TLe CZ1ZGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning. Apr! S3. 1213 You Gsi -llieMos . -.Sesmah' :GlassiSed Page Classified Advertising Statesman . Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insertions per Una 25c Six Insertions per line 40c One month, per ; , f .Minimum charge 25c; 3 tL min imum 3 5c; 6 tL min. 45c Mo refunds. V ; ; Copy for this page accepted un til 6 30 the evening-before public .tion for classification Copy re ceived after this time wtM be run "under the beading- "Too late to -Classify." . - The Stateaman assumes o Bnan etal responsibility for error which "reprint that part Of aa advertise ment tn which the- typographical -mistake occur - The Statesman reserves the right may appear to advertisement pub 'lished tn Ms columns and in cases where this oapr ia at fault will to .reject questionable advertising It further reserve the- eight to place all advertising undea the prouer classtricattoek- . . A "Blind"' Adan ad eon taming Statesman box number" an ad dress ia for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by tetter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the. identity', of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. -t3vegtock and Poultry FOR SAIJS Airshire cow. gentle. Tery heavy milker. 2337 Lee St.. Salem. LIVE RABBITS wanted. Northwest ultry Ji Pairy. ,1509 J9L ttot. ATTENTION HI Will remove dead St worthless stock In a moment's notice I SALEM fER THJCZEH Ac BY-PRODUCTS. Ph- MOO . Collect. No other Phone.) . ,- BRING TOUR own eggs-far custom batching. Tuesday or Saturday morn ings. Ph. 2-2881. Lee Hatchery. FOR SALE Newnampshlre pullets, ready to lay. Ph XZUU Lee Hatchery Help Wanted BUS. BOY: Week End work. Wait- full time. The Spa. 282 State. COOK WANTED. The Spa. man or woman. Help Wanted Male Workers new esspievsg '- war pre gncUoJi sheeJd net apply and wUl not he eensMered for eaaplaynunt by. em ployers advertlalBg in- this settle. FR V COOK. Marion HoteL MAN for SundiT work- at atoraae garage. 197 S. Liberty., .-J : : MEN "WANTED for r fJoprard work. Ph. 7858 : J''Sfl-s?- :'i EXPERIENCED kfTLKER Schindlcr Bros. Dairy. South Saieea., 4 Help Wanted F enu&Ie - WOMAN for light house and car et small child, day only. Sat. and Sunday off. Ph. 21T04. - . WOMAN to care for girt. . In your home. Ph. 9722, - WOMAN between XI and 40 exper ienced as seadv-to mmr anleewoman. Box 2571. Statesman. - - : STNOGRAPHXR, "SSt ; MO, plus iriaintenance,"Phr2302a:"'r"""r EXPERIENCED WAITRESS; good 'Wages, good tips. Steady work or week-end only. Recent experience not necessary. Carlesons. State at High. WANTED: Experienced waitress, (tight work, good wages. Call after 8 P.M. Chill Bowl. 1288 State. RELIEF matron i for general duty, capable of working with boys. Salary flus room, board, and laundry. Oregon tate Training School. Wood burn. LADIES: If you have 4 or more par hour week we will employ you at once. Our - 23 . years - in men's and ladies apparel business has' added millions of repeat customer business. The present line is broader than in past years. You do not make an in vestment for sample case no deliver ing. Advance payment at time -order is written. Several towns & - Salem ter ritory open. For full details and furth er information write RealsUk. P. O. Box 733. . WAITRESS -wanted, foil time -work. The Spa.- - Salesmen Wanted - Sales Ladies. Teachers. Mother. Rep resent CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES Mag andne. Three subscriptions each morn ing pays SS.SO. Write POSTOmCE BOX 8837 - PARKWAY STATION -KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. .For Sale Miscellaneous . - FOR SALE :V rabbits. Inquire after S p. m, 1389 S. 13th SL DIN. TABLE, t chairs, dresser, chest draw., occ. chair, rocker. 1 twin bed complete. 