1 ' I i i 4 I f College Slates Speech Contest Four Enter Finals To Be Sunday At ML Angels MT. ANGEL The annual col lege oratory contest and musicale will be held In the "ML Angel col lege' gym Sunday, May 2, at 2 pjn. Survivori of the preliminary v contest and contenders for the gold medal for oratory are the, four finalists, Patrick McCabe, Ar- mand MaifiaJohn Ries and Ed ; .ward Zenner. ..- , '. .v,. ---v- . McCabe will speak en "The Negro Problem"; Maffla. Cul taral Relationships With Latin Amerks"; Bles, "'Conservation f Oar " Fores t - and Zesuaer, "Peace In Justice and Charity. : Seven Mother ..college Joraton tried for a chance at the finals. They are: Marvin Bernards, whose subj ect was "Utilizing . American . Manpower"; Otto BluemmeL Why Catholic Reading; James pillon, Japan Through China; Dean Girard, "The Need of a Ca tholic Daily in America; Paul Humenlk, The Return, to the Ca - tholic Church"; Emmet Harring ton, "Our Soviet' Relations'r and Frank Kennard, "Strikes and the jt- ,War Effort The orations rwere required to be original composi tions of the' orators. '" ' The high school elocution finals ' will be. held April 30 and the win tier will recite his selection at the oratory contest. The four winners In the high school preliminaries " are James Kelly, Roy Patnaude, ugene ; Schneider and Frank - Eteinkellner. The names of their j. recitations respectively were "Honora Murphy and the Spirit"; "Wounded"; "Dawn of Elocution; and "Sparticus to the Gladiators." The college orchestra and quar tette will , provide musical selec- tions. :: ' Housewarming Surprise Given Strawn UNIONVALE Mr. and Mrs. George Strawn .and family were complimented. with a housewarm ing Saturday night when -friends from Hubbard and Newberg sur prised them. Pinochle was played and refreshments were served. Mrs. R. Q. Mabry and son. Jack, of Dayton, former residents of this district, were Easter Sun day diner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Noble. They attended the Caster services atthe Unionvale Evangelical church. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Launer and daughter Carol Sue, were Thurs day and Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McMillan at Bremer ton, who came home with them to spend Easter. All attended a surprise family ; reunion compli menting Mrs. Josephine Jones on her birthday anniversary, . which was ; Easter day. Mrs. Jones is mother of Mrs. Launer. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baker and three children, and Mrs. Ba ker's mother, Mrs. Maude . Spen cer, motored to . Salem to spend Easter Sunday and in the after noon attended a show. Mrs. C J. Countiss and 'Mrs. Arnold Brown of Portland were taster Sunday dinner guests of C. J. Countiss. Mrs. Countiss re turned to Portland with her daughter to remain . for a lime. Miss Mildred Mott of Portland was a guest for several days of tier brothe-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Geiger. " Uselmans Hosts To Sunday Guests MT. ANGEL Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Babe Uselman on Easter. Sunday were Ir. and Mrs.. R. J. Welton and son, Pvt. Michael Welton, station ed ' at. Warrensbarg. . Me.; Paul Predeek of Mt" Angel, Pvt. Peter Uselman, M.x P. division of Fort . Lewis, Wash.; and Miss Adeline Uselman of Tacoma. Pvt. Uselman and his sister Ad eline were weekend guests-at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Uselman. Mrs. Albin Bean and children, Arnadene, Jimmy and Bonnie Lou were guests that . night. . Mr. and "Mrs. E. P. Scharbach of Oregon City were weekend guests t the home of Mrs. Mary Schwab. While here, Mr. ' Scharbach, a former Mt Angel fireman,' assist ed with directing traffic ' during : the plaque dedicatory services. Amity Teaching Staff Named for High School " AMITY The teaching, staff of the Amity anion high school Is completed for next year In cluding: Principal, Frank C. Fitzpatrick mt Monroe: Smith ".' llaghes Instructor, Carl Ratsch man of Condon: athletic coach, Fred W. Warren of MeMinn ville: home economics teach-' er. Mrs; Rath Rlchter of Am-. lty; Mrs. Frances Zosel of Me MmnvtHe, Mrs. Edna Strout and Mrs. Dorethy ' Peoto. ; Cases Improving DALLAS Mrs. William Baker underwent a minor operation at the Dallas hospital Sunday. She Is : improving. : ;;' - Thomas .llanos was brought to the Bartell hospital for treatment of a fractured left leg: He was In r .s jured while working with , the ' Western Logging company, and Is reported improving. . Family; Mid - WMIainmeMe Reports From PAGE FOUR Miss'Chrisman Gives Party On Birthday JEFFERSON Marjorie Chris man, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Frank Chrisman, entertained sey-: en girls .at her home after school Thursday, the occasion .being her 11th birthday anniversary. Games were enjoyed, after which re freshments were served to Mar jorie and Martha Jane Hutchings, Bonnie Chilton, Neta Meng, Pat sy McKee, Elsie Sherman, Carol June Nagel, Rowena Hague.; Easter day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl-Kihs were Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Stettler and two children of Chemawa, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hofstetter and two sons of Pratum, Walter Kihs of Scio and Miss Helen Kihs of Lacomb. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rehfeld were Mr. and Mrs. OrvOle Rehfeld. and daughter, Kay Laree, of Seattle, Wash.", Mr. and Mrs. George Kihs and daughter. Carmen Ruth, of Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. Hart Barnes land sons, 'Michael and William3 Darr. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C! M. Cochran were their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Pittum, and son. Tommy .Lee, of Idhana, and Mr. Pittum's mother, Mrs. Goldie Pit tum or Nebraska., ; Mr. and Mrs. Archi Weddle of Portland were weekend guests at the home of Nubian Simpson and son, Robert. Archie Dowell, who is employ ed at the Boeing Aircraft plant in Seattle, spent the weekend vis iting at the home of his mother, Mrs. Alice Dowell, and with his uncle, Homer West, v Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Thomp son and her mother moved Mon day from the Parrish house on Third street, into Mrs. Herbert Looney's residence on , Second street. Property Changes Hands; Aurora Family on Move SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Tom Anderson have purchased the Henry Waldner home on Coolidge streetr Mrs. Pearl Porter sold her home on Adams street to Mr. and Mrs. John Dubevik of the -Brush Creek district, r ; AURORA Mr. and Mrs. E. C Diller, Who recently bought the F. C Renfrew place on the highway, had just gotten settled in the new residence when a buyer came by and they sold and bought the residence of Mrs. J. W. "Sadler on Main street and Bob's avenue. DETROIT tichard Phillips of Siletz has purchased the Wal ter Shelby house and will take possession about June 1, when his wife and two children win arrive. The house has been occupied by Prof. O.; J. White and family for almost three years. Phillips is a brother of Mrs. W. F. Goodman. ROCKY POINT Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Tate and daughter Eliza beth, recently have moved to their new home on the former. Thomas Hill place. The Tate's have been living in a residence on the old Darst place for the past year while building their new home. Marion Women Redecorate Hall MARION The Ladies auxil iary of the Marion Farmers union local met Thursday. A busy day was .spent in giving the " rooms their usual spring cleaning and improving such as painting and refinishing of furniture. v The stage la the mala hall Is slated for repalatlns' and pa pering, the werk te be done by Mrs. ; Herman DeLeagh and .Mrs. Fred Schermacher. The funds for the purchasing of the materials were' donated by the teachers of ' the Marion school. Miss Lounir Mulkins, : principal, Mrs. Evangeline Little and Mrs. Three sa R. Carlson. Seattle Relative Attends Funeral ' For Ai Lbrence i- -; V' - v.. - i-... - !M y : -:.""'".. VICTOR POnnr Mrs. Theresla Keating of Seattle is a house guest of Mr. and . Mrs. Elmer Lorence, and is visiting other relatives here during her .stay. ; Mrs. Keating came to attend the funeral of her nephew, 1 Andrew Lorence. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Fischer, Mrs. Arthur Bowick, and Mrs. Theresia -; Keating were '-- Sunday visitors in Albany at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Del Alexander. Mrs. Bowick remained with her sister, Mrs. Alexander, overnight and left for her home in Los Angeles on Monday.' She has been a visitor in Oregon for the past three weeks-' ., .-- - The Statesman's Community Correspondents Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Evangelical Pastors licave On Northivest Concert Tour JEFFERSON Rev. Robert Evangelist church left Monday sisting of the pastors of the Oregon- Washington conference of the Evangelical church., i They are touring ; northward, and will present concerts at the ... . . . .. i JKvangeiicai cnurcnes at roruano. and in Washington at Harrington, Spokane, Soap Lake, Yakima, and Seattle. -.s' a f":i' 'V:' Rev. Wilmer Brown of Portland Is director and Rev. Dolph Ballan tyne of Monmouth Is pianist. Rev. Victor Loncks ef Scie gave a very inspiring message on the theme, "He Lives, at the Jefferson district Sondsy school Convention, held In the Evan gelical church Sunday after noon. ; 1- ; ih , Several numbers on the pre- Oldest Barn Mission Bottom Remodeled MISSION BOTTOM Frank A. Massee has nearly finished re modeling the