The CniGOII CTATECI-1AN, Solexo, Oregon. Wednesday Homing. Apr2 23. IS 13 Vi feeze Sat The Bfiosi For The 3L ea.s 1" . . -S'l"a tesniciD. If 012 Clusifled Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insertions per line 25c Six insertions per Une. 40c One month per linsx .$1.25 Minimum charge 25c; 1 tt min imum 33c; 6 tt. mln. 45c. No refunds. v Copy for this page accepted an tU S 20 th evening before public , tion far classification Copy re ceived after ttnn tune will be run under the beading "Too Late to Classify t The Statesman assume oo ftnan elai lesponsiouity lor erroes which reprint Uuit part f an advertise ment ta . whicn the typographicai mix lake occurs The Statesman reserves the right may appear tn advertisements pub lished in- its columns and In cases where this paper a tt fault will to reject questionable advertising It further , reserve) to right to place ell advertising under the proper classification. -. A "Blind" Ad--e ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection of the advertlaer and must therefore, be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the- Identity 7 of. an advertiser using a BUnd" ad, Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Airsh ire cow. gentle. Very heavy milker. 2337 Lee SC. Salem; TOR SALE: 4 yr. old black Jersey, fresh soon. 1920 Waller. '- LIVE RABBITS wanted. Northwest Poultry 4k Dairy. 1505 y Pfon ,r ATTENTION HI " Will remove dead fit worthless stock tn a moment's not ice I SALEM FER TILIZER BY-PRODUCTS. Ph. 5000 Collect. (No other Phone.) BRING TOUR own eggs for custom batching. Tuesday or Saturday morn ings. Ph. 2-2861. Lie Hatchery. CASH PAID for dressed rabbit Saving Center. Portland Rd. F"OR SALE N e w nam pshire pullets, ready to lay. Ph. 22881. Lee Hatchery. Help Wanted ATTENDANTS at Cottage Home. 2S2 N. Cottage. Ph. 7020. HELP WANTED: Grocery clerk, male , or female; steady work;, top pay. Sav ing Center, Portland Road. BUS BOY: Week End work. Wait- full time. The Spa, 382 State. COOK WANTED. The Spa. or woman. Help Wanted Male " Workers sow sspleyed In war pru d action sbeald not apply wlU t be censMered tor employment by em ployers advertising UU secttea. MAN for Sunday work at storage garage. 17 S. Liberty. -. - MEN WANTED for Hopyartt work Ph 795$ . EXPERIENCED MTLKEB Schindler Brae. Dairy. South Salem. Help Wanted Female WOMAN TO clean house. 2 to 3 day Job. Ph. 347, 12 to 4 pvmr : T STENOGRAPHER. $80 MO, plus ma i nten ance. Ph. 2-3023. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, good wages, rood tins. Steady work or week-ends only. Recent experience not necessary. Carlason s. state St High. WANTED: Experienced waitress. Bight work, good wages. Call after 8 PJkl. Chill bowl use state. . PICKING for regular crew Wed. at 10 A. M. Northwest Poultry. RELIEF matron for general duty, capable of working with boys. Salary plus room, board, and laundry. Oregon State Training .School. Wood burn. LADIES: If you have- 4 or more spar hours- a week we wHl employ you at once. Our 23 years tn men's and ladles apparel business has added millions of repeat customer business. The present lino is- broader than in post "years. You do not make an tn vestment for sample wars no deliver ing. Advance payment at time order Is written, several towns Ok Salem ter ritory open. Tor full details and furth er information writ IV hulk. P. O. Box 133. - WAITRESS, wanted, full' tune work. The Spa. .- - f -..