The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 23, 1943, Page 11, Image 11

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    Si Cr-GOIT CTATZ.xm Csltra. Crstcau Cundsr 1" IIs7 t3. 1C13
Where They Are What They Are DoingBL St
Mr. and Mrs. G. 3V. Boley
have received word from their
son, Pfe. Francis G. "Don" Ba
ler, that he graduated Jront the
Air Fere technical school at
Lincoln, Nebr May 5 as sec
ond nigh nu ef his class. Ha
was to have been sent to a ca
det engineers school bat alter
taking and passing . a test for
'tail gunners, was sent instead to
a gunnery school at Fort Mey
. era, Tla. Bo win go from there
to an aviation base.
"' Don . was married early in
Febmary J at Lincoln to Miss
Jane George, ' danghter of Mrs.
I S. George of rente 7. Salem.
Mrs. Boley has returned to Sa
lem while Pfe. Boley Is at the
gannery school. '-'
He has a brother, Kenneth
Boley, who was one of the ma
rines on Wake Island and Is
now Interned near Shanghai.
Mrs. Boley has a brother In ser
vice : In Canada.
- Don Boley Is. a graduate of
Salem high school and formerly
was a Statesman carrier.
SCIOFfe. Harold McDonald
paratrooper t in the marine . air
corps, is under medical treatment
at a San Diego naval base hos
pital,; according: to a phone call
to his: parents,' Mr. 'and Mrs. G.
D. McDonald, at Sdo this week.
McDonald enlisted in the corps in
December; 1941, and was with
the first occupational forces land
ing on Guadalcanal. He has more
recently taken part ' in the New
Guinea ; campaign, . where t he is
reported to have had several
planes shot out from under him.
and to have contracted an in
fection." He expects to visit Scio
on furlough following his release
from - the California hospital.
MILIT CUT Edwia Stone.
aviation - machinists , mate, third
class, of the naval air patrol is
home- this week on furlough.
Stone recently has been stationed
in Bermuda and has traveled
considerably since Jbeing in the
navy. He is a 1938 graduate of
the Mill City high school. He
then drove a logging truck for
O. J. Downing until the time of
his enlistment in February, 1942
: Spending a ten day leave with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
, Domogalla, 955 Union street, is
Charles Francis Domogalla, third
class petty master in the navy. He
enlisted through the Salem navy
recruiting station on, September
26,! 1942, taking his recruit train
ing at San Diego. 'After six weeks
training at the US naval hospital
school at the base-hospital, Bal
bo Park, he was assigned to duty
at the US naval hospital at Seat-
. tie; Two months ago,' Domogalla
was transferred to the . receiving
barracks at Portland Uponre
' turn to bis station, be will be as-
' signed to duty at sea.
Mrs., O. G. McClaugbry received
a letter from their son, Cpt. Ed
McClaughry, this week . from
North Africa where he has been
stationed with .the chemical wel
fare division for some time. -He
said that he is well and bar been
-very busy.
Arthur G. Uoston, sou of Mrs.
Arthur Upston, has been promoted
to the grade of sergeant techni
cian third grade after'' attending
anti-aircraft artillery school at
Camp Davis, NC Sgt, Upston is
sow stationed at Camp Haan,
. experts say Dorothy Citmore has'
the most shapely thighs in Hol
ly wood and Dorothy shows how
, she developed thera by doing her
tri--oiT"rV .
After taking his ' first physical
examination, Walter R. Waterman
of Seattle son of Mrs. Edna R. Wa
terman of Salem, enlisted in the
Seabees. He was inducted into the
navy as a petty .officer 2nd class
last Thursday. ., Selling most, oi
their furniture, he moved his fam
ily to Salem and left on Tuesday
eveping for the east coast for his
base training.
His wife, and one year old son
will remain in Salem during his
absence. , . . - .
' .Ralph Seastone, ship's cook, sec
ond class, is spending, ten days
leave with his parents at .758
North 18th street
: SXLVEKTON Harold Adams,
jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. H. TfiT. Ad
ams of Silverton, who has been in
naval reserve while attending Wil
lamette - university, " received or
ders to report for active duty June
31. He will be sent to Columbia
university. New York, for officers'
training. ; ... V-- .
i Mrs. Adeline .Dick has heard
from her son. Gene, that he is now
in a San Diego hospital. He wrote
that he , expected to come home
soon on a leave. He had ,been in
a hospital in Samoa before reach
ing the states. ' .
