Mrs.Wooley Is Honored ; For Service INDEPENDENCE Mrs. Rosetta Wooley was honored Friday on the completion of 25 years of ser vice at the Independence laundry. Mrs..Wooley started work at the laundry. May 14, 1918. In recog nition of her loyalty and devotion to her work, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. ' Dunkel, owners of the : laundry, presented her with 25 silver dol lars. ' - . . Mr. and Mrs. George Knott had their dinner euests Tuesday nteht Mrs. Delia , Keeney, ; Mrs. Lennie Irvine, and Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and children of Dallas. The dinner party honored Mrs. Knott on her birthday. - Mrs. Alma Hilbert, Loren Step toe, and daughter, Lois,' of Dallas visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Gentemann. ' Visiting Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kelley .were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kelley and family of Salem, and Mrs. Robert Kelley and children of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Amsberry and Shirley Amsberry were bus iness visitors in Portland Thurs day. . fhnrk RulTrx-k and Melvin ' Amsberry left for Bend this week where they now are employed at Camp Abbott. Dr. Mae Hall and Mrs. M. J. Butler were In Salem Tuesday af ternoon on business pertaining to the new recreation grounds for the service men's center." . Miss Marjorie Newton of Ash land visited this weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. Minnie Newton, and her aunt, Mrs. C. Ov Sloper. , Mrs. Lester Moore and daugh ters, June and Lorraine of , Mil waukee visited this weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Moore. " Following commencement exer cises Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robinson entertained infor mally for Rev. and Mrs. Loyal Vickers of Corvallis, and Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Fratzke. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Heckart of Corvallis visited Monday night with Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Fratzke. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kruse of Wilsonville visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hoff man and R. W. Baker. Mrs. E. M. Ebbert 1 Heads Civic Qub : At Monmouth MONMOUTH Civic . club offi-J cers for the coming year were elected Thursday as follows: Mrs. 'jb. jm. dDDen, president, airs, van Crider,j vicje president; Mrs. D. A. Hoag, secretary; and Mrs. G.' L. Russell, treasurer. - Committee reports were given, and the new president and - sec retary were named as delegates to the convention of Oregon Fed eration of Women's clubs to be -held in Salem, June 1-3. The new secretary and treasurer were named alternates. The .; program featured a book review, by Mrs. Faith Kimball Black, dean of women at OCE. She reviewed four books: Ar gentina" by White; "My Father in China" by James Burke;" 'In terviewing Saints and Sinners,? by David Hazen; and "Our Hearts . Were Young and Gay by. Corne lia Otis -Skinner. : The j final annual meeting will be June 10. Mrs. H. Hagmeier is in charge of - luncheon arrange- . MAA-M A Tillicum Members j Work on PTA Quilt AUMSVILLE The Tillicum ciuD inemocn at a nwcung ui the city hall Wednesday ' com pleted 1 one of the PTA quilts, started a second one for th PTA 'and worked on a quilt for Mrs. Rebo. ; ' ' - All mothers of school children are invited to attend the sessions and work on the PTA project. whether club members or not. i WillameUtte ;Valle j News Reports From The Statesman's Community Correspondents Salem, Oregon. Sunday Morning, May 23 1S43 PAGZ nni Sublimity Bond Buyers Pay $5290 ForJeepRide " " " ' JS"""' T r - ; . ' ,y " 's - - ' ' '- ' V r 1 ' I f Hi - ... AitliiNl "7 r mm PTTT 7 irK-rh, '? r 7f i : : "By, oh bey! Ain't this ampin! was the opinion expressed by one small white-haired boy, spokesman e for the 1C7 pupils of Sabllmtty's pnblle And pare chlal schools, when they celebrated Allied Victory - day at the close of (heir Tmy a Jeep campaign with rides In any army 'Jeep. In April they started te - bay one, bat at the end. of the drive had purchased $5299 In bonds and stamps, almost enough for six. Jesse Gard of Salem, Marlon county war