The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 18, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    Th OHLGOIT CTATECMAIT. Calsm, Ortxjon- Tuesday X IcmLa, tZsj 12, IZiZ
A Garden ;
It Means Fresh Spinach for Baby
.A Good Suntan for Dad ;
Hobbies, like times "has changed.". Was a time when col-
- lecting Old English glass, making novelty woodwork or playing
golf were the smart type of hobbies, but times have changed.
These hobbies have been put away for the duration and good
solid family men and women have a new love. It's, gardening.
. There's been a general exodus from town-r-"give us f resh
.air 01 ine country, ana an acre
or two to dig in" men and worn
- en cry,-and they really get them-
silves an acre or two, and they
really dig in the ground.
Amateur-gardens in the near
vicinity of Salem, and of course
within : the limits of. thecityy are
real - gardens.; No . impractical
. fancy things . among ' these . gar'
' dens, there is already many . a
, crop of young onions,' lettuce ap
; pears on dozens of Salem tables
-. fresh from the garden,: radishes
are putting, forth the first crop.
ana anotner is on its way.
? won't 'be long " before" children
r will be crying for another carrot
.from the garden, ;' for children
even small ones, are quick to rec-
ognize the deliciousness of very
- fresh vegetables.
, Being a farmer at heart, trans
planted temporarily "t te- the city,
through no fault' of? my own," I
yearned. for a; real young onion,
one that squeeks when you set
your teeth. into it. '
Last week I dropped in on
friends reputed to have : "a good
Victory garden and It was no
longer; a tumor, I knew they
had a garden. I came away with
a supply of leaf lettuce, and
enough green onions to do sev
eral meals. That's living. These
city couples have been loaned
plots of ground by a friend who
boasts two acres of good soil,
within a few miles of town. Each
Sunday the business men strip
to the waist, set their hoes and
shovels in the ground and weed
and dig. The wives go down on
their knees, pluck out any er
rant weed from among the thick.
lush green carrot tops, succulent
lettuce plants and thick stalks of
the onions. Children play in the
nearby grass, climbing trees and
enjoying their own leisure life.
Any professional truck gard
ener would be proud of these
plots of land,' and they are gen
erous in size too. A
So it goes, war brings on many
hardships,' but it1 brings many
: families closer together, it has
shown many men that a hoe in
. the hand is worth a dozen golf
- clubs,' -when ? it comes to real
' downright pleasure and good exercise.
But remember, if you've
; friends Who sport a plot of gar
den land,' don't visit them on
" their xiaysofX. ;jf syoii-havej no
garden, of your own to work in,
at least stay away from the man
Silver Plate to f
Be Short
... Brides won't find the usual
wide variety, of. patterns in sil-
- ver-plated , flatware ;to . choose
- from: this t year. Nor will they
. find so many jtypes and sizes of
. spoons, forks, .and . knives in a
. particular, pattern. .
; Of ; the ten active silver-plater
manufacturers in the . United
. States five: have converted most
. f their, facilities . to production
f other war goods." The, rest are
i- devoting .themselves entirely to
. making flatware for the home
' front and armed forces. -
, In producing their 'normal
h items, manufacturers may use
. only, half as much silver as they
: used during the year ended June
- 30, .1941. : ;
To make the silver available
to them go as far as possible,
most silver-plated flatware man--.
ufacturers are restricting pro-
- duction to the most essential
items knives, forks, dessert
spoons, and teaspoons. Silver
plated carving sets have been
specifically ; banned by WPB.
Such frills as oyster forks, bouil
lon spoons, and butter knives
will be scarce for the duration.
New patterns are not being de
. veloped and most old ones are
discontinued until the war is
over. Each manufacturer is vol
untarily restricting his" regular
line to two patterns, a plain
Windsor for restaurant use and
another one for home use.
Eggs Make Dish
For Dinner
Here's a novel recipe for eggs
au gratin:
cup mayonnaise
V teaspoon salt
. Ik teaspoon pepper ,
1 teaspoon Worcestershire -
sauce ... ' . '
cup milk
1 cup grated cheese
eggs , ". "
Combine mayonnaise, salt, pep
per ! and Worcestershire sauce;
gradually add milk, stirring af
ter each ' addition until smooth.
Add cheese; cook over low heat
5 minutes, or til cheese is melt
ed and mixture is thickened and
smooth, stirring constantly. Pour " who has one, he's too busy - to
Vx sauce into shallow . baking ""J city people,
dish. Drop eggs, one at a time.' ; - .
into sauce. Cover with remain-,
ing sauce. Place, in pan of hotr
water. Bake in moderate oven
(350 degrees) 20 minutes. Serves
Today's Menu '
A fresh fruit salad will begin
today's dinner " and chocolate'
' cake will be a popular finale.
- Fresh fruit salad t .