--. Salesmen Wanted - Sales Ladies. Teecher. Mothers. Ren resent CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES Mag- - azine. Three subscription each morn- ins pays $8.50.- Writ POSTOmCX BUX S3T - rAKWAT STAIIOH . KANSAS CTTT. .M1SSOURL , Situations Wanted PRACTICAL NURSE wishes employ (snent. Bex 2368. Statesman. For Sale Miseellaneoas DIN. TABLE. 2 chairs, dresser, chest draw. ce. chair, rocker. 1 twin bed complete, I iron bedstead, table. Oli ver typewriter At Hoosier cabinet. Ph. 9S88 882 N. 20th, .- w.fv-a 7x1 TRAILER HOUSE accommo dates 4. 1143 Eighth St West Salem. ; : 4 WHEELED TRAILER house, : 865 So. 22nd. . - 7 .: - SEED POTATOES for sale. Ph. 5582. 1I-GA. DOUBLE barrel hammerless .shotgun. 387 Mission. ONE BECKWITH concert grand pi ano. Good as new. Also one Crawford electric range, good contL 3570 E. Tur- er Rd. Ph. 2-1345 evenings. . - - COMBINATION electric washer & mangle; dinette set; bed At springs; linens. 420 Klngwood Ave. West Salem. - . ,---, ; ' fuller Brushes. 174S CranC Ph. 539L , ADVEBTISLNO " : Western Advertising; -Representatives -George D . Close, rod. " " " San Francisco . Los Angeles - Seattle Eastern . Advertising - Representatives Qucago. New York. Detroit. , Boston, Atlanta Entered at thm Postoftee t "Sat en Oregon at Second Class Matter Pwb - !sned every morning eject pt Mondav ' Busxnet. oic. 215 South . Camxur cial Strttt. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mail Subscription Rates In Advance: Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday. Mo f cents;. Una si 00; 1 year. $8 00 1 !ewher 80 cents per mo or $720 tor 1 year tn advance. Per copy ermta l"v Citv Carrier. 75 cents a menUv $9 oo a year in advance 1 alar inn and Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or phone (9108) ic saiem oldest tartest home owneo and bom managed finance mstito Ooa You financial aifairs - will b discussed and toane mad la strictest Drtvacv You wul be riven every con vtderatron tat the repaym a vour loan or srrannne of extensions 1 to MONTHS TO REPAY -: - Tou can i pay to full any time Ic rsauer tn cost. ONLY BORROWER SIGNS f No endorsers Loans made on turn! tur or not. SEX ROY H SIMMONS MGR Lie. No U-15X GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION I Lie N S 131 . 134 So. Commercial St Pbon 0188 first door : south of Ladd & Bush hank Convenient ground Doot location Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 5TB IXOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING a UCXNSI. N. M 13S SAVE TIME. Orest gas ' Apply for your loan by phone.' Telephone J i st eak for Miss Anderson. Personal fin ance Co.. 512 State St- opposite County Court Hous -izx. ii-iwj i ? LOANS - - Private money for good real estate - (!HAS. HUD KINS 27 State St. Phone t4M For Sale -Miscellaneous smrMTMTCirei mumi shrubs, brine boxes. 4 im. waiiace ho. kiss. a. in. m. STORY & CLARK organ tn Al shape. beautiful bass ton. Alao aaic butzet; dinine table: 3 dressers. 2 with mir rars: 2 stand tables: I book rack; aluminum cooking utensils; l,i cords old growth dry fir and 2 cords mill ends. Ph. 22839 or write RL 7. Box 44. Circulator heater. wood St ceaL 798 N. 15th. s GOOD circulator wood heater. 10 mi. north on New berg Hiway. K. E. Gronn. . ? RABBIT fertiliser, shrubbery 8c gar den. 75c sack. 995 N. Liberty. Ph. 7331, s TtTTSTNTSS desk. ' swivel chair. 20 gal. iron kettle. Phone 22114. VT iH Wrrl'" S!lAf-trt Refi-i l m, 4 anH IRS lamn. vuHah1 shade, cash. G. Jonnston. uares. ur, FOR SALE: Entire clean furniture a wmII f.tili.tiwil - -furniture store by owner Inventory or best of fer. Good reason for setting, wnic Box zafrt, statesman. . BASSINET at baby buggy, reason able. 474 Mill. Aniv. Graphic, Extar f .4.7. 