The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 29, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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    ickanz Hurls, Hits
Into Loss; League Knotted
, j Reasons three-fold why it
Jana iseaver. opener next weanesuay, iviay ; mwu uab u
Bevos finally have something
Wilson, a native Portlander has
ing assignment for that day by
Manager Merv Shea and the op
position will be lx Angeles,
' t r1nK tKa (Tivrtf rlaim will
Ii M..
waltz off with the pennant.
Might get in even a fourth
reason: The block of ducats BUI .
Klepper sent Torn rtoiman ana
Cliff Parker for distribution
here are select A-l squats al
most directly behind the Beav
ers' dugout . . . Oddity and
don't "tell the enemy: Not a
single solitary left-handed hit-'
ter on the Camp Adair Timber
Wolves Senators" club. After
noting same when the .team
worked out here Tuesday, Busi-
ness Manager -; ju one - i onn .
Wulf argued with us, "Manager Knott takes his cuts from the left
side once in a while--iust to break the monotony." . TV And cavorting
just a year too late in our village ball yard is a right snappy looking
shortstop. He's the Timber Wolves' Pvt. Gus Gregory from Chicago
nd with Cedar Rapids of the 3-1 and Wilkes-Barre of the Class A
Eastern leagues the past two seasons. Knott, whose, 10 years in the
majors should qualify him sufficiently as a judge, says of Gregory,
He could field in the big show right now." ...
Going After a Really Big One
- No fights Friday night at the armory sinee the soldier slut- ;
(era are at present too busy finding- eat Just who belongs on the
194th division's who's who. Which probably cave local Lesion
Post Commander Ira Pilcher a breathing spell to hatch more Ideas .
for the future And he's done hatched, toe.
The gent responsible for our Friday fistic frolics has set his
sights on really big game this time and has already forwarded an
invitation to Pvt. Max Baer and his McClellan Field, Sacramento,
Calif, fighting team to appear in our village against the best Camp
Adair can offer, or possibly the same from Fort Lewis, at some fu
ture date. If the acceptances are made and the show looks like it's
going to be a little hot to handle, Pilcher has visions of it being
held as an open-air affair in Geo. E. Waters park sometime during the
summer. j
Of course we skeptics had to warn Pilcher that such a ven
ture might not do so well financially In fact, it might die a horri
ble death on the balance sheet and that the Lesion post probably
wouldn't realise anything out of it but a migraine headache and
a financial loss. -.
- . "I don't care," quoth the commander. "We owe it to the fans
If we can possibly line it up. I. want to keep these amateur fights
going full blast here all the time.' j .
"And besides, how do you figure we won't get anything 6ut of it?
If Baer answers my letter 111 at least have his autograph, won't I?"
The Sports Front Fifteen Year Ago
April 29, 1921 "George Caster left yesterday afternoon for
,'AIsea where he will begin his fishing at daybreak. Dr. M. Moon
has Indicated that he will try his luck In Thomas creek today . . .
- Salem fight fans will be pleased to know that Salem's own Eddie ,
Grayham has been matched with Jack Boise, 124 pounds of
Seattle, In one, of the three main events on next Wednesday's
card in the local armory, announced Matchmaker Harry Plant of
j .the Salem boxing commission last night. Others who have been
oigned are Jimmy Ross and Stockey Foley of Salem and Battling
Watts of West Salem . . . The Salem Rod and Gun club, which
took fourth place in the recent Oregonlan telegraphic chootwill
banquet at the White House restaurant Tuesday night. The .affair
will be In charge of Cliff Parker. Tad Shelton will give a talk on
'"Dry and Wet Fly Fishing" in the waters of this vicinity."
uri -vrr-:. l r ii
GqiriL Fishin9?
Taking Along
t All rigged up, a place to go
but no way of getting , there.
That's the situation confronting
. Men in Our armed forces sta
tioned at Camp Adair who want
to go fishln. The traveling re
strictions apply to them just as
they do to you, only In their
ease they have no "A" cardU.
