t tr k A rh i EC Society Clubs Music ) 5) 3 VCXfi. ON WUMtN 5 As ZJlGXti - ""W"' : & - . . i ... i : i i ' i f'i,; ' f - .- , i but '..w could have, sworn thatwe A eight years posed 'as engineer .at "the &gKf;Vr-: read somewhere that "the ornamental "Vio- ; l school has at last been exposed ..as an irn-.s tory"! platform behind which the courthouse 'I :.;postenThe dry directory lists him as a "sh how hides, was red,-white and blue. Can we dent" It didn't even take us that long to get be'color blind? It looks henna, oyster and-i, : throuah -high' school, or Is-' he''taldng''x 'post'Ti'; . ;t well maybe blue. Incidentally; what good Is graduate course? ' J : " . it anyway? r i - -. ; . r, r-:- : , :' J- - '- 1 : .?.pc a;; rVV'' ;..s - : r 1 , DoVt do thl to us i Ve were amused . ; u They, mean what rfhey" y i'.dn-'v-: other day.-to. see'the ad of a perfectly . . C: nouncemenis of sewing club meetings: that S x4able store;, listing mother's day gifts .and V say Jall day;beginnihg al-'ICj '&y'&"',mwV 7 " sound ffuimy" to j."alll-: would the dear old Iaceedged lady.thecdsf 1 day means .9 to 6, but the joke Is on him. , t. insist on picturing as a typical mother, loolc . v When a woman's club da bins" at 10 It ' like in slacks? ' . ; ' ' " ':" ' ' - - ; : :" - means" float she has cdready;gotten;'bre-:l fasi cleaned up the housefsent thV chlldren j off toschool; cmd after the meeting wiUMo1 another ddVs work before bedtime. ' ' -: Squcare pegs The "rhododendrons. ; V standing alone" out on the postoffice lawn i ? olways make me sad. Howrme'Jpoor; , would love to be backed up against a set- ting of green, or nestled down among fee : ferns and firs In a natural setting. Poor ane- v, mic dears. , . ... "V- .- J " '. ...... .. . :. . - Senior student . . we. just discovered- .that Joseph Himmel, who has for the ' past i W . HtJlodad viXtball SulUvoi mought ; he ': had everything arranged. He got a r 1 5- n day leave to be here when his baby arrived.. -But his' guess 'was "wrongs fiie baby "didn't 5 ;Come, until .papa- had completed Kis leave 'i "S and was sent on two weeks maneuvers and -s out xf touch .wife home. It would be a girl--:;-making him wait like that. .;; ... ' Vf -KhtmcCkJatvat ".V.-The new hose, acr cording to the OPA, will be no longer, than " 30 inches. For once then, we won't have to hoist our hose up under our armpits. . . . ' . s .r".;' '."!,;,- -m-s' 'L '!'".-1t . V v Mcaane curen Iss Ethel Potter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Potter of Route 1, Turner, who has announced her engagement to Corporal Stanley C MJxecki, jr.v son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley r. C. Mireckl sr, of Detroit Michigan. Corp. Mirecki, formerly a f - student at University of Michigan, is now stationed at Ft. Law is. Miss Potter Is a telephone operator. Gesien-Miller). Pictured above are Mr. and Mrsv Robert Tieman, following their wedding on May. 9. The bride Is the for mer Lillian Holchek, daughter of Mr.nand Mrs. Walter Holchek . of Independence. Sgt Tierhan's mother. Mrs.1 Margaret Sargie of Washington, Pa., came west for me wedding. (Jesten-Miller). Lieutenant 0. gJ xmd. Mrs. Gene Reed will arive in the capital by. motor this week-end from Dallas,- Texas, and will be the" guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Otten. . Lieutenant Reed ' : will " be stationed at New Lon- -' don. Conn.; with the US naval . forces. - Mr. ."and . Mrs. Hale , TabopI r sailed today,1 from Seattle for Sitka, Alaska, where-they will i'ii'-;V-- - ' ' make theu home. Mrs! tabor;- - - - fr " : ' 1 ' ' A ' : is a member of this year's 'gra- - - -: '' - ' : J ; duqting class , at, Willamette. t ; v-:. 5 ' university, and .''.