The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 16, 1943, Page 5, Image 10

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    The. GltLGOH STATESMAN. Salem, Oroc;on. Sunday Moraine. May 15, IS4L3
D-0Da?5QD Mews DBirOcpffs
Docs Kill Sheep A new list of
damages wrought by sheep kill
ing dogs was -in preparation Sat
urday by County Dog License En
forcement Officer Paul Marnach,
who said he had killed both dogs,
that killed four ewes and injured
. three ewes and : three lambs on
the KarVWipper place, route two,
Turner. Three spring lambs of the
Elmer, Lorence flock, at Victor
Point were killed and several in
jured by a dog that has not been
Sunday dinners at
again. -
Wlrinr Burn When.a . truck 1
knocked down some support and
tore loose electric wiring . over
Sam's Used Car. lot across Che
meketa -street from the city fire
station at 2:45 Saturday, after
noon, firemen, there -thought they
were" witnessing the beginning of
the second used car fire in ;-18
hours,; blew the siren and pre
pared to battle a blaze, but only
the wiring was burned.
.Lutz florist. Th. 9592. 1276 N. Lib.
Gravel Use Reported Approx
imately 300 yards of gravel are
being taken daily from Henning
sen bar, , a portion going onto
county roads in that area and
the remainder onto the new
stockpile -on the Cole property
recently- leased for that use,
County Commissioner -Roy - Rice
and Road Foreman Bert Ivarsen
said Saturday - "
Sunday eats? Come to Schneiders.
To Pendleton Sheriff A. C
Burk; with Lee U. Eyerly and
approximately a d o z e n other
members of the Oregon mounted
posse, went to Pendleton on Sat
urday to confer with roundup
oficials and attend-a rodeo.
For homej loans see Salem .Federal.-
130 South Liberty. .
, .. . . .. .
Extradited Gov. tan oneu w
Saturday authorized the extradi
tion of Elby Leslie Murray and
Dorothy "Murray who are wanted
in Pinole county, Calif.-, on lor
eery charges. They are. under ar
rest in Portland, ;
Enjoy dinner at Schneider's Cof
fee Shop Sunday. -'
Objection Planned Townsend
club number two will dispense
with the regular meeting Monday
night, May 17, and will" gar to the
city council session with tne pur
pose of objecting to the proposed
pinball ordinance.
For sale Azaleas in bloom. Stray
er Azalea 'Field, 589 Locust
The . new ' Oregon' Financial Re-
crvtndhiHtv law SaVS TOU must
nrove that you are able to pay
damaees uo to $11,000 if involved
inJa seridus accident. Good Auto
Insurance Swill solve the -problem.
See Scellars & Foley,
Riders wanted for Commercial
Iron Works. Day shift. Ph. 7204,
Lost:. Pack sack and sleeping bag
belonging "to 'Boy Scout. Initials
"i . - w . ' - xtewaro. xnw j.viui&v
St. Salem. Ph. 8052.
' Stiles
Louis G. Stiles, late resident of
5138 -Bristol street, Klamath. Falls,
at a local hospital Friday, May 14,
J at the age of 73. Survived by
wife Mrs. Lotus Stiles, and one
i daughter, Mrs. Bertha Paulson,
; both of Klamath Falls. Shipment
t is being made by Walker-Howell
; funeral home to Klamath Falls
I for interment.?; ,;- -' ''
Wallace ;
:Bert J. Wallace, at his home,
689 Breys avenue, Thursday, May
4 13, at the age or 63 years. nus-
band of Mrs. : Agnes WaUace; fi.-
' ther - of Miss Ruth Wallace and
: Jack' Wallace, both of Salem,
, Mrs. Dalton'LeMasurier of Grand
Fork, N. Dak Mrs. i. O. Quea of
! Rugby, N.;Dak and Don N. Wal
lace of Butte, Mont." Also -sur-vived
by six. grandchildren.' Ser-
: vices will be held Monday; May
17, at 2 p; m, in the Clough-Bar-
rick chapeL Dr. JC. Harrison will
! officiate," with terment in Bel
' crest Memorial park. .; : ;
- . i 1 .: '
Garden , . . :''"::
Everett O Garden,' late resident
of 1955 Fairgrounds road, at a
local hospital .Thursday, May 13,
- at the age oi . 62 years. Husband
of Mrs. Alice O. Carden of Salem;
son of Mrs. Martha Carden of Sa
' lemr father of I Mrs. Eva Sheets,
- James, Jackie and Richard Car-
i den. all of Salem; Mrs. Hazel Pfeil
and Cecil Carden of Portland;
" brother of Mrs. Viola Rosenbaum,
Mrs. Sarah Vinson, both of Salem,
Mrs. Mary DeShirley, Mrs. Nel
Roley, both of Portland, Mrs. An-
gie Thomas of Lebanon,' William
Carden of Oregon City, and Fred
r-arden of Milwaukie. Ore. Also
survived by five grandchildren.
