The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 14, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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Hears Officer
Mrs. Frances Speaks
On Poppy Sale,
New 7ar Veterans
MT. ANGEL The ML Angel
unit of the American Legion aux
iliary ' entertained the state pre
sident, Mrs. NoU , Frances, and
the president of district two, Mrs.
Mem Pearce. as well as mothers
at the Memorial hall YTuesday
night. . . - . , v .;
Corsages donated by Ed lin
ger of ML. Angel, were presented
to the ' gold ' .star mothers, Mrs.
Lena Unger and " Mrs." Frank
MddL Mrs. Nellie Norton, ill in
a Salem hospital was unable to
be present and her corsage ' was
taken to her by the district .pre
si dent on her return to Salem. " All
the mothers with sons in the serv
ice were introduced..
A motion was carried to donate
a flag to the Monitor school and
to send flowers to ..Mrs.' Sibley,
whose mother; died recei tly.
Mrs. Frances speke on the
memorial poppies and the vses
to which the puppy sale money
converted. She toothed briefly
on the increasing number of
present war . service men ar
riving in the Veterans hospital
at Portland and Kosebnrg and
urged the auxiliary to use their '
poppy money solely for service
men and their families. She also
explained the nurses recruiting
- program, .
Mrs. Pearce presented .a prize
"of $2.50 in war stamps to Anita
Norton, president ' of the juniors,
for the first group to reach its
previous year's quota: She invited
.11 nti.nr1 4K ,t,U nvnvMiKnn
at Baker on August 19, 20 and
21. . r -
Mrs. Frank Walker, ML Angel
president appointed the following
committee to nominate candidates
in readiness for toe. June elec
tions. Mrs. Fred Prosser, " Miss
Elizabeth Unger and Mrs. A. P.
meeting. Numbers included vocal
solos by Elaine Prosser and Lor
raine Bigler, piano solo by Ralph
Oswald, accordion -solo by Leroy
Obersinner ; and an impromptu
talk on service men by Father
Hildebrand. r"
At the Legionnaires meeting at
the same time, members heard a
report by Peter Gores on the Le
gion meeting at Silverton last
week at which Hugh Bowman,
department commander, ; talked.
The post and unit will- hold
memorial services . at usual on
Memorial day.
A certificate of -award will be
presented by the post to the high
est ranking eighth grade boy and
girl In SL Mary's school, v 1
It was announced that the'
clubhouse on the Legion trap
shooting grounds and later used
as an air observation post has
been sold and will be removed.
- The members heard that Her
man Brown, president of the
Marion county council, was seri
ously ill at the Veterans' hospi
tal and not expected to live.
The post went on record favor
ing the fulltime state service of
fice. Both Legion and auxiliary are
invited to attend a party at the
Nary post 101 at Salem Friday,
May 14. . .. -(
Visitors ArrtVe
At Beuna Vista
BUENA VISTA Mr. and Mrs.
T. D. Trick of Salem and Tcheir
son, LL Carl D. Trick and wife
and son, Larry, of Santa Ana air
base in California, were visiting
Fridayat the Fred Scott home.
Mr. and' Mrs. L. S. Prather
were visitors from Idanha Satur
day and Sunday. ; ,
Miss Alice Prather came Friday
from McMinnville to spend the
weekend with her parents. -
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weigel
and baby are moving from Al
bany to the Robert Cobine house.
. Miss Willa Dean Long came
from Portland Saturday to spend
MAtWi n . with hr i narenta
and sisters.
Darrel Johns visited a few days
the last of the week with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Johns. ', :
Betty Lou Long is home on a
vacation. .'
Shaw New Patrolman
Calktaa. wne has been aervlng '
as . night pairolmaa. has been I
transferred to the water depart-
meat as general ntlllty-snan and
Jehsi 8haw. wbe has bee ens
played by the Sevtaera Taefile
' as psUce detective, has been ap-
pointed to fin the acaacy. He
wDl snrre his faasByfrasa Inde
pendestee. where they aew re- -
- side, Ur West Salens aa soon aa -
house can be
Farmers Union
. ROBERTS : Farmers Union
Tuesday night obligated . George
Bogo&ian and Albert Minassian to
membership. --.
