The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 23, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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Junior Glubi
- Mothers of members and other
special- guest, will be honored
at the annual mother's tea and
formal installation meeting of
the Salem Junior Woman's club
on Monday at the clubhouse, 460
North Cottage straet. This is the
final official 'meeting of the
club year, and is combined with
the tea to make it one of the out
standing affairs for the organiza
tion. Official club business will
be conducted in a short meeting'
beginning at 7:30 pjtu at which
five-new members will be ini-'
tiated into the group. Annual re
ports of officers and department
heads will be given at 8 o'clock'
with Miss HattieBratzeV out-goring
president, presiding. Instal
lation of Mrs. Delbert Schwab- :
bauer as the new club president.
and her corps of officers, wiu De
In charge dl Mrs. Clinton Stand-;
ish, installing officer, and a past
president of the club. Mrs. Jo
seph B. Felton also a past presi
dent, will be conductress.
The club rooms will be decor
ated with a profusion of flowers,
in charge of Mrs. Clinton Stand
Jsh and the tea table will be ar
ranged, by Mrs. Verne Robb. In
charge of the dining room will
be Mrs. Ray H. Lafky and as
sisting In serving will be Mrs.
Raymond F. Roach, Mrs! Joseph
V. Tompkins, Mrs. Kenneth Dal-
ton and Miss Hazel Shutt Mrs.
Verne Robb is general chairman
for the tea. Presiding at the tea
urns will be Mrs. Ralph Hensley,
mother of Mrs. Schwabbauer,
and Mrs. Herman Taste, mother
of Miss Bratzel. Mrs. Thorne H.
Hammond will greet guests at
the door. Special guests will be
past presidents of the club, past
advisors of the organization, Mrs.
Earl SnelL Mrs. Herbert E. Rahe,
Mrs. Dwight Lear, Mrs. George
Swift, and Mrs. Robert R. Board
man. Entertainment will include
musical numbers by Mrs. Nels
Tonning and Mrs. Harold Bush.
Announcement is being made
by Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer,
newly-elected president of the
Salem Junior Woman's club, that
Mrs. Robert It- Boardman- has
been invited to act as honorary
counselor for that organization.
Mrs. Boardman has accepted the
invitation for the ensuing year
and will be an honor guest at the
club's formal installation- Mon
day evening, when she will be
presented to members and guests. -
Mrs. Boardman has been a
member of the Salem Woman's
club since 1932 and has served
that organization as recording
secretary for five years. She' has
also been chairman of child Wel
fare and of the year book com
mittee, and assumes her new
duties with a thorough knowl
edge of club work. She will serve
the Junior club in an advisory
capacityHand will be a special
guest at their various social func
tions. Violinists to
Be Heard
A number of Mrs. Mary Schultz
Duncan's violin pupils will be
presented in the music auditor
ium of the Willamette university
college of music. The, program,
open to the public, will be given
at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
The program includes:
Allcrro (A minor Concerto)
Spanish Dance Granados-Kreisier
Eunice Mm
Sonata A Major) Handel-Auar
Nellie Jane Pearmine
Allegro Moderato (X minor Con
certo) l . Nardlni
Gypsy Serenade . .. Valdei-Kreiahsr
Joyce Reeves. -.-j
Recitative: Comfort Ye My People
Aria: Ev"ry VaUey SkaU Be Exalt
ed (from The Messiah)- .Handel
Michael Carolan, tenor
Sonata for Piano and VlolinJ"rnck
Alleffretto hat madtnlnr
Kuth Bedford. Marcia Fry
Andante (Symphonic Espagnole)
Praeludlura and Allegro -- Kreisler
Geraldine . Schmoker
Quartet (op., IS. No. lBeethove
Allegro son brio
Mary Schultz Duncan, first violiav
Wendell Johnson, second violin . --
Lev Pankaskie. viola
- Warrea Downs, cello
Ruth Bedford. Ear line G lesson, "
- - Gladys Crawford, accompanists
ville Woman's club members mo
" tored ; to the home of Mrs.
Thursday afternoon for the reg-'
ular meeting. Election of officers
for - next year resulted in the
choice of Mrs, D. W. Lamb for
: president, Mrs, E. Klein for. vice
president, Mrs. Helen Simpkins
" secretary, and Mrs. L Gordon
' Guests for the afternoon' were
; Mrs. Arbie Martin, Salem; Mrs.