bond chairman,' tfrranfed for the Jeep, rides,; bringing along Lowell Kern and Leo G. Page, victory fund committeemen; Gene'Vandeneynde, war savings staff representative plus CpL Brewster and seven privates. Others present were Rev. Joseph Scher- bring, head of St. Bonnlf ace -grade and high schools, and Miss Marie Zorn, principal of the Sublimity f public school. A program of songs and talks preceded the rides. Robert Dornhecker to Head Dallas High Student Body After Election Tie, Re-Vote DALLAS With the absence of banner decorated walls and the usual electioneering of former years, the election for the stu dent body officers got under way last week The final count found a very unusual circumstance, Robert Dornhecker and Mel Courter tied for president and Janice Beharrell and Betty Rob inson tied for secretary. A second election has been held with the following . of ficers elected: Robert Dorenhecker, pres.; Robert Smith, vice pres.; Betty Robinson, secre tary; Frankie Cordal, treasurer; Paul Dilly, sergeant-at-arms; Bud Pierce, yell leader; Beverly Ben nett, song, queen; Bobby Beharrell, editor of Periscope; Phyllis Ben nett, business manager. Commencement exercises for the Dallas, high school will bo held at the 'high school audito rium, Thursday- night at f 'clock. Admission of relatives and friends will be by ticket as has been the custom for several -years; : The program will be: proces sional, "The Orange and the Black," Lloyd Domaschofsky; in vaction. Rev. D. P. Shultz; "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desire," Bach, girls sextette; commencement address, "What is My Job?, Dan W. Pol ing; announcements of awards, Prin. , Donald Gabbert; presenta tion of closs, Supt. S. E. Witworth; presentation of diplomas, George H. Kurre, chairman of board of education; song, "Star Spangled Banner", audience; benediction. Rev. Charles Dale. Wednesday after noon was awards day at the Dallas high school. The new student body officers were installed and Bob Dornhecker, the new president, took charge of the meeting. ' Letters were presented to the boy's tennis team, Howard Peter son, manager. Tommy Hoker, Mel Courter, Jack Crider, Paul Dilly and Kenneth Wright, Donald Gab bert, principal, made the presentation. Miss Maxine Horton, girls' phy sical education instructor, present ed awards to girls who had done outstanding work in civilian de fense. For the 'GAA awards, 20 girls received numerals, 15 the small D and ten the large D. Ruth Van Orsdel, Joyce Houtz and Bar bara ; Kracher received gold - pins aa the highest award Beverly Bennett, Rees Linn, Curtis Lamb, Marilyn Parrish. The Windsors Go Dancing - 7 .- & : A . :. . vnv : ; ( 'if " i' js I ( ; j :"' V H During an hour's visit U the Women's Slilitary Servlees club In New York City, the Duke of Windsor danced with WAVES Ensign Mary Eirch (left) of West Enrlewood. NJ, And the Duchess of Windsor was the partner of Capt. Jesse M. Cluldress (right) of Columbia. TennL Associated Press TelemaC Lloyd Domaschofsky and Jewelle Schmidt, members of the Forensic club, were presented certificates by Miss Marjory Thome. Coach O. E. Anderson presented letters to Ray Osuna, Neil Rich ardson, Homer Olfert, Harold Ol fert, Lee Kroeker, Joe Cochrane, Milton Baker, Armond Frey, Bil ly Rohrs and Ray Prescott, mem bers of the baseball team. Following the presentation of awards, a program . eelebatlng African Victory Day 'was ren dered by members of Miss Bu chanan's freshman speech class. Speeches were made by Elsie Rose Yungen, Anna Fast and. Shirley Phelps. LoIydDamaa ehofsky presented a musical ar rangement of the national an thems of the United States, France . and England, Ruth Shults,' soprano, taking the. solo parts. The program closed with the salute to the flag led by Rob ert Mlddleton. Pratum I Extension Meeting Changed To Branch Home PRATUM The Pratum home extension unit will meet next Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the Lynds home instead of the home of Mrs. W. E. Branch f as previously scheduled, due to Mrs. Branch being in the hospital. "Planning Our Time" will be the topic to be discussed by Miss Frances Clinton, Marion countyi nome demonstration agent." A mo vie, "Farm Inconveniences," will be a special feature of the after-? noon.' . During the order of business, the group will decide their com-, ing year's program, choosing sev en of the ten topics selected at the county program planning day recently held in Salem. Some of the topics were: "Women and . the Law"; "Un derstanding Our-! selves"; "Making Kitchens More Liveable"; and "Care and Repair! of Non-electrical Epuipment." ! Miss Clinton will have for ex hibit a home made food!" dehy drator which will dry, among: oth er vegetables and fruits, spinach! in two and a half hours and which will cook almost, like fresh; spinach.