T2i CZZCOIl CTATIZI IAIT. Cclcra. Crsjca, TtlZar llsalx U37 i:, 1C13 Wlieve , Wow . Gsi The ' BSost Fo? 7 ' fm 1 , : " LSa' J f r- i m ' h it M r it Z' WS W vfc.fc-S L' a 1-4 Classified Advertising Statesman : Classified Ads ..: Call 9101 Three Insertion per llne 25c Sbc insertions per Una 40c Oo month per Hnw , 81.24 Minimum charge 25c; 3 tL min imum 55c; tL rain. 45c No 'refunds. Copy for this pac accepted un til 'J the evening beore pubtice Uon for classification Copy re ceived after this tone wW be ma under the beading "Too UU io Classify." '.- The Statesman asviimr do Onan etal teaponsioibty lor errore which reprint that' part of aa advertise meat to which the typographical mistake occurs. The Ststesmsa reserves the right may appear ta sdvertisements pub lished in its columns sad In cases where this caper ta at faeJt will to reject aueaboaabte advertising It further leasees the right t place a ad vertnoag , under the proper rlaosiflritlrai A "BUad" Ad an sd containing e Statesman box aomber for aa ad dress le fee the srotecttoa of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at -liberty to divulge infer msttots as to the Identity - of aa advertiser srsing, a Baad ad. Livestock and Poultry ATTDmONtll wot dead at -wortmess srocs THJZEB fc.BY-PBODUCTS. Ph. 5000 Collect 4 No ether Phone.) RABBITS for sale; alive or dressed. 431 N. CapitoL . rOR SALE: Saddle horse. Good style, feed life, gentle for children or women. 2318 Cherry Ave. Ph. 4380 er 6532. - ' 'yi .. . ' , j" - WHITE GIANT RttaMtt, Doc uxi bucks, tea MeGilehrist BRING TOUR ewe eggs tor custom catching;. Tuesday or Saturday morn ings. Ph2-2a6LIec Hstchery. . FOR SALE NeWMaeiliiM pullets, ready to lay. Ph 23861. Le Batchery Help Wanted GAR. and- Service Sta. hefqpv male female. S89 Edgewater. W. Salem. BERRY PICKERS 'wanted.- Cabins turn. Begin Monday. rh22-472 COUPLE to live with elderly lady, free rent, garden, pasture for - one cow. Ph. 2-2787. WANTED: Another ansa and anoth- fee lsdy for ice cream work.. Pike's Cream - Store. . NORTHWEST POULTRY and dairy BERRY PICKERS wanted. 2 mi. East of Chemawa 4 comers. Max Woods, Bt- 7. Box 351. Salem. Ph. XSM9. -r NON-TJNION ted. Guar- antee. 154 So. Church. t Help Wanted filale Workers now ampfyed to war pre dnctlea sheals sot apply sad wtu aot as ceasMered for esapteyssee by eav pleywrs sdvertlatag a'thJs sectiesv" . - AUTO, i Mechanic, too wages. 809 Kdgewater. W. Salem." EXPERIENCED JANITOR for half days. Essential industry. Apply, at Ho tel Salem. -v ; EXPERIENCED stTf iKER - Bchlndlcr Bros Dajry, South Satent. Help Wanted Female WANTED: Girl er wemaa for house work or help care for young turkeys. TO. 902, JeXXerson. , - UNiTEU AIR TJWTW needs women Statioo attendants sad ware operator. aw to so. njgji senoot educ. S yeax eoiiege prei. rree to go saywhers VSJk. CsU 3848. :; r , v.