TAGS CGim Rites Read ' Sunday at Parsonage The marriage, of Miss Betty Vandarwarka and Mr. Virgil Parker was. solemnized at the 'parsonage of Rev. Walter Giv en in .Vancouver, W a s h., on Sunday morning. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ..Floyd Vandarwarka and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C A.- Parker.' . " " , . ,' The bride, wearing a powder ; blue , wool tailored suit, .wore navy accessories and a corsage of red rosebuds. She was at SSffiSJf; tended by 5 Mr, Miss June Parker, rose "silk dress, navy accessories and a. corsage of pink carna- Mr, Meivin Wflwhite of Port- was best man. -'iv,. The parents of both bride and groom were at the ceremony. 'Mrs. Vandarwarka wore .an all black costume, with a corsage of pink and white carnations. Mrs,. Parker w o r e a Jight blue silk, ' dress, black accessaries and a corsage of pink and white ; carna tions, .-"-r- :v t - ' ,- i , . Following the -ceremony, a re- f ception was held at the home of f the, groom's aunt, Mrs. George Hutto in Portland. . The groom, now on active duty as a seaman first class, is at home on a short furlough and will return to duty next Tues day, He is a graduate of Salem high school and has been in the navy for a year. The bride is a senior at Salem high school. Salem Man Wed In Astoria The First Presbyterian church in Astoria was the scene of the. wedding of Miss Alice Jean Ca hill, daughter of Mr! and Mrs. M. J. Cahill of Astoria, and Mr. Francis Duane Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Allen of Salem. The ceremony was read at2:30 o'clock Sunday by Rev. H. H. Touscott . " . r The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white wedding gown with sweetheart neckline' ... and leg o mutton sleeves. Her fingertip veil was cauKht in a beaded tiara nnH h carried rosebuds, sweet peas and , bouvardia. Miss Nan Cahill at- tended her sister. Bridesmaids ; were Miss Francis Pettee, Miss Glennis Allen, the groom's sis ter, and . Miss; Phyllis" Morgen- son- Janice . Nivens and Roberta McLean -were fiercer girls and Kent Jacquith was ring bearer. Miss Jean Sanborn and Miss Anne Halderman lit the jcandTes. Warrant Officer Hewie Allen was best man for his brother. Ushers were Mr. W. M. Mini- son, Mr. Wilmer Lamb and lir.1 Thomas Johnston, all Fort Ste- vens. Mrs. Charles Dodge played the wedding marches and Miss Elizabeth Ogden sang. j: ur ner aaugniers ..wedding, - Mrs. Cahill wore a blue two piece dress with aqua trim and matching accessories. Mrs. Al len wore a navy blue afternoon dress with white accessories. Both wore gardenias. The reception was given in the church parlors. Mrs. W. B. Rowland and Mrs. M. E. Mas terson poured. Mrs. D. L. Run kle, aunt of the bride, and Miss Edna Allen, aunt of the groom cut the cakes. Miss Jean Jack son poured "and Mrs. Willard Hansen was in charge of the guest book. Assisting were Mrs. Victor Vetek, Mrs. Sydney Mead and the Misses Helen Olson, Marcia Miller, Marjorie Leinwebber, Mary Bowler, lone Gimre and Leona Ecklund. Sgt and Mrs. Allen left for a wedding trip down the coast and will live in Astoria. When the young couple left the bride was wearing a street dress of jersey, with yellow topcoat and black accessories. Going from Salem for the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Allen, Miss Glennis Allen, Miss Edna Allen, Mrs. D. , L. Hunkle, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jaquith and Kent and Miss Jean Jackson. A mother-daughter no-host dinner will be held in . the din ing room of the First Christian church at 6:30 o'clock. The mu sucal program includes: X Miss Meryl ; Corbett and Donna Lou Lambert as vocal soloists; Vio lin solo "Songs ( My Mother Taught Me" by Dvorak played by Geraldine Schomoker accom panied by Rosemary Gaiser; reading by Karen Thomas, Beth DeLapp and Del von Long; "Out standing Mothers" V Susannah Wesley; Grace Noll Crowell and the mother of Roland Hayes will be those who will ; be remem bered during the program. There will be a candle-lighting service. The Women's Council will pro vide the meat dish Jid others will bring a covered dish. AIT mothers and daughters of . the church invited- Usual fTave S3.C9 Complete ' Terra Oa s IPush IVave n . Open Thurs. Eve. t V f by Appointment N s" Phone ZSC2 30 First National Bank ClcJj CASTLE PEMI.