The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 25, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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Society : Clubs : Music
n 0rcjaontate3raau
More About Music- Week: ; - - : -' -' 1 -
'- ..verc! pre-Music Week programs have been arranged by mem
bers of the committee for the observance' of the nationwide celebration
beginning May 2. Officially, the week will begin .with a memorial
concert next Sunday at 3 o'clock in the First Methodist . church,' when
Dean Melvin H; Geist directs a 'chorus of Salem singers in. a program.
Pre-Week Program c
t On Monday night at the Salem high school : auditorium, the high
school orchestra under the direction of .Vernon Wiscarson arid the high
school choruses directed by Miss Lena Belle Tartar, will present a
program. The entertainment is set at 8 o'clock, and the public is. invited. .
, No admission will be charged. .
This is a program given as the high school's contribution, and
is titled "Music of the' United Nations." Music from England, Russia,
China, United States and parts of South America will be on the program..
' Special emphasis during Music week thijs year, is put on "What
music can do in the war effort", and this among other concerts planned
for the week,, is designed to promote better understanding among the
United Nations. ' ' ; f .
, . The Willamette university school of music will present two.con
. certs on Tuesday, May 4 at Waller hall. The- university symphony
orchestra under the direction of Lewis Pankaslde will give a concert
on Thursday -at 8:15 o'clock in Waller ' hall, when 'Bennet Ludden, -
pianist, will be presented.
Junior Club Helps
As is their custom, the members of the Junior Woman's club 'will
give musical prgrams at the state institutions during Music week. At
the state hospital, they will sponsor a program by Priscilla Meisinger
accordion sextet Mrs. John Kortzebom will sing a song and William
Fawk will be at the piano.
The sextet will play at, the penitentiary, with Patricia Meisinger
as accordion soloist, Geradine Schmoker violin soloist, accompanied
by Ruth Bedford, and Corydon Blodget, vocalist
" The concluding program planned for Music week is a concert to be
sung by CpL Mackey Swan, on Sunday afternoon, May 11. Cpl. Swan
has appeared as soloist for service clubs, on the local radio station
and at several Salem churches and has already endeared . himself to
' Salem audiences . ...... .;.;". 'J
Well Known Here
His will be one of the outstanding programs of the week and will
be open to the public. CpL Swan isa former member of the Philadelphia
opera company, having sung with that organization for two years.
His. voice was well known to; eastern radio listeners and concert goers
before his enlistment in the army.
The program as planned by Cpl. Swan will include several arias,
a group of German lieder, some spirituals and a group of modern
English numbers. ';i '
Mrs. Kenneth Daltan will be his j accompanist.
Something for Russia
Attics of Salem and vicinity will feel the effects of war when house
wives enter into the drive for clothes for Russians, which will be spon
: sored on the week of May 3 to 5 by the former "Bundles for Enjoin" or
ganization. The women who have taken it upon themselves to collect clothing,
have obtained their former office on Court and Commercial streets, 'over
the Hutcheon Pcdnt store and will be on hand all that week to take cloth
ring brought by citizens. "-; " '
' It is" needless to tell of the extreme need for clothing by people of.
Russia, one of the committee stated, but she urged women to donate ev
; ery possible garment "Scour your attics" she said, "Give everything you
can't find a real need for." 1
All manner of warm clothing is needed, especially for children. Mit-
tens', woolen scarves, shoes and warm dresses and cccfts are among the
clothing especially asked for. , I
: The committee in charge asks that all garments be put in as good
condition as possible. Formerly, local cleaning establishments were
generous in donating cleaning service, but now most plants are overload
ed, they cannot do the cleaning.
The women who formerly functioned as "Bundles for Britain" and
are now making the collection for Russians, include Mrs. Clifford Brown,
Mrs. W. A. Scott, Mrs. William Burghardt, Mrs. Taylor Hawkins, Mrs.
