Thm GHLGCII STATCCI-IAIL CssLem, Oregon. Sunday I'oxnlag. I-Lrj 13. IS 13 f f 11 H iH ?' f--. M 1 .jOSSM , . II II f . f- i r K " T ' - V - f i ""1 "S - r. r, e" '' ' ': '- Ctassifled AdTcrttxtnt Statesman Classified 7 Ads Call 9101 . - - - - . Thre. Insertions, peg"nn ,,83 Stx Insertions per tine 40c One month per line L13 Minimum charge 25c; 3 tL min imum 35c; lxtnln. 45c. No . refunds. - -r . .. S Copy so' ' 8i pt accepted un- tU 0-3 Ik evenins before publica tion ta eiasatficattoei Copy re ceived after this tim wtn be rue under tht Beading To Cat to Classify." " . The StUCTOM IHBW bo finan cial reaponciDtRty for error which reprint that pert ot- ee advertise ment to whicn Um typographical mistake occurs. The Stotesman reserves the right may appear to dvrtwemeata pub lished to tte columae and to cases where this paper la at fault will to-r reject questionabl advertising It . further reserve the. right to place all-advertising under tb prober classification. . A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dree te for the protection of the advutamt and aauat therefore be answered by totter.. Tb Statesman ta not at liberty to divulge Infor mation a to tn Identity f as advertise using e 'Band ad. . Livestock and Ponltry WORK HORSES SAODUC HORSES Bar K. Stock Ranch Lars assortment on hand at all times at very attractive pricea. CRED IT civen anyone. Discount for cash Guaranteed as represented. Ire de- Jivery. Harry Kuehne, Carlton. Or. Located t', mi. W. f M7 - ATTENTION lit ' Will resMv dead at aroc UUti atocb tea Xtoaaenf s notice! SALEM FER TILIZES) i BY-PROOUCTS. pn. MM collect. Aii9 j5cr; fnon!-,i . . : . : FAT YEARLING lamb. Mrs. Wright. 4a mL on Wallac road. ' LIVE RABBETS wanted. NMtbwast Poultry dt Dairy. ISM N. rront. y : , BRINO YOUR own. ess for custom ' hatcbinc Tuesday or Saturday naorn lnxv Ph. -ML Le Hatghery. FOR SALE N m nampabire pulleta. ready to lay. Ph-al. Le. Hatebery Help Wauled " MANAGER Tor McMinnrille Apart ments. Man can work out. Writ fully as to exp- age. wage, patntlnc, ability, etc. F. Gritfs. 4l Pearson. Bldr Portland. , SHOEMAN or woman wh ha had torn experience in shoe eelHna;. CaU t Acklin Bootery. 10S N. Hich. FRY COOK, salad girl and vegetable man wanted for positions at Camp Adair. Good wares. Inq. at Cafeteria f Service Club -No. S. - - ' FIRST COOK, nruat bez ant to di rect and saaerviae boys.. Permanent position, goad salary, plus room, board, and t awmdry. Oregon Stat Training School. Wood bum. . Help Wanted UsIb Werkere- aew ami snccl aheald t wtu - a caasMered far hy players advertising Railroad Brakemen Application will b takes from' ried men In good physical cwnrtHion. SI to 40 years of ag. to- Aearn train service and if will complete training wUI be paid for training period. Thia . Is essential work from defense stand . point. ... :-!,- Men with previous experieoc In train service will be considered up to 68 years of age. CALL PR WRITE TO ASSISTANT SUPT - o . Union . Pacific Railroad 2525 NrLarrabee; Portland. Or or La Grande. Or., or representative " -of the railroad retirement board. BELL BOY. Senator Hotel. . - SEMI Modern Jam Band fiddler. Wayne Strachan SUverton, Ore. N. Howell Dist, . AtTTO BODY and. fender man. 26S retry. . C . . MARRIED man for B Grade dairy. Hse lights,', milk. wood, furn.- Top wages 12 mi.- S. of Salenv on -9 Hi- way. Albert Thompson,1 Jefferson.- DELIVERY men and ; experienced salesmen H. L. Stiff Fum. Co. r WANTED: CEDAR- pole makers loading donkey operater ear loader - truck driver . six months - Job cabins . available. See ' Bert ' Cunningham. De troit. Oregon, or -inquire L. D. McFar land. Milwauki or Springfield. Oregon. MECHANICS, body ' men. painter's helper. Ph. 31SS. 430. N.- Commercial. MEN WANTED for Hopyard work Ph -795 x-. EXPERIENCED MILKER Schindler Bros- Dairy. South Salem. - Help WantedFemale ENLISTED man's wife to keep bouse Sc help car for small eon ac Infant for two weeks in new home. In ex change for rm. St brd. Room available to rent after 3 .weeks. Ph. 356, 269 DINNER COOK. Coffee Shop, day shift. Sunday off. Box X3M. Statesman GIRL or woman to ear .for S chil dren. Rm brd, salary. Ph. S343 be , for S P. M. i-..v WOMAN or girt to ear for on child. Board, room -and ware. T73 N. Winter, in rear; or call 9722 befor P. M. - - . - S GIRLS TO work tn cafe 986 no, board at room Included. About 956 mo. In tips. Mondays off, Mary's Garden Cafe..Newberg. . WANTED EXPERIENCED office girl. Prefer local resident. Hogg Bros. v WOMAN to do S hrs. work per day for light housekeeping rm. 653 N. High. ' - ADVERTlSmO -" Western , Ad vsrtfsiag Jteprggenlstives O'Ctae.' In. Awgais Seattl .Eastern Adrertiglna ' v . Cftpresentetires Wapd-Grifnth Csainanv, toe. r Ctucago. New York, Detroit. "t" auianta ........ Cntrrtd at thPofH at Safewt Oreoow as .Second Ctoss Matter.- Pub fished everv merwtwsu csasl Mawdaw Irustaes fftc Ml tA Comww etai f tr. " SU72SCRIPTION RATE3 MS Stmacrtptten Rate--b -Avcj . Wiuua Oregon: D"V-d Sunday. M - cental - - Har-liW I -yr. 1 iasiiwi CS cents r r - r sr. "t C.y Carrter. u ceeuf , San Frsaf iaa . La n iJ year in eoraoe s Money to Loan 1 QUICK CASH LOANS rAi write r . pooo ii wj Salem's- eldest largest home, owned and bom managed finance '.snstitu boa Your financial affair will . bi discussed aawi oan meo m sxr srtvac You anil b givea every slderauou ta tb repay of lean or granting of eateneion 1 to 12 MONTHS TO P" T You can i oar la full . r ia It reduce the coat Vv " ONLY. BOUOWU Sly Or turw e BMto. BOY B 8TMWON3. MGR. Ua Nx M -lat.' - ';"- GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie Ho S US 134 SOk. St,-,- Pb First d oor outh - at Ladd Bust) bank Con' grunn uuus wcarmo Auto Loans - Willamette Credit Co. STB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M Us a w .nu mmk mm a nnlv for "" J?T J -ir your loan oy . pnone. leiepnone . L.W tm Mmm A mlMWHI 1 Personal Fin- ance Co.. 613 State St pposit County Court House. ' as-isa. . Privato for good real estate ma hiiukims, 279 Stat St Phaa 44 Salesmen Wanted PLENTY TO SELL NOW AND POST WAR K-T resale and advertising fast sea big specialties making more money for K-T men toaay tnaa ever oexore. atvery firm a prospect. Largest speciality line to country. Nationwide mailings regu larly to develop leads. New features weekly. Well established. 1 -year-old company. lermanent year-round op portunity tor right man. jbxpenence not accessary. No ear needed. Weekly advance aaainat earned commissions. Writ fully, three references. The Kemper-Thomas Co.. Cincinnati. O. Situations Wonted WILL- GIVE real mother'-' car-to two htU girls, 1-4 yrs. pref. Mrs. V. Kreraer. 1339 Mission. - - A-l BOOKKEEPER and general of fice man. No typist. Wants position. Box 2SS7. f Statesman. YOUR CHILD cared for by respon sible aady, day, wfc. or mo. Box 2586. WANT to car for child from 1 to 4 yrs. : to my hoaac la CHILDSaarS boarding horn. 63X7. GIRL WANTS day or week 34X1. SINGLE bora or team for hire to do plowing or general farm work. KT. 6. BOX bm. ; For Sale Miscellaneous JUST' received shipment of wm or coal heaters. Hurry I They wee last long. NELSON BROS. FURN, SIS N. Liberty PHILIPPINE - Mahogany V Boat i-rts Hr. Johnson. Trailer. Tarp cover anaV all is. epc w aooa ea car. in m. u. -t7.. suite: dining suite; het- point rugs. Call betw. S at . 90S N. Church. nropertr 'see-' W. Gt Kruegrr. 147 N. Cona'L Ph. TSi . . SPEdALI WHILE THEY LAST I - Coffee,- cocktail, lamp Be radio table Your choice S6S6. NELSON BROS. FURN, 314 N. Liberty LOVELY ivory baby bed. 46S N. Winter. ' ONE " deep well pump, medV- size. with.- pump - jack and gas : engine. Mint repairs, tm. iim. OLD STYLE typewriter cheap. 653 N..Higb. GAS RANGE, direct action; rain auto, heat regular: 4 burners, oven Sc broiler enameled inside Ac out; excel eondv cheap. Must see to appre ciate value. 1783 Norway. Ph. 2-1803. 3 PAIR' men's shoes size 10; 3 pr. ladies", shoest 1 moccasin type), all brown. 1','tAAA; ladies riding boots. breeches and suede jacket all like new; ladles heavy blue silk tailored suit, size 38; tuxedo with shirt, cheap. Ph. 577.-. " BOY'S or man's bicycle, new tires. 265 Ferry. K? SM. S tube radio, just overhauled. 913.00, Sailing Kiyak. comp. with sail k outriggers. $25.00. 440 Water St. TRAILER. New tires. 943. 1368 N. 4th. ' DeLuxe davenport and chair $200.; also 9x16 wool rug. Ph. 4422. UNPAINTED chests of drawers. 