Tfe OIUXtOIT CTATECMA1I. Sclczn. Oregon, Cuadoy LaonUag, l laj 2. 15 i6 Where Sie Page i i !l . Classified Advertising ' ; : Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three- IzuefUdos per- Una 2$e Six tnsertinris per - Hue 40c On month per Una . 1 M Minimum charge 25c; S tt. mis lmum 55c; 9 tL" mia. 45c No refunds, . - Copy far this page accepted an til 8 30 the evening before public tl an fur elaastficaUon Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading T Utt to Classify. - -" .--..'o. io The Statesman aaeumee no finan cial respooK&Uity for errors which reprint thai part of an advertise ment to which the ' typographical mistake occur Tha Statesman reserves the right may appear In advertisements pub bshed in its colu iniiK and Uv- caeee where this paper te at fault will to reject questionable advertising It i further reserves the right to place, all advening- under , the prove r classification A -Blind" Ad on d containing a Statesman box aumber for ao ad dress is for that protection of the advertiser and - must - therefore be answered by letter -The Statesman to not at liberty to divulge Infor mation, as- to the . Identity of an advertiser using e Blind" ad.' t ' Livestock and Poultry ORK HORSES SADBUE HORSES j Bar K Stork Ranch f Large assortment on hand at all times st very attractive prices. CRED IT given anyone. Discount for cash. Guaranteed as represented, free de livery. Harry Kuehne. Carlton. Ore. located 6V mi W. of New berg. , I ATTENTION IH Will remove dead a worthless stock In a mor. ent's notice! SALEM FER TILIZER A- BY -PRODUCTS. Ph. S000 Collect. Wo other Phone. r l FOR SALE: A large, young, fullblood Jersey caw Be fresh tn few days, fcxtra heavy milker,' wtttr' high test. 266 Mission St. - JERSEY cow. fresh 3 wks- with 2nd. calf, Ganue Be easy to mux. uau 9024.. 2020 S. Com'L . . "V WASTED Cow to keep m shares. t. s. -j)'s'y.i: FOR SALE; Guernsey cow fresh fof wks. 265 Garden Rd. Ph. xipi. FDR SALE; Freeh vounf Jersey heif- rs. Some fresh. - some coming fresh. Ph. 9650.' 'Xrr- 3 ALPINE milk goats. 1 Just fresh. 1 rail king, l fresh, in May., au gooa milkers.. J. H. Patterson.-Rt 2. Box tas. .. mr. north of.' Chcmawa.-. LIVE RABBITS Wanted. Morthwwt Poultry Ac Dairy. 15QS MFronL , BRING YOUR, own egga for' custom batching. Tuesday; or Saturday. morn ings. Ph. 2-2861. Lee Hatchery. . FOR SALE Newoampsbtre ' pullets, ready to Jay. - Pb, 2261, Lee Hatchery; Help Wanted HELP WANTED: Grocery clerk, male or female: . steady work, top pay. Sav ing Center, Portland Road- " WOMAN or man wanted in grocery store: a goad (conscientious worker. Steady employment to right party. Irish Bumctt Super Market. Lrt- anon, Orfc-- jjt-:. . v - UNITED AIR LINES needs male and female station attendants, Tadio a wire operators. Ages 21-40. Call 3848 after 9 . m. : , BUS BOY: Week End work. ' Wait ress, full time. The Spa. 382 State. COOK WANTED, The Spa. man or woman. Help Wanted Male - Workers now ess ployed la war pro dactlea should not apply and will not be considered fat asaptoyiatat by employers- advertising n d eertlen. MAN without dependents, middle age or past. -for part time- work. Box 273. Statesman. . DAIRYMAN for grade A dairy, with house, water, lights & milk fura. M. B. Findiey, 11 mi. East of RickreaO. MAN for Sunday work at storage garage. 197 S. Liberty. MEN WANTED for Hopyord work Ph 7956 . . EXPERIENCED MILKER Schlndler Bros. Dairy., South .Salem. Help Wanted Female WANTED: aalosladlas. Apply for either tern, or perm, work, SAabrge. at reference, ion asie. . GIRL for general office work. Soma : shorthand. Stat experience and age. Desirable position. Bon la Statesman. ' SEAMSTRESS wanted. Salem Tent Me Awning Co, T r, Liberty. ''.PERMANENT posiUon. stenographer, bookkeeper, with knowledge in band ling credit accts. Attractive aalary, pleasant surroundings. Apply" Brown Credit Jewelers dr- Opticians, - Liberty , aV Court "WANTED: Sxoerienced- night work, good wages. Call after P.M. Chili BowL XSM State. LADIES: If. you have 4 or mora spare hours m week we win employ you at once,. Our 23 years in men's and ladies' apparel business bos added millions of repeat customer business The present line la broader than tn past years. You do not make an In vestment for sample case no .deliver- : lng. Advance payment at time order is written. Several towns & Salem ter ritory open. For full details