-- ..... WANTED x READY-TO-WEAR SALESLADY EXPERIENCED, MUST be capable af taking complete charge e depart -Blent. METROPOLITAN STORE ' 136 N. Com! St. HOUSEKEEPER; Z . ADULTS, one child. Care child day tunes. Attract ive wages, room, board, or by day. Weekends off. Ph 14074 ; ; i TURKEY PICKERS wanted. North west Poultry St Dairy. . OmCB ASSISTANT to doctor. Ex perience not necessary. la reply state sge. phone, address, salary expected and kind of work dene in past. Re plies confidential. Box 2610, Statesman. KITCHEN HELPER. .Weekend work. evenings only. The Biuebtrd. W ANTED: Beauty operators. Guar antee ' and - commission. , Box 2608. Statesman. . MARRIED WOMEN, turn your spare tune into s. Two coed., workers for ' local territory.' also twe for outside towns. For appointment , write Box T33. Salem. .;. . : . For Sale ?.I Ucellaneous 1000 GAL. cedar wster-sup. tank. mp. pump lack. ru a. Bav sib. ftx. iris. . . - . , , . FORD-EATON i assembly. . Mercury snotor. Texaco: -station, corner of Broadway J Hood. Pa.-0621. DINTNO 'rm: suite.'. Round- table. 4, Chairs, large buffet.. 830., Ph. -S4TI. 30 ARMY COTS. Vi bed. and 2 dou ble beds,- smooth ' top. combination woodgaa range. 1790 N.. Front. GIRL'S roller skates (Chicago), size Box ,3as statesman. SHOW CASK lxsx2',,. fL-3-burner U stove with even, sxu rug. Seventh 4c C Stsw Independence. - POULTRY fertiliter 8ar: Victory Csrdensr 30e per sack. Bring - sacks. Ph. 22SS1. Lee's Hatchery. i - j ' - ADVERTTSINO f . I Western Ad vertislnsT " ' " Rep'resen ta tl ve f George D Close. Ina. Ssa rrsnciaco : Los Angeles .- Seattle - Eastern Advertising" L -, Representatives . J. Wsrd-Grtmtb Company tne. .5 -Chicsgo, New York. Detroit, - Boston. Atlanta ' - easseafc-- " " - -. s- ' Cefered et the Pesteffice et Salem. OveffOK as Second Class Matttr. Pub tithed every morirtna- except Monday ilusintss ofice II SotttA Commer ctai street, ' CUDCCRIFnON HATE3 , - Mali Subscription Rates In Advance: Within Oregron: OsiJv snd Sunder. Mo ft cents: 4 Mos $i CO. I year. $8 00 I lsewher 40 cents W ao or tt20 Ur vrir In advance Pef copy 4 cents E C:tv Carrier. 73 cents a month. 0 ii a year in advance ta lisrloa sad adjscenl ennatlaa Elonej to Loan QTHCK CASH LOANS CAM. WRTTsT tm pboae tOltol ' to SsiesnS eldest tar sect bom owned and home managed finance tnstttu Quo ' Your fumitdsi arrstrs enu discussed and loans made to strictest privacy You wU be given every coa stoeratMta m ute tpsvtne or leea or STsnttae at extensions 1 to 12 MONTHS TO REPAY - Yon ' esa psy to full any tuna Ui reduce tne-cost - ONLY BORROWER SIGNS -No endorsers twsns ssade oa tares tare or acta. . : - - -4 SEE ''fy ".i-':-"; ROY H SIMMONS MGR . Lie. No M-ISS i GENERAL FINANCE r CORPORATION ' Lis No B US : ISC Sa. CosnnoereuU St Phone sISS First door south of Ladd 4 Bush bank Convenient ground Uooc location Auto Loans i Willamette Credit 'Co. STB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUTLDtNG , J UCgNSK N. M 15S ! SAVE TIME, tires, ess Apply fpr your loan by phenet- Telephone Jll. ssk for Miss Anderaots. Personal Fin ance Co.. 612 State St- opposite County Court House. S-t2X M-16S i Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED AND capable steaog. sad bookkeeper will do part time work la your office or my nomev rn. For Sale Miscellaneons 4-BURNER aas range, comb. ' trash burner with copper coils; green ivory enamel. 488 N. Z4th. . GRAND PIANO, S ft. aire. any. sea Illinois Ice box. M lb. Hotpoint elec range, 'good shape. 2145 N. 4th. JUST received Plane sccordloas. 