The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 28, 1943, Page 10, Image 10

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    mL ThV CTZCOlt STATTCMAN. Colaa, Orecon. Vadnasday Morning. AptU 3. IS 13 . V
Miss Smith
At .Home
: The "wedding of Miss Gloria
Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
I Glen Smith and Staff Sergeant
Robert Williams, son of Mr. and
- Mrs. J. F. Williams of Randolph,
Vermont, was solemnized In the
: home of the bride's parents on
. Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
. ; Rev. Loyal Vickers of Corval
v lis performed the ceremony be
fore the flower-banked fireplace.
Calla lilies and pink snapdrag
; ons were used and tall, tapers
f were' arranged-in-candelabras. '
'.The bride wore a dress suit of
j rose crepe, and navy blue acces
rories.' Her corsage was' of or-
: chids.' Her maid of honor, Miss'
June Ramey, wore light blue suit
and a corsage of gardenias.
.. ! Staff Sgt Samuel J. Dref f at-
tended the. groom. x'V?-;-' ' :"t
Following the ceremony, a re
ception was held in the woman's
clubhouse. Lilies and snapdragons-
decorated the rooms, and
presiding-at the table, which was
' covered with a white lace cloth
- and centered by pink and white
carnations "arranged in silver,
' and. guarded by, white tapers,
were Mrs. A. -L. -Kullandef of
,,Vernonia and Mrs. R. L Kullan-
der of Milwaukee. Miss June
Ramey, Miss Iillian Holechek,
-. Mrs. Keith Peterson, Miss Connie
- Johnson and Miss Betty: Addison
Mrs. E. . Addison, Mrs. C O.
- Sloper, and Mrs. G. G. Madison
"were in charge of the reception
and Mrs. Cora Berry of the dec
. 'orations. Miss Wanda Messinger
played the piano during the re-
ception hours. -
. . When the bride and groom left
for a honeymoon at the beaches,
. rthe bride was wearing a tur
quoise blue suit with a white
-top p.e r . and . navy accessories.
-7- Upon their return they will re
' fide at the Stratton apartments
while Staff Sgt. Williams is sta-
- iioned at Camp Adair and until
he leaves for training in the air'
corps. Mrs. Williams is employed
in the Oregon. Physicians service.
Relatives 'attending the wed
ding were Mrs. Lucy Smith,;
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Seaman, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kul
lander, "" Vernonia; Miss Carrie
Quasdorf, Mrs. Carol Blumber
ger, ; Portland, and the bride's
Pupils Will
- The piano pupils of Mrs. J. I.
Teed will be presented in - re
cital in the YMCA lobby tonight
at 8 o'clock. The Interested pub
lic is invited. '
Those on the program will be
Erva Wilson, Sally Eggstaff,
Marilyn Benson, Richard and
Marilyn Reay, Joan Gilbert,
Joyce .and Mary Davis, Lloyd
Leddrin, Barbara Sim, Robert
Seamster, Rodney Wolfer, Le
brila Logan, Janet Lindley, Carol
Fallin and Carol Miller.
Pattern y
Here are miracle-working
lines in a slenderizing ' Anna
Adams frock. Pattern 4370. It's,
a smart variation on the prin
cess theine. The back has a sim-4
"pie panel. Jn front the seams
curve in gracefully, making your
waist look tiny. The scalloped
" neckline and sleeves are very ;
' ; Pattern 4370 is available only
In women's sizes 36, 38, -40, 42,
44, 46, 48 and 50. Size 36 takes
4 yards 35-lnch" fabric. :
Send SIXTEEN CENTS In coins for
this Lane Adams pattern. Write
TEN CENTS more brinies you our
Spring Pattern Book with its eaij
to-maie atyles for- everyone. - - -.
Send your . order to .The Ortfon
Statesman, Pattern Department, 6a-
- - l.'V iJ Am x
I .Ft 'A
4370 1 . :
.WEDNESDAY ' - - -,
. . . - Nebraska , auxiliary, with Mrs.
Lc Webb, RU 1, Box 209. '
- PLX and T club witn Mrs. Aorta
Muncey, C03 North Winter street, :
t p. m. .