- The dehydrator was designed by Miss Clinton and W. G, Nibler,: assistant county agricultural ag ent " The meeting will be the last of the season and I open to every-' one interested in attending. " i Forgeys Vacate Ranch, Will Live With Son AUMSVILLE Mr. and Mrs. William ' Forgey, who have sold their poultry ranch, vacated the house Saturday and. after a short stay in Salem, win go to the home of their son, Dr. D&rrel Forgey in Los Angeles. They plan to re-i main there for an indefinite timej Their small, grandson, Gary For gey, will' go with them to Cali fornia., -v f ' ' J Co-Op Plant Started :' JEFFERSON - The coopera tive feed-mixing plant being es tablished at the Eugene Flnlay ranch north of Jeff erson, for the benefit of fox and mink ranch en in this district and the Sa lem district, is well under; way. . This Is only a temporary ar rangement for the duration, af ter which the plant will be es tablished on a larger scale as was 'first planned, ... Independence Is Center For Visitors INDEPENDENCE Mrs. Ro bert Williams visited this week end with her , parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith, Mrs. Williams will leave soon to visit with her husband. Staff Sgt Williams, who is stationed at Fort. Lewis. Mrs. Dean Wattenberger and. son, Jerry,1 left Monday to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Nicholsen at Fossil. Lt. George Herley had as his guest this weekend Lt. Comdr. L. J. Schneeberger. Saturday and Sunday Lt Herley and Lt. Comdr. Schneeberger, accompanied by Dr. D. A. Woodmansee and Dr. Wil lard Thompson of Salem, went fishing on the McKKenzie river. Mrs. Herley, MoUy and Patsy spent the weekend in Salem with Mrs. Woodmansee. Miss Nona Jean Brown of Salem is visiting this week with Miss Barbara Mattison. B,oth girls "are employed at the commissary off ice at Camp Adair. " ; . i Misses Jean Ellen Irvine' and Anna Mae Ramey returned home Friday after spending the year teaching at Vernonia. The irls visited Wednesday night with Miss Betty Addison, a teacher in . the Silverton schools, v Mrs. Dole Pomeroy spent the weekend with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pomeroy in Portland. j Delegates from. Independence who attended the grand lodge of the Odd Fellows and the Rebekah assembly in Portland this week were Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Sharp, Mrs. R. W. White, Irvin Bensco ter and Henry Neyer. ' The ninth birthday ' of I. David Amsberry was remembered Sat urday with a party at ihe Isis theatre. Following the movie, the boys enjoyed treats at Craven's. Davey's guests were Gary Burch, Billy Rainier, Jimmy Frantx, Bob by Robinson, Jimmy Fratzke, Franklin Walker and Marc Nelson. Ray Scott started work this week as a guard at Camp Adair. Mr. Scott occupied a like position last summer. Swegle Families Entertain Guests, Leave fori Visits i SWEGLE Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall returned to their home Thursday after a two months vis it at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Lester Smith at MiirValley, Calif. f . -' Harold Badger came down from Seattle to spend the weekend at the Roy Blanchard home. His wife and son will return home with him. They have been visiting Mrs. Badger's parents for several weeks. - . ' - Mrs. Otto Euclser and son, Mar vin, have been spending a few va cation days with friends at Hood River ; where . they . lived before coming to Salem. il. Barbara ' Van . Loh . has been spending a few days at the home oftier grandparents, the Sever- sons, near Brooks. Auburn Sets i Commencement For Tuesday AUBURN Commencement ex ercises held for the eighth grade Tuesday at 8:15 p. m. at the school.';' ;.:!:' - -i. '.