! CpL Frank Kruplcka of Wood
burn, who received serious, wounds
in battle at Guadalcanal, is now
recuperating in the San. Francis
co, taux, army hospital. His par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kru
picka. and his sisters! Mrs. Rus
sell Gardner and Miss Sonie Kru-
picka, left Woodburn last week to
visit cpL Krupicka In California,
i CapL Don Paujade, former Sa
lem city police radio operator, was
promoted to the rank of lieuten
ant colonel in March, according
to word received here .by Chief
of Police Frank A. Minto. Pou-
jade is now in Africa.
Mrs. Helen Mayfield, route
two, has received word of the
premetloa of her son, Kay J.
Zielinski. from petty officer
third class to petty officer sec
ond class. He received the ex
tra strive May 1. Zielinski now
is gunner's mate, second class,
and is with the US navy ia
Aleutian wafers. He was In Sa
lem on leave during March. -
i ALBANY LL Walter Kropp,
Albany, who is "somewhere over
seasat :- present, came in close
contact : recently; with his. home
town, according to a message re
ceived h e r e by Mrs. ; Mark V.
Weatherf ord. It occurred as IA
Kropp was- seated in the officers
quarters and one of the boys in
uniform remarked, This book I
am reading, is from your home
town." Naturally the Albany man
investigated and on, the fly -leaf
was inscribed, "this book is pre
sented to- the boys in arms by
Mrs. Mark .V. Weatherford, Al
bany, Oregon."
f v Pfe. Frank Hoge, who has been
visiting in Albany with his
mother, Mrs. Erma Hoge, and his
grandfather, F. C Ballard, has
left for San Francisco, and will
be stationed at Mare Island. Hoge
who had a 15 day leave, has been
with the US marine corps seeing
active service in a number of
naval battles, and is being- trans
ferred to Mare Island. : ; -Robert
Potts, who now is sta
tioned with the US signal corps
in Virginia, has been transferred
to Camp , Pickett in : that state
from Athens, Gav according to a
telephone message to his mother,
Mrs. I s 1 1 e Potts of : Albany.
Young Potts was! born and reared
in Albany, and is a graduate' of
the local high school.
Cadet Marvin Lerey Dako of
Lyons' has completed- the three
month pre-flight course 1 at the
US navy pre-flight school in Del
Monte.' CaliLXl'XX'W: I
? Robert Speaker, a; Salem resi
dent I stationed at the naval l air
base in Pasco, WasH, has been
promoted to the grade of aviation
machinist's mate third class, which
is a third class petty officer's rat
ing, v. , - ;
Pfe. John R. Moses, former Sa
lem high school student, has been
assigned to .the .army air force
technical ' training command at
Sioux Falls, SD, for training as a
radio operator and mechanic Pfe
Moses is the son of Mr., and Mrs.
David Moses, 6223 E street, Vancouver,-
Wash. ,
Two Have Influenza .
Claughry has been confined to fds
home with the flu for several days.
John Bisanz also has been quite
f Cruiser9 Due
. m
Seek Recruits
I Coming to Salem Wednesday
and Thursday, June 2 and 3, will
be the US navy's recruiting cruis
er, Chief Quartermaster Robert
B. Fallon of the Salem substation
announced Saturday; f : ; i
' The cruiser, a ; power:unit and
trailer measuring 9 by 50 feet,
is equipped ' with - the "latest in
sound apparatus: for public addres
ses and motion picture projection.
Manning i the ; cruiser : wilf : be
Chief Specialist :F. TJ Garesche,
Specialist First: Class JStanley
Church and Yeoman Third Class
Arthur Allen. 1 - - ;
p, Accompanying will be repre
sentatives' from the WAVES and
SPARS including Yeoman Third
Class Inex ;Ford . of ; the WAVES
and Ensign Frances Buxley for
the SPARS. Information of in
terest to women will be given out
by these two.. . . -: ,.
i The navy'a h hew ; educational
programs will be discussed by the
Portland . recruiters, as will the
types of duty in the SeabeesToo,
tney wiu explain tne .new army
navy joint induction process. .
