The OniGCri STATESMAN. Sclera. Oregon, Tuesday I Icrnlncj. May 25, 1S13 PAGE SEC Installation Follows' : .Luncheon . . t Just preceding their, final bus iness meeting for the club year, - . members .of. the Salem Woman's . club gathered at the clubhouse on Saturday for a 1 o'clock luncheon. Installation of officer i was held during the afternoon. .Mrs. J.fM. ; Devers and Miss Eleanor jStephens presided at the : luncheon table which was set with a . white cloth and a center piece of Cecile Brunner ? r os es and ; columbine. The luncheon ' committee included Mrs. ..Walter " r Spaulding, chairman, Mrs. Clif 1 ton Mudd, Mrs. Harry Belt, Mrs. Roy; H. Mills,, Mrs. A. Wal " lacei Mrs. Claude Murphy and " "'Miss Mirpha Blair. ; ' . . Mi C. C,-Clark officiated at the installation ceremonjcbf Mrs. Dwight Lear, president; Mrs. C. H.. McCullah, . vice - president; Mrs. Guy Hickok, treasurer; Mrs. "J. C, Harrison, recording secre tary; Mrs. Melvih Fidler, corres ponding secretary; Mrs. Howard Hunsaker, .financial secretary; " r . Mrs. Frank Myers, director ;and . 5 Mrs. Rex Putnam, trustee. . , -,1 Through annual reports given . . by the committee chairmen, the following highlights of : the club - i year, under the presidency of , , Mrs. Herberts Rahe were - re- v veaied as purchase of two war . bonds; weekly Red .Cross sewing; . ... furnishing ; of '.a .- day : , room at . .. Camp Adair; . entertainment of Marion- county -Federation- of; ; Women's . clubs, reroofing 'I the r i clubhouse, - giving cash to the Christmas, seal fund, and Chil-. drens Farm home, giving gifts . to Marion county patients at the ' tuberculosis . hospital, presenta- - - tibn ht 77 blankets to" the USO and books to the Victory Book ; campaign, and serving , at the USO canteen each " month. Plans ; were discussed for the state federation c o n v e n t i o n -planned for Salem the first week V In June. ; j , : BRUSH" COLLEGE Pastel--, tinted Brunner . roses centered . the 'dining table when -Mrs. . Glenn Adams entertained the Brush College grange homeeco nomic club with a no-hostess luncheon Wednesday. Vari-colored Iris and large i Oriental poppies were, used '.ef-,-k fectively about the guest rooms. Mrs. John Schindler, president, ; conducted, the business meeting : when., tentative plans were dis cussed for a rummage sale to be sponsored by the group in the . early autumn. Enjoying vthe luncheon and social ; afternoon were Mrs., Charles McCarter, v Mrs. John Schindler,, Mrs. A. E. Utley, Mrs. C. L. Blodgett, Mrs. Charles Glaze, Mrs. Phillip Pe . terson, Mrs. Laura Walters and ,: the hostess, Mrs. Glenn Adams. Today's -Menu . Fresh vegetable salad will be- gin the meal that includes also, fresh asparagus. ";. .' : Raw vegetable salad : Broiled macaroni and cheese t - Creamed asparagus, v . . Cottage pudding Lemon sauce " ' "- " . ' - - ' ' - : BROILED MACARONI ; AND CHEESE - . '. 12 odnces macaroni . ... . 2 tablespoons .butter , ... I ; 1 tablespoon;, onion, fin e.l y .-, chopped ' ;" ; '2 pieces t celery, finely ,chop . ' r ped " -" .; cup flour. . .:. . ..." -v 3 cups milk , . ... . teaspoon salt ' .;. f . V ; . . Dash .pepper ... f 4 teaspoon - prepared .mustard . t ounces American chee s e, H. "- grated -' , Cook macaroni. in 3 quarts ; boiling, salted ' water . for., 15 to J 20- minutes,, or u n t H tender, y; Drain, thoroughly and pourinr ; to a casserole. Simmer onion and J celery in . melted" butter . for 5 ' minutes. Blend - -in flour; -add 4 milk, salt and. pepper, and cook -.. , until the sauce boils-and thick - ens, stirring constantly.