Services will be held . Monday,
May 17, at 3:30 p. ni. in the
Clpugh-Barrick chapel, Rev. Dud
ley Strain officiating, with inter-
ment in tne iuur cemexery.
Henry Lewlyn Talbot, at the
residence, 525 North 19th street,
Friday, May 14, at the age of 83
years. Survived by wife, Mrs. Nora
Talbot of Salem; three sons, John
We wish to express our thanks
for- the many kindnesses and the
sympathy extended to us in our
recent sorrow. k .
. Mrs. Byron Hazelton
Friday - max mam . tempera
tore St, minimum' 39. Saturday ;
river J& foot. Weather data, re
stricted by army request.
Truck Permit Okehcd Having
demonstrated his financial respon
sibility " and otherwise complied ;
with' the present day requirements :
of the Oregon, laws, Edward Carl
Hawkins", will be allowed - by , the ;
public utilities commissioner to aci
quire the permit under which. J.,
O. Lacey has recently operated a
truck " service ; in the Salem dis-1
trict, PUC "offices -here announced
Saturday.' Mr. Hawkins proposes
to . transport livestock, principally.
His area is limited to within 0
miles of Salem." He has furnished
required insurance and his equip
ment has - been approved by ' the
state police. i 1 . " '
Hod Carriers and Building Lab
orers nomination of officers May
19, and election June ,2. Please
attend. : " . .
Chamber Makes Gains The six
new . members listed in the week
ly bulletin of the Salem chamber
of commerce are Dr. F. D. Voigt
dentist,' Guardian building; Dr.
Lewis P. Campbell, dentist. 408
Pioneer Trust building; Dr. Floyd
L. Utter, dentist, 506 Pioneer
Trust - building; Jack A. Hayes,
state; defense council, -319 State
Capitol building; and H. H. Frie-
sen, contractor, route three, box
Visits Here Loyd Poe of Los
Angeles is a weekend guest at the
home of , his . step-sister, Mrs.
George; Maurer. Mr. Poe is just
back from' Iran where he has been
for many' months as an employe of
the Douglas Aircraft company, as
sisting in the operations of lend
lease .in providing bombers for
Russia.' -'" ' ' ,
Wanted: Dav. & chair. Ph. 5862.
. - ....... . - -
Beverage. Venders- Bobbed
From the Coca Cola vending ma
chines at the Standard Oil service
station, Court and Church, and the
UhlonOIT "station," 2540" Portland
road, $1.50 and $2 we're stolen one
night this" past .week, city police
reported Saturday.
Cycle trip Today The Willam
ette Cycle club has planned a 10
mile trip to begin at the city li
brary ; at 2:30 pm. . today. The
group urges all cyclists, novice as
well as experienced, to join in this
trip. .
Garden Show Postponed Bad
weather was one factor which reA
suited 1 in' the postponement until
June .12 of the garden show to be
held atitbe,Valley Motor;company
by "the Salem Garden club.
Have buyers for v small acreages.
& 4 or 5 R. houses in Salem. Call
J, D. Sears, 507 Center, Ph. 9442.
Morse to Speak , , '
EUGENE, May 15-(jP)-Wayne
L." Morse, public 'member of the
war labor board and dean of the
University of Oregon law school,
now oh leace,"wfll speak here May
2 . at the' annual Oregon Logging
conference. , v
E. Talbot and Frank E. Taloot of
Shevlin, Ore and Oscar Lewlyn
of Spokane," Wash4 two daughters.