3 holders. f.D.A. filter. $125. 1375 Third. Ph. 8150. 8-PIECE Dining Room Set. like new. Jacquith Music Co.. ll s. Hign. BTirmus Klfc M. hurklM Mvcred m mairh - Bu moniTm nr contrast with your dress. Singer Sewing Machine CO.. lu a. Align. USED PIANOS Reconditioned.- from $95.00 up. Term. - JAQUlTr! MUSliJ tU. . , 191 S. High- - ' NEW Kimball Spmnets. Very few left. Trade or Terms. J AQUIXM t US IV- CO. iwl at. aiixh LIKE NEW. manr's an wool, blue suit, size 36. Phone 8377. . Reasonable.- Trade and Terms. JAQUTTH MUSIC CO. - - i . 191 S. High DUO-THERM automatic oil burning hot water heater $99.50. Available on A-10 rating. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC 467 Court St. ATMORAYS for sale or rent. H. C. Pugh. P.O. Box 4SX Ph. 2-2458. BURBANK SEED potatoes. No. 1. $5 per C. No. X. $4 per C. Government In spected. Any size order up to 1000 sacks. R. D Lampkin, 900 WynoosU St.. Newberg. Oregon. POULTRY FERTILIZER $1.00 per yd You haul it. Ph. 72881. Lee Hatchery SEE HOGG BROS, 209 State St tor nberal trad ta eat vour old furniture Guns and Ammunition. 890 N. High. Wanted- F urniture CASS Ph 1440. TA7amtxrMisfxUaneous CASH FOR tractor, plows, disk cul tivator, -seeder. Ford with Ferguson attachments preferred. RL 2. Box 274. WANT TO Buy. Used cameras- as atcEwan photo shop 439 state TRICYCLE, any condition. Ph. 2483. LAWN mower. 265 N. 23rd. Ph. 5858. SMALL RADIOS. Condition not im portant. 494 S. 17th. Ph. 7577 after 12. noon.- WANTED LATE model man's World bicycle, good cond. 2580 N. Front. 21819. - WANT SMALL trunk. Victory Cafe. 188 S. Liberty before 7 JO p. m. - CASH - WAITING for sewing ma chines. If you : are not using - your sewing machine we will pay top cash price for it. Singer Sewing Machine Co 142 & High. .. -v. GOOD USED furniture, appliances, machinery.: trailers or anything of value. Glenn Woodry. the Auctioneer. See m at the Market. 1605 N. Sum mer or Phone 5110. USED fURNITURE - P- fOgg : CASH FOR dressed rabbits. Saving Center. Portland Rd. Miseellaneous DUMP TRUCK for hire. Ph. S52X . Dental : Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST - . CASES - Brine or Man Your Plates tor ftepatt Dtt HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State Coral. Pb 2311 Fori Rent Rooms ROOM. bd. if desired. Ph. 4406. CLOSE IN; ladies pref. Ph. 7884. CAM I GO DOWM ,iti $i0 Alilltl I CdXl!5fl Mfi POTTCXA I lil TVC?Wft5MO H MTUEKXCl tJOl wTTU VtXi TO SEE' I f . VS ' WwwJ-ril W OEAFt Papa ( BURGLAR POWM T UTTLE FELLOW- V OGaR, MAYBE A - I TBLSLiffV VOUSTAV-S PVJCDKITLETWE XrjoJs SnATB? V WES SO - (BURGLAff WILL. COME Y . - ... . .. . . ll - s-eaV - - Money to. Loan ONE VISIT LOANS TO PAT BILLS OR FOR ! OTHER USEFUL PURPOSES Save time, gas and tires. Phone tn your application for a loan. As soon as it is approved - stop - in and pick up your cash without delay. Only - on trip necessary! Loans. $25 to $300. mad In strict privacy without involving em ployer, friends or relatives. $7 53 per month repays $75 in 12 months. Special loans -to employed women, single or married, on signature only without other security. PERSONAL .FINANCE CO. SIS STATE ST. Opposite Court House Telephone 3111 Stat Licenses: S-122 M-465. FARMERS r INCREASE YOUR ' production! If you need more seed, stock, or equip ment and lack th cash, see us for a loan. You can borrow up