I it i - 5 - Me "OSG i Northern 'Division s L Now we know, why San Francisco .Seals Boss Charlie Gra ham got himself two goats to graze in the outer pastures of Seals Starlium.' and why, upon hearing of Mr. Graham's success with his two, Mrs.1 Geo. E. Waters the i rapidly sprouting turl in her ipacious "park.' Since the soldier. clubs 'hereabouts use the local apple . orchard ' for their ball games and Camp Adair's Timber Wolves will be putting ; forth Iwith . the competition - for visiting nines ere long, the park naturally needs the upkeep touch. The other day she had the i lawn barber ed and when the large-scale tonsorial- artist had finished 'she was touched for. " eight bucks. " So bring on your! goats' "K They should ust love 'that grassit happens! to have grown ; from the highest grade seed obtainable . . . Unless Legion Leader Ira Pilcher hatches, some other source for fighters, it may be more than just a couple of -weeks until we have swingin-sessions a la soldiers again in the armory. The reason the Camp Adair battlers didn't ap pear last 'week was "because they, first must decide their divisional championships at the post. And according to the Adair Sentry, these div isional 'fiestas won't be getting under way until almost the "end of this month! So two "arid two must equal nine after all ....' Mr. Albert Smith, Dayton: There's probably no one la this neck of the woods who would like-to run the Coast league box cores in The Statesman any more than I, sir, and particularly now since some of oar favorites like Charlie Petersen, Morry Abbott, Charlie Sehans, etc.; are In that league. Yon aren't the only one who has written asking that we print same. Bat all I can do is promise that well again ask the company commander. Here and There With Service Sportsters New one in baseball ltngo, contributed by Catcher Dale Butler during Monday's Camp Adair-Willamette scrum: Said Butler to a " rapid-working and wild soldier lefthander, "We're in for the duration and six months, pal, so take your time you've got lots of it." . , . Ensign Joe Murray, WU's boating representative in the navy informs that he's now assigned to a squadron and palls out of New Orleans any day bow, for action . . . And Cadet Jimmie Robertson, who has now changed from his navy air force uniform to that of a marine, writes from Corpus Christi that the old baseball itch has broken out all over him but he can't do a thing about it Too busy with the final phase of his training instrument flying. Says SQverton's LA. Hal Moe Is turning out for one of the Held nines, however. And Chapman and Ernie Key, fresh oat of the majors, are there to make some team right happy, ethers sad ; . . Coast league envy dep't: Look who 2000 peo ple watched play Jn Tacoma the other day when the Northwest Vic tory league opened there between the Seattle and Tacoma shipyards -teamsf For Seattle Alan Strange, Al Lingua, Wally Carroll, Al LJbke, Damoa Hayes and Ira Scribner. For Tacoma Bobby Garretson, Dave Goodman, Earl Porter, Pip Koehler and Lefty Isekie. All of 'em from major leaguers down to darn good class B journeymen . . . Hal Lee, the Husky hoopster who later turned Western International and Texas league ballplayer, then went to whistle-tooting In the Northern divi sion cage circuit, rappy-eacked a homer with the bases full the other day to give the Fort Lewis Reception Center nine a 5-4 win over the , Bremerton Navy yard club ... The Sports Front - - Fifteen Years Ago May 8, 1928 The Willamette Co-ed tennis team wUl meet Li afield here today. Pauline Findley, Margaret Morehouse and Louise Nona are singles players for . Willamette .. . Manager Johnson of the Portland Beavers yesterday handed to veteran ' pitcher Jack Warhop an unconditional