Thm CHIGC2I STATXTMAII. Colan. Oregon. Cucry Ilona?. 2 lay 13. 1CI3 at The BSost v For- .The :. JL32.C . Sledrin a Co n u u m ataur Sears --1 -Vn- - - Classified Advertising Statesman -: Class iietl vf as CaUs9101 Three msertJons per Una.;, ,23c Six insertions per JIb-- 40c On nontb per line .$1-23 Minimum charge 25e; J tL min imum 33c; 6 tL min. 3c Mo refund: ?Yj Copy fair thl Pg accepted m til 6 38 Um evening before public boa : for classification Copy - re ceived after this time ertn lb run under toe beading Too, Late to Classify."1 -; - The Sltemn assumes no finan cial responsiotiity for error which reprint that part of an- adveruse ment la which tbe . typographical mistake occur The Statesman reserve the tight may appear in advertisements pub lished in It column and to case where this paper t at fault will to reject questionable advertising It further , reserves . to right to place all advertising under the p roller classification. , . A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection f the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. Th Statesman ta not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" dL . h Livestock and Poultry WORK HORSES SADDLE HORSES Bar K Stock Ranch Large assortment "on hand at 1 aS times at very attractive prices. CRED IT given anyone. Discount for cash. Guaranteed aa represented, free de livery. Harry Kuehne. Carlton. Ore Located ', mi. W. of Mewbcrg. --. ? ' SEVTN Mew Zealand white does for sale.- j8: lltth: . ' j - ' J':; GOOD Jersey cow for sale. $ Lan sing Ave, Phone 2-2156. FOR SALE: New $xiO ; portable brooder . bouse. 1591 - Broadway. FOR SALE; S teeder pigs. I Rt 7. Box 95R. Ph. 22602. l-i- NEW ZEALAND white rabbits, does and bucks, for ale. 200 Mahrt Ave. ATTENTIOR 1 ! I :) Will" remove dead & worthless stock In a moment's notice! - SALEM FER TILIZER St BY -PRODUCTS. Ph. 000 Collect. 4 No other : Pnooe.l n vr 1 LIVE RABBITS wanteds Northwest Poultry St Dairy. 1505 N. Front. "-. " BRING YOUR own eggs for custom hatching. Tuesday or Saturday ' morn ings. Ph, 2-2861. Lea Hatchery, j . . ' FOR SALE Newnaropshire pullets, ready, to lay - Ph 22881 Lee Hatchery Help Wanted; BERRY PICKERS wanted. 2 mi. Zst of Chemawa 4 corners. Max Woods, RL 7, Box 351. Salem. Plw 22019. DISHWASHER & Cook's Helper we have dislrwashing machine. .Carleson a Cafe. State 8c High SU. v---VS. NON-TTWON Barber wanted. Guar antee. 154 So. Church.- MANAGER for downtown Salens res taurant. Box:" 2595. Statesman.- ; ' t ' : WANTED: Cook; man or lady. Good alary.. Th Spa, -1-J' .1 '. Help WarAted-Slale :: " Worker nest esapluyad ta dectiaa should not apply eat will not s considered far esaptoysaent by " players advertising m litis- sectiaa. RETAIL MEN Up to Age 40 You who are now actively encaged ta retail selling or merchandising and earning from $4,000 to $8,000 annually You mm whoa opportunity is limit ed h yeuT preaent position Vou have an opportunity to qualify for Store Manager training with Montgomery Ward At Co. at NO SA CRIFICE TN YOUR PRESENT IN COME ! Training period on to three years. Investigate the profitable and per manent opportunities in this fast growing national organization. - Confidential interviews. Moil Tues. and Wed.. May 24. 23 and 28, with Mr. W. F. KelloKjt, local .store ananager. For daytime or evening appointments call 3194 from 0:30 A. M. to 6:00 p. M. r home phone 7213. ' ' .- y. Montgomery Ward & Company ' Wanted BOY TO WORK , Not Over 70 Years Old HUBBARD MOTOR CO. 1 - v 825 Chemeketa St .. WOODWORKERS - - Exp", men for machine work : gk aa aecnbling , ladders for defense. Good working cond. St wages; 48 nr. wk.; time . - over 40 hrs. Perm, after war. ZOSS LADDER 3c MFG. CO. Ph. AT 2048 4901 S. W. MACADAM . -AVE, PORTLAND. : - GROCERY CLERK. Top pay scale. Saving Center, Portland Rd. . - MEN WANTED for. Hopyard work. Ph. 7958 ., :-r. ' ADVTarniNa " Mrertising r '. 'BepreseaUtlves -"'- George D do. Ino, ' Saa , Francisco Los Angeles Seattle Eastern Advertising r . r Representatives 4 X - Ward-G,rtfflttt Compaay. fuel " - - Chicago, New York. . Detroit. - Boston. Atlanta - - Enfrred ct th Postofftr at Salem. Orepon as Second Class Matter. Pwb t'sad every mom! xccp Mew daw iiuctirvsa elc. IU Soutfc Commer cmI o erect. - cuzzemmon hates' J'dll FubscripHoa Rates In Advance: XViuim Oregon: Deify and Sunday. Mo fl cents; 6 Mo tlOO; 1 year. W I.! sew here 63 cento pr mo or $720 tor 1 vr tn advanco. i'er copy 6 eents Tv Civ Carrier. IS cent monta. F3 tj a year la advance ta Martoa aad pfljace&i cauaOaa. . .