to $300.00 here and repay over a period ox a year, Our special Farmer Loan Plan will fit your needs exactly. Inquire today I Calkins Finance Co. Ron. 216 (3rd Fir.) Phon First Nat. Bank BMg, Salem S-228 Lie. M-378 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS , CONTRACTS REFINANCED , to re due payments Money for new e used cars No diay or red tap You will rexam possession or in ventcie 1 to IS MONTHS TO PAY ROY? H. SIMMONS" 138 South Commercial Street 9168 - - Lie No M ISS MONEY TO LOAN Wanted, real estate mortgages, loans. city or farm properties: loans mad a small as $300. se us about rerman rmg your present contract or mort gage LEO N. CHILDS. INC. 344 State St. Phon $281 For Rent -Apartments APT. 440 MILL. Mrs. C Newburgh. 3 RM. FURN. front apt, refrig, bath, garage. Adults. 843 Union. , , APTS, $18 At $13.50, lights, water Ac phone 551 N. 21st. 2 ROOM FURN. apt. 545 Court St. 2 RMS. At KITCHENETTE, 420 S. 20th. 2 and 3 rm. apts. furnished, very reas. 1775 N. Front or phon 9851. 2 RM. FURN. Apt- $12. hot water. elec. washer. 2590 Lee St. Ph. 3946. 3 RMS furn. Adults. 570 Union. 2 RMS. 1st fir. Apt. private bath. frigidaire. hot water and washer. 1234 S. Com! St. ; , For Rent Houses PARTLY FURN. duplex. 950 S. 12th. UNFURN. 1459 Chemeketa. close to eapitoL FREE RENT to responsible party to act as caretaker. 5 mi. from Salem. Smell hse. No work. Box 2570, Statcs- FURN. 2 RM. cottage. Ino. Mrs. Tay lor, 2096 State. FOR RENT or SALE: Beautiful mod. bungalow. Furnished. 965 Madison St. For Rent FLOOR SANDER for rent Mont gomery Ward . TRUCKS for rent. You drive' Mc- Cun Ar Lovell. phone 9000. Wanted to Rent WANTED: 2 or 3 bed rm. house. close to city limits. Ph. 2-1965. 2 OR 3 BEDRM. hse. wanted tn or near Hollywood Dtet. Ph. 6211. WILL Lease for one year, 5 or 6 rm. unfurn. hs. Ph. 21925. ' ARMY officer wishes to rent com pletely furnished house by May 1st. Ph. 2192L Will furnish references. BY MAY IS S r. hse. 2 adults, pre fer East Salem. Box 2533. Stai For Sale Real Estate tb A. WITH GOOD 4 rm. home. In cluding bath, hardwood floors Ac wa ter system, ftr su. north, casn. price, $2480. - - . W. .O. ntUEGBSt, REALTOR LOCATED EAST ' $3000 4fc CASH. (.ROOMS, plastered. basement, furnace, Idy. trays, wired for range, on bus. Imaaedlate posse C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5839 REAL HOME BARGAIN $5500. GOOD 7 hem near state nsgnway saops, . naaemmy rur nace, fireplace, only $1279 down, - bat $45 per mo. SEE THIS BAR GAIN TODAY. W.- H. GRABENHORST At CO. REALTORS 134 SI Liberty St. Phone 4131 $3250.00 BUYS GOOD corner lot. 2 bdrm. hse. full : basement, fireplace, double garage $5250. 5 rms. auto. heat. 2 lge. bdrms.. fireplace. beautiful grounds. Distant owner says sell. -- B. A. FORKNER, REALTOR . 1853 N. .Capitol : $3500 '.Sr CASH. NEW 2 B. R. nice ly furnished home in West Salem. - LEAVING SALEM $3700 4 cash.- Hwd. floors, living Ar dining. 2 B. R., basement, new wood furnace.' wired for range, east. Imme diate possession. - C n. SANDERS 331 IS. High 5838 VAPANT IN a few dviM9t 4 rm. Hbme with basement, located at -571 S. 17th St. Price $2250. Seer- W. G KRUEGER. REALTOR 147 N. ComTL Phone 472$ 2148 MILL ST. 8 rm. basement, fur nace, large lot, : excellent condition. $42001)0. - . 378 SO. 21st St.. 7 rm.. $3150.00. E. M. LARSEN. REALTOR 153 South High Su Phone 7490 8 R. HOME WITH furnace At fire place. Located . at 2060 S. Com'l. St. Can only be shown by appt. Price $3150.