PAGZ CZZ Ht CHZCCII CTATTZMAII, Cdaa, Oregon. Cuaior Ilerriig. April 23, 1SIJ Friday maximum tempera -tar ST. -aalaSasam 43.' Saturday rlTer svS-fees. Weather data re-; .strieted y ana re.Best. Chamber Adda Eight Tbei eight new members announced In the weekly baUetta of the Salem thamber of commerce-are: R. "R. bailey. Willamette 'Valley Trans- Xer, 35 iianon street; x-iywooa i iTnslftm U. Perform The Sa Uesign torporauoo, , aremr xu 1 chamber Df commerce pro Bohren, president, and T. O. Toon, I Meadey noon will feature vice piwws w "IBett Pierce with her baton and A. T. Fox, Ymc Cestruction com--1 ji. accordion sextet from pany, 1055- South. -liberty street; th. Pripriiii ifutngr studio. The Carroll jE" Maron. aemce station i .wwfimiet. .n tii operator, sw axe -arree vt.ks.i dents, have been awarded the w . a s lit. a - - M nrri m w - iieroen mhh, w wu- Kold ior accordionists. lamette vmvemzji iiarry w. -ro- yhe- - r Pat Me?intr. Xoia nise, photographer, 200 First Na . tional Bank building; W. M. "Bus ty" - Komine, manager shoe de partment. Worth's department tore, m. North - Liberty street; . and C. W. Paulus, hop i control board. First National Bank build-' ing. Gillings, Peggy France, Helen Withers, Florence Folster and Anne Doerflerv For home leans see Salem Fed eral. 130 South Uhertv. . " ' , RuUnf Given . Counties have authority to levy taxes for preda.- Bookkeeper wanted permanent 1 tory . animal control and pay such position, good wages. Ph. 9182. I bounties in any amount they dei : . 1 ... sire, Attorney L H. Van Winkler first Ala Given Mrs. A. f sal-1 xm t,AP. shini, tkj strom, 1030 Broadway, rana piece waa asked by the state agricul o -Steel from an ax into her right tural deoartment. In another leg Saturday afternoon' and mem-j opmior, van Winkle held that nen w ue ty xusr wo squaa i both newspapers and officials were called to her borne at 3:24jcausing legal publications must to dress e wound. A' vein was I adher ta th ntM frrMf, in cut lbey.sald. -Ted .Peterson, six-1 1941 law. year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.' Ed I -1 -l ' Peterson, route 4hree feU Friday I Lu flecist: Ph. 9392. 1278 N. Lib night i at lris faeene breaking his left arm. He-was taken to the east Salem fire station where the- first Tuesday Election Plsssid flection of officers for the Salem on to the- Deaconess hospital. Azaleas, many colors, primroses, its season with social hour. Wives of the singers have been pansies, and perennials.' Boyd w us meeting, max ai- Nursery, ?440 SUte St. Open Sun. f -r d now president of the 1 group. ; Womes Escape Listed as es- Receiving several cars wood. Get your supply now while available. the insane here Saturday morn ing, Sally Crockett, 47, resident of Sweet Borne, had not been appre hended Saturday anight. State po4 livery. Salem Box Co. Phone 9189. Committee to Meet A meet- lice early Saturday . found Doro- ing of the Marion county Chris thy Hendrickson, 55, j near the tian Endevor executive committee Four Corners a few hours after will be held in the YMCA build she had been reported missing ing at 8 d. m. Mondav in-order from the hospitaL Easter Lilies and Cut Flowers Jav Morris Florist. Phrnia 8R37 ' Ohaact Has OperatUn County Clerk Lee Ohmart underwent an operation Saturday , morning at Salem General hospital on . his that plans may be made for the rest of the year. The convention originally planned in Salem : is scheduled for Roseburg from Oc tober 14 to 17. Painting & decorating. Ph. 7552. Now ta Hospital Fred G. Hale, . Beys Torment Neighbor Mrs. Ella Helsler, ,2340 Myrtle avenue, has asked police to take a liand in troubles which have been caus ed by boys throwing debris into her yard and destroying her prop erty, according to a report mads by. city r officer . Saturday. Police have been instructed to watch the