12 Bars - 48 Bars -12 Bars flt.to to 850.00. ' Jaquim Music CO. ui . mgn BEDRM. Set. coil son. & sastt.: elec. range, dng. rm. chairs snd other srti des. 17SS Falrmount. Fri. and Sat. TWO modern -davenDorta snd chair: davenport table; kitchen table; large antique solid walnut buffet; antique marble top dresser with mirror, bed to match; misc. nousenoia gooas. rea sonable. 318 E. Main, SUverton, Phone Base 091. . - - - . ONE LANGS ranee for wood or coal, with copper, coMs. A-l condition. 328 Jefferson. .; .. - ; . METAL see refrigerstor. so lb, ex cellent condition. 1S73 K. Front. Ph. 0S2 , ? Full porcelain wood range. 1240 N. 4th .. RABBITS. Rt. 7. Box. 280. Slem. ELEC. - WASHING, machine, motor $15. 2495 N. Fifth. 4 " YR. OLD S-4eat Guernsey cow. Very gentle. '889. .Smalt plow, one section- spake tooth harrow- cheap. Ph. 2-1838. . . , ' . . -' ELEC STOVE. A-l condition, after -30 p sa. at 1215 S. 12th. Call ATMORAYS for ssle or rent H. C Pugn. PX. Bear-463. r 2-2458. DUO-THERM automatic oil burning hot water heater $99.59. Available oa A-I0. rating. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. 467 Coart- St. ? POULTRY FERTILIZER fl.W per yd. You haul it Ph. 7261. Le Hatchery 1 SEE HOGG BROS 200 State- St Cot Utarajr adejta on. roar old tuttt-re- j Fuller Brusbaa. 1745. Grant. Ph. 5381 iDAY. Chr. txlt nu. Pb. 4422. Wanted -F nrnitnre i TOP CASH vrtce paid for furniture 2t household goods. One article or bousefull. Ph. -9692. Jacobeon's Fural ture Store. 500 Edgewater SL, W. Salem, ... ! CASH FOR used furniture & noase Sold roods R. Paecev Pa. 744ft i IF YOU want to buy er sell furni ture see the 12th - Street Furniture Store at 705 S. 12th St. Ph. 7141. : SET YOUR own price.- then call Glenn Woodry, the auctioneer, for action ta a harry. Ph. 8110. Aliseellaneons Dental Plate Repair . I TWO-HOUR SEKVICE IN MOS1 t-: ... CASES Bring or Mali Your Plates tor ftepstr DR HARRY SKMLER. DENTIST Adolpb Bids State Coml -Ph 3311 Wanted-SlisceUaneoag BABY SEAT for csr. Good condi tion. Ph. 4226. BOARD snd room for 2 small chil dren. , Ref. . exchanged. Box 2818. Statesman. WOOL 'GROWERS ATTENTION Government now permits us to buy wool direct from grower' In" lots leas than 1.0OS lbs. within 9 miles of our mill. Contact us before selling. THOM AS KAY WOOLEN MILL CO., SA LEM. OREGON. s FURNITURE m psy your price- within reason. Phone 5110 - et be ' convinced. Glenn Woodry. the Auctioneer.. ' : CASH; PAID for upright., spinet or grand . pianos. Ph. 8707. -,--! TWO-BURNER electric piste, to good usable order - Box 2603. Statesmen. 1 SAW FILING, ether tools 1808 N. Sun. Ph. - 2874, USED tXWrTURE- Pa 5185 .WANTED: Wood range. Ph. "wANTLen-stos"fflfcP WANT TO, Ban Used- Meswea PtteMSop 4uu ktato For - Ren tr Rooms Sleeping ray, PrL ent. 833 12th. ' ONE and two-room fura. spts. CsH evenings. 1S20 Ferry. "..-. LARGE SLEEPING room, PrL home. Ph. 8633. 802 N. Church. - cue: . ,ui;iq, , . , .i4jt l'!!! CVWGVJDOO t Ji' , Co rrs 'S 1"""' 'A C AJSTTW2 J' 0 - RIoney to Loan PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED - to re duce payments. Money for new et used cars No delay nr red tape You wul -retain possession of he veoiCie . .1 to U MONTHS TO PAY. . . ROY H. SIMMONS - i 138 South Commercial Street ' Phone 8168 . . Uc No M-1S2 CASH LOANS J $30 to $300 AUTOMOBILE. FTJRNTTURE, LIVE STOCK and SIGNATURE . 