So this week the Salem Hunt
ers and Anglers club, In con
junction with . officers , at the
neighboring post, is making a
plea to civilian fishermen who
'are planning a fishing trip and
'have an extra seat in the car
to get in touch with Lt K. R.
Donald, Headquarters, 413th In-
If He Can? t,
Nobody Can
. ST. LOUIS, April 28-jp)
. Xussel "Red" Morrow, 19 year
old college athlete who says ho
Was rejected by the army, navy,
.marines v and merchant marine
because of his feet S Inches,
Is just about ready to reach over
their heads to. President Roose-
velt. v-.:;-V:--c;-:;-:: ''-":
r - TTf they tell me once more
Fas too tall to fight In this war,
I'm going to write a letter to the
president," he said Wednesday.
Querdus Meadows First
... SAN MATEO, Calif, April 28
(5J)-Quercus, owned by the Ever
green stock arm, ran the mile
and one-sixteenth at Bay Mead
ows in 1:48 15 Wednesday to win
the $1000 Exposition Fish Grotto
purse by 10 lengths. ? : "J t
e::s. ciian . . lam
Cr.y.TXam,NJC. - . Dr.GXlJN.0.
Cmr.'-GS Herbalisls
211 North Liberty
"psta'" Portland Geeeral Electric
Co. t c open attay nly
'9 a n. 10 1 p m.; to 1 Con
sul'at X -od pressure ad urine
is Let otciiarga. Practiced
will be worth taking in the Port-
to see for a change. Big J ack
already been assigned the pitch-
How's About
a Serviceman?
fantry, APO, 164, Camp Adair,
Ore. The lieutenant will gladly
act as a date buerau, make ar
rangements m. that civilians
won't have - to drive . an . extra
foot to pick the soldiers up and
therein make happy hundreds
of would-be fishermen now In
uniform who are Itching to toss
a fly but can't.
Incidentally, LL Donald can
be reached by 'phoning Camp
Adair Extension 3112.
National League
Chicago .200 000 20 4 7 1
St Louis L..O0O 100 0000 7 4
Bithorn and Hernandes;
White, Dickson (8) and W.
Cooper. "
Cincinnati 000 S00 000 S 9 0
Pittsburgh 100f 001 0001 f 0
' Riddle, Beggs (9) and Muel
ler; Hebert, Brandt (), Diets
8) and Lopes,
Boston ;Mt t00 00 3 9 1
New York .tlt 000 0012 7 1
Javery, Stout (7) and Klutz,
Mas! ; (7) ; Wlttlg and Manciuo.
rvj4:- ;
x-ouce wmex tsen Markway picked
up 'two young girl hitchhikers
and lectured them on the dangers
of highway travel,
i He let them out at nearby West
phalia Mo., admonishing . them
not to hitch hike again.
The chiek returned to head
quarters to find the department
seeking the same girls, who had
run away from home. He con
tributed his information but , to
no avail. 'The hitch, hikers had
left Westphalia.
OAKLAND, Calif. -UP-Eight
families planting Victory gardens
in a vacant lot picked the spot for
cash , cropsJ;v' . n '" .? - v
They, are . digging itp nickels,
dimes and quarters as they plant
vegetables. '
The spot formerly wr used by
evangelists for tent revival meet
ings. Some of the coins tossed "at
collection plates missed and dis
appeared s in "the "straw covered
flocr; ,
Bevos .
11-Heat Tussle
Ends in 5-4
Nod to Padres
SAN DIEGO, Calil, April IS
(-Charlie Schantz pitched and
batted San Diego back into the
coast league Wednesday, holding
the Portland Beavers to six hits
and batting in the winning mark
er with an 1 1-Inning single $ as
the Padres scored a 5 to 4 vie
tory. . - . ' ' '
j Portland, went out In front
with three unearned runs In the
second J inning, ' Jack v Calvey
dropping John Gill's pop fly to
to' set the stage. After two were
'out, singles by Jack Redmond,
Ad Llska, Jack O'Nell and Tom
my Thompson allowed - Gill,
Redmond and Llska to score.
