The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 21, 1943, Page 12, Image 12

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    RM1 PhutiljNo ,More-Wiii
5th Straight- Sweep Series
rw Insitmif leant but sincere congratulations to "Pants'
Rowland and his Los Angelinos on tieing the consecutive game
winning ijtreak in the Coast wheel. How come that tieing" after
v, Anri Wr ArrrMlitpd with having broken it with those two
wins Wednesday? :. Well, seems
. somebody ' has overlooked the ,
fact that Seattle, of all clubs,
won 20 in a row back in 1903,
the year the Coast league start
ed. And as it's still the Coast
'. league and Los Angeles two ;
wins' Wednesday were its 19th
and 20th in a row, that makeV
; it a tie," does it not? It does un
less they've changed things so
that 2 and 2 doesn't equal 4. any
' more. The rub comes in because
they figure Seattle's streak was
made before the league became
"modern." But modern or, an-
cient, the Suds' 20 straight is
still good enough for this wee .
corner . . . Here's another for
the books: Woodburn Bill Han-
auska and Clint Cameron, Willamette's "new deal? battery for
non-conference games this spring,
Salem All-Stars m their game against me rimoer woives at me vu
lage ball lot, were awarded block "W"s for their services oh the Bear
cat nine! That's the first time we've ever heard of two confessed pro
fessional athletes going back to
How the war has changed things! . .
'Don't Give Up on 'Em Yet9
"Don't give up on them Beavers yet they'll do all right be
- fore the season's over, and are still a good bet to finish in the first
division.'' "
I Our man Frisco Edwards talking, and Frisco, who's barking balls
and strikes in the Portland-Seattle series this week, should be more
than 'just mumbling in his Victory" suds. After all, peering over the
ratrher'a bark should be lust about
' what pitchers and hitters have and don't have, although we've seen
" some boys in blue who would call just as good a game by sitting oh
- the grandstand roof. '
Anyway, the village's gift to
.mm m a a m
- oeiovec new aeaiers just am i niiun' yet, out win. Ana wiin
the pitching staff Business Boss Bill Klepper has rounded up,.
- which is second best only to those win-crasy Los Angelinos, Frisco
flmrM fi'a ml matter at tint Hfar th hnmi if naw Mm
: som Into the heroes they were advertised as being. (How much
time Frisco dared' not say.) With huriers like Ad Liska, Jack-Wilson.
Bill Herring;, Wayne Osborne and Joe Orrell around, he can't
be too far wrong at that.
- Suds Due for Balloon Ride, too
... . . . . .
. nuti iikuc, um uuiu uviuiwrak ciiu j iu uic vuuai uciuj, ocai-
tle's Rainiers, are destined for bigger and better things than the base
ment according to Frisco. They too have the pitching, says "Crooked
Finger, and when their hitters get the holes in the bats plugged up
well, happy days will be here again for both the northwest nines.
And as has almost everyone conceded by now, if .not long ago,
Frisco likes Los Angeles as the pennant winner. As to what club
will give the Angels a battle, our man says San Francisco not
because he gets his name from that metropolis, but because the
, Seals also have good pitching.
"ItH be tough on Lefty CDoul when, Don Trower leaves for thg
srmy, though," forecasts Salem's favorite baseball son. . . ,. '
And from the deep south comes still another voice in defense ' --
of Klepper's clan. That of Southpaw Vern 'Olsen, San Diego Fad- -
. ' re pitcher, still likes the Beavers to win . the pennant. Being of
sound mind and under no duress, Olsen spake: "Portland has tha .
best pitching staff in the league in Liska. Orrell, Osborne, Wilson,
Cook and Herring, and probably the best Infield, too..
We suggest Olsen get a little more rest at nights--that might make
kirn feel better. ; . v . . 4 . v
The Sporfs Front- Fifteen Years Ago:
May 21, 1928 "Mrs. E. L. Baker, Mrs. Gus Hlxon and Mrs.
H. H. Olin'ger, three women golfers from niahee Country club,
are entered in the state golf tournament which is being held in
Portland this week . . . Carl Bahlburg, local gunner, proved him
self suite handy with 'the shooting stick Sunday when he broke
99 birds out of a possible 100 during the telegraphic shoot at Port
. land. The Salem Rod and Gun club placed fifth. "Only Ray Glass
V of Eugene was able to shoot the same score as Gahlburg in the
enUre meet . . . University high's tennis team handed Salem a
. ? 7-0 beating hero Saturday. Salem slayer were Buh. Khafer
H7k.4r. ....