Savage Soon
To Leave WU
After serving 22 years as busi
ness secretary of Willamette uni
versity, N. S. Savage has submit
ted his resignation effective July
L Following his retirement, Sav
age plans to spend some of his
time at his Sunny Crest ranch near
Los Angeles. -
Savage has worked under four
Willamette presidents and has
seen the enrollment of the uni
versity double during his years at
the university. -f. V- ":'r T'v'-
Before his resignation becomes
effective, Savage plans to aid his
successor in becoming familiar
withthe office routine and book
keeping system which he has de
veloped and simplified during the
past 22 years. '
House Loans : ;
Hit $915,800
- In spite of the, stoppage of all
home construction e x c e p t war
housing. Federal Savings and Loan
associationsin Oregon made home
loans totaling $915,800 during the
first three months of 1943, as com
pared with 48869,000 in the first
quarter of 1942, Oscar R. Kreutz,
general manager of the Federal
Savings and Xoan Insurance cor
poration, announced Saturday. On
March 31 home mortgage loans on
the books of these institutions to
taled $18,133,000. , i
Investments of the public held
by these associations rose from
$16,793,000 to $17,656,000. in the
first quarter of 1943.
Plain Summer
Activity, WU
- Associated Students of Willam
ette university - will publish a
summer Collegian and have intra
mural athletic events for the stu
dents and servicemen who attend
the :: university summer . school,
John Macy, ASUW president, an
nounced Friday. :; ;?
Although no money for payment
of activity fees will be alloted na
vy men stationed at Willamette,
servicemen will be encouraged to
hold membership in student or
ganizations. .--"'"'.
Dances may be held on the ten
nis : courts of the- university as
part of the social program to be
carried out with the funds allotted
to students', entertainment, : Sybil
Spears, first vice, president, an
nounced Friday.
Clatsop's State
Forests Increase
Acreage of state forests in Clat
sop county will be- increased ma
terially in the near future through
a donation of land to the state by
the county and by exchange of
state owned stumpage for privately-
owned forest lands, stata for
estry officials reported Saturday.
' The area acquired ', from the
county comprises approximately
6000 acres of second growth tim
ber south of the Nehalem river
between Jewell and Birkenfield. ;
Suffers Head Infection
oss, small daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. - Caspar Oveross, was taken
to a medical specialist in Portland
this week. The child has been suf
fering from a head infection for
several weeks. - -
Lyons T7S CS Plans
Autumn Bazaar , .
LYONS The Women's Society
at Christian Service - met. at the
community hall with Mrs. Robert
Fetherston as hostess. Mrs. George
Ilufman was in charge of the de
votions. ." . "
v Plans were discussed for the fall
bazaar. The .committee on the
i . s . m v ... o o
painting project will meet at the
home of Mrs. Alex Bodeker Tues
day, afternoon. ; i'
Refreshments were served to
Mrs. Daisy Johnston, Mrs. Doug
las Gavette, Mrs. Paul Smith, Mrs.
Joe Weitman, Mrs. George Huff
man, Miss Fannie . Wilson, Mrs,
Hugh Gavette, Mrs. Jaul Johnston,
Mrs. Hal Howard and Mrs. Melba
ainp 03 : Entertain
Diniier Gtiesto
guests ' at ' the home '"or Mr.' and
Mrs. W. F. Klampe on last Sun
day were Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Kes
ter and two sisters of Mr. Klampe,
Mrs. Nettie Reeves and Miss An
na Klampe of Jefferson. In the
afternoon the' group visit J the
Orviile Klampe home and the Ru
dolph DeVries home in Pratum.
The La dips' Aid society vwUI
meet at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. IVUiard Kornschuch, 1255
North 21st street. In Salem on
, next Wednesday. "The ladles
will continue work on the Red
Cross comforter. -
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Boynton
received - an announcement this
Out of Ilcspilnl
MILL CITY I.Irs. Willi : rA
Best has returned to her heme af
ter being confined to a Vancouver
hospital for several weeks. -
week that their Granddaughter,
Leona Boynton, is bein graduat
ed from the North - Eend high
school. She is the daujhter cf the
Jim Boyntons.
ill with the Cu -- - ;