Tha CZZGOU STATIC! IAN. Sclera. Orn. Sur-isy K-n:;r. II 1213 Teacher Will Entertain . , ' Pupils of Mrs. David Eason will appear in a recital on 'Wednesday s the final of the series of spring musicales, Mrs. Eason 'will entertain at her home Monday afternoon from 4 to 6 for the pupils who nave ap peared in the recitals. I , Wednesday's program in cludes: arabond Bach Loeilly-MacDowell . Beethoven Jit Sonato Op. 13 Grave Allegro i K Marilyn Wystt, Sonata C3- Minor Scarlatti - Jesu Joy at Man's Desiring BaCh-Uc z - Joanna rweai .. Nocturne' Op. U No. I,. ... r.f-Chopin Orientate : ; Albeniz Marilyn Wyatt :; . Rondo Capriccioso Meade ohn Waltx Op.- M - Mo. 1 - ...... Chopin Joanne Twedt Prelude Scriabino Palnwrren . Iturbl May Night Etanc ot Spain . Marilyn Wyatt Sextette - lAtt Thine Eyes -i Mendelssohn In Fair Seville Pierno Elizabeth Nelson. Addyse Lane Jean Claire Swift. Dorothy Hobson Ruth Moyninan.' Janet Rilea Ruth Bedford. . ; accompanist and director Polonaise Americalne i Carpenter Clair De Lune . pebussy Banjo Picker , Powell. j Joanne Twedt Concertstuck Op. 79 ; Weber Larghetto Allegro Fiesta tQriginal) . Wyatt-Twedt Joanne Twedt ' . j . Marilyn Wyatt STAYTON Followlnx a Pt- luck noon luncheon and business meeting, the . officers for next year's Stayton Women's club were Installed by Mrs. Maude Beauchamp, a past, president.'; : The year has been quite a suc cess financially, the club having financed ; a new roof, library books and various projects and having raised the funds through paid-up memberships, card par ties, etc. Installed fur next year were Mrs. Bessie Brown, president; Mrs. Bertha Frey, . first vice president; Mrs. MarcH e Ware, second vice-president; Mrs. Sue Tuel, secretary; Mrs. Reba Ing lis, treasurer; Mrs. Lucille Cox, historian, and Mrs. Anne De Jar din, Mrs. Maude Beauchamp, Mrs. Margaret Schaefer and Mrs.' Ruth Spaniol, board members. KEI7-KK Mrs. Harry Bread bent entertained members of the Woman's Sewing club of Keizer at her home on Thursday. A no-, host dinner was served at noon with Mrs. Nell Richards assist ing. Quilting was the work : of the day. ' -V-: ': ; , 1 : . Mrs. John W. McClure, daugh ter i of Mr. and Mrs. ? Charlie' " Weathers, was a visitor. She will be remembered by many friends here as she has spent a large part ef her life in this community. Mr.' .and Mrs. McClure haye1-t 'moved here from Pasadena, Cal. Another visitor was ' Jack Moore, the four-year-old grand son of Mr. and Mrs. Broadbent, . who will spend the summer here. His home is in Kellog, Idaho. ' Other club members present were Mrs. J. A. Gardner, Mrs. Ralph O'Connor, Mrs. Ben Clag gett, Mrs. Arthur Cummings, Mrs. ELmer Ideen, and Mrs. Paul Pierce. - - 'v : I ; ' Pattern No style in your entire ward robe will be mora dependable for day-in, day-out wear than this two-Biecerl It's an Anne Ad " ami Pattern, 4396V and is design ed with simplicity and well-placed softness..; The cool neckline is young. A contrast skirt bodice top is optional; comfortable. ; Pattern 43S5 is available only in women's sizes 34, 33, 33, 40, 42, 44, 45, 88. Size S3 requires 3 yards 33-inch? bodice top Y yd. Send SIXTtlEJI CKST3 in eoim torn i fhim Anne Adam pattern. Write Plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDBESi &TYLK NUMBER. ' TEN CENTS more brhtr you our Sprins Pattern Book witn Its easy to-make styles for everyone. - Send your order to The Oreron Statesman. Pattern Department. b- 0 , Mrs. , Frances -G.' Bo ley, The" forme r June ' " George, married in Feb- ruary ln'Linpoln, Nebras -ka. She is the daughter ol MniOndlMntrvL B. George, and Mr. Boley's . , parents are Mr.' and Mrs. G. W. Boley. The young Mrs. Boley is in Salem,' ' while her husband is at i gunnery school in Flor- - Ida. . : " . ' , - WEST SALEM