.Markets ciai PAGE SIXTEEN Tli OREGON STATESMAN. Salam. Ortxjon. Sunday Morning. Mar 23. IS 13 Farm Market Ends Good Week ' Qosing Session Is Apathetic; Trade Only 433,380 NEW YORK, May 22,-JP)-Mnd irregularity In Saturday's short session followed a generally sue cessful week for the stock market A large batch of pleasing divi dends provided a prop for some shares throughout the week, Saturday's proceedings were notably apathetic, - turnover of 433.380 shares being the lowest since Jan. 23.-It compared with 640.210, last; Saturday. On Mon day dealings fell below the mil- lion-or-better mark in a full ses sion for the first time since April 28. During the six days there were only two sessions that ex ceeded a million shares. . The Associated Press average of 60 ; stocks ended down .1 - of point at 50.7 but on the was up .8. week Looneys Entertain Jefferson WSCS JEFFERSON Mrs. Marion D Looney and daughter, Eleanor, were hostesses to the Methodist Woman's f Society of Christian Service Wednesday afternoon. Following the business meeting. Mrs. C J. Thurston led the group in a "Concern for Children.' r: The lesson period of devotions on the theme of study and discus sion was in charge of Mrs. R.O. Kissling, and the topic was "Child Labor in Wartime. Mrs. Clarence Cochran was ad mitted to membership. Guests were Miss Marguerite Looney, Mrs. Clyde Pense and daughter, Lenore. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by The Associated Pre May -2 AVERAGES 30 IS IS STOCK 0 Stks 50.7 50.8 50.1 48a 34.2 50a 41.7 Indus Rails Uti) ...71.1 26.0 34.3 71J 26.2 34.3 .70.4 25.6 33.8 -68.5 25.4 32a .49.2 14a 23.3 -71.4 26a 34.C . -60 J 11.3 27.1 - Saturday Previous day Week ago Month ago Year ago 1943 high 1S43 low BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 Rails Indus Util Saturday ...77J 105.0 103 0 Previous day 772 105 0 102.9 Week ago . 76.0 105.1 102 J Month ago 75.0 104.9 102.4 Year ago 62.8 103.6 94a J943 high 77.3 105.2 103.0 1943 low 64.6 103 8 98.0 New 1943 highs. ' 10 "o 59a 59a 60.1 59.8 473 61.1 53a Crossword Puzzle a 13 14 is M 17 la b ko In J.. m iz " T- P'fe r MMm - rrrr M Ts mJ777MM $Ti 13" " llllllflll57- m 41 i,i i Ml VM 1 1 BH 1 11 HORIZONTAL 1. Fertile spot f.Whn playwright is author of mBck to Methusaleh"? 10. Note of the scale 12. Whtt Grecian island was T overwhelmed by Axis parachute troops? 23, Diminished gradually 15. Land-measure 18. Weed 17. Single unit 18. What American army officer was elevated to the rank : L iuIlt'"rl this March? 20. So be it 21. Serpent . s , 23. Native meUl 24. Peer Gynfa mother ' 25. College cheer 26. Horsemen 28. Behold . ' - 30. S-shaped worm 31. Down: prefix r 32. Note in scale - 33. Obstruct 34. Exclamation 35. Contemptuous souml.t 37. Wina vessel 38. Pouch ' 39. Golf mound " 40. Hurried 4LTake notictTof , ' : 43. What Mother Coose character If l "What a gooo boy am T? 45, Eggs 46, Paddles 47, Falsehoods CO. Comparison C2. Ready S3, Half an em 64. Perishes t5. Linger VERTICAL 1. Plant of Peru .- 2. Curve- 3. Angelic spirita - 4. Roman road 5. Compass point - ; 6. Lost freshness . -. 7. Unyielding - . 