- ' '.; W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR 1 147 N. CoraX Phon 472$ Sec "Blondie" in color, in new Statesman tabloid comic section ii 1 1 " ; : i -... . For Sale Real Estate - WEST SALEM V-.' S ROOMS TWO lots for $2500. See Mrs. U H. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS, INC, REALTORS. 344 Stat -Street. Phon 92fil. MODERN HOME , T NICE ROOMS, with full cement basement, oil heat, oak firs, through out, -til bath, double plumbing, dou ble garage, shade trees, 4 bedrooms, 2 down and 2 up. Price $6850 CASH. A REAL VALUE. - W. H. GBABENHORST c CO.. . REALTORS 4 ' 134 & LibejtySt. 4lSI $2750 -tt CASH. S-ROOM mod. home. 12 yr. old. base furnace, fplace. hwd. floors, large lot. south. Immediate possess ton. --".-C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 583$ NEW. SMALL house. 4 rms. Ar bath. Hdwood. floor in liv. rm. Ven. blinds, autom. elec water heater. ta but. to city bus. School bus by door. 1897 S. 12th. : 7 o-. . ; . . S A-, MOD. practically new $ bedrm. full btmt, rumace, bam, chicken house. 2 garages. 212 ft, well, family orchard. One mi. from Salem. $8300, $5000 down. bai. like rent. Ph. 2-1653. 5 RM. HOUSE. 2 large bedrooms. Duittms Kitchen, tarse sarden. Am bik, to bus stop- and grocery store. Price GOOD OLDER hnin An KlAfk- .mm Englewood school extra large corner mh. nam sow i siigs. see Mrs. L. n. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS, 344 State. Street. Phone " LOT 146ix374: 7 rooms. 2 baths. piastereo. uu basement. Shade trees, Wood lift. Fruit Room. $3,000.00 $500.00 cash. $40.00 per mo. 1765 S. Capitol St. A home at 1005 N. 16th with-smaU horn in back. Ph. 5909 afterneoni. ..AUTO WRECKING with stock. 8 lots. Cement building 32x60 and galvanized building 30x36. $7000 if sold at once. Ill N. ComT. Ph. 733L ' By Owner: Lge. cor. Inc. property. 2 ntocxs xrom amis, ajisx. r uiurs possi btllties. Ph. 8301. - 5 APT. bldg. m goad cond. .close in. See owner at 729 MilL Ph. 5243. 1 A. EAST, close to bus Ax school. 3 room house, gar., elect. $1500. $300 down. See owner. 231 N. High. 5838. FOR SALE 4 .room house furnished, about ',i acre land. - - 5 room house, good condition, near all schools. - T room modern home, excellent con dition, good location. CHAS. HUDKTNS 275 State St. - Phone 9494 LOVELY HOME. 4 bdrms.. 2 baths, recreation rm. oil heat. 2 car garage, attractive kit with trees Ac shrubbery. Unobstructed city Ac mountain view. Ben Lomond Park. Price $10,500. Call after 8 JO PJH. weekdays for Appt. 8213 EXCELLENT, modern. 4 B.R. Brick house, splendid condition, close in. large lot on bus line, shrubs, fruit, etc. 2 fireplaces. Surely a Bargain. See L. L Thornton co J. F. Ulrich Co. No. 202 Pearte Bldg. LIST YOUH PROPERTY TODAY WE HAVE LOTS OF BUYERS Ar LOAN ON REAL ESTATE BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKINS Ar ROBERTS. INC. REALTORS PH 410$ 9 RM. Ensjlish style house. 3 bed- rooens. 2 upstairs. Large garden space, garage. $2100. la cash. Ph. 7050 or lnq. 1195 Shipping, 8 RM. house. Good location. 1357 Market. By owners. Cards In this directory . run en a monthly basis only. Sate: SL25 per line per ilh. Airplane Models XTES and SUPPLIES, Cherry City Model Aircraft, 21st At Market. Auto Brakes Mike Panek-- 27S South Commercial Batfteries WTLLARD batteries. aQ types R D weearew- Ate uuren Bicycli SICYCLXS New and reeetktitloned. Harry W Seats. 