97.75 to $14.73; dressing tables, kidney-shaped, S6JS - and $7.25: child's wardrobe. $9.73; 2 door utility cabinets with shelves. $10.75; kitchen cabinets tn standard aizes or made to order. All above items tn stock for immediate delivery. Folsom Furniture Mfg. Co, 1109 Broadway. Ph. 4929. DUO-THERM automatic oil burning hot water heater 99S-.S0. Available on A-19 rating, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC 467 Court St ATMORATS for sal or rent. B. C Pugh. P a Box. 463. Ph, 2-2458. POULTRY FERTILIZER $1.66 per yd. You haul it Ph. 2296X La Hatchery, flOGC BROS, 20 Stat St So liberal trade tn n your aid furniture Fuller Brushe. 174S Great Ph. 338V POULTRY ' '-fertilizer for ' Victory Gardens- 30c per sack. Bring sacks. Ph. 22861. Law's Hatchery; Wanted F urniture CASH for yanr ' fcirnitur. If yu hav anythmg not In us Ph, S7S2 for best srtoa. JP TOO want to buy or eeH furni tur ' aa the - 12th . Staeet Furuitur Star at TBS S. 13th St Ph. T141. SET YOUR Glenn Woodry. tb action in a hnrfy.- CASH FOB- ttoht j - 1. Sec T ' -p. p : uk . 1 w TfOcXJV T.' X40CBSSU04 A WAT V : A-''.weiBR j- Elonej lo Loan Loans to Both Men and Women In AH Type of Emplojrmat -$30 - to 300 On furniture, car. livestock or note without endorsers, $50 repaid In four monthly installments of $13.43 each, costs only $3 .80. Other - amounts In same proportion. - Lsmuriea Invited by poon,- tetter or in Calkins Finance j Co. (3rd Fir.) v phon First Nat Bank Bldg, Salens . - S-22S Lie! K-27S . PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED, to I due nevmenta - aionev tor new Ot used cars No delay r red tap. Ton win retain poasesston of .to vemci I to U MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 139 South Commercial Sttet Phon 9168 Ue No M-155 MONEY TO LOAN ; Wanted, real, estate mortgages, loans. city or farm prepertie; loans made as small as $300, Se us about refinan cing - your present eantraet or mon- gage. LEO M. CHXLDS. INC. 344 Stat St Phon 9X61 ' lnsnrance PROTECT- your car. also yourself. New ruling makes you nabie. See J. D. Sears. 907 Center St Ph. 9443. zor ruu mformatiott, 4 Wannid-riscellaneous Good mal aiager canary. Ph, 8S07, WANT S wheel trailer with good tires.. Ph, 9329. . . . MEDIUM or smalt stot oil beater. Ph, 7809. - ; t. WANTED: good horn for S mo. old small Shepherd, puppy.-Ph. 5932, i A TWIN baby buggy. O. H. HUflkar. R. 1. BX. 430. Tel. Z-Z47Z, WANTED: to buy on or mor Cater pillar or international- tractors. 3 n.p. or more. Must have dozer or drum or both. Notify T. "J. Mouttan. 2X19 SVS. Grand tAvenu. TeL EA- 1767, Pact- land. Oregon, . ! , J .1 GENTLE saddle horse-mar 4-10 yrs. old. for boy. Phon 9416. WANTED: Wood circulator. Ph. 5862. FURNITURE Til pay your price within Phone 5110 St be Woodry. the Auctioneer. WANT TO Bu. Used oameras iensea McEwan Phot Shop 423 Stat USED rURNITURS.- P 9KS ftliscel la neons , SPECIAL TRAINING FOR DEFENSE JOBS..' Aeronautical.- Aviation Engine Maintenance Courses. - Study at Low monthly .payments. Jntr Cut 1 eauondenc Schooia, box 153Z. Scranton, Pa. HOKE wanted for S mice Mttl half- ktttews. Ph. S-1682, Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SERVICE IN MOST . CASES ' - - . Brtng 4- Mali Your Plata lor fTepali DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST' Adptpn Bldg 8taU Coat Ph 2311 Fop Rent Rooms NICE lg rm., twin beds. 7TB. 2 SLEEP, rms. with bath. 713 No. Capitol St CLOSE IN; ladies pref. Ph- T894 For Rent Apartments MOD. APT. at 760 N. Church,' NEWLY decorated 3 rm. furn. apt- auto, heat cooking and refrigeration. See manager, Douglas Apes, 3 bo. 14th. . 3 RM. APT. Pri. bath, close in. $1400. CaU 5741 between 10 & 13 Sun. Hsekpg. rm. for man. 260 " Marion. 3 RM frst fl. apt, private, bath. Adults. 310 Bellvue. , " FURN. 3 rm. Apt. heat, water. Adults 1720 N, Cottage. Ph, 2-1880. CUTE Pullman apt Lady. 1580 Center 2 RM. FURN. Apt. Ph. 4058. 3 ROOM furn apartment with bath. VERY COMPLETE.' - clean, 4 ' rm.. well furn. duplex. Adults. 407 S. 18th. 3 RMS. FURX, gas or wood. Lights. wat, heat, first floor. 1440 Waller. SMALL furn, cattaees. light. water & fuel. Reason, rates. 2591 Portland Rd. SMALL furnished -apt, lights and water. 1933 Center. . : For Rent Houses UN FURN. duplex. Adults. 1587 N. Winter. Ph.9454. MOD. S rm. fum. - hse. for couple. No children. Ph. 9048. ;r 8 RM. Mod.. furnr house, 474 N. 18th. Inq. between. 10 and 12 and 2 and 4. Small - furn, lits, wat. 2397 -HazeL TURN. 4 bedrm. country home. SS0. Pn. 2-1212. For Rent GARAGE. 