lt, ., Harold Johnston - of . Camp
Adair ( a nephew of Dr. Para, and
Where -the fighting is taking place in the Aleutians This aerial view of the resion where fithtinr is
' now taking place In the Aleutian islands is an official United State navy photograph. In left foreground
: is Massacre bay, where American troops landed and moved against the Jap invaders. To the right
i Cherikof Point. In apper left corner are the mountains overlooking Cherikof harbor., UN Soundphoto.
Lodge Delegate
Attends Meet
In Portland
I LYONS Mrs. Hazel Lewis re
turned home from Portland the
last of the week where she had
been attending the Rebekah As
sembly of Oregon, as a delegate
from Faith Rebekah lodge. ,
i Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Moses from
Eureka, Calif., are visiting at the
home of his f son-in-law ' and
daughter, Mr. and t Mrs. Albert
Bass. Additional guests at the Bass
home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs,
V. P.' Moses of Corvallis,- Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Moses and daughter,
Barbara, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Bass from Philomath. Wayne
Bass returned home with his bro
ther for a short stay. r':
L Mr. and Mrs. Owen Minech of
Portland, Mrs. Nieles Knodson of
Sacramento, Calit, and Mrs. Jack
Morgan of Portland were guests in
Lyons Sunday. I They i visited v at
the Amos Hiatt, Edmond Engdahl,
Bert Lyons and Pat Lyons homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Berry and
children, Peggy, Joyce and Jimmy,
of Mable, and Marvin Berry and
daughter. Norma, of Lebanon were
Sunday dinner guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Berry. Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Carr and daugh
ters Gloria, Katherine and Nadine,
of Mill City also visited at the
Berry home Sunday.
Miss Lucille Lewis, who 'has
been teaching school in Culver, re
turned to the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis, where
she will spend the summer.
The Lyons school closed Friday
with a picnic held on the school
grounds. Miss Esther Fixsen, up
per grade teacher, plans to teach,
the second and part of the third
grades in th eCreswell school next
year.; Mrs. Delpha Purvice, who
taught : the primary : grades, will
give up teaching next year.
-Mrs. Wayne Hickman and chil
dren, Sherron and Dennis, of Sa
lem are visiting this week at the
Lhome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. P. Lyons. - ;-
i Miss Glenda Lyons of Portland
is spending this week at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Lyons. " i .:.
Dixon Takes Exams
j UNIONVALE Arthur Dixon
left Friday for his physical exam
inations' at Portland preparatory
for entering United States service.
Amity Churches
Plan Memorial
Union Services
AMITY A special memorial
union service will be held at the
Baptist church Sunday morning.
The churches of Amity are co-operating
with' the American Legion
in this meeting and Rev. Karl H.
Faulkner win be the guest speak
er. . ....
The Baptist Mission, circle will
meet Friday night. May 28, In the
social rooms of the church. Mrs.
J. O. C a s t e e 1 and Mrs. W. E.
Tarnes are the hostesses. The men
of the church are Invited to at
tend this session starting . at S
- nniAMA Urs Henry Korn
inan and daughters cf Vancouver,
IFash are visltir: her mother,
Mrs. Jennie Moe. t
, Among those visi tin Salem this
week were - Lira. XZith Phnippi,
Mr. and -Mrs. Roy FhSippi, Mr.
and Mrs;. Orvtl Greer, lira. IT. C
IlcCarley, Ilrs. A. 7. Landers,
Mrs. Chris McDonald, Willsrd
Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. -Merle
Fhilippi and daughter. : .
Mr. and Mrs. C W.' Danf orth
cf Idanha visited in Mehama Sun
day '".',' : -
Mr. "and Mrs. Tex Kimsey and
sons, - and Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Philippi and daughter were. din
ner guests Sunday, at the Al W.
: f 0 r t -n a f , '-m
. r,HTnmrLD Tie lros"er
House and all but 12 cf tie L
S3 baby cLicks owned by MU
taa ZUrCi . were, estreye J by
fire ;7eiiesiay tf-tt when a
defective oil steve, which was
being repaired, exploded.
Landers home. , The occasion, was
Mrs. Landers birthday.
ii .J
G?c:z Clcp fcr Yf It
TTLils Enrcutc Tlzzl
HAYESVILLr: Mrs. Clarence
Greig and children, Eally Jo and
EUly, paid farewell visit to Mr.
and Mrs. D. Y7. Greig Monday.
They were en route to Savannah,
Ga where they will Join MaJ.
Clarence Grei, who now Is sta
tioned at Camp Stewart, Ga.
L-Jij a UL-MDlhll L LIU . D li !1)LL
Jsk-Z3ix .
f Lymd
irbts y
iU.1 i.
City careerists and country cousins canallv seen here.
shopping for, onr cottons. Tailored for . (7 O O
unusually excellent iittins, they come . JJ iJJ
- m ? ?
13 a siyie vanciy ana coior cnoice vo ,, . r
inaxe yon enmusiasuc woi
In the nar planl . ;
ia yesr V-Garden
al play ...
Ccclesi IZcri Prcciical
i ' - . r .. .
Tackle your job In slacks for
comfortable ease thai adds to
your working1 pleasure.
They're : cool and made of
sturdy fabrics that won't
shirk long time wear, and take
innumerable washings with
out losing their trim fit. '.
Polo- Sbtafs
U III S, . y 7 -T" 'f i I
r10 u :
- T V i I IN 3r I "JM I'll" ill i Vv
i . , . f , I n i t r t ii I it 1 1 1 ,.jv
rv i ? in x a
.Assorted Colors
Lndies' ilnhlols"
ilrrcrlcd Slylcs and Sizo
U ftp
. ' in" '
Pure WhiteSemi Porcelain
Capond Saucer
Reg. 15c
Tufted Chenille
In an Assortment of
Sizes and Colors
rZcnvy VThif
; , Mi
Special! Special! f. r ;
1 QL bottle. Ideal fcr. cleaning -'
woodwork and painted surfaces.
6 Sparkling crystal ten-
. . . . . . " . ' . ,- -. r-
biers, 1 80-oz. crystal
water jug to match, v
'"Hnn' r7r.n i.Pr-irlrt . f7 (rT - VCX. i ' V 0 tS . ;
: r j r
OA i.. tic, I
v mo-