San Diego, tied up the game in
the fifth oii singles ".by Eddie
Wheeler i and . George' McDonald,
a triple by Bill Salkeld and an
other single by Swede Jensen. In
the seventh," Schantz doubled and
was sacrificed to third. McDon
ald flew out and Schantz ' scored
when" Redmond dropped : Gill's
perfect throw to the plate.
Larry Barton, Beaver first
baseman, tied up the game In
the eighth with a home run.
In the 11th, Walter Lowe sing
led to center and was sacrificed
along. Morry Abbott was inten
tionally passed to get to Schantz,
but Schantz singled to score Lowe
with the winning tally. '
Portland .030 000 0104 X
S. Diego . 000 030 100 S 13 I
Llska and Redmond; fchans
and Salkeld.
Southern Grid
Move Labeled
Premature Act
MOSCOW, Idaho, April 2Z-(JF)
Athletic executives of two south
ern division, Pacific coast confer
ence schools, Wednesday ex
pressed opinions that athletic ex
ecutives of California schools had
acter 'prematurely" In drawing
up" a tentative southern division
football schedule, which left out
northern schools.
They were Athletic Director
George Greene of the University
of Idaho and Graduate Manager
Earl Foster of Washington State
college, who expressed agreement
with similar statements Tuesday
by Roland Belshaw, University of
Washington athletic coach.
Locey Award
Don Durdan
CORVALLIS, April zS-itfVDon
Durdan, Oregon State college's
three-sport star
and hero of the
Beavers j Rose
Bowl victory
over i Duke uni
versity : in'J942,
was awarded the
" , I award" Wednes-
don durdan day. The trophy
goes annually to the senior voted
outstanding in sports, citizenship,
sportsmanship and "leadership.
Seals Spoil
Oaks' Opener
OAKLAND,, Calif., April 28()
San Francisco's Seals .wrecked
the home-coming plans of the
Oakland Oaks and their opening
of the Pacific coast baseball sea
son here Wednesday by scoring
a 5 to 3 . 10-inning victory over
the local club. -
Logan Hooper, rookie ; utility
outfielder, went in as a pinch
hitter in the extra inning and
singled to center with the bases
full, to score two runs. A crowd
of 3500 turned out. s
San Fran. 003 000 000 X-S t 1
Oak. ...100 0002000 0-3 7
Seats and Ogrodewskl; Dl
: Bias! and. Ralmondi.
Portlander: Rolls 300
" PORTLAND, April 28 HflP)
Chet Howlett, Portland, bowled 12
straight strikes on the Central -alleys
Tuesday night for the first
300-point game of the season.
Neiv One?s Okeh9 But Mort Wants Old One
ST. LOUIS, April 2S-45)
Morton Cooper; the St. Louis
' Cardinals ace
right - hander,
.. has y ielded
. only one run
In ,2ft. Innings
f so far this sea
son, and ap
parently he
I should be the
last pitcher In
.the world to
object to the
dead baseball.
: -Yet, as a
' hurling here
tic, he sail
uosx coopsa
Rollo Racing Fan Gets Golden
NEW YORK. April Xl-Jft
The old question of "how high
r - Is-rnp" has a
new compan
ion. It is "how
adequate la ac
curate ?V And.
after digesting,
a few figures
concerning de
grees .of accur
acy we've de
cided to be a
WkiMX Uri lltUo leas has
' ty la referring
to a pitcher's acuracy with
baseball' or a fighter's accoraey
with hJa punches or a golfer's
accuracy with', his " mashie. : .