- Hemove " from heat, add - mustard and - cheesed stir until, blended. Pour the hot cheese sauce over s the hot macaroni' and place under . the Jroiler. to brown. Serves 6. - RATION CALENDAR ; -yd , ". v I ? . rooo 'CA Canned Goods BIu . I tamps . G. H and i now valid and good through Jun 7 K. L, M became valid Mar 24 and are food through July 7. Meat, Cheese, Canned rtsh, rata. "Butter and Margarine Red stamp X. I". G good until May 31. J now aood and vabd until July 1. Sugar Coupon No 12 good for pounds, expires May 31. . Coupons 15. and 1 good for five pounds each.-canning purposes Housewue appuea to ration poard ior additional allotment UT needed. . - Coffee Coupon No. . 23 . good . tor. 1 pound, valid through May 30. -. GASOUNB - - . ' Book 'A coupons No. good for four gallons eactf. expire July it. - yVaX.OIJU - . Peiiod coupons . expire Septem- fcer I. SHOES - No. 11 coupon u ration book No. I good for 1 pair, exou-es June IS. - . TIBtS .-v; , . Cars with C books must have t.xts inr:ie$ try May XI; B books by June Z3 - : : - :. " . z 1-h-ort. makes yoa fle -1 cuftry tyd ptak cno ef the best and ; 1 iraj-s to help build up : 1 U crt mors strerfJa sad . . i a tzib vigorous tioocitreass , i j i c".-s. riatifim's Tatlets are e .5 c I t a frreat-e tlood-lron tonics. ; i c it ;-! Fi'Zow latr.l directions. - Tells Her Betrothal M ISS VIVIAN BELL, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Carl J. : Bell, who is cmnoundncj her encjaaement to MfiDon- - aid Barrick today. Mr. Barrick, Barrick, is a graduate of Salem high and has- been- attending . OSC where he affiliated with Delta Tau Gamma.-He has ; . been rxdled into'ihe army. - Miss . Beir will graduate this week from Salem high school. They have set no date 'for the weddingl (Kennell-EUis), - ' t " ' . ; ? u ; Nurses to Receive Caps f Twenty eight nurses aides will i receive ,' their caps at a jcereniony ; in. Waller hall t b h i ght at 8 . .'o'clock, with Judge George Ross i man . presiding as chah-man-'ofl " the Marion county -chapter of the; American Red. Cross. Mrs.. Brey- - man Boise heads the Red Cross . committee in 'charge of nurses . - aides. ; .. ' , " " .. This is the v third, and-largest class of graduates in Salem, and , another, class : is . being formed immediately. : Mrs. Louise Arne son, RN, will again be instructor. . : Rev.; y. Irvin Williams will be the speaker, "and Major Vernon A. Douglas will admnister the " oath to the graduating aides. More Coffee : . For Homes ' : ' , Price ".administrator Prehliss. M. Brown today announced an -increase in the coffeef ration for June, and expressed his gratifi cation that the anticipated im provement in the supply, situa tion had made this action pos sible. I ; - -. ; : ; - Stamp number 24 in war ration ,t book one, valid on. Monday, May -31,-, will be used, by consumers : . for . buying one pound of - coffee . through-Wednesday, June 30, ;a . period of one -month instead of : five Weeks. .. ' f - . : i- s" ?. ' 1-. - i . - lolndcrilHs ) Honor Guest ; ;.. - ' ! ' -: . .On. Sunday ,afternoon. a group . of Jriends of Joy, Randall were ' invited to ijthe home of. her par- k ents, Jfo? and MrsJ L..iURari- tiau. on - ner f Diruiciay, j Her sjs "JterV Joan, served ,the dinner. v Guests included 'Charlotte Cohen," Phyllis E a t b n, jarge Henry, Modjeska Groehing, Hel . en : Brown, Janet Halik, , Shirley 'Hill,! Rita - Harr, and -Patricia .'Maurer. i. ' , - .. 