Bowman Urges 7aldng Up Legion Commander j Foresees Another , Pearl Harbor' 4 SILVERTON Large represent - ative croups from all poets of Mar- - ion -county responded to the invi- 3 tation of Delbert Reeves post sev en, American Legion, to attend the meeting with Hugh Bowman, - commander of the department of Oregon, as distinguished and of CciaUguest Monday night ' Commander Bowman spoke to the members of the posts and the units in a Joint meeting and pre sented a picture of what he con siders; the trae state of affairs as concerns the Legion program In respect to war conditions, as none to encouraging , If "the - smugness of Mr. and Mrs. Pub- I ! lie is kidding anyone into think ing that there is any .easy and ' - quick way out of this war pro ' gram." s-- Bowman cited the absolute dan- gers attendant upon the refusal of the people to wake up to true con ' di lions governed all too much by - the cover-up method." He urged freedom, of speech, press and re ligion as "the fundamental prin ciples on which the Legion forms the fighting foundation of preserve the America they went out to de fend." Selective service he frowned up on, as discriminating between the east and west coast and as an .ex ample he called to attention the sending of married men to service from the Pacific area while on the east coast the single men, only, were in evidence.. The universal service act, ! Bowman believes, would eliminate all strikes during war times and would give a uni f ied equality of purpose that would hurry the winning of the war. No .""negotiated peace for the depart , ment commander, and he backed this up by a map resume of the is : . land bases held by the Japs. No release of concentration camp Japs . tinder any conditions. No social re form. , ; . . The work to keep the home frout on the jump is a full re- habllitatlon jprogram for the re turned veteran of this war and t decent protection for the widows , and children of those - who do . not return. j "Pearl Harbor can ' happen again if we continue our smugness. .The Jap is. only a "wet monkey," : ; treacherous, would sneak-stoop to I - anything to jeopardize our secur ity. . . j- -. In speaking of the peace that .must follow for safe America and the world, Bowman explained cer : tain phases . including world po- . , During - the business session, . Arthur J Gottenberg, local com mander, announced the date of the annual pet parade to be Sat urday forenoon. May 15, with . - all participants eligible for win- -ninr a prize"and the entire pa rade group to be guests of Alfred ' Adams at the Palace Theatre for the afternoon educational and fun progTm of pictures. Among distinguished guests -.from Portland, was-Tom Collins, .department service; officer, and from Salem,! Ira Richer, Salem post nine commander. Beardsley Talks About Flowers BROOKS -Mrs. Louis Wamp , ler entertained the Brooks Garden club in her home in the Hazel Green district at an all day meet ing and covered dish luncheon. " Mrs. John Henny, president, pre sided over the business meeting. Charles Beardsley, guest speaker, v talked on flowers. . Guests ' and members . present were Mrs. Hattie Van Cleave, Mrs. " Virginia Scrutton, Mrs.' Mary Mc Clure, Mrs. Anna Lehrman, Mrs. Lena Henny,' Mrs. Eva AspinwalL ' Mrs. Margaret Zahare, Mrs. Marie ' Bosch, Mrs. Julia Rouse, Mrs. Flor- ence Tower, Mrs. Eliza Conn, Mrs. 7 Eva Edwards, Mrs. Minnie Dun nigan, Charles Beardsley, Mrs. Ze- no Gregg, Mrs. jEva Conn, Mrs. f Gertrude Reed and Mrs. . Olive ' Beardsley. ' Mrs. Roy Reed will entertain the ' Garden club in her home east of Brooks Thursday, May 6, with an all day meeting and no-host lunch- eon. Jane Hart Honored r Sunday on Birthday ; DALLAS Mrs. Merritt Hart gave a birthday party in honor of her daughter, Jane, on her ninth birthday, Sunday afternoon. -The serving table and rooms were dec- ' orated with bouquets of ' mixed spring flowers. The afternoon was spent playing games. Ice cream and a large birthday cake were served at 5:3(7 o'clock to "..Marjorie Kliever, Marjorie Lute, Beverly Webster, Betty Craven, ' VAnn Cantril, Eileea Enstad, Ger ald ine Hosman, Patty Phillips, Sally Stinnette, Marline Grant, I Janet Graves and -Mrs. Eugene . Hart and Marilyn of Salem. Grangers Now . KEIZER Members of Chemawa grange and friends are invited to ' ' the Chemawa grange hall : Wed- , nesday night. Hay, 5, for a no-host , dinner to be served at 6:30 o- dock. , After the dinner, .the regular business meeting of the grange : will be held in the 'auditorium. MM -Willamette Reports From Auxiliary Fetes Visiting Commander SILVERTON Mrs. Arthur Gottenberg, president of Delbert R e e v e s unit seven, American Legion auxiliary, was official hostess during the joint social hour Monday night at the armory fireplace club rooms, when the department commander, Hugh Bowman of Pendleton, was dis tinguished guest and speaker, and visitors included unit and post members from all Marion county. Her assisting committee members were Mrs. John Demos, Mrs. W. I. BouUester and Mrs. F. Wik. More than 20 members of Del bert Reeves unit responded to the blood donor program and many more who are employed are hop ing to be able to contribute when the mobile unit comes to Silver ton. ? Announcement was made of the graduation from nurse's course at Emanuel hospital, May 12, of Miss Evelyn Hall, daughter of past commander and past president, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall, and herself a past president of the junior -girls unit Four members of the junior group are being graduated from the Silverton senior high school in June, for whom gifts will be purchased. Visitors Introduced were from Stayton, Mrs. Harry Humphreys, Mrs. Julian DeJardin, Mrs. Gabe DeJardin and Mrs. Charles John son; from Salem, Mrs. Ira Pilcher and Mrs. A. J. Feilen. Mrs. S. A. Pitney, a member, now of Portland, was reported very ill The past presidents club was reported as having been social guests of Mrs. Lewis Hall during the past week at her home m the Silverton Hills district Mrs. Gottenberg reminded her jud g e s and solicitors of the change in date of the annual pet parade to the forenoon of May 15 because of the possibility of having the high school band in the parade on that date. A rum mage sale will be May 15 Vith Mrs. Ernest L. Starr as chair man. Thei report of the nominating committee' will' be made at the second meeting In May. ' Allison Reelected Community Club Head, Fairview FAIRVIEW The Fairview Community club met Friday night at the school for the annual elec tion of officers. Reelected were John Allison, president; Mrs. Carl Wood, vice president; Mrs. Rus sell Lehman, secretary-treasurer. A varied program was present ed: Piano solos, Ellen and Ila Tas- kinen; vocal solos by Ila Taskinen, Shirley Allison, Eileen Lehman and Mrs. Toivo Bant&ari, accom panied by Mrs. Bantsari, Ailene Allison; Mrs. Lyle Stephens gave a reading; Mrs. Ross Rogers con ducted a Bible quiz between men and women, men winning with 29 points and the women runners-up scoring 28 points. Mrs. Marion Du Vaal, Mrs. Mc Keen and Mrs. Charles Compton were appointed refreshment com mittee for the last day of school picnic. Refreshments were served by Mrs. John C Heffley, Mrs. John Allison and Mrs. Ferd Rulschman. Valley Births ALBANY Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Williamson of North Albany, arid Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Wright of Albany, have been notified that they are gradparents of an 8i pound grandson, born on Easter night at the naval air training corps hospital at Nor man, Ok la., to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lee Wright. The father Is stationed there as a first class specialist in ' the naval reserve The mother is the former Velma Williamson. - It's taste that tetts -And ivM Master Brd Javw: Fin Saasdiate plus skill Iris? out oil the flow. AT YOUa GROCER'S 13l The Statesman's Sxdom. Oregon, Wodnesdcrr Morning. May S 1943 West Salem Council Approves Fire Service Agreement WEST SALEM At a meeting of the city council Monday the flood conditions on certain sections of Senate street during heavy rains was a matter for considerable discussion. It was re ferred to the street and drainage commission, with instructions to investigate and report back at next council meeting. The River Bend Sand and Grav el company submitted a bid of $200 per acre for the city-owned property In the Murphy Tract, ob ligating themselves to develop it into a residential area with value restrictions of not less than 12500. The proposal was submitted to the property c ontrol commission with instructions ! to report at next council; meeting. Councilman G o f f i e r reported having contacted Fire Chief Har ry Hutton Of Salem concerning an agreement between the Salem fire Elaine Hamre Heads Legion Junior Girls SILVERTON Officers elected for the coming year for the jun ior girls of the Delbert Reeves unit seven, American Legion aux iliary, include Elaine Hamre, president; Leah Ann Hutton, vice president; Georgie Ann To we, secretary treasurer; Jeanelle Got tenberg, chaplain, and Marlene Axley, sergeant at arms. The meeting was after school, Mon day, in the auxiliary club rooms with Mrs. Nell Black, advisor. Activities of the younger group during the past fortnight have been remembering seven gold star mothers with flowers; two boxes of class craft material sent the Camp Adair boys; sending a protest to the Portland Oregonian concerning a recent printed let ter in which the last authorized flag salute was not recognized; and the beginning of collecting of old or new costume jewelry for the men in service , in ; Pacific islands and the younger group is asking public help In this with donations to be left at Dicker- sons store. Motners Day is Do ing planned. Wiley, Friend, Visit Grand Island Family GRAND ISLAND Ernest Wiley and Miss Lova Sullivan were guests Thursday night and Friday at the home of the former's uncle, Worth Wiley and family. Ernest, who was formerly from Silver Lake, Wash., now is in the navy and was on a few days leave. Miss Sullivan is an English teacher in the Bremerton high school. Copynjiu 1943 Ltocarr Mru Tcwaooo ' vr j t : TllEIR PLEDGE V AMERICA'S 160,000 " 1 MEN AND WOMEN OF MIDIQN2 arm serving humanity faithfully - I wherever the nood may bo. They yJkb '"'l J ' flrve their best whli our troops and -xx:-m I ore doing double duty at homo. . Community department and West Salem by which the city of West Salem could receive quick service in case of emergency. Goffier re ported that he had entered into a tentative agreement, subject to the approval of the council, of $50 for the run to West Salem and the first hour of service and addition al $25 for each hour thereafter, in the city limits only. After some discussion the report was approv ed, t . .. A franchise to the US govern ment for a transmission line through the city was approved on the third: reading. An amendment to the . franchise was adopted which would give the city Joint use of the poles. A transformer, at a cost: of $40, was ordered. ; Wages for additional day labor was advanced from 50 cents to 65 cents per hour. A one-half ton Dodge pickup truck was ordered to replace the city service; truck, the upkeep of which was making its use almost prohibitive. The to tal fines imposed during the month were $140.50. The city's financial report shawed cash in the bank $16,013.37; cash on hand, $123.61; investments, $4,691,81; total, $20, 837.79. City Officials or Dogs to Occupy Silverton Pound SILVERTON Whether city officials will be In the dog house or whether the noose will actu ally be occupied by docs will soon be tested out. Ia other words, city officials reported Tuesday morning, the dog house Is almost ready for oeeapancy and something is definitely going to occupy it. Complaints of. dogs In victory gardens are gaining In number it was stated, and either the dog . owners are going to have to keep their dogs tied up, In enclosures or otherwise train them to stay at home or the city will pro. vide a tivr days lodgtag with a long rest period to follow an less the dogs are called for and fines paldV - Enactment of the citys new dog ordinance, similar to those operating, now In many Oregon cities, will take effect this week. Stitchers to Meet I McALPIN McAlpin ! Stitch- ers will meet with Mrs.! Byron McElhaney on Thursday, iMay 6, for their monthly all day meeting. Co. Corresp ondenta PAGE TRUES Middle Grove Students Win 4H Honors MIDDLE GROVE This school district has won recognition through the achievements of j its 4H club work, having' first i of all, Gary Keppenger as the heal thiest boy In the county, there by entitling hin to a half scho larship to 4H summer school at Corvallis. , , v; f:."V". "J " The Health club won second place in the health demonstration and those winning blue ribbons on posters were Wade Carter, who won a half scholarship; G en e Scofield, Lynn Barker, Dorrine Dudley, Hazel Munson, Magda lene . Stahl, Ruth Snyder, Ellen Flowers, Donald Case, El vin and Wayne Goode, Glenn Wagers, and red ribbons went to Robert Wa gers and Robert Beutler; Wayne Goode of the fourth grade won grand championship in the poster division - for the county. Iris Proudfit, eighth grade, placed third in sewing. Two half scholarships have been earned by pupils of the school through paper " drives and sale of pop-corn at Community dub meetings. Miss Dunagan and Miss Roth instructed in poster work and leaders were Mrs. Thelma Scharf and Mrs. Leona Keppen ger in sewing and cooking divi sions. Gary Keppenger and Wade Carter, and several other repre sentatives, names to be announc ed later, will attend 4H summer school at Corvallis. Eighth grade graduation ex ercises will be held Mar 21 with Mrs. Agnes Booth giving the ad dress to the class of four girls and four boys: Ruth Snyder, Dor rine Dudley, Hazel Munson, El len Flowers, Lynn Barker, Robert Wagers, Wayne Ault and Gary Keppenger. School will close May 22 with a picnic. Both teachers, Gracye Dunagan and Sadie Roth, are re hired. West Salem Water Board Lets Contract For-Reservoir Repair WEST SALEM The West Salem water board met Monday nlght In the regular monthly meeting. A report of the com pleted contract for rebuilding the old city reservoir with the recommendation that the work Is satisfactory and that It be accepted, was acted upon favor ably. The contract price for the entire reconstruction was $1975. E. N. Peterson, the contractor, was notified of the satisfaction of the board with his work. Abiqua JDam RebmldirigSet Silverton Council. Talks Sewer. Repair, Delays Action SILVERTON That the 'new dam in the Abiqua might be built this summer but that the correc tion of the -over-loaded sewers might be postponed for a year or two,' appeared to be the concensus of - city council opinion Monday night when Carl Green of John Cunningham and Associates, Port land engineers, submitted the re turns on the two projects. . ; The dam, washed out during the high water last winter will have to be replaced, it was stated. Re placing can bo done only , during August or September when the water is at its lowest in the creek, Financing the $40,toa project was also discussed and In the opinion of the city manager, E. - K. Burton, and the city attorney," - Sex r Albright, bonds win - not have to be floated. The water department has available funds to almost $30;000 and It was be lieved that short-period war rants could probably be ar rsaged for the remainder. ; Manager Burton was instructed to Interview the Silver Falls Tim ber company officials as to what arrangements will be made in fur nishing the company with water in the future. Burton expressed the opinion that the city already had practically all of the rights-of-way for the line. - - A special meeting will prob ably be held to further the : plans. ' While it was felt that the sewer situation should be corrected, it was explained that the trouble of overflow from the sanitary sewer existed only in high water periods and that it would be unlikely that another such wet winter as last winter's would follow immediate ly. , ... .. , . , The franchise with the Port land General Electric now up for renewal, was discussed. The councilmen preferred a five or ten year contract and suggested that Manager Burton Interview company officials in rerard to this before final passage of the ordinance, providing for the ' franchise agreement, was passed. Resolutions also were read and passed selling a lot in Geiser ad dition to Mrs. Violet Jones and one on First street to Mr. and Mrs. C A. Kellner. Both lots were sold for $150. Mayor Reber Allen appointed Mrs. R. A. McClanathan to the planning commission to fill the va cancy made by the resignation of Mahlon Hoblitt, and Lora Ames Allen was appointed to the library board to fin the vacancy caused by the recent death of Mrs. G. B. Bentson. The 'planning commission . con sists of the president, Lowell E. Brown, C. B. Anderson, Lillie Madsen, Dr. P. A. Loar, Rev. M. J. K." Fuhr, Lloyd Larson and Mrs. R. A. McClanathan. The library board is composed of chairman, Mrs. H. B. Latham, E. L. Starr, J. W. Jordan and Lora Ames Allen. IZett Sclem FJethodixt I Plan for Bible School WEST SALEM At . a meeting of the Sunday school board of the Methodist church Monday night, arrangements were made " for ' a summer Bible school to, be held In the church May 31 to June 5 in clusive, from 9 to 11:30 a jn. each day. The instructors so far ob tained are Mrs. Kelsie, wife of the pastor, Mrs. Oliver Sargent, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. White, Mrs. Cotes, Mrs. Bradford, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. Newberry, and Mrs. Vosburg and Mrs. Kuhn... ; Librarian Tells Book Additions -r" JEFFERSON -;The .Jefferson library has added" a ' lot of new books which are available to .the public. - - t : ". '-. J Miss' Addie Libby, city librarian, has furnished the list of books as follows: Non-fiction: Education of Free Men in American Democra cy; Mission to .Moscow,' Da vies; Great Horn Spoon, Wright; Ro mance of Leonardo da Vinci, Me re jowski; Squadrons Up, Norris; The Wounded Don't Cry, , Rey nolds; Through Air Power, de Se versky; On Mediterranean Shores, Ludwig; Club Members Hand book, Milligan; I Heard the An zacs Singing, McGregor; Paul Re vere and the World He Lived In, Forbes; Road to Victory, Spell man; The Raft, Turnbull; Golden Fleece, Call; Design for Living, Brown; They Were Expendable, White. , Fiction, Honor Bright, Keyes; Come Back to Erin, OTaolain; The Splendid ' Summits,' Alexan der; The Blind Man's House, Wal pole; Great American Short Stor ies, OHenry; The Ivory Mischief, Meeker; Parts Unknown, Keyes; Payment . Deferred,- Forrester; Wakefield's Course, De La Roche; In the Bishop's Carriage, Mich aelson; My Friend Flicka, O'Hara; Young Ames, Edmunds; Admiral of the Ocean Sea, Morrison, i Do wnings Visit Injured Worker I FOX VALLEY Mrl and Mrs. O.-C. Downing and daughters, Mo dem and Juanita, went to Suth erlin Saturday to see his brother, Roy, who was injured at a mill camp. They found him getting along all right although he had sustained a fractured ankle, leg lacerations and a cut on his face and head. He was hurt Tuesday and was able to leave the hos pital Friday, The Do wnings came homo Sunday night. " Mr. and Mrs. Will Surry and EllaBerry of Lebanon were Sun day dinner guests at the J. H. Johnston home. The occasion was In honor of Ella Berry's birthday anniversary. Society to Meet LINCOLN The Spring Valley Home Missionary society will hojd a Mother's Day meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. El wood Cooper, Thursday. Assist ing Mrs. Cooper will be Mrs. Ben McKinney. , cm Th e steadily of Chesterfields is a sure sign that they make good their pjedge to give you the things that count cigarette, - Smokers know they can depend on Chesterfield's Right Combination of the world's best cigarette tobaccos I to give them a MILDER, BETTER TASTE. They're true ...They Satisfy. Li ii U -L 0 ! Guecto -Visit -In Jeffercon i ' " ' JEFFERSON Mr. and Urs. Ernest Wlckstrom and two sons cf Vancouver, Wash-, were weekend guests at the home of their unci and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kins and family. They were ac companied by Wickstrom's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moessner, who are visiting them from Me nomonie. Wis. Moessner is a bro ther of Mrs. Karl Kihs, and wCl remain for several days' visit at the Kihs home. This Is their first visit to the western states. The Wlckstrom family came from Minneapolis, Minn, in January, and be has been employed in Van couver since. - - ! . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Benning hoff and sons Paul and Joe of Portland spent Monday in Jeffer son visiting at the home of Mrs. Benninghoff s parents, - Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McKee. : . Mrs. Clifford Wilson and three , children of Garibaldi spent from Friday till Sunday night visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson. Sunday she went to the home other parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shellabarger near Crabtree. Wil son, who had been employed as assistant foreman of a section of the SPRR company at Garibaldi, ' ha sbeen transferred to another district. AS soon as he is located, Mrs. Wilson and the children will join him. j ; Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Vail were Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Christensen and children, Joan, Kathryn, Wil lis mand Robert of Toledo. Farewell Party Given Feltons, Moving Soon PLEASANTDALE Compli menting Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Fel ton, who r house guests of Miss' Esther Nichols; a surprise farewell party was held Wednesday night at1 the Nichols home. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Felton, Mr. and ' Mrs. J. A. Hob son,, Mr . and Mrs. Tom Lyman and three children, Mrs. Fred Ly man,, Chester Lyman, Mrs.' Lloyd Goodrich,' Mrs. Leland Newhouso, Mrs. Clarence Warner, Chandler Warner, all of Webfoot; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reetz of Fairview, Allen and Andrew Nichols and Miss Es ther Nichols of this district Re freshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Felton and fam ily came to the Webfoot district from Idaho, in ApriL 1918, and their children have all entered business for themselves. Felton has disposed of portions of his farm as his family grew smaller and he sold the last 104 acres and gave possession to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pearson of .Vemonia April 27. Mr. and Mrs. Felton have pur chased 34 acres of highly improv ed land 'six miles west of Salem on th eRickreall road and will move to the place as soon as they can take possession.: Felton will raise hogs and sheep. Forfeits Bail WEST SALE M Mrs. John Manning of McMinnville posted and forfeited $5 bail for violation of the basic rule. . - growing popularity to their pledge Urs. Jane Wolf is grange master.