- Particularly . the golfer's . a-
curacy, as what wo have learned
makes the common practice of
Wolves Opener
Again Called
ALBANY (Special) Attempt
number two to get the Camp
Adair Timber Wolves' baseball
season launched against the Un
iversity of Oregon club was un
successful hero Wednesday as
the weather forced cancellation
of the game. The two clubs at
tempted to get together at Eu
gene last week, but the game
was rained out.
Athletie Officer Lt. Bob Duf
fy announced Wednesday that
an exhibition game against Wil
lamette university at Salem has
been definitely scheduled, for,
Geo. E. Waters park on Satur
day, May 15.
State Beavers
Hit the Road
CORVALLIS, April 28HyP)-Ore-gon
State's baseballers take to the
road Thursday with a record of
six wins in eight northern divi
sion home" games.
They will play Washington
State college at Pullman Frl-'
day and Saturday, University '
of . Idaho at Moscow Monday .,
and Tuesday, and Washington
at Seattle the, following. Thurs
day and Frdiay. .
Vic "Brown, hard-hitting cen
terfielder, and shortstop Bill Mc
Cluskey, were not scheduled to
accompany the team. Coach Ralph
Coleman planned to use Freshman
alt Kirchner or Sophomore De
Waine Galloway in center and
Freshman Ray Oberst at short.
Lynn Elbows
3rd Straight
HOLLYWOOD, April 28 -(P)
Red Lynn ' registered - his third
straight win of the season Wed
nesday as he pitched Los Angeles
to a 6-4 decision over Hollywood.
Los Angeles ..120 030 000 6 12 2
Hollywood ..000 112 000 4 11 1
Lynn and Land; Thomas,
Erautt (I), Pullford . and Yon
kers. Mathewson Inked
For Portland Go
PORTLAND, April 28 -(JP)
Matchmaker Joe Waterman an
nounced Wednesday the signing cf
Richard Mathewson, Woodburn,
and Babe. Fenton, Portland ship
yard worker formerly of Rose-burg,-"
to fight In a four-round
preliminary to the Jack Chase-
Jimmy Garrison' headllner here
Friday. : - " , ... .
Wednesday he wanted the live-"
ly ball back that he could win -more
games with It.
Here's why: Although the op
position has scored a solitary;
run off Cooper, that was enough
; to beat him, 1 to 0, In 11 Innings
A t Cincinnati opening day. no ,
' blanked the Chicago Cubs hero
Tuesday, 7 to t.
Pitching a shutout Is no nov
elty for the Cardinal star. He
did It 10 times In winnings 22
-games last year. This season,' -with
the Balata ball, shutouts'
have been frequent, r - - .
"The dead ball favors the av
erage pitcher," Cooper explain
ed, "because it gives him an ad-
describing a golfer's . play .; aa
perfect sound rather silly.
This belated education Is the
result of a conversation between
Gene Sarasen, the 'golfer now
representing a firm specialis
ing - In precision - Instruments,
and another, gentleman of me
chanical mind. ...
. . The question of how accur
ate a top-notch golfer really la
bobbed up, and . Sarasen's. com
panion got out - a - pencil ' and
psper and started putting down'
figures. : ; , - - . "
Amber Light, Slide Rule, Burnt Cork and Blue Swords, shown above left to right, are all hoping those
respective noses charge across the finish line first Saturday . In the Kentucky Derby at Churchill
Downs,' Louisville, Ky. Slide Rule Is owned by W. E. Boeing, the Seattle airplane man, and Burnt
- Cork by Eddie "Rochester" Anderson, Jack Benny's radio right hand man.
Solom, Orocjon, Thursday Morning, April 29, 1943
Here's How the
Probably Line Up Saturday
LOUISVILLE, Ky-" April 8-P)-Here Is the likely starting
field for Saturday's 08th Kentucky derby-at-Churchill Downs,
with owners, probable Jockels, and odds:
Count Fleet '.. Mrs. John D. Herts John Longden. 3-5
- Ocean Wave - Warren. Wright Wendell Eads 7-2
Blue Swords "l.Al!en Simmons .v , ; .. John Adams 8-1
Slide Rule W. E. Boeing -Conn McCreary.. 10-1
thh - -.W. E. Boelnr --:No boy "10-1
Gold Shower
Amber Light .