L. H. Zielke read a resolution
about the cost of milk production,
saying there is . too much differ
ence between producer, and con
sumer prices. This ended in gen
eral farm discussion. ' ;
Mrs. L. H. Zielke was appointed
to buy 12. new cups.
R e f r e s hment committee was
Mrs. Fungwirth. Frances Nowack
and Frances Zielke. Next month's
committee will be Annie Johnston
Rose Ilowland and Eisi? Rhoten.
Reports From
Stayton Court
Elects Of ficers
Tuesday Night
' STAYTON The regular meet-
ing of ; the Catholic Daughters of
America. Court Queen ' of Peace,
was held Tuesday night at ' the
Stayton Parish club-rooms, with
over - 40 1 members ; present. Rev.
Father Baur 'of Jordan talked.
Rev. Father Sniderhon of Stayton
commended the court on Its work
in the. past year and asked it to
continue hours of adoration every
Thursday. '
Boxes 1 will ; be placed in the
vestibule , of the church for the
collecting of rosaries and beads
for servicemen. The committee to
carry out , this . work ,is. Helen
Walz, Marie Hottinger and Mary
The officers elected for the
coming : year are: ' grand regent
Miss Angeline . Lambrecht; vice
grand 'regent Miss Othelia Span
iel; prophetess, Mrs. Cecelia
Mertz; recturer, Mrs. Edith Stuck
art; historian, Mrs. Marjorie Ker
ber; financial secretary, Mrs.
Rosamond Hendricks; treasurer,
Mrs. Elizabeth Murphy; monitor,
Mrs. Mary Fink; sentinel, Mrs.
Julia Cries; trustees. Miss Hilda
Krantz, Mrs. Ida Wourms, Mrs.
Marie i Hottinger and Mrs. Marie
Shields; organist Mrs. Marie
Kirsch. The officers were install
ed by the state regent Mrs. Clara
Brabec of Salem, assisted by the
state secretary-elect Mrs. Maude
Rocque, also of Salem. Small gifts
were given to the retiring officers
by Rose Bell, retiring grand reg
ent who was recently elected
state regent at the Eugene con
vention. She also presented cor
sages to the incoming officers.
Letters from the boys out of
the states were read showing their
appreciation for the servicemen's
bulletin and the Digest , which
not only they but their buddies
are reading. The committee to act
in place ' of the minutemen and
contact field workers or land
army corps is: Angeline Lam
brecht, Ef f ie Gescher, Gertrude
Deidrich, Celia Mertz and Rose
Bell. The committee in charge of
the entertainment and refresh
ments were Mrs. Ida Frichtl, Mrs.
Josephine Bell, Mrs. Barbara
Gehlen, Mrs. Stella Frichtl and
Mrs. Emma Fehlen. ;
Dejongs Attend
Mother's Event
PERRYDALE Mr. and Mrs.
Jack DeJong took his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dick DeJong, to the Mo
ther's i day services at the Elks
lodge in McMinnville Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell
had as their guests, Mrs. Lyda
Conner, Lora Mitchell and Mrs.
Ralph Kester.
Mr. and Mrs. Norris Jensen and
son, Lee, of Portland and Mrs.
Lydia Conner of McMinnville
were guests Sunday at the Robert
Mitchell home. In the afternoon
they visited Mrs. Sue Flanery and
William Caldwell in Dallas.
Special services were held in
honor of Mother's day at the Am
ity Methodist church Sunday
night 'guests for the -program
were a group of service men from
Camp Adair. Members of the Per
ry dale church went to Amity for
the program.
Those 1 from this end of the
county who went to Dallas Mon
day morning to make their dona
tion to the Red Cross blood bank
were Mrs. Harold Shields, Mrs.