Scalloped vegetables au gratin
Hot biscuits . . -
' : ' : -. Chocolate' cake
Frozen raspberries
1 small head cooked cauli
; I flower '
1 cup cooked peas
' lcupcooked carrots
1 cup cooked celery
- J tablespoons butter
; 3 tablespoons flour.. -
' 1& cups milk '- .
t -,cup: grated cheese - r .
, ; teaspoon salt '
r .v Break cauliflower in small
, pieces. Place - vegetables' in cas
' aerole in layers. Melt" butter over
1 low, heat, . add flour and blend
;wey.: Add - milk and cool until
thickened, . stirring ' constantly."
Add grated" cheese and. stir ,'tin-
til melted. : Season." Four sauce
over vegetables; top with crumbs
'Bake at 350 degrees for 30 min
( utes. Any combination of cooked
.vegetables may be used. Serves
- aix.".. . . ' :" .-. '
Canned Goods Blu stamps G.
H and 3 now valid and good through
May 31.
. Meat. ' Cheese. Canned Pish, fats,
- Butter and Margarine - Red stamp
. Fand a good until May 31.
Sugar Coupon Na is good tor
- pounds, expires May 31. . . -
- Cottee Coupon No. - S3 good for
1 pound, valid through May 30. '-
Book A coupons No. S. good for
four gallons each, expire May XI.
i... . WVt.l OIL . .
Putod s coupons expire Septem
ber X. -
-, . i . saors
' No. IT coupon In ration book No.. 1
good for 1 pair, expires Jury 14.
. j . TIKES '
' 1 Cars with C books must have
tires inspected by May SI: B books
. by. June 3a y- r ' .
' ; WEST' SALOI The Mission
ary society tea of the Methodist
.church will meet at the home of
. Mrs. . Fred . Gibson Sh Kingwood
. street Wednesday at 2 p. m. A
-special speaker will be Mrs. Eric
Johnson who spent several years
, In missionary work - in Africa.
The meeting will, open with de
motions by Rev. Kelsie. A vocal
number by the Bible class." The
, committee in charge are. Mrs. G.
E. Vosburg, Mrs.: D. T. "Brad
ford," Mrs. Al Deckman, Mrs. D.
.L.Miller, Mrs. Andrews and Mrs.
Harry Bonney." The meeting .will
be followed by tea." - ". ; --,
' Lamb Mixes
- With Crumbs
- ' Ground meat makes good eat-
: ing, especially when its lamb.
iHerejis a recipe where cracker
. meal or fine crumbs will make
the meat go farther.
" " 1 cup . thick; white sauce
2 cups sauteed mushrooms
y2 cups cooked ground lamb
V cup soft bread crumbs
".: !4 teaspoon salt - .
Pinch of pepper . .
- 2 eggs 1 '
4 tablespoons wates
; ; 1 cup .cracker meal '
Add ; sauteed mushrooms.
ground lamb, soft bread crumbs
- and seasonings to white sauce.
. Spread mixture in pan and chill
until; firm. Shape into cutlets.
. Roll f in cracker meal; dip in
slightly . beaten eggs to - which
.water; has been added; and roll
. again in cracker meal. Brown
.the cutlets in hot fat Makes 10
1 pound ground Jamb
" H cup dried bread crumbs "
: V teaspoon salt ; . . 1
' V teaspoon pepper
' V teaspoon -celery salt '
?4 teaspoon paprika , ,
r Mix and shape into four pat-
ties about V inch thick. Set on
'. shallow pan and broil about 10
' minutes until well browned on
' both sides. ;., , .
Master Bread has loastabHity '
: it smooth, eves texture, eoad .
)ust tk right is slices moke
real toast.
Mrs. Rice Fills
Giaplairi's Post
Roberts Grange
ROBERTS Roberts grange
held its regular meeting Satur
day, May IS. The agriculture
committee reported It has been
tested the use of Boron around
cherry trees to keep cherries from
cracking; Increasing potato yield,
promoting garden pea growth,
keeping worms from radishes and
turnips.f llriK
R Mrs. Bice elected , to fill out
the year' fn f the chaplain's sta
tion? vacated by Nellie Uddler.
Melvin Frindle will fill the vacan
cy on the executive committee
made by Bliss Fiddler's resigna
tion. ; ''.-
Lecturer's . program " Included:
Land of . Empire Builders," song;
Interesting facts by Annie John
ston; roll - e a 1 L "Memories of
Mother";i reading, "Mother" by
Rose Howland; contest, living
words; pledge to flag; "God Bless
America - -
It vw decided by those pre
sent, there would be no social
benefit during. May.--.A'w.
Amity Principal
Move3 to Rledford
y AMITY Principal and Mrs.