'I- " Navy :. mothers,' ; meeting i to night at 8 o'clock at. the.YMCA.. will hear Sgt William Clearwa- ter. of the marines, who was ' wounded in action in the south 'Pacific. - ' " ' oumimdies ; For tko worksnon's lunch box ot douaty party aorvine; Master Bread 'tut texture - !- just light - - -,. - - AT ' T0U3 GSOCCTS ...-:.::;.-.: .".---:''...-.. . : -x- . :v- ivy"::- . . : , -V,. son "of Dr. and Mrs. L. VW. , CXUBVCAIXNPAR 1 TUESDAY '-- ' y''Z "; Navy-Mothers. YWCA, t p. ra. Red Cross unit. Central WCTU, ,' with " Mrs. U C. Preaeott. '710 South J3th street. 10 JO a. m. -. , WEDNESDAY ".. ft -. ;.'-?".: The Nebraska auxiliary with Mrs. Lucille Garner, IMS Broad way street, covered dish lunch eon. 12:30 p. m. , . 1 PLET club with Mrs. W. J. Peck. S m. . Woman's - Union. Presbyterian ' church, 2 p. m. Executive board,' 12 JO for paper sack lunch. - THURSDAY 4 'v. Woman's - Missionary '-.society.! First Baptist' church. 2 p. m. at' church. : -- i : Shower Honors Bride-Elect Miss Leota. Conner announced ' her engagement to Mr. Robert Baker Wednesday,1 May 19 at a bridal shower given by Miss Caroline Ward and Miss f Irma ' lUert ' i ; J jt - Miss Conner is leaving Wed nesday, for Durham, Kort Caro- ' lina to join Private Robert Bak er, who is ah instructor in the signal -'corps at .Camp Butner. They plan to be married some- ' time .in June. ' ' j -". Those" attending '- the shower werer Miss -Leota (Pohhef, ' Mrs." Emma Conner, Mrs. Mark Bak er, Miss M a'r i e Kerber, .'Miss Bertha Welch, Miss Mary Rei ter Miss Juanita" Odom; Miss Vail'eda Trick, ' Miss ! La Vihia" Brown," Mrs. Gus 1 1 l e r t, Mrs.. .Delia Ward, and hostesses , Miss ' Caroline Ward and1 Miss Irma inert '-fl"Z::rr-- ;: '.-.:.. . Very .- lovely ,.i SILVERTON - : was the invitational, dance given ; - Friday . night by - a . group ; of . the --younger ; boys ;to their, friends; ; . Music t was furnished : by ; the - Ieth Nash dance : band of., Sa- -.lenv Hawthorne and. roses rwere : used in , the country club rooms . - where the .-dance was given. -? k . Hosts.' were ; Bruce - Dickmarv Don Renwick, Bill Duncan,'. Jim Kelson,-Bert Vurr, Kenneth Cook - - and- Alvin Sahlen. - ... I 1 - - i "r- t -,;f" V7----V. -IN i- -;;lN&qGeQfga;:IQ.; Miller r.-'WeVwillclbs jto 6 p. in. Ceremony Sqleduled Tonight ; Vi t At a public installation, at Ma-, sonic -temple at 8:30. o'clock tor. night, . installation ceremonies by J Chad wick assembly, Order of the; Rainbow for Girls wilL bv. held. " i Jean Driggs,. daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Driggs .the new.", worthy advisor, will wear: aVforr.". mal gown with white. satin .bod-J ice and white i net skirt. .Her; crown will be of jewels and'her corsage of red" roses. '. , : l 1 Mrs. Wayne Henry is -mother " "advisor:1! - . -- .Installing officers are: " worthy : advisor, Joan Remington;- chap- . lain, Margaret Forsythe; record- ' er, Joan Rowland; marshal, Nor- ma HodgeVmusician, Alice Rose. New -officers "are: worthy ad - -visor, Jean- Driggs; worthy . as- s sociate-advisor, Sharon Burnett; charity-, Betty -Zo" Allen; hope; Helen Paulson: f aithT Pat Schnei- der: chaolain Marie .Aim New- man; drill leader, Rosemary K 7 . - - ser; associate drill leader, Meta - At a ceremony, read by Rev. .Woolridge; love, Jane Acton; re- Roy B. Parcel, in Vancouver, ; . ligioiv Iyh. Stockman; nature, jsJVash, May 5, . -Miss Mildred - Gertrude Meier; . immortality,. . r.uthri. Connor of Camn Adair. ' Carolyn Carson; fidelity,' Shirley ; Lukins; patriotism, Addyse Lane; service, Marjorie ;'-Tate; confi- dential observer Gwenda. Boyer;. outer, observer, Dorothy .Town-!V send; musician, Nancy Brown; " chau director- Jean -Barham choir, Pvangeline McKinlay, Pat. .Mansfield,-' .Thelma -Smith. -and AUee-Roaeiyws,;. rr. Student Tells- - Wedding .iHari- " ... .: C ' ' ms -i01? . June. 6. in. .Methodist church; ML pUCI 1UOU. Miss. Mary "Jane Cutler ' of " Portland; Miss "Mary Jane Smith of .Cottage Grove and Miss Nan- Stan Sackett, .brother of the bride; and Mr iAl Ferrii of Cot-' iige .Qrove, will. act. as ushers. A reception wiU be held at, the home of the bride immed iately, following the ceremony. Miss Sackett has recently com pleted her term as president of Delta Phi sorority. ; She is a . member-of Cap. and Gown and -was senior: scholar in home eco-'A nomics, and will receive her de-1 gree on May 30. Mr. Heald grad uated from .. Willamette tn 1941 and was a. member or Kappa Gamma' Rho. He was active in - journalism .and other campus ac tivities.,. , , V A daughter was born to . Dr. r and. Mrs;. Vernon C. Bushnell at Moscow, Idaho, on -Sunday .... morning, j The seven pound 13 ounce girl is the Bushn ell's sec ond child. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E. C: Bushnell of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jackson of Hood River.--. , --. -'"- -.-.t -' IIAYESVILLE The last meet . ing of the Hayesville Woman's : club was held Friday afternoon . . at. the home of Mrs. - IL:B. Tay ,i lor. - . - : ... Neale Craig of the department of agriculture, was the principal speaker. ; ; . - The lollowing'-of ficers were re . elected:. Miss . Ida Denny, presi dent; Mrs. Bruce Willis, secre tary; and Mrs. G. W. Garrison, secretary 'treasurer. .' The program committee con-; sists.of the -officers mentioned? - and'Mrs.: Robin Day. Mrs. G. C. v. Farmer and Mrs. Fred Dough , erty.';-,: t c '': 1 - Members present were: Mrs. , :W. R. Powers,-;Mrs. David Grejg, Mrs. Elizabeth Siddall,- Mrs. Earl Bedewell, i ... Mrs.' '.Bruce - . Willis, Mrs. E. L. Moor, Mrs. J. W. Pent-. " ney,- Mrs." E. B. Taylor,- Mrs. G. C. ; Fanner, ; Mrs.- M. r St Fisher, Mrs.. Fred -Dougherty,, Mrs. - Ida Denny. Mrs. G. W. Garrison and Mrs. Scott" Smith; , . " .' " " t MEMORY . . Of Our ... .L'atePresideht, . K Miller-Mercantile- Scrvicovomcn What they can do i Vhcrl they're doing about it Bliss Ferne Jones, daughter of- iMrs.H.-B, Jones of 555 Marion street, wai recently commissioned a second lieutenant in the army ." nurse "Corps . and4 has been or dered to report 'for. active duty ' to the station" hospital at Camp" Williston, Nev. She is ; a, graduate of Salem'. : high ' school :and recently' has: : been employed at the Deaconess . hospital.; - C . J i :, ' "- Ti - r AimSVILLE Ir. and ; Mrs, T.vCri Mountain have ; received . word; from their niece, Roberta. ", RIckner of. Seattle," that1 she hair left there to, go to Long Island, - to - enter .raining' as - a : marine.., Miss Rickner was a .visitor -for , ; , Flower girls were : Anita and ' a time last winter with relatives '". "Judy .Panthernleqes tof the . here, - but has' been in ' Seattle rt.bridelv'" - :C V'.vA - .": in government work as a 6tenois ; LL Albert Wickert "of Seattle grapher the past six months. ; . 'was best; man and joshersT were ; . - - : -' CMrN Jack Folk "and Mr," M.Bur- WHHl nrf '-RpiriH Bermeister: -lXs'.,v : -" TV AM . : Mrs. Wijdemann wore a green i m t t rr ' ' daughter of, Mr.i and Mrs.!. El- mer . Guthrie pf Salem and: Daj las, became rthe. bride-ofSer,-; geant .Technician Floyd .