Miss Georgia Rose Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cookof West Salem, became the bride of Clyde L. Dehlinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Dehlinger of Klamath Falls, at a ceremony in the Air pha Gamma Delta chapter bouse at Corvallis Friday. Rev. Jesse Bunch of the First Methodist church at Corvallis read . the marriage service.. - The bride wore a pastel dress maker suit with accessories of luggage tan and a corsage of or chids. Miss Bernice Bouche was maid of honor, wearing a yellow dressmaker suit with a corsage of gardenias and yellow rose buds. Ushers were Fred Verling and LawSon Kandra. Miss Joyce Hamilton was or ganist. Soloist was Miss Mar garet Bell, whose selection was "At pawning. Mr. Cook gave his daughter in marriage. The couple took their vows .standing before the fireplace which was decorated with yellow iris, pink sweetpeas and . pink rosebuds, flanked by wicker vases of pink snapdragons, pink and white carnations and yellow iris. - The mothers of the bridal cou ple wore blue with matching ac cessories and corsages of garden ias with pink rosebuds. The reception immediately fol lowed the ceremony. In charge of the guest book was Miss Bet ty James. Miss Shirley Doml way passed the dream cakes. As sisting about the rooms were Miss Ka tacrine Hull, Miss Gale Marhofke and Miss Geraldine Quirk. : - ; , : ' Both Mr. and Mrs. Dehlinger are seniors at Oregon State col lege, she being affiliated with Alpha Gamma Delta and he with Theta Chi. He is in the army and expects to be assigned soon. Out-of-town guests included the- bridegroom's brothers and sisters - in - law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dehlinger, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dehlinger and CapL and Mrs. Carl Dehlinger of Alaska, and from West Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson, Mrs. Guy Newgent, Mrs. Charles Unruh, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Henry, Mrs. Hazel Lacey, Mrs. George Van Santen and daughter, Joy. TURNER. Mrs. Albert Rob ertson, assisted by Mrs. Leo Klokstad, entertained with a sur prise gift shower at the Robert son home honoring Mrs. Juani ta Moulett. Refreshments were served during the afternoon to Mrs. Moulett and David, Mrs. W. R. Hogsed, MrsNora Robertson, Mrs. Vera Waller,' Mrs. Elizabeth Ban, Mrs. Mary Ball, Mrs. Leo Klokstad and Bobby and Mrs. Albert Robertson, Patricia and Edward. A ' ..V YCXJH MILUER'S ,':Y. 5t- J r iv. Ml IX. V Scrviccwoxncn . . Wist day cca do Yhttt they're delag about It . Joining the . ranks of women marines through the" Salem ma rine recruiting office were Pau line Esther Decker and Nancy Ward Underwood, Sgt. L. D. Ringland of the local office an nounced Saturday. The two were sworn in Thursday in Portland. Miss Decker is F the daughter of Mr.! and Mrs. D e la n i a E. Decker, 507 North 19th , street. She-was graduated from Salem high school in 1941- and former ly was employed aU B is h o ps photo shop and the Capitol the atre. Miss Underwood's homers x route four, Albany, r ' The . two will leave early in 'June. for training at Hunter col lege, NY. ; - WOODBURN Two women . from the Woodburn area left recently for training in the armed ; f o r c e s. Miss Kathleen Donnely left Monday for Fort ' Oglethorpe to begin" training as i WAAC. She is the third of her family to go, a brother being in New Guinea and a sister is a nurse in Brazil. Mary McNulty has begun her .basic training as a WAVE at Hunter's college, NY. She is the sixth of her family' represented in the armed forces, having four brothers and a sister in the serv ice. LIBERTY Mrs. Kenneth Oli ver received her orders Thurs day to report for WAAC train ing at Camp Monticello, Arkan sas. She leaves oh May 30. Her