George Shields, Mrs. Waldo Finn
and Mrs. Henry Domes of Bethel
and Mrs. Bob Mitchell of Perry
dale. Mrs. Jack DeJong visited
the bank in Portland a week ago
and made her donation there.
Mr. and .Mrs. Joe Strickwerda
of Portland ' spent the weekend
here visiting relatives.
Rebekalis Choose
Delegates, Alternates
To Grand Lodge
JEFFERSON At the meeting
of -ML .Jefferon Rebekah lodge
Tuesday .night Mrs. Nettie Hawk
and Mrs. J. C Hartley were ap
pointed delegates and ; Mrs. Ada
Wells, alternate, to attend the
grand lodge which will be held in
Portland : May It and It. Mrs.
Lillian Smith was recommended
as district deputypresident. jpV;
The' hostess committee . Com
posed of Mrs. . Maud Epley. Miss
LLaura Thomas, Gladys . Shields
and Miss Flora, Thomas, served
refreshment at the close of lodge.
FairviewCalf Club
To Visit Farms
FAIRVIEW Next Saturday at
10 sunt, Russell Lehman, the lead
er,- and his 4H. Calf club members
will meet at the office, of the coun
ty agent. Rex Warren, to Join in
the Yamhill county Calf club an
nual tour. : C:-'
This trip will include a visit at
the Dr. S. V. Dragoo Jersey herd
farm and to the Broadmead farm
where 400 steers are fattened each
year. Pure-bred: minting Short
Horn cattle and pure-bred sheep
are other features of the farm for
the young club members to study
and judje. Each member will pro
vide his or her own noon lunch, x
The Statesman's
Salesu Oregon. Friday
Yank Ace-British Ace
Squadron Leader Lance Wade ; (above) of Tucson, AriS, American
commander of an RAF fighter squadron, has shot down his 22nd
enemy plane and now shares honors with RAF Flight LL Neville
F. Duke (above right), who also has 22, as the top scoring pilots In
North Africa, It was announced by allied headquarters therev
Associated Press TelemaL ' - -
Grangers News
liefs, alms, and ; religions of the
Chinese and Japanese peoples
were graphically described by Roy
HewiU, main speaker on the
Brush College grange program, at
the May meeting held at the
Mr. Hewitt had firsthand infor
mation on his subjects as he has
been to the Orient twice, the last
time about 12 years ago.
The situation as it has been de
veloped " in Japan since he was
there, and the conditions at that
time were told in detail.
Mr. Hewitt also gave a tribute
to the Mothers of the war. Mrs.
Glen Adams read a Mother's day
poem by Edgar Guest and group
singing , was accompanied by Mrs.
A. E. Utley at the piano.
F. E. Wilson, grange master pre
sided at the grange session when
applications were made for four
new members. ' :
A no-host supper preceded the
Rev. Kelsie Heads
ReKgious; Group
WEST SALEM The commit
tee of religious education In the
.West Salem publle schools' met
Monday afternoon to discuss the
program for the ensuing year.
The ministers, teachers, princi
pals and Miss Strong of the Sa
lem board ef religions education
were presenL' f.
The first matter considered
was that ; of deciding noon a
teacher for next year. Upon rec
ommendations of the teachers. It
was decided to ask Mrs. B. F.
Weems, who was religious : in
structor for last year, to again
serve in that capacity, with a
salary increase sufficient to cov
er transportation expenses be
tween Salem and West Salem.
Rev, Ridel! Kelsie was elect
ed president to succeed Rev.
Abe Laewen, who has served
' during the past two years.
Corn Planting Starts
In Dayton Locality .
planting was started In this dis
trict May S when Chester Duell
planted seven seres i and Will
' Christeasea planted 17 seres the
next day. The Nichols brothers
did the planting for them,
UNIONVALE The first corn
planting of this season in this lo
cality was at the C J. Countiss
farm- Wednesday with' Royal
Hibbs doing the work. "
Valley Births
JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs.