261 Stat Street PLOWED garden plot 2307 Laurel. FLOOR SANDER for rent Mont gomery Ward TRUCKS for rentf You drtv. Mo Loveu. pnon . Wanted to Rent I UN FURN. S or 8 bdrm. ument PfeC 4035. - "JTIondicV in color; in new Sutesman t&bloid comic eection - - - ? MM --CCASl-J , OsJSOUT rljUSJlSA 7 wtXSJDPJCKOOt :""AJij It A " luVjt3lM WIFE -watLj y tT? For Sale Ileal Etate . W ACRES of good land. Most all in cultivation. 4-roora new house. Ga rage 20x30. Electricity and water sys tem, A good buy for $3500.00. Semites from Salem. t - v- - A good 7 -room nous with S-room furnished aDartment Upstairs. A good investment for $36Oj00 with $500 down. baiane like rent i acre with a nice - 8 room house. dose -in. East of Salem, for 94000.00. . 10 acres with large nouse. Darn, chicken house- and dryer, doubl ga raee. all' kinds of fruit and berries. Electricity. About miles from Salem. A good buy for $30004)0. . 17, acres, about ? to cultivation, (-room plastered house, barn. 3 chick en houses, family orchard ana Bern. Priced to sen for $2100.00. Vm cash. A fin modern S-room home with 4 acre Fruit and berries- About ft mile-east of City limits. Paved road and close to bus. A real buy for 88500. j MOSTEIN AUULfo, INC. -, 110ft North Commercial Street l FOR SALS Good S room plastered nous located at 981 South 13tk street. Modern plumbing, garage, paved street. Pric gzsoaoo cash.:.: t 8 room horn located on South HC street. . large lot. House need aome money spent to put it in good -shape. Price $2500.00. ..---. Good 8 room horn and attic located at 1425 Saginaw street, baaunumt fur nace, large lot a good buy at $4500.00. Modern 'J room home located to East Salem, ' basement furnace, fire place, double garage, a geod buy at $5300.00. $1275.00 down. S45JW per mo. w. M, uraeennerst ec co, Keanors 134 ; S. Liberty Street , CHOICE DISTRICT Exacting buyers, desiring exclusive property, drive by 1515 North 20th street. mspect this nice modern 2 KB. home,, cor,- lot. nicely landscaped, double garage. . C H. SANDERS 231 K. High 8838 HOUSE now renting at $23 per me. for quick aale $1800. CaU Dallas 277 nerwn sjAji, ana fJaL. , - . ROOM RESIDENCE Suitableor large family er room ing nous. 8 lovely bedrooms, firepiace. wired for range, double plumbing, new sawoust furnace, cost lees than ssavoo sar neat last wmter. aose u.. Large lot 1O0X3Z3.; GOOd Apt BOOM OT bun- galow court aite. Can be shown any time. See Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Need- ham. 341 State St Room -4. . , NEW HOME, nice front room, din- ing. kitchen. 2 bad- rooms, can hav 2 more in floored -ttic. Bed. floors, full bean, furnace, fireplace; also 3 R. house At bath,' back of lot, rants for $2X5: near high school. Both- fee $6250, $2750 down.' - C J. JACKSON. 341 Stat St, Salem. WE NOW have a rroun -of 0 new 5 Rm. houses just completed ready for immediate -possession. These are aU sold on FHA terms, in a new distrist. Various types of floor plans to choose from and carry selection guarantees the nous yon want. -S2650 buys 5 Rm. house, basement furnace Soma term. SEE RICH L. RETMANir 162 S. High Phon 8203 NICE modern 6-R. house on N. Sum mer St A peach of a bur for 94950.00. Large lot ' Ala 6-R. nous just 2 blk. from Stat St. Small basement, garage k rner sot. mem inre saoo down. bL $23 pr no. Also 7-R, house on Market St Base ment Jk furnace, large lot Price $3660. JAS. ; D. SEARS. REALTOR t. Ph. 8482 $5750 Hse. ta Kay's 2nd Add. Larre Mving rm. St arming rm, nlee kitehen. tile dmnboexda. nook, 3 . bed rms. furnace, flrenlae. corner lot, paving tn 93500 Nice living- rm dlninr . m. bedrm. 8c large inclosed sleeping porch, basement close to bus and school. s .,'1. MELVD" lOHNSON. MU.TOR ' 728 Court St ; . , Ph . 3723 $150o"cASH will buy clean litOe houei located south. Immediate paesessson. -C H. SANDERS 231 N. High - 5838 Cards tn this directory a monthly basis enly. Rale: ' $L25 per- line per month.' Airplane Blodels KITS and SUPPLIES. Cherry Model Aircraft. 21st at Market aty Auto Brakes Mike Panek. . 