Roscoe L. Larson jmd family left
Saturday for their home in Med
ford. Mr. Larson has been prin
cipal of the Amity high school for
the last three years. lie resigned
to take up other work in place of
teaching. . . I V
Mr. and Mrs. T. C Richter, who
bought the Larson property "on
Jellison street, will move to their
new home at once and Sterling
Alrich and family, who bought the
Richter place west ef Amity wCl
move from the R. IL Massey prop
erty on Getchell . street to the
Richter property this week, .
Miss Clinton to Talk
On Qotliing Repair
UNION niLL Miss Frances
Clintan, county heme demon
stration leader, wHI meet with
wamen ef the . enrreanding
nelghberheed Tuesday at 1:30 p,
m. t talk n the subject "Care '
and Repair ef Clothing." . ... - ,
, All Interested are invited te
attend the meeting.
Qcanup Dayo
;. AMITY The TVoman's Society
of Christian Service of theJAmity
Methodist church met Wednes
ay afternoon In the" social rooms
of the church. Mrs. Cora Waddep
had charge of the opening wor
ship 5 and praise service with
prayer by Mrs. J. D. Woodman.
During the business meeting ft
was arranged that Wednesday and
Thursday are to be cleanup days
at the church. -; ;
- During the social hour refresh
ments were served. Hostesses for
this meeting were Mrs. D. Smith,
Mrs. Jf. L. Payne, Mrs. E. O. Morse
and Mrs. Pearl EHenwood.
Undergoes Operations
1 WEST SALEM Ira Notebom.
1043 Sixth street, is In the Veter
ans hospital at Portland where he
has undergone two operations
within the last two weeks; the
amputation of the right leg and
the left arm. The left leg was am
putated about two years ago. He
Is reported to be progressing as
well as could be expected consid
ering the seriousness of these op
erations. ,
j; ys:; . . .faiaj? ufw"
f.ldko tho niost of
Save every drop I of grease frorn
your cooking. Don't throw Stway a
single drop of used cooking fat
; bacon grease, meat drippings, fry?
ing fata every kind you use. After
; you've gotten all the cooking good
from them, pour them through
kitchen strainer into a clean, wide?
mouthed can. When you've saved a
'pound or more take this waste fat
to your Safeway meat man and he
will send it on its way to make
vitally needed war explosives. 1 ;
,. ; ..- -.. " i . -
Your grocer, whoever he is, will appreciate your patience, understanding;
and cooperation.' You can do your part to help him help you by shopping
earlier. Remember, all Safeway prices are low every dayl
f -
There's Plenty of Variety In Non-Rationed Items
Ql savsatuasta v23j
to lYAsraarctt&tfxrs j
rhpflCft rhiladelphia Cream or - 4
Honey Bradsh.w' l-x. glass 28 C
Peanul Bailer 1,. 11k jr 3 1 C
Salad Dressing ShSLL. 2 1 C
Iliracle Whip Kraft.J'lnt Jar iaOC
Ilayonnaise Best Foods.....J,int 31c
OllVeS Ijjidsar Medium Klpe.
Worcesler Sauce sbW. 12c
Ilnslard ubb, . .: jar. .9c
Chinese Hoodies nios. Pkg. 14 C
Biskil Ilix IFsher's. tii-Ib. pkg. 28 C
y.- i ; , r-Paxyabe Flour S SSi ?3c
Low Prices on Rationed "Food ; : Pancake Flour "Jkekage 15c
U4) Cul Beans itue 1 J 13c Wneai Teas! Wafers iiK: 18c
UUru Country Home Cream, No. 2 can WW M ,
Cora Del Mala Cream.... Jf. 303 can lie
Spinach Sannr Garden. Ne. Hi can 17c
lf ?: CalSnp Ked HUl .:...14-x. bettie 13C
K nvfAle d T Choice,
PcarS CboIeeli l..Ne, 2, Van
t),.nl.w V.rn.lm Clapp's A
t mjuu y m liwU - strained
fted) Shorienirrj Mirm . sau
Oals n-0..i-M..-.J8-n. package 21c
Ail Bran
1C3 Bran Nabisee-Ll-Ib. pkj. 19 c
Corn Flakes
Kellorr. ll-ox. pkri 8c
Graham Crackers -lb. pkg. a iJ w
Coffee Sirelcher a$S?m- 18c
Clolh FillerS DependabIe.Pkfj;7C
Kodl-Aid Drink Ilix 2 ,,r9c
Ilaca-IIix .For Syrnps.. ., Each 5c
Vanilla Flavor lOc
Baking Powder 23c
Black Pepper ELrZd 5 c
A B Cs
of Homo Canning
It's just off the press '. . . this Wartime
'Edition of our canning and food preser
,vation booklet! It is a completely
revised edition of our popular canning
booklet which we offered last year.
jMuch material has been added and it is
newer in every way , . definitely de-
Hgnea tor wartime needs ana restric
tions. This complete booklet on food preser
vation is the climax of much research,"
much testing and retesting in the kitch-
jyoull find the very latest information
'and directions ' on canning, freezing,'
'dehydratinc, pickling, jam. and jelly
making. There are many delicious prize
recipes, too, which will add much en
joyment to your winter menus. In fact,
whether or not you know anything
about-ibod preservation, it will see you
'through from the selection to the final
'storage of the finished product.