release slip. Then along eame Thomas L. Turner, president of the club, with the announce ment of a further ahakeap pending. I'm ready to go the whole works, Turner stormed. If the prevent players can't deliver, 111 get some who ean! . . . The Coast leagae played to 423,939 paid admissions the first four weeks of this season. President Williams announced yesterday. That is a gala of 73,534 over the same pe- riod last year. Let's Tb, Grade Schoolers ! Beavers, Salvagers Sponsor Grade School Tin Can Drive Grade school 'kids boys and girls alikeon your marks! The Portland "Lucky Beav ers' Baseball club, along with the Oregon state aalvage drive, fa sponsoring a tin ean drive starting right now and ending ap on May 14, amongst the grade schools of the state. The awards will be an all-expense-paid trip to Portland to see the Beavers play a game on Tin Can Day." May 22. Any schools interested, a re re quested to contact , William It Klepper, business manager of the ball club. Full information will - be forwarded. : - , Any three days, during the drive period may be used for the tin can collecting. Three schools will be judged as winners after . the drive is over one from the Port land district,; one from any other city in the state and one from any . school in any county., - Winning schools will be selected on a basis ef the greatest number of tin cans l collected 'per student during the three days, and only cans collected in "the three-da period' will count. ;"-KJags- and - -Queens- will - aJse be selected from the win- aers,' the kings to act as hone V.; rary , bat beys ' for. the .Beavers with seats eat the players' beach to beet The neens win sit la .- box seat as the guests if Klep- PeSV-'i. - J- ,-,;,,. . -, -e.w 'All expenses will be paid for the We -Want Your Dry. - - r-71 aa m Green,-'---; LI ( KUYEIt EINCST 1312 . aaMBai ta t ; " lii"Cr:tzT Zlrttt -Beavers Move; Into is seriously , contemplating nmng day and night, and following the L game winners will be treated, to a show. Prizes such as autograph ed baseballs will also be awarded. Well, You Can't Win 'Em All! PORTLAND, Ore., May 5 -(JP) Grant snapped Franklin's domina tion of Portland high school sports Tuesday with a 3-2 baseball vic tory. It ended a string of 7 foot ball, 16 basketball and 20 consecu tive baseball wins. With the vic tory Grant took the lead in the Portland interscholastic league. ' How They STFAEJ1ID.V. COAST XEAGVK - - - V- - . .- W L Pet. - W L Pet.; utm Aiur li a .7c!oakiana a s .7i Su Dim 11 7 pHoUywd 10 J7S PortlaiKi . S t 'Jt33tStUo .S 0 J57 San Fran S T jsbacram J 11 - J13 Wednesday results: ; Oakland a,' Sacramento VC z. I ' Hollywood . San Diego 1. ' San Frncico-Se ttl postponed. Portland-Lios Angeles poslponed. AMXKICAK UCAOCS - W t. Pet. .- W X. Pet. New Yrk S .tMhfladel S .42 Cleveland S 4 jSS7St Louis ' 9 Detroit ZJI .3 Oiicaco -S -7 Wuhinrt S - S J71 Bcwtoa --S S .400 ooe weasteaeay realms: - .- t New York 4. Boston S. Washington S, Philadelphia L ' ' Chicago 1-5, Cleveland - 2-1 : Detroit, SU Louis. 1. ; ; J NATIONAlI LEAGUB V s . ,W.-I"Pet; --. W L Pet. Broolclr 10 S .799 Boston ' S ' J00 St.- Louis 1 .S JWS Philadel 1" I , 'J00 Pittsburg V - .538 New Yk S S Cl""nn 7 ,H!t3icago . 'I?au - ttedaetday results: ' i- v New York S-7, Boston 1-3. . iTooklyn 1. Philadelphia Chicago S. Ct. Louis X. ' CmcinnaU S. Pittsburgh i. if , s t f I f -. - ' -e -i ' 1 "r ,V t 7 , v-i- f i. CHARLIE GRAHAM Top; Spot Cougars Blast Webf eet, 14-15 Bubalo NOBTBESM DIVISIO.N' : ----- . W-L, ret.. - - - OSC , , 10 i S 433 WSC -Oregon T S .77S Idaho Wasbingt S jST7 . .. . Wedamdajr resaiu: WSC 14. Oregon I. Pet. a xn 400 PULLMAN, May 8 iJP) The idle . Oregon SState college baseball team was kicked into the lead of the : northern f divisiont Pacific coast r conference, f Wednesday as Washington State college ripped out a surprise 14-5 yicloryl over the erstwhile leaders,' the Univer sity of Oregon. T ; ., .