'Calkins Finance Co. 316 (Jrd Fl Ph 4448 . . .1st NatT. Bank Bldg.. Salens ; ; S-228 Lie. M-27S For Rent Rooms ROOM. bd. if desired. Ph. 4406. For . Rent Apartments : ONE 8 rm. turn. apt. and one 4 rm. unfura, apt. 975 Edgewater. . ; AVAIL. Jane ; 1st. lovely farn.. 4 rm. cottage. - 850.00. Every convenience. 837 N. Com'L , i. . : S RM. fum. or unfura- newly paint ed, water, light. 419 S. 19th. 2 RM. FURN- 1st fL Pri. bath, xrlsid. hot wst, wssner, U34 a. com t. 2 RM. FURNISHED ant- and bath. 1508 N. Fifth. R - CLOSE IN. Alee SR.. Apt. 639 N. Liberty. For - Rent Elouses -ROOM zurxnshed available June 15th. Inquire 181 S. High or all 8537. t - y- 8 RM.' pertly turn. Inquire 1090 K. 8tb oetw. sav as 73B p. sa . . 835 1 br. modern, furn. home. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 RM. HSE. Ph. 5449. RM. mod. unfura. firepL, awd. firs.- 830.00. garage. Ph. 40L - S RM. house, adults. . 1235 M. IT. COMPL. FURN. 5 rm. hse 2 bethnws AvaiL June 8. Ph. 3753. a ; - FURN. Suburban 2 bed room house. adults only. Box 2604. Statesman. For Rent Farms 24 A. 5 R. Elec W. Sty. Bern. 4 A, berries. 172 S. Liberty, f Ph. 711X For Rent RESTAURANT. PARTLY equipped. 891 N. Coml, Apt. 6. ; ; FLOOR SANDER for rent. . Mont- gomery Wsrd s TRUCK3 for rent. You drive.' Mc- Cune LoveO. pboae 860a. v Wanted to Rent WANTED: Unfurh. 2 bdrm. hse. to city limits. Ph. 9346, 1394 N. Summer t FAMILY with 8 small children wsnto furnished ' house near ; town. Prefer Salem or Dsllas. Call er write D. L. Thompson. 1396 N. 4th. Salem. - TO LEASE. Mod. 8 bdrm. home near school, by reliable bus. man. Box 2611. Statesman, , For Sale Real Estate 5 R. Base. No. 82000 cash R 86000. 82300 Dn. 87000 furnished. S R. Base, furnace,' Lg. lot. fruit trees & garden, 83850. About $1200 will handle: Large Mod. 8 R. (unfin. upstrsj $9950 900 to 81000 On. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Uberty f; Ph. 7113 7 R. 3 B.R. 2 bath rmi. bssem. Wsl- nuts & shrubs, gar. 83JW6 8L000 da, bsL st $40.00 per mo. 1067 S. 13. See owner at 1763 S. Capitol St 8 RMS., sleeo. notch, rarare. nice lot mod - locatim. S2SO0. S12U0 cash. Call 7710. . NEAR CAPITOL BUILDINGS MODERN 7-ROOM residence in ex cellent condition; double garage; lot 50x165 ' ft. with psved alley. Price $6700. See LEO N. CHIT JS. INC, REALTORS, 344 stste street, raeaf 9261. .. .-. sS5oil bun -5 rm. house fullv fur nished. Englewood diet. 1853 N. Capitol - . 9 ROOM house a garage with 2 lots, auto, oil heat, automatic water heater. Fruit trees Si garden space, 1397 Market St Phone Mr. Clark at 3345 or 9101. Price $3250. : WTNSLOW. Ariz, 9 turn, houses. Sewers. Handy men mske Irving from rents. High dry climate. - Might con sider chicken ranch trade. Owner 112 W. 1st, wtnslow. Ariz. : LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE HAVE LOTS OP BUYERS ox LOAN ON REAL ESTATE BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. REALTORS PH 4108 si BARGAIN: Apt. houe site. 2 good houses: large -coraer 100x165. Ph. 6301. 4 , RM, full bssemt, furnace. large lot. Nice. $3508. Englewood diet. Terms. - ; R. A. FORKNEK t - :i - 1853 , N, Capitol w MOVTNG TO "PORTLAND r Will sell 8 Rms. Comfortable. With Elee. range serv. for $1350. East. 8950 cash ' needed: dimmed. Pees.-. " Another Rm. DwelhnS- 82258. UX. $990 down. BsL 82V mo. H. P. GRANT 529 Court St. :LFoa"sAiJt,J House In West Salem renting at 829 mouuuy. race suhju. wra juj uourv St, Dallas, or Phone 277 Dsllas. 