; Alley, Hobson and Allen . . . The Salem high track team ended
, its season Saturday In the Forest Grove Invitational meet by plat'-
I B . 1L1 . J m . . ...
: 4 mi KCHa.rAuu(ia winning iirsi places for the Ked and Blacks:
Blaco, 440 fat :52.1; Fred Smith, Javelin, 15C feet 11 inches: Homer
Mnltn, discus, 105 feet; Stan Perrine, pole vault, 10 feet 3 inches."
........... .... . . '.' , ,,;.,; " " '
Title Tiff With
. - - tiy SID fDR ; :
NEW YORK, May o-Af ter taking on lightweight cham
pions five times in two years, Philadelphia Bob Montgomery fin
ally gets aihot at the championship Friday night in Madison
Square Garden against Beau Jack, the one-time sho-shinA W
This 15-round fuss for the
New York half of he 135-pound'
crown marks the return or lox
ing to the. Garden after six :
weeks in which "Gus Fan has
been ! watching the elephants '
and, the clowns from another
circus do their, stuff.
As a result and picking up in
this first -summer "sock' show
where they left off in last win
ter's million-dollar season the
fans are expected to chip in to a
OSC Golf Team Named
CORVALLIS, May 30-P)-John
Frey, Ken Roberts, Ray Wood and
Sterling McGarvey probably win
represent Oregon State college
this weekend in the northern di
vision golf tournament at Seattle.
OSC Beaver Ballgdmers Complete Very Successful Season
Corvallis, May 20.-(Specfal)
Oregon State's baseball " team
has put Its bats away after com
. aleting one ef Its most success
ful seasons in recent years. The
Beavers tied with Oregon for
the championship of the north
ern division with 12 wins and
four losses.
Coach Ralph Coleman's men
missed a chance, to gam undis
puted possession ef the league
pennant when they last the sea
son's flaaj contest to Oregon, 9
to 1, at Eugene, Monday.
and the battery for next Sundays
college and earning athletic letters.
the best wav there is of telling
the blind Tom racket avers the '
maim at a a . m .. 111.
. i : . 1U & J2 V. C I
Jack Finally
One for Montgomery
$75,000 pot In fact, Promoter
Mike Jacobs won't be at 'an dis
appointed if some 18,000 show up.
Pep Favors A
Title Bout V
- NEWtYORK, MayOH-Willie
Pep, ; through his .manager, Lou
Viscusi, Thursday .told the New
York JState Athletic commission
that he would defend his New
York part of the featherweight
boxing championship against the
winner! of the Chalky Wright-Phil
Terranova fight a 15-round bout
which Promoter Mike Jacobs win
stage, in .Madison Square garden
June 4. '--. -
Oregon State's fine showing
surprised most of the Orange
fans who' believed at the start
of the season thai the Beavers
would be lucky to win half
their 'conference games. Only
two veterans. Vie Brown and
Bfll McCluckey, were on hand
from last year's team which
finished third. - ? -Coley
took a squad of fresh-
men and sophomores and
- - . ..... .. -. -
moulded them Into one of the
best ball ; clubs Oregon. State
has had in recent years. Inex
Cox' New Army
Now Half Game
Beliiiid Cards
; :. 1 : i .-.'. i-' . - t . x'' v li ...r-i
New Dealers Polisri '
Off Cub's, 2-0, 3-0
rambunctious "new .deal"
Phillies' ran' their winning streak
'to five straight today by handing
the Chicago Cubs a pair of shut
outs, 3 to 0, and 2 to 0, In a dou
bleheader before . 3,429 - at Shibe
park. - ;
' The double triumph, coupled
with Brooklyn's win " aver St.
Louis, put the' fourth. place
Phils only half a game behind
the third place Cardinals. It
also gave the Phils a clean
- sweep of the four-game series
with the Cub, who now have
dropped nine In a row.