and furth er information write Realsilk. P. O. . Box .T33y - .L . , . "wArTR2tfnted7"f The Spa..:,, - Situations Wanted SHRUBBERY work, any kind, short Jobs. 2590 Cherry Ave.' Ph. T29S. v--- e$ OrconGDCtate$nau . - ADVEHTlSIia Western' A4yerUsini : - BepresentaUves " . - George O Close. IneT San Frsnctsve Lea Angeies Seattle Eastern Advertising RepresentatlFes Ward-Griffith Company Ino. ' ' - Chicago. New York, Detroit. : Boston. Atlanta - . ..if '--.: - mmmi Entered at the Postofflce et Salem Oreoon as Second Class -of after. Pub lisHed every motnlim exeep Mondav Buaintu oflce US Sonth Cossmer ciaJ Street. . , ; ETJESCRIPTION RATES MaO FubscrtptJon Rates In Advance: With in Oregon: Dally and Sunday Mo 9 cents: Mos WOO; 1 year. Ml l;isewtiere SO cents per mo or STiO tor I year tn advance. Per eooy S eenta Pv City Carrier, 11 cents a month, f 1 1 J a year in advance in clarion end a2Jacs&l cvu&Usa Money ; to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL WHITI or phone SMK) to Salem's oldest tersest Honr owned and . home- managed finance mstiru Don Your financial aliatrs will be discussed and loans, made tn - strictest privacy You will bo given ovary eon stderaUoa lav the naoyiae ' f , rout lean or sraotln ot ex tensions 1 to 13 MONTHS TO RIP AT Tou can . pay ln run any . time tc aduc the cost "- ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers ' Loans mad on fund - HOT R StMMOMaL. KGk, Lie. No M-1U. - GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION ' ' I ln- No- S M ' 134 So. CUiaamerclas St Phone tin first door south of Ladd or Bush nank Convenient ground Ooot location Anto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH TLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE n as iae . save TIME. Urea, ess. Apply for your loan by phone. TeWpbooe 31tL sic tor asias Aoacnw. c-erwaw -enoo Co. 312 State St- opposite County Court House, -rzz. at-iea. LOANS ; Private money for good real estate ? CHAS. HUDKINS 373 State St. Phone 349 Situations Wanted LADY wants lob driving light truck or delivery car. IS years experience driving. Ph. 32437 evenings after Sao. HOUSECLEANTNG by hour. Ph. SS70 Salesmen Wanted PLENTY TO SELL NOW AND POST WAR K-T resale and advertising fast sell ing specialties making more money for K-T men today than ever before. Every firm a prospect. -Largest spe ciality f line in country. ' Nationwide mailings., regularly- - to develop leads. N, (Mfum ' mklv. Well establish ed.' 81-year-bld - company. Permanent year-round opportunity for ngm man. Experience not necessary. No car need- w4 n Vwkh . nitvanee affainst earned commissions. Write fully, three refer ences The temper-1 nomas o Cin cinnati, Oj ' , ... Sales Ladies. Teachers, Mothers. Rep resent CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES Mag azine. Three subscriptions each morn ing pays $6.50. Write POSTOFFICE BOX 6837 - PARKWAY STATION -KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. "For Sale Miscellaneous USED ' 9x1 Broadloom ' rur ' Ac - pad . . UM Rebuilt Premier vacuum sweep- er J .......... 31S.O0 . Nearly new odd walnut vanity S2S.OS iUsed. : PC dinette set $23.00 Used S PC. breakfast set -: 11J0 - Rebuilt: davenport & chair -$3.75 - 4 m sis used wood circulator 3490 - Beautiful- 3 PC. walnut dining- group. slightly used 3MJO BRIGHT FURNITURE 453 Court ' ' " Phone T511 TWO National Cash Registers. At moray. ' eeastaorant dishes, back bar. pie' case snow cases, mounted oeer heads, bear, fox- ar others. Pbr 3421. f REMINGTON portable typewriter," new condition 349 M. Pr: ladies Eng lish riding boots, size , $5. Can Sun day or eves.. Sellers, 330 N. Summer. ; GAS and wood 4 -burner range-, good condition. Rt. 4. Box 473F, on Dallas Highway next to Cherry's. RESTAURANT equipment Refrige ration system and refrigerator with motor. Gas range with large fry plate. Dishes, booths, dish washing trays, cash . reg.. etc. 173 S. Liberty. For Belcreet property see W. G. Knieger. 14? N. Com'l. Ph. 4723 SPECIAL! WHILE THEY LAST I Coffee, cocktail, lamp fc radio table. Your- choice S3. NELSON BROS. BONNEVILLE STORE FARMERS i. Just, received another supply of- electric fence. 