-David Thiesen will play a piano solo and Claralyn Lee and' Susan Steed I will play, the 'processional. The 'class- colOrt ,; are; pastel" blue and pink: 5 motto, Td .Dream to act-ito. be; -v; ;;;! ;" . Members of the"class are: pres ident, ; Ross Morrow; secretary, Pauline Miller; Ronald Eckslein, Ray LatourelL . Richard Sohn, Pat Getiis, Lyn ; Woodward,-. Donna Fisher, J Bertie ; . Chandler, ; ' XJarl er, Bertie ' Beach,' - AJvin Henne, Lore'ne Palmateer, Mary Lou Fes kens and Earl Bond. . - Duane Andresen of ' the sixth grade won a half scholarship , to the 4H summer school. The schol arship' was presented by ; Mont gomery Ward' and company. Oth ers planning to ''attend the . 4H summer school are Lyn Wood ward," Carl' Beach, Richard , Sohn, Virginia Payne, . Patricia Thomp son, Pauline Miller, Lorene Palm ateer, Clifford ' Case and Bobby DeLapp. . .... .. .The seventh and ' eighth grade 4H Victory' garden 'club has been meeting regularly. At the last two meetings, members reported on the progress of their victory gar dens. The "food for victory" pamphlets are being studied by club members. " ; .. The tin drive ended, successful ly with Carl Beach's team col lecting 2118 cans and Bobby De Lapp's team 2221. The losing team entertained ' the winners - with a dinner at the school ' followed by games. :, , : Draft Board . Calls Selectees . WOODBURN . Selectees who were called by the Woodburn draft board to report , to. Portland this week for physical examina tions, left Thursday. I Included were: from Woodburn, Alphonse Michael Sunneyer, Francis Ignatious McKay Harold Wade Perton, 4 Ray v Blair " Rich, Paul LeRoyTElpbertson,Jack Bith el Thompson, Nathan Dennis," Nor bert" John Lecher, Joe Donald Fl eck and William Johnson Arney. From Gervais, Albert Joseph Bauman, : Lloyd Harold " Schafer and Ernest Glenrl Banyard. From Hubbard, Charles Elton Vreden burgh, Jack Burden, Kenneth Harold Parks and Billy Ray Bris tow. - From Mt. AngeL; Hanford Randolph Catman and 'Angellus Joseph Skonetzi. From St Paul, Peter George McDonald, i ; From Silverton, Elmer Oscar Baker, Orrin Roy Coughenower, Lawrence Wesley Ernst, Edward Erwin Johnson, William Neill MacNeill, Arthur Halver Dahl, John L.' Martin and Maurice Ver non Woldahl. From Scotts Mills, Ralph -Wesley Wakefield. X From Salem, Donald Norman Zielinski and Jack B. Benie From Donald, Clyde McMillan. i i STAYTON Six men who re ceived their physical examinations last Thursday at the Portland sta tion through the selective service, left Thursday for Fort Lewis. They are Ray Letz, : Portland; ; Ivan E. Korb, Salem; Ralph H. Harper, Aumsville ; Lester G. Falk, Salem; William Letz, Portland' and Don ald W. Field, Salem. Neal Fischer, - Salem, who had been . temporarily deferred be cause of an injury to a hand, re ported to Fort Lewis last Thurs day: . rtP'd: f "y-Zl T:: Farewell Party 1 Given s Larry Ernst y: k : SILVERTON t Larry Ernst who has been' employ ed ' at ' the Cooley gardens and at Silver Falls timber company mill at Silverton, volunteered for army - air i force service and left this weekend for iduction. A farewell party honored him Friday night at the - Rholin Cooley home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ernst ' (Miriam Cooley); and daughter, Judy, Mr. and Mrs. C, J. Cooleyj Mrs. Byrd Miller, Mrs. Jeanne Cunningham, Mr. and - Mrs. Rholin Cooley and Keith, all of Silverton, and Mr. and Mrs. Vera Suko and Max of Salem. ' .- ... Ilcisrisls Allenlisa Be ready for Oregon New Law effective- Jane t with an antomobile policy - PROTECT TOUR EIGHT TO DRIVE IN OREGON. Take advantage of the service ef this office now. ', CMUCK CHI 1 1 r Liu .irjsunAncE "Oregon t Largest Vpstate Agency9 . Sderi'cmd MsnthHeld 113 XL Cozsraerdsl - Sc!za Eld . Queen Nellie Rules May Day At(hrmdlslimd GRAND ISLAND Grand Is land school presented its annual program and picnic here Thursday under direction of the,, teachers, Mrs. Will Duren, - principal, and Mrs. James Richardson; primary teacher.;:--:. . - May Day exercises .this year were given by eighth graders as sisted by four of the smaller