; Four-hit pitching by both Char
ley Fuchs and Southpaw Al Ger-
heauser, backed by opportune hit
ting and good .fielding, was ' the
spark that enabled the Phils to
chalk up their longest winning
streak in seven years. Back -in
August 1936. they managed to
win six straight.
Chicago .000 000 0000 4 1
PhUadeL :010 001 10 t 9
Lee. Wyse (8) and .Hernan
dez; Fuchs and Livingston.
Chicago 000 000 0000 4
PhUadeL ....002 000 00 2 4 3
Barrett, Prime (8) and Todd;
Gerheauser and Padden.
Left Was Right
Rightie, Lose
Brooks Hop on Mort
Cooper for 5-2 Win
er - seeing nothing but . southpaw
pitching for three days, the
Brooklyn Dodgers finally met up
with a right hander Thursday,
and the sight of Mort' Cooper was
so welcome that they whipped the
St Louis Cardinals 5 to '2 to gain
an even split in their four-game
series.- ' )'-: .)'; :"
Cooper, the leading pitcher In
, the ' National league ; last year
and ' w I n n e r of three ' games
against one do f e a i bt f o-r el
Thursday,' lneffecthreV although
he fanned seven men. He gave
up seven walks' and eight bits
- and lost the decision in the first .
' Inning when the Dodgers scored
-three unearned runs. ; .' ..
In contrast, Frank "Rube" Mel
ton went to the mound on two
days rest after curbing the Car
dinals 1 to 0 on a' twilight' game
Monday and had no trouble ex
cept in the fourth frame when St.
Louis scored both its runs.'
St. LouU 000 200 000 2 7 1
Brooklyn 500 010 10-$ 10
M. Cooper and W. Cooper;
Melton and Owen.' '
Coast Huriers
Red Lynn, Los Angeles veteran,
is setting a torrid pace for Pacific
Coast league pitchers with eight
victories and no defeats, although
averages released Thursday'.; in
clude only games up to, Tuesday,
May 18, and do not include his
eighth, registered ednesday again
st Hollywood. i i i" ,
Jodie Phlpps, also of Los An
geles, with five wins -aad "no
losses,' manager Cbartie Root of
HoUy wood, five and none, and.
Tom Seats, San' Francisco, three
and none, follow; In order.
Frankie Dasso of San Diego,
although he has won - only' three
and lost one,' is the strikeout
leader with 43. : ; - "
Husky Netters '
PicKed to Win
CORVALLIS, Ore., Mtj.ZltflP)
The University of Washington, de
fending champion, is the favorite
to take the northern division col
legiate tennis title here this week
end, i :irH:-:x:Ai:vt IfA--
The powerful Huskies r swept
through dual competition this sea
soi without a loss. Bob Odman,
an ail-American ace,; is expected
to take the singles championship.
perienced pitchers came
through to give the Orangemen
top flight burling. ' Don Cecil
and Bfll Fraxer led the mounds-,
men with four victories and one
defeat : apiece. -, Andy . Frahier
won , three and lost two while
Swede Larson won the ' only
game be started.
, , neavy hitting was another
1 factor in the Beavers success.
AQ but one of the eight regu
lars batted ever .300 for the 1C
league ' contests. Pitcher-outfielder
Frabler' led the Litters
It'll Be All-Star 'Lefties' vs. Timber Wolves 'Righties' on Simday;
Hope to Have 104th Band on Hand; Kiidtt -to PtitftlAga
IHl be the lefties' vs. the
rlghties" In the- doubleheader
Sunday between the Salem
"All-Stars" and ; Camp Adair
Timber: Wolves at Geo. E. Wa
ters park the "lefties" being
the former and the "rlghties
the Utter.
If there's anything the un
defeated soldier outfit doesn't
have that the All-Stars do have
it's a left-handed; hitter. From
leadof f man Gus Gregory down
British Auto Speed Trio Now
. LONDON (Correspondence of
the " Associated Press) The
three British drivers who push
ed the world's automobile speed
record to SS&15 miles an hour
have . retired . for the duration.