-. - - Kloney to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WKXTE at phone 491881 to Salam'a oldest largest home owned and homo eaaaaeed finance tnstltu two Your, financial affairs will b discussed and loans mad ta strict privacy- Vou will given every con (ideration tm the repaytna of voui loan or crantiag of extensions 1 to 12 MONTHS TO REPAT Too ' can pay aa full aay tun to reduce th coat. ' - ONLY BORROWER SIGNS -, No oiorers Loan mad on furni ture or not. 8 XX ' ' -ROT R SIMMONS. , MGR. Lie. No M-IS2. . GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION ' 5 . - Lac No S Uf ' - ' 134 So. Commercial St Pbon tin First door south of Ladd & Bush hank Convenient ground floor location i Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. - 5TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING , , ; LICENSE N, M ISt SAVE TIME. Ore, gas. Apply for your loan by phon.- Telephone 3191. ask for Mts Anderson. Personal Fin-, ance Co.. 512 State SU opposite County Court House. S-122. M 165. Help Wanted Male EXPERIENCED MILKER Schlndler Bros. (Dairy, South Salem. Help Wantcd---Feinale MESSENGER GIRL Wanted. Able to drive auto, ride bicycle and walk a lot. - One - with commercial education or experience, capable ..of promotion. nreferred. call on Mrs. Ciaie. envi sion Secretary. Portland General Elec tric Co, Room 13. 241 N. Liberty street WOMAN-care two children: no laun dry or cooking. In Vancouver. $50 a mo. Ftt. Zl4to. ; ,. ' HAVE opening for two waitresses, Reasonable experience. These - jobs permanent. Top wages. Bright boot Cafe 360 Centex.. MARRIED WOMEN, turn- your spare time i into $. Two good workers for local1 territory, also two tor ouisioe towns. : For appointment . write Box 733." Salem. , ' - -. , WAITRESS wanted- Apply: at the Bluebird. - - - ' mors HELPrn wanted. Dav shift. Apply at the Bluebird. ' . rL ' - J VoMEN i Xo 40 L : Light : inside work assembling lad ders. Permanent, good wages, aa nr, wk., tome over 40 hrs. ZOSS LADDER & MFG. CO. Ph. AT. 2948 4901 S. W. MACADAM - ; : AVE, POHTLAMD EXPERIENCED girl for bookkeeping or stenographic - work. Personal Fi nance Co, 512 State Street. Salesmen Wanted ' I PLENTY TO SELL ; NOW AND POST WAR K-T resale and advertising- fast sell ing specialties making more money for K-T men-today than ever before. Ev ery firm a prospect. Largest specialty line in country.- Nationwide mailings regularly to develop leads. ' New fea tures -weekly. WeU -established. 01-year-old company. Permanent year round opportunity for right man. Ex perience not necessary. No car heeded. Weekly advance against .earned com miaai 00. ' Write. ullyV- thr -refaeence. The Kemper-Thomas Co, Cincinnati. O. 'Situations 'Wanted WILL CARE for babies or small children In my home. Rees. rate. I960 CARE for -4 or 8 yr. old my home. days.. Ph. 8648. CHILDREN Oared for. 1850 N. Com'L Ph. 3309. WORK for two flat bed trucks, or will lease. Ph. 8683. FOR CARPENTER Phone $517. For Sale Miscellaneous ROYAL Portable typewriter, also Underwood standard. Inq. 528 Liberty Road. Salem Heights.. GOOD RUNNING Frigidaire. 118 N. 4tb. Ph. 4876. i 1 MED. sized Air-O-Flatne oil heat er.;! yr. old $35.00 cash. 1760 Waller after i P. M. CANNED FRUIT and empty jars. 110 ft. in. rope with blocks, like new. 1510 BeUvue. - DINING Tm. or bedroom turn, and breakfast set. Inq. 2070 Center St. Sunday or after 7 P.M. week nites. LADIES WaMham watch. , Beautiful late style, perfect condition. Ph. 8043. 992 N. Cottage . - STOVES, sink, kitchen cabinet, 15 gaL crock, misc. article. 433 S. 17th. - AULTMAN Taylor 36-58. with new belt. One 10 ft. power binder, Mc-Cormick-Deering. oa rubber; both in good repair: cheap. Rt 3. Box 82. James Ledgerwood. McMinnville. 3 YELLOW canary singers. $5 up if taken before June. 260 N. 18th. ATMORAYS for sale or rent. H. C Pugh. P.O. Box 463. Ph. 2-2458. Brown wood circulator, med. size. Fix, cond.- $43' cash. Ph. 2-2775 or see Mr. Emmert, Rt. 2. Box Bl, N. Riv. Rd. UNPAINTED chests of drawers. $JJ5 to $14.75; dressing tables, kidney-shaped, $6.23 and $7.25: child's wardrobe; $9.75; 2 door utUlty cabinets with shelves. - $10.75;. kitchen cabinets ; in standard sizes or made to order. All above items In stock for immediate delivery. Folsom Furniture Mfg. Co, 1108 Broadway. Ph. 4929. : t DUO-THERM automatic oil burning hot water heater $99.50. Available on A-l rating. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. 