278 South' Qimmercial Batteries WILLARD battertest- all types. R D woodrow Church. Phone stjoa BieyeleafH BICYCLES. New " and reconditioned. Harry W : Scott 147 S t-om'cL P. 45.9 Chimney Sweep Northness i Chimney Sweep Ph 4458 FlorisU Brelthaoprs 84T Court Pnon 9193 Funeral Pirectors TerwtUlger ral Home. . Pb 8928 Gifts -4 THE APRON Shop ; 879 H.I High. Hosiery Real Silk Hosiery Mills. Ph. 8789 Mrs. K Moseley. Gen Del, Salem Lawn Mower Sharpening Machine ground, 848 S. Capital St BlaKresses CAPrrot. : bzddino co Paintii&3 & : Psperbansins PATNTIZVO 8s Decorating. Pn, Experienced Ph. 4325 i I tlu- I m si, r w . ; 11 111 - J I , 1 For Sale Real. Estate HOMX FOR TWO IDEAL FOR NEWLY WEDS Wrm IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Meat little hem like new with ga rage attached, electric lights, plenty built-ins. fireplace, drilled well and water system. Out of city owner says sell for $315. Small etea payment balance luce rent Se LEO N. CHTiJTS. INC, REALTORS, 844 State- Street. Phone 82SL -S, LARGE I room house. Hollywood dist PuB basement, tots buUt-ms, ga rage. $50880 down. , balance to suit the buyer. SSOOOjOO. Owner Mrs. Mw Oakmaa, Rt 3, Box 543. 3 miles south Uberty Read. -. .. , , 6-R. HOUSE, semi mod. RS. Enat $2250; S7SO cm, bal. $25 per me. 8-r.- Hous. S WeU aarubbed. 8308 down, $23 per m. Price $3500. N. Church 4-r. house. Ven. blind, range ' Iml. Vtn cash. - ' j . . - , H. Pi GRANT, Realtor S28 Cwrt SLj y 4 Pn. $7448338 81308 cash will buy clean tittle house located -outti. immediate C H. SANDERS 231 N. 4-YR, OLD home- to Walnut Park. 2-BRm, Auto. heat. -Venetian Blinds, large lot Nice lawn 8k shrubs. $3750.00 Cash. Owner leaving town. See Mr. Goodwin, 'with HAWKINS Jk ROBERTS, INC, -h REALTORS S BDRM. house. 70x100 tot. Doonto garage. Paved -street Fruit 8k nut tree. $2500 M. . Ph. 9383. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE! Large bouse, plastered, plumb, up 8k down, furnace. lot 132x132. Walking distance to town. North. $3000 investigate wis. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 82538 bun. nice small house. ment Now renting for $30.00. Shown ny appeurnncnt eauy. . . 83200. Neat 2 bdrm, hse. . Baa and furnace ntatant owner. 8 rma auto. heat, basement furnace. 21re-- ptoce. large tot. double garage. Excep tional, irwster - says eu. - R A. FORKNER. REALTOR v-v - 1853 N. Capitol END BARGAIN Keys are ready for you. Neat 8 cottage in North Salem. Plenty bulit-lns; -good plumbing; - garage woodshed; beautiful corner lot; streets paved and wanes tn; trees and shrubs. Priced tow at- $3258, Part terms. See LEO N.- CHTLDS. INC, REALTORS, 344 Stote Street, Phone 828L. CHOICE DISTRICT I Kxactiag buyers. dssirUig exclusive roperty. drive by 1515 North 20th street, tospeet thia nice modern 2 RM. home. cor. tot. nicety landscaped, doe Me. gar. v- C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High $838 ATTRACTIVE HOME-. Large living room with fireplace: dining room; kitchen with lots ef built-ins: 1 en bedroom;, bathroom first floor. Venetian bttnds. Large attic Cement baaementi -saw dust furnace; garage. Location south. Pric $4750. CaB Mr. Vaorhaas with LEO N. CHTLDS. TNC REALTORS. 344 Stat Street Phone 9261 . S ROOM house with fireplace $2009. Neti 3 rm. house with bath. $1608. Ne 9 room wttn -eu neat. F. H. Weir V 463 Center- REALTOR Ph. 9411 GOOD? rm. house.-S fine lota.. A See this 28. A: on navement 2 m. dtv limits. Old neusc. You buihL Easy rms. Saw Shields for Real Estate. H. C. SHIP Jlfi. Oreg. Bldg. Ph. NEW 2-BRm. home. 188 N. -22nd. Should be seen to be appreciated. Im mediate possession. Key In office. See Mr. Goodwin, with HAWKINS 8c ROBERTS. INC. ! REALTORS QUICK SALE. Lot 100x185. Depen. In come. Three comp. res. units. Good rend.' Dble. plumb, furnace. To settle an estate. Ph. 8301. Paints and Eacqners Complete tine N ASON paints Liberal H u woodrow. 394 N. Church Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, programs books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 218 phone 9101. S. Commercial. Tele- Radio Service PIERCE Radio Serv, 942 N. ComX 7681. Real Estate LIST . your property with- Commer cial Keaity co, 2020 so. com! P. 7024. Septic Tanks -Cleaned SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools, cleaned. Satisfaction guaranteed. Stat e-wide service. Gene Fite. 642 Edgewater St, West Salem. Ph. 8745. - Inspection free. - Kenneth Hatnel. 