8. Imitate 9. Pronoun "Strictly Private" TrERES A SELL W OUR BXM THAT LOQKS tJM LIKE VCU AAK3HT GET SOUS. FOOD IF VCU RLi6 It. "JCOS tins rV5FE8Du ITHtWK I UXLL fEKET rT TOTrB CflPPMM. PRO&LV Salem Market The D rices below su Dolled by a lo eal grocer are tndicati-e of tha daily on arkel oitcs Da id to (rowers by Sa lem buyers but are not guaranteed by Tbe statesman: Cauliflower, crate Corn. o. ears . Avocodos. crate Crook neck squash, crate Italian squash. 30 lbs. Cucumbers, dor. Asparagus. 30- lbs. Calif rhubarb, box Red cabbage. Ib. Broccoli, case Green : onions, doz. bun. Turnips doi bun Mustard greens, doz. Calif cabbage, lb. Mexican tomatoes. 35 lbs. Strawberries, 1 doz. boxes. pts. 3.00 1.20 as J7 ao .78 Endive, doz. bun. Artichoke doz. Brussel sprouts, lb. Radishes, doz. bun. Carrot, doz bn. Spinach, crate Curly kale, crate . Celery, doz bun. 1.50 1 00 1 63 .05 1J7 1M parsnips, lb. onions Watercress, doz. bunches . GRAM. BAY AND SEEDS (Bay lot Prices) Oats. No. 1 ' . Feed barley, ton 38.00 35.00 Clover hay. ton Oats and vetch hay 28.00 28.00 Wheat 140 BUTTER. EGGS AND POULTRY Aadiesea's Baying Price isubiect to change without notice. I BUTTERFAT - Premium a4 no. i as ' s ' .5-20 10. Masculine name 11. What English Secretary visited the U. S. in March? 14. Italian capital -1$. Members of an English political party 19. Scandinavian ; , 20. Beast of burden 21. Extent 22. Part of window 24. Ascended 27. Mohammedan princes 28. Tibetan priest . 29. What N. African port was captured by the Allies alter Casablanca ? 33. What long reef is N, E. of Australia? 35. Possessed 36, Markets 38. Wither 41. Expectation - 42. Masculine name - 43. What American otHcer- ; r patriot was hanged by the British as a spy? 44. Feminine name 46. Japanese sash " 48. Wander 49. Pen 51. Paid notice ' 52. Near Answer to yesterday' puzzle. J . 75 ao 3 00 3.50 4 SO 1.93 4-9 165 Jl 8.00 , Sun. ao 07 i 50 , SIUPPEV1EN! :uni T .Ei! 1VA L ETn T I N E ClPET TPO-TTA Jt aIrWl aid4 PT? A VlElgr D AID fslAjN g DIAJD" T TlCl .t A T 5" OR. RB NjT ) H5r t n .. HROgfOL -T rAVE L AlU dtisTkI !ab le T A T TtIR EtH J 3T " M tt .HO-i LRATltgl5 Pigr IlNfir i au m s S-20 . Averxe time at selatlM; 29 Btiaatrs. Dist. by Kins Featares Syndicate, lac. By Quinn Hal TT ft At.ajrV Nbr SON Quotations No ' 2 ! : BUTTE raUNTB a . ; B -01 - tt 22 ao ao JO at J2Q Quarters , , EGGS - Extra large, white and brown- Medium' ' Standards Pullets - ' Cracks POULTRY Colored frys up to 2 lbs Colored frys over IV lbs. . Colored hens White Leghorn frys White Leghorn hens Marlon creamery's Bo Ins Prices. 1 1 Sub ject to changa without notice) egg a Large A " Medium A , 3 POULTRY . -. - AU hens ! 1 51. All springs , , , . .29 Roosters or stags , . " 0 Above prices for prime stock, under grades according to value. -JVC-TUCK s Buyinm prices for NaT l stock, based on conditions and sales reported Spring lambs 14.00-14.50 -wes a.00 to 7.00 Hogs, top, 160-223 lbs. , 14.75 Top veal. 150 lbs. 14.00 to 14.50 Dairy typs cows - 7.0O-8-5O Beef type cows 9.00 to 10.5O Bulls 10 0O to 13.00 Heifers 8-50 to 10.50 Dressed veal , , . , 3 Quotations at 'Portland i Produce PORTLAND. Ore- May 22 AP) I Butter AA grade prints 50ic; car- f tons 52 '.c: A grade prints 51',ie; car tons 52c; B grade prints 51c lb. Butterfat First quality, maximum of .4 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered at Portland, 52-52 lc lb.; premium qual ity, maximum of - 5 of- 1 per cent acidity. 