-Am- - brose pf Panama, '.Canal , Zone, Ur. Love-r Pott- of 5U- ie, -WM -Miss Dorothy M. Foster of Dallas. -.s Mr. - I. , C." -Stoutenberg, of . Salem, served at best man. , . - :The bride, a , member pf the . medical staff, station hospital,; : Camp Adair, as dental assistant : -. and , X-ray technician was for merly dental nurse in the office o Dr. E. C. McCallon of Dallas. X Serjeant Ambrose Is an .fa structor: in combat fighting and "fipgogU r-'vu' 4 He. made the trip home " plane for the. wedding, and re- covering . approximately . . 4600 r " , ' si ii "' - btaiTett; OOStellO ;.;rr- O J' ' V UWS OU1U ; At "a 9 o'clock' nupitial mass at SL Dominic's church in San Francisco, .. Miss Ruth Starrett. " daughter of Mrs. . J. V. Starrett' of; Salem,' became the. bride" of Mr.' James Cpstello'of Alameda, California; T?011 , oI ,Mrs.r4 C: E. Johes of Sain Mateo. ; 1' ' The bride, 1 given, in "marriage ; by Mr. George Gardner, " of San Francisco; was attended by "Miss Shirley Costello, sister of V the groom." Mr." George ' Lucas was best man. ' '" r'' J The 1 bride wor a navy -blue ,f suit with powder b u e acces- ' sories, hat and veil and a cor dage of orchids. THe maid of honor Wore " rust juit. with mat ch accessories and a corsage-of gardenias. The ceremony w a s . performed by - Father Donnally. The bride and groom greeted guests in the foyer Of the church and left Immediately on their . wed4ing trip to the Santa Cruz mountains.;-,'. v - The bride attend Salem "schools -University of Oregon and Ore- -gon State college. She' was affili ated with Delta Delta Delta. The' groom" received' his edu cation in Alameda and is at pre- sent serving with the merchant marine. , . . . ' Mr. and Mrs. Costello" are at home t 2311 S c o 1 1 St; San Francisco.' - , ' "' - , WALLACE ROADThe patrl-. ; , Mrsr Douglas Chamber at To otic motif was carried out in yjs and their small child, decorations I of red 'and " white Uavid. v During :her three-week roses 1 and blue anemones": and . trip she noted that spring is the - lunch appomtments 1 also. red. white and blue .when Mrs. L: D.'Gibson was hostess td the Sweet Briar club' at her su burban home . on- the .Wallace road Wednesday. t.. r - . . Mrs. Duane Gibson, president of the organization, presided, at the brief -business .session.;Re- . freshments were served to -Mrs. a " -' . , Company Wedding Rites. , Read at Church : ? The marriage of Miss Tina Folk,, daughter of Mrs. S. J. y; wildemann. of. Tacoma' o;Lt! Joseph ; W. Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thomas of Sa- lem; was solemnized at SL. Joseph's Catholic c h u rch on Thursday morning. - 2 ' ' . The bride, gowned in" a white- - satin dress 'made brincess style With hisn neekline, and long court train,. Wore- a-fingertip length ,veil augbt with , a. sequin coronet, land, carried a .prayer book topped, by a-white orchid. - .The? brideVw a a , attended by 1 Miss Pauline" Turin, in powder blue, , and Miss Doris' Burger In tearose. Each carried' a colonia) .nosegay. . " ' . . enseAible and Mrs. Thomas wore navy. FoUowing a wedding luncheon Golden, Pheasant, a re- 2tto?' waseld atthe,. D W. ' Eyt home. Mrs. Clarence Boyd Panther of Seattle cut the cake, and.Mrs. Norval Hirons poured. Assisting about the dining room were Miss Ardell Scott, Mrs. lL Burgermeister and - Mrs. ; Darrel Hasbrpuck, sisters of the bride. Mrs. - R;J. Spendal "sister of the bride, 5 and Mrs. L.' J." Lar son of San Diego, sister of the bridegroom,-" assisted about the living, room.