467 Court St. - 1 POULTRY FERTILIZER $180 per yd. You haul it Ph. 2286L Lee Hatchery SEX HOGG BROS,-288 State St for liberal trade to your old furniture XiUer Brushes, 1745 Grant. Ph. 8391 POULTRY , fertilizer for Victory Gardens' 30c per sack. Bring sacks. Ph. 2286L Lee's Hatchery., , . Money to Loan Loans to tBoth v IMen and Women In A11 Typea',,f Employment" . . . , $30 to , $300 On furniture.' car, livestock or- note arlflwMit Miitnrurt . CV) ranaid in four monthly installments of 512.45 ' each. costs only ' vuwt nnunn wa same : proportioo. Inquiries - invited by ., . . ' . . . -' .Calkins Finance x Co. ; Rm. Alt Jrd Fir.) r Phone 444C . i First Nat. Bank Bldf, Salem - r - .' S-22 Uc. M-271 PRIVATE MONEY "AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to f um BmMta' Monev for ace Of used cars No delay or red tape. You will retain possession oi ine venic 1 to UMONTH3 TO PAY. ROY H. SIMMONS - its cmitb Commsretal Street"" Phone 16 y U No M 15J MONEY TO LOAN ; . -.: Wanted, real estate mortgages, loans, city - or farm properties; loan mad as small as $300. See us about refinan cing your present contract or snort LEO ' N. CHILDS. INC. 344 State St, t - - Phone 9281 For Sale Miscellaneous NEARLY new walnut desk,.,, $19.78 Nearly new PC.' walnut dining set - ;. .,:..,., Z $85.00 Used combination wood St gas range : ; ' " , , 1 , , -: $29.75 Nearly .new Adl. house gas range - ;..,. : $79 JO Sluthtly ' used Underwood electric razor . :. ., $19.00 Used gas water heater $18.00 BRIGHT FURNITURE 453 . Court St,' ; ' . , r Ph. t8H - 1 ROUND OAK new all - enamel range. Many other articles too num erous to mention. 1032 Elm St, . W. Salem.. - ' . - :.-''?:" GENERAL Kleetrie Refrigerator. 4'.4 cu. ft. Like ; new. J"hone 4908. i- FACTORY BUILT, house trailer; '41 mainline, ateautine - stoves; sieepe ; good, as, new. .W. Sal era. Auto Camp. LARGE full blooming , pansy plants. sunaay. zou isyv - ..r , . - " SMALL - piano in excel, cond. - Call evenings or .Sun. 1G90 so. cottage. 4 BURNER Gas Range. Ph. 8165. For Belcrest property see ' W. G. Kruegcr, 147 N. Com'L Ph. 4728 Wanted Furniture TOP CASH price paid for furniture St household : goods. One article or housefuu. Ph. 9692. Jacobson a i urni tur Store. 568 Edgewater St, W, Salem. - -'ss - CASH FUR used furniture & nooee no id goods- R For gey Ph 1446 IF YOU want to buy or sell furni ture see the 12 ui street Furniture Store at 705 S. 12th St. Ph. T14L V ET YOUR own price, then call Glenn Woodry. the auctioneer, for action In a hurry, ph. 5110. Wanted BUscellaneous t FURNITURE V til' pay your oric "within ' reason. Phone 5118 aV be - convinced. Glenn Woodrv th - Auctioneer.- . 6 or 7 ft. Electric Refrigerator, Cash deaL Write Rev. Walter C, Cook. Box 23. Scott Mills. WANT legal aire file. Ph. 7113. USED rUKNITUlU Ph Iltt BABY stroller. Good cond. Ph. 6154. WANTED: ELECTRIC BROODER. uau t or iv rwmfr irwi slag.. WANTED: Row boat. Ph. 7532. Electric i roaster. Ph. 8904 after . WANTED: Wood range. Ph. 5882.' WANTED: To purchase good cabinet Incubator , 1500 to 3000 egg capacity. D. D. Priest. Canby. Or. WANT TO Buy. Used camera .& tenses McEwan Photo Shop. 43 Stat Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE Oi MOST CASES ; - Brtn or Mall Your Plates tor ftepatt DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST . Adolpb Bldg State ComXPh 3311 For Rent- Rooms FIRST floor room. prtv. cot. and gar. Gent preferred. 1220 N. Com. FURN. ROOM. 696 N. Cottage. NICE furn. sleep, rm. 658 Center. CLOSE ' IN; ladles pres. Ph. . 7884 Room and Board FOR ELDERLY lady, quiet home, close in. Box 2594, Statesman. For Rent Apartments- NEW' furn. apt. Elec rg, refrig. Close in. Avail $40- 495 N. Summer. 2 B; FUR. Apt, pri. bath. - nook, gar.- Adults. $220. ' Call 2-2327. 2 RM. FURN. Apt Pri. bath, phone. Igts. 1S9 Stat. 2 RM. FURN. Apt. 2808 Maple Ave, off Highland Ave. - i URN2rUpU AVAIL.: June 1st. front turn, room with : home prtv. Prefer - man St wife or 2 ladies: Close in, 841 Center. -' 2 RM. Furn. Refrig, Pull kitchen. I married lady. 866 S. Summer. 2 RM. Apt. $25. Ph. 6222. 2 R - CLOSE TN. Also 1 R. Apt. 638 N. Liberty. 2 RMS. FUR. 420 . S. 20. MOD. APT. at 768 N. Church. See "Blondie" in color, in new Statesman tabloid comic eection For Rent Houses $ RM. furn. hae. 1345 N.r 17th.- WILL. CONSIDER renting our home, (urn. or vnfurn,-near school and bus, shade, view, place for cow Ac chickens, fruit. 2 bed rms.. fire place. Elec. equipment, auto, hot water. Will give bargain to right , party who : will, im prove place, ro. Z-Z4W evenings, ' SMALL new five-room house, partly furnished, withs acreage. $37.50. Two mile from city limits, mon s-izui $37 jo 2 BJL modern. N. East, v v $30 3 B.R. Enrlewood district. $30 2 BJU base, furnace, close In. $1730 Suburban. . 