14T Com'd P 45.6 Chimney Sweep ' Northness Chimney 4459 Florists Brettaaupt's M7 Court Phone $189 Funeral Directors Terwtlliger Funeral Home. - Ph. Gifts '.THE APRON Shop 879 N. High. Heating Service LLOYD L. ROBINSON. Ph. 23165. Hosiery Real Silk Hosiery Mute. Ph. 6769 Mrs. K Moseley. Gen Del. Salem Lawn Mower Sharpening Machine ground. 640 S. Capitol St. Mattresses CAPITOL : BEDDINO CO J Phon 4069 Painting Painting- and Decorating. - Ph. 7252. I For Sale Farms 40 A. 9 mt S t 38 A. Cult. Horn Fruits. 4 R. House. Electricity, barn, chicken Ac Hog H. All for $3650. Terms in Reason. . - Se L. L. Thornton with J.,F. Ulrich W1 At V4U -SC NUf Acreage . S-BEDROOM HOUSE, garage, va riety of fruit. $3250.00. tk acres land. S bedroom house. oarn. e cnicsen house. S4O0.uu. $6000.00, 26. acres tend. 20 acres tn cherries, walnuts, apples. 8 room plas tered house, barn Ac chicken house. Close to school. P H. BELL. REALTOR 212 Guardian Bldg. Phon $188 100 ACRES. RIVER bottom, dairy farm near Salem. Fred Rawlins witi) R. A. FORKNER. Realtor. 1853 N. Cap- ItOA. : . ; . ; - j 40 A. 4 rm. hse. good barn, creek, near saiem. . $7300. 63 A. All mod. bldgs. -paved roadU wm sax nous in saiem. sssuo. -R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol SPECIAL , - . 10 acres of good tend. S-room house. bam and chicken house. Family or chard and berries. Electricity Ac creek, $1 . miles from Salem. Priced to sell for 82500.B9 cash. - R OSTEIN Ac ADOLPH. INC. HOtt North Cornrnercial St. Wanted Real EsUte WE NEED LISTINGS . WE HAVE th buyers,, you have th homes. Let's get together and talk it over. List your property with us today. UHitt nectttM or Mrs. Needham. 341 state at. Boom 4. - 3 BDRM. HOUSE, less than 9 years okl wiu pay cash. fix. 8794. - WANT BEST 4 or' 8 room modern hous that-82500.08 cash wiU buy. Pri vat party. Ph. 22114. 4 or 8 -mv modern house: about : acre; nr. city limits: up. to $2J09 cash. tsox statesman. GOOD 9 Rm. modern house, sawdust or wood heaL Can make good substan tial down payment. Writ Statesman. tox zaea. . WANTED at once for cash. 5 or 6 rm..i house in or near Salem. Call 7024. Contact Commercial Realty Co. zuzo s. commercial st. WE HAVE now waiting several cash customers for some good city homes. For a quick sale. See L. L. Thornton. co J. F. Ulrich Co. 202 Pearce Bldg. HAVE A NUMBER of cash buyers for Salem property. A listing with us at this time means a ready sal. RICH L. REIMANN 1 167 South High Street Phone 9203 WANTED LISTINGS. We have buy ers every day for city and suburban property in all price ranges. We can sell your property at a good price for cash. - List with us. R OSTEIN At ADOLPH. INC 110'x N. Commercial Business Opportunities rj you want a jrood investment. with .a - good substantial Income. - we have it. See L L. Thornton co J. T. Ulrich Co., 202 Pearce Bldg. ; - Transportation ROOM for 1 or 2 passengers to Den ver. CoL April 29. Statesman Box 2569. ATTENTION: -THOSE now workine or anyone- interested tn working at Comraerrial Jron Works and in need of transportation, please call 9793, 10 JO A. M. to 7 P. M. - Paints and Lacquers Complete tine NASON paints terms ft D Woodrew. 