husband is a navy ensign and ; she has been living here with her mother, Mrs. Katherine Schmidt since he reported for training last March 1. LYONS A shower was held Wednesday night at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt honor ing .their daughter, Mrs. v Barry Elmer, formerly Miss Helen Hi att, a recent bride. After, a so cial hour; . refreshments - were served to Mrs. Bert Lyons, Mrs. Joe Weitman, Mrs. Melbourne Rambo, Mrs. Alex Bodker, Mrs, Merrill Brassfield, Mrs. Pat Ly ons, Mrs. ! Francis Jungwirth, Miss Betty Jean Bodeker, Miss Ester Fixsen, Mrs. Joe Kinzer, Mrs. Clyde Bressler, Miss Fannie Wilson, Mrs. Earl Allen, Mrs. Roy Huber Mrs. Amos Hiatt, Mrs.- Edmond EngdahL Mrs. Marvin Toland, Mrs. Everett Crabtret and Mrs. George Huff man. ? .i HOIXTWOOD DRIVE On Thursday afternoon the mem bers of the. Merry-Go-Round club were: entertained . at -the "home of Mrs. "C J.HPattison on Hollywood Irive. ' Mrs. Pattison . seated her guests on her lawn. ; At the program hour H. J. La Dow of Salem spoke on 'Wom an's Power Serving refresh ments werif Mrs. Pattison's daughter Beverly and Ruth Biles. .' . Present -were Mrs. Harold Holier and son Stephen, Mrs. Clayton G i b b, i Mrs. Charles Thomas, Mrs. f P. H. , Ernston, Mrs. Oscar Forgard, Mrs. Wil liam Hensell, Mrs. Charles Bot torff, Mrs. Oscar Poe, Mrs. Ralph Becker, Mrs. V. M. LaDue, the hostess and guests. RATION CALENDAR . rooo ' Canned Goods Blue stamps G. H and J now valid and good through May SI. Meat. Cheese. Canned Fish. Fats, Butter and Margarine Red stamp K. F. O and H good until May St. Sugar Coupon No. IS good Cor pounds, expires May XL - Coffee Coupon No. S3 good for 1 pound, valid tfareauh May M. QASOUNI ' ' Book A coupons No, 8. good tor four gailona each, expire May XI. rvix oil - Peiiod coupons expire Septem er i. SHOES s No. IT coupon in ration book No. t good tor 1 pair, exoires June IV v TTJUCS v .:...:. :lrs Cars with C hooks smart have tires inspected by May Hi B books by June aa.: if ALWAYS WAS - - - ' .. : TT UY AND NOW MORE THAN EVER JkCCCK SHOES W1U IE fUtST CHOia . , NOW THAT RATION DAYS ARZ HBC... QUAUTY B THE WtST ESSMT1M. TO LOOK FOR WKCN SUTHO fOOT WEAR. MORS THAN EVER YOU WU fRIZE THE TWM CRAFTS- MANSHIP AND MATERIALS OP FIAOCX POOTWEAR. .STTLEO POR VERSATILE WEAR, THEY RT tETTER ArO WEAR LONGER WITH A LASTING. SEAUTT. Sh Xpartmenf Lions Start . Parli Clean-Up ; Silverton Folk l.Iust ': Picnic at Home, ' . " Ovic Alinded Say " SILVERTON "Shine "er up, boys," "when spoken by members of the Silverton Lions dub does not, this i season, refer , to their cars, they state, y It has specific reference "to the Silverton: city park which in past seasons, has been used actual count) by 125, 000 picnickers with .not a dozen Silvertonlans in the Jot, i But things are different now, gasoline - and ' tires being 'what they are, according to, the. Lions men who insist that it begins to look as if Silverton may have to picnic at home if she is to enjoy any outdoor life. ' -When it became known that because of lack of available la bor, the city park had not under gone its usual spring houseclean ing this year, Lions club mem bers armed themselves with rakes, spades, hoes and picnic" suppers and spent their regular meeting night in sweeping and I dusting the winter's debris from the park floor. It is .understood that the project will be continued unta ev ery table and bench is In order for summer use. Lionesses, it has been rumored, may join'the Lions in some of the future cleanup program. . -. ; Volunteer policing and care taking of the park may, if worst .