--.IVA VERS .. Miss. Brandt -,43'' -JJ. lVlaJTrieCl ClL : CPlUPCh Miss Gladys Irene Brandt be- , came the . bride of Mr. Thomas Parker at a candlelight . service ... at the Evangelical church Friday, : at 8 p. nv, read by Rev. Jeff ie. ; The bride was given in' mar riage by her lather. Her gown ,. was of white satin . fashioned t with - a - lace . yoke and 'long- sleeves. The train, was edged in lace. The tulle finger tip . veil ' fell from a matching lace coro net! She carried a white prayer f , book covered with gardenias and pink rose- buds. -She was. attended by Miss Mavis Beck, maid of honor, dressed in coral chiffon .trimmed with sequins and carrying talis man ' rosebuds and i ferns. The bridesmaids were Miss Helen Wither, Miss Carol Crozier, Miss Gayle Crozier. Little Patricia McClintic, cousin of the bride, was the flower girl. The best man was' Pfc Richard "Rogers' of ; Camp Adairl Mr.' Chester Robi nette was usher.x - Mrs." Ivan Osterman played the wedding music. Miss Joan Baer sang : "I Love You Truly" and : "God Made You Mine." The reception was held in the ! church parlors. Ther bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Brandt of Salem. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Logan Parker of Elkhorn, Kentucky. The groom is with the medi cal section of Camp Adair. The ' young couple left on a short ; honeymoon, . after which ; they ; will reside In Salem untl Pvt. Parker is transferred. Mothers DOV " r Breakfast . " - - Membersof the Saler- Credit Women's Breakfast - held, their annual Mother ay Ibreakfast f Tuesday morning-at Sen? ider's with President Alta Meyers pre siding. Principal speaker was Mrs. J. Vinton;;Scott Her topic was "Mothers and China." Mrs. Scott spent several years in Chi na with her family and told 'Taazi7 interesting -things. Purple and white was the dec orative motif, using iris and nar cissuses. Programs were in pur ple and white. Lena Blum was thai (tonatral chairman Vi meeting. Guests were: Mrs. Francis Zit- zow, Mrs. Paul Houser, Mrs. Ida Bingenheimer, Mrs. Elizabeth Enger, Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. Elmer Byer and Mrs. C. F. Val entine. Members present were the Misses Shirley Wendt, Lillian Kayser, Lena Blum, Helen Liv ingston, Elsa Allen, Maxine Eng er, ' Patricia Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Marjorie Whittmore, Louise Jones, Grace Carlson, Nadine Warner, Dorothy Hill, Bessie Kayser, Penny Smith and Alta Meyers. The next meeting will be May 18 and will be the regu lar educational meeting. Dance Will Be Friday . - An invitational dance spon sored by the Cherrians will be given Friday night at the Elks temple for officers of the Salem air base. The dance will begin at 9 o'clock. The Top , Hatters have been engaged to furnish music. Chair man is Lt. Donald Mickaelsbn. The guest of honor will be Col. William L. Mays, commanding officer, and Capt William Shil son. - Girl Scouts will give a mosl cal tea for their mothers at the Moose hall on Saturday after noon at 2:30 o'clock. r GRADUATES mi Typical of the many who will graduate this month, oar charming . yanna miss will receive many gifts. Bat her proudest presents will be lasting Jewelry gifts from Brown's where proud ; par ents find greatest selection In every price range. : And on! easy terms. Remember, your gift dollar goes farther "browns 184 N. Liberty 420 Court SI . 1 SOCIETI MUSIC CLUB CALENDAR i THURSDAY Fruttaland Women's circle, church annex. z d. m. . . Red Cross sewing. Keiier school. 1 p m. sr - PEO sisterhood, with Mrs. C B McCu Hough. 28S LefeUe street. Dessert lunchen, 1:13 p. m. ' . . . FRIDAY -' ' ' - - Unitarian W o m e a's 4 Uisjnce, with Mrs George .Goodrich. 718 Breys avenue; 2 p m. EasternStar - Honors Mothers - The regular meeting of Chad wick Chapter, Order-of the. East ern Star was- held on , Tuesday in - the Masonic Temple. , Mrs. Ida Niles was chosen , to repre sent the mothers of the chapter and when she was introduced to the assembly . Mrs. ' Earl Wiper sang .'"Mother Macree.?. ' H V;. Invitations to attend a recep tion .in honor of. the grand sec- ; retary, Estella- Kellogg Drake. to be held by Corinthian Chap- ter of Portland, in the Masonic Temple on May 11, 1943, was read. A tea in honor of Hazel . Graham,' grand' conductress will ' " be 'given by Tillamook - chapter on May 8, and a celebration in ; " honor of . their fiftieth ahniver- : sary by the Pendleton chapter. On Tuesday, May 11, the chapter will resume their 'all day sewing for the Red Cross with" a luncheon served at the noon hour. - . . 