1 iron bedstead, table. Oli ver typewriter gc Hoesier cabinet. Ph. 588482 N, 20tiu . -. " , ; 7x18 -TRAILER HOUSE - acooromo dates 4. 1143 Eighth St, West Salem. 4 WHEELED TRAILER house. 989 So. 22nd. : - - . SEED POTATOES for sate. Ph. 8382. ONE BECKWITH concert grand : pi ano. Good as- new. Also -one Crawford electric range, good cond.- 3570 E. Tur Kte Rd. Ph. 2-1343 evenings. . COMBINATION electric - washer at rnangle; dinette set: hed .8 springs: linens. 420 Kingwoodr Ave, West Salem. . , Fuller Brushes 1743 Grant. Ph. 5391 WELL-ROTTED barnyard - fertilizer. John Pflug, RL 1. Wood burn. Ph. 1602. RESTAURANT equipment incL large . refrigeration coolers and re frig, with motor. Gas Rg. with excellent fry plate, etc. 172 S Liberty. GIRL'S playhouse, almost new. and U good boys' suits. Ph. 7. ADvraTisiNO 'r Western -. Advertiatng ; - - Representatives Georc O Close.- too. San rrancisoo 'Lo. Angeles Seattle ' Eastern Advertisinc o Representatives- Ward -Griffith Company, tne. -Chicago. New York. Detroit. Boston. AtlaaU - - - - entered et " the Peatof flee at Salem Origan as Second Class Matter. Pub' fished every momiito except Monday Bestness office 215 South -Commmr-. rial .Street ... , SUBSCRIPTION RATES V Mall Suheerlptlon Rate tn Advance: Within Oregon: Dolly and Suneav. Mo 60 cents: Mos tioO. 1 year. $8 00 nhc 60 Cents ner eras or -S7 20 for I rear In advance Pet copy cents Py City Carrier. 73 cents month. tj.bO a year In advance In Marion and nrUaront counfln Money- to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WK1TI ut phone (9168) ic saiara oiotst largest nemo owneo and home- manaeed finance Institu non Your financial affairs will be discussed and : loans .made in strictest onvicr You wUl be elves every eon sideration In the lepavtng of roui loan or granting ol extension 1 to 12 MONTHS TO REPAY . You can pay in full any time U ' eauce tne cost ONLY eORROWER SIGNS - -No endorsers Loan mad on . furnl tur or not -i - SEX HOY H SIMMONS MGR Lift No M 132 - GENERAL" FINANCE CORPORATION m Ue No S 139 134 So. Commercial St Phone 9168 first door., aouth. of Ladd at Bush hank Convenient ground floor location ' Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 9TB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M IS - SAVE TIME. Urea. as Apply for your loan by phone. - Telephone 3191. ask , for Miss Anderson. Personal f in a nee Go 612 State St.. opposite County Court House. . m -lea. "'" I - LOANS Private money for goodreal estate CHAS. HUDKINS 273 SUte St. . Phone 9494 For Sale Miseellaneoui FARM implements and stock. 1 team of mule. 2 sows. 1 cow and calf. J. H. Belcher. Rte. J, Box 633B. CHOICE DAHLIA bulbs from fair. SO et. each. Call -22968 :" ONE USED Upright piano, two rugs and., nousenoid goods, call saturaay. May l. ioso i. cottage. CELERY PLANTS. 911 thousand. Ph. 7710. t - Chest of drawer, mirror, chairs. stools, -clothe rack 8c basket, auto robe.- white Haviland china, kodak. kitchen., utensils, dishes. "etc. 840 W. Church. Apt. 6, Ph. 8844. poxes. mi. wauace no. sne. i. ni. STORY at CLARK organ in Al shape. beautiful bass tone. Also oak buffet; dining table: S dressers. 2 with mir rors: 2 stand tables: 1 book rack; aluminum cook in utensils: . 1, cords old growth dry fir and 2. cords mill ends. Ph. zzbjs or write he. 7, nax soo. Circulator heater, wood St coal. 798 N. 19th. ... . GOOD circulator wood heater. 10 mi. north on Newherg Hlway. H. X. Gronn. ' -1 - RABBIT fertiliser, shrubbery at gar den. 75c sack. 999 N. Liberty. Ph. ?33L BUSDTESS desk, swivel chair. 