C F. Hein, Mrs. D. W. Lamb.
Towle, Mrs. T. : Y McCIellan.
Mrs. L. . Gordan,- Mrs. Elizabeth
' White, Minnie Peterson, Mrs.
Helen : Simpson, Mrs. : William
Forgey, Mrs. E. Klein and Carrot'
Golf. -. ' - : i
The next meeting, set for June
J, will be held at the - home of
Mrs. C F. Hein, with Mrs. D.
. W. Lamb, hostess, -j r -." .
Reelect Officer
For Year . "
Salem Council of Women's or
ganizations met on Thursday at
. the YWCA - and reelected Mrs.
Verne Ostrander president for
another year. -:., : .
. Other officers named are Mrs.
E. A. Lee, vice president; v Miss
Gertrude Savage; treasurer, and
I Irs. Albert - Walker, secretary,
i MAKE PLANS Mrs. Gordon Coffey (Ief 0, Mrs. F. E. Kenyon and Mrs. Selby Shunter
man discuss the Catholic Daughters' part In entertainment of wives of Knights of Colum
bus, who gathered here this week for a state cxmventiori. Mrs ffey. is chairman of this
morning's breakfast, to be served following the Knights communion mass, at St Joseph's
cafeteria. Mrs. Kenyan is Ihe grand regent of the Salem Court of, Catholic Daughters of
America, and Mrs. Shunterman is chairman of the committee in charge of Saturday's
-bridge tea honoring wives of visiting Knights. (Statesman photo). - . -
' - .
(iirl KPCPrPC
Monday, Parrish eighth grade
Girl Reserves met at the YWCA
to complete their plans for their
"school's out" dance, Friday, May
28. The decorations will feature
a red brick school house, and the
theme "school's out" will be used ;
through the evening. It will be
a Sadie Hawkin's d a n-c e, and
girls will wear gingham dresses..
Dancing. and games will be in
progress from 7 'till 10 o'clock,
when refreshments will be
served. . "
Because of the musical operet
ta at Leslie, the eighth grade
G. R. meeting was postponed un
til Tuesday of next week.
Nearly every one was present
at the club meeting at Leslie on
Wednesday of the Leslie ninth.
Tentative plans were formulated
to have a ninth grade dance at
theYMCA. .. -
Monday, June 24, was the
date ; set by the Parrish ninth
grade Girl Reserves to have - a
boy-girl, party. Members and es
corts will meet at the YWCA at
6:30 p. m. for a bicycle ride un
til 8 o'clock, when they will re
turn and , enjoy a basket "lunch.
Hot "chocolate will be served. The
remainder of the evening will be
spent dancing and playing games.
Pianists Will
Play Monday
" -. i : :: - ' . .
William Fawk will present his
piano pupils in recital Monday
night in the Carrier room of the
First Methodist church at 8
o'clock. Assisting, will be Joan L.
Kortzebom, soprano.
Pupils ' include: Sharon Lam
Jdn, Marilyn Waters, Ray Stum
bo, jr, Phyllis Craven, Carolyn
Davis, Charles and Robert Sau
cy, George Halvorsen, Rose' Mary
Starr, Irene Dalke, Dolores and
Donna Kletzing, David Thiessen,'
Dolores Kaster, Nancy Manning,
Nile Raster, Penny Gilmer, Jean
Gilmer, Molly Anne Dennison,
Janie McCoUum, Sarah Gerig,
.Martha Baker, Edith Gluckman,
Othalene Lee, Billy McDonald,
Marilyn Hart, Jan Foulger, Mary
Baker, Jimmy Michels, Jeanette
Saucy, Jackie Fen ton, Lois
Young, Bob Estes, Roberta
Schultz, Roberta Bulen, 'Joan "
Ferguson, Ronald and Mildred
Sheets, Donald Edwards, Har- -riett
Guilds, Dorothy Wolfmeier, ;,
Bernard Hansen, Joan Rogers,
Allen Harwood, Billy Rogers, "
Verda Hamm, Molly Edwards, '
David Friesen, Janice and Mari
. lynl Dwork, Arlene Haverland,
Beverly Foist on, Irene Schultz .
and Joyce Merideth.