neighborhood, " I' . ' Extension - Sestghi ' Applica tion has been filed with Marion county court by Mountain States Power company for authority' - to extend a line 360 feet along road 912 leading off the Pacific high way, the line to terminate near the residence of Mrs. - Louise Smith. - , L - " " ," "i : - Ends Visit-Earl Hunt, who flew to Salem last . Sunday from San Diego,' will leave tonight for his home. He has been visiting for the last week with ' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunt, 2185 Berry street. Hunt is employed as foreman at Consolidated Aircraft right knee, injured , last summer father of Preston Hale of Salem, in a xau. unman leaves the coun- is in' the St Vincent's hospital in ty clerk's 4ost which he has held j Portland ta preparation for a ma- pro - tempore while Clerk Harlan I Jor operation to be performed Judd is in the I army, to go to IMondar. He is a former emolove the Uniso Abstract company May of j SpauldiBsj Logging company 1. rouowng--fiis resignation, Hen-1 here. rr Mattson. deDutr for a number I , of vears4nhe cleHe officp. wau l Judge Assigned Justice J. O ' I - rv m 11 a j M. appointed to the temporary po-1 IMX1CJ siaie supreme court sltion. Saturday assigned Circuit Judge Charles H. Combs. Lake county. See our stock -of - mattresses, bed- j to try nine cases in Klamath coun- room sets, floor, lamps and lino ty. in which- Circuit Judee D. R. leum. aoonmoum rxum. Co- Mon-1 Vandenberg is disqualified to mmfh Dm t I serve. M)lbfl(toaipy Lehman Mrs. Lydia V." Lehman at her residence, "iffT South Church, April 22. Is survived by two sons, Rob ert M. Lehman of Salem and Rus sell C. Lehman A Bristol, RI; one sister, Mrs.-Grace V. Lehman of IPuoDdDd Dlia?(ii)DwiDs CIRCUIT COURT State vs. Gordon Sayre Little: ! motion to auash information fiiwt Salem; two grandchildren, Robert under habitual criminal act as xiaroia ana -Larry ie jenman I In ! dero?atim of bnth rfat orw4 KrfK rtt Clam CAm.I. mill m j , ..... niu uc leaeru consuumonsj 10 ajn., ueiu uay, Apru t to, at iuju May 10, hearing scheduled, pjn, from the ' Clough-Barrick j Augusta M a d s o n vs. Dr. J company chapeL Dr. B. Earl Par-1 Harrr Koran: answer and ma ker of Xgene will officiate, with I complaint -alleges that payment cwcxuomg services in ciry view in full has been made for services cemetery. of -plaintiff and enters a counter claim for $375 professional ser vices allegedly rendered to plain- tnr i ty defendant azei s. Turnidee vs. Dale L. Fisher Ira E.-Fisher, late resident of route two, box 173, Salem, at a local hospital, April 2, at the age Turnidge; order modifying de of 31 rears. Survived by wife, I cree bv reducln nmnort Mrs. Tkelma Fisher of Salem; four onehalf to g750 for care of minor cnuarea, -iris, saez, Konaid, and child. Mwara s-isner, au oz &aiem; par- Clarence Kraber vs. Lucille enis, r. ana Mrs. dward E. Kraber; decree of divorce. risfter .of Portland; three sisters,! Frank Kloft vs. Morris Fuchs: ua. jutwl k ciikt ox xos Angeies. i aemurrer. Mrs. Pearl Thomas and Mrs. YAt I Risxs. bath of Salem; on krax FEOBATX COURT Bra Fisher of McMinavffle. Serv-1 U"W Miner estate; pprals ices wfll be hsld MonAmw Anrn I 892118 by George H. 28. at Mda - from thm I Gzabenherst, Clinton L. Standish Barrick chapeL Interment at Mi r1? xe- Crest aUict lii,Tr, I 3 Joseph Adolph estate; order Dudler Strain wfll efficlata. I author iies .partial distribution of wim sons, uex Adoxpn and Lemetl' l Aiom Aooipn, receiving 81000 In -thf ttr Anrfl 4l R9h T I Cn. da Lomeir hte-mrii - u I Jonn u. uarrmgion estate; re- Waler street lafant daughter of u,on,ale 01 real PrtybF Sergeant and Mrs. Ralph Lomell; ! Gorman, aOainistrator, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. inows ale of our nd fraction A. L. LotneU of PnrtrtHTI Calif WOOQDUm to Andrew A. and Mr. and Mrs. a Grijalva of ?og!!bck ,Pd Ann Roggenback San Jose, Calit Also survived by,or $1500 ubjct to a $900 mort- godparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sal-1 f"7"" 'SvSL . 