Mrs. Alderf Tucrfer of Spokane and
Mrs. Carl SLe of Vancouver, BC.;
two brothers.-: xOscar . Talbot of
Sprague, Wash, and Frank .Tal
bot of VMcVUle, ND.; one; sister
Mrs. Hattie", Hess Vof . Logandale
Wisv.Also survived'by five tfrand -
chUdren ana one great granacmia.1
Services win -De new xnesaay,, at z p?o,,irom me ier-,
williger-Edwards chapel .". Rev.
S. Raynor ."Smith will oficiate with
interment in City View cemetery.
-;- ' " , .. - ' V
Reeves -..X; - .-' C
Mrs. Lena Belle Reeves, late
resident of '1145 Tile road, at a
local -hospital : May, 14.- Survived
by, her husband, (Christopher-C.
Reeves of Salem; a daughter, Mfs.
Mae AtkinS of Salem; three grand
children, Mrs. R. L. Duncan, Miss
Emma May Atkins and Berten
Atkins, all of Salem, and a great
granddaughter, Leberta Sue At
kins of Salem. Services will be.
held in the Clough-Barrick chapel
Tuesday, May 18, at 2 p. m.. Rev.
Dudley . Strain officiating, inter
ment in Bel crest. Memorial park.
- Mrs. Katherine D. Springer, late
resident of Gervais, at a local hos
pital J May 14. Survived by her
father,. William H. Davidson of
Seattle, and ' a son, Howard
Springer of the United States coast
guard. Announcement of services
later by Clough-Barrick company.
: :. :
Edwards' 4
Norma Edwards at a local hos
pital, ! May 15, at the age of 3
years, ' Survived by her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards, jr.,
of route one, Salem, and grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ed
wards, sr., also of Salem. Funeral
announcements will be made lat
er by Clough-Barrick company. "
Wanted - - Chi ttum Bark
if you want square deal, bring your bark to us.
Hundreds of satisfied peelers deal with
J: . -, 263 Chemeketa Street, Next to tbe AUey
Funeral Home'
TWareatl :
To provide, a memorial for. young
men who .have-lost their-lives in
the country .. armed services, both
in battle and training, during the
present ,.war the WalkerHowell
Funeral home has established such-
-a memorial at its chapel, 545 North.
Capitol street. Photographs of all
such -men-, have . been, obtained, and
before. a. .panel , displaying them
fresh.-, flowers will constantly be
kept " ; i ' . 5 i nv
Leston W.-Howell of the mortu-i
,ry,r announces. -Jhat.. the memorial
will be opened for - public visita
tion Sunday, May: 23. ': Organ, mu
sic will be played, in the afternoon.
under the direction of Miss Ruth
Bedford. ' ' ';' ; ' -r :)-
"Our. pucpose is to give appro-r
priate recognition to those men
who have, geven their all for their
country," said .Mr. Howell. I
h"aveassembled;the names of these
men and gotten in touch with
their families; f 'will appreciate it
if relatives 'fir friends Will advise
me if any one has been omitted
from the list. , ". ' . , ,
On the opening day. the Amer
ican flag will be displayed for the
first time at the chapel's new staff
and will remain at half-mast un
til after Memorial day.-Later
when another loss of : life- is re-J
ported : the flag will be lowered
for a day. A dedication service for
the memorial - will be held in the
near, futures. Cardsof sympathy or
from floraltributes will be deliv
ered to relatives. v
2 Graduate
At Beiliel
BETHEL -r" Diploma's were
awarded . Jo-. James . Hilborn and
Harpld Foster ;at the eighth grade
gradution exercises' at, the school
Thursday .night, Carl E. Aschen
brenner, principal S Parrish jun
ior high, gave the address. He
stressed good - citizenship, saying
"Dictators rise because, citizens
get.lazy, fail to vote and use their
privileges; and when the liberties
are lost they nave to buy them
back with blood and tears.
Mrs. Carmelita Weddle, rural
school supervisor, who formerly
was teacher of Bethel school for
nine yjears, made the diploma pre
. sentation and gave a talk telling
ofj-:,her. work,, throughout Marion
county. j
.. Mrs.-- Alice Wolverton, teacher
of .the school served as chairman.