2 BED BOOM house 1 year old. some furniture, on 99 W. 3 miles out. WIS show evenings.' Small down payment. Box 2597, . Statesman. ; $21008800 down.' 820 mo. 8 plast. home. Lot 50x150. Oak and, fix trees. St. imp. tn.- - -C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 8638 51100 A. 3 bdrm, hse, full dbL garage, elec. water " system, one block to school. -3 miles out at Rob erts j$1600. $S08 dn, $20 mo. Ph. 22578. See "Rl.ondie'Mn color' irijaew; Statesman tabloid comic section ,1111 KTWERS.! WEARP ITJ ' ("pRoaAstyTy"' T T f-J t mt mm - 1 For Sale Real Estate $3000.004 ' roota., house, corner lot. Fairmount rliu. $5250)03 - bed room house, ment, furnace 6c gerage. ;- P. H. . BELL. REALTOR ' 212 Guardian Bldg. Phone 8148 ALMOST NEW 5 r. home; 1 A of land. North. Price 93900. See . - W. Ci KRUEGER. REALTOR ' 147 ! N. Commercial Ph. 4728 '"BEACH HOME and boats. lMt fail to see this place over the- weekend. Terms, cash or will take good acre age. Cass. Johnson, Cutler City. . Exchangee Real Estate TO . EXCHANGE: - 19 A. - tract on paved-rd with small buildings. 8 mi. E. of Salem, tor sman Salem property. I W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR; 147 N. Coral. , . Ph. 4728 For Sale Farms. - GOOD FARM A. $5300. 52 A. plow. baL pasture, good soil Sx biulritngs. Stock, -crop i ma chinery. Located north 15 milesL Coma in sod let ua teU you about it. See i-ouis Becnlei er Mrs. Needhsm, ,341 aiate. Hoom . ' lSO1 A. Twelve miles. from Salem, snd about 140 A. under cultivation. Fenced with woven wire, and with a new house that cost $5200.00, large nam ana plenty of -other buildings. Priced st $100.00 perV acre, D. A FISH - 477 Court . - Ptu 6334 846 ACRE farm oa Crabtree Price $37 JO per acre. 3 bsras, 7 room house . and outbuildings, electricity, phone, mail and milk routes. 160 acres farm land, balance- pasture. 6 miles souths t of Seio. See Maggie Meritt in soot vresTon. t Acreage a A. nr. Salem. Some fruit. BaL ta i cult, AH mod, 7 rm. has. Barn, chick hse.- New dble. garage. $7500. S A Part In good pasture, rest to cult. 6 r. has. Good elec water syst. $2500. with terms. . F.H. Weir 48S: Center - REALTOB Ph. 8411 24 A 8 R. . new hse Barn. Berries. Some timber-for own - use. Elec. W. Sty. $2508. Some terms, ITS S. Lib erty. Ph. 7113. -.?ri '-9 OVER 7 ACRES 7-ROOM HOUSE with gss and elec tric; barn, - chicken house; orchard; good soiL Located N. E, not far out. Price only 84800. - Also have 1 seres with rood s-room anfinished house; several large walnut trees. Price 81700, See Mr. Voorhees with LEO N. CHXLDS. INC, REALTORS 344 Stete Street Phone 9261 Suburban . .- FOR SALS Approx. U A rust outside city on North River Road, with volunteer po tato crop. $550.00. nimusr piece . adjoining containing Royal Anne. cherry trees, $650.00 . Restricted to residential purposes. Also small : cabin , to - go, separately, suitable for- sportsman's lodge. Can be movea oy - trues, see owner. Oliver Huston. Room 19 Statehouae, 8 to 5. 