Recital Will Be- i
Pupils of Jean Hobson Rich
will be presented .in recital at
3:15 o'clock at the YMCA. Don
na Jane Macklin, a violin pupQ
of Mary Talmadge Headrick, will
: appear as assisting musician; .
Pianists - taking part will be
Nancy Anderson, Gwenda Boy
er. Jack Brooks, Betty Lou and
Sherrill Brlnkley, Ramona Cos
tello, Shirley Ocean, Norma md
Maurine Jones, Peter, Loder, Ro
berta Meyer, Peter Morse, Patri
cia and Claire McCoy, Pa tsy
Nickens, Marilyn t Power, Bar
bara Sundette, Betty Lou Smith
and Dan Yung. V
The piano class will be enter
taihed at Mrs. Riches home on
Monday afternoon. r ' s ; ;
:" On Monday night the officers
ef the Salem Rebekkh lodge wiU
give r, the. obligation ceremony.
M on da jrj the delegates to the
Grand ylodge held ia Portland
will give their reports, v 4
Perm OiT i
fii- J Push Wave
1 fK Complete.
v Jl 4 Open Thurs. Eve.
i , by Appointment
Phene 3663
305 First National Bank Bldg.
; Castle Perm. Wavers
S tyx ' " t V - - " -- - - - i . i ,i
Shower, for. ,
On Friday night, a crystal din
ner shower was given for Mrs.
Albert Rasmussen, the former
Marine Orth, who was married
in Augusta, Georgia, recently. -The
party was given at the home
of Mrs.- Alwyn Warrick, with
Mrs. Nell MarkeT assisting host-
ess. : : -
The centerpiece was of gar
denias and the table set in crys
tal and china.
Guests included Miss Marjorie
Knox, Miss Wilma Franks, Miss.
Eunice Mackey, Mrs. Cora Plant,
Mrs. Abe Friesen, Mrs. Rasmus-
sen and the hostesses all of Sa- -lem,
and Mrs. Merle Smith and
Miss Stephanie Mitchell of Port
; land. 1.
Voice Recital
Is Today
The Misses Emlyn and Ma
belle Frazer, voice students of
Miss Lena Belle Tartar, will ap
pear in a recital today : at the
Roberts studio at 5 o'clock. The
interested public is invited. .
The following is the program:
Held en Boesleia , Schubert
Da Bist Wie Eine Blume Cehuminn
Me Viola Seule Dans La KuiVBixet
. (Aria from "The Pearl Fishers')
Mabelle Iraxer
Obstination TontenailleB
Caro Mio Ben Giordan!
Aria. Seguidilla. -Carmen".-... Bitet -
Emlyn Prarer
The Nightingale Has a Lyre of
Gold WheHley
Morning Roses . ;,, . Kahn
Piper of Love 1 Carew
Song of the Wind .
Pool of Quietness
Birth of Morn
Emlvn Prazer
Down in the Forest Ronald
It Is Morning Again Cadman
Like Barley Bending Tyson
MabeUe Fraier
What's In the Air Today? . TCden
Do Not Go. My Love Hageman
WU1 O' the Wisp .-i Sprees
Emlyn Frazer
OSC Mbthers at
Mrs, Hill's
. .The Oregon State Mothers will
meet with Mrs." Elmore Hill, 850
South Liberty street on Monday,
for a 1 o'clock covered dish lun
cheon. All mothers of OSC stu
dents are invited. i
New officers, elected at the or
ganization's last meeting -are
Mrs. Elmore Hill, president; Mrs.
A. M. Jerman, vice-president;
Mrs. ; Earl Day, secretary pd
Mrs. Edwin Minarj treasurer.
jr .
Members ef the Oregea Nar-
ses association, district 3, will
meet at 8 o'clock on Monday
. night at the Salem General hos
pital. Major Vernon A. Douglas
will speak.
": T ....
I , .
Low Weekly or Monthly Terms ; :
414 State Street '
Phone 5528
Salem - Silverten - Eugene
a '
Camp Fire Girl
The Ohanpimay ? Camp Fire,
Girls met at the home of the
guardian, Mrs. Kenneth Power.