1143 Eighth St, West Salem. Ph. 8663. Transfer U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn 197 S Liberty Ph 9082 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfe. storage, tonnei ait brio sets rmrks- to Portland daUy. Aeot . Pierce Auto Freight Including Calif notnta Larmer Transfer Co Ph 21. Tiling TILE bathrooms, drain boards, fire places and storefronts. Ph. 8472. Vacuum Cleaner Service Certified, guar. service. AH makes. 137 S. Lib. T. 6282 Electric FREE Inspection tn your home. - Au thorized Heaver service We service all makes cJeaners. Hogg. Bros Ph 9149 Well Drilling '- A west . Stt & B 448. every Sandaj. Directory I: JK For Sale 'Real Estate 8 ROOM cottace. located 1489 N. 5th. Nice lot nice location. Flowers, shrub bery- at variety of fruit Price SSSOOjOO. Term. 3 bedroom home, close in. Price Just reduced to $3758.09 tor quick, sale. $300.90 easa. SWJW per month. - 8 bedroom bom. Fairsnount Hill district 2 full baths.' Air conditioned furnace: Nice location. Price 84308 M. $1300.00 easn. balance line rent LXNDGREN 8c JOHNSON REALTORS 175-S. High SL. ; Ph. 3630 1 A. LOVELY, eloae in. site. On bus. Ph.TllX, . Bldg. 84208 - Neat and clean. 8 rooms. fplace, baas mens, furnace, dou ble garag Near Stat Capitol bUira. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 808 4 ROOM partly modern .house.-Two lots. Smell payment - down.. Balance like rent 895 FordVSaJem. GOOD S R, house. Large lot. m Full basement. Furnace. Gas At oil tanks Garages. Price 85000.- Make worn an offer, rat quick sale. Ph. 6832. - NEAT 4 room furnished house. Dou ble garag. Walks and paving to. Only S2flOA (MWS7S7 DO aih ut lulanni 1 $14.43 -a month tncluding Interest - rracueany new name, z sji, large KlHn Mflm. ... hirrfmM Usan. Urm place, basement and - furnace.- Good location, - S30OS.00. G. EL VOSSUSGH - Phone 3608 .. - 1048 Cascade Drive house, to drain board. '. vtnatian bhnda. fleer ed attic, ft acre. N. River Rd. Keixer DWt Ph. 2-2848 between 8-16 A- 24. ' JS ROOM HOUSE. 2 bedrooms large dining room' and kitchen and built- ins. Large garden. Only ft block frees city bus said grocery star. Cash terms. 872 N. 17th. ROOM house Sk iuuf with Iota. -auto, oil beat. automatic water neater. Fruit trees St garden spm 1351 Market St Phone Mr, Clark at 2345 er S10L Pric 83250, - 3 RM H. at 1448 H. Canrcb. wired tor eiec rang, weed rum. By owner. Inn. 773 Ferry. Ph. 2-1032. WTNSLOW; Arts-. 8 furn. Sewers. Handy man saake ttvingfrom renta. High dry climate., Might eon- stder-chiefeen sancb 'trade. Owner 212 W. 1st. Winslew. Arts. . . LIST-YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE HAVE LOTS OF - BUYERS ,8r LOAN ON REAL . ESTATE BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. tavALTuHS PH. Exchange Real ' Estate , WILL TRADE California income -,, property for farm ASSUME DIFFERENCE ee pay cash. LLOYD WQRLEY. PDCLEY. CALIF. Tor Sale Farms- for SALX v--- 492 acre wood, stock and xraia ranch. Building. 8ft miles from Salem, spring water, a gooa at xi3.w-vu. . 390 acre stoehf . ranch- S miles aaiilli of Salem, aprteg -water. 89 acre -has been plowed, gravel road. Pric 830.68H per acre. US acre farm located --tn the Waldo Hills not far from Shaw. Nearly, an in crop. Buyer to receive share eg crop. A buy at S32AO par acre.- Ill acres located 8 miles from Salem.- Buildings. 6 arras farm land, balance -timber and pasture. 12 -acres ptpedto"h!oua and 'barnFrtoa '$HM per acre. 188 acres located 1 tnitos lera. 70 acres farm land. tare .and - timber. bvtlldingB. rtes, large heuas. baza, lights. roaa. met untan rail. - 85 acres located east -of Salem, best of dark prairie aoU. Buildings, farm tend rented for thia Tear, buyer to re ceive -ahare of - crop. Possession er buildings In 30 days. Pric 8125.00 par acre.-. - . 40 acres close to Salem on paved highway, SO acres prunes, good crop, no buildings, Price $5000.00. way, l acres pranea. poaae timber, ajt nice building site. Price $2006.00. & e Kid wiui- uiu miHiinf oaaiy in need of repair; creek, 'timber, several acres of cherry trees. Price 81900.00. 