Women of lirst r Presbyterian i
. church, a p. nu. executive board -meetinc
Grant PTA study club with"
Mrs. C .r. . Noakes. 138S North
Cottar street. S p. m.
AAUW aeetion B with Mrs -Charles
A. Ratcliffe. 1? RatcUHe ,
drive, 1:13 p. m. , - r
KCKT elub with Mrs. Roy Was- i
sam. 1045 North Capitol street; X !
P. . r ; --..- - " .- ,:: t
Woman's Benefit association,
with Mrs. E. B. Perrine, 779 North
Cottase street. Husbands will be '
guests. ;-
' Past presidents of Hal Hibbard
auxiliary to United Spanish War
Veterans at the home of Mrs. '
E. E. Buckles, C45 Breys avenue,
I p. m.
Church Circles
Will; Meet
The circles of the Women's so
ciety of Christian service of Ja
son Lee Methodist church will
meet today at the following pla-
ces; - '
February -August, at the
church. Sewing in the morning,
luncheon at 12:30 o'clock. , ' ,
March-September Mrs. A." C.
Anderson, 2510 , Cherry avenue,
1:30 o'clock. .
May-November with Mrs. Ro
bert Kempel, 3215 State street,' -1:30
p. m.
June-December, with Mrs. Neil
Whittig, 1890 North Capitol
street, 1 :30 o'clock dessert lun
cheon. J
. The January, July and April
October circles will not meet.
T, - ' '
Family Dinner
On Sunday
The christening services for
Carole Jean, 11-month old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alton
R. i DuToit were performed at
the Evangelical church at Clear
Lake by Rev. Gordon E. Jaffee.
Following, the services, the
parents presided at a dinner at
the home of the child's grand-,
mother Mrs. E. DuToit. Present
were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Du
Toit, Kelso, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph,
DuToit and ; children, Mr. and
Mrs." Raymond DuToit and chil
dren, and the parents!
Mrs. Frank Spears, jr., left Fri
day to join Captain Spears in
Birmingham, Alabama, and they
will then go to Fort ' Behning,
Gai where he will be stationed.
What, they ! can do
What they're doing about It
Two Salem women, members
of the United States Marine
Corps Women's Reserve, were
recently ordered to report for
their recruit training at Hunter
college. New York. They will
leave Salem April 29t
- They are Private Mary C. Mc
Call, route 2, box 183, and Pri-'
vate Louise Ramage, 1106 Les
lie street
Both women were enlisted
through the Salem marine corps
recruiting ? office. Private Mc
Call was sworn in March 24 and
Private Ramage, March 25. ,
. After they complete their
training they will be assigned to
active duty at a marine corps
base, or be sent to a specialist
schooL; ;v
'';'! 'rr '' '
, , Matching her husband's navy
blue against the . khaki of the
; women's army, - Mrs. Madaline
Oliver of Salem enrolled in the
WAAC at Portland's recruiting
headquarters. Herh u s b a n d ,
Kenneth A Oliver, was recently
" commissioned an ensign in the
, navy. She also has a sister. Aux
iliary Sabina Morrison, ' in the
Mrs. .Oliver is a graduate of
. . Willamette ' university and Is a
former student at the University
r of Washington. Mrs. ' Oliver has
been a canneryemployee, news
paperwoman and school teacher?
1 Her mother, - Mrs. Katherine
Schmidt, lives m Salem.
- - i i - ' . . .
Auxiliary. Letha Maude Sun
reri, of route two. box 40. Sa
lem, has completed basic train
ing at the First Women's Army
( Auxiliary Corps Training Cen
ter in Ft. Des Moines, and has
, been selected for specialist
training in bakers and cooks
school. .
If you suffer from hot flashes, dizzi
ness, distress of "lrreguIariUes', are
weak, nerroua due to the functional
"middle-age" period In a woman's
Ufa try Lydia K. PlnUuun'a Vege
table Com pound. It's helped thou
sands upon thousands of women to
relieve such 'annoylnt; ymptoma,
PoUow label directlona. Pisxham's
Compound Is wort trying t
Mrs. Boone
Installed" v
Mrs. Willie Boone was instal
led as president of the Veterans
f Foreign Wars auxiliary Mon
day at the Veterans hall, at a
oint . installation ceremony with
Marion post No. $6L
: The hall was decorated by the
Tast President's club.