9 miles out. C. H. SANDERS ' : 5838 or 21622 MOD. 3 Rms, $32.50. Prefer adults. Ph. 7113. - FREE RENT 4 rm. hae, b, St cv water, elec, phone,-to cple. willing to keep hse. fof - batch, farmer, Inq. M. tf. ocegneiv auw-xn. um i. . 3 RM. UN FURN. hse. on paved alley. Laundry trays, wired for range, $2230. 1353 S. Com'l. Ph. 3505. 6 RM. hse. 4 mi. from Salem near Roberta. $12.08 mo. Ph. 2-2828. - FURNISHED home, couple only. 833. See Fred i Rawlins with R. A. FORKNEH, REALTOR 1853 N. Capitol . Ph. 3031 . MAN with modern farm home 8 mi. south on highway will share it with couple in exchange for housekeeping services and companionship. , Hugh Harris. Bt-4,- Ph. 2-2407. ' For Rent Farms 24 A. 8 R. Berries. 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7112. . . h For Rent FLOOR SANDER for rent Mont gomery Ward. ,- TRUCKS for rent You drive. Uc Cun 8r LoveO, phon 9600. For Sale Real Estate 6 RMS, bsmt, 3 bedrma, 83750. 1 8 rm. 8c 1 4 tin. hse. and 2 lota $4500. ; 8 rms, mod. except bsmt, $2000. " 6 rms. with fireplace, no bsmt. $2000. Large old hse. 2 lots. Fruit 8c gar den,' All for $2000. , , F. H. Weir 465 Center . REALTpy Ph. $411 houses: large' corner 100x165. Ph. 830L - ONLY $600 DOWN ; ? S rooms first "floor, 3 rooms second floors located north.. Price, furnished. $3100. Call Mr. Voorhees with LEO N. CHILDS. INC,-REALTORS, 344 State Street Phone 8261. . . GOOD T-rm. hse.: -dbl. plumbing. Hood St. $3500. Ph. 5222. Real Buy. 8 ROOMS and bath in fairly good condition and in good location, large lot and nice garden. $1900 and $500 cash w ill handle. Call Mr. Sullivan. 8761 RM. house. 1163 D. Good location. $2000 cash. -Ph. 4318.: - . , SMALL HOME, West Salem fine to- cation .-ndkMF irhAn jhiirh ,n lea wired for range-ga immediate pwiainpn fiWMn terms, f Don aeis. S ROOM hmiM a. . arfth tots, auto- oil heat, automatic water heater. Fruit trees 8c garden space. 1357 Market St Phone Mr. Clark at 3345 or 9101. Price $3290. , WINK1IW. Arlv . a fam Sewers. Handy man mak living from aider chicken saoch trade.. Owner $12 w. uc. xvinsiow. Ariz. : LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE RAVK' tm Ar RnrrM a. tnaai ON REAL ESTATE, BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKINS St ROBERTS, INC KCA1.-1UJU. m una. Business Card In this cUrectory n a monthly baa Is only. lUte: - $121 per Ha per Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES, Cherry City Mooei Aircraxt, zist St Market.. . Auto Brakes Mike Panek 278 South Commercial Batteries WTLLARD batteries, all types R. D Woodrow 394 Church, phone 8808. Bicycles BICYCLES New " and reeonditiooed Harry W Scott 147 S. (Utm'cL P. 456 Chimney Sweep North nesa Chimney Sweep. Ph. 4458 Florists Brelthaapt's 441 Court, ' Phono SIM Funeral Pirectors TerwUllgar Funeral Bom. ' Ph. ; 6B28 Gifts THE 'APRON : Shop 679 N. High. - Hosiery; Real Sltk Hosierv Mllla. Ph. 6789 Mra. K Moseiey. Gen. Del, Sales Lawn Mower Sharpening Machia ground. 848 S. Capitol St. Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phone 4069 Painting & - Pa pt?r hanging PATNTTNa St Decorating, Ph. 7532. Experienced Seasonable . Ph 432$ F6r Sale Real Estate ' FOR SALE room home located at 151$ North Comroecial street, large lot. This place uj a gooa ouy at $zuwmw. $500.00 down ana aw . per month. $ - room, bom in eood condition. plastered house, plumbing, located at aai aouw iin atreetmc 82509.00. 7 room ' Modern horn, larc living room, dating room. 4 bed rooms, base ment, xurnace. nrepiace. double - ga rage. This place is worth the money, Price $5500.00. $1275.00 down. - balance $45.00 per month. : Good Modern home located at 985 South Liberty street, .basement, fur nace, large- tot, house In first class condition. You will buy this place at aiuuu.uu. : i W. H. Grabenhorst Ac Co.; Realtors ; im s. Liberty Street. FOR SALE POST-WAR SECimiTY INVEST' MENT and no time tike the present. Lot 132x286. 6 blks, from L. 8c B. Bank. Two 1 houses. - with lot of tut' occupied room to build and it is an opportunity. A Good 2 B. R. house, modern In every way. Fenced, froit, grapes, nuts. garden, close to all schools 4c town. Only $4250iW. 80 A. of improved farm land on N. Portland Road. 60 A. Cult Buildings, Ect. :r 96 A. E. "of Salem near Pratum. Priced right and a good buy. 40 A. 38 Cult, neceasary good Bldgs. 9 mi. S.E. of - Salem. $3650.00. W have yet a few Income proper ties, : ' J ' -. . .j "I.:: - See L. L. Thornton, with J. F. Ulrlch - Co. 202 Pearce Bldg,.: -.' :. FINE t-rra. English-type home, dou ble plumbed. H.W. floors, furn- fire place, full, basm't, 2 -car garage, nice yard.- Reasonable ' oavrnt down and baJL mo. Ph. 4108, . after 6 PM.,8715. aee air. uooowin, with r v - HAWKINS 8c ROBERTS, INC. REALTORS . L T RM. completely, mod. hse at th cog ox town S3Z50. 