chil dren.. Queen Nellie Ferguson was crowned by Robert. Taylor, while the princesses and their escorts, Iva Rockhill and Nefl Trammel, and .Vada Rorabaugh and Ronald Finnicunv looked oh. Carol : and Carolyn , Ferguson, ; twins, were their sister's flower girls. : Teddy Will was crown bearer and Jim my Mandigo, train bearer.; ;"vi,; ; The mixed program . included two patriotic ; playsTl The upper grades' presented a skit, . The Grand Island Victory Garden," and ' the primary I deparlment, Buying t War StarapVU 1!; s " Following ; a" dinner ' served by women of the district, tporta and a ball game were events of the afternoon. Mrs. WI1 Duren and Mrs. James Richardson, ' Grand Island teach ers, have both signed contracts lor the-1943-44 term. Both alio at tended the 4H cluh festival and fair at McMinnville. They" enter ed Grand Island and . Unionvale art and reading exhibits. Mrs. Du ren was one of the honored dub leaders of Yamhill county receiv ing a ten year pin at the Saturday luncheon.; Former state and coun ty superintendent, Lewis. R. Alder man of. Day ton, was "the speaker. Morley Reports Sales Of Silverton; Homes T 7" SILVERTON J. " C Morley reports the sale of the Elgin Mc Cleary home on , South ..Water street to Mr. and Mrs. William Be dell, of Scott Mill., The Mc Clearys have moved 'to Portland where Mr. McCleary is , with a shipyard.4 He was former superin tendant of water at Silverton. ; Mr. Morley also reports the sale of the Arthur Ber big home on Mc Claine street to. Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard BeaL - Bethany, FGmilic3 Entertain Guecta BETIIAlry llr. and ?.Irs. Earl Gatten and two children End llr. and Mrs. Clyde Coffman end daughter of Portland were re cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. C A. Carp tenter. School work, was completed last week with three eighth grade pu pils getting their diplomas. These were Beverly Zimmerman, Lois Shepherd and Janell Johnson. Mrs. Olaf Ordal and . Infant daughter, Janice Lynne, are now at the home of Mrs. C E. Jorgen son, mother of. Mrs. Ordal; Mr. Ordal is in army service in Illi nois. Mrs. Alvin Krug and Mrs. Sum ner Schorn of Brush Creek and Mrs. Henry Torvend and Mrs. Harold Satern of Bethany were at Camp Adair this week arrang ing furniture and hanging draper ies which were gifts from the two districts. Mr. and Mrs. William Hall are spending several days here as guests of her parents, the L. Schar backs. Mrs. Hall was the former Marietta Scharback. The Halls are employed in Seattle. . ' $00 - m m a a i m v 4 m . r m in it i it m rs i , a 11 1 f M i : 1 i . ' WW stO . 1 .t 41 m - " ' ' ' " I . ;.. t : " ' v J f t or m .-. iim DR. SEMLER Credit Dentist . O Aslz Our Dentist t Of course you wont dental plates that will enhance rather than de tract from your personal appear ance . that's why you should ask your dentist to explain the many advantages of the new Transparent Palate Dental Plates. They are acclaimed by the profes sion tha closest resemblance to Nature's Own Teeth and Gums, end will help you overcome plate consciousness and embarrassment. Transparent Palate ' Dental - Plates are easy to wear and help avoid clicking, wobbling, irritation, and other denture discomforts . w they add sparkle to your smile and charm to your personality. YOUR TEETH EXTRACTED AV3 PLATES FITTED TIIE SAME DAY No x- , nTMtiiUM Drr Ask IW OeVMtMM f IM- MEDIATE RESTORATION, which ! y to steit WMfNif year drahirea ! dMtelf ftr th xrc tiwM. ASK YOUR DENTIST to xpteta this New Tecboiewa.' , ' O BUOY VEAHIIIG YOIT PLATES yi::if payi::s . . . by taking advantage of Dr. Semler's Liberal Credit Terms. Toko as long'as 5, 10 or 15 months to pay. , ! LIDnnAL , CREDIT TERMS For All , Drenches of Dentistry Rfor1oM of how minor or intsortoat your 4wkm mi mm, ywm or -wlcnM to toko aoVotrtof Dr. Silrs Uborol CiWit run. Tow wrk cMislmd RISHT NOW; poy tmtot to umM wookfr or wtfchr VMooftts. ' - . - .- - jr Ask Your Dentist to Show Ym 1 TO 3-DAY V tr?niriip r lit OCUVILC lU.i 0fJM?-T0;7iI PATIHITS (DUIicvli Cut C ctptedj flioiM, writ, or coil ot this office fOforMif your deotol prohieiM. I:0 ADYAIXE AFro::m:3iT rc"H) HHAfT lH TIT ?T?T V'l 7.7: r ? . ?ni;n;i;iT r " r- ' 4 .