Sir .Malcolm CampbelL ; SS-
year-old pioneer racing motor
ist, was; th. first of the to
travel faster than S00 mnes an
hour on land. He sent his Blue
bird over the Utah' salt flata
at 3U.1292 miles per hour fas
1935. Three years later. Captain
' George Eyston and John Cobb,
the; six-foot, two-inch London
fur dealer, hooked up-In a duel
on the same flats with Eyston,
flnaUy leaving the field with
a record of 557.5 miles per hour
Even Dozen to
In Conference
Corvallis, May 20.-(S p e c 1 a .1)-
Twelve of Oregon State's ; best
track men will go to Seattle, this
weekend for the northern . divi
sion meet ...
They are Floyd Runy an, - mile
and two-mile; Don Samuel, hur
dles and broad jump; Fred Win
ter, pole vault and broad; jump;
Bob Stevens "and Bob Reiman,
shotput and discus; Stu : Norene
and Bill Shinn, 880 men; JackDu-
drey, high jump and pole : vault;
Bob B 1 a t a e, pole vault; Bfll
Hughes, ; Sprints; John Kilbuck,
javelin; and Art Hobart, 440. r ;
Loss Of four 'key men, Captain
Don Findlay, Bill : Waterman,; Al
Flake and Len Moyer, because of
army regulations, removes any
chance of an Orange : win in - the
meet ' Beavers having the best
chance of winning their avents
are Runyan. Winter, Norene, Kil
buck and Stevens. r "
It's Cliicken or More
Feathers for Idaho
.-... ... i
MOSCOW, Idaho, May 20 -(JP)
The University of Idaho and
Washington State college -will
close out their 1943 baseball
schedules with a game here Fri
day, another in Pullman Saturday
and nothing at stake' except
Idaho's unwinning streak.
with 24 hits in CI trips to the
plate for a lusty .393 average.
Catcher Frankie Roelandt
wasnt far behind with 24 safe
blows in 8 times at bat for a
.363 average.' Other averages
are Den Bower, Jilt: Spike
Johnson, .321; Ray Oberst, .320; .
Vic Brown, .310; Bob Church
ill. .303; and Bill McCIuskey,
.233. y I h-, ;;;;, , : vU .
: Outside the , conference the
Beavers split two with Willam
ette and won two and lost one
to teams from Camp Adah.
through-Dean Frye, Beau Bell, . "
Woody Rich, Genu Connors,'
Paul Armstrong,' Lowell Cal- :
houn and John Sabrynskl and -
Manager Jack Knott the solda
dos swing from the. right side, .
although . ; Knott, . .wholl pitch i
against Woodburn WUlie Han- -muska
In the first game Sun-,. -'
day, once In a while takes his
Ucks from the left side Just. to
break the monotony. 'But. the -former
big league mounds man
gave, evidence of 'being no no- ; '
tential Babe Ruth here last -Sunday
against, the Commercial -'
Iron Warks shipyarders by fan-. C
aing twice and ' tapping one at
the shortstop In three Junes up. .
-On the other side; It's a boss -of
another hue. Clint Cameron, ,
Paul Armstrong - (left) and -Dean
second ; saeker respectively of :
wno u come oaca to ceo. waters park .tnis Sunday to do aounie
header ballgamlng with' the Salem All-Stars' commencing, at l&O
p. m. Armstrong formerly, played three years In the Southeastern
league, and . Frye in the North Carolina State .and Georgia-Florida
loops. It was Armstrong's triple which won last Sunday's: game at
the park im the ninth tuning. (Statesman sports-photos.)
fat his Thunderbolt. Cobb, how-.-ever,
returned In 1939 with bis
24-eyllnder KaUton Ked Lion
and seat the . standard soaring' '
to 3fgJ5 on August 23.
Cobb rushed back to England,
arriving in ' London , three - days
after the declaration r f war. -He
Joined the RAF with which
he had served. In Vorld War
but now Is the air transport r
auxiliary? captain.1 Eyston re'-? 1
eently has been, appointed Vice
chairman' of the southern, r'eg
lonal board ef the Ministry of
Production. Malcolm - plans to.
continue ' his automobUe an d
. motor boat racing-after the' war.
.' lt always has ; been only a
-hobby . with me, you know,. he
said. "1 built a new motor boat
Represent OSC
All's Well Again i
Novikoff OKs
Terms Filially
".CHICAGO, May tP)-Fbtt'
. lip K. Wrigley, owner of the
Chicago Cubs,; said Thursday;
night that holdout Lou Novikoff.
had come to terms and was en
route from .his Los - Angeles
home to Join the club. ' s
Springfield Hi
Claims Title ,
Springfield high school's claim to
the state prep tennis title had no
contradiction Thursday from Port
land's interscholastic champ, Grant
high. Grant withdrew from a pro
posed match with Springfield
Wednesday because the city-and
state athletic associations refused
to sanction it ?