Carle ton Smith and Mrs. Wilbur Berry!- '
Candlelight Ceremony L . . i
Special candlelight initiation ceremonies will be held next: Monday
at 7:30 p. m. for two new members of the Salem Junior Woman's club, at
the North Cottage street clubhouse. Mi3s Hattie BratzeL club president,
will preside, and the membership committee in charge of Mrs. Joseph
Felton, is arranging the ceremony. ' At 8 o'clock guests and prospective
members are bidden to attend a party given by the'club in honor of fu
ture members. ' !'"'' ' -
Bridge, pinochle and other card games will be in play, with prizes
awarded for honors. Miss Margaret- Mullen is arranging a; special mu
sical feature and will play several numbers. A group of songs will be - -sung
by Mrs. E C. Crawford, .MrsJ. Joseph Felton. Mrs. Roy. Mink, and ;
Mrs. Clinton Standish. - . -
Past presidents and other club members will participate in a spe-.
cial feature centered around the Junior club scrapbbok, which ".will be
shown by the scrapbook committee, Mri Robert Worral and Mri-W. G.
Nibler. This committee is in charge of the party, and tea will be served'
following the evening's program. Assisting' the committee in 'arranging
fee program are Mrs. Wayne J. Page, Mrs. E. Lee Crawford, Mrs. Thome
H. Hammond, Miss Nellie Forster. and Miss Margaret Mullen. . ,v .
ft w i.
First Methodist Church photo by Frank Herbert -
On Easter Day . . .
ill ; -Sy
Most Salem families are spending their Easter Sunday quietly at
home. Few have out of town members of their families coming, for gaso
line restrictions and added responsibilities of wartime which take so much
time, have limited travel, even for short distances.
Entertainment of soldiers for Sunday dinner is still being taken care of by the home hospitality committee of
the USO, bt many families are inviting soldiers whom they have previously entertained in their homes. Other
hosts prefer to drop over to the USO just before dinnertime on Sundays and ask soldier-guests for dinner.
Mayor and Mrs. I. M. Doughton will be guests at the home of their son and family, Mr. and Mrs., Donald
Dough ton for Easter dinner. :The family meal will follow service at the Presbyterian church, where two-month's
old Shirley Margaret, daughter of the Donald Doughtons will be christened. The little girl will be christened in the
same dress her father wore at a similar ceremony. . v '
Besides the grandparents. Mayor and Mrs. L M. Doughton, guests will, include the other grandmother, Mrs.
Samuel J. McKee of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. L E. "Wilson and daughter, . Elaine of Albany..
Breakfast Served ' ;t"& t . - ' .f ;- K;- V;y. -
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague will be hosts at an Easter morning breakfast at their 14th street home at 11
o'clock, following the earlier church service. A group of Salem couples will be guests. '
Mr. Sprague's sister, Mrs. A. R. Graham and her daughter Miss Mary Graham of Portland, houseguests. will
also be present at the Sprague's breakfast. - . ! f(
Miss Ann Lindle of Portland is here for the weekend at the home of her brother-in-law and sister. Dr. and Mrs.
Carl W. EmmOns. Miss Lindle is a teacher in the Portland- school system.
A family gathering will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Crawford today, with Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Ogelvie as guests of their son-in-law and daughter and family at dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Burgoyne will spend Easter Sunday in Hood River and will attend the wedding of
their niece, Miss Ruth Burgoyne, and Mr. Pat White, which will take place today.
In Roseburg j v .
Dr. and Mrs. L. O. Clement are guests today of their brother-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bamett
and sons. Jimmie Clement, the grandson, will be christened today. - ." -
Following christening services at the First Presbyterian church for Susan Lee, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Bush, the family will gather at the home of the child's grandriother, Mrs. Ludwig Mickelson for dinner. The
christening dress is the one worn by her grandmother and great-grandmother. The cap was. knitted by her great
great grandmother. ' ' ' ,. '
At the dinner being served at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Mickelson on South Commercial street will
be Mr. and Mrs. William Bush. Billy Bush, Mrs. Ivy Y.. Coons, another grandmother, Mrs. . Marjorie Walker and
Mr. C. B. Glover. " ' -
. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Karl Cooley today will be a group who are in Oregon from California, to
attend the regional conference of vocational agricultural , directors in Portland.
The guests will include Mr. and Mrs. Edward Andiers and Mr. J. A. McPhee." ' .
Of Military Weddings .
Miss Charlotte Ellingsworth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ellingsworth of Willamina, became the bride of
' Lt. Vahe Aslanian. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Aslanian of Boston at a military ceremony performed 014:30
o'clock Saturday afternoon in the Episcopal chapel at Camp Adair.