-is affiliated." ' " ; , ' - - with Delta Phi sororirv - -;v- V 1 - " ' v bride of the week is Mrs. Harold Clair Wolfe, the .' former Barbara Earle, married at Oswego on May 16. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Henry Earle and Sgt. Wolfe is 1he son of Mr, . and Mrs." John A. Wolfe of Le moyne, -Pa. Gesten Miller). .- ; Wedding Pians;toid L '. Viss Janice Lemmorij daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oral . V Lemmon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oral Lemmon, whose engagement to Mr.-Guy William Jones son " of ' Mrs. William Doughty of Salem and Mr. Guy William Jonas sr., of Oregon City was announced at a tealgiven he former J Ass Berta Palacios of San Francis- co who was marriad to Gecxge Gutekun3t, eon of Mr. and Mrs. George Gutekunct of : Salera . on March 20 In San Franci3Co. Mr. Guieltunst attanded Salem public schools and . Willamette university, graduating ; with the clcss of ; 1S41. ' He has been serving in the United State-s merchant marine for the past 16 months. - The couple .will live in San Francisco.1'- T t- , I . Convention Plans ; . . A 'Ship; Is: Launched Vi ' The wedding of Miss Betty Anunsen. daughter of Mr. and . - , Although many launchings of ships built in Oregon have ' ' . -.Sifiv ' t t tw 'A been, heloY, occasionally - fiiere- occurs. one of.- special: interest Mrs., Fred Anunsen, to Mr. Julian O. Wilke jr? son of I.and- Salem folk.;-: 4 : . s Mrs. Julian O.-Wilke. sr.; of Hermost Beach. Viiaorma, wm ce solemnized' at St. Paul's Fpiscopal chxirch or Friday night at 8 o'clock.-Rev. George H? Swift will " officiate. ; f. ; . Mrs. Glenn Rogers, the former Qeo Saueressig, was spon- i tor. for, the Oregon Shipbuilding corporation's 186th . Liberty. shic the James Oliver, at a ceremony on May 18. Her attend- ? .. ' . . ' ... v ,. . tmts were her mother, Mrs. John Saueressig of ScottsIills and .Miss Anunsen is announcing her wedding party today. Ur Rogers. sister, Mrs. David Ellis cf Porfland. . Luann and She. has asked her sister".Mrs. Thdmca .Hill Jr CRu&:Mjunsen),-vT ;-1 Marian Ellis ; were flower girls,...;,', , i to be" hermatron of honor, and Mrs. Robert Brady, Oecm.Anun-. ' ti ' ' " ; . - . . . 1T.,v. vt -L. -,v v.4fle,rAr 'Mr. Rogers, aclministrative assistant at the Oregon Ship.' . .en(-and Mrs. O. O. Williams Cean Moore), to be bridesmaids. fcuildmJ was fce prfndpa! Speaker me launch. : ing, and Rev. W. Irvin Williams offered the prayer, v - . Definitely streamlined to rzael wcr-lime conditions, but "packed with vitally important -events, will be the bieruilal ccn ; .yention of the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs, being planned for June 2 and 3, with Salem, clubs as th hosisss groups. The gnfral tirmbn in charge of' arrangenientj f cr the convention . is Mrs. Oliver C. Sanfcrd of Coquilla, federa tion president, Mrs. Harold D. "Petersen of Dallas, a fcrrr.er , president,, program chairman, and Mrs. Genevieve, Bxjm Gas ,,ldns of Corvallis, arranging the musical features. Mr3. Herbert - E. Rahe of the Salem Woman's club; Mrs. Homer EL, McWain Supreme Court Justice G6rgV"R6ssmon . will preside 'andi Salem Heights Woman's club, and 'Mrs. Joseph B. Fel l Rev. W.Irviri Williams will speak informally. Major Vemon ' :tori of .the Salem Junior Woman's club, represent the three host-. ' A. Dougla Will 'admiriis ter, the 'civUian defense oath. Mrs!. Er- ? groupson -the general committee.; ' ' ' . nest 'Arneson is the class instructor, -T:" ;:-' ' a-' '. " -V . 'Z-T- -sT' ' : -' . . , -' ' ? t'y " -'t .T- Other mbers .;of ' fho . Salan. convention .-board Include Members of the class, which has held night" classes and vMrsl paries ; Johnson, 4 in diarga of heating; Mrs. ',.Karry. V. ere business women for the most part, include Miss Anne .Bar-n Collins-, -Mrs. George Allen, Mrs. Gecrge Swift -Mr3. Dvigkt esch, Mrs.