We bad our council fire and all
- our honor beads were awarded
for this year. Five other girls
: made their Trail Seeker rank,
then the girls played some
games. Nancy Miller, scribe. ;
V The Luta Camp Fire girls met
at the home of their guardian,
Mrs. Helland on Mondays-After
the business meeting, .they de
cided to have two more meetings
this year. Games were in play
following adjournment J a n e t
BoyerJ scribe. ;
. ; . . ;.;
The Okiza girls met at Engle
wood school on Tuesday : and
practiced for. a PTA meeting. y
Virginia Blivins scribe.
- ;:". '4: - . ::
The Tekakwitha Camp Fire
Girls held their meeting on '
Thursday at Sti-Vincent de Paul
school, Mrs. I Chester Zumwalr
directed the meeting ' and told
about Playday, planned for June '
2 at Olinger park. The girls
worked oa, their symbols Jac- ;
queline Zerzan, scribe.
:. ;. . ?f 4 '
The last meeting was held at.,
St Joseph's school and members
talked about summer ' camp.. :
Leslynn Burdette, scribe. .
The Wahnanka girls met with .
their guardian, Mrs.' Lloyd Ed
gell on Thursday, new officers
taking charge for the first time.
A horseback ride is planned for
the next meeting. The next meet
ing will be with Marilyn Waters,
May 27. ' ' .
v -. t ....
Sewina Club to
Meet Tuesday
Sewing day for the Eastern
Star will be held on Tuesday,
from 10 o'clock, with luncheon
. at noon. - Ten sewing machines
have. been secured for the day,
and hospital, work will be done.
The committee is to be headed
by Mrs. C L. Blodgett with Mrs.
E. A. Rhoten, Mrs. Charles Pratt,
Mrs. J. E. Try on, Mrs. A. C Lin
dley and Mrs. W. E. Brown as
sisting.' i . ' - " , i
' Reyal Neighbors ef!; America
will meet on Monday night at 8
o'clock at Fraternal temple. A
memorial will be .held for all
members who . have died in the
pastyear." The meeting is formal
for officers.
Yczr Eyes Arc In
Ttfa Tiil Treat
Then Dxjhi.
Proper .ejesight Is as es
: sential im winning this war
as manpewer Itself. For year
eyes shave power that ef
msktng yea see accurately
: to work wen. Have sis' check
your eyes for possible defl-
ciencies. -. -
Cr - cru Cunday KorxUag. i lay
Dinner for
Club Special
Event " '
The annual . emblem service
will be the feature of. this,
month's meeting of the Salem .,
Business and Professional Worn- i
en, when they meet on Tuesday
for a seven o'clock dinner at the
, Golden -Pheasant At this time
. new members during the year
now -ending1 will be v formally
. presented ; to and welcomed by
the club's president, Miss Helen
Fletcher. For the presentation of -
- the service Miss Ida Mae Smith
is to. act as herald fwhile Mrs.'
Maude Eckman will be the read- .".
er for the symbols. Hazel, Sny-
. jder, Dorothy Cornelius, , Helen .
' Heath Isabelle L e e p e r, and ;'
: Anna -MrgantJ .; will enact . the
V symbols. Each representing one -
- of the. symbols which taken to-
gether comprise the emblem of ,
the 'Business and Professional ;-
- Women. ' : :vi. ;. ;
After the intiation service the
president will administer the.'
pledge to the new members . 1 ol-" ,
lowing which the usual candle
' lighting ceremony 4f the club
wiUclose tte servke. - Among
. the new members to be initiated
are Anna Bakery Mabel Clock,
Frances Doughty, Elizabeth Jane
. Knapp, Sidney . Levene, Irma
Turner Isabel Chflds and Emma
; Haley. Betty Elofson, chairman
of the emblem committee, assist
ed by Anna Morgan of the bos
The club trio. Miss Effie Are-
hart, Miss Jo Evans and Miss
Ilda Bingenheimer, accompan
ied by Miss Carolyn Wilson will
present the music' for the eve
ning. Their numbers will In
clude BrandoVs "Through the
Starry Night- ' and "America"
from Bloch's symphony.
Recorded Music
To; Be. Heard
A concert of recorded music,
consisting of numbers from well
known light operas, will be giv
en in the recreation room of
the YWCA this afternoon at 3:30.
Mr. Robert Rawson will con
tribute his usual comments on
each number. The public is 'in
vited. - .
Gems from "Apple Blossoms"
- . Kreisler
' Victor Light Opera do.