10 to lAioerc uuiora ana Mary E. ) Clifford for 8125. Agnes Eckhout estate: hearing on rejected claim. of Elizabeth cido of PortervDle, Calif, and several' aunts and uncles. An nouncement of services will be made later by W. T. Rigdon com pany. Blaschko set for May 8. Eugene Calvin Gosser estate; final decree to Nerval E. Edwards, administrator. ' Lloyd L. Rutherford estate, ap praised at $1586.69 by Bernice Anna Calahan estate; appraised at ? $3800 by Steve Richardson, Charles Loveland and H. J. Zem Ucka. ' Gliaee.., .. - . i- . : J of 1157-Har street, Salenv Fri- Har 'Anril 21: lit 1val Timmftiil at the age of SI years. Survived Scheffa; Doromy Lee Koenlg and Salem; 'three daughters, Phyllis and Betty GUnes of Salem and .Mrs. Vivian Baker of San Diego; two sons. Private Elmer H. Glines of Greenville, PetuL, and Private 1 haesIAGS LICENSES uonaia . uunes w us Angeies;i noufftsa Pstlon. 41 TJS irtn. !nol?, G"nfa of Y?1' Camp Adair, and Josephine Dan- Dacni ueo.-t aeven . aisras, irs. i drea, 19, ; defense worker, Los Aoa iuuua hh Mn .xauu I Angeles, rett. bdta of California, Mrs. Car- IT Tie Cook and Mrs. Lettie Wfflard, I MUNICSPAL COUST both - of Wyomin Mrs. Myrtle I J LClia Weddle, Lebanon; Jay- Watson. Mrs.. Lela T.TarshaTl and I walking; $1 bafl. Mrs. Fern Siudley, all of Nebras-1 Benjamin Harry Shattuck; reck- ta: four brothers. Edward. C2iar-1 less driving; $50 fine, Icy, Eutl and Lloyd Glines, all of j Clarence L. IZoogerhyde, Dal Z;braska. Announcement of serv-1 las; running red light; $20 baiL itfes wHl be made later by Clourh- f Richard : Lowry; violation of Earrick company. 1 basic rule; $5 bafl. Save money on furniture. Priced to live and help live at Monmouth Turn. Co, Monmouth, ; Ore.' - ' Girl . Cots i Finger Dorothy James, 15, of 3535 ' State ' street, cut her right forefinger .with 'a butcher knife Saturday night and went to the first aid 'station for emergency care.1 She was sent to the Deaconess ' hospital . to have stitches taken in the wound. We still have a complete stock of furniture. See us first .Monmouth Furn. Co. 253. 277 E. Main, Man- mouth."- ; j Sheep Killed Paul Marnach, county dog license enforcement officer, has reported loss by Theo W. . Olson, route five, ' Salem, of two ewes killed by dogs. Four of the dogs seen running ; in the flock were killed, Marnach said. Land Seld Sale of an acre of ground near Gates to William E. Shepherd and W. H. Eccleston for-. $20 ' has been approved by Marion county court l Forestry Is Topic Forestry pictures will be shown to mem bers of Townsend club' three at a meeting Tuesday at 8 p, m. at 17th- and Court streets. f Called to Fire City firemen Saturday responded to a call at the West Salem Box Co. plant, where a sawdust pile was burning at 1:25 p.m. Committee To Hear C of C Head ALBANY, April 24.(fl)-Carl Curlee, secretary of the Albany chamber of commerce, notified chamber officials from Spokane that he was invited by Sen. Mon C. Wallgren (D-Wash) to attend an informal hearing Saturday of the Truman subcommittee in con nection with selection of Albany for an electro-metallurgical lab oratory. Officials here pointed out that Secretary Ickes signed an order March 16 approving the purchase of the old Albany, college build ings for the proposed laboratory, and that Henry Powell Hopkins, Baltimore, bureau of mines ar chitect, is now in Albany, sur veying their renovation needs. Scrap Rubber . Payment Made Announcement was made today that $119,880 has been paid to the Petroleum Industries Wax council, Washington, DC, by Shell Oil company, Inc. This amount represents the pro ceeds obtained from collection of 33,714,000 pounds of scrap rubber in the Pacific coast area during the 1942 drive. The oil Industry takes no profit- as the entire amount will be distributed to the American Red Cross, TJSO, Army Relief and Navy Relief. Subchaser Launched PORTLAND. April 24.