-, . ' Oregon State, which had eased into striking distance, of the cir cuit lead with a' series "of four victories in a' Palouse' Hills invasion- just concluded, has ten, wins and two defeats; while Oregon, which stubbed its toe on this first game of a similar series of .en counters with WSC and the . Uni versity, of Idaho, now has seven wins and two losses. . ; v i "Oregon had previously beaten Washington State : twice. - -.. WSC got going in the . fourth inning and. kept moving, threaten ing only once seriously when Ore gon rallied for four runs in the eighth. ; ; : ' The victors thumped back the offerings of Johnny . Bubalo and Harold Saltzman, Oregon1 burlers, for 16 safe hits, while t State's Wally Kramer was giving up 10. Four homers rattled off the two teams'; bats and - Oregon got its share, with Bill Hamel and Art Murphy of , the Ducks taking the bows. George Davison and Bob Dau collected one apiece for WSC. Bergman, WSC shortstop, was the day's top hitter, getting four for five. - ..." . ..- , Oregon 009 919 949. 19 S WSC .. -909 41$ 31 14 If S Bubalo, Saltxman and Carl son; Kramer and Cranston, Grenade Golf Given Preview By HAROLD CLAASSEN, NEW YORK, May MS-Lieut Ray Taylor, former Des Moines newspaper man, keeps . right on hunting news items these days al though, most of the. time: he .is; learning to hunt tanks for Uncle Sam's soldiers to destroy. . Taylor, stationed at Fort Knox, Ky., discovered a "grenade golf course while on srrecent Livingston-Stanley search in the wilds of Arkansas. , The mongrel sport Is the war time stepchild of the armored division at Camp Chaffee, Arkw with the . competitor's strong right arm substituting for nib- , licks and hand grenades taking the place of the little white balL And a hole-in-one is a bull's, eye right, in der fuehrer's face unfortunately just an effigy; As the contestantsi play the course they have the chance to practice their hurling skill on a replica of Hitler, a miniature railroad, a box maneuvered by ropes and representing an enemy truck or tank and a dummy 155 millimeter howitzer. Each is the would be "cup" for one of the nine holes. Fire at Pill Box The grenade golfers tee off for the first hole with a machine gun pill box replica 20 yards away. They may be thrown from any of three positions, standing, kneel ing or prohe. A direct hit of course, counts as a hoie-in-one Grenades less than 10 feet from the target count as two strokes; those landing far ther than 10 feet but less than 20 the threes; while those more than 20 feet from the 'cup' are four. Par Is 21. , : As In standard golf, the ob jective Is to finish la as few strokes as possible." Most ' diffi cult of the nine holes' Is No. 7 ' with the dummy 155 millimeter ' howitzer ee yards, away. ' J By constant practice, however, holes-in-one are common events at this-long distance, reports Lieu tenant Taylorran indication that the Japanese and Germans will be In for some long range firing ev en when at close range after the "golfers" get overseas. Novikbf f Gets Suspension LONG BEACH, Calif, May 8. -P Lou Noyikoff, one of the two 00 hitters the Chicago Cubs had last year said Wednesday he had received notice from the ; Cubs general manager, James Galla gher, that he wag on suspension for failure to report. - ' w . -'i -."Gallagher sent along a carbon copy of the suspension notice that he mailed to President Ford Prick of the National ; league,". Novikoff said. "This is the first ' develop ment of any kind in my case that I know; of since I "returned ; my contract March 18. The