6 rm. all mod. hscnr. Hollywood. 4 rms, very nice 8c neat, t lots. fWW. aU W, OeBaTaSflS F. H. Weir 465 Center REALTOR i. Ph." 8411 CHOICE DISTRICT I Exacting buyers, desiring exclusive property, drive by 1515 North 20th street, inspect this nice modern 3 B.R. noma,- cor. lot. nicely - landscaped, double garage. - C H. SANDERS 231 N. High S83S - ' SPKfTAT. " A SOOd 7 -room hotna with rsLrmm apartment upstairs. Large lot, double ciruc. a mi hit tap mnn mrit-h $500.00 down. Balance like rent. 8-room modern house in State Street. Priced to sell for 829500, with fouw.o casn. it a a good buy. , niAlEUII AUULPH, INC. : 110' North Commercial St. NICE S rm. cottace. fine lot." va riety fruit, flowers and shrubbery. Lo cated 1480 N. 5th. Price $300. Terms. unutlUJf c JOBKSON, KEAaVTORS in . rugn -ph.; 3630 ALMOST entirely eontDleted. new I Rm, hdw. fls. throughout, linoleum tutcnen. bath, dramboards. Bucmcnt auwausi lurnace.. iirepiace. new a is trict. H7S9. i tiA Terms. . . One of the best burs in West Salem has been given to us to sell as owner is leaving the city. Fully modern 2 oorm, iirepiace, targe Jot. If you are looking for something in a low nriced home this is it. A FEW OTHERS MODERATELY RICH L. RETMANN 167 S. High St. - Phone 9203 After 8 PJC Phone 3535 MR. r HOME BUYER Do you want a nice, strictly mod ern home in on of the choicest loca tions? Large Lr, dr.. hardwood firs- fireplace; built-in kitchen, nook; one nice Baran. down and 3 up, dbL pbng, fine painted- bunt - with Dlivnom. Auto, beat, dbl. grg, auto, lawn spnnxier. ztne corner lot. Walking dls-tance- to aen'r. St Jr. hi., statehouse ana town, u interested call 8442. . J, D. SEARS .-. 807 Center SL Directory Paints and Lacquers Complete fin NASON paints Uberal v woourow, w ft. cnurcn Printing FOR STATION TUT Mnfa imnt.l.. programs books or any kindof print uag, call The Statesman Printing D phon S10L Radio Serrice PIERCE Radio Serv, 94$ N. Com! 7681. Septic Tanks Cleaned SEPTIC TANKS and cesxtmol cleaned. Satisfaction - guaranteed. Stat -wM erric. Gene Fite 642 Edgewater St, Bucm. jrm anas.' . .. Inspection free, i Kenneth HameL 1143 Eighth St, West Salem. Ph. 666X Transfer. O-DRIVX TRUCKS FOR ; ' RENT Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 9062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfer. storage, burner oil. briquets . rrucks to Portland - daUy. Agent- Pierce Auto Freight. Including Calif, points Larmer Transfer Co - Ph 2UL Transportation 3 . . . WANT RIDERS to Willamette Iron 8c Steel; day shift. Ph- 21310. . Tiling TnJE bathrooms, drain - boards, fire places end storefronts.. Ph. 8472. Vacuum Cleaner Serrice FREE inspection tn your noma. Au thorized Hoover service We service all makes cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph. 9149 WeU Drilling C i. PUGH, 2129 Myrtle. Ph. 9338. R -A West St Sons. Rt a B 448 2-ZZsS every Sunday. For Sale Real Estate $350 terms, lot 55x150 (north), email building 20x24, make into little borne. street imp., in V paid. . - $12U0 terms, small house, nice lot. North. - ---v. .'--,- y - $2100 $600 down. .' clean. 5 -room piast. borne, oak 8c fir-trees. Brew B-R. home South. furnace, wired for range. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High S838 RHOUSl s 92250. $750 on. baL $25 Der mo. $ R. house. .S. Well shrubbed. $500 tui, per nra, rrtcm szsoo. N. Church. 4 r. hse. Ven. bDnds. range inct. szduo casn. H. P. GRANT, Realtor 529 Court St. Ph. ,8744 8330 81500.00 4 room house $1250.004 room bouse Kappahan Rd. $5300.00. Income property consisting ox a eperunents. $8000.008 rooms, air conditioned. corner lot. r atrmount Hill. 6 acres, orchard, all under cultiva tion. 8 room house. $8000.00. P. H. - BELL. REALTOR 212 Guardian Bldg. Phone 816$ 2 RM. house 1440 N. Church, fur nace. ' wired for range. Inq. Owner, U9 rerry. .aars. cuiver. rtu. z-iosz. . - FOR SALE . -House in West Salem renting at $25 mocunty. - race aiauo, write 107 Court St, Uallas. or Phone 277 Dallas. ? ' $2800 large, well built house, plas tered. plumbed up A down, base, fur nac; Close in North. Lot 132x132. Give this your consideration, C H. SANDERS 231 N- High 8838 $3750 6 rm. house 4 blks. from State house, basement, sawdust burner fur nace, nice lot. good location. $30007 rm. hae. blks. from Ladd St &E, basement, fireplace, paved auey oc street, soue aown. MELVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR ' 72$ Court St Phone 2722 "M GOOD HOMES PRICED RIGHT rm. modern.: very good cond.. on N. Summer St, Ige. tot, in fine loca tion, priced at $4950. Some terms. Another good buy, $500 down 8c $25 per month, price $2850. will buy this nice rm. house 3 blocks from State bt, corner tot. Small basement. 