20. gal. Iron kettlei Phone 22114. YR. old Ward's. Bectric Refrf. cu. ft., and us. lamp. -washable shade. Cash. G. C. Johnston. Gates, or, BUTTONS, belt St buckle covered to match, harmonise or contrast with our dreasv flnuter Sewing Machine CO, 142 S. High. - LIKE NEW. man's -all wooL blue suit, sis 38. Phone 9377. DUO-THERM automatic oil burning hot water heater a50. Available en I rating. CQ(nl fiQUSEKiXi'iNU, INC -467 Court St. r ; -ATMORAYS for sale- or rent. H. C. Pugh. P.O. i Box 483. Ph. 2-2458. BURBANK SEED noUtoea. No. 1. S3 per C No. 2. S4 per C Government in spected. Any size - order up to 1000 sacks. R. D Lampkin. 900 Wynooski St, Newberg. Oregon. POULTRY FERTILIZER $1.00 per yd You haul it Ph. 12961. Lee Hatchery SEX HOGG BROS, 209 SUte St for liberal trade In on your eld furniture Guns and. Ammunition. 590 N. High. Wanted F nrnitnre CASH FOR used furniture & be nold goods 8 Forgey Pb 7444 Wanted Sliscellaneoas WANT TO Buy. Used camera et lenses- McEwan Photo Shop 435 SUte LAWN mower. 263 N. 23rd. Ph. 5836. SMALL "RADIOS. Condition not im portant. 494 S. 17th. Ph. 7377 after IX, WANT SMALL trunk. Victory Cafe, 168 S. Liberty before larp. m. CASH WATriNO ller ' sewiiU " ma chines.. U you ar not using your sewing machine we will pay top cash price for it. Singer Sewing Machine CO, 14 S. High. ' GOOD USED - Fur niter e. : appliances, maehteery, ; trail rs , or anything - of value. Glenn Woodry. the -Auctioneer. See me at the -Market. 1605 ;N. Sum mer or Phone f 110. USED FURNrTUaa Ph. 9199. oliscellaneons Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SERVICE IN MOST -. CASES - - Bring of Man Your Plate tor Repair DRt HARRY SEMLER,- DENTIST Adolph Bldg , Stat 4 ComT Ph 2311 For Rent Rooms ROOltr tkL'.tt" 'djr ;ry. 4408.' CLOSE IN: ladies , pref.- Ph. 7884 For Rent Apartments 4 KM. NEW furh. apt, frlgidaire. heat. hghU. Ph. 5129. " APT, 44QJ MnX! nMrs."J C Newburgh. 3 RM. FURN. front apt, refrlg. bath. garage. Adults. 843 ; Union. APTS.. 818 ac 81330. lights, water & phone 5?1 N- 21st. 2 and 2 rm, apt, furnished, very reas. 1772; N. Front ,or phone 9851. 3 RMS rum. Adults. 870 Union ' See "Blondie' in color, in new Statesman tabloid comic section y pop j . . .7 -. . Lo:n)C flloney to Loan CASH LOANS $30 to $300 CrTOMOBILE FURNITURE. LIVl STOCK and SIGNATURE .; Calkins Finance; Co. 318 (3rd FI Phi 4448 1st NatT. Bank Bldg, Salem S-228 Ue. M-27S - - PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS will retain possession of the vehl I to 15 MONTHS TO PAY . . ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie . No M mediate service. H. P. GRANT, Realtor 529 Court ; Ph. 6744 or ; 2330 For Rent Bouses Ph. 7113. 172 S. Liberty. Apt. Melvin Johnson. Phone 2723. STRICTLY modem rm. bouse I. S. of Salem. 12 mL. from Can Adair. Route 2. Box 952. : , to Aug. 1st. 990.00 mo. Ph. 4084. PARTLY TURN, duplex. 950 S. 12th. OipttOle Small hse. No work. Box 2570. States- For Rent FLOOR SANDER for rent' Moat gomery Ward- - wit. . xvu n?s Cune LoveU. phone 969. . . -Wanted to Rent WANTED: 2 or 3 bed rm. . close to city limits. Ph. 2-1963. near Hollywood DUt. Ph. 821L WILL Lease for one Tear. 9 rm. unfurn. hse. Ph. 2IS2S. , Ph. 21921. Will furnish references. For Sale Real Estate Attic. - 83800,00. ment 91600, with only 9200 down. O. E RAE REALTOR 1233 2 apartment upstair - brines S40.00 month. Plumbmg upstairs and down. Basement and furnace. Good-location Only 96300.00 with terms. A neat 4 R. house m West Salem Garage. $1900 00. Terms. li. E. VOSBURGH Phone 3598 1045 Cascade Driv 3-B. Rm. Home -close in. Full Bon't. large lot. $4500 for quick sale. Se Mr. Goodwin, with HAWKINS t ROBERTS. INC. REALTORS house & garage. 83250.00 8 room house, oil floor fur nace ac garage. P. H. BELL. REALTOR r 212 Guardian Bldg. Phone S16t Lee ; church. Bath, close to bus school. Lot 88x132. S4500 8 rm. home in Kay's 2nd Add. irdwood floors m livin Jk dml rms., basement, furnice, flrepla large lot. MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 723 Court St. Phone 3" Is A. WITH GOOD 4 rm. home, in- S2450. W G. KKUsXxEK. BXALTOR 147 N. Com'L Phone- LOCATED EAST for range, on bus. Immediate sion. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High SEW double garage.' owner says sell. S R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR ' 1833 N. Capitol- - 83500 'i CASH. NEW 2 B. R." nlc ly furnished- home in West Salem. LEAVING SALEM . diate possession. C H SANDERS 231 N.igh 8838 VACANT IN a few days neat 4 rm. ome with basement, lofatcd at S71 S. 17th St. Price $2250. See ' W. G KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. CoraX . Phone 4728 2148 MILL ST rrnaasemeit fur- nace. large lot. excellent condition, S4200.00. 378 So. 21st St.. 7 rm, 83150.00. : . - E. M. LARSEN. REALTOR 153 South High Si. Phone 7490 i1ME WITH f place. Located at 206O S. Coml. - St. Can only be shown by appt. Price $3150. . W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. Com'L - - " Phone 4728 SPECIAL GOOD OLDER house one block from Englewood - school extra - large corner REALTORS. 344 , SUte ; Street, phone 920L : ' - - - .., - - ' Ijiif M3UULI-WTD .GST OFF. I rvVALLT fc-'Foi The. Lsast For Sale Real Estate Wanted Real Estate 4BBBBSaaBkaBBBBBBBBBBBBSaaBBSXBK axBBBBBBBBBaSBSsaBBXaSBaM - WEST SALEM ' LATEBUTLT modern hse. 95000 to 9 ROOMS TWO loU for $2500. See to $6000. Cash or terms. 172 S. Liberty. Mrs. L. H. Ellis with LEO N. Ph. 7113. . , . CHILDS. INC, REALTORS, 344 SUte Street. Phone 9261.. 3 BDRM. HOUSE, lis than 9 years Vv. CASH slROOM mod: WOi Iay cash. Ph. 6754. , ; 12 yrs. eld. base, furnace, fplace. hwd. WANTED LISTINGS. We have buy floors, large lot, south. Immediate ers every day for city and suburban possession. - - - property, tn all price ranges. We can . C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 583S seU your property at a good price ?rrrrr7c rr xtt with us. rostein a EWJ. SMALL. houM. 4 rms. ' bath. ADOLPH. INC. 110 N. Commercial Hdwood.' floor in liv. rm. Ven. blinds, - , .qruu-, -un . autom. elec water beater. , blk. to . -t. city bus. School bus by door. 1897 S. ,tJ V to .-..n-n: Box 2567, SUtesman. , , i 3 A, MOD. practically new 3 bedrm.. ."tl"l-l",-riJ-n-r1- - - -ru-.r-i.-u-uwrxwrfu. full bsmt, furnace, barn, chicken "GOOD S Rm. modern house, sawdust house. 2 garages. 212 ft. wen. family or wood heat. Can make good subs tan orchard. One mi. from Salem. $8300, tial down payment. Write SUtesman, $6000 down, bai. like rent. Ph. 2-1653. Box 2568. :: - y. j,: j - j w S, KM.. HOUSE. 2 largebedroorns. HAVE A NUMBER of cash buyers builtins kitchen, large garden. blk. for Salem property, A listing with us " LOT" IW; "t" "roonV l Street- "" plastered. Full, basement. Shade trees. wood int. rruit Room. $3.000.00 $500.00 Business ODDortunities cash, 940.00 per mq, 1765 S. Capitol St mipuriunuiCT A home at 1005 N. 16th with small RESTAURANT well equipped 9600 home in beck. Ph. 5900 afternoons. for quick sale. 173 S. Liberty. - - . AUTO WRECKING with stock. 5 lote. . - nT ;" cement building 32x60 and galvanised ranSpOrratlOn . , building; 30x36. $7000 if sold st once. . V.C?? Jb:-,, ROOM for 1 or 2 passengers to Den By Owner: Lge. cor. Inc. property. 2 9?h StatemI SlSSL f2T rutur poMl" ATTENTION: THOSE now working r. : . . : : or anyone interested in working at 8 APT. bldg. ingood cond. jaZTZi ofSlnortiuon SeejBwner at 720 MilL-Ph. 5243. lOiO JLto TP. M. I A. EAST, close so bus St school. ' 3 room bouse. gr, elect. $1390. $300 : ; Fnr jlr 'T7nnrl down. See owner. 231 N. High. -5838. gor jalCWOOq LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE MILL WOOD. 96.00 par load. Prompt HAVE LOTS OF BUYERS & LOAN deL Ph. 6444. ON - REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS IS RTfpJT'.Ini?0813- " 18- MILL WOOD. 4 rv slab, fresh XZZ,. - - n : -,. - J-: - cut aawdnst Ph. MLkL"Hy'?wneGrd l0Cmtl00- 1357 Wood Craen 412 N 91st St. pTSto Plywood i cores ,- at ends.. . Ph. 9309 For Sale -Farms ', " .. ' 1,1 ' Wood- Sawins SI ACRES $18J0 froinoof.te ter system, bath, gas, good barn, hen . ' house, family orchard. 