2515 N. River Road evenings. Ph. 4388. HOUSES on small tracts. Price 81500. Terms. See Fred Rawlins, 1853 N. CspitoL .... . . . Wanted Real Estate HA VX A NUMBER of cash buvers for Salem property. A. listing- -with us st this time means s ready sate. RICH L. REIMANN 167 Seoth High Street v. :, Phone 8203 Wood Sawing Charles F. 1311 N. Uberty Ph. Business Cards tv -this itrteUrf ru so a ueDtaly bsilt Uy. Rate: $UU per Urn per BMBlb. : ' Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES, Cherry Model Aircraft, 21st at- Market. ' City Auto Brakes Mike Paaek 278 South Commercial Batteries WTLLARD batteries, all types. R. D WoodroW 294 Church. - Phone 940ft Bicycles - BICYCLES. New sad reconditioned. Harry W Scott. 147 S mb'cL .P.454 Chimney Sweep ' Northaess Chimney Sweep Ph. 44St FlorisU Bialthaupr ' 447 Court . Phone 8185 Funeral Directors TerwUliger Funeral -' Boca. Phi 8828 Gifts. TUB APRON Shop 878 ' H. High. " Hosiery RmI Silk Hosier ' Mills. Ph. Mrs. EL- Moseiey. Gen Del, Salem ; Lawn, Slower Sharpening Mschme ground. 440 S. Capitol St, Elat tresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phone Painting 1 & ; Pa per banging PAIimNGADeeoratinr.'r-Ph, T552. Experienced .Beasoasblo. Ph. 432 For Sale Used Cars "ALWAYS" . OUR STOCK IS THE FINEST IN THE VALLEY 1941 Pontiac "Torpedo" Coupe. Radio, heater. To " see this is to buy it. " 1940 Chevrolet 2-door Sedan. The hest in Salem. Tires 90. Car condition 100. 1941 Nash 4-door Sedan. - Overdrive, weather eye, beautiful condition throughout, V . 1940 Ford Tudor. Tires excellent. ' Onenowner car, radio and heater. 1941 Ford 5-passenger Coupe. Top condition every way. m , ; '.- 1941 Studebaker Champion Sedan. A real dandy little car. Tops for economy. 1 1940 Chevrolet Coupe. Radio, newly finished. 1937 Olds SedanBoy, what a sweet running carl -- Headquarters for the Best in Transportation BURG0YNE MOTOR CO. 440 Center Street ; Phone 2-1535 Buy Wh2e They're Here 1940 Ford Tudor Del. Sedan . Very low mileage. Good rubber. 1940 Ford Deluxe Coupe Completely reconditioned. , . . . ., , j 1940 Studebaker 5-Passengcr Coupe ' . ". . .j . " i , ' . j. - 1937 Chevrolet Coupe Good rubber. Mew paint. Clean. ., . Many More to Choose From . We Pay Cash for Used Cars VALLEY MOTOR CO. . . . m T .. OVER 23 YEARS OF Used Car Lot Business Opportunities ALMOST NEW'Safeway store with 20 year lees, also sales bonus clause can be purchased-with e cash payment of $9000.00. balance of $1X500.00. loan at only 4U tot, total price $21,900.00; will psy 10 on equity. This is an ex cellent investment. AM. LARSEN, REALTOR Chain Store Properttsa a Specialty 153 South High St. Phone 7480 GOOD INCOME laevetty consisting of 4 houses only yrs. old. sll mod era, excellent loeatina At tavestment. $1200.00. Tsrms arrsnred. E. M. LARSEN. REALTOR . Exclusive Listings - Pereesuil Service 153 South Sign St. Fn. 7M SMALL' CAFE. r Detag bus. Ph. 73F12, Call .PJs. Directory Paints and Lacquers Complete Hate NASON Liberal terms, m o Church Prhxtins; rOB -STATION CRY. eards, pamphlets, programs books or any 'kind of print- mg, cau i n asa teaman rrnrung ua. partment 819 S. Commercial. Tele phone 910L Radio Service PIERCE Radio Serv, 842 N. Com'L 7681. Septic Tanks Cleaned SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools cleaned. Satisfaction guaranteed. Stat e-wide service. Gene Fite, 642 Edgewater St, west ft stem, rn. 8745. ' Inspection free. Kenneth HsmeL 1143 Eighth St, West Salem. Ph. 6661 Transfer U-DRTVE TRUCKS