; J 'Mrs. Russell Mudd, depart
' ment, president, was the install
lng officer, assisted by; the Sil
j verton degree team.
: Officers . installed were Mrs.
Willie Boone, president, Mrs.
Marie Hansen, secretary, Mrs,
Joan Hunt, senior vice-president,
Mrs. Nannie Clare, junior vice
president, Mrs. Grace I Hartley,
. . treasurer, Mrs. E I v e r a Beard,
chaplain, Mrs. Ora Furlough, pa
t r i o t i c instructor, Mrs. Ellen -Goodman,
conductress, 1 Mrs.
Margaret Millett, trustee, Mrs.
Margie Shinkle, musician, Mrs.
Amelia Bolton guard, color bear
ers, Margaret Hoerth, Mary
Ringwald, Gladys Harlan, Ger
trude Beall, Coral Vaughn,'' and
Ella Red fern and Elizabeth Ken
; nedy. : ,
k Department officers p r e s e nt
were Mrs. Mudd, president, . Mrs.
Olga McEIvain, secretary and
Mrs. Myrtle Trip,, ; president of
district 7.
, Mrs. Clark Moffit, president of
Linn auxiliary, Albany, Mrs. Ida
Johnson, president of Silverton,
" and Mrs. Anna Davis, Mrs. Spen
cer, from Pendleton, Mrs. Olga
Lucht," Mrs Hollis, Mrs.. Marie
McDonald, Iona McDonald, Mrs.
. W. L. Clare, Mrs. Margaret Johnson,-
Gwendolyn Fisk, Mrs. Mary
Johnson, Mrs. Amanda Moul ton,
all of district 17.
Mrs. A. L. Skewis represented
the Daughters' of Union Veterans.
Mrs. James Garson and Mrs.
Merle Travis were introduced
from the American Legion aux
iliary. After impressive ceremony,
Mrs. Alvin Strayer, retiring
president was presented with a
past president's pin,
Herman Lafky gave the main
address of the evening and on
the musical program were Mrs.
Charles Crary, Mrs. Dave Fur
lough, Mrs. Amelia Bolton, Mrs.
Margaret Kendall, ; Mrs. Grace
. Hartley and Aubrey Tussing.
. V7 After adjournment refresh- :
ments were served by Mrs. Gla
dysHarlan," chairman, Mrs. Mabel-Devlin,
Mrs. Mardel. Tomp
kins, Mrs.. Doris : Fuqua, Mrs. 'T
Marjie Shinkle and Mrs. Phyllia
Crary. - :. . c " h
Salem degree, team' will go to
Dallas Wednesday night to assist
the department - president,' Mrs.
. Mudd in . the installing of the
Dallas auxiliary." .. ;;
Next' meeting of Marion aux
iliary will be May 10.
The East Side Sewing clab
met Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Lloyd Tresham.
After a short business meeting
the afternoon was spent in sew
ing for-the hostess. Refreshments
were served and a social hour
followed. Those present includ
ed Mesdames H. O. Reilley, Etta
Day, Edw. Schaffer, Glenn Wes
ton, Al Dereave, L. Schmidt and
Lottie Tallman. The date and
place of the nxet meeting will be
announced later. ;
- Ensign and Mrs. Wilson Sieg-
mund and Jimmy will arrive in
Portland on Saturday, for a stay
with their relatives according to
word received here. The Sieg
munds have been stationed in
Boston since Thanksgiving.
- Mrs. James Edgar Payne and
daughter, Catherine Elizabeth, of
Palo Alto, have arrived in Sa-
- lem for a three-weeks' visit with
Mrs. Payne's .mother, Mrs.
Tongue Munger. j -j .
, WEST SALEM The Laurel
social club will meet at the home
of Mrs. . H. J. Clement, 360 North
14thstreet, Salem, Tuesday, May
. ' at , 2. in' the afternoon. - Mrs.
PhHlip Peterson is president and
.Mrs. W. H. Zimmerman 5 secre
tary - . '- . . : r i
IJET7 ? AT7 Owfo Safety Financial Responsibility
' P11 fa effective June f.