1- The grand assembly i of f the Order of Rainbow for Girls, will be held in Salem on June 8, with - Chadwick assembly, . sponsored by -" Chadwick Chapter as host-' - esses. Mrs. Civilla Reeher of ,Sa lem Is the grand worthy advisor ' and will preside oyer " the ses sions of the assembly. -: V ' . ' . At the program hour, Mrsl . Ivan Stewart sang Mother My Dear' and Mrs. Albert Cohen paid a ; special tribute to. X)ur Mothers." Mrs. Ida Niles spoke for all -of the mothers of the chapter on the meaning of the n,. ,rth -xiord5h Barkef , - read a J poem composed by an enlisted! man stationed at Camp , Whiter The worthy, matron, Mrs. Err nest ,Peterson,; presented each mother present with a beautiful tulip. .; , At the close of the meeting refreshments were served on the fifth'floor by a committee which was in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crawford- i Special honor will be paid to the past matrons and past "pa- trons of Chadwick Chapter and other chapters at the next meet ing which will be held on May 18. Turner Contest Plans Told ? The annual . Ivah F. Turner memorial contest sponsored by the Salem district of the Oregon Music Teachers association, will be held June 3 in Waller hall. The time of the contest will be announced later. The numbers taken from the state ' contest of the organization are, for piano the "Rondo Bril lante," op. 29, Mendelssohn, which will be played with the second piano accompaniment; for violin, the. "Prteludium" and "Allegro," Gaetamo P u g a a n i (Fritz Kreisler). 1 : All entries should be in the hands of the chairman of the contest, Mrs. Mabel S. Powers, not later than . May; 30. i The contest is open to the pub lic for a small admission fee. F Additional Society News On Page 14 7 Sammjutid oil fresonosa was. gaugod by a daisy. : That wax ' boforo Master Broad proved thosB all crajrjf. W1 01 AT YOUR GROCER'S W The OSEGOII STATESMAIt, Salem, Oregon. Thursday Morning May S. IS Pianist to Appear Tcmight Mr. Bennett Ludden, instruc tor in piano 'at Willamette uni- "" versity; will be presented in .re cital Hall at 8:15 tonight in r Waller auditorium as one of the many programs planned during Musici Week. . Mr Ludden joined the music faculty .in January and .is new -to Salem audiences. He has done both undergraduate and gradu-' ate work! at DePauw university, and in 1938 'was granted an in stitute of international " educa tion , exchange fellowship , to Hungary. Mr. Ludden remained there until 1940. studying .with Kodaly at, the Royal . Hungarian Franz Liszt academy of Mu sic at Budapest. ', "?t." 1 . Among the numbers to.be in cluded in the program "are ."Sze kely Folk ,. Song",; by 'Kodaly, Minstrels' by DeBussy, and oth er compositions by modern com posers .such' 'as' Prokofieff ; and Schoenberg, "showing the beau ty of expression now : found in our music which was considered expresionless ' several . decades : ago!,- ir r . ' .57 ' . . .- .. ' ". .The program includes:-. . Sonata K 331 A MaJorVtozart' " -'-Andante' cort Vsriazione' --.--,. Menuet s ."..r- t j ' Rondo aila turca !. -v Prelude Op. 12. No. 1 ' ,' . Prokofletf Minstrels - ' Debussy . Sechs Klejne . Klavierstueckc. Op. ! 20 . Schoenberg Three improvisations on Hunxarlan , : rolk SonffSr Op. 20 - Bartek Szekely rolk Song- Kodaly Nocturne Op. 27. No. t ' Chopin PokDaise, Op. 53 ,Choptn t War" MOlherS lO Sell Carnations The American : War Mothers .will 'conduct ..their annual sale of carnations on Saturday. .Three, thousand , carnations have been brought to Salem for the . sale, and the War Mothers , will ;buy bonds with the pro ..ceeds. . . . , :. The American -War Mothers i were organized in Salem in 1919. The late-Mrs. John Carson was ,the first president, and' togeth er with Mrs. A. A. Lee (still, an active, member) . attended the ;;fust .national .conventionThe