9 res C-.CS
frlco 89
At Fred Merer Drug
. Frye .' (right) , centerf ielder and
the Camp Adair; Timber, .Wolves,
in the Service
Just before the war and
it up to Cones ton In the
district. I broke the world's rec-
ord . with It fat August, 13$,
making 14L74 miles per hour.
But everybody's forgotten about
that - now they've - mere Im- -portant"
things to think . abouC
It's a beautiful little boat,
though," he added a Uttle wist
fuUy. ;iUV: " '; -:----,V ;',
i Sir -Malcolm .has been - doing;:
secret work for the last 15 mon
ths. He' commanded a motor-'
cycle unit at the beginning of
V". the war. When that was' broken'
up 'he ' served in an 'armored'
division. , Recently , he ' finished
building - a new ' tank, using'
parts of engines he had used in
his racing triumphs. .
Parrish Wins
One Battles '
For Second
" The, Parrkbff 8th grade Softball
toam took hpmo the city! tiara
for matljd.iyjsioii. yesterday with
its ' second straight : victory over
Leslie, ' but the Pioneer 9th out
fit, overwhelming victors , Wed
nesday, were, knocked off by the
Missionaries yesterday .; to force
the title playoffs for, that division
into a . third and deciding, game
today.- ?... -rv :". :; ";.-.-.;
. The eighth graders thumped
the Southerners f-2 for; their
jtitle after winning Wednesday
,17-3. The Parrish 9th got in the
way of a 17-2 Leslie avalanche
yesterday. '-..""
! Dick Bennett's three hits in four
times paced ; the Parrish nine to
its 'title, and when he left off
Leslie's leftf ielder. Hagedorn and
shortstop Neal ' England took it
up with. the hit baton to lead the
9th grade . win. Hagedorn bashed
five for five in the 22 hit assualt
i The 9th grade teams play to
day at Parrish for the champ
ionship. - f. ';Uv;-;-;:v .V::t: '
f The Parrish - Leslie intramural
track meet has-been set for next
Monday at the former school.
Athletes in the 7th, 8th and 9th
grades of both institutions will
(8th grade)
Parrish '.
8 18 4
Ahrenklel and PetUtr John
son and Elsey.
(9th Trade)
Parrish :.
Leslie . ..
. 2 5 9
17 22 7
O'Brien and Kephart; Parnell
and Stasis.
and V
458 Mate ..
Salem -
Ken Manning, Ben Schaad, Bud
- Larson and Don Hilton all car
fry the lumber on left shoulders.
John Bubalo (the All-Stars are
still after him), Art Balrd, Gene
Peterson (from McMinh vCle
- and slgned' yesterday to play
' second - base), nanauska and
- Lightner are. all: swingers, from;
the tight side.- . . ; " -
Lt. Bah Duffyi athletic affl-
cer for the 104th divkloa and of the now defunct Sena-
sponsoring Sunday's doings,' an- ; -tors club., fa turning over her
. . i ' ' 1U. ji ' club's red,-white and blue home
nounced yesterday that toe dl- . J An-S(ars far use
vision's crack band; would be ; ; Sllllday; But then awhile back
a hand Sunday for added en- gn turned over to the Timber;
tertainment providing more im- . Wolves the Kenators', gray; road
portant things "don't come Up 'X suits, so there' abould be "Sen
bef ore hand to keep It at borne ; ators all over the place cme
as per last Sunday. . : 1:30 next astbath day. ' -
Salem, Oregon. Friday
Back Home
Seattle for
---I;? . ,.,-v fi.;,v i. ..;.".'.,- ' ...... ..
" PORTLAND,- Ore.; May 2MvP-Seattle" defeated Portland 5
to '3 in a Coast league baseball game here Thursday to move ahead
two girnes to'bne Sri the current series and fink the Beavers to
a lie wiin xne namiers.iur ja5i.iivc ui cnc iwiuueA
Hollies' 4-2
Victory Halls .