5-5'ie lb.; valley route and country points 2c less than first or 50 Vic; second quality at Portland 2c under first or 50-50 e lb. Cheese Selling price to Portland re tailers: Oregon triplets 29c lb.; loaf 30c lb.; triplets to wholesalers 27c lb.; loaf 27.c FOB. ' Eggs Nominal price 4 retailers; A grade, large 39c; B large 38c; A me dium 37c: B medium 35c; A small 30c dozen. .- : v.i- t i Eggs Nominal prices to pro9ucers: A large 37c; B large 36c; A medium 35c; B medium 33c ;;t-? -i' : Live poultry Buying prices: i No. 1 grade Leghorn broilers up to 2',k lbs. 30c; colored fryers 2'i to 4 lbs. 29c; colored roasters over 4 lbs. 29c; Leg horn hens under 2', lbs. 25'ic; over 3a lbs. 25c; colored hens 4 to 5 lbs, 25,c: over 9 lbs. 25c; old roost ers 2ive Ib. Dressed turkeys -'- Selling prices : i Country dressed hens 34 -35c: packers' stock hens. No 1, 35 lie. cash-carry; large toms, over 20 lbs, 34c cash-carry. -taooits -rovernment ceiling: Ave rage country killed to retailers 44c lb.; live price to producers S4e lb. Onions Green. 70-80c doz. bunchear Oregon dry 2.25 50-lb. bag; new wax 4.00; yeUow 3.75 per 50-lb. bag. : onions New Texas yellow 3r7: wax 1 3.90-4.00 per 50-lb. bag; local green 0c dozen bunches. . . Potatoes New Texas red 3 S9-4-M: new California white S3a5-$4J0. i 1'oiatoes seed stock. 4-4 lie lb. Potatoes, old table- stock Cash and carry price: No. 2. 1.35-1.50 50-lb. bag: local no. i. .au cental. Country meats Selline Brie to retailers: country killed - hogs, best butchers. 120-140 lbs. 30c; veal rs, AA. 24c; A. 23c; B 21c; C. 19c: D I7.c: eanner-cutter cows (new ceiling) 16.e ;o.; Duns (new ceiling) i7ie lb.; -mm, aa. 2K A. s'e: H (i. 'ef ewes, FS 15lc; medium R. 12e lb. s wool Government control. Cascara bark Dry , 20c lb. Mohair 1942 12-month 45c lb. HOPS Seed Stock. 1942 ernn 118 lb.; seedless 1.50-1.60 lb contra r i m, ivc. seea. esc 10. - nay Wholesale ortoM- Alf-lf. M 1 or better 34 00; No. 2. 34.00 ton: oat- etcn i 2..pu-ae. r ton . vallev nnintai timothy (vallev I 25.00: da Vnni.n. i -v-ji ton; clover 25.00-30.00 ton. East Side Market PORTLAND. Ore Wn 99 at ". mirm prices tooav: Apples Jumble pack. S2.50-2.7S box. Asparagus Binffen Nil 1 hnki $4: Canby. loose No. 1. $4 pyramid; -mm i -.; no. L uU I. , Cabbage Local pointed S3 crate. Cauliflower Ibrocenliv T jn . i onua-r --w; wo. 2. 11.50 crate. JtOOt Vesetablea Turnina SI - 4nT.n Gooseberries 13e lb. . oreens Swlaa rhl n . ounencs; watercress SI ' doz. bunches ettuce ocaI S3 1 erat- i.. siock sue ooz. bunches. Radishes No. 1 innnr rmA -TV-. white. 