J ,dri.v5r.ef any sntomobile Involved in an accident most,
within i days, file with the Secretary of State evidence of
financial responsibility of $11,800. Automobile Insurance Is
the answer. ,
Don't be eaarht short. Insure now at Hoggins Office, as lew
as sit per year. . -
Oregon 's Largest
.... , . - Salem ccsd
123 N. Cosuncrdcd
Guests "of
At Party
Members of the Salem Junior
Women's club were hostesses on
Monday night at the woman's
clubhouse, at a 'party for pros
pective members of the club.
Twelve guests were present.
Cards were played, during the
evening, with , high scores going
to Miss Elizabeth Bagley ' for
bridge, . Miss : Kathleen Osborne
for pinochle, Mrs.' Amos Bierly
' for battleship. .. '';;- ty;
5 The . program featuring.1 the :
club' scrapbook, ihcluded
Scrapbopk Skitcbes" In 4 which
past presidents 'and ' committee
members gave brief talks on the,
work of the! club. Mrs. 'Leonard
VnViST- thm rlvtWm firt' rtwrf
dent,-dlscussed tha organization
and the -purpose of the Junior,
Woman's r'c l ub, - Mrs. Clin to
Standing, a past president, talk
ed about the federation and its
meaning to the Junior - clubs,
Mrs. Verne Robb discussed phil- -anthropie
work of the group and
Mrs. Joseph Felton talked on
the state and . national conven
tions and talked about the com
ing state convention in Salem.
War service work was discussed
by Mrs. Fred Gast and the club's'
social activities 'were the sub
ject of Mrs. Delbert Schwab-
bauer's ' discussion." "''-''I -
The -scrapbook,' in charge of
Mrs. Robert Worral ; and Mrs.
W. G. Nibler this year was on
display. A group of songs ' were
sung by Mrs. Felton, Mrs. Stan
dish, Mrs. Lee Crawford, and
Mrs. Roy Mink. Miss Margaret
Mullen played several piano so
los. '"'.'.j.V--'-
Tea was served at a table cen
tered with an arrangement of
spring flowers, guarded by ivory
4inaM ' H T T AAnapfl Iv-V
tapers. Mrs. Leonard Kephart
poured. '. ! - .' I ' '
. The committee" for the party :
Monday night included Mrs.
Worral, Mrs. Nibler, Mrs. Wayne
J! Page, Mrs. Thorne H. Ham
mond, Mrs. Crawford, Miss Nel-
lie Forster and , Miss Margaret
Mullen. . . .: -. -
Before the party a special in
itiation, ceremony was held for
Mrs. A. D. Stephenson, who la
living in Salem . while Lt CoL
Stephenson is stationed at Camp
Pianists Give
Program :
Members of the Junior Har
mony club gave a musical pro
gram at the Old People's Home
on Friday afternoon, assisted by
a trio including Mrs. Roy Har
land, Mrs. Richard. Smart and
Rev. Guy Stover. ; - i
Piano students appearing on
the program were Jeannine and
Clyde LaFollette, Dorothy Pe-f .
derson, Leila Beach, Yvonne Ro-
senaugh; Pebble and ' Patricia ,
DeSart,J May Evelyn Park, How-'
ard Wood, Patricia Long, Patri-
cia Powell, Ruth Ann and Mar-
tha Jane Pearcy, Bonnie Dixson, -Thelma
Wilcox 'and Ruth Bain:
Patricia Powell . had charge of , .
the program.
ery detaU was the Ceremony of
the Roses,; thW.a.lnit:
of members of Junior Women's
club, held Monday night atlthe i
First Church of Christ '
Mrs. John Rutherford, presi
dent, received the guests. Mrs.
O. J. Schlottman presided at the
piano during the ceremony and
the white tapers were lighted by
Mrs. Don Kuenzl and Miss Vera
Metty. -
Taking part In the ceremonials
themselves were Mrs. John
Rutherford, Recognition and
Pledge; Mrs. Ole Meland, the
Stem; Mrs. Herbert Jones, the
Leaves; Mrs. Loren Gower, the
Rosebud Mrs. Walter Claus,
Fragrance; Mrs. Perl Bye, the
Recitation of the Rose, 1 written
by Laura Bedoll.