The bride, given in marriage by her father,' wore a white satin gown with three-quarter length sleeves and
sweetheart neckline. Her fingertip net veil, bordered with lace, was held in place by a tiara of seed pearls. A
small gold watch and chain, a gift of the groom's mother,. was worn by the bride with matching gold bracelet For
mal lace gloves and shower bouquet of baby orchids, bouvardia and lilies of the valley completed the bride's
costume. - - ' ; ': .
The bride's attendants. Miss Louise Moore in blue and Miss Caroline Duby in pink short-sleeved gowns of taf
feta with net overskirts and matching mitts. Their headdresses were multi-colored sweetpeas and they -carried
nosegays. !.v;-v-. ., -,.- .
The mother of theSsride was gowned in blue velvet with accessories of deeper blue. ' Her corsage was cf
orchids. . ' -. v r .
: Preceding the ceremdrr Sgt John Walsh sang "Ich Liebe Dich" accompanied by Cpl. Harp at the organ.
Lt. Herbert Rose acted as best man. Ushers were Lt Forelands and Lt ProcessL -. - . " .
, The honor guards were Lts. Bapst, Bauer, Bollinger, Caba, Caughman, Davis,' Ellison;- Gaines, Owens and
Vore. r ' ....... .'..
Following the ceremony a small receptioh was held in Salem for the family of the bride and groom. White
and purple lilacs, tulips, spirea and iris were used in the decorations.. Pouring were Mrs.' Jack Roberts and Mrs. -Laurice
Fox, Cousins of the bride. Assisting were Mrs. William Ellingsworth of 'Portland; Mrs. i R.- E Ellingsworth of
Lakeside arid Mrs.'' Edith; Bafley-' of Willamitx,i ' . J--"it ' '
The bride's traveling suit was of cocoa brown with victory gold accessories. She wore a corsage of. orchids.
Mathetvs-Scott M . j . .
The marriage of Miss Billie Scott, daughter of Mrs. O. Scott to Sgt Clyde Mathews will take place in the
fireplace room of the First Presbyterian church this afternoon at 3 'o'clock; Rev. W. Irvin Williams will officiate.
The room will be decorated with Easter lilies : and sncrpdragons.", - ;'
The-bride will be given in marriage by her brother-in-law,: Mr. Sam Barry and will wear a tailored' suit of
dark brown, ' with which she will wear turf tan accessaries and a green orchid. . ...
Her sister, Mrs. Barry will be her attendant and will wear a beige suit turf tan accessories and a gardenia
corsage. - " '' - " - - . . - " .
Mr. Bernard Kolver of Camp Adair will sing, "Because" and 'To You Alone."
Following the ceremony, the couple will leave on a two-week honeymoon in Idaho . to the home of - fee
groom's parents. Mr. Mathews is stationed at Camp Adair and his bride is employed at Sears Roebuck in Salem.
1 .
Olympid Ceremony' , ' i ' ' - ; . . : . .
Of Interest to friends in Salem is ihe marriage of Miss Gladys Raetz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Raetz
of Salem, and Sgt Hubert Mink, of Los Angele3, son of Mr. and Mrs. H." A. Mink. w .
The wedding was. solemnized at the home of Rev. Ernest R. Drews in Olympia on April 17.
s The bride was attired in 'a pale blue suit .with .which she wore a sheer.white blouse and navy blue accessox
les. ; Herccsage was of odenio ; ' --'v
Mrs. -Mink Is q graduate'.of Salem high school and is now employed in the state Income tax department , .
Sgt Mink attended schools in- Oklahoma-and-Los Angeles, and before entering the service , was employed by.
the Southern Pacific in JLos Angeles. He is. now, stationed at Ft Lewis, .-..vj K . ' . -; t . . t ;
i 'rii.
A Choral Concert.. . . V
V Tonight at .8:15 o'clock, St John's Lutheran
choir. under the' direction of Mrs. W. Fischer and
Mr. William H. " Fischer. , organist, wijl be presented
In' an Eater concert at the church on 16th and A
streets, one block north of the Cld Peop!e3 Home.
The following concert will be presentecj,:..'. '
Processional: Christ the Lcrd is - '
. risen to-day ..... '...r..... .. .1:.-.." 'Carey
: ". Choir ' ' ;'" '.', ' ' .