70-75c doz. bunches. . . " DRS. CHAN ". . LAM Dr.Y.TO-ii-JM.D. Dr.O tha-UNJD CnTNESS nerba lists 241 North Liberty Upstairs Portland General Electric j Co. Office open Saturday only RIO a.m. to l p mj to 1 pj m Con iltultatKm. Blood pressure end urine tests are free of charge. Practiced ttnee 1917. . Tuesday's Radio Programs Today's prorramg editorial page. appear . KSLM TVESOAY-.13M Ke. : 70 News. 7 5 -Rise V Shine. . -T -toNews. T :45 Morning Moods. ; S. -00 Orchestra. I-M News Brevities. - 85 Tango Time. 840 Pastor's CaU. 8:15 -Uncle Sam. 8:30 Farm Home Programs. 9:45 -Round-up Time. ' 10:00 Serenade. 10. -05 A Song and A Dance. 10-0 Music. 11. -00 KSLM Preenta. 110 Miilamette U. Chapel. UO OrgaAaiiUea. . KOLNCBS CTJESDAY 879 Ra. . (AO Northwest Farm Reporter. , . 6:15 Breakfast Bulletin. , 28 Texas Rangers. ' . 6:45 KOIN Klock. 7:15 Wake Up News. . 7-0 Dick Joy. News. . 7 :45 Nelson Prlngle. News. ' 8 0 Consumer News. 8:15 Valiant Lady. 8 0 Stories America Loves. -: 85 Aunt Jenny. 8 0 Kate Smith Speaks. 9:15 Big Sister. 9 0 Romance of Helen Trent -9:45 Our Gal Sunday. 100 Life Can Be Beautiful 10:15 Mi Perkins. 10-0 Vic and Sade. 10 -45 The Goldbergs. llx YounCDr. Malon. - ' 11:13 Joyce Jordan. 11 JO We Love and Learn. -11:45 News, v . 12:15 Bob Anderson, News. ' REX BN TUES DAT 1199 Kb 6.-0U We're Up Too. :15 Victory Gardens. 0 National Farm and Home. :45 Western' Agriculture. . , 7 AO Life and the Land. . 7:15 Music of Vienna. 70 NtV, . 7:43 Gene and Glenn. ' ' S. 00 Breakfast Club. 9 AO Meet Your Neighbor. '9:15 Music. 9 -10 Breakfast at Sardi'a. 10-00 Baukhage Talking. - -10:15 The Gospel Singer. 100 Andy and V'rginia. 10:45 runny Money Man. f 11 AO Woman's World. 11:15 Science of TraveL 11:30 The Victory Hour. 12:15 News. KGW NBC TCESDAT 2S Ke. 4 AO Dawn PatroL 5:55 Labor News, AO Everything Goes. : 0:30 News Parade. :55 Labor News. -7 AO News. 7:15 News Headlines & Highlights I i o ivews faraae, ? 7:45 Sam Hayes a AO Stars of Today. a:l5 James Abbe covers the News. 80 Rose Room. S: 45 David Haruno. 9 AO The O'Neills. ' 9:15 Louis P. Lochner. :45 Kneass With the News. 10 AO Mirth and Madness. 10:45 Homekeeper's Calendar. 11 0 Light ot tne World. 11:15 Lonely Women. 11 :30 The Guiding Light 11M5 Hymns of All Churches. 13.-00 Story of Mary Marlin. KALE MBS TUESDAY 1334 Ke. 6:45 Uncle Sam. 70 Around the Clock. 75 Texas Rangers. Portland Spinach Local, old, 70e orange box; new spring is-soe orange box. Onions Green, 80-S5c doz. bunches. Strawberries Oregon $4 flat. Potatoes Government ceiling. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore- May 23 (AP) wneat: no rut urea quoted. Cash grain: Oats No. 2-3S lb. white I aJ0. Barley No. 2-43 lb. B.W. 34.50. Corn unquoted. No. 1 flax 3.03. - Cash wheat (bid ) Soft white 126; soft white excluding Rex 1J8; white ciub i ; western red 1. Hard red winter t Ordinary 1-7; 10 per cent Ul; 11 per cent 1.33; 12 per i Hard white Bart: 10 per cent 1.41; 11 per cent 1.43; 12 per cent 1.45. - Today s car receipts: Wheat 23. bar ley 4, flour 21. corn 10, oats 5, mill feed 5 flaxseed 1. . . Portland Liveslock PORTKND. Ore., May 22 (AP) iHS'T0"11 Tor week salable 1100; calves 25; compared week ago. market steady to strong, some cows higher; vealers closed fully steady; meduun to good fed steers 15.00-16.50, choice to 17 00; common to low med i"1" tfer" ".00-14JO; good fed heifers 15.00-50; common-medium 10.50-14.50; canner and cutter cows 70-9.50; fat d?7,P UJS0: Kood beef cows 52: medium to good bulls 12 0-1415. common , rinvm tn m nn- good and choice vealers 15 00-1BJO. Hogs; For week salable asas- M - Pared week ago. market 50 to 75 low- VX buik, good to choice 180 to 320 lb. truck-ina 14-15-50. one car load Frid,7 1. on shipping account; week's top 15.00. nald Unnrt,.