Just prior to the ceremony
Miss Lois Ginther directed two
musical " numbers, a violin solo
by Marilyn Moe and a vocal solo
by Jeroldine Olson..
Floral decorations used in the
church auditorium, where' the
ceremony was held, and in the
dining room where refreshments'
were served, were Vb 1 ceding
hearts and lilacs with the white
Initiated were Mrs. Olaf Paul-
son, Mrs. Louis Wavea, Mrs.
Clifton Hadley, Mrs. Victor Had-
ttr tljr-r-m Dm.
thy Abel and Mrs. Harvey Ka-
ser. - .
uars. n. . j. vancieave , was
speaker during the program
hour, discussing the roll of wom
en in th modern world.
Upstate Agency'
MarsliSeld -
Sclem DIcl4iC3
lllss Marjorle Waeten. davgh
ter of CoL and Mrs. Elmer V; :
Wooten, left last week for Port
land to take a new position in
station KGW. ; She has numer
ous duties, so she reports to her
parents. She spends some I time
in the music reference library, '
as a receptionist and as a typist.
Mlas Janet McLeed af The
Dalles was the guest of, Jean
Donaldson at her home in Sa
lem, over Easter. Both girls are
students at Oregon' State. "
Salem Folk '
r.. .Mrs. Elmer V Wooden, wifeof
the state director , of selective
1 ervice,-christened the 173d lib-)
erty ship built by ,the Oregon
Shipyards the William H. Me
Guffey -.on ; Sunday . at an ' im
pressive 1 o'clock ceremony. !
' " Mrs. Wooten,' and her matrons
of honor Mrs. L. V. Benson and
'Mrs. Leban SteeVes ' and .her
. daughter Norma, flower girL
were presented " corsages . made
of war savings' 'stamps, before'
, the ceremony, and t with large
bouquets of red "roses following
the christening.- i
After the . ceremony, a lunch
eon was served in the dining
room in ' the administration
building. Special guests of Mrs.
Wooten at the luncheon were
CoL Wooten, Mr. and Mrs. L. V.
Benson, Mrs. Laban Steeves, Dr.
and Mrs. Frank Prime Lt. CoL
and Mrs. Carlton 'Spencer, Lt.
CoL and Mrs. George Sandy,
Mrs. Verden Hockett, Lt. and
Mrs. Ralph - Purvine, Lt. and ,
Mrs. Harold Hauk, Miss Dorothy.
- Kennedy Miss Marjorie Wooten, .
THU 'i ' ml. L 1 j .T
Miss "Ethel Mae" Sandyr Nora
Wooten, Thomas Steeves, Steven
and Whitney Benson. : '
Mothers to Be
Oregon mothers will -be enter-
tained April 30' to ' May 2 at .
Mother's weekend, and will also
be the guests "of Junior weekend
events : taking place, including T
the campus - luncheon, " the all- '
campus sing on Friday, and the
junior prom Saturday night. , '
Many fathers are expected at
the 16th annual Mother's week
end despite rationing difficulties.
On Friday between 1 and 5 pjn.
and Saturday between 9 a.m. and
5:30 pjn. in Johnson hall, regis
tration will take place.
Events for Mother's weekend -on
Saturday are: a meeting at
10 ajn. of the state board .of di
rectors for the Oregon Mothers,"
the . annual business meeting of
"the Oregon Mothers at 1:30 pni. "
in the Guild - theatre, .Johnson
hall, and a tea from 3 to 5 o'clock
for mothers giwh by Associated
Women . Students," Young Worn-: "
en's. Christian - association,
and :
" the Eugene Mothers club." "
Officers o( tjie group. are . Mrs.
Emmet Rathbun Qswiego, presi- !
dent; .MrSn J,H. . A.i Busterud, :
Marshfielclfcvice president; Mrs.'
M SaV ''
- lem, geaerlrs. Dean VJui-,
5 'F1-ti?anr -
- ef? lf'.
For Club
. A call for" cut flowers which
Salem residents will donate , to
the two service clubs at Camp
Adair is being issued today
through Zonta club of Salem.