old barn on his place. He has put on a new roof, put in stanchions and fixed part as a cow barn and done other remodeling. It Is the oldest barn in Mission Bottom. r Glenn Hilderbrand has erected a new tractor and machine shed. Joe Freligh has put up new sheds and corral fences that were washed away in the flood of last winter. Goat shearing has commenced here. Chance Beatty sheared for W. P. Collard Saturday. Most of the school children were back in school Monday after a siege of measles and whooping cough. David Massee : was out about six weeks first with the measles and then with whooping cough. Richard Davis returned to high school Monday after recov ering from mumps. Mrs. Homer Davis is able to be up again after having flu. She has been unwell since undergoing a major operation last winter. Beverly Kleczynski Is out of school with a severe case of poi son oak. Tartar Funeral -Held Tuesday! INDEPENDENCE Robert Tar tar, who was born near Airiie on October 7, 1857, passed away Fri day at the age of 87 years. He was the fourth child of Robert and Su san Tartar who came to Oregon in 1852. Mr.- tartar spent" his entire life on a farm near Airiie. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Kate Tartar of Airiie; two sisters, Mrs. R. E. Staats of Dallas; Mrs. Laura Wiseman of Walla Walla, Wash., and several nieces and ne phews. Services were from the Smith Baun mortuary in Independence Tuesday afternoon with Rev. W. A. Elkins officiating. The in terment was in old English ceme tery south of Monmouth. Alderman Delivers Steers, Portland UNIONVALE Two loads of white-face two-year-old fat steers belonging to U. S. Alder man were trucked to the Portland stock yards Sunday for early Monday buyers. Lloyd Zentner and two sons. Junior and Lowell Zentner, Charles Baker and Earl Fleming accompanied the cattle to Portland. Ninety; head of the same age steers that have been fed at a Whiteson farm since last fall were trucked to the Alderman barn at Grand Island Friday and Saturday to continue feeding.; - r ..... A "If J , - V ' - lll I leL . . . . v YaM.ej Morning, April 23. 1343 . Bennett pastor of the local with the Gospel Gleemen, con gram were emitted, beesose the Sondsy schools were net -present. However a ' fair stated crowd attended. v The convention voted to send $10 to the Chins Inland mission. Dorothy Lake gave a reading, and a brief talk was given by Fred deVrlesThe next conven tion In July will be held in the Scio Christian church. Glen Thurston, president, presided at the meeting. LABISH .CENTER On Sun day morning, the Christian En deavor held its annual Easter breakfast with about 30 in atten dance, many of whom attended the sunrise services in Salem. As sisting with the breakfast were Mrs. O. G. McClaughry, Mrs. Hen ry Harris, Mrs. Noble Ragland, Mrs. Harry Boehm, and Mrs. Harry- Lovre. Christian . Endeavor services followed with Miss Eva Pearsall as leader and with spe cial music by Miss Connie Wein man. Following the Sunday school, the special Easter program was given under the direction of Mrs. Clifton Clemens and Mrs. W. R. Daugherty. Recitations were giv en by Neil Kurth, Douglas Clem ens, Kathy Archer, Carol Russell, Carol Rasmussen, Troy Archer, Irene Bibby and Nancy Dunn and the choir sang several selections. The primary and intermediate classes and Shirley Pugh and Jan et Pearsall each . gave exercises with Juanita Burr, Barbara Jean Russ, Clifton Clemens, and ' Mrs. G. Looney furnishing several songs. After the program the cbil dren participated in an Easter egg hunt. " ' ' On Thursday night, the mid week prayer and Bible stady hoar will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Klampe at 8 p.m. On next Sunday morulas', a group of students from Cas cade college In Portland will be in charge of the church services at 11 FOX VALLEY The Easter program at the Fox Valley dis trict Sunday school Easter after noon was well attended. DAYTON There were eight new members taken into the Day ton Evangelical church In the Easter Sunday services.' Three of them were children, - one young lady, and four adults,' two of which were transfers from Monmouth. JJunng ifte aster period a mixed class of 14 was added to the Poling Memorial Lafayette Evan gelical church. Rev. E. C Hicks is pastor of the Dayton-Lafayette charge. HOPEWELL The HopeweU United Brethren church Ladies Missionary society will held a mother and daughter meeting beginning at t pjn. Tuesday, May 1L at the home of Mrs. Walter Klrkwood with Mrs. Tillle Davis of HopeweU the leader. AMITY Sunday night the un ion service was held at the Meth odist church and and Easter pro gram was presented. Numbers were played by the orchestra of the Baptist church: Anthem, by the combined choirs of the Meth odist 'and Baptist churches; song, Barbara Freeman of the junior group; vocal chorus, junior choir of . the Methodist" church; song, male quartet; reading, Geraldine Jones; song, combined choir,; of the Baptist and Methodist church es; scripture reading. Rev. T. ". H. Temple; song by audience; bene diction, J. E. . Parrott : ' - News Guests Spend Easter Visiting Labish Center ; - LABISH CENTER " Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, CL Leedy were Mr. and Mrs.' Harry Leedy ' of .Sherwood and their daughter, - Mrs. Don , GuHey, : of Bjsseburf.' v'V-i ' The E. B. Klampe home was the scene of an Easter dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Klampe and family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harris as guests. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Roosa and Theresa spent the weekend at the home of their son, Jim, and his family in Portland. - Mrs. Joe Burr will entertain the Ladle;' Aid society on Wed nesday afternoon at her home. An auetion sale will be a feat are of the afternoon and all the women are : reminded to bring their articles. Sewing an the or EeJ Craw u wO ea - tinned. - - Visiting with the Roy Akers In Milwaukee on Sunday were xor. and Mrs. Clyde Leedy, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aker, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Aker and Mr. and Mrs. Stub McGIU and Linda Kay of Portland. : v- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Burr en tertained on Sunday for Mr. -and Mrs. W. R. Daughterty, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Boles and Patsy Kay, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Starker and Mrs. Minnie Voegelin. Spending the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Boynton was their son Jim and family from Vancouver.- .! ' ' ' '. " - Lablsh Center Community club will meet Friday night at the school with the. two grade .. teachers, Mrs. Bamick and Mrs. Stunpter. In charge of the pre . gram. They have obtained a greop of students from Parrish junior high school in Salem who win pat on the program in eoneetlon with Mnsie week. Election of af fleers for the new year also will be held and It Is hoped that a large crowd will attend. : Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudie De Vries in Pratum, were Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Klampe, Miss Grace Klampe and Miss Arlene Klampe. - Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bibby en tertained for Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Boehm and Carol of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boehm on Sunday. (Vx HIEMiff Sw F'PlnlPIWI' (if i ; :' . 7fcy;,0M I 12. 'X?'-bv ( t : & ' Ik ' A V f :MJ ; hrs Their Guests Visit Over Easter At Amity AMITY Mr. and Mrs. Hv W. Torbet spent Easter weekend In Marshfield at the home of their son Alan, and family. Mr. Tor bet is president of the bank of Amity. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Woodman spent the Easter vacation with their son, Don Woodman, : and family in Hillsboro. . Mrs. May Dickey Keller pf Id aho is a guest. here at, the A. R. Glandon home 'while looking aft er property Interests. . ., Mr. and Mrs. William Milne of Portland spent the weekend at the homes of his sister, Mrs. Mar garet Morrison, and nephew, Rob ert Callander and family. Mrs. Emma Durant spent the Easter vacation In Portland; at the h om of ; her son-in-law and daughter, 'Mr. and Mrs. . Victor Nixon, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs Guy Nott spent Sunday in Salem at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. : and Mrs. i Kola McClellan. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Groves were Frank Cook of Portland, friend of their son. Elmer Groves, ' their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson of Salem, D,9 Lantry Proposes ; Zoning Giangea EXLVCHTON Virgil Lang try ef the League of Oregon Ci ties was a guest ef the Silver ton plana Ins commission Mon day night when sonlng was the niHnrlnxl tltnta of dlsCOSSlOO. Langtry, who with City Mana ger E. K. Barton, went ever the town prior to the commission meeting, suggested few changes . In the proposed sonlng ! which ' the committee, headed by Dr. . P. A. Lear has tentatively out-, luted at the March meeting. - j Mr. Langtry wCI draw vp a sonlng ordinance which will.be - f retorned to the commission, . whose members with the cur. attorney. Rex Albright,' wtU f ever It before presenting It te , the city ceuncU. ' Lowell - E. Drawn, president, . presided at the Monday night ting. '.- ft. - - Enters Hospital McALPIN Adolph Hegeth-:r wefler, who has been, at the Theo-. dore lFsher home for ten days, , entered the SOverton hospital on Friday for observation end treat ment.' and their daughter, Miss rear Groves of the West Salem school faculty. - f