-. i. - ;v--: . YOU Two Captured German Genernh Gen. Cramer (left), commander ef Africa, and MaJ. Gen. John von armored division ef the Germaa , headqsarters. after their capture Press photo, from signal corps via comes to worst, have to be de pended upon for the' entire sum mer, it was said in certain circles this week. - . ' ' . , Charlie. Watson, park caretaker from May I on, during past re cent years, Is now on the. water department dam project out on CAN SAVE ON NOWI r ' Mr; Schlcsingcr has just returned from an exleri8ive buying trip to the New York and other fur markets with a raperh selection ol ,- furs, designed to thrill and .,, please tli Tomen of Salem and vicinity. - i the all panzer armies in North Broitch, commander ef the 10th armies la Tanlsia, are taken to a the Blserte area. (Associated radiophote from Algiers.) the Abiqua. How long he will be needed there has hot been stated. But in the meantime, say mem bers of the Lions club: "If we gotta stay home and play in our own city 'park this summer, it has to look Just right." FURS ' . YZater. Rate TTirrNf; psT-Tnf-ft At LIoinnGiiili, .MOIJMOUTir Citizens, of Mon mouth who have been protesting water rates here, and urging that an increase in gallonage allotment be given without additional min imum ' charge, ' convened at the city hall again this week, with A. C Powers acting as chairman and Mrs. E. F. Barrows as aecre tary. ;- " Announcement was made that Oscar- Hayter;. Dallas' attorney, has been retained to promote ne gotiations for. invoking a charter amendment s which wiU legalize procedure for creating " a- special utility i board "to supervise" and manage the" publicly owned utili ties of the city, v 5 r . . The plan, as outlined,' is to pre sent the charter , amendment to the v citizens. Its approval would call for a special election of three commissioners, each with a six year office tenure, and election of one every . two years. " The com mission would be empowered to fix rates, formulate a budget and retire indebtedness with the su per vision of a manager and ac quiescence of the board, " Three commissioners were nom inated for office: J. E. Winegar, E. M. Ebbert and Charles Cat breath, . with A. C Powers -named as alternate. A motion to proceed with nego tiations for the -charter amend ment carried, and pledges were signed for funds to carry on the movement. Wide Selection Quality Furs NORTHERN HOLLANDER MUSKRATS CANADIAN SQUIRREL SILVER FOX JACKETS NATURAL OPPOSUM ; SQUIRREL JACKETS PERSIAN SQUIRREL? SILVER TOX COATS . NATURAL SKUNK f BROT7N PONIES PERSIAN LAMB BLACK PONIES INDIAN LAMB and Many Other Outstanding Furs to ! ukjX i I Lansev to Ileail Community dub rvirrs . vallty a-.-ri Lancsev has been r.:"zl presi dent of the Evens Vall:y Corr u nity dub for the ccru-j year. Other officers includa vice presi dent, Joyce Leltui; secretary, Cer yl , Fletcher; treasurer, Llrs. Jo seph LeRud; and executive beard member, Nels Langsev. Those completing their ei;Mh grade work for the Joint school district C-3J were Donald I.IIlkr of Evens " Valley, and Dorothy Sullinger, Edith Mann, Pauline Moen and Loma Dunejan of Mc Laughlin. : WEST SALEM BIrs. PhU Hathaway was "hostess to" the Jolly time quiltics club at her home Thursday night A feature, of the meeting was a miscellane ous shower, honoring Mrs. llal vin Monix. Those bidden were the honor guest, Mrs. Moniz, and Mesdames E. S. Cotes, Homer Harrison, E 1 m e r Forbes, W. Welch, W. F. Sexton, W. D. Phil lips, Elmer Rierson, E. A. Dick son, Robert Ketterman, George Lathrop, -L. Wright, Lee White, and Donald Kemple. At the elose of the evening, Mrs. Hathaway was pleasantly surprised with a farewell gift. AUBUKN The Abrn Woma's club held the last meet ing of the, year at the home of . the president, Mrs. Ben Haw kins. The afternoon was spent in conducting the business of the club.) Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Leo Sutter and Mrs. Merle B. Van Cleave. of