No Wrinkles J
Modest Lad ,
Burnt Cork
Mrs. Vera S.
Dove Pie
(x Bankrupt
(x) Doubtful starters.
Derby Starter
LOUISVILLE, Ky , AprU 28-(P)
It appeared Wednesday that uurnx
Cork stiU is a likely starter in
Saturday's Kentucky derby and in
that case the , boys and girls a
little doubtful now as to who will
win are convinced they know
wholl finish' last. . "
The Cork is the big, handsome,
hav-stoker owned by. Rochester of
the radio ana on ms uiuiu
tricks and his latest racing effort
' .. '- " m - 1
--he staggered home last in Tues
day's oderby trial starting him
in the derby nule-and-a -quarxer
would le a whole lot funnier than
any of his owner's gags ever were.
Huskies Lose
Sprinter: Smith
EEATTLeI April 28 -(JPr The
army lost sprinter Bob JSmith be
cause of a heart murmur and the
Uttiversity; of ' Washington track
team, appeared today to have lost
him for the same : reason, ; with
eligibility complications. .
The Centralia i speedster :is de
flnltelyi out of the Oregon meet
here- Saturday, Coach Hec Ed
mundson Teported, "and "may be
out for the season. . . J C ' ;
. vantage he doesn't possess over
the bitters,' who can't drive It
far. and wide." . ' '
- - (.penalises the better pitch
er who could win with any kind
j of a ball because his team has
difficulty - getting . him' the' runs
J he needs, f The result Is that a
- game can be decided by a break
. and the. breaks frequently go
against the A better team.- ' " '
-' "Why, with the dead , ball, I
believe - Philadelphia - would be
s much a pennant contender as
'the Cardinals." " : " ' : ' J ' ' "
Cooper,' completely rid of
back Injury "suffered during the
f , winter, has made the best spring
; start of . his career.
Opportunity to
When he had finished it was
fairly clear that a top-notch
golfer is about as accurate as
a description of Hitler being a
benevolent soul steeped in the
milk of human kindness.
The ' gist of the . mathemati
cian's;: findings is .that, com
pared with : the work of pre
cision instruments used in man-.
ufaeturing, a - golfer's perform-
aneo Is very poor indeed. ' The '
figures showed that to match
fine precision . instrument " a
golfer would have to make 250
yard hole in one In a cup 14
inches In diameter every time.
So next time you 'marvel at
a Sam Snead or a Ben Hogan
hitting the green from 250 yards
' out,' just think of what they
'K.y .'.yyyw;.v w.. .' w
SUtcamaa Sprta Editor
Derby Dandies
Bragg Ted Atkinson ..12-1
Charles T. Fisher Alf Robertson.. 20-1
Mrs. Ethel V. Mars Ray Adair. 20-1
Mrs. Henry L. Finch Johnny Gilbert..- 40-1
Eddie Anderson No boy . 40-1
J. Warfleld Rodgers.l Charles Swain.. 100-1
Townsend Martin .FerrU Zufelt 100-1
How They
W L. Pet. W 1. Pet.
Portland 73 .700IHollywd 4 6 .400
San Dieg 7 3 .700 'Seattle .2 S 350
Loa Anc 7 3 .700 Sacram .2 S JOQ
San Fran S. 3 .667 Oakland 2 7 J22
. Wednesday results:
: At San Diego 9, Portland 4 (11 Inn
ings). :, . . . ' . - -
. At San Franciso 5, Oakland 3 (10
innings). S-:-:" -- - ; -'-
At Hollywood 4. Los Angeles .
At Sacramento-Seattle postponed.
. - . W L Pet. W If Pet.