Cubs hay jent- offered anything -more than the' $500 Increase over my 1942 salary of $5,500. Be has been hold ing out for 110,000.' ' ' Chased Yellow and Black ' Paint Already Purchased for Count's Preahness . By MAX HILL NEW TOSK. May 5 The last time we saw Dave Weeds he was' In a hardware store ear Plmlico baying a eoaplo of cans' of paint, and It wasn't aa accident ' f that the . colors , he wanted , were black and .yellow, -; That's a nice' custom they have there at Baltimore's hos pitable horse park painting the weather vane la the colors of I the Preakness winner; Mr. Beauty's Still There, But Where's the Beasts? i 7 Hollywood' Park, one' of "the nation's most beautiful palaces, of turf dom, has Joined the war effort. The fashionable track. Vhere; In pre-war day tens'of thousands of fans cheered the whining efforts of Sea biscuit, Chelledon and ether greats, has been leased by the North American : Aircraft corporation. The photo shows crated airplanes where once rich and "poor alike rubbed elbowsatehing the r Sport of. Kings. " - ' - ' . :. V- '.-': vV'-'' Indians Press Yankee CLEVELAND. May 5-(P)-Thei Cleveland Indians pulled into a first place tie with the New York Yankees when southpaw Chubby Dean whipped - Chicago - in - the, opener of a twin bill Wednesday, 2-1, but fell ; back again' as the White Sox captured the 11-inning aftermath, 5-2.; : ; ; x . "-: Rookie : Dick . Culler's two-run single in the 11th-of the' second game ended a tight pitching duel between Chicago's . Lee . "Buck" Ross and Allie Reynolds, who had held ; the Sox. scoreless- after: re lieving Al Milnar in the third frame. , '..-.', Chicago ... 00 909 991-1 9 Cleveland .119 999 999-2 S 1 E. Smith and Tresh; Dean, Salveson (9) and Rosar. " (11 innings.) Chicago ..902 909 90993-5 1 Cleveland 029 999 999 99-2. f 1 Ross, Haynes (11) and Turn er; Milnar, Reynolds (3) and Desaatels, Rosar (19). ' Tigs 5 Browns 1 ST. LOUIS, May S-flPFrank "Stubby" Overmire, rookiejiger hurler clamped the Browns under a 4-hit pitching effort Wednesday While Detroit won its fourth con secutive game ' from St Louis. 5 to 1.'- . I'; - -- -Detroit 319 199 9995 9 9' St. Louis ..99 999 199--1 41 Overmire -and Parsons; Pot-' ter. Sanford (2) McKain (7) Maacrlef (9) and FerreU. Amitv Drons Davton - . DAYTON : The Dayton .Union high school baseball team lost to Amity here r Monday afternoon. The score Was S to 1. Cameron's .500 aoutine Mark Leads Bearcat Bash Brigade . C3int Cameron, half of Willam ette university's baseball "new deal," is pacing the Bearcat ball gamers in -their, hit parade up to date ' according to compilations made by Gil Leiser, WU publicity man. Cameron, is swatting a right mean ; .500, resulting from .16 bashes in 32 attempts to bash, t : Ammon Adams, letterman . pitcher, Is ! second with .455, al- -though he has batted only 11 . times. ; Don 1X11 ton. Mo lal la. freshman, ; Is officially, second with a .347 mark, followed by 'mate from Molalla Bad Larson with 23. Three btngles by. Gene Ackley against1 Pacific Taesday shoved him .te.333 aJ.; se, aad . Don Barnlck's J19 rounds " eat the charmed ' circle awatteraAi-V-: Ben Schaad leads in the runs batted in department with 18. - : Both Adams and Hal McAbee lead the - burlers with 2 wins,' 0 losses.. Woodburn Willie Hanaus ka,' other side of the new dealers, has won 4 times, lost once. Batuaf records: AB R jn 10 H RBI Pet. Cameron IS-11 JO0 Adams at 1 .455 jxa J333 J10 88 J13S .220 .211 .200 JC3 Hilton -4 n a 17 JT ' IS IS 11 , 13 13 as S1 24 Ackley Barntek Schaad Kunke Baird.. Hanauska 1 Eceolinl -51 .42 50 2S JO a s Saxtoa PltcbefS records tto date) - - .. - . WL SO BB ERA Adams ", -' , 'a 0 , 22 " t . 2.S7 McAbee 2 0 20 l J.eo Hanauska .; 4 -. 