- k.i. weights diunted 50 to 75 and light t-.V, Z. I" 1UM: s000 ows late 13.75-135. earhr to 13 .so- 4 - .. !nr,p1 good stags 9.00 a.r W.VW -a.,.; fit. h,V "-- 1 . - w- .." JT M,DI 16-3; mar- , ; -..-" T"a moa, weak on old crop kinds and 25 to- 50 lower on t9 ehoJce springers 15.00-50. common down to 12.00; common to me- V Z"ZLn- """P lambs mostly -,..S .PJ1? -12 ?5- few good No. 2 tr ooa no ewes No. a i a-w i aown late, early on longer wooled ewes. - - top 6.50 Wool in Boston ZSPESSL-1? -AP)-(TJSDA- - --.i wuui maraet continued fii 7wools "r arriving in Volume from Arizona, Utah and. . vat... n ui i. - .nan ' .. I w - uw. .WIVI V, ew Mexico. Join Bank Staff httUW CIUK-Mi TVnn Krug,t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin KruR now ia employed at the Salem First National . bank She was formerly with the Mont gomery Ward store and prior to mat with the. Star Hardware store at Suverton. DRESSED Veal and." Elcgs Uanfcd! Top Prices Paid! v- : Prompt Remittance , . , Ship to - Fred Ilcycr 444 S. XV. Tamhlll SL or, 8. E. S2nd A Foster Elvd V.'e can accept ecly animals killed ia compliance with O. p. - A. rexniations. ; T0--Memory Timekeeper. . 0 Haven ot Rest 8 '30 News. a.-45 Old Songs. .-OO Boake Carter. 9:15-Woman's Side of the News. 9-10 US . Marine Band. 10.-00 News -- 10:15 SUrs of Today. 10 0 This and That. ' 11 Mt Buyer's Parade. 11:15 BUI Hay Reads the Bible. 11 0 Concert Gems. 12 W Haste - . v KOAC-TCESDAT 559 Ke. ' 100 News. 10:15 The Homemakers Hour. 11 .-OO School of the Air. 11 20 Music of the Masters, 12.-00 News. Teachers Honor Light At Informal -Affair SILVERTON Mr., and Mrs. I Floyd light, members of the lo cal high school teaching force who I will leave as soon as school .cl3 es, wer honored by fellow teach ers , at a party Thursday night i Hosts were John Medcalf and Ro bert Miller and the affair was held at the Medcalf home. Prizes I bridge .went to Mrs. H. R. Irish I and Mrs. W. P. Scarth. Present were Mr. and . Mrs. Light, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Scarth, Mrs. Irish, Mr. and .Mrs.- Leonard Hudson, Mr. and' Mrs. Lloyd Lar sen, Mrs. F. J. Roubalv Mrs. P. L. Brown, Mrs. Mae Phillips," Miss Mary Failing and Miss . Phyllis Dorffler. . - - -. -TV J6H TAKKH BY CUSratStAT TW RUM IAN ATTACK; .TOOT MANACE5 TO 6ST FOM TUKAS WTO Trie A)B.:..TWEY . BEAM DlVE-8CM8lN( THE RUSSIAN ARTIOEfiX BUTAACWtfi AD LU9YA IN . 