organization - presented the: "Doughboy statue on the court house grounds in 1925. Carnations,' ; 1500 'of them, were sold for the first time in' ; 1926 and have since been sold, annually With the funds from cthe ;alef"vterans'in;" hospitals are given cheer, "sometimes cash gifts. ' . . Other work, has: been, conduc ted by the, organization through '. the years and.: one, -pf r their im portant present services is the weekly sewing meeting held ev ery . Tuesday1 At this time the members sew" for'the Red Cross and do any mending needed by - men who visit the USO. Mrs. Mary Addie Curtis is president ' of the ..Salem War Mothers.- ' - ' Hi-Y Mothers Jt ICells' The Hi-Y,, Mother's club met - at the home of Mrs. C A. Kells -wifli Mrs. Floyd Utter presid ing. . . . Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. H. V. Compton and Mrs. Otto Skopil - were appointed as a committee to make arrangements to . give . special recognition to Hi-Y boys Njwho are graduating, this spring. Officers elected for next year 'are Mrs. Donald Brazie, presi dent and Mrs. Henry Cross, sec , retary-treasurer The club ad journed until fall..' Refreshments were served by Mrs. C. A. Kells, ; Mrs. Donald Brazie and Mrs. Henry Sim. : .. - ') - '--:- : LYONS The afternoon card ' club held a party at "the home ot Mrs. George Huffman with - Mrs, j George Hubbard assist- ant hostess. Several tables of five ) hundred were in play :vt--i .1,; Pan-Caicg r.lAICE-UP ' ...it creates a lovely new complexion ! ; ; $5P . : Ll-:' :r "" QooiiYcy.- Sorvicovomcn : What (hay can do -What they'f doing about H SILVER T O N Miss Hflda Chase former SQverton girl, has ; enlisted in the Red Cross service division and has recently been, assigned to foreign" services as a Red Cross morale officer.' Miss Chase was graduated from Silverton schools and later - attended the University of Ore- gon. She'nas been prominent, in recreation work in Los Angeles fat recent years. Her. parents, for-r : merly of Silverton are Dr. and v Mrs. E. E. Chase, now., of Port- ; :' land.. - 1 1 r ' FORT DES MOINES, - Iowa : Virgie Rose. Bradley ' of Aums ville, was a member of the unit leaving the First Women's Army Auxiliary corps training center here recently for service at Ft. ; Riley, Kan. j - Nile Club at . Luncheon f ' Daughters -of the Nile were en tertained at a luncheon on Mon day noon when Mrs. Harry Levy was ostess. Following the lunch eon,': the .;. club . president, Mrs; Marvin ' Lewis, , presided .at' fa ' business meeting at. which time' the group contributed $60 to the Shrine hospital "convalescent fund to ' be used 'for ' braces for crippled; children.. The club will have a contributing membership' in an endowment fund' to be used for maintaining" the l Shrine hos pital. Earnings: from .the 'fund will be used in' the 15 Shrine hospitals in the area. Following the ; meeting, mem- bers went to the Masonic tern- ; pie club rooms, for sewing' Present at the meeting were ' Mrs. W. E. Brown, Mrs.' George Dunsfprd, Mrs. B. B. Flack, Mrs. Paul Hauser, Mrs. John Irnlah, Mrs.- Arthur - Hunt, Mrs. Marvin Lewis, drs. Harry; Levy, Mrs. W. J. Lilj equist,' Mrs. Claud H. Murphy, Mrs: M. C Petteys, Mrs. - Harold - F Phaiippi, Mrs; Albert C Smith, ' Mrs. "J. L. ' Sweeney, Mrs.' J. M. Throne, - Mrs. J. E. Tryon, Mrs. 'Rex Tur ner and Mrs. David WrightT .Morley-Gillis' . Vows Read . Announcement is being made of the marriage of Miss. Gerald ine Gilles, daughter of Mr. .and Mrs. . Charles "B. Gilles of . ML Angel, and Corporal John"; W. Morley, son of Mrs. Jackr Mot ley, of Silverton. . The marriage ceremony' was . read in the St Ambrose parish at Detroit, Michigan,' April 27; with. Rev. Van Antwerp offi ciating. " The bride wore a powder "blue dress, a matching, hat .and a fox fur. jacket with navy accessor ies. Her corsage was yellow- rosebuds and white carnations. ' Miss G. Smith attended the bride, and Mr. Joseph ; Edwards . was best man for Corporal Mor- ) ley. , After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to the bridajl couple at - the - home' of Mrs. Donna Lucille Shark of Detroit. - Corporal John W. Morley . has 1 completed his schooling at the Continental plant at Detroit and win return- to his former sta tion at Camp Chaffee, Arkansas. Mrs. Morley will -accompany him there .and will later return to Mt Angel where she operates a beauty shop. throughout the afternoon with Mrs. ' Roy Huber making, high score, Mrs. Francis Jungwirth low score and Mrs. Art Ander son drew the travelling . prize. Present were Mrs. Fred Dallas, Mrs. Earl Allen, Mrs. Percy Hi att, Mrs. . Pat Lyons, Mrs. Art Anderson, - Mrs. - Alva Anderson, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Hal How- ard, Mrs. Francis Jungwirth, Mrs. Albert Ring. Mrs. Paul Smith and Mrs. John Kunkle. '4 t i i t c.. 