"My Dream Girl" from The
Dream Girl" . - - - Herbert
-Then You'll Kemember Me" from
. The Bohemian Girl- bum .
CharieS Hackett
Gems from -High Jinks" Triml
- Victor Light- Opera Co.
"Porter Song 'from "Martha"
a wiow
Carlos Francisco
"Tmmb RIIk- tram cailn-Chixi'
Tl- j . CaryU '
X i Billy Morray
Overture te "Ira Diavolo"- Auber
San Francisco Symphony orchestra
Alfred Hertz, conductor
Goodby, Girls, ha Through" from
Xai-Chia" . Caryll
Raymond Dixon
Gems from Trineess Paf-Herbert
Victor Light Opera Co.
"Italian street Song" from "Naugh- "
-ty Marietta" '. Herbert
. Lucy Marsh and. chorus
Gems from "The Beauty Shop"
'v. , Gebest
Victor Light Opera Co.
"AI Fresco" from ?lt Happened in
Nordland1 ,-.,.;;,:,;..-. Herbert
Columbia Concert orchestra
Gems from "Alone at Lf Lehar
.Victor Light Opera Co.
Chi Omega alumnae will held
the final meeting of the season
on Monday night at the country
home of Miss Edith Libby-A cov
ered dish supper win be served.
Old members, and visiting or
new Chi Omegas in the city may.
contact, Mrs. George Hill, 5679,
for ' reservations.
II is yonr Baly
la Gal Ucll!
' Yes, r that Is your Country's
message to you. For :this is no
time to indulge in the luxury of .
alf-way health. Your Country
needs your efforts, your energy,
your " constructive service.: Don't
let the -Nation down! Get well
and "keep well! ; It's a patriotic
In troubled times, such as these.
disease is a drag. It robs the. Na
tion of productive power when
we can least afford It.
" - Take your ' Country's- earnest ,
' counsel. Go see your ' Physician
without delay, and bring the pre-
scriptions he may write to us for
expert, "precise compounding.
Cot. State & Liberty - Phone 311S
rs. Anna Av Varnes Is announcing (he engagement '
f V 1 of her daughter Miss June Varnes (above) to Orville'
George Mull, son of Mr. and Mrs. John O. Mull of Salem.
"Miss Vames and Mr. Mull are Both graduates of Salem
high school and Mr. Mull is now at Cabaniss Field, Car
pus Christi, Texas, with the navy air corps. Miss Varnes ::
is a stenographer employed at the Salem retail credit bu
reau. There has been no definite date set for the wed
ding. iK.enneu-uns.
Ceremony in California Unites
Former Salem Couple, Ma717
Miss Lois ie an Hyames,
- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Hyames of Salem, . became the .
bride of CpL Hirma Amick, son
of Mr. and. Mrs. William Amick
of Hammond, . Oregon, at a cer
emony performed at the home
of the bride's uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Reif chneider . in
MONDAY . ...
OSC Mothers, covered dish
: hmcheon with Mrs. Elmore HuL
: SM South Liberty street. . ( - '
Unhn YWCA. 8 V. m.
Red Cross unit. Central WCTU. ;
with Mrs. L. G. Prescott, 119
" South 13th street, 1030 a. m.
'f"; WEDNESDAY " " ""''. ::r '
The Nebraska auxiliary with
Mrs. Lucille Garner, 1549 Broad
way street, covered dish lunch
eon, IS JO p. nu
PLEF - club with Mrs. W. J.
Peck m- ,
Woman's - Union. Presbyterian
church. S p. m. Executive board,
' 12 JO for paper sack lunch, ..
Woman'! Missionary society.
First Baptist church, 1 p. m. at
The Fidelis elasa ef the First
Baptist church met with Mrs.
James Foster, 1137 South 12th
etreet. Mrs. Conn and Mrs. Wilt
were assistant hostesses.
Twenty members and friends
. were . present
The VFW anxlliary will xaeet
on Monday night for election of
delegates to the state encamp
ment. ; - ::. r;':-' , :y '
- MONITOR Mrs. Olga Roger
left the last of the week for St.