8-rra. hse. with garage. This is a snap. J. O. SEARS 507. Center Ph. 9442 i ACRE with neat 4 room hau Double garage, barn and year around creea,: axzav siuou cash.- v G. E. VOSBURGH ' PteJBOS : - 1045 Cascade Drive CLOSE IN $ rooms, wired for range. unve oy use roadway, call lor ap pointment. C. H. SANDERS 5838 or 21622 8 R. - V, A. $2508 cash. ' - , . 6 R. Base. North. $2000. 4 cash. Mod. 7 R. (4 B. Rms.) about l',4 A. Fruit, outbldgs. close in. $3750. Part casnv wuiamette seal Estate. 172 S. Liberty. .-. . . . ;, - , - SR. it unfinished upstairs, full base ment, close in. $5950. by- owner. Ph. TOO. A MODERN HOME: 2 bed rooms. Hardwood floor, fireplace, basement. xumace ana garage, uniy sjooojw. U. K. VOSBURGH Phone 3598 1045 Caacade Drive 2 BED ROOM house 1 year old. some furniture, on 99W. 2 miles out. Will show evenings. Small down payment. oox lavi. btatesman. , - For Sale Farms - FOR SALE 20 acres located on the Pacific High way south. 16 acres prunes, food crop, fine building site. well. Price $2000.00. 18 acre located on main Highway south, - 4 acres cherry Orchard, bal ance timber and creek, A good buy st $1500.00. " ." - 49 acre of timber 8 miles south of saiem. race B2oo.oo caah. 320 acre stock and wood-- ranch. S miles trem -Salem, spring water. 88 acres nas been plowed, price giojooo.oe. loo seres located 9k miles from Sa lome. 70 acres farm land, buildinrs. aome berries, lights, a buy at $8500.80. , lis acres located In the Waldo Hills east of Shaw, nearly all farm land, no Duiraings. race sszjw per- acre. 197 act farm 7 miles west of Sa lem, good stock ranch. Price $3000.00 CaSh.' .. 492 acre stock and wood ranch t mile irom Salem.- Here la your ep portunity .to mak the wood pay for toe piece.-rnce fia.ow.ou. no acres. 90 acres in eroo. Old buidings,. $s mites -from Salem. Prtos $8000.00. 14 crop follows sate. w. M. Grabenhorst 8c Cow Realtors 18 S. Liberty Street - - GOOD BUYS 97000. Mod. suburban home. 8. R-. basement, furnace. Elec. water system, bath, wired for Elec. ranee, barn V family orchard, lawn, ahruba. 1$ A. gooa . una. raved - hi way, 4 miles to Salem business Disc. . 15 A. FOR $1200 Good land, about 3 a. timber St nas- ture. about 2 a. orchard. Bldgs,. fair. Owner non-resident. Some term.. S3 A. FARM $50 PER A. Only 4 mile Salem on Hiway. a A. FAKM $4000 19 a. cult, baL oasture. timber. creek, 6 R. house, barn, hen house, some crop in. See Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Needham. 341 State St. Roam 4. WE HAVt V of tt ftiai to Marion County. On s$ acres, fully modern house, buildings are new. Th other 211 acres, also fully modern house. This farm may be divided. Both of the owners are very anxious to sell, and we feel that they-nave given ua a -fair price. If you are interested in a gooa irm let us show you these. - RICH L. RETMANN I6T S. High St Phone 9203 IDEAL STOCK RANCH L " 782 Acres. 22 mL Salem. 48 A eood fir timber, creeks 8s springs. 4-room house, barn , 38x100. Price $1600 $4000 down, bal 8. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 9838 9jClm 8 nie" W. Stv. 4" A. Young berries. $2508 cash. 172 S Lib erty. f. - . Outstanding Farm Value Good solL fine location. Grade B bam. 18 cows, light, press, water to aU bldgs. Well landscaped. 2 A. or chard. BaL fine cultivated land. No wcds or brush,, fences- sheep tight $21,009. . H. P. GRANT, Realtor 829 Court St i ? , Salem. Or. 22 ACRES, older true bldgs- creek: 3,i mi. Salem. Price $2650 8500 down. 0 Acres, 7 mi. West of Salem, su perb ' view, small ' house, good barn, shed, duck house. 1 A. young cherries, variety of berries - 8c family orchard, no -elect, spring water riant - Price $1500 caah. - ss A. -all cum v, li mi. saiem. good set of ' buildings. Price $4000. Terms. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 8838 1021" A. with 'i'trnod. Mnea. Nr. Satem. AU finished in gum wood. A real home.- $30,000, $10,009 cash. Shown by appt. only. F. H. Weir 469 Center REALTOR' Ph. 9411 - SPECIAIr A wonderful buy in a 47 acre farm. Has a - good 8-room plastered house with inside plumbing and . water ' ays tern." Family orchard, berries' and grapes. Lar? dairy barn.-Priced to sell for $S5t.09 with of crop. Lo cated north of Salem. Can give inune diate posesion of house. R OSTEIN St ADOLPH. INC. 110's - North Commercial St Acreage WE HAVE a few Vm acre- timber tracts located l'.fc miles from the city limits. - Heavy .stand of wood timber that we have up oa th market at $:- per tract on your own terms wuhin reason. . RICH L. CEZMANN 1ST S. High St Fhone Acre23 A GOOD farm. 731 acres. Most all in crop.: 7 -room modern house, good bam and machine shed. Family orchard. 