'iioj '.-t 13 Bride-Elect : Feted at Luncheon,. The Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae entertained at lunch- eon -at the Golden Pheasant on . Wednesday noon for Miss Lil :' lian Holchek, who will " marryf Mr.- Robert ; E. Tierman in In- J ' dependence this weekend. A gift was presented from the group. Present at the party were Mrs. Estill : Brunk, Mrs. Herman Jo- quimson, Mrs. James TurnbulL Mrs. Calvin Kent, Mrs. Margar - et Mullen, Mrs. Margaret Sorgie : . and Miss. Holchek. . .: Election Held- Saturday " t .The regular election of . offi- i , cers will be held at the meeting of the Salem Woman's club : scheduled for Saturday "after-' noon, at 2:30- o'clock, following i -a 130 executive board meeting. National music , week will be ' observed in a program present- ; ed by Mrs. E. J. Kortzeborn, vo- ,' linist and "Miss Jewel Gueffroyr tolin : and Miss Jewel Gueffroyr accompanist. iMrs." James" Grson ' heads the tea committee. LwJOTIIEn'S '.- . ...... 1 ..VMer l!ic best SOHETIIICJO WEAR FROM We've been selling mi best for years. We know her tastes in everything from hats to house slippers. And whether she's a slim junior or an "extra size," you'll find her fit here at Wards! JLi-J- 1 I'm. - A daughter, Carmen Joy, waa born to . Mr. and Mrs: Veri E. Cochran, at Salem General hos pital on May 4. It is the first ' child. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hadley of Salem and Mr. and' Mrs. E. J. Cochran of Portland. , ' ' Club President Is Hostess Entertaining Monday at a des sert supper at McMillans in East State street honoring the board of directors of the Salem Junior Woman's club, was the retiring president, Miss Hattie -Bratzel, who will complete her club year as presiding officer next Monday night. - Miss Bratzel - presented each of the board members who have served with her with a gift in appreciation of their services. During the evening, the officers planned the' official budget for the ensuing club year. - y'l, Members ' of the . board who have served the club with Miss Bratzel during the year are: first vice-president, Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer; second, vice-president, Mrs. J. C Pike, recording secretary, Miss Ma belle Frazer; corresponding secret ary, Mrs. Fred C Cast financial secretary, Mrs; Ray Lafky; treasurer; Mrs. Verne R o bb; parliamentarian, Miss Ivoretta Kahler; publicity DAY 15 SUNDAY, MAY 9TU... ' . . . " ' . " '..,.- ' V ; V rJchf- deserves o o GIVE IIEH NICE TO WARDS Mother the kind of clothes she likes ' Hats, flower-trimmed etrcrws.l Dresses,' sheer "rayon Blouses,- sheerest of rayons ShirtWaists, fine rayon crepesl Handbags in Summertime-fabrics.. Gloves neat classic pull-ons... ..j. Rayon hose", sheer or sturdy Slips in1 plain or fancy rayori Gowns,' plam or printed rayon.. Slippers, her favorite stylesd. - UY WAR STAMPS! 155 N. Liberty St. Phone 3194 ' director, Mrs. Thome H. Ham mond; directors, Mrs. M. W . Brennen, Mrs. J. V. Tompkins, Mrs. Walter Martin and Mrs. E. Lee Crawford. The Dakota club will meet at the WCTU: hall today at 6:30 for a basket supper and musi cal program. Music will include a trumpet trio from Parrish jun- ' lor xugn . scnooi anu wu - JUrs. E. Perrine and Mrs. Glenn Adamsl Mr. Glenn Adams will " give a-travelogue. All Dakotans are invited. . : : WiVi mm - tutttr Ftluts Cmh i fx BaNar (r Ha lt. 4UtUm Sffi, wkm Usi4 with 1 IX TfcW. N ntias ?Z vmf mn m44 far A - sveeuHiia. rataaca r wmtm 4 oa. Sanaa, f..V:'.--v, "MONTGOMERY VARD .2.29 and 2.S3 ..1.2.88 to 4.S3 .1.29 to 1.S3 1.S3 to 3.19 i.c 3 io 3.C3 ..-'.CCc to I.Z3 A mi -J1 to $4.S3 .., ..,... ........J6 ana s,ac X2c to IJiS - . . . - -....7Sc to 2.2S