New Yrk 4 -1 JMOISt. Louis 2 2 JOO
Cleveland S 2 .714 Pbiladel 3 S J75
Washinat 4 3 SH Boston -. 2 4 J33
Detroit 3 3 JOOiChica.o .1 4 .200
Wednesday results
r--Washington 3, Philadelphia t.
New York S, Boston 0.
Cleveland 2. Chicago 0.
Detroit 4. St. Louis 2.
- W I Pet.- W L Pet.
Brooklyn 4 1 OO Cincinnt 3-3 J00
Pittsburg 2 J500 Boston .2 2 .500
StT LouiS 2 3 : JV00 New Yk 2 3. .400
Chicago - 3 3 JOOlPhiUdel 13 IM
.' Wednesday results:
: Brooklyn 4, Philadelphia t (10 inn
ings). '
Chicago 4, St. Louis 0. '
CincinnaU 3. Pittsburgh 1.
Boston 3, New. York. 2. -
. Buffalo at Syracuse postponed
i. Montreal 9.- Jersey City 4.,-i -..i
; Bochester 4. Battimore 0.
; Toronto 4. Newark 0. . "
AA League
Sails Today
v COLUMBUS, April 2oWP)-The
American association, still made
up of the same eight clubs which
started the circuit 42 years ago,
wings away Thursday on another
pennant drive. .
Lewis "Wins Bout
OAKLAND, Calif,r April 28(P)
Paul Lewis, young middleweight
prospect, of Oakland, - Calif,
stopped Jackie Byrd, Blytheville,
Ark., in the third round of their
scheduled y 10-round " fight r here
Wednesday .night- Lewis weighed
152 pounds; Byrd 15L '
Stick Out Neck Saturday
could do If they were equipped
with bomb sights or some oth
er product of precision art.
The horse race fans who havo
found gas and tire rationing and
suggestions, to curtail . unneces
sary railroad travel just minor
inconveniences which can be
offset by a little Ingenuity,' havo
a chance to stick out their necks
a little farther" next ' Saturday;
The Kentucky Derby will be
run, and ' It Is Indicated there
will bo enough spectators on
hand to make It at least a rea
sonable facsimile of a usual Der
by crowd, x vH.
But wo have an Idea there
will be a liberal sprinkling of
To Salem Five
Tel & Tel Tourney
To Local Branchers
The Salem entry of the Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph company
brought home the championship of
the Pacific coast bowling tourna
ment between teams of the big
utility held Tuesday night in Port
land. A large trophy will be pre
sented the local keglers in the
near future.
Competing with some 25
teams from over the entire
coastal area, the Salem quint
rolled Its way to Its first vic
tory In the tourney. Clem Kert
son. Gene Kellogg, Johnny Gal
lagher, John Olney and Jimmio
MeMulIen formed the cham
pionship team." : --:--!. . ri
Ortiz Kayoes
Cardoza. 6th
FORT WORTH, Tex, April 28
(JP) Manuel Ortiz successfully de-
IvnAA hta wnrM hsntamnraioVit
championship Wednesday night by
anociong out blood-smeared Lupe
Cordozcr in the sixth round of
their scheduled 15-round fight.
Cordoza never . had a chance,
with Ortiz leading the fight all
the way, his flicking left making
Cordoza's face a red smeared
Washed Out
The Willamette-Linfield North
west corilerence baseball double-
header opener set for McMinn
ville yesterday was - weathered,
and has been filed " away for the
future date of May 0V
The Bearcats vs. Camp Adair
383rd infantry tussle, scheduled
for today, will also be possibly
called off. -
Bums 4, Phils 3
It took ten innings for the Brook
lyn Dodgers to beat the Phillies
Wednesday, 4-3, and it was an
unearned run that finally, decided
a comedy of errors. ' s.
Brook. 000 001 110 14 9 4
; FhiL,T000 fOO 1 JO 03 12 5
. Bead. Allen (8) , and Owen;
Gerheauser, Fodgany (9) and
Llvlngton, Padden (9).