9 Ai of straw- berries. 4 acre apples, cherries. Vic- Lost and Found tory garden, grapes. 6 room plastered ae -etsss a snma house. Look this one over today. Re- . .quires 4a cash. For appointment see LOST: Left play shoe. Ph. 6398, Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Meedham. 341 v-i teR?om--1 ? -V.' . LOST LADY'S wrist watch, Satur- SELECT farm. 23 A, in A-t disirict: tZ.-ftj.". 52 WElee'lWafor'mn? LOST: BUck & white Wirehalrad bldgs. Excellent chance for someone. Terrler 170 Madrona. Ph. 2-2749. H. P. GRANT, Realtor Leave word. r:- "Sh-vxx LOST: Ration book No. 2. Return to 200 ACRE farm with crops, machin- AibeI1tiSreTIt' Box . Garden Rd, or ery and livestock. Immediate possession O. E. RAE. 1259 SUte St. Ph. 6761 . n . For Sale Used Cars Exchange Real Estate : ACREAGE WANTED: 1 to 5 As, 2 or 1939 DODGE 3 bed rm. house, inside plumbing. Del.-DeLune Trg.. Sedan Chicken facilities, near bus and school. All steel body. Ride SUbilixer. Pres- Will trade 2 yr. old mod. 2 bed room sure cooled valves., city home. 1908 Hazel. A-t Condition, , Only $825.00. Acreage LODER BROS. "YOUR OLDSMOBTXJC DEALER SPECIAL 26 A., only 3 mi. from 443 Center SL Salem city limit. Pavement. Lota ma- wwwvwww. terial. Sell on terms. You build.- 1937 V8 Sdn, Good runwlng condition. H. C. SHIELDS. Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 9903 Only 90S So. 12th. . . ; . . 100 ACRES, RIVER bottom, dairy 1M0 SPECIAL DeLUXX two-tone Jf"? ?Z!lS2?' JliTVI1- Chevrolet Sedan, radio, nnderseat R. A. FORKNER, Realtor, 1853 N. Cap- beater tefroter-4og lights new seat covers, good tires, mechanically A-l. , 263 West Wilson St, evenings. Wanted Real Estate black : 1949 potttlc Torp .. v-Spt. Coupe, $1050. by original -owner. WANT BEST 4 or 9 room modern Drive-it to appreciate it. If you need house- that $2500.00 rash will buy. Pri- a -good car this is -your chance, vat party. Ph. 22114. Call Mr. Clark at 9101 or 3349 Business Directory Cards la IM directory ran palnU Uccrners n monthly basis only. Rate: IL25 per line per complete line NASON paints Liberal menth. terms. R D Woodrow. 294 N. Church Anto Brakes Printing Mike Panek 279 South Cornmerctai FOR STATION EST. cards, psmphlets. pregrams books or any kind of-print-n - . , ing. call The SUtesman Printing De BatterieS partment 219 S Commercial. Tele- " phone 910L WTLLARD batteries, all types R. D "' i .. - Plowing . Bicycles . . Garden plowing -ar disetng. i Ray Batter. Ph. 2-2904. BICYCLES New and reconditioned. Harry W- Scott. 147 S .Wd P. 44 4 Chimney Sweep tnxacm Radio srvk sos . liberty North aea Chimney Sweep Ph, 4450 . Real Estate ' FloritS t. LIST your property with Conner Baoprs mcct rhooe.m cial Iteajty Co, 202, So. ComX P.7024. Funeral Directors SeptJe Tanks Qeaned TarwOlleer runeral Home. Ph. 922 SEPTIC TANKS and I cess pools Terwuiiger runerai Mora, n. sex .tM4( gMsftM-tion guaranteed SUte-wide service. Gene Fit. 642 Gifts Edgewater -St, Wast Salem.. Ph. 9743 . rr!r M ai. Inspection - fee. -Kenneth, HameL a THE APRON Shop 679 N. High. resident of West Salem. Ph. 86SX 1 Heating Service i Transfer - LLOYD L. ROBINSON. Ph. 22169. U -DRIVE TRUCKS FOE REN1 - ' Blankets fum 197 S Liberty Ph 9083 : HosieTY FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfer . J storage, burner oil. briquets trucks to 1 Portland daily. Agent Pierce Auto Real Silk Hosiery Mill Pb 6768 rreiKbt. Including Cant, points Larmer Mrs. K Moseley. Gen. Del, Salem Transfer Co Ph 21aL ; Lawn Mower Sharpening Tiling mai m o.nitAi TILE bathroom, drain boards. flr Machine ground. 