-4JV- Cmmercial Iron Works launched its ninth subchaser of the year Saturday, the PC 792. It was the firm's 75th launching.. , -.. - i 1 j fn rnwpisnai cUaaar tfcls Mrvics 0I Mfca II wmtk I0w mm4 Isaft Otm mm-t m mMI PL C232 (Vacuum ClesnerJEyeciallsts) . Location 157 C LlJClIj r.Ioxi, 88, Observes Second Easter - V. Dlrthday..- PORTLAND, Aprtt 2-VFor the second time In his life David B. Geddes Sunday will observe his blrthday-on Easter. He will be 88. I The first time was 57 years ago when the Portland 'grocer was 3L It will be 85 years before-Easter falls on April 25 again. '- -; : I Alaskan Geeco Dawn on Rogrio . GOLD BEACH,' April 24.-W OM-timers here are wondering if bonibln operations In the Alas kan region are responsioi zor the homestaading on the Rogue river-here of a flock of rare Em press geese. .;..--.... They admit the Idea Is far-fetched, buf can't think of. any oth er theory to account for the pres ence of the geese whose natural habitat is the Aleutians and west ern Alaska. The breed, never seen here before, has been, on the riv er for two months. -w - - v . Hjtmmimmmmim mi sesasei amMSwKi iseseeBsmssssBamsBss mwmmssssms -i'aaa'm m i c' iJLriiTl rr--. - ' Aj3ili VV -,--T : You owe yourself the "lift" inspired by pleasant, com- O U - V ' fortable home surroundings, after the strain of a wartime CSL -workday.' Cevurtx. will be glad to help you plan the fur- S - " " " n .- , nixhinp vrni nrA tn malra vonr home cozv and in vi tins! Sm-" mr' You owe ourself the "lift" inspired by pleasant, com fortable home surroundings, after the strain of a wartime workday. Gevurtz . will be glad to help you plan the fur nishings you need to make your home cozy and inviting at low cost,. .... 'V- ' 1 1 1 'i it-"- y Cedar Chcd 5(350 Sleek, modern, waterfall de sign in rich pencil strip walnut veneers. With tray. Spring Seal Chair . . 7 GL-AT-IOMZS YOUn DEDDOOIl . The perfection of rich walnut veneers and graceful, modern waterfall styling make this bedroom suite one of unusual beauty. The substantial construction as sures many years of service . . . and. the price is most moderate for a suite of this quality! Includes panel bed, roomy chest, and vanity. CHOICE OF DIczdo Ilaple Blosdo T7alssl . 21ncricaa Uahcl Kiwi K I Panel End Crib With colorful animal dec orations. Has safety high side. Natural finish. - - I i) - -ifMisr Ctcdz Ihcso , IIdi7 Feafcrcs . O Inner mattress fully poetur ized for correct health sup port and lasting comfort. Sides are sewn to the inner v mattress. Edges ;are sturdy I Pre-Built Border with inner roll edge. Fine Staple Cotton inner cushioning bats for extra smoothness and luxury. S 3i,U Snarl I-Iaplb Scl Quaint, sturdy refectory table and. 4 chairs in mel ,bw maple. , M)CSMS For Lazy, Ocsifol Elonrs I V W IB Hogged and Colorful! There's friendly, sunny cheer in this living room, and you'll enjoy yours, furnished with this smart new 7-piece suite! The frame) is of sturdy, solid wood smartly tailored la attractive cover. :,: OPEN AN ACCOUNT! v; DAVENPORT 2 CHAIRS 1 COCKTAIL TABLC DISH boos: CASE 1 LAMP TABLE - dt i Special! Deep, Spring AmnnsTEn dugs 9x12 Size. Now Onlr Enjoy the rich charm that luxur ious new floor covering will bring your home! Gevurts is featuring these finer hizh-oile Axminsters. in a splendid selection of - colors, now a special low price! $13 Weekly ( . i Inprovcd IIou ho nofrijcralor A modern design of streamlined beauty In appearance, and new efficiency in operaUorf! Has inner ice-saver door! concealed drainage compartment, fttZTl XCiV roomy shelves. Full insulated. In v ( O """" uieums cnamei. . j A I