War Vets Licenses y
Upped Aftep june 9
PORTLAND,' Apiil 28 -Pi-
War veterans and persons eligible
for old age hunting and fishing
licenses must pay l for their
special combination permits after
June 9, the state came commis
sion warned Wednesday. The fee
was doubled by the last legisla
ture. Separate licenses may be
purchased for 50 cents each, how
ever. V. ', ',,-V :
100 .
AU-Wool '
S -N
State Kalm -
mt from a distance. It la a
safe surmise that all the week
end reservations in the hotels
weren't made by local folks who
wanted to get away from homo
for a couple of nights, or by
: soap salesmen passing through
In line of duty. .
: Louisville can't be blamed If
out-of-towners" come there for
the sole purpose of seeing the
-'Derby.'; 1 : 2
" However, some outsiders will
bo there undoubtedly. If there
"are too many of them the gov
ernment might get seriously an
.: noyed and crack down, but
: hard. The Derby could be Just
i that extra piece of rope for a
, community hanging. It's up to
- ,
5-0 Victory
Q Over Red Sox
" . . - ; .
rl-A . Stirnweiss: Raps
Yahlcees to ; Win . '
.BOSTON, April 28-0!P)-Ernif
Bonham pitched six-hit shutout
ball Wednesday as the New York
Yankees battered the Boston Bed
Sox 5-0, but George "Snuffy"
Stirnweiss stole the show with his
batting. .
The 24-year-old rookie short- -stop,
who was to leave for llsrt- -ford,
Conn., after the game to .
report for an Induction exam
ination, made three of the Yank- Y
ee a. eigne nits en joe uooson,
scoring one run and batting in
He boosted his 'batting a vers go
to .455 . for five games, in all of
nrhiVh ha hat hit aflv tn hits
in 22 times at bat. I . ,
New York 000 110 030 5 2 0
Boston ....000 000 0000 3
Bonham and Dickey; Dobson,
Karl (9) and Partee.
Tribe's Mack
I Remains 1- A
MANSFIELD, O., April 28-)
Ray Mack, regular second base
man of the Cleveland Indians, w&s
retained in 1-A Wednesday by. a
selective service appeals board.
The decision was a blow to offi
cials of the Indians, who had hop
ed he would be reclassified to 3-
A. ..;
Tigs 4, Browns 2
DETROIT, AprU 28-;P)-Slen-der
Tommy Bridges pitched and
batted the Detroit Tigers to a 4-2
victory over the SL Louis Browns
in their delayed American league
opener at Briggs Stadium Wed
nesday before . 17,943 spectators.
St. Louis ...000 000 0202 CO
Detroit 000 103 OOx 4 9 0
Sundra and Hayes; Bridges, '
Gorsiea (8) and Richards.
Na tS 3 j4.'s 0
WASHINGTON, April , 28 -iP)
The Washington Senators! trimmed
the Philadelphia Athletics 3-0'
Wednesday with the help of Roo-,
kie Ewald Pyle's pitching and a
couple of costly PhiladelDbia mii-
plays. '
PhlL :.. 000 000 0000 8 4
Vash M1 200 OOx 3 5
. Christopher and .Swift; Pylo
and Early. f
Injuns 2, Sox 0-
. CHICAGO, Aprfl 28 The
Cleveland Indians, although out
hit, made it two in . a row over
the Chicago White Sox Wednes
day, winning 2-0 behind the effec- :
live pitching of Southnaw Al .
Smith. -
Cleveland ..200 000 00 t 0 1 '
1 Chicago :c000 000 0000 9 0
, A. Smith and Desautels; Diet- "
rich and Tresh. , 4"
Labish Center Wins
Center baseball team smacked the
Lake Labish nine, 22-3, here re-;
centlyn- A return game is dated
for jhe first week in May. . A
Smooth . . . Just right for
tooaUB9 cad sandwiches.