1 SO ' 12 M Saxtoa, 1 I S 1M i . a 11 .4.00 Hiltaa : 0 1 S 4 S.M ValmeJt. 0 9 3 10.00 Woods insisted he wasn't play ing a hunch a week ahead of time, but black and yellow hap pen to be the sUks of Mr. and Mrs. Joha ' Herts, who ewn Count Fleet.-. Count Fleet already Is la Bal timore with an easy win In the Kentucky derby already to his credit. That's only the . first leg en the triple crown, t but what Is left to 'make - the Preakness - Win-Binging v Bearcats Vie : With Linfield . Weather - permitting, as usual, Willamette's suddenly win - wha cky Bearcats 'attempt to make ' it eight and. nine straight today with another pair of. Northwest" con ference get-togethers wjth Lin field at McMinnville. The State street sluggers need two more vic tories today if they aje to keep on entertaining -.thoughts - of. a .trip.to Walla Walla next week for : the league finals. v '- . Just who Headman Keene wDl select .from his pitchers, infleld ers and outfielders to' de. io . day's moani work Is ' a wait aad see tosoup. , Ammon Ad- ; ams, already with . two wins . ea ' the left side ef the ledger will ao doabt pour one of the tilts. I Tomorrow the 'Cats go to Port tland for a pair against the Pilots and Saturday to Forest Grove lor another duet with Pacific." Day off Sunday then Oregon jState here Monday for onegame and , Lin fiefd here' Tuesday for two. Yanks 4, Sox 3 NEW YORK, May 5 (ffy A balk by.Roogie Anton Karl with. the bases loaded in -the last ,half of the ninth inning gave the New York Yankees, the deciding run Wednesday in a 4 to 3 victory ov- er the' Boston Red $ox,' who had tied the' score with a two-run fhirry In the top half of -.the frame. .-.. Boston . 'illjoolm'ot-s '.T J ': N.- Y. .193 909 0014 9 Haghson; Karl (S) and Pea cock; Borowy, Murphy, Kol and Sears. ' ' ' '. 3! 4'1 .V CLINT . CAMERON Preakiiess 'Field ; Stai.Indefinite; Co iirit'CutiTime : BALTIMORE, May Count' Fieet . galloped three- Quarters ef a mile In 1:17 Wed nesday' "nnder heavy restraint and rarln ! f g " . and ".the track wise lads saw' It .' as last another reason: why. the 7 field for Satarday'a 53rd nraaing of the rich Preakness stakes pre-i bably weald be the smallest in 54 years. v-Cr.4fi:Vv,.i.t ?. A ', The twa. certain- starters are William L. BranaV VweeriUve and Blae Swords,'. the 'Alien T. Simmons "eolor 7bearer-' which fellows.' the : Count as faithful ly if - not as closely as his shadow. . . more than aa exercise gallop for him? After that he will tie ap again with a eeuple ef hh already vanquished rivals la' the Belmont stakes. -. And we think he eaa win .all three with, Johnny Lengden, his Jockey, sitting stUl like he was taking it easy in a rocking chair. Pimlico V 1 preparing f er a bumper crop ef - fans this Sat-i nrday, no matter .what sort of apposition is provided for The i i Bums Batter Phils, 18-6 BROOKLYN, May 5-JP)-The Brooklyn Dodgers hit the season's high mark. for. both runs and hits Wednesday as ' they manhandled the' Philadelphia Phillies for 23 hits in wiiuung 18-9". COOPERSTOWN. NY, May; 5 (P)-Tho Brooklyn Dodgers will play aa " American leagao , team to . be selected In the annual Cooperstown major league base- ball game at . Doableday field, July .19. The Chicago White Sox are considered as the Dodgers probable 'opponents. . Brooklyn's hits were . good for 33 bases and in the assortment were Dolph Camilli's second hom er and a half : dozen doubles, by teammates. Paul Waner and Augie Galan'each made four hits. Phila. .......t00 992 319- f 12 t Brooklya .. .1429 504 93x-lS 23 3 . ' Fachs and Livingston; Macon, Kimball' (9) and Moore, Bragah Reds 3i Pitts 2 r CINCINNATI, O, May 5-(,jP) Bucky Walters pitched and bat ted the Cincinnati Reds to a 3-2 victory, over Pittsburgh Wednes day liight" in the