323.0. . YEATER- APPLIANCE CO. . i 3SS N. Liberty. TOO MUCH WASHINGTON BU REAUCRACY. Send stanp tor FREE mformation about our leaflet "What To Do About It." VaL Truax. Hotel MedfonjL aeedford, .Ore. 1x14. Year old. Good deveno, 3233 sash. 1373 If. .'USED Universal wood range, good eondttieev MS? Fi wail I In. W. Salem. . FOR BALE: 1 rerte Vcu ft; 1 S- burner . elect, . stove, xooa. a3 1143. Bast i Rural.. h"'- Small wood conditton.i with pip. Me. 333 N. water. ' WAYNE electric computer gas pump, complete- with 1000 gaL gas task. Price 3300.00. J- y . Wienert. Air lie. Ore. V HP -GENERAL motor. Good eon dltlon. $13. 3483 N. th, " ONE-HORSE. Bate wagon, good as new,' Sacrifice if taken at once. 334a Laurel Ave. RABBIT fertUiaer. shrubbery Ac gar den. 73e JW3 N. Bth. Ph. T33I. Red Caaoelttas $l-Q0; several varieties Prim rosea ac other perennials. 393 N. 51st St. . , - "! u Fuller Brushes 1743 Grant Ph. 8331 CHOICE DAHLIA bulbs from fair. 80 cts. each. Call 22968. PRIMROSES.' . mums. . shrubs, bring boxes. 4 mi, Wallace Rd.Rtcl.Bx. 334. DUO-THERM automatic oil burning hot water heater $99.50. Available on A-10 rating. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC. 467 Court St. - ATMORAYS for sale or rent H. C Pughv P.O. Box . 463. Ph. 2-2468. POULTRY FERTILIZER $1 00 per yd. You haul it' Ph. 3286L Lee Hatchery SEE HOGG BROS. 360 State St. for liberal trade tn on your old furniture , Guns and Ammunition. 890 N. High. See "Blondie SlmSLS (pljOJf3STOl TIME t f WMAT . Iwari rti as ) FOtrrVl fiO S , ' , - (? (mower ) Meerrrixa.Mrrl! i ?-rowuo1 feSsSrf (EScuvve V filoney to Loan FARMERS " INCREASE YOUR production t If you need more seed, stock, or equip ment and lack the casn. see -us ror a loan. You can borrow up to -$3u0JM here and repay over a period of a year, Our special Farmer Loan Plan will tit your needs exactly, inoure today I Calkins Finance Co.v Rra. 311 (3rd Fir.) - Phono 444 . . Tint Nat. Bank Bid.. Salem : i-.. S-223 Lie. M-27 , ; PRIVATE MONEY ' AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce narmenta. - Monev for new- or used cars No delay or red tape Tou will retain possession of the vehicle 1 to li MONTHS TO PAY. r ROY H. SIMMONS 133 South Commercial Street . Phono 9163. -. - Us No M151 unNrv ro iniN . i-, Wanted, real estate mortgagee, trns, city or farm properties: loans made as small as $300. See us about refinan cing your present contract or ; mort B LEO ; N. CHTLDS. INC 344 State, St - - Phone 9261 PRIVATE MONEY to loan on 1st mrotgages, city or farm property. Im mediate service. - , . H. P. GRANT, Realtor 329 Court 5 Ph. 6744 or 3339 MONEY to loan on farms or good city property at afc. can 4J. Insurance OREGON will require every motor 1st to -observe the new Financial Re sponsibility Law. Remember. Ignor ance of the law excuses no one. See us tor details before June 8th. See liars & Foley. 143 South Liberty Street Salem. Oregon. i t ? WratedFurnlt ure - CASH FOR used fumtrure At boi no Id goods R Forgey Ph 744ft. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: Wood circulator. Ph. 9863. BOARD & room for employed moth er and 5 year old daughter, witn care of. child. Ph. 9406. WANT TO Buy. Used cameras a lenses McEwan Photo Shop 433 State SMALL RADIOS. Condition not im portant. 494 S. 17th. Ph. 7577 after IX, noon.' - ' j , ' - r- .-. CASH WAITING for sewing ma chines. If you are not using your sewinaT machine we will pay top casn price for it Singer Sewing Machine Co., 142 S. High. GOOD USED Furniture, appliances, machinery, trailers or . anything of value. Glenn Woodry. the- Auctioneer. see me.. at ,tne Market, loos n. num- mer or Phone 5110. USED FURNITURE Pb tlSS Miscellaneous ' .DRAFTSMEN: Men and women urg ently needed. Architectural, Structur aL Mechanical, Electrical, Aeronaut! cat and Ship Drafting. 400 other sub jects. International Correspondence Schools. Box 1532. Scranton,-Pa. PUPPIES Give away. ., C. SpanicL 710 S. 13th. Ph. 2-1981. 7 'Xrental PIate..'Repair , TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN -MOST CASES : ' v. -Brtng or Mall Your Plates tor Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adalpb Bids State Ai Com'L. Pb 3311 For Rent Rooms HOME for girl. 3309 Center. SLEEPING room. Quiet. Bus one block. Lady. Pn. 6333 forenoons. SL rmi., good location. Ph. 21449. MOD. room. priv. entrance and bath, close to hospitals, on bus line. 2190 Center Ph. 5214. ROOM. bd. if desired. Ph. 4400. CLOSE IN: ladles peet: Ph. 7834 Fear ; llet ApartmenU -R. e7 N. FURN.- Apt 1 business girls. Capitol -eveslags NEW sruO fura. Apt. Prt batku. elect rangOt fireplaee-. Prefer working couple. No drinkers. 