W.-" R. . Baker; chairman .of. the
board of directors, gave a " talk,
and Ralph A; Wilson, board mem
ber, spoke briefly. E. E. Matten,
school clerk, who 'served the dis
trict in that capacity .in its ear
liest -years, was also seated on the
platform. . ?:
Mrs. Cass A. Nichols played for
patriotic group singing, and also
for the vocal selection of her son.
Konaid isicnois. An additional
musical selection was a guitar so-
o by James' Williams.-
,-On .Friday" the . annual school
picnic took; place- at the school
grounds... In .'.the afternoon, the
F,ruitland . school baseball nine
played a return game. Bethel won
the ame.r :
Duoa'flD oaD s
iBCTjrf' .itotiTSi
.Motion day scheduled Monday:
i defsmt divorce .ases to bo beard
and appuatiohsJrocelayed birth
certificates 'considered; '
- State, vtv Robert Morgan : second
CbntinQant'unlil'next' Saturday
mqrningat 1 o'clotk, of time for
passing '.sentence' upon' conviction
of 'takmg' automQbile without ow
ner's consents .: tv.-. ... i . rv.
'Edward ;:r.;,Ryan vs.- Gayle'R.
Kjm; order i derault. i
. .Normagene- - Clark Frank
Clark: answer making denial on
lack, of information. ; - ' -PROBATE
COURT s ,1
"Lottie A. Mercer estate r' order
accepting final account of W. -L.
Mercer and Ira G. Mercer, "exe
cutors. "';" -.:--'"..:
Lieut Joseph W. : Thomas, 24,'
and Tina" Folk, 21, bank clerk,
both Salem.
Jerome B. : Hansen, printer in
US army, California, and Margar
et Albert, edi phone operator and
stenographer, Salem. ; .
James "O. Jolley, 20, Portland
welder, and Frances Irene Mc-
Dermott, 21, Salem office clerk.
. John ' A. V Robinson, Woodland,
Wash.; violation of ; basic rule
$5 bail. . ; '' :
William Boyd Street, Corvallis
violation of basic rule and. op
erating a car with four in the
driver's seat; $7.50 and $2.50 bail.
. Vito Mastrolia; illegal reverse
turn; $2.50 bail.
Henry Pfennig; : violation of
basic rule; $5 baiL :
200 ib.
Manpower Freeze Extended
To Oregon Workers Aims , - -
At Stabilizins; Labor- "KS S
:; I - . h J .
AU-war'Workers'in'th west
new manpowwpblicies as a result
liam K. Hopkins, regional director of the war manpower commis
sion, cstablishing.stab'ilization 'plans in 'ureas' not heretofore cov
ered. .-x-". - - " ' -J' - :j '.' -
-Many counties iri. California
classifieds as "residual areas, I
were ; nrougnt - under , ine - same
controls already set nip In. most of
the west to stabilize the f supply
and flow of labor. , j
By this action; Hopkins com
pleted the blanketing of five west
ern states and Alaska - with' labor
control measures 'which , were ; or
dered into -'effectby -presidential
decree on "April 17The industrial
areas of California 'and Oregon, as
well as 'the entire states tf Washington,-
Nevada" and Arizona ': and
Alaska wei-e" already, under stabil
ization plans worked out by rep
resentatives of management and
labor. : under . sponsorship of the
war manpower commission.
Job controls now in effect are
aimed -at- reducing7 loss of man
hours through switching - of - jobs.
Changes of jobs eaa bo made only
when clearance Is granted through
prescribed; channels, .with certifi
cation by means - of . a "certificate
of availability? - or -transfer slip
The new WMC order extends this
and other provisions of the stabil
ization system to the hitherto "op
en' areas. . ... :
Hopkins8, in announcing exten
sion or. - tne labor -control plan,
pointed-out that wasteful turnover
in employment ranks has. been cut
to a . considerable degree, in other
areas of the, west where he pre
viously .' established .' stabilization
programs. - ; '. ' , .' , 1
'These regulations are a sin
cere attempt on. my part to f nl- ;
fill -the Intention of section 3 of
the execative order issued by
the president, on April 8. The -Intent
of that section, as we have
interpreted it, is exactly what it:
says to prohibit the transfer of ;
workers for higher pay except
as saeh transfers are in the in
terest of the war effort.