first night came of ..'the, aeason, knocking in -two runs - with a '. single and - holding the. Pirates to five hits: Jr Pittsbargfi ZH.999 191 999-2 5 Cincinnati ......020 000 10x-3 I 0 . Lanalngv Goraickl" :(t) and Lopes; Walters and Maeller. CHICAGO. May 5-iP-Catcher Chico Hernandez' sharp double play grounder hopped over second baseman Jimmy - Brown's shoul der to score - Heinz Becker from second with one out on the 14th 1 n n I n g Wednesday and gave Claude Passeau, veteran Chicago Cub right-hander a 2-1 marathon decision over Max ' Lanter,' St Louis Cardinals southpaw. - (14 Innings.) . . St. L. .999 919 809 999 991 Lt l! CM. 000 000 199 909 01-Z .12 Lanier and Odea, W. trooper. (I); Passeaa and Uernandes. Giants Win Two BOSTON, May 'S-iffV-The New York Giants swept a doublehead- er from the -Boston Braves Wednesday,'-5-1 and 7-3, winning the second , game on the.; strength ,f a six-run uxttx inning, after jiom- ers .by Buster. Marynard and Sid Gordon had propelled them to vic tory in the opener, r- ' . ":V, New ; YerkL1.019 209 902-5. 9 -1 Boston; ii.808 010 888-1 4 Melton,Adams (7) and Mas-' ease; TostrDIehl ) and Klattai New YeaUi,09t 998 991-7. t t Boston; 'jLHii9 888-1,8 X 1 - Sayles,'; Mango' (C), Adams ) and .Berresv Manease ; (C); Salve; Stent "(8), Jef feoat. (8) Donovan (7), Tost (9) and Po land. ; a-l-. :'ii" Solpns 8, A's 1 ,. PHILADELPHIA, May 5 -(ifV- Alex Carrasquel hobbled the Ath letics Wecteesday J. for i the ; third time this year, allowing four hits as .the 'Washington. Senators , Won Wash. CI1 200 4SJ 8 13 1 PluTa.iZ:.809 999 891 1 4 t Carrasquel, and Early Harris Beck - (4), Lowery (9) and Swift, Wagaer (9). . :,- Fleet.. It will be worth the price ef admission Just to watch him in a workout, which Is Just what the Preakness may be. The last time the Herts colt turned It en In Baltimore he was eat there all by himself with thirty lengths of daylight showing between him and the second horse. That was in the Walden last autumn. It's a little early to turn loose much fancy talk about another ,-.-,.... t '--I Xm . .V-"-i -, v J- .'- - . .. -' - "j Scdem Orecjon, Thvawcr Appeal . 'to Stihtson tor ? WASHINGTON, May 5--Rep: Weiss (D-Pa) .Wednesday made public a letter he sent to Secretary of War Stimson urging him to permit"."aviation cadets and all soldiers now being train-, ed in the! colleges of America to participate 'in spectator sports at particular" institutions. , ; ; 'Weiss', letter . said ' partlcipa tion In 'f spectator sports : not' only would help the morale of, these soldiers bat weald boost " the morale of the entire nation.". He ' wrote that a poll he con ducted among mem b e r s of the armed forces . and- war workers convinced him that they "over whelmingly favor the continuation of football, baseball and. basket ball during this war period.?' ; ' I He added that EngUnd has -continued spectator sports, even though the nation Is vulnerable to air attack, and suggested that the' secretary permit West Point' and Annapolis to : play benefit games In New York, Philadel phia; j Baltimore "or any ether ' point . along the ; AUaatle sea- 4 board where a great degree of travel weald not be repaired, by either the participants or , by, the spectators.! ; :;,r.:t':- J J At present an order of the sec retary of -war prohibits trainees from participating ' in : spectator SDOrtS. '- ti ' -i-vA. ' irervais lakes BBalltitle GERVAISBy knocking over Hubbard 4-l at Hubbard yester day, the Gervaia.Ihigh team copped the Northern Marion County B baseball .title. Art Mc- Call set Hubbard down, with three scattered ; hits I while Don Husom and; Lloyd Ferscheweiler led the assault on' Hubbard ( hurler Par son with ; three blows apiece. " Twelve ' GervaiaV-' players were awarded baseball numerals' Wed nesday, namely: . Captain. McCall, Nusom, ' Glen Damewood, Elmer Jorgensen, Ferscheweiler .and Chuck Ronge, . all seniors,- and. Charles Patterson, . ijames Nolan, Ivan "Rohge, Oscar Phillips, Cirii Ferschweiler and Blaln Veteto McCall and ratterson; Parson and Moore. : . 