-Jeanie Baxter, Miss" Marjorie Christenson, Miss Fran- .-. " Lear, Mrs. Charles V.' Galloway,'' Mrs. "Up - Crawford, : Mrs. Aides Will 'Gradiiate. ; U C': Marion - county. "chapter; ' American' Red" Cross, -'announces j ; mat capping ceremonies for'the jhird. Nurses!! :Aide corps will ' - be held in Waller hall on the Willamette univereity campus I ': Tuesday night at 8 o'dockl; widi3:'flie public and ': interested f t f friends of fhe aides invited 'to 'attencL k:- ; ; Mr. Allen Peter Mcintosh of Los : Angeles will be best man end ushers wUl : be Mr.. Don Bower, ; Mr. Kenneth Johnson of Portland. Mr.-William Keener of Herinosa Beach and Mr. Fritz Anunsen. - - " 1 i ",.. . - " - i '' ; '- '', - A reception will be held at the Roberts" studio following the ceremony. - - - w . .". 'i -f- c " " - ' ' .' . -i , ' '- ,'- " '"v - ' : ' '' r.'y-'. -.'-'-..3 ' 'r-i ' --" -f ''', '' - V' - "" . ; : . ;- : . ' 'V'' ji .''"'. '.'i " - ' " ;-v x" .v'-""' iV:' ': Mrs! Wilke, accompanied by Mrs. Valeska Oxford, will arrive from California on? Wednesday, to be here for the wed dl ig ceremony. ' The sponsor and her assistants were given large bouquets of red roses, arid corsages of war. stamps. The flower girls .were presented nosegays of flowers and stamps. " ' , '' .''h':' i'('U-'- r: j is 1 ' 5 'i :'-'."'.'.; S i- i'.ir- 4t : ".'V. .V T: "ri-'-v A luncheon was given at the- yard's special dining room ces W. Doughty, Mrs. Luella Fruit Miss Marion Hanjahn Grew, Mrs. Alice Heath, Mrs. Florence Challoner Huston, Mrs. Lu cille Inman, Mis3 Rowena Jones, Miss Madlen Keber, Miss Julia FJizabeth' Kennedy,' Miss Mabel'Nina Lacey, Miss Madge Mac lean, Mrs. Marguerite Mortensen, Miss' Beulah Beverly Baird, Mrs. FJmer Sherman, Miss Margaret D.1 Simms, Mrs. Marie M. Smith and Miss Qeo Lena Walkef. . " & ' ' i 4 ... -. - . ........... . Arranging the Tuesday, ceremonies is the American . Red Cross Volunteer Nurses' Aide ' comniittee.fwhichMncludes Mrs. in Mrs. Rogers' honor. Attending from? Salem were Mr. and : Ereymah Boise, chairman, "Mrs. Arthur TRahn, Miss .Rovena Mrs. Fred Gast and Rev; and Mrs. Williams. Mrs. Rogers was presented with a silver Jewel box with an engraved inscription c and pieces of the champagne bottle enclosed. ' ... . . Both Mr. and Mrs. Rogers lived In Salem before their mar- . riage. Mr. Rogers was employed In the state unemployment .1 compensation commission and Mrs. Rogers was employed ct Anabel's. - , ;.. - . . ... ' . - Eyre, Mrs. Austin .Wilson, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. Ber enice Yery Miss Selma Hilmer,. Miss LUlian: McDonald, Mrs. "Ralph Hamil ton;-' hirs. Kennetli ! Power -and Mrs. Groyer Eel linger. - - r .' -i . , A reception is being arranged- by graduate nurses' aides Jfenoring the r.evr cidrs d-'rctly :'r"-r t1-- ceremonies. . James C. Pike, Mrs. Thome H. Hammcrid, Vlst Clir-tcn Stan- dish, Mrs. George Rcssman and Mrs. Frank Meyers. .".Theme for the convention is "Building for the Futura." The session, will run through June 2 and 3, ..with a preconvoriticn - board meeting the night of June 1. Business sessions and panel discussions on ways Oregon's clubwomen can aid the war ef fort will airupy most cf the two days. Dectfon and ir.stallaticn cf state officers is the primary purpose for the convention. Mrs. George K. K. Moorhead of Salpm has keen icc:-.r.;?a'i2'i by " the federation nominating committee for ihe presidency to suc ceed Mrs. Sanfcrd cf Coguille. . - A tea at the,hcme of Mrs, George Rcssman on the txzi day; a Junior program that night; a tour of the slate ccpitol en the : second day and formal installation cf r.ew olficers, ;SA be 1 among the highlights of the two-day convention. ' ' 1 : ' ....-' ; -;.:,:-.:. .r .-7v , -- .... .....