"For some time the war man
power commission has been - pro
moting voluntary control over
transfer of workers through what
is known as employment stabiliza
tion plans. The basic purpose of
these plans is to see that workers
are placed in positions which wilt
fully utilize their skills to tbe best
interests 'of the war effort.
" . rhese ; plans 'spell oat those
conditions of transfer which are
in the interests of the war effort.
In general, they say specifically
the ; workers J cannot transfer
from one essential activity to
another except with availability
issued' either by the employer or
the' local war manpower authorities.-;
A worker who was most re
cently engaged in agriculture may
be hired for work in a non-agri
cultural activity only upon refer
ral by the United States employ?
ment' service, or to 'agricultural
work without regard to, the re
strictions set forth in this plan.!
Any worker or employer who
' Three ' applicants for real .estate
brokers licenses vand; four iwho
sought salesmen's licenses made
passing, grades in the examina
tions conducted by Commissioner
Claude H. Murphy andjthe state
board "here rMay";12,- it .wis an
nounced Saturday.' . ' ';
".Those passing the brokers' ex'
amlnation'were Roy" A.' McCburry
of . McMinnville, " w'B." -Sullivan
and - J. B Young pf 'Salem. Pass
ing ' the'salesmen's - examination
were Milton Bristol- of Saleni
A: A." Hauth- of Mt Ahgei; Ferris
M. Ketch, of McMinnville ' and
Ernest; M. ' Stone of Eugene. -
. Eighteen brokers and 47 sales-
L men passed the examination con
ducted in Portland May 13; one
broker ' and three- salesmen in
Klamath Falls on May 6, and four
brokers and five salesmen in
Medford on May 10. '
Are Oni- Specially
For over 44 years we
have been serving the
people of Salem by fill
ing: their doctor's pre
scriptions accurately and
reliably. Bring your next
prescriptionto us.
All rrescxiptiona Filled
Promptly . .
See Tour Doctor First
? Fbono 5197 or 7022 .
- 125 N. Commercial
., : f, v f - Ir ' -- . i
are now "vmder-control of the
of orders issued Jtpday by Wil
and Oregon, which have been
; ; : rr
claims that any determination or
action taken under this plan is un
fair or unreasonable as applied to
him, may .appeal from such' deter
mination or action "ihrough the lo
cal office of .the, US Employment
Service which made the determin
ation or took the action' involved.'
'Tbig recent freeze order is no ,
way f alters the War; Manpower.'
Commission's freese i Jof Sept. 7,
1942-In. respect to the lumbering,
and ; logging: industries.'"; .''
All ScKools
Art Exhibit
Date GHanged
The all schools art exhibit once
scheduled for tbis'week and later
postponed is to be held .Monday
and Tuesday at Highland school
Hours- for the Monday show are
4 to 5:30 and 7;30 to 9 p. m. Tues
day, teachers vwiU hold - their tea
at the. school and see the exhibit
at.' 4 ; p. : ntf with; a -public exhibit
scheduled for 7:30. to 9p; m,
- Other public . school - events
planned, for. 'the coming week and
listed on ' the . calender released
Friday,. by Supt. - Frank B. Ben
nett'S office include: -- : -''. : - ;
: Tuesday: . elementary schools'
principals meeting,-' 10 a. m. ad
ministration office;" youth '- council
program ; at Parrish - junior ;- high
school, 10:151 a. m.";; language, arts
department;' meeting, senior, high
school, 4 . p. .- m. r ; , . . ., .,.
Wednesday: assemblies; Higl
lancL school, .with -Mrs. Wolcotfs
room m cnarge, ai oanieia scnoot
with the 'fifth grade in charge, 1
p. m.; fourth grade social studies
committee meeting; administration
office," 2:45 ' p. m.; senior high
school social studies department
meeting at the high school, 4 p. m.