Persons having flowers to give
may leave them at the Junior
' Hostess League headquarters in
the; Senator hotel building "any
day between the hours of 12 and
6 o'clock. . " ". - " " -,'V
The service clubs will arrange
for "J local persons ' employed, at
the camp to pick up ' the flow-
ers. Miss . Helen ' Barrett, a past
president of Zonta club. Is host
ess at one of the service 'clubs
" and Miss Eleanor Trindle, for
mer Salem teacher, is hostess at
the other; club. They state that
soldiers using -the clubs will be
,most "appreciative "of ; any", aftd
' all -flower ' contributions Which
will be used "to brighten ; and
cheer-the5 bltf club rooms.-'
v "
Additional Society ISCWS
n Pa . Id. ;
Item' kMmv m
ThU week, aee your
grocer's displays ef
feeds which TJacle
Sam's Nutrition Rules
ay you should eat
erery day. Learn how
KUCOA. the autritiooa.
eaoJern tMrgariae with
VITAatm A, caa help
you add Barer and food
raue to all your meals
-without Ugh cwU -
Cdy 5 Pchh
Lodge Has 1
Salem Rebekah lodge met on
Monday, with 71 visitors present
from Woodburn, ; Stayton, Tur
ner, Dayton, Silverton, Portland,
Roseburg, Gervais, . Prineville,
McCoy, : Kansas,' Wisconsin and
- Colorado, -y--i - -
Red Cross sewing was an
nounced for - all day . today . with
a. no-host luncheon to be served
at noon. On. next Monday night
, lodge will take up at 3 j)Jn. for
the spring and summer sessions
. ; instead of 730 pjn.
)--'. ,On Thursday -Miss Madeline '
; . Rossner, state president of ' the ;
Rebekah assembly will make her
; official ; visit to . t h e Silvertoh
- lodge. . A: number of : the Salem
lodge are .expected to attend.
' ' In Portland "on . next Sunday'
afternoon from 2 until 5 o'clock,;
the personnel of the IOOF home
will hold a reception for Presi
dent : . Madeline .-Rossner and
'Grand. Master Grant Murphy. All
Oddfellows and Rebekahs are in
vited to come. , . :
" ' After the business session the
Rebekahs celebrated the 124th
' anniversary of OddfeUowship.
Mrs.' Robert Henderson, good of
the order chairman, was in
charge - of arrangements and
Grant Murphy, Thomas McLeod,
grand junior warden' of Willam-.
etti encampment, and Brig. Gen-,
eral A. R. McLaughlin were es
corted to the speaker's platform
and seated there with P. C Har
land, noble grand of the Oddfel
lows, Rev. C. P. Gates of Port
land, Mrs. Lloyd Stiifler, noble
grand of the Rebekahs and Mrs.
Robert Hendej-son.
Abe Doerksen gave several
numbers on the vibra harp and
electric guitar. ,
Arthur J. Lennon of Portland
gave a short talk . on the bond
; sales . drive. After which the
members of the Dayton lodge
gave a short drama entitled "The
Spirit of America.", "
Rev. Chester P. Gates of Port
land gave the main address of
the evening on OddfeUowship
and the meaning of Oddfellow
ship, . ' ; .
The dining room was in charge
of Chemeketa lodge no. 1, Lloyd
Stiffler and P. C. Harland pre
siding. F. L. club girls assisted in
serving. 1
"." "Ti-ustees voted to buy another
bond at . their meeting Monday.
The trustees include Mrs. J. A.
Mills, Mrs. Belle Carson and Mrs.
Elsie ' Pappenf us. - -
Woman's Club
Hears Speaker
- -Members, of "the Salem Wom
en's club met at the clubhouse on
Saturday, afternoon, with Mrs.
Herbert, Rahe, president, in
charge of the business meeting.
- . Reports were given during the
business meeting by Mrs. Frank
Marshall, and Mrs. Walter
Spaulding. -
jvirs. ... Merle Travis was ap
pointed on the house committee
to fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation of Mrs. Charles Cole
and -delegates elected, to attend
the state, convention of Federat
ed Woman's clubs .were.- Mrs.