M. S. Stephenson received word
from. Oakland, Calif.;; that I they
have' another great granddaugh
ter, born May L to Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Stricklin. The baby weigh
ed 8 pounds, 11 ounces, and has
been named Stephen Scott Mrs.
Stricklin was ' formerly i Xettie
Ann Wilson and lived here at one
LYONS Mr, and Mrs.1 Ted
Jacoby are the parents of a -six
pound two ounce baby boy born
Monday morning at the Mill City
hospital. The young man has
been named Ferdenand . Seth,
Mrs. William H. Bones of Seattle,
Wash, are the parents of a son,
William Douglas, bom at the Sa
lem General hospital ' on May 8.
Mrs. Bones Is " the daughter, of
Charles L. Sherman, professor at
WU. She will make her home with
her father for the summer months
before returning to her home in
; BUENA VISTA Mr. and Mrs.
Don Welkel announce the birth of
a six-pound son Thursday at the
general hospital. He was home on
furlough to greet his son. -
it:"'' : it,
Community Correspondents
Morning, May 14. 1S13
KEIZER Social night, win be
observed Saturday night, May 13,
at Chemawa grange halL Games
and cards will be the chief form
of amusement. A small charge
will be ! made for refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. ' Fred McCall are
chairmen of the committee which
includes Mr. and Mrs. Art Hol
den, Ben Peterson, E. Kurtz and
Mr. and Mrs. Bowden.
ROBERTS Regular grange will
meet Saturday at 8 p. m. Mem
bers on the refreshment commit
tee for potluck lunch will be Mr.
Howland, Mr. Heyden and Mr.
Johns. .
Rev. Parrot
To Be Honored
Willi Dinner :
, AMITY A fellowship dinner
honoring Rev. John E. Parrott
pastor of the Amity Baptist church
will be held Sunday in the church
basement at the close of the mor
ning service. Rev.' Parrott will
leave the first part of June for
Philadelphia to continue his stu
dies next year. Mrs. Parrott has
been in the east since the begin
ning of the year as ssecretary to
Dr. Walter D. Kallenbach, Bap
tist evangelist -J
DALLAS Mrs. Lester Kimble,
Mrs. Vern Smith, Mrs. W. C. Vas
sal, Mrs. O. E. Norgerb, Mrs. Hol
lis Smith and her mother, Mrs.
Powell, and Mrs. Benscoter were
guests when Mrs. C. W. Henkel
entertained Circle A of the Pres
byterian church at her home Fri
day afternoon. Bowls of tulips and
iris were placed attractively about
the rooms and on the serving ta
ble. The afternoon was spent at
sewing and visiting. During the
afternoon Mrs. W. L. Pemberton
sang "Little Men" by Ernest Ball.
A lunch was served by the hast
ess. '
Members present were: Mrs. W.
L. Pemberton, Mrs. Fred Toner,
Mrs. Carl Swans trom, Mrs. H. B.
Cornell, Mrs. L. E. Viers, Mrs. L,
W. Plummer, Mrs. H. M. Webb,
Mrs. A. Burlbach, 'Mrs. R. L.
Chapman, Mrs. , John : Wick and
Mrs. J. K Plummer.
; The missionary society of the
Presbyterian church met at the
home of Mrs. Frank Johnson for
the May meeting.: Mrs. . Donald
Gabbert president presided.- Mrs.
R. CWilson. presented the lesson
on stewardship. Following "the
business meet .the fourth chapter
of the book "On This Foundation'!
by W. Stanley RoycrafL a study of
Latin - American countries, wtf
discussed under the leadership of
Mrs. C. J. Enstad. . .... i
i At the ' close of ' the afternoon
the hostess served lunch- to Mrs.
E. V: DaltorvMrs. L. W. Plummer,
Mrs. R. C Wilson, Mrs. Roy Wood
man, Mrs Mmie Strafrin, Mrs: B
P. , Waggoner, Mrs. C J. Enstad
and Mrs. Donald GabberL Mrs.