.Thursday! Richmond school as
semblyl:15 , p. m.; meeting of
music, band,' art and physical edu
cation supervisors at administra
tion office, r 4 p. - m.; Leslie oper
etta, 8 p. j ',- ..- v-;
Friday: Washington school, as
sembly with fifth and sixth grades
in charge and Bush school Swards
assembly, 1 p. m. . . ---,';
I, , , . A MESSAGE TO TlEl PUBLIC FROM ' . ' . I
The Salem z Brisuiraiice f Agents Asciattion ; j
. - 1 j I - KOSTUN ADOLm
J J -s j ' I M6 N- OoamercUl St. ,
I :. -X low.-. . . . -J - f-I II ,,
Oregon's new Financial Responsibility Act be
comes effective on June 9th.
Briefly, the act requires the driver- of any aoto-.
mobile involved in an accident to file, within
ten days from date of saeh accident, with the
Secretary of State, evidence of financial re
sponsibility In the amount of $5,009 for the in
jury or death of one person, $10,000 for .more
than one person in any one accident, and $1,000
property damage. The question of -who Is or
who is not to blame for saeh an accident does
not enter Into the provision, as operators of all
Simply by eonUetlsr nr f U l4I"f IsninBce nrai listed rUbt, yasr plky ru bo
placed T In force Immediately at premiums which are the lowest In many years. These agents
are all qualified members of the National Associationof Insurance Agents. ...... , .
The cost is low. probably not equal to that of any ONE luxury enjoyed throuthout the year.
Minimum premiums for $5,000110,000 Public Liability and $5,000 Property Damage, arc as
Salem & Vicinity
"A- Gas Card .J1$.00
B" Gas Card . ; 175.
UC Gas Card ... , .. 180-
On Canning ; '
Hints 4nd: Helps oh. Canning"
was; the topic of a talk by Miss
Frances Clinton, Marion county
home demonstration agent, the
Saturday meeting of the 4H :club
composed of girls engaged in ad
vanced ,4H club work from Saleni.
Aumsviile ahd; Silverton. held - in
Since seYerai;of the ' girls haVe
had 'much experience in canning
fruits, Jams and jellies,1 Miss Clin
ton stressed .the canning of meats
fish and vegetables. After outlin
ing the basic rules she show sev
eral perfect products. Miss , Clin--ton
also illustrated the. value of a
home - drier- by showing - several
dried fruits and vegetables includ
ing.r carrots, beets, spinach f and
pears. Bulletins on food preserya
tion weredistributedLX ; .- i
V' Miss Viva Keyes of "Salem" joined
the clubf Guests -wereMr. Bierly,
county 4Hgent; MrsVArE. Kuen-
zi and Margaret Sweetland. .'
Several members will represent
the advanced clubs at the annual
4H . club summer school at "Cor
vallis . opening June 1; Alice Ro
berts,. Marion Howland Bonnie
Klein; Shirley Girod, Linda Girod,
Marjorie Tate and.Luella Nichols
t Mrs. Carmelita Weddle,". leader;
announced the awards won by
members in the r county, 4H fair
April 29: Linda, and Shirley Girod,
champion 1 demonstration - team;
Luella Nichols, first incamp cook
ery and biscuits; .second in -bread;
Erhia Kuenzi, first in bread; Lin
da Girod, second in bread; Shirley
Girod, second in 'nut bread; .Mar
jorie Tate, .third in hut bread. " ;
;-' The. 'meeting ' was In charge" of
the . canning, club" officers: Linda
Girod, president; r Bonnie ' Baillie,'
vice president; Bonnie Klein, sec
retary The next meeting "will be
held .at ;the: 4H stuniner r"schbol
June L' ' --J" - ' : ;-: '"- -
-- - .
Court NSmes
f Naming Ray Glatt of Wobdburn,
M. G. Gunderson of Silverton and
Leo N. Childs'of Salem once again
to serve with the county court on
the Marion ' county budget com
mittee, members of the court Sat
urday confirmed an Jearlier selec
tion of June 10 as date for the of
ficial opening of ,th'e"-annual bud
get meeting. '''
; The' date was selected as 'first
opportunity to act under new bud
get provisions coming into effect
under the state law 'June 9. The
three non-court - members of the
committee .served last year.