640 S. Capitol SL pUcea .torefronU. Ph. 847X Rlattresses - Vacuum Cleaner SerYiee CAPITOL . BEDDING CO Phone 4089 Certified, guar, service.' All makes. - - - Vince's Electric 137 S. Lib. T. 8292 J ' ' Painting. ; FREE inspection m your home Au- i i thorised Hoover service We service all Painting : and , Decorating. Pb, 7552 make cleaner Hogg Bros Ph 9149 Painting & Pa per hang ing Well Drilling Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4329 R A West Si Sons. Rt. 8. B 443 S-2290 19 every Sunday. llllj WHV DO 1 CVDU STARS') , ! 7 AT ME UKE ! y v !i'..iL ti 'tV 1 I, Lyon Folk Visit Relates Over Weekend LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bass and soil Wayne, spent Sun day in Philomath. They were guests at the home . of their son and daughter-in-law,'Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bass. :i ; - Mr. and .Mrs. Jack Thayer 'or Albany visited with friends In Ly ons Sunday.:: They also visited-at the home of her. brother and sis ter-in-law, Mr. : and Mrs. Floyd Monroe of Mehama. ; Mrs, Oscar Naue returned home Sunday from the Salem Deacon ess hospital were she recently un derwent a major operation. v Mrs. Melbourne Kaaaba, Mrs. Ivsc Day. Mrs. Earl Allen. Mrs. Daisy . Johsuton and Mrs. Felix Johnson were elected delegates frs-aa the Lyons Womens elab to attend , the Federation of Womens clabs-meeting: which is U be held st Gates Friday. Al ternates are Mrs. Percy HlauV Mrs. Art Olmstead and Mrs. Carl Held. : The dinner committee- for the Mothers and Daughters banquet held ,: a - meeting at the home of Mrsv Or! Toland -Monday after noon to make out the menu for the banquet which wUl be held at the Community hall May 7. This is an annual af fair sponsored by the Womens Society of Christian Service. Mrs. Daisy Johnston went to Salem - Monday - morning - where she will spend the rest of the week -at the home of -her sister, Mrs. Bertha Woodworth. She also will visit other relatives , while there. Guests . at the home - of Mrs. Daisy Johnst6n Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs.-Arthur Vaughn, Mrs. Stella Goodwin, Herbert Mc- Clain of Portland, Mrs. Helen Vaughn of Silverton and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thayer of Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crabtree spent . the weekend in Corvallis with their daughter, Miss Cleta Crabtree, who is a student at Ore gon State college. They were guests at the home of-Mr. and Mrs. D.W.Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and son. Cecil, of Portland visited rel atives in Lyons and . Fox Valley j over the . weekend. They were Sunday dinner guests at the home of his . parents, Mr. and .Mrs.' S. M. Bassett, in Lyons. Way Funeral Held Wednesday ALBANY Edmund Allan Way, 22, died at his home in Portland at 2 o'clock. T ueid ay morning from an attack of pneumonia. Funeral services were held in Al bany Wednesday afternoon from the Fisher Funeral Home. Burial was in Willamette Memorial Park. Born in Kansas City, Mo., July 23, 1920, Allan Way was the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Way of Albany. He came to Oregon with his parents when he was but one year old, and had lived for the most pert' since in Albany. He wag a graduate of Albany high school with the class of 1939. Fol lowing his graduation he clerked in his parent's store here, and later was employed in Salem grocery stores. More recently he had been in Portland where he was "employed as a welder. He attended Oregon State col ege for a year following his-grad uation from the high school. He was a member of the Methodist church and of the IOOF lodge. In 1941 he married Vivian Wall er of Albany. She survives as do his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Way of Albany, and , a brother. John C. Way of Bend. Wanted Used Cars Grval Pays TOP GASH PWGli For Used Gars ALL MAKES at MODELS ORVAL'S USED CARS Center at Church v:. Ph. 4702 More CASH for . Your CAR or EQUITY AT ; State Motors,' Inc. Ph. 4436 240 N. High Cash in your Car FORCASH 37 to '41 Model Cars and Pickups Burgoyne Motor Co. 440 Center Phoo 21339 WE PA TOPSI Get every dime your car la worth. Cash on the Barrel-Head "C" SHR0CK SALEM. oldest ndepcndent used ear dealer. NX Corner Church St Cbem. ' Ph.