(Written in simple, understandable
style," this compact treatise on wartime
canning and food preservation will be
Vorth many times the small cost of
handling and mailing for it will save
you time and trouble and insure your
food supply for the months to come.
(Fill out the coupon ind enclose 15c
ifor each copy foa order and mail it
today to .
far 25C
Red) Tlargarine Daiewei...i-ib. 23c
itld) Ilncoa Ilargarine .i.ib. pkr. 25c
FLOUR Kitchen Craft Enriched...::49-lb.
CHEESE Kraft's Pimiento Spread.... .....-..:,
RAISIIIS Seedless. No Points !.Li-i.
OATS . Morning, Glory, Regular or. Quick.:
CEDT0 Favorite Pectim Special Offer !L..Hoi; bottles
sack $3. .69
J..-5-or.- jar
...2-ib: pkv;
48-oz. pkg.
Velveela Cheese
Kraft H lb.
Bring lYonr Red Stamps o Safeway
tor Better Meat Values
Spring Lamb Sale
( roinU Lb. Lb.
Leg of Lanb
ClmnlJim CIahIm
UUUiUUCi tflCiUia Lb. iXb.
T Genaine 114 J Spring Lamb
i3 Lb.
f Paints
Am' ss! M T 1
" w B H
-. ..... - r-.. J- 'M
r Lawf
...aMmWr.' ....
C today to . . . I I
- JULIA LEE WRrGHT, Box 660 , r
I - - , Oakland, California
7 a me - - cPYw- Can-
; (indude 15C t
l AME..- :- ...........
Purex BIeach....:.'.32-oz. bottle 11
White Magic Bleach '. -Quart 10
Cut Rite Wax Paper 125-ft. rool 13
Parpwai Sea1.J...:...-l-lb. pkg. 12e
Matches, Searchlight...Carton 24e
Fly Spriy, Flit :;ii.Pint can 23
Flit Sprayers. ; Each 19e.
Johnison'a Wax ...Qaart bottle 98c
Pork Liver r0U.ts LK-xb.
Perk Back Denes ii.rL.Lb.Sc
Perk .-Steak a .-u lio-i. 35c
Perk Ecisl SsSLb. 35 c
Turkey .'Cuts, necks, wings, backs, lb. 43c ;
Sliced Halifiutl. J.l.i.Per lb. 45c
SHced Chinook Salmdn..Per lb. 55c
Seme ef the line fresh feed yeH be pvftini p this year will be fjrem yevr ew '
Victory Crden much ef it yen cem bwy edvantegeewsly ricjht here tSfewyi
Advantargeswsly, becouse it's no only ferm-fresh, bvt it's sold kytk paved, the only '
wrte way te make svre yew set fylt value every time.
California - Marsh Seedless.
n l
liLulCS Fancy Wlaesaps..
LCHCZS Sanklst ' " lbs.vl9C
:Orangei-vsieneia.Ljijkl lw9c.
JLCmZiCCS Fancy, Firm
Me it cscuno rRmi
Edward$offee grade lb.24c
Nob Hill Coffee ZX Ibl 23c
AinvayCoffeemi$ lb. 20c
California Fin QaaUty.Xb.
Dciishci - CnrcnhcrsGfccn Ocisns f:r Ycsr Spriri Sdziz
:,. . v.. - " - f v "' -. - .'.. . .... '- -
. All Item Advertised, Subject to Available Supplies
, ' ' " ; . , - ' , . rocxiCg'gyTHgPC'UNO'A mkhivw onntx VrS-wmiJ
T ,,-. . , - . t nV taking e oiANC i IfS SO ASY TO BOY WAS WfLL-HOW A J JyCTfM Jj.
TOQOl Jn. VVl'- OiaatAttXXJKLr . THINKS TM A JkftCOCL W!Ft - TOO ! OMtfy'tJ,. S
r trV' vekicng. JfSf rwsAViNflsoMANy N Nr.J IriA
6 H ; tJPi r-vx ' -
'i I i
Hundreds of VornerT How;
vcru izr u3. tr
because they are be! pins Ifca war effort.
f aininc aoo4 experience, receiYlss cood py.
I roe are lnteric4 fn aiore er market
clerkior. are ttweeo 18 aa4 4 yeara of
art. a4 your tXevsy Ctore Eiaaarw for
PF'SctMon card or M.!y at tfewty office.
S. IS. liara aa4 Catoa, Portad, Cresoa.
i o w u. ..