After Winning 20. games without
a defeat, Los Angeles bowed: to
Hollywood Thursday, 4 to 2: The
veteran. : southpaw, 5 Roy ? Joiner,
granted the Angels 11 hits but
was 'scored ' on only in ' the third
innlngi The" Stars batted out the
Los Angeles lefty. Ken Raffens
berger, in the fourth inning-with
a three-run assault. "lA
: : Johnny r DickshoV - Hollywood
outfielder, ' continued ; his hitting
streak,' however; and now has got
ten at . least one safe blow in all
the 32 " games ' the Twinks have
played,' . . ' ' -v.''"--
Hollywood ....08 J98 881-4 18 8 j
. LoS Angeles 802 808 888-4 11 8
Joiner and Brenzel; Baffens
berrer, Osborn (4), Baker (7),
Mallory (9) and Land.
Bpsox Bounce
Tribe Tvice
CLEVELAND, May . 20 -(W
Boston won a baseball game and
a pitchers parade . Thursday, tak
ing both ends 'of a doubleheader 1
against the Cleveland Indians, 2
to 1 and 7 to - 4. -" Cleveland used
six pitchers' in an effort to stem
the second game - tide and the
Red Sox used four. V
Boston ... 100 000 808 1-2 7 8
Clere. ....808 818 808 1-1 7 1
Judd and Peacock; Salveston.
. Reynolds (C) and rosar (18 Inn- .
lags) : -- -
Boston .301 008 8217 11 2
Cleve; ; ...808 108 308--4 8 .1
V Chase, Ryba (7) M. Brown
(7) Naymick (8) Terry (8) and
Partee; Center, Kennedy (1).
Ueving ($) Poat (8) Milnar (9)
and Besauteis, Rosar (S).
A Miperfioe bUde. boDow
. greuad LLe your barber's
O Civet faster, smoother and
shaves to the blade
Costs more to boy but
worth it for perfect abav
f wg satisracUon- . . '..
- Flu any atadard doublo.
- - :. odge'rasor
; 10 BtADE$"n
-1 ioc -lyo . - -. . j ij")
Drug lUJg, 111 N. Liberty
Also, special admission prices,
but no raise La 'em, will be In.
effeet S u d a y, - according to
Duffy. .... : '
. The star-ctodded soldiers
maybe dubbed the "Duration
Senators,'' ar -Soldier SIns,"
etc but the AU-SUrs wi!l " go
one tetter ; for. :Su2iay's
Mrs: Geo.; E. Waters,'
. tl-
SUtctmaa Epotts Editor
Morning, May 21. 1 343
The Beavers collected IS hits
off ! Seattle's. Hal ;Turpia. but
they couldn't connect In the
pinches. They filled the sacks
three times, one time with none
. out, and didn't get a run out of
li. Fourteen.. Beavers died, on
.base. .
- Portland's ' Ad ; Liska allowed
only one earned ' run, but errors
by .his teamm&tes cost him.; four
others and the loss. "
. SeatUe .188 838 8l8 -i 11 2
. Portland . ..828 1884083 13 2
. -. Turpin and Suenae; Liska and
Shea. .-,' : . 1 ' ' :
' for
A Pair of
To Go with That Odd Coat
and Vest
You Will Find Just What
,' -You Want at
In a Large Stock to Choose
From. Sizes 29 to 44 Waist,
in .Colors and . Patterns to
Suit Your Taste--at a Price
.That Will Please Your ,
- V-. ' Pocketbook. i . ,
' Values $7.58 to $10.50 '
ioo ivool
: Spori Coals
and Slacks!
; Walk : Upstairs and
Save $o to $10 on
"'Mens and Younz
'Men's Better i
-.Clothes', ;
Complete stock of fine suits,
topcoats, sport coats, pants,
slacks,' raincoats, leisure
coats and fine fur felt hats.
Upstairs' Clothe Shop
Entrance Next Door
' - to Quelle Cafe
Ur.V T Um.N.U. lr ; Chn D
CHINESE Herbalists
' 241 Xorth Liberty
Upstair Portland Ofiitril Electric
Co Office- opn Saturday only
10 a m . to I p m j to J pi m Con
iultattM Blood preu ra and itina
T1 V.,rt ol arie. Practiced
inc 911.