394 N Liberal Church Painting & Paperhanging Experienced Heaaonabl. Ph. 4325 Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards. ' pamphlets, programs books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing- De partment zis a commercial, rei phoo 9191. Plowing Garden plowing At -discing. Ray Salter. Ph. 3-2204. Radicr Serrice . PIERCE ftedi Service 805 N Uberty Real Estate LIST . your psopeity with Commer cial Realty C. 2020 So. CocnX P. 7024. Septic Tanks Cleaned SEPTIC TANKS and e 1 ea ne d Satisfaction guaranteed. State-wide service. Gene Fite. 842 Edgewater St. West Salem. Ph. 8743. Inspection tree. Kenneth HasneL a resident of West Salem. Ph. 6663. Transfer U -DRIVE TRUCKS FOR ' RENT Blankets fur 197 S Liberty. Ph 9082 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranter, storage, burner oU. briquets trucks ta Portland daily. Agent Pierce Auto freight. Including Calif points Larmer Transfer Co Pb luL Tiling 1 TTLE bathroom, drain boards, fire places and storefronts. Pb, 6472. - Vacuum Cleaner Serrice Certified. guar, service. AH make. Vince s Electric 157 S. Ub. T. 6292 FREE tnspectloa - la ' your bom Au thorized Hoover service - We service all makes cleaners Hogg Bros Ph 9149 Well Drilling a A West At Sons. RL 6. B 445 every Sunday, American Mother mm ii mill I Kim i u V ini.i.'. IWHI II - " S ' ? - ! f v - " : -r f - :-,. " . - " A . ' " Mrs. Mary Blaere Thiniti (above), 55, af Glendale, - was elected thc American saa ther for 15-43, by the American - mothers cemmlttee af the Gol den Kale foundation.- A widow and the mother . of . fear sons, Mrs. Thanuen has ne son erver seas with the Red Cross, one in war work tn Hamilton, CL. an other who is an ensign on com bat daty in the Pacific and a fearta who b a technical cor- - poraL She wtu. bo presented the " American mother's medal in New York on May 9, Mother's day Associated Press Telemai. For Sale Wood MILL WOOD. $6.00 per load. Prompt deL Ph. 6444. - 16 MILL WOOD. 4 ft slab, fresh cut sawdust Ph. 8862 , Wood Graen 412 N 21st St. Pb 8379 Plywood cores At : ends Ph 8505 Wood Sawing Charles F. Simon. 1311 N. Libert Ph. 0685. Lost and Found LOST LADY'S wrist watch. Satur day. $5 reward. Ph. 7387. LOST: Black At white wirehaired Terrier. 170 Madron. Ph. 2-2749. Leave word. LOST: Ration book No. 2. Return to Albert Krenx. Bex 25, Garden Rd. or Ph. 21842 . LOST: Black brooch with colored stone, downtown -exist. Ph. 4229. Re ward. LOST: Approx. 3 month aeo. small rubber-tired hand truck. Reward. Ph. 7529 or 3131. LOST: No. 1 ration book. Return to Edmund- R.- Flawn. 99 Abrams Ave. For- Sale Used Cars 1940 NASH 4-DOOR Sedan. cruUinat gear Ar heater. Excellent shape. $075. iiu uiemexeia si. 1940 SPECIAL DeLUXE Chevrolet Sedan., radio, ' uarierseat heater defroster fog lights new seat covers, good tins, mechanically A-L 265 West Wilson St. evenings. 31 - CHEV. and lixht trailer house. cheap. 3420 E. Mkeuon. 38 Ford 2 dr. R. Ac H. 570 Gaines. BLACK 1940 PONTTAC Torpedo 8 Spt. Coupe. $1050. by original owner. unve it to appreciate it. ax you need a good car this Is your chance. Call Mr. Clark at 8101 or 3343 v Wanted Used Cars Orval Pays TO? CASH PRICES For Used Gars ALL MAKES At MODELS OR VALS USED CARS Center at Church Ph. 4702 Cash in your Car FOR CASH 37 to '41 Model Cars and Pickups. Burgoy ne Motor Co. - 440 Center : ... Phon 21539 Wanted Used Cars WE PAY TOPS! Gt everr- dixn - your car te worth. Cash on the Barrel-Head "C SHROCK SALEM'S oldest 'ndependent used car ,m, '.' aeaier. N Corner Church At Chem. Ph. 7923 Personal I WILL NOT b resDOosibl for debts contracted byrfurfone but myself. A. M. Bloom. Legal Notice NOTICE TO CEEDITOaS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Mar ion, Probate Department. : Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed Administratrix of the es tate of Wesley H. Jackson- de ceased, and any and ali persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to pre sent said claims duly verified as by law required to, the Adminis tratrix at Route 2, Aurora, Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. . : Date of first Publication April 7th, 1943 . ALICE IX. JACKSON Administratrix of the Es - tate of Wesley IL Jackson Ap. 7-14-21-28 My Reviewing a i r fcm, ill ' .ntfioyi.'