- 7922 Lrodgea 6 Salem Lodge No. 4. AT St AM. 1TIUT.. gree, 70 P. AM. Thur Apr, 29. T. C De- 0c Pacific Lodge No. M. AT & AM. Special meeting April Suth. Dinner at 6 .-43. OMfisliioned Eastey Spent By Families at Cloverdale . ; CLOVERDALE Easter Sunday was spent in this communi ty in the old-fashioned mgnner at most homes. In the early morn-' ihg some drove to Turner and some to Salem for the Sunrise' services and others went at the regular time for church, came home And entertained for mem - bers of their families afterward. " Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schifferer entertained; at theiri home after church.. Dinner was served to Mr. and Mrs. -;. John . Schifferer' and sons, Carl and Robert, and Frieda and .Will Schifferer, .all of -this community; Miss Emma Schiffer er and Hilda Bautz of Salem; Mr. and ' Mrs. Karl Heyden "and ' two sons, Richard and Rodger, of Rob erts; Mabel Jensen " and Edith LSchif f erer of Turner, and the host and hostess. During the afternoon and that night Howard and Don ald Mader - and Henry Phenning of Pratum, Juanita Dye of Port land and Miss Jean Ball of Tur ner all visited at the Fred Schif ferer home. Sunday -visitors at the home of Mrs. Caroline Drager : were Mr. and Mrs. Julius Langley and Mrs. Carolyn Kroehn of Portland;. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Drager and two daughters, Karleen and Margie, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Drager and little granddaughter, Joanne Grim, of the niahee community. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kunke and Joyce spent Eunday at Silverton with the John Ludviksen family. They are cousins of Mrs. Kunke Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hamilton of Salem were dinner guests Sun day of Mrs. Nellie Hamilton. Miss Loretta Star was also at the home of her sister over the week end. She is teaching. at UnionHiTL Mrs. Everett Vickers and two children. Jack and Verna, motor ed to.. Hillsboro Saturday where they were dinner guests of all time friends, the E. R. ' Walker family. Everett Vickers came home from Portland Saturday night to spend Easter with his family. - Box Social Given To Raise 4H Scholarship Fund AUMSVTLLE An old-fashioned box social was given at the school Tuesday night to raise funds for the 4H club scholarships for summer school at Corvallis. Receipts amounted to 150. A short program including orchestra num bers, a skit by club members, a cornet duet by Rollin Simpkins and Robert ' Mullen, .and a style revue was given. - A large number of the 4H club exhibits at the fair in Salem were submitted by members" fro m Aumsville. Mrs.' Elmer Klein has been supervising the club work this year. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnson of Sandy spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. Charles Malone. Mrs. Grace Jones of Butteville is a visitor- at the home of her daughter, "Mrs. John Simpkins. - Miss Eva Corser' of Parkrose, Portland, and Donald Mountain of Parkrose, spent the school Easter vacation. at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mountain were week end visitors from Parkrose and put in a large victory garden. John Bradshaw of Mehama is visiting his son, Tom Bradshaw. Crossword Puzzle 1 12 t3' lb IS iq 23 2b 'A 2 50 35 3b 3a 53 AO 41 43 E5 AA 45 'A 4.1 4a Vs. 52 53 YA A 55 57 HORIZONTAL L narrow ' 6. border v 9. golf mound 12. informed - . 