1079 N. 13th -even ings or Sun -om 1 to 7 SINGLE -service. The Apts, S ftSCS.. 1st near. 103 Saginaw., be tween 430-22:99 s,. m Mod. X bdrm. ArhHta. Ph. 8841. a KM. a-pstw. J it jipt, retrtt. bath. garage. Aduttsw "a Unson. s -.R. eTTRinsxrsnr Lt. h Rsrh. Adults, zoos N. Capitol. : S RMS. TURN. APT.., Adults. - 1419 Ferry St ROOMY. fura. Apt. dose a. 399 Willow 8 R. i fur. Adults. NO pets. HoUywood DisL 1003 N. 22nd. - SMALL - furnishod ..apt, lights-- and water. 1933 Center. APT. 449 MgJU Mrs? C. Newburgh. APTS. $18 a 813 JO. 'lights, water A phone- 85l N, 31st. - : X and 3 rra. apts. furnished, very ens. 1775 N. Front or phone 96SI. For Rent -Houses 3 R. (unfurn. exceot Elec. Ra-. a Ret) $25. 172 S. Liberty. MODERN suburban bungalow, fur nished. Garden spot. 215 Salem Heiahts Avenue. Ph 9092. FURN. 4 bedrm. country home. 350. Ph- 2-1212. - r - MOD. Cottages. 3 run. , a bath. fura. Lights.. gas, hot water. 8 blocks N. of underpass. Starbucks Cottages. VERY LOVELY turn. 3 rmJ mod. home. 871 Union or Ph. 7239. SMALL house, good location, adults. no pete. Call after PJd. 21 U N. Com'l Three' room house at EofaL Ph. 9650. in color, in new Statesman tabloid comic section For Rent FLOOR SANDER for rent gomery Ward. Mont- TRUCKS i for rent. You drive Me Cune a Lbveu, phone 9600. Wanted to Rent 3 BEDROOM furnished house by per manent responsible party. Will care for grounds and improve. Ph, 3-1727. S BEDROOM house, unfurnished, by Rep. Albert Milling Co.- Will pay S4O-S50.00. ; Respectable family. Best references, j - Permanent, prefer schoet Box 2533. Statesmen. . MODERN 8 room house uirfum. Per manent References. Call 3092. - , MUST HAVE furnished 3 bed room home 'at once. Prefer cloae in., near primary school. Permanent Reason' able rental Ph. 9101. X OR- 3 BEDRM. has. wanted In or near Hollywood Dist Ph. 6211. WILL Lease for one year. 9 or 9 rm. uniurn. hse. Ph. 31923. - For Sale Real Estate 82750 , cash. S-room mod. homo IX yrs. old. base., furnace. - rplace. hwd. floors, large lot South. Immediate pos session, i . 83500 , t cash. New -S BJt nieely nurntshed home in West Salem. -LEAVING SALEM - i - 83700 'a- cash. Hwd. floors. living a dining. 2 B.R basement new ; wood rurnace. wired tor range. Good loca tlon. Eaat.' L .v. - C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 -r--l- SPECIAL IV acres with a 8-room house. Elec tricity. paved road. close to school, and high school bus to Salem.' Priced to sen tor $630.00 cash. - R OSTEIN a ADOLPH. INC. UOt'a North Commercial Street 8 R. house, bath. elec. garage, good location, near S. Com. St 82500, terms, 8 R. house IL. very fine loc base ment a furnace, garage, bus. 83500, terms.- - - - C. J, JACKSON. 341 Stota SL. Salem. GOOD HOME BUYS $500 down, 6-R. house. -small base ment (concrete). Garage. Corner lot $2850.00 price. ' , , $500 down. Nice 8 R. home, modern except basement. Good house and nice lot Priced at $3000.00. - i GOOD FLAT S R. down a 4 up. Rented for $55.09 per mo. Nice corner lot a fine location. JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 507 Center L : Ph, 9443 $6300. Good terms. 3 BJt house. Ex. large liv. : and dining rooms.Hwd. floors down. Double plumb. Double garage. A good value. - 88000. Terms. 5 BJt. home. WeU located-South. Hwd. floors down. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 3 R. unfinished house S. E. Salem, 3 lots. 700 cash. Good buy. Fine building sites Klngwood Heights, city - water; penrin : Consider eoast. C. J. JACKSON. -J41 State SL, Salem. $3250.00. Uvtn. dining room com bined.' kitchen Sc 1 bedrooms, t Wired for . range. Venetian blinds, garage. 3 different varieties fruit trees T 8x750.00 8 room house. Interior new ly redecorated, basement furnace a garage. Nice lawn. S', acre tract S. town. 8 room house, attractive ;yard with sunken garden a fish pools, barn, chicken house a milk hse. Price .34150.00. . P. H. BELL. REALTOR 3U Guardal BSd. . . n - Pbone S16S . RM. HOUSE. X' large bedrooms, boiltins kitchen, large garden. blk. etoi?,-J?0S 8Tocery store. Price 83690. 973 J. J7th. .- ...... . It Cards in this directory on a Bnenthly basis only. Rate: IL2S per Una per month, j; ; ; . Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES. Cherry City Mo- 1 Aircraft 21st a Market Anto Brakes Mike Panak- 278 South Coramerclai Batteries WTfif.ARD all R. D Bicycle BICYCLES and W Boott 14T avi Chimney-sweep: Flfjrista. BreithaupfS'- 447 9198 Fujierml Hireetors Pa. GifU. THE APRON Shop. -S7 N. High. Heating Service LLOYD IL. ROBINSON. Ph.: 33166. j Hosiery Real SiOx Hosiery Mills. Ph. 6769 Mrs. K Moseley. Gen. . DeU Salem Lawn flower Sharpening Machina! ground. 640 S. Capitol St Mattresses CAPITOL 1 BEDDING CO Phone 4069 Painting . Painting and- Decorating. Ph. T552. For Sale- Real Eslato HOMES FOR SALE: T r. modern, with 4 bed rooms, dou ble plumbing with tile baths oak firs, throughout full basement otl heat fireplace, double garage, -shade trees, near Parrtsh schooL $6850. A REAL BUY. - -f r. modern -only X yrs, old. In first class . cotuiition. oak fir fireplace, basement, fumaco. garage. 83450. $1500 down, bat 82343 per mo. - 4 r. with two bed r, oak firs., fire place, at 1375 Madison St. 83200. part terms.- , r-.-v: , . 4 r. with- basement furnace, oak Bra, attic, paved st, near school and bus lino, $3300 cash; 3 bed r. home 1, ysa. old at 1489 Jefferson St IMMEDIATE - POSSES SION. . 83650. Terms. - - s . - r. modern home- with basement furnace, deep tot with fruit -and gar den space. 6 r. on. one fir. Price 84500 easb : W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. " , i "REALTORS 134 S. Liberty' St 1 Ph. S1 9 RM. house. aR furnished 83006. $500 cash. $23 per mo. r. house, semi -mod. 82250. - COZY a roomed house on N. Church St. for cash. 8200.00. H. Pe GRANT, Realtor 829 Court St " Ph. 6744 3330 CITY CONVENIENCES a COUNTRY PRIVILEGES -- IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ' Neat little homo like now with .ga rage attached, electric lights, plenty built-in, fireplace, drilled well and water system. Out of city owner says SELL for 83200; cash $500, balance, lute rent See LEO N. CHTLDS. INC.. REALTORS. 344 State Street Ph. 926L 4-YEAR-OLD brick home. Complete ly furnished in every detau. H. W. Floors. BasmX 86800X0" take every thing. See Mr. Goodwin with HAWKINS a ROBERTS. - INC L - i REALTORS .. .. - ,. : , WHY RENTT House A cor. lot Mis sion St, $1300. Terms like rent. 3 bedrm. house. 2 lots. W. Salem. 81800. 8300 dn., baL Ilk rent Good house on State St 83750. -: Nice acreage a sub. houses. H. C SHIELDS. Oreg. JUdg. Ph. 8902 LIKE new, 9 rm. hse Hdwd. Crs fireplace,, attic, wood furnace, close to schl. On Wallace Rd., 3 blocks from Box factory. Rt. . Bx. 285L. . GOOD 8 R. house. Large lot close' in. Full basement. Furnace. Gas a oil Unks. Garages. Price 35000. Make me an offer. For quick sale. Ph. 6832.. . VERY NEAT 4 room house, basement a furnace a garage. Located on Brooks Ave. just north of Highland. Now vacant. Price, $2400.00. 4 B.R. house, strictly modern, on Market f or : ; 84500.00 4 room modern house, nearly all furnished, on Fir St, for . $3900.00 Small house in S. E. Salem $750.00. Terms can be, arranged on all those houses. -S. M. EARLE , .208 No. High St $2950. Nice clean. 8 large rooms, patio. large oaks, oversize, lot food location North. 1- - S4O00. Tarnished ! duplex, each aide rented for S30. Base s furnaces, creek lot. Close in. Good investment. - t C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 $1350 5-rm. hse.. bath, caraae. nav- ing. some trees. Terms. $23754 mu. At nook,' basement fur nace garage paving. 84500-8 rm. home, hardwood firs, la living a dming rm, nicekltchen a nook. Basement furnace,- fireplace, large lot some trees. MELVTN JOHNSON, REALTOR -7H Court St Ph. 3733 MODERN 8 rms. tUnfta. Unstrs.1 Late built. 85000, Nice yd. -Auto. heat. 82000 dn 2 unit Apt hse. I rms. down. 3 up. $1900 close in. Small dn. payt Willamette Real Estate. - Paiating & Pa per hanging Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4325 Paints and lotcirners - Complete tine NASON paints. Liberal tecma. R - D Woodrow. 394 f. Cbureh. Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards. pamphlets. prwarsBRs noon or any sana or print Ing. call The Utoaman Printing De- pwimesit sa av . i iniuitos i lai Tata- 919L. Plowing plewlng'6s discing. Bay , Batter. Mtaer. rn. 2-2504.. Radio Service T Real Eftate with dal iiHy Ot, ComX P. Septic Tanks Cleaned SEPTIC TANKS! eleaned guaranteed. Gene : Fit. - 48 Zdgowater SC. Wast Tnaptetion Kasuwth - Hamet ' a resident of West Ph. Transfer U-DRTVE ' TRUCKS . FOR ; RENT Blankets furn. m s, Llbwty . Ph . 