8300.00 down. 22 sere Country Home, "mostly in fruit, buildings, paved . road, a buy at S55O0.OS. 1 12 acres in the City limits of- Sa lem, 8 room plastered bouse, barn. City water. A good boy at $3500.00. $700.00 down, balance $30.00 per month. W. H. Grabenborst ac Co, Realtors , 134 S. Liberty Street - SPECIAL ' A good 60 acre farm. About 48 acres tn cultivation, balance in pasture and timber. Has . a good 6-room modern house, barn, chicken house, brooder house, wood shed and garage. Family orchard .and berries Small lake fed by springs. Plenty of water for irri gation. Priced to sell, for $5750.00.' v ROSTEIN & ADOLPH. INC. ' 1104a North Commercial Street - 63 A, N. Crop in. and IS calves, horses, several hogs,, almost full line of machinery, large tractor plows, disc. mower. A etc; sickness; sacri fice for $8500. Arrange - terms; con sider small place. C. J. JACKSON, 341 State St, Salem 80 ACRES, fairly weU Improved. 40 acres in cultivation, on good graveled road, some crop and stock. $6500, good terms, at 5 interest S acres, good black land, close to Sa lem, pair improvements $2500. ft down. 120 acres on highway, 90 acres in cultivation. good modern improve ments. Priced to sell. ' F. H. Weir 465 Center REALTOR P 8411 WE HAVE been . given one of the finest farms to the Willamette Valley to aeU This place vi located only 3ft miles from Salem. Fully modern house leas than S year old. Double plbg, basement, furnace. Large bams and other out bklgs. If you are interested to -a really - good farm it vrould pay you to look this one over. SEE iUUl .Li. KF.IMAHW 167 8. High - IDEAL STOCK - RANCH ? T82 Acres, 22 mi. Salem. 48 A. good fir timber, creeks A springs, 4 room house, barn 38x100. Price S1A608. $4000 down, bat 8. C H, SANDERS 231 N. High 8828 Outstanding Farm Value Good soU. .'fine location. Grade B barn. 18 cows, r- Krhta.- .pceeav water to all buildwjg. WeU landscaped. 8 A. orchard. Aal. flneeultivetaJ lsnd.M weeds c brush, fences sheep tight. $214100.-'. ;: H. P. GRANT, Realtor 829 Court St, 128 A. CLOSE to Hubbard. hUL PsatlToCsl AOCisUfn. T TITt. piaa- large dver. 8108 per A. -,- - MI A. IS mu trom suuem.T rm. naa. 80 a. In cult $50 per A. ' - 2ft A. 4ft ml. out. new rise, rms. 8 vMTinished upstairs, bath, lighte, peult ii-LvTN try bee. bt?m. iisoe aewa. JOHNSON, SEAL.TUS St . Pheste 2322 . YOUR. OPPORTUNTTT ! - t Aena. A-t .soU, ft. A fir timber, V. A. Daatur. baiane under Blew. New modern 4-reoma, basement, furnace, ail bwd. fisws.ehJer. house, torg ga- rtr born. -'y $. . - c u. SAur i -2ji 11. xrifih o . mm ts' Maly V." Small ITee. 1 -.. Pr"e $ W.O.EZ.-- 3,1-iALl .t front Sa- in XI. Ojauncre-l 2v. C2 AisfiOtTS of Jp money were among; the booty captured by " Annrican. forces on.Gnaftalrsrtsl island. Pictured coanting; captured enrreney -t sv MArina-Corp lnsdoiartars axo, left to right. Lieut, M Geerps H. Guyer, Roaring; Springy Ps; Pgy Clerk E. T, Gaddls,'" Wsshfrujton. P. C; Lieut. H E. Greeninr, Vlrrinia, Beach, Vs.; IieuL OoL H. E. lUxwcrtmay Washington, D. Ci LieuL CoL T. C Perrin,. BlshopUc. s. C; LieuL R, C GuAsalua. Altoona, Pn, and Capt, W. HaAkalL CaArion, Pn. ; , . . , (IaternMtiomMl) Acreage ' LOOK lft acre with trteity. Pa sad highway. Ooae to achool. High achool bus to Salem. A ' bargain for $650.08 cash. s acres with a 7 -room nous, nam and ehioken heuaa. JQeetric water, sya- Paved read. Close to .grade and nigh school Pete $210840. 6 acre -with 6 room hous. Large chicken house 22x48. Electricity. Pav- t road. A good buy for $1658.00, . ROSTEIN at -ADOLPH. INC. ' 110ft North. Commercial St WOOD for -fuel ia not going to be cheap next winter. We- have- a -few ft acr traeta toeaasd 1ft miles from city limits. AH in timber. W can aaU tor -saae per tract en any rea SEE RICH L. 187 S. High St. Phon 28 ACRES, wary best of land. About mite tram Swede school.. 835099 takes tt -tm easy-terms. LIN DG SEN AbJOHNSON. REALTORS 175 S. High St 18 A, coed aaU. owe a. elect, water as item, aosne fir timber, ear, chick bouaa. SOO" young cherry tmea. Prtee MXOth-V C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 OR TRADE Close to Salem. 29 acres. Very good located, good, land. Mail at door. On achL bus tine. 4 Rm. large Mod. hse, Garag. chicken coop, city bus dose. Cannery, store, what have yeu? Terms to suit the buyer. Widow too old to farm. If you are looking tor acreae come to aee owner. Mrs. H. Oakman, KL 3. Box 049. S muea south on Liberty Rd. - . - 22 ACRES, older bldgs, creek. 2ft ml. Salem. Price $2650 8500 down. M Acre 7 mL West' of Salem, email bouse, good bam, abed, chick house. no elect, spring - water ' right: Prac $1500. cash. - - " " " 58 A. 11 ml Salem, all cultiv, good set of buildings, price $4000. Terms. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 -ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME WeU located 2 acre tract on paved road and bus line. WeU- built 8 room house withr bath room and plumbing: plenty of built-ins; basement; drove weU and water -- system; garage and bam. A real snap for $4500. part terms. See LEO N. CHTLDS. INC,' REAL TORS. 844 State Street. Phone 926L -WE HAVE 8 acre tracts from $3000 to $6500. Let us show you these places. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 8838 Wanted -Real Estate : -,: -. " f - wanted - 1 i WANTED. FARMS WANTED, CITY HOMES WANTED. RURAL HOMES - WANTED, INCOME PROPERTY THE BUYERS WITH THE. CASH are WArrwo. For quick returns make . Your Listings with L. L. Thornton, eo J. P. Ulrich Co. .- 202 Pearce Bldg. .- HAVE BUYER for' 20 cow ' dairy. Grade A. barn St modern house. - Also want 2 or 4 bed room modern house with gas- er oil heat C J. JACKSON, 241 State St, Salem WANTED v . We want 48 to 80 acre east or north of Salem: - must be good value - no buildings necessary. Have 'cash buyer. See LEO N. CHTLDS. INC, KKAX TORS, 344 State Street, Phone 926L HAVE A NUMBER el for Salem property, A listing with us at this time- means a reaay saia. RICH L. REDCANN - 1ST South High Street - Business Opportunities GROCERY, notions and gas station selling $250.08 A bettor Weekly, tor sate mm terms er trade for city prop erty ox smaU acreage. El health rea- TO CLOSE an astaU. must sell .in come ptoperty. An old dwelling. S xteeea. tots, divided mte 9 tarn. opts. Income whoa -full $158 per mo. FLAT House. 2 Flats. 8 R. down A 4 R. up, double plumbing, basement. wgust ruiaai. garag. .earner- wt; both rentedV Good to vestment Pric $3734X6 good location. J. XX SOtARS. 802 Cantor. Ph. 9442 82808. Good outside bnrlnsss for 'ae- luswr r wan his aged man, coe trade tor reel-estate r, what have -your Bos'.SdeA Statesman. . Fcr WccJ 18". IT'LL POC. 4 fv -slab. cut. sawust-FX 11 - r . Wood Cr titH Itn St Ph 837S fTywoeS cores A ends. Fa. - 42 y . - - . - Oe-e. W. lni n, Liberty I For Sale Used Cars T3S. PONTIAC Dehixe 8 " passenger cause, yuet overhauled. New palat. Very- clean. Call 10-2 Sunday. 149 S. Church. - DUO AXEL logging trauer. 808 tires, abaut 80. and 'vacuum brake. '2578 St lean HiU. s-geSB, v OR TRADE: Oat style Postttae piek. , up, 828 Liberty Rd. Rt. X Salem Hta. Dist 41 CHEV. SPECIAL DeLUXE. -like 6,eOO - sntk 642 Motoreyeles 19X7 t tone tton of 12th St Hi way South, Wttted Urtd Caxt Orval Pays .,: TOP CASH : PRICES For Used iGars ALL MAKES A MODELS 0RVALS lisED CARS Center at Church Ph 4702 - "LOOK" v ; . For Every Car we ; . Purchase ' FROM PEOPLE' in and around. Sa. lent for the next two weeks We will give, - r r IN ADDITION TO THE HIGHEST , CASH PRICE.' A , Special Bonus of a $25 War Bond. . BRINO YOUR CAR FOR AN HON EST APPRAISAL,- .. Burgbyne Motor Co, 440 Center Phone 21535 Wp PAY TOPS! Get every dim your car Is worth. Cash on the Barrel-Head "C" SHROCK ' SALEM'S oldest ndepndent used car NX Corner Church A Cbem. Pn, 7922 WILL PAY cash for 38 to 48 Sedan. 2215 Broadway. - . SELL YOUR CAR . HerraU-Owena Used Car Center. 235 So. Commercial Lost and Found LOST: Brown leather ripper purs. with keys, between 13th -A 16th on Hist. Seward. Bent-2589. Statesman. LOST: Link bracelet art with dia monds, probably in -vicinity of Stat Library Bldg. Reward. Ph. 5897. LOST: U-ft eteel hook for sign pasting equipment. N. 17th or CtrOm Road. 8168 or Mr. E. A. Muter. 986. LOST: Ration books No. 1. Paul Diven Kister and Kathryw E. Kister. Return to 1545 Capitol. LOST: Mo. S Ration book. Return to Hadiey Hobsoe, 918 Mm St . LOSTr T-l ga rakton book. Return a R A. Miekol, Rt l. Bex, 735. RATION BOOKS IAS lost ret. 778 S 13th. Eva Heuanachwander. Personal a am not reaponaipi zor euy diiis contracted by anyone other than my maM - KuM Til ill r HUMAN HADt keught $2-$ lb. any quantity. 10 tochee er longer. Arraa teyX 84 Wast :2tXh, New York. ' -Transportstioa TAKE 1 or S passenf ers to Tacoa rAeattle Monday maraing. Ph. 3 U - RIDERS to Coml Iron Wits. Weiwn preierred, .Grweeyard ahiit Inq, -ti S. lath. ' ...... PrccI.iTr.ntlcn Izcut'J Governor Caell L r-:J s procla tastioa ZsXoxisj .- urSJ Ore; resideats to cooperate ia the Keep "v Oresaa Green cairpgica. ??d--i ta prevent Lxest ilrt3 t!J:i : r.