The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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Thm QZZZClt CTATZCMA27. Colen, Oregon.- Saturday Horning. Jlprfl, 2 I. 1113
Garden Club
Members : ;
- The , members of .the. Little
Garden club of Salem Heights
met on Thursday at the com
munity hall for a luncheon and
afternoon meeting. Twenty
members and as many . guests
went to the luncheon, and many
' more arrived. for the talk which
followed. . ' .
Miss Frances Clinton, home,
demonstration - agent, .-gave a.
talk during the afternoon, - dis-
cussing freezing, drying and;
canning fruit and t, vegetables.
She showed - a ' dryer, practical
for. home use. '.- . !
During the i club's business '
session, election of officers ,was
conducted