Paul, Mirux, where she will at
tend graduation e x e r e 1 s e s at
which her son, Alvin, will be or
dained at the Lutheran" Theolo
gical Seminary. -Following his
graduation May 31 and ordina
tion on June 6, he win wed Miss
Evelyn Oemenson of Manononi,
Wis, on June 11. Mrs. Roger will
visit with relatives in Whitefish,
Mont, and Hendrum, Minnj, on
her return trip. Mr.' Roger and
his bride will return to Oregon
with her for a visit and will be
at home In August at Sawyer,
Inglewood, Califs on May 17.
' The bride . wore a light blue
- wool suit with white accessor
ies. Mrs. J. B. Cramer, the aunt
of the bride was her attendant, .
and Mr. Cramer acted as' best '
man. . -i.' rrv-L
Mrs. Amick has been trans
ferred by her employer, the Pa
cific Telephone and Telegraph
company, . from . Salem to San
Pedro, to be near-Mr. Amick,
who; is at Ft MacArthur. Be
fore going into the coast artil
lery, Mr. Amick was also a Sa-
. lem I resident, employed- by the
Capitol JournaL- .
fiiaiY SHU
your natural beauty and attractiveness.
Pay for dental
service as you are
paid- "Weekly or :
'g I hr- r. -I .i -;
Eliminate the possibility of
dental : neglect by starting
visits -to the dentist immedi
ately. Pay later, In the way
that is most convenient to
yu ...
Pay for Dental ,
Plates as You
7ear Them
..extractions, Fillings,
Bridgework, Inlays,
Crowns, Plates
1 VNtrr
). C WAR
Other Offices in Eugene, Portland, Tacona, C-ckane, Seattle
And ia All Leading Pacific Const Cities
Read in .
ine marriage ui. ivii a w
Mason, daughter of Mr. Joe Ma
son o- Wakefield, Kansas, and
Mr. Gale Fox, of Salem, son of
Mrs. Lena Fox of Portland, was
solemnized on Saturday morning
In St. Paul's Episcopal church at
9 o'clock by Rev. George IL
The bride was attired in an
acqua two-piece costume suit
and wore a corsage of garden-,
ias. Miss Brocksie Barnes, of
Portland, "wearing a navy . blue
suit with matching hat and a cor
sage of pink sweetpeas and gar
denias, attended the bride.
Mr. Arthur Fanner of Portland
was best man for Mr. Fox. '
- - Following a short wedding trip,
Mr. and Mrs. Fox will be at home
at 2643 Portland road. ' . .
Poppy Workers
Are Guests t
, -, ' -
Mrs. A. IL Wilson entertained
the poppy sale captains of Cap
ital. Unit, -American Legion aux
iliary oa Friday night.
Each captain chose her. team
of workers and Mrs. "Verne Os
trander assigned each team to a
particular section of the city.
k Plana were completed for the
sale of the 8003 poppies, the larg
est order' ever attempted to sell
by Capital unit .
Mrs. Ostrander. stated that the
following additional organiza
tions had volunteered their as
sistance and would be. assigned
to downtown stations.
Mrs. Wilson assisted by Mrs.
.John Olson served refreshments,
following the business session.
Daughters ef St Elizabeth ef
St. Paul's Episcopal church will
'meet on Tuesday all day for Red
Cross sewing. The meeting will
start at 10 o'clock, and a lunch
will be served at 12:30 o'clock,
with members bringing their
own sandwiches. The meeting is
scheduled for the parish house.
"Don't suffer lost teeth to mar
your expression. When teeth
are missing replace them with
new dental plates."
Natural in Form
Natural in Color
Natural in Effect
Plates of unfading and carefully-blended
color, made from
the refined material all dentists
acclaim for Its realistic appear
ance and time-tested balanced
strength. '
-X ..V;" i
These Dental Plates
. Closely. Resemble V
The adaptabflity of the mate
rial now used by dentists in
plate making assures you of
-lightweight, lifelike plates that
. harmonize with Individual fea
v. tures. .
: Translucent Teeth
for Dental Plates
. -; - - - - -,i
. - . - . - . i . i
Artificial teeth are now avail
able for restorations In the
- same shading and sizing as
' "your, present natural teeth.
- Newly . perfected translucent
teeth achieve many of the ef
fects of human teeth. They ab
sorb and reflect light have a
soft surface lustre the Irregu
lar contours of nature's own.
Make Your Own Credit
Terms 7ithin Reason
Dental plates with gums that
. match your own and a clear
palate that reflects tissues of
the mouth. " ,
PAfillEtl, BGiiiist