- Miss "Pearl Reed greeted guests at the door, . -The bride attended schools in Tacoma, and Lieutenant Thomas Is a graduate of Mt, 'Angel col lege. He is now flight instructor at Williams Field, Arizona, j .- Lieutenant .and Mrs.Thomaf left .Thursday : to rn a ke. their home in Phoenix, Arizona. m -;- rr- " , ' v , ; 1 eCI Ql KniQlU ' tllLirCJl - - .' " , Women of the -Knight Mem 'orial church will have ; a silver tea at the "church on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. . The women of the church-will hold their first Red Cross sew ing meeting tinder the super , vision of Mrs. Tyler Morley, at ' the home of Mrs.: IV Melchert, 115 North 17th street on Thurs day at. 10 .o'clock. All Interested women are invited. , "Sdlem Girls Graduate . Several Salem girls graduat ed at the University of Portland at exercises held in Portland Sunday. All graduated from the St. Vincent college of nursing ; division. Miss. Violet Gladys CoU and Rarhara Kurtz FaUEht who graduated cum laude,; Carmela - G rosso and Barbara Mary &cnus filer, all of whom graduated from .Salem high school, -, and Mar Marie Williams, .also of Salem.; " At Salem General hospital on Sunday afternoon,' a son,' Ronald Ernest, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rehling of route two. The boy weighs seven pounds 11 - ounces. ' The mother -is the for mer Bessie Burlingame, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs." Ralph Bur lingame, paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs'. Joseph Rehling. Mrs. Phil Asplnwall returned ' - Friday from-a visit to her son- v M-iavir and daughter. CaDt. and mucn . farther advanced in - the west. She was atCamp . Macoy on Mothers day. -.. . .. Charles Glaze, Mrs. L. Johnson, Mrs. 5 Dudley Gibson,' Mrs. Rex Gibson, Mrs. C. Newton, Mrs. Marie Flint McCall, ; Mrs. 'Glenn Adams and the -hostess,' Mrs.-! ? D. Gibsen. . - .""- - - j. T.Irs. S, ' B. Kimball has . re turned from, an extended ' visit with her nephew, Mr. E. E. Mc Mahill at Beaverton. ; " Honored on. ! I:- " -A- birthday party "was'given - - for Mr. "V. L, Seamster on Sun day - night at his North :Summer . - street home. Present "at the " af- J fair,? which -included " supper, " mm lim .1 . i hi. n - - 1 1 1.U JJ.X 11 JLL 11 VXH TODAY'S TOP'nOTCH FU3 COAT FAtZC:Z! A CZZAT' vMV2-Gm::oAasivL'snATnat SABLE DYED CONEY - . , - ! V. . BUY IN MAY, TAKE 5 MOUTHS TO PAY I Now' tht time to itltctyour fur coot ... and Sears is the plac to save on this impor tdnt jpurchasel Choost from ; brand new classic styfes offer , ing enduring warmth and last : ingbtaurforseosentocomt.' Every coat carries a ROSE CRAFT FUR BOND IV f, A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT . . . ffco ksUsco to essy-te-tke psy ' meats 4or fire meatkt ... yeell .tkaal Sears for Ike seff estiea seaf Fas vies yeS sflp.iato year keaeU - far eeatl - " - ' ' . ' ' . Yy; r'f -"' ' "-W-- t, V X x X- X i i m. i.jujuui;u m l j i . jafiuiaii'o .-... f'-! fr- Mrs. S.' Seamster, his mother, Mrs. Bertha Zellcr, Mrs. Martin Starr, Mr. and Mrs. M. W.' Zel ler and Ronald,' Mr." and Mrs. O. H. Zeller, Mr. and Mrs. Duk Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Her mann and Mr. and ; Mrs. V. L. Seamster. - ' ' Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae will-hold . their last meeting to night at . 8 o'clock. Mrs - J ames Turnbull will be hostess at 'her home, 1365 iNorth 21st street, t J 1 Ivory Coot In IWi Grevp Corrtei A SorOSrCJWfT Yf Se'tfs c . for Valv," tijhtQyaiJy, . . . ' manihip : .' Store Hours Daily 9:2 a. m. to p. m. Saturdays S:33 a. m. to 9 p. ra. AW. mm mm i Y-, ( ' . 1 ' ...