-.-rt :muJw: - - -irr-iTi - rr mi ir 111 iirt.riiii iiim fihii iifr hi km vi m ii,i fi Ll Proudly wearing her minlatare copy of a WAAC uniform, little Linda Ann Aurand, four and one half-year-old daughter of 'Ma J. Genu H. S. Aurant (left), commanding; general of the Sixth serrice com mand, salutes with her father as a WAAC mobilization day parade passed before them tn Chicago. Linda Ann had been selected by the WAACS at nearby Fort Sheridan as their mascot. Legal Notice FINAL NOTICE . Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the- Cir cuit Court of Marion ' County, Qreg-on, Probate Department, her verified final account as Admin istratrix of the estate of Albert E. Bayne, deceased, and said Court has fixed Tuesday June 1,-1943, at ten o'clock A. M., in the Cir cuit Court Room in the County Court House, at Salem, in said County, for hearing said final ac count and all objections thereto. Dated this 28th day of April, 1943. . y ' NINA BAYNE, " Administratrix of Estate of Albert E. Bayne, deceased. WALTER S. LAMKIN, Attorney, Salem, Oregon A- 28 My 5-12- 19-26. ' . BAYONNE. HJ.-UPi - District Judge David Berrnan has decided to eo to work in a war plant, and hold court sessions on Thursdays and Fridays his days off. Lodges Salem Lodge No. 4. AF At AM. Thur. Apr. 29. T. C. De gree. 739 P. M. Pacific Lodge No. 50. AP At AM. E. A. Degre Wed. April 28. 720 P. M. .' Crossword Piizzle u u u Vttffi w h i WW t " mmmm maL. TJ p m m, 'M wt I I Hrl 1 1 HORIZONTAL 1. throw 5. additional P. mineral ' spring; i 12. to the ahel. . ; tared side 13. again 14. Hawaiian food 15. annoys IT. down: prefix lS.gick IS. seize 2L competitions 23. fondles 27. pronoun " 23. to one aid - ' 29.drar - -31. salt 34. compass point (abbr.) 35. harden , 37. are Z2. negative reply 48.-fcitter vetch 42. small inlet - 44. genus of -grasses 43. toward 45. concentrated Salinger 53. observed 54. citrus drink 55. near . 57. ornaments - tion . 61. female ruff 62. peruse. 64. Assam silk, worm 65. insect eclairs t 67. undermines ' Answer to yesterdays puzzle. R A S Pi EjLlB ATNAm XDEA" GiCIA R' OBi MiAPsl r e1sent C D stsiTp Tt jlskk SItk g Tt 7 A Mt L A rn' " h o v A L Ti 'aOqkje Z E PLUjATTg:p S l N ' SUg sFf r c1t vTrA.L' A 3 Ajs D ' t n y rt e d a s at iti or l p un Mo Average tlnvo ti Selstloat 31 auastes. 2UL by King Features Eradicate Lao. VAAC Parade I ivweW'VfJ 4 V Y PVT. SMtTH-PvLPautC. Smith, who resigned an Office of War Information post and eontmcision as ttenteaant com ntander in the Naval Keserve to iota the Marts Cerpa, shown daring trainljut at the Parrte Is tend, 8. C, base. 4rZ4 : VERTICAL. L feline 2. malt drink 3. ocean 4. bed canopies 5. false faces 6. upon 7. color 8. piteher 9. Savors . 10. European IX. suffers . v-, : 16. church festival v 20.1anrprey ; 22. exist 23. walking stick 24. imitator , 23. sun god 26. woo 30. rasped r 32. feminine . name , 33. burden 36. nervous twitch 38. retaliates 4L highway , 43. copper money 45. comparative word ending 47. correlative t of either 49. necessities . ' 50. ancient Irish capital 51. Arabian gulf 62. measure of '- length ; 56. golf mound : 53. masuUne name 53. pinch CO. motor fuel (colloq.) V I - I xY 89.00 a y adjacent co untie.