1 . ''r.'.?-?- Track Debut CORVALLIS, May The Beaver track team , will have its first regulation dual meet here Saturday against the Washington Huskies. ... Capt, Don ' Findlay ' of . Oregon State will attempt to - repeat his .1942 victories over. .Washington. in the high and broad jump. He also may run the 100-yard dash.' ,'- - r Bill f-lShinn, , junior letterman from. Salem, Ore and Stur Nor ene, sophomore, 4 are" expected to press Gene' Swanrey, Husky cap tain and defending coast champ in" the 880-yard run: ' ..'.:: j enerson iiaps 13 7 JJE F.P E RSON Jefferson's baseball bunch' scored a 13-8 win over ' the I Turner ': high Townies Wednesday afternoon. The "Jeffs combined . is. il-hit attack with five Turner' miscxies.' ': : : Jefferson's Borna rapped three hits in five .trips to., top the bat men; The Jeff ersons now take on Stayton Friday afternoon. J. 'Petersen . and Hatfield; Malone, 1 Skelton and Hoyes. AU-Weel v ftf ; SMa.a Clothiers 458 State . ; .' stslewi wonder horse, but the raiifeinss think this colt may fill the bill before winter. Some say he will be up there on a pedestal with Man jO' War and Seabbcult and Gallant Fox and Equipoise and the ethers. Just remember, however, that racing holds Its own with wom en and weather for being un certain, and that every so often a horse Just gets out of kilter Ithout any reason the best f trainers can put a finger on. i ; . ALLIGIITNER Statesman Sport Kditoe yooT 1943 er i Try ItMgain Today; New Sclicdulc Issued -" PORTLAND, Ore., May 5-;P) The Portland Pacific Coast league baseball club Wednesday an nounced a new weekday schedule as the opening home game of the 1943 season , was postponed be cause of the weather, "f -Weekday games here will start at 2:30 p. m., PWT, said Business Manager W. H. Klepper, Instead of 4 p. m., as announced last week. Doubleheaders and Sunday games will begin at 1:30 p. inJ, as pre viously scheduled. ---- - - ' - The - Beavers opener with . Los Angeles will be played Thursday, conditions "'- permitting. Wednes day's postponed game will be made up in a tw Jnbfll on the An gels' next tTip to-'-Portland, Klep per said. - r - -' Oaks 2, Sacs 1 OAKLAND, May 5-(P)-Oakland defeated Sacramento 2 to 1 Wednesday to win its second straight game, of the series. ' It was a tight pitching duel be tween Henry Pippen of the Oaks and Bud Byerly of the Solons, with- Pippen giving up only five hits and Byerly six. - There were no earned runs. Sacramento 000 991 959-1 5 3 Oakland .999 991 91x-2 8 1 . Byerly and Malone; Pipnea aad Kalmeadl. Stors tS, Diego 1 HO L L Y W OO D; May 5-UP) Hollywood's Stars made it two in a row over San Diego here Wed nesday; scoring a ,8 to 1-victory. . The Stars broke a 1-to-l dead- lock in the sixth by pushing across four, runs on four lits. The win ners collected -12 aafetiea whil Don Pulford and Bill Thomas col laborated to' limit the Padr to seven. ' " " ' " ' ' " -San DIege.199 999 999-1 7 1 Hollywood ..999 914 9lx-8 12 9 DUbeek, Merkle (8) and De tore; Palford, Thomas (8). and Yonnkers. Return Tilt Slated LABISH CENTER Labish Center 'school has scheduled a re turn softbeJI game here with Lake Labish school on Friday. Buena' tTrest defeated Labish in a con test played at Buena Crest last week.-.:-; ;..,'-. - . . la every doparnaoat from- Cour blender to delivery trucks, only Modem. Ecgaitary oru!pxnnt Is . asod in . producing . Master -Bread, - -.-.u. AT ;YCU3 Gr.DCm S Ca Beav Debut i - J