9062 FOR LOCAL OR THSTANT tranter storage, burner oil. briquets Trucks to Portland - daily. - Agent Pierce Auto FreuthL tncludina Calif- , nointa Larmer Transfer Co . Ph 3UL Tiling TILE bathrooms, drain boards, fire places and storefronts. Ph. 6472. Vacuum Qeaner Service Certified, sruar. service. AH makes. Vince's- Electric 137 S. Lib. T. 6292 FREE msnectlon In : your nam. Au thorized Hoover sere lee W sens, all makes c Waiters- Hogg. Bros. Pb, 149 Well; Drilling R A Wast a Sons. Rt 8. B 443 2-2290 every Sunday. Directory aMisfaetlon State-wido- aervica. Salom. Ph. S74A. For Sale -Real Estate MODERN T rms. (4 bed rms.) View property. About lis acre. Out bides. $3750. Part terms. Close in. Willam ette Real Estate, 172 S. Liberty. FOR SALE: Modern home. new. liv- ing room, dining room, kitchen, lava tory down, 2 bed rooms up and bath room. Full bamt , furnace, garage. Call for appointment. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 212 Guardian Bid. Ph. 8188 S R. HSE. in good condition. Baant Good. lot garage a chicken hse. Gar den .already planted. Imnwd. post us sum. $3500. $500 dn. . .. 4 r. hse. Large kitchen. Good 'garden spot Nicely located. 81500. 8309 dn. F. H. Weir . 468 Center ' REALTOR - .aai look : Oa 13th St 9 rooms, 2 baths. Base ment 8 room rents 823.09. Two for 81000. Shrubs, Walnuts. 1763 S. Capitol St, after 6.P...M. - WXNSLOW. : Aria. - 6 rurn. Sewers. Handy man make living from rents. High - dry - eiimate.- Might con sider chicken ranch trad. Owner 212 W. 1st-Winslow, Aria..'-',,s-,K---ir .r:- NEW. SMALL house, 4 rm. a bath. Hdwood.- floor in Uv. rm. Yen. bhnds. autom. -elec water heater. blk. to city bus. School bus by door. 82258JW. Terms. Ph. 9739. ; - 8 A, MOD. practically new 3 aadrm, full . bsmt, furnace, bam. chicken house. 2 garages. 213 ft well, family on mi. from Salem.' 88300, 1653. 85009 down. baL like rent Ph. 2-1 -, , INCOME PROPERTY : S rm. mod. hse. and 3 Ph. 8909 or 7871. 1003 N. 16th. 1 A. EAST, close to bus school. 2 room house, garv. elect $1500. $309 down. See owner, 231 N. High. 8838. LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE HAVE LOTS Of BUYERS Ac LOAN ON REAL ESTATE BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKINS a ROBERTS. INC REALTORS PH. 4108. 8 RM. house. Good gkteation. 1337 Market. By owners . Exchange Real Estate ACREAGE WANTED: 1 to 8 As.. 2 or 3 bed - rm. house,- inside plumbisz. Chicken facilities, near bus and school. Will trade 3 yr old mod. 2 bed room city home. 1800 Hazel. - - For Sale F arms A REAL FARM BARGAIN: ' . 240 acres, with about 150 acre Of good farm land, creek, some good tim ber a pasture. Old style farm bldgs, near P. Highway. Price 845 per acre Cash. WORTH MORE. W. H. GRABENHORST 'a CO. REALTORS ' 134 S. Liberty St - . Ph. 4131 " NEAT IJTTTJS FARM Of IS ' ACRES - Nat Sar out on . iMd road. V fruit.- te- excellent condition -" should pay well this year? fine garden; bal ance pasture. 5-room house, barn, and chicken coops: drilled well and water system. Price 85800 - a real buy I See Mr. Voorhees with LEO N. CHTLDS. INC, REALTORS. -34 State Street Phone szsi .228 ACRES: Good stock ranch, about 80 a. of plow land, some good amber. - bat pa lure, spring -water. 9 . miles out Prtos- S12JXW. Will exchange - tor city property. - - W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 REAL FARM BARGAINS -63. A., front on SS-B Hiwar. A5S i acre. Owner non-resident 68 A. farm 89500 and 46?i A. 83500. AU cultivated land, large barn, 6 R. house, 13 miles nortn. Mod, suburban home.- 1 A.. weH improved, mod. home, for 880O8. 34 A. House R. bath, electricity. for S4000. ASM X A. $400. 3 A. 6 R. house $3100. . Do you want. something cheap? 28 A. for $1700. and-13 A. Large barn. nouae needs repairing. Men house. Some- fruit. Price, $1200. Only 830 down. Ar 13 A. about 10 A. in prune t -walnut. SS39. Owner non-resident. See Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Needhanx 341 State. R. 4. Don't show propaity on nunnaya. 196 ACRES: Over . 109 acres in crop. baL timber a pasture. , fine farming sec tion Polk County. No. bldgs. Price 88509. This farm pays weU on invest- t. W. H. GRABENHORST REALTORS 134 B. Liberty St. a CO. 4131 Mtt A. 18 mi. from Seism on paved road. 1 nn. bae . -2 -sane. . cult, sevecsl aprlns. - 86 -per A. MELVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR T23 Court St . Phone -3722 109 vaL- Wc it tally. old-style farm am. 78 -a. plow BriBod wen. Price- 88390. TMMEDIATE POSSESSION W. M. CRABSNnOKST At CO.' RRALTORS. 