13. be in debt 14. to grow 15. article of food 16. delay 18. garden plant s 20. sounder 21. door drowsy 25. dispatched 25. of each . t med.) -' 37. public way f 29. gentler 31. maxim .' ; 35. gatherer : ST. born . 33. culmination 41. by meant cl 42. apportion '43. ringlet 45. oil from rose petals 4T. cooklnj- UtensU 49. place of worship 82. hotel 53. food fish 54. showery 55. fondle 56. ferret out 57. commerce VA Answer to Saturday's puzzle. CAST M Q ftlcnslPlA ALEE jAINje rv P0 1 T EIA SC'sToeI JILL . X ii 1 Ta. UTs c)aw z sjstt 5 m c A pa" R Tt LIUlG ?f A L ne SJg T ft A no Elpfs, ; R I ' A Ven A mo ckNjjis!RlElD a'oe'"" at to3TrN G a In It ; n "e n; V a h s Iverag tlat et solatia s If snlaate. DIsL by King rcaturci Syndkate, Inc. 1 ....... 1 ... . .' Sirs. Branch Heads Pratum Unit; Others Elected : PRATUM Mrs. " W. E. "Branch was' elected chairman of the Pra-' turn home extension' unit when ft" v met Tuesday afternoon at" the ' home- of Mrs. M. M. Magee ;in ' Macleay". Other- officers elected were: Mrs. M. M. Magee, Vice' chairman and Mrs. A. L. Bow en secretary. . - - - - A card shower wiTJ be given - Mrs. Harry Martin who is in the Salem General hospital recovering from a serious operation, and who' , has been chairman of the group since it wag first organized.', -' - Miss Frances Clinton, Marion county home demonstration aigent, conducted a demonstration on the - Care and Repair of Clothing New -tricks to the trade" of patch ing and mending quickly and well, - proved of special interest to evf ery one attending the meeting. The annual home extension pro-. gram, planning day to be held in Salem at the YMCA, Monday May; S, was explained by Miss Clinton. An interest was expressed in scheduling a school for the Pra- tum-Macleay community for next fall, i Although the type of school was not definitely -decided . upon, , it would be conducted by a; spe- . cialist from the college at CorvsW lis with Miss Clinton assisting, . Delegates to the planning meet-, ing from the Pratum unit will" be ' the new chairman and secretary,' Mrs. Branch and Mrs. Boweri., j Those attending the Tuesday. meeting were Mrs. W. P. Emery, Mrs. Albert Mader, Mrs. W. H. Humphery, Mrs. N. G. Brandnow, Mrs. E. E. Matten, Mrs. H. H. Pag et, Mrs. J." F C. TekenburgMrs. Peter Bischoff, Mrs. Clyde Rodg ers, Mrs. C. A. Lynds, Mrs. W.'E. Branch, Miss Wilma deVries, Mrs. A. L. Bowen, Mrs. C C Ashby, Mrs. C E. Fletcher, Mrs. Charles T. Klingler, and Miss Clinton. The next meeting -will be at the home of Mrs. W. E. Branch at Pratum. T ' 1 Scot ts Purchase ; ' Trask Property UNION HILL Mr. and Mrs. Harley Scott have recently com pleted a deal where they have purchased the 120 acres of land in . Fox Valley known as the late L- C Trask place.. This place has been In the Trask name since . - 1887. At one time the place con tained 243 acres and belonged to John B.f Trask, who retired and I moved to Stayton to live. It was i later divided into the L. C. Trask and Ed Trask places. Mr. and Mrs. Scott have two children. . one of which is of school age, the other younger. DALLAS Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy of Falls City have pur chased a home In Dallas and will move here In the near future." ' lO il 14 'A n 20 4 24 25 2d 31 32 33 34- 31 t?5 4b 41 SO si 54 51 4-26 ' 8. dlaorder r 9. small cord t tt. devoured VERTICAL 1. cap 2. veneration ' 3. guttural. 4. irregular , 5. schism ' 6. dread 7. sheep- 11. use effort 17. sticky 19. ensnare ,. , 2L herd of . - t - whales 1 ' 22. black blrd'y 24. arid region -2T. look Tii 28.auricl 30. clothe 32.lnacUvity j 33. ensnare 34. teamster's - command .38. like a gem 38. In a position r " for motion 33. withered ha-j 40. Intended 42. cheek-bono 44. gait 43. acrid 43. constantly (poet.) C3. conjunction . 51. cereal ixzss 'JJVJJJM VSSYSSSi