- ran involved
Marion. County ,
5 miles outside Salem v
: - " . 155 .
Beries Addresses Congic
Terming his country the "Godchild of the Uniitd States," President
Eduard Benes of Czechoslovakia told eongree 4tt Wo ntSiaa would
' reconstruct Itself as ' democracy after tho war-Associate Pres
Telemat. ' : ' : ' ''"."
Show Increase ofL4$ W0 i
Valuations of public utilities in Oregon have increased dur
ing the past year from $316,786,153.78 td f331,161,12;.iJVa gain
of $14,300,000, the' state tax commission tnnotuxed S&turdayv I
All categories contributed substantially to the incraase with!
Electric ";r j.
Electric railroads
.$ v. 679,000.00
. 112,215,472.30
. 5,669,034.00 :
." i 175,620.50
. 14,201,532.00
. : 1,548.600.00 '
. 150,363,758.00
. 4,123,456.97
. 2,383,703.38
.' , -. 56,904.60 ,
. . . 634,000.00
. 2,985,266.00
Gas.: C
Heating .
Steam ratlfoads
Private cars
Telegraph '
Telephone Cbook) .'
Telephone , (small)
ToU bridge 7V'",;
Water companies
Can Contest
To End May 3Q t
Participation of schools of Ore
gon in i state-wide tin can col
lection contest was praised Sat
urday by Gov. Earl SnelL N
. 'Climax of the'ephtesf is slated
for Saturday afternoon . May s
when the : Portland Beavers "and
Seattle Rainiers - of - the Pacific
Coast league will meet in what !
Reprinted from
The Statesman
; most - comply with , the above.
Penalty for failure to report such an accident
provides for the suspension of the driver's 11
. I cense. The evidence of financial responsibility
' may be cash, a surety bond or a standard insur
' , anee - policy. The foregoing does not apply to
the owner of a legally parked ear. ;
If you own a ear, act NOW to protect yourself
. by providing-the complete and -adequate pro
s', teetion of public liability and property damage
insurance. - - - -
Polk County
5 miles outside Salem
.., i... $12.75
. : .i3o
; !;' --140
$ . 634,000.00
. 4,461,780.00
v 1 . 17518.41
- 13,810,849.50
. .3.793,836.47
69,484!; 0
- 619,000.00
; ' t,S57,171.0O
Is billed as a tin car. ball game
in which joung Oregialans will
have a pail - . ;
Usual Wave f Complete
rem on
Push Wavs ti ap
.Open Tfcurs. Evo...
' by Appointment ;
- rkeas ttti -
HS First National Bank dig.
-ISO fi. Commercial
Office Phone 01SS1 -
'372 Court SL J '
Office rnone 9131.
143 S. liberty St.
OffVo Phone S91
- $20 N. - Commercial
Off lee Phone $143:
j. r. fjLucn
Peareo Bldr." 4
; OfrSce Phone 7954.
- - Oregon Blto t -'
"" Office Phone 7903 - t
W. G. KKUGS (' : i.
147 N.-CommercUl SL :
' . Office Phone 4I21f ' ;
BUch Bidg.. r
Office Phone "171
mebkhx. d. ohung
. T75 SUte St.
Office Phono 9194:
'ivIOSEf"" !
r - 1, Stat St. t :
Of rice Phono 4933 "
First National Bank Bldr.
. Office Phone $123
tviNii xd prrrrjonN
. 143 N. 14th St.
Offke Phone $403
107 S. Illrh
Office Phone 9203
. 474 Court St.
Office Phono 3904:
, Pearee Bldg.
. Office Phone 4S13
- Guardian Bids.
Office Phone 4109
' Oregon Bide.
- - Office Phone 7521 .
129 N. Commercial SU
Office Phone 4400
. 725 Court SU
Office Phone 3723
411 Masonic Bldr.
. Office Phone C155
189 N. IUxb St.
Next to Grand Theatre
Office Phone 4917
GuanTiaa Cldr.
' Office Phono 3S77
139 N. Commercial SU
Office Phone 5130
344 State St. ;
Office Phone till
- Mason le CI dr.
Office Phono 3112
. and family