FOE" RENT Blankets fura. 187 & Liberty Ph 8062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT' trsafe. storage, burner- oil. briquets rrucks to Portland dally. Agent Pierce Auto Freight taeradrag Calif - potato Lsrm Transfer; Co Ph 31i. Transportation WANT RIDERS to Willamette Iron Steel: day shift Ph. 21310. Tiling TTLE bath rooms, drain boards, fire places and storefreats. Pkw 8472. Vacuum Cleaner Service rRES Inspection ta your thorized Hoover service. We service sll makes cleaners Hogg Bros Ph 4149 Well Drilling C J. PUGH. 2125 Myrtle. Ph. 8334.. R A West A Sons, Rt 8. B. 449 8-X29V every Sunday, HTVe TROUBLE VJTTV1 OU IS, AMV BURGLARS I n r r S f For SsJe- Used Cars Like new. , FRIENDLY SERVICE Marion & Liberty Business Opportunities GOING into service. Win sell Ser vice Station business and- stock, cheap. Around 8400 moy profit. 90 East Tur ner Rosd.- For Sale Used Cars "BUY NOW" AT SAM'S 41 Pontiac Coupe : ' Tires almost new. ... - 41 Buick Sedanet '.. Badto, heater. 40 Ply. 4-tloor Sedan Radio., heater.. 40 Cher. Master Sedan 39 Pontiac 5-pass. Coupe SAM'S MOTOR CO. 459 Chemeketa Phone- 7817 Opposite Downtown Fire Dent DO YOU KNOW THAT Salem Auto Co. WILL GIVE YOU More Cash for Your Used Car We need Fifty Cars Immediately any make or model See Us Before You SeU SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. Home of CHRYSLER , SERVICE - - PLYMOUTH North. Commercial at center ' atreei FOR SALE. Packard 1 Coupe.- 1940 model; Good tires, good' mechanical condition. Deluxe radio, overdrive. Consider trade to. A E. Isssk, West Salem, Ph. 3558 after 6 p. ra. 36 TERRAPLANE. 8 dr. sdn. Good cond, good tires, heater. Ph. 8055. For Sale Wood lsT old fir. 870 Stotesresn St. " ' : SPECIAL ' - - ' . toads rain wood. $17.06, Prompt dehvery. Ph. 4444. , Wood Graea. 412 H 21st St Ph 8370 Plywood cores A ends. Ph. 8309 Lost and Found LEFT $13.00 to bills at Post Office window. Finder please return to E. A. Baldwin. 2450 N. 4th. Reward. BRTNDLE Boston terrier. Blind left eye. Ph. 6307 after IP.lt LOST: A easoUne ration book. Re turn Melvin Gartner, 1335 Hines. RED Spaniel male dog. Name Pea nuts. $5 reward. 3570 E. Turner Rd. Ph. U-345. - " Transportation WANTED: Riders to Willamette Iron A Steel. Day shift Ph. 22408. WANTED: Riders Swsn Island, grave yard shift. -Ph.-3446 between 724 end RIDERS for Comet Iron Works. Day sUrt 1'U. TZiL CaU after six o'clock. Fci- E.ila Used Cera Buy vhile there are Good Cars left LOOK! ' 1942 Chrysler Royal Sedan. Radio, htrn fluid drive. 1941 Chevrolet Special Deluxe 2-door. Radio, hlr. 1941 Ford Deluxe 'Sedan. 1940 Chevrolet Master. Coupe. Radio, heater. 1941 Willys 4-door Sedan. 194Qf Pontiac Club Coupe. A dandy. 1940 Ford "60" Coupe. Yi 1939 Ford 85" Goupe. Clean as a pin. ,! 1937 lrd'85M Sedans. Choice of two. ; 1937 ; LaSalle Sedan; Radio, heater, j 1940 Ford Deluxe 4-door. 1942 Ford 4-door, like new. l( 1938 Buick Special Sedan. Try it. : ; Many others in all makes and models. . i i Come in and look them over. -. ' d? AVE AT $HR0CICS Salem's Oldest Independent Used Car Dealer. Lets (8) Corners Church snd Chemeketa. Service Department 358 North High Stmet OTTO J. WILSON ' : ESTATE 1842 BUICK SEDAN. : i 1941 BUICK 9 PASS.' COUPE. . : 1841 FORD. 8 DOOR SEDAN. -'- 1940 FORD s PASS, : cqppR. 