9 acres of gooseberries. 4 acres of met filbert orchard. If oUi in next 30 days, crop goes for $10,000.00: - . , ' , . 40 acres. About 30 acres in eultlva tion. Balance pasture. om timber. lamiiy orchard. Good -room - nouse and dairy barn, 36x48. Electricity - and creek. Paved-road. $ good cows, team, all machinery and -furniture. All goes for $3500.00. Possession Oct 1, 1943. 35 acres.- About in cultivation.' Balance good fir timber. 2 -room house, Spring water. Priced to sell 2or $1500.00, ta cash. 20 acre with 19 acres of Prunes, 7 -room house, barn, and . chicken bouse. Price $3000.00. -A real buy. 10 acre with a n 4-room house, double garage and barn. Electric water . system. Smalt creek. Price .cut to $3000.00. ? . . 16'i acres all in crop. Best of land. East of -Salem. 8-room house, barn. 3 chicken bouses, brooder house. Elec tricity, gas. plumbing, deep well with eiectnc water system. 2 good cows, aooui aoo chickens, team, and ma chinery. -All goes for , $5600.00. About 6 miles from Salem on paved road. , ROSTEIN St ADOLPH. INC. 110'i North Commercial St 129 A. close to Hubbard, 7 rm. mod ern hs.. large barn. 95 A. under cult, mostly river bottom land, some' tim- oer. iua per V. - 161 A. IS mi. from Salem. 80 A. in cult, some - timber. 7 rm. house, 2 barns, good fencing, several springs. $88 per A. - , ? - 12 A. 6Vs mt from court hse, new 4 rm. hse, bath, tights, basement, fur nace, poultry hse, double garag a. 2 A. Derrte. seuoo. 1 , MELVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR 72$ Court St . - : Phones $722 - !' FOR SALE - -19 acres with good drilled well, aH tn grain, 5Va miles from Salem, sightly location, met sieaojK). . S acres of fine berry soil, all plow tana, rrtee soaajw casn. W. H, Grabenhorst St Co, Realtors : 134 S. Liberty Street . . YOUR OPPORTUNITYI 1 7 Acres. A-l soil, A. fir timber. V A. pasture. - balance 1 under plow. New modern -rooma. basement, rur nac,. all hwd. floors,, chick house. large garage, barn. only. $4500. 9 Acres North. Dandy soil, dandy lo cation, older type. 3 B.R. nous, barn. Quick sai S3U00 $1000 aown. bal . C- H. SANDERS 231 N. High 8838 large xioorea attic, hwd. floors, fur nace.) fireplace, elec water- system, some young fruit pas. 8c timber. $4500 C J. JACKSON,' 341 State St, Salem ,i ACRE with 2'i yr. old 4 rm. hse. Garden in. : V East and V S. Keizer Sent, ItL X, bX. 47LB. - FOUR ROOM house on two acres. close in. Last year sold over $500 of peaches and some other fruit, for $3550. D. A. FISH 477 Court Ph. 6524. LOOK 10 acre berry farm full bearing, i Money maker Jsloden - con venience Close tn. - - - 7 rm. hous. 2 fine lots. . You will like -it. Terms. 26 acres, best of soil, old house. On pavement. - H. C SHIELDS. Oreg. Bldg. Ph.. 8902 Ik ACRE with new S room house. garage, chicken house, fruit house. fruit and filberts, lots of flowers and shrubs. 4 miles east of . Salem near Sweele -: school. Will sacrifice , for si.zuu.oe - casn. see owner at it. 1. Box. 280, Independence. Ore. Suburban j ATTRACTIVE BUY -IN " - CLOSE IN SUBURBAN HOME 2 acres best of soil: paved road; bus line; close to school; $-room house and basement: small barn; double gs- rege. Price -84508 - part terms. See LEO N. CHILDS,' INC, REALTORS. a state -street, mono szl. . Wanted Real Estate HOUSE for 91209' cash, full price. Ph. 21838. - HAVE cash buyer- for 2 to 8-ecre close to town. J. D. SEARS 807 Center 9442 Vt 4.- S miwt S nfln launediatelyi Range $150 to $8508. . '- CASH TO YOU. See LEO N. CHILDS, INC, REAL TORS. $44 Stat Street, Phone 9261. TO BUY 4 rm. house with large tot Box 2588, Statesman. . 4 OR 8-ROOM modern house: dose In: up to $2,900 cash. Box 2592. States- HAVE A NUMBER of cash buyers for Salens ptopeity. A hsttaa with us at thls-tim rneee a ready sal. RICH L. RETMANN 167 South High Street Phone 9203 Business Opportunities' APT. HSE. Good furn. Close in. In come $80. $4500 term or trad city or beach property. - - M. B. STEGNER ' ' 520 N. CotnT. FURNISHED APARTMENT house. north, excellent location, income $250 per month. $8000.00. immed. - poss. E. M. LARS EN, REALTOR Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 153 South High St. Phone 7490 GOOD INCOME- property consisting of 4 houses only 4 yrs. old.