Clifton Mudd, Mrs. Dwight Lear,
Mrs. C. A. Ratcliffe and Mrs.
Herbert Rahe. W .f
r Rev. David Nielsen of jthe First I
Congregational church gave the
main; addressj speaking of. the
3 i slices of Master Bread at
every meal gives plenty of ex
tra Vim, Vigor and Vitality. "
ft-;, 1f: 1 -
problems of the present world
crisis, which have" so tragically
disrupted normal functions. He
described them as a test of faith
out of which will develop a phil
osophy of life, having as its ideal, .
"Democracy for the world, not
Just for America." In discussing
the American home he called at
tention to the various changes
In character and stability in
home life through several gen-
. erations. " -y-. L ' ' r : ;j ; '
Soloist for the afternoon's pro
gram was Miss Mabel Elizabeth
Fox. Her accompanist was Miss
' Earllne .Glisan.",-' ;' 'V;; '. -l
The tea table at which Mrs. O,
W. Emmons and Mrs. F. A. El
liott presided was centered with
an arrangement. ; v ; ,
Tht committee in charge of
- the tea hour was headed by Mr.
Albert Gragg and included Mrs
James Jennings, Mrs: Homer
Smith, sr., Mrs. Estill Brunk,
- Mrs. V. R. Dean, Mrs. .W.-H.
, Byrd, Mrs. Iva Bushey, and Mrs;
Howard Hunsaker. - Due to the
illness of some of the committee,
Mrs. Charles Johnson assisted in
serving. . . -
Give Easter .
A breakfast was given at the
. Marion hotel on Sunday morn
ing by a group of girls who gath
er annually for an. Easter morn
ing party. -'.
V Present were the Misses Betty
Jean Smith, Dorothy Pyeatt,
Pauline Dunlay, Margaret , Mc-j
A supar vafue achievement! Exclusively !
Sean ityles in 100. wool felt hats I ,
Dressy and casual types. A thrilling
color array! For Juniors, misses, matrons;
21 'a. to 23 and adjustable headsizes.
. i A.
i '
4 -wsp
Sears stares have posted er marked eeDing prices la
compliance with Government tegalations. -
WWU lilllllM!!
Dally, !:Ji A. M. to C P. JL; Saturday, 9:39 A. XL to I P m.
ISt State Street, Calem, Orrrcn , ...
'YiniwirTwimwff wa wiwjn.iwi.'Mwiirivu. m S'iif 't '
; Bain, Maxlne. Enger, Beverly,
Carter, Estaline Smith, Helen
Fanton, Jean Donaldson, Muriel
Smith, Betty Ullrnan, Helen Os
trin, Nancy Stricklin, Jean
Webb - Bow en, Dorothy, Cook;
Ddris Harrington, Betty Krebs,
m etv a. A aT
Airs. w. J. ouiie, ivirs. iaxK jvii
; gore, Mrs. ; Eileen WIndedahL
Mrs. Donald BlaisdelL Mrs. Don
Cutler, Mrs. Stanley Stiffler,
; Mrs. Casper. Swigert, Mrs. Nona
Today's Menu ; :
' Steak, and kidney pit will
make the day's main dish for
- this, the "extra parts", meaL
' '.. Cold slaw : '
V ; " : . Boiled dressing .
Steak and' Kidney pie ':
:' C.:": ': ; .Potato" crust ' !
Buttered new turnips and creenj
Rhubarb'saiice with1 '
, ! .' .Bananas ' .
Homemade cookies ":
4 ,egg2olks . . ".. . j,
3 tablespoons flour . . ; . i
V cup sugar 1
M teaspoon salt -
' 1 tablespoon honey , 1 1
, V teaspoon dry mustard
Va teaspoon paprika
?4 cup vinegar" -.
cup. water ' .
- 2 tablespoons cream (sour or
sweet) j ; (-"'f i
Beat yolks, add flour, sugar, '
salt, honey, mustard and - pap
rika. Stlr until thoroughly
. blended. Add vinegar and wa
ter. Cook slowly, stirring con
stantly until thick and creamy.
Add cream and beat a minute. ,
... t - I
'' . ' ' V
o -ml