1941 CHSV. TOWN SEDAN. 1838 ' DODGE 4 j DOOR SEDAN. -1838 FORD FOUR TiOOR, SEDAN. 1838 CHEV. COUPatr . v ' 1937 BUICK SEDAN. j 1834V PLYMOUTH 4 DA SEDAN, j Easy GJAAC- Terra. Otto J. Wilson ESTATE N. ComX St Salem.' Ore. Automobiles NOTICE To All Our Customers j and Friends . In an effort to gtve our employes some time off, we -will be closed on -Saturday. May 29th, and Monday. May 31st Otto j, Wilson Estate Buick Garage . ; 388 N. COnunercial St Wanted Used Cars SELL YOUR CAB , Herrn -Owens Used .Car Center.' 233" So. Commercial - - , it T " T TT" " r" T" a mr i"ifii T AA 4S" "7" 3eT" mmmm mmmm mrv I I I I I b tXOSXZONTAI. 2,Cof&ns- - A Tropical CaJTuvere - r:,S . 1L American tank expert , 12-PosiUve poles 14,Halfsem lS.Shsming; . - '"'' 17. Who was Odin' brother? , 1 A Bustle s? - r 20. Slender flniala ;'', -J 2L Cast off ; 23.Versifler - "7 25. Part ox mouth 27.Winr;Uke part "28. Commenc 29. Single units . , 51. Symbol for tia' 52. Grat S4. Insect SA Quiet! ' ' SA American rail 40. Wound marks 43. Knock gently 45. Trap- - . do. What important mmutmcturtag cify lie in N. ?. Ohio? :, 47. Crest LaJco . 4 9. Non-professional ' -v . Sl.spsnese sash - :J - 62 Comparative word ending v 53. What seiport-citf is oa tb$ Clyde, river, Scotlead? 5. Hypothetical fores' :. 57, Whti, French ex-communist became a rabid Nazi -j. ; collaborator?' . - r 59. 0!ei& add salt, . - " 61. Squanders - -' '-. C2. Eaves , -' Drijand "r " J.. -Pronoun 1. -.2. -4. Creek letter . , . ' ' 7ho was. Cblet ot 'British ' Imperial General StaS 19 15-19 IS? -. - - ' Creole "V ; . ;. , -. ' A 7. What eP9 Is at the !.., end or Massachusetts? Clothes, , i: For Sale Used Cars V Phone) 7922 Wcstcd Used Cera .i Orval Pays TOP CASH ; PRICES i For Used Cars ALL MAKES A MODELS 0RVALS USED CARS Caater at Church Ph. 4708 WE PAY TOPS! Get every dim your ear Is worth. Cash on the Barrel-Head "C" SHR0CK SALEM'S eldest todependent used ear dealer. NX Corner Church A Chens, Ph. 7922 GRANTS PASS,' Ore -vP)-, Ed Hushes started for civilian de-i fens first aid meeting and picked, up some practical " experience) on the way. . ,;' 'f;'i . "' His automobile . snd . a bicycls collided, knockins the. boy rider unconscious. Hughes carried the youth to a doctor's office. ' . He found the doctor taking four , stitches over the eye of Margaret Hughes, his daughter, injured aft play. ",; ..--.. .' ; . ,.L - 9. UaacuUns nicluMuns 10. Smooths 11. Fleshy mitts ''''., U.At what town, in Franc did the German breakthroutb occur in Ml ay. 1940? 16. Fodder rat . .. , , ; , 19. Persisji poet 22. Exrlamatioa ' ' - 24, Ages - . '. - V ' " -It. What seaport-itr in Florida is the sits ot a training - station? . - 30. Bag , 33. Church dignitary 35. Edible rootstock i , 38. Horse - , 37,What English school was:'r founded in IS71? . 39. Luzon Negritoes 4 L Automatons . - ,1 "', 42. Tricky (colloq.) , : 4 A Jumbled type 4 A Shield f .-v . , j. .-. . . ;.: 50. What is the rst name et'tho - , composer ot TTho Firebird"? 54, Land parcel - 4 C5. Protuberaoct , 53. Sun god - ' 60. Near : - i. . - - . '.' ' Answer td yesterday's puZzlA C A 5HT 0 M A L Ale tAtri flLE 4 N Alv1ljt(T! CIA " A - MUU-3 . - 'LI-.- "iLiHJ 1 4 1 1 Assrsrt t' re f aUl .1 . i..istts. DlsL by King Featui . Cyn-.ci.V5, L:.-