Thanksgiving From; Harvest Cantata -v.'.... Simper -Largo
. ,;1.:.....J ...:.. ....::..:!Handel
' March in' C ......... ...........: . Simper
William H. Fischer - i
Go To Dark Gethsemane -..-Redhead
'. O .Bleeding Head, Now Wounded Kassler '
; ' ; Choir
Watch Thee and Pray Thee ..; .-.Smith i
Selma Fischer
- - - . !
Prayer from Hansel and Gretel Humpsrdinck
Pastorale ...1.....:...... .....Flagler
O Salutaris. Hostia ...................... L.Gounod
.William H. Fischer" i ,
When the Lord Our God Releases ;...Pilgerhase
They Have Taken Away My Lord ..........Stainer j
Easier Morn ... :.:....v...:.....::.:i;:.Ries 'j
Choir ' '
Offertory : Lefe 'bure We'ly
k. William- H. Fischer ' -.
- Unfcld Ye' Portals ..-....",....ri...:.: :. Gcunod
v ' " . Choir ' '
Three Chorale Preludes ,
. Wake, Awake For. Night Is Flying ..Kumstedt
Let Us Ever Walk With Jesus ....;;:.....Reuter
A Mighty Fortress b Our God :...Shap6r
William H. Fischer
Engagements Revealed . . .
' The engagement of Miss Eetfy Anunsen, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anunsen was announced
. on Thursday night at dinner in the Delta' Delta Delta
house, cn the Oregon State college campus. .;
Miss Anunsen - told of her engagement and
coming weekend, to Mr. Julian O. Wilke jr., son H
Mr. and MrsJulian O. Wilke sr., ofHermosa Beach,
Ckilifornia. They announced the wedding day as
May 28.' ; r :.T
The dining 1able vas decorated with lilacs and
Easter lilies and was lighted by lilac,; yellow and
pink candles. Streamers frcrn the centerpiece ex
tended down to the' goblets and the annoimcement
cards were concealed under the salad platss.
. Miss Anunsen is a graduate of 1 Siem high
school and is a student at Oregn 'Stats college,
where she is affiliated with Delta. Delta Delta sor
ority. 7- ' . . - t - V " M - ,
Mr. Wilke is also a student ot OSC and Is - a
member cf Phi Delta Theta. , ' '
, : ' . V--' v : '; . t ' -'-'' " " '
Miss Cook Tells Nen s ; " ; t
One; of the highlights cf the Theta Cai formal
dance held at the College Garden, on the Oregcn
State campus Saturday night was the announcement
'of the engagement of Miss Georgia Rose Cook and
Mr.- Oyle Dehlinger, with Sunday, May 33, as the
. wedding date. . -!:f J- " '"' - . J .1
Miss Cook is the daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. El
mer D. Cook, of Salem. She attended Willamette
university where she was a member of Delta Pht
She is now a senior at Oregon State coll ey and af
filiated with Alpha Gamma Delta. Miss Co olt Is past
advisof of the Order of Rainbow for Girlj and cr
the past two summers has been employ sd by the
public utility commission. .- .
Mr, Dehlinger is the sen of J Mr. and Mrs. S. P.
' Dehlinger of Klamath Falls, and is also a senior of
Oregon State, where he is affiliated with Theta Cht
He is, in the army but at present is stationed on the
. college campus. " ' -:
Miss Gillis Engaged ' ,
. Mr. and Mrs. Charles GJlis of Mt Angel are
announcing today the engagement -of .their daugh-
ter. Miss Kathleen Gillis, and fronds Was?r, son cf
Mrs.1 Franlr Waser of Salem. i ' - ' , r ; j
: -- -Miss ;Gillis' has chosen" June .5 cs her jredding
day,' and the vows will be exchanged in St Mary's
Catholic church in Mt Angel. ' - ' ' ' " . '
- ; : . Miss Gillis, a graduate ci Mt Angel academy
jmd ftie Salem secretarian school- is employed- at
the public utilities commission. Mr. Waser vraa grad-
- uated from Mt Angel college. He is now associated
- with Gideon Stolz. Following, thfeir . marriage 4he -
couple plan to live in Salem. - ' -; s