- all mod ern, excellent location Investment. $12,500.00. Terms arranged. E. M. LARS EN. REALTOR ' Exclusive Listiags - Personal Service 153 South High: St Ph. 7490 FURNITURE and teas 19 apartments and ten Bleeping, in good valley town, making an average -net -profit of $309 per month. For quick sale $420. O. E, RAE. 1255 . SUte.. Ph. 9761 For Sale Wood WOOD for sale. Pry second growth. Immediate dehvery. Also green, slab. Ph.. 8683. , . ; . . 1JVVA " SPECL4x':rVJ'V 9 loads mUl wood. $1740, Prompt delivery. Ph. 8444. MILLWOOD and Planer ends, Salem Box Co. Phon 9189. 4 ? -'-. 18" OLD FIR. F. N. Rock, 670 States man St - - ' - 16- MILL WOOD. 4 rt, slab, fresh cut sawdust Ph. 8862. Wood Green. 412 N 21st Et Ph $370 Plywood cores ,8s ends Ph. 8509 j v7ood Sawins c ' s Charles F. Simon. 1311 N. Liberty Ph. 889. '; - Personal FREE Information. Amazing new secret of aueees. Send postcard with nam and address today. Psychologist 67$ Eliot Denver. Colo. : ' . ,- 1 I11 Lost and Found LOST: A and B rsr book. Ray Ed ward Mahon.,RL 1. Box 132. Jefferson. LOST: Red male Cocker named Teddy." Ph. 70242020 S. Com'L LOST: No. 2 ration book. Sharon Amundson, ,475 Grove. St , hools ELUEPRINT READING 1 Quickly ouaUfy for a better Job. Enroll today I Terms. Free- booklet. International Corres'xmdenc. Schools, Log i.2. bcranton. Pa . 1 Fcr Cs! Vzzd Cera -vBUY A used car . now before rationing and price ceil ings stop the sales of Used Cars. 1942 BUICK SEDAN FULLY EQUIP PED. WITH STANDARD LUICK ACCESSORIES. 1941 BUICK 9 PASSENGER COUPE. 1941 CHEV. TOWN SEDAN. 1941 FORD 2 DOOR SEDAN. 1939 FORD FOUR DOOR SEDAN. 1938 CHEV. COUPE. - 1938 DODGE FOUR SEDAN. . 1938 PONTIAC COUPE. 1937 BUICK SEDAN. 1936 STUDEBAKER SEDAN. 1938 FORD COUPE. 1938 TERRA PLANE 2 DOOR SEDAN. 1934 PLYMOUTH 2 DOOR SEDAN. , We buy all makes of Used Cars at top prices. OTTO J. WILSON ESTATE 388 N. Commercial Ph. 5451 OR TRADE: 33 Chev. coach. Motor good condition. New tires. J. T. Sulli van. Rt 3. B. 888. LEAPIN LENA: She runs and is a glutton for punishment. "27 Pontiac pickup. Want $65, make an offer. $28 Liberty Road. Salem Heights. 38 DE SOTO 4-dr. Sdn. Radio, over drive, good rubber. 1665 S. Berry St 32 BUICK Son. $85. 1965 N. Front Wanted Used Cars "LOOK" For Every Car we Purchase i FROM PEOPLE in and around Sa lem for the next two weeks We will cive, . IN ADDITION TO THE (HIGHEST CASH PRICE. A Special Bonus of a $25 War Bond. - BRING ' YOUR CAR FOR AN HON EST APPRAISAL. , Burgoyne Motor Co'. 440 Center Phone 2153$ Orval Pays TOP CASH PRICES v For Used Cars' ALL MAKES St MODELS " ORVAL'S USED CARS Center at Church - - Ph., 4702 WE PAY TOPS I vm,- Get very dime your ear. Is worth, Cash on the Barrel-Head ?'C" SHROCK SALEM'S oldest independent used ear dealer. NX Corner Church at Cbem. Ph. 7922 SELL YOUR CAB Herrall -Owens . Used Car Center. . 233 - So. Cosnmercial -r Transportation WANTED: $ rider to Oregon Ship builders Corp, St Johns, dsy shift, late model sedan, comfortable, depend able ride. 1616 N. 9th or Ph. 9017. Greeli Vessel Torpedoed; Sub Scuttled RECIFE, Brazil, May 12-iJP) The sinking; of the 9300-ton Greek ship Edifots became known Thursday and reports1 were cur rent that her captain probably perished' as a manacled prisoner aboard - a . subsequently disabled U-boat which was scuttled when overtaken by a British destroyer. Snrvivors of the Edifots and the imprisoned crew of the scat tied U-boat bare arrived in Recife. The Edifots-was torpedoed and shelled to the bottom May 1 while en route from Buenos Airea to north Africa with a linseed cargo and the captain was taken aboard the attacking ' U-boat, the sur vivors related. A U-boat waa located early . this month ' off northeastern ' BraEtl with huuffklcnr f ael t reach aa axis or neutral port and unable ta subnscrge because af engine damage. It waa reported that when the British destroyer came upon the surfaced raider there was fight ins going on In the submarine in which -some of the U-boat crew were injured. A few minutes after crewmen left the ' submarine and were picked up by the British, these re ports said, a violent explosion sent the U-boat to the bottom. : Persona who talked with cap tared U-boat r w members who are still ta Recife, said the prisoners knew nethlnx ef tba axis defeat ta north Africa and stubbornly refused to believe there had been a rent la Tuni sia. - The Edif ota was reported sunk 415 miles oft the Brazilian island of Fernando Noronha. . : Ay ers Improved LYONS Bime Ayers," young est son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Ay ers, is reported as somewhat im proved. He is $uffering with pneumonia which he contracted suddenly the first of the week. g rt - A, 51 Pacific Iax? Ko. fl. A? ti rU X. A. Lt-ree, .3 J r i. 7iJ P. i-i.