134 av. Llbai fy St. 1 PR. 4181 FOR .BALE n acres at Silver Qaksns. Gead house a bam. IS A. strawberries. Only f tspft; will r niailrti i toaaangv So -Mri Hardy with HAWKINS arROBERTS 1MU, XaALlUia. w 74 ACRES with good T and . plenty of aertbutklutaa. Good all year -cseeK -and onry 3, - snL. Salem. I9j000j99. Some - terms. D. A. FISH , . M 477 Court IDEAL STOCK RANCH" 782 Acres. 22 est- Salem. 49 A. aoad fir timber, aiisi a 'Springs, room house, barn 36x109. Price -$16,608. 84000 down, bat 9. - - - C H. SANDERS 231 ff. High 6838 30 aCJOSi hA- v -' s ; Small shack house, a few beating cherries, bat plow land. Seven mile out on gravel rd. . Price 91200 cash. W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 Acreage 3"; FIVE ACRES. .EAST: ' Good sou. 8 r house, welt electric pump near schoot paved rd. . 82909. Is cash. W. K. GRABENHORST a CO. ' V REALTORS v 134 S. Liberty St - Ph. 4131 3 A. All under plow, atect . water system. S-room house. ; barn. . chick honse. earaee. 'ml. Salem, szsoo. Trade .for- city. t YOUR OPPORTUNITY ' T Acres, A-l soit A. fir timber. U A. pasture, balance under plow. New modern- 4-rooma, basement fur nace, all hwd. floors. chick house, large garage, barn. Only $4500. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High - FIVE ACRES: Good drilled ' welt uncompleted house, strawberry patch, near Liberty. Price $1500. Terms. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION.. W. H. GRABENHORST a COw. . . REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 8 ACRES North I Dandy soit dandy location, older type 3 BJt house, barn. Quick sale. 83000. $1000 down, bat 9. 10 A. most au fruit, .4 rm. piast. house, 31800. $500 down. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 8638 ONE-HALF ACRE: ' With shack, rood soit east of Salem. Price $350. $150 down. $13 per mo. . W. H.-GRABNMOKST At CUt REALTORS v-."- 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4U1 2oXAabout8n"mUe "'" larf e housi elec. water system, rood barn, a A. (ilharti. nr fruit S3750. Terms. - ' CJ. JACKSON, 341 b late St, Salem For Sale -Used Cars NOTICE To the Publi 1C We are now in a position rvith a full crevr of Factorj Trained Skilled Mechanics, to render immediate scr vice on MOTOR TUNEUP - BODY & FENDER' BRAKES and COMPLETE GENERAL OVERHAUL ING on ANY AND ALL SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. Chrysler Your Dealer 435 N. Com'l. St. Acreage 1 ftnnn nire Tarm. 40 acres. room house. Barn 36x48. Family or chard, some timber, year round creek. paved toad, electricity, a sow mm, team . of horses, some chickens, all f.rm - michintrr and furniture. All eatttn no - ' 40 acres. Most all In cultivation. 8-room modern house, good dairy barn, 2. chicken houses, spring water, elec tricity. About 6 miles east of Salem. A good buy for 84750.00. 16',s acres. 8-room house, and barn. 3 chicken houses and brooder houae. Family orchard. 2 cows, 2 horses, sbout 809 chickens, and machinery. AU goes tor-saouu.oe. . - 1 1'- mrrmm with SxMnm hHIM - tlCC tricity. paved ' rood. : A borsaia ; for 9650.00 cash. 1T1C arrea. One-half in cultivation Sorne timber, f-roora plastered' house. Barn and chicken house. Family .or chard, rncea 10 sen inr um. . - nm - ihiait a mAtmm in straw berries. 4-room house, and bam. Price 84800.99. One-half casn. , v ROSTEIN a ADOLPH,' INC. . .t U0h North Commercial Street IS ACRES. 4 aol. "city center, l1,. A. tunrwr. elec. water aysteiu. i-rwiia well buiH home. barn, chick house. Prunes a nuts. Price 85900v iTaae zor C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 8838 - COUNTRY HOME: -4 r- modern plumbing, lights, fire place, double garage,- tan acres, a. plow- land, creex, some simoer. ua- IIIDIATK FUS5KSS1UH. S4VUB. W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. REALTORS I 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 214 A. North. 8 Rv all hwd. floors elec. woter system, rurnace. urepiace, young orchard, timber; 84500. Terms. IS a. 5 miles, no bides. 8900. Con sider smau nouse . as. aaiem. . S - R : cloaa on navina. new 3 bed room house, elec. water system, large garage. $5000. $1009 down. Disc. - for cash.. C J. JACKSON. 441 State St, Salem. IS A- the very best of land filbert trees 19 to IX yrs. old. Price 89509. i xs Acres, met aaow. 1 acre, incrudos 3 milk cows a heifer.. 