4TUSE0 6CRMAAJ rhtjj. HOcrr. : P0WN TWO OP THEM, SCORCHY SMTTH BAKNITY GOOGLE ivr VMCKEV. WE- TO KEfeB -rn y T D&JMT DOO- t CLXZ PBTE. SHUT?AI uv T Mi; l m . a MICXEY MO US2 r0VtfrV, MrVU. UE ME 4JUNS CV-fXP rn ttVJA. I 1VJOI1I THIMBLE THEATI-S. V, ijttle Aiiim; noorrr VOl OLID UE-FF if HE TA1J IN TOWM WM(T AEOUT TS30UGJ 00 - V n tu rvt no KtA VAT IT T7-r- Ti Lorn; nAi;Gn ESAHS FARM STO: s . pr . vw-. l nuswi, a.xw- a out I r ni -ivww 5& BAD I rXWNO VJHAT TJTTaf xsfiifz$LJ Led Wake Raid i I K for - -' i J. Leader of the fifth -raid en the Jap-held Island of Wake in the far' Paeifie waa Colonel C. F. Hear ot Hartford, Wis. The fifth raid was conducted " May 15. v Colonel Hegy Is pictured as he stood beside his Liberator bomb er, after returning to " Seventh Air Force headquarters. (Inter- ' national Soundphoto.) ARCHIE THAT AS MUCH "t AS 45URPBJSE WU. CrVE US x ou taksT the Plane marked E'. XU TRY TOR THE iST L a "TftrU CAE LOOSE 1 2i,jBBiBBBB- r-U,THB UEAST M3U OOULO IXrVE WESS ON SOW TO, WE COULDN'T THE PLV THiW( 1 ASTS OF C4 vtsTEH-Ay AAa. sees-" heab l-S WITE TELL CLARA AM BOBEY ! NOT ID ASSOCIATE WITH kSL, XA5-IVA5ASOCU aNnxssi v Smooth .a . te j-.I-Ltv- T-'af- cm--fW-i . ... - M fc - " AWWTHIK-i I AT ALJLr a IV - is " : I ! Grain Trade Features Rye ; CHICAGO, May. 22 -JPh . A broad!; buying move in rye fea tured a strong and active grain market Saturday, rye spurting about two cent ; on commission house . buying, short-covering and support from local traders. Brok ers with northwest connections were good purchasers and some of it was believed to be for mill ing purposes. The; strength In rye spread to other pits, wheat advancing about 1 - i . - .... - - -.4. . . '----Ba----- Ore jca's IIct7 Financial Ilcr cnsiiiliiy Law Becomes Effective June 8th! Even the slightest accident may result in the loss of your right to drive your car unless you are protected by a. standard Public Lia bility and Property Damage ' Insurance policy. Come in . t .. 4-1 . At . us i-e care oi in IS matter for vou at onr FOR ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE See E. STATE COOL 0?F.SU W. AHm'S OVIST tU CViSTOtA A nail excuse hesjs two TBaSIN NCXJf . 4DU MS HOMS UXT'ME tA tUTT ALBsTT JCfJE. QjCt QflEEPEAVPOPRN BUT MR ROBERT STUCK UP FOR A AU' SA10 tVAS AS GO0O AS AWBOJ FOR MAtfN'EM SiCH -J-T t r E-rb Vr'lre i . i - i- v I ST i r -. A iii.urrrV: I w isr a rs , 4T :. - . - f - v bp -"ifSlT-l- S 1 :': & i ,4WV 1 a cent alter a slow start, oa lagsed for most of the session but Just before the close rose sharply under active and aggressive de mand. Although, both July and September corn sold outright at ceilings, exchange operations were much smaller than in recent ses sions.. - - : At .the close wheat was higher, July 1 1.44 y4-H; Septem ber $1.44 ; corn was unchanged May $1.05. , Hasbroucks Entertain AUBURN - Mrs. Boyd Panther and daughters -of Tacoma. Wash . are guests at the D. J. Hasbrouck nome. ... ' -1 , 1 ... . 1 I . V7 t ' - V A. Miller, with FIIIAIICE COv -" tW?u.u AM TV-W ttXU. UV 0J1TH US? CDS tUU-L. LtVG tDlT 'EM AM AAR. GCCXXT SAID IF HlS WIFE. WDMT TCFAT NX WOULD ALL LtA. WS KrN MSTKTS rA0M AfT GO EACX TO TrCS Haxiui umtrcap: y A t VUH rsOTHy twejTTTUH tl li .. . " " " .,1 r- m . . . il J 173 G. LID "HIT GALCr.2, CIIL'GON i r JUST fASSlNtf BY AMD f TVOLkSHT XV CRCfNONf iff 'fg (II n- m rs m - r m m V-TMAT TO f - -?y )JH0US. mm L