Walter tsxs a guest . .
tloberU J1E Club 1
Invites Community -To
Hear UUs Clinton
ROBERTS An' HE. club meet
ing was, held at -the "grange hall
Tuesday afternoon. ; Rose . Ilaw
land and '.Harriett Elankenship
were hostesses." ;
i A letter - was ead from . Mrs.
Frank Kavalski, now in Las Ve
faL Ne' -. ; . r ,
I Miss Frances Clinton, home
demonstration agent - will meet
with the club at the hall the af
ternoon of May 20; Her topic win
be Drying and Preservation of
Food in War Times. Everyone In
the neighborhood Is urged to ' at
tend.;;; If ;;;-"?-- "-' i--:" j.rJ
i Mrs. Eyerly' and I Mrs. Mlnard
will be; hostesses in June. ..
i The contest for the afternoon
was won by Mrs. ' Albert Blan
kenship. Mrs. John Edward was a
visitor. -
Members voted to send ten
foldlr.2 chairs to Cac:p Adilr.
Sw'egle. Pupils
Are (iraduated
SWEGLE Graduating exer
cises for. the . members ; of - the
eighth grade; were held In the
school auditorium .Tuesday night
with David Carson as valedictor
ian and James Brandt saluta tor
Ian. . ! - . -
.Class colors were blue. and gold
and .class motto, ' Sailing, Not
Drifting."; ,
The following program .was
given: song, We Are All Ameri
cans,", bjr the girls of the class;
salutatory, . James Brandt; ; jclass
history, Carol Garrison; class will.
Kathleen. Miller; .class poem, La
metta Cozad; class prophecy, Ro
ger Pauls; valedictory, ' David
Carson;' class song,'. "Jesus and
Old Glory; speaker. Rev. Daniel
Unruh, ; JDoing a Thing Right";
presentation , of the class, Mrs.
Helena Estudillo; presentation of
diplomas f by chairman of school
board,, f Homer Conklin. Other
members of ; the class are : Alice
Miller, Jerald . Smith and Robert
Brandt . . . . i
The annual picnic dinner Was
served by the women of th com
munity Thursday ; noon . and the
afternoon spent playing ball. To
day the ; pupils will return only
for their report cards.
'The best thing that ever happened
to me was to be
To help note is
strength and my
With your hands yon can repay, in
some measure, for the . freedom you
have enjoyed' and help to preserve1
Hhat freedom forever I You can, if you
have the heart and the will, help de
strpy the hrutality that is now loose
in this world. There is no more effec
. rWm rrm no mar win this :
war without t an ;-ampl
. gupply'xsf food than ym ;
can win It wi&out era nn
pla. surely of cnjns,'. ships
and plants.' I : .
CThairman War Manpower
... Conamlssioa ; -; - .
, ,-'
a ( n:;
i mm ...
Mrs. Brown
Is Honored !
On Birthday
PIONEER Mrs. Archie Brown
was honored on Mother's - Day
with a birthday 'dinner at her
home Sunday. Present "for; the
dinner, were Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. . Gordon
Brown - and . son, Marvin, of ' Al
bany, -Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kre
ger and son,Treddie, of Jeffer
son . and Leonard Brown. " .
' Mr. and .Mrs; Willis Keller of
Dallas called at the. Tom Keller
home Sunday .afternoon.: r -
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Black visited
at ' the Fairfax Parrish" home' in
Dallas and at - the Jackson home
in EUendaie' Sunday afternoon.
'William Klnion and children,
Donald ' and Sally, were . dinner
guests at the Harry Wells home
Saturday nighL -
Ruth ' Dornhecker returned
home Saturday night after, spend
ing the. last,, two weeks in Port
land at the Earl ' Duke home.
- Mr. and Mrs.. Amos Benton and
Mrs. Benton's father, Mr. Crawel,
all of Portland were dinner guests
at the Harry Wells home Wednes
day. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Theiss
and children, Evelyn, George,
Joan and Douglas, - visited . Mrs.
Theiss parents, Mr. 'and ; Mrs.
Frank ..Balough in Portland
Mothers Day. ' " '
Has Tonsils Removed
' BUENA" VISTA Miss Nana
Don Weigel announce the birth . of
ectomy the first of the week.
born on American soil
small return for my
heart V9 . .
thade & man
Bond Auction
Detroit tiveiit
DETROIT Music week was
observed Friday night with a
program in which the high school
and grades participated.
Another feature was the auc
tion sale of war bonds.' Business
men who " donated articles i for
sale were M. J. Baughn, It C
Haseman, Shiltz and Fleetwood
of Mill City, Roy Newport and
Louis Johnson. W. L. Krause, high
school instructor, .was the donor
of two horns. Total receipts were
81372.50. ; Wilbur Rice was the
auctioneer.;: :-:::"-'i':r
Mr. and Mrs. Henley Baugher,
Bray, , Calif visited several days
with his' brother, Major Baugher,
prior to his Induction Into the
army. - -;A
Tribute was paid to mothers at
a program given at the . Bible
school. Special recognition was
given to the oldest mother pres
ent which was Mrs. H. A. White,
Eugene; the youngest Mrs. W. L.
Krause; largest family. Mrs.-H.
Ediger and Mrs. O. J. White, who
both had the most children pres
ent Mrs. W. L. Krause was the
mother, of the ' yoimgest child
present -
Fred de Vries, Pratunv will be
the speaker at . the Church" of
Christ Sunday morning, - May 16.
Following, services, he plans to
show colored pictures of his trav
els in the south. A no host lunch
eon will be served at noon. Every
one Is welcome to attend.
tive way than by picking and packing
the 1943 crops right here in the Sa
lem district!
. Remember this: food is a powerful
weapon and canned foods are the
"fighting foods," the foods that go to"
war. Food will win the war. It will
write the peace. ' ' -
; Ton can do your share note1 by guar
anteeing to your government that you
will not fold your hands, again until
the last fruit and vegetable crop is
picked and canned and oh its way
to our fighting men! Yon will be paid,
for your work of course.-
Your Help Lj ITccdcd to Ccn Crops
: : f Register Nov ct
- , Pcxulup Bros. Pacldng Co.
" RsgistraHon starts Monday, May 17, end continues for two
wveks. Any person desiring r
th siimmor Is requested to reaister at our downstairs em.ploy--ment
oflica durina thai hours of 10 a. ra. and 6 p. in. daily,
Monday through FridatyScrturday. 10 cm. until noon.
cto. calc i
niarion Forlio
People Attend
rIuoic Festival
MARION F0HK5 Mrs. Leland
Prather, I.Irs. Lew Jacobs, Mary
Lou and Caryl accompanied Mrs.
Harold Push and Jo Ann to the
music festival at the Detroit school
Friday niht
Edith Fallen of Philomath was
a visitor at Marion Forks Friday.
Mrs. Scott Young and Mrs. Dean
Smith were In Salem Friday oil
business, h
May Phillips of Idanha, who
Just arrived home from California
after spending the winter there,
was weekend guest of Mrs. Scott
' Merl Shearer of Corvallis called
on Leland Prather Friday night
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Youni and
Vernon Morgan were dinner
guests Wednesday of Dorothy
Young and her roommates, Mrs.
Marple and Miss Runner, at the
Detroit ranger station. The occa
sion being the 26th wedding an
niversary of the Youngs.' '
Mr. and Mrs. . Leland Prather
spent the weekend at their home
In Buena Vista. -
Mr,' and Mrs. Lewt Jacobs and
daughters were visitors at Silver
ton' and Monitor over the week
end.' v 'i
Violalers Fined j i
tirrcT CST-TTTlT TVmaM 'Patfnn
1 1 1AJ Jk w .v.. ,
Robert M. Bliss and Melvin Kelly
each posted ball of $3 for viola
tion of the basic rule. In each
case It was forfeited. Mrs. R. J.
Lusk was fined $5 for violation of
the basic rule.