9409. faamod. F. H. Weir 8 Canter - REALTOR Ph. 8411 1 4W ACRES: Sr. bouse, aevesal bearing walnut Pringle-school, rrate -aiz&c W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. 4xBALTORSY 134- 8W Liberty St. Ph. 4121 TrkTTMPROVCri -ACREACV - - froit. timber. dUOS. an xrun. rt. w-w. , A - IlIlM - frlltt ti.lll tl .I" C H. BANDERS 231 N-Jg Wanted Real Estate -STAVE CAS- ' V You nave the bom. We need 8 r 6 mm bows. U w wish to aeO. my -agents. Louis Bechtel or" Neodham. 841 State. Boom A.'- , WANT ! TO RENT JsV' to 49 with ontidn to buy. North. Soma stock. lights a . water, write oetroit. ore- Box 61. - ' . X HAVE BUYERS for small subur ban tracts a homes in Salera. If you want to sell, see JAS D. SEARS. REALTORS SOT Center rn. NOTICE Have cash buyer for farm with without stock and equipment Also have cash buyers for city property, If you want to eeU, call 7024 or see Commercial Realty Co, 2020 S. Com'L WE HAVE CASH BUYERS ' FOR MODERN HOMES- City or suburban also $ to 19 acre tracts. To sell your property, see LEO N. CH1LOS. INC REAliiWKS, S44 State Street Phono 9261. . - WANTED LISTINGS. We nave buy ers every day for city and suburban property tn ail price ranges, we can sell your, ptopetty at a good price for cash. List with us. ROSTEIN. a ADOLPH. INC 1104 N. Commercial GOOD 9 Rm. modern house, sawdust or wood heat. Can make good substan tial down payment Write Statesman, Box zaea. - ;- . . HAVE A NUMBER of cash buyers for Salem property. A listing with us a this time- means a ready sale. - . RICH L. REXMANN . 167 South High Street Phone J203 Business Opportunities EQUIPPED Restaurant to lease. 172 S. Liberty. Ph. 7113. v J. - Restaurant (equipped) $600.. 172 S. Liberty. .: : : y ; - - - - - For Sale Wood PREE Wood. Piha trees down:- No brush. On paved road 10 ant from Sa lem. At W. F. Pohie. 340 Se. Liberty St. Best e" StabVyUC'"82t "6663. 11- utij. WOOD. 4 ti. slab.- fresh cut sawdust Ph, 8Jx Wood Craen 412 N tlsl St Ph 837S Plywood cores a ends, Ph. 8504. For Oale Used Cars General t4 MAKES OF CARS. Plymouth Phone 4673 Salera 35 V-8 DeLuxe 4 dr. Sdn. A-l con dition. New brakes; radio; heater; 3 tires, lnq. betw. 10 and 2 Sunday -at 145 S. Church, . ,., '33 Ford Cpe. cheap. 3020 Stare 'St "35 ' FORD Sedan, good condition, 2 new tires. CaU after 6 p. ra. 205 S. Church St. Phone 9139. i 38 CHEV. t dr. Tn. Sdn. Good con dition. Call evenings. 4784. 1941 NASH DeLuxe Sdn. 837, S, Com TL Clipper Service Station. 33 CHEV. Sdn. Good condition., Ph. 3684 1190 Columbia. ' . 31 Durant Sed. Htr. At new battery. Good tires. A real buy. li N. 11. , BLACK 1940 PONTIAC Torpedo,. 8 Spt Coupe, $1030, by original owner. Drive it to appreciate- It If you aieea good ear this is your chance. 1. Call Mr. Clark, at 9101 or 3349 Wanted Used Cars Orval Pays TOP CASH PRICES .4? 1 U ;1 For Used Cars ALL MAKES a MODELS ORVAL'S USED CARS Center at Church Ph. 4702 More CASH for i ; Your CAR or j EQUITY 1 State Motors, Inc. Ph, 4438 - 240 N. High Cash in your Car ' p FOR CASH 7 37 to HI Model Casn- anoV Ptelrttps. . Bureoyne Motor Co.v I 44 Center - ' Phono-213S8 WE FAY TOPS! i Get every 4thn your r Is worth. Cash on the Barrel-Head 'C SHROCK p SALEtseidest bi,Ii pandi nt nsed , ear dlalt - ' MJC Corner Church a Chora. Ph. T322 8350 will aery. le deal ers. Ph. 21934. Motorcycles .1 FOR RALE: 1929 Indian 74. wxeefient motor, good - rubber, buddy seat -ana saddle bags. Call Mrs. comer,. 1410a Court St- Salem. Wood Sawln- Charlee F. Sis 1311 ft Liberty. Pb,- ax .. , . Lost and Found LOST: Brown leather bill ford down town Friday. John Hasche. R. 2. Bx. 408 FOUND:. 2 yr. old Iron gray mare. J. R. Frnechting. Rte. 2, .Box 260. North River Road. ,- Personal Wealthy gentleman wishes "to marry. Alliance. Box 93, Toledo, Ohio. Transportat ion ATTENTION: THOSE now working or anyone - interested tn working , at Commercial Iron Works and 1n need of transportation, please CaU 793. 10:39 A. M. to 7 P.. M. ...... . . , KANSAS CITY -MV- Skipper and Susanna were scratched with military honors, -from the delin quent dog tax list. Capt C. B. Combs, of Tort Knox. Ky, sent the dog enumera tor his report on how they iarea since they left here for the army: "Skipper has gone to his maker., He tackled a Kentucky dog. Sus anna is marriexi and has the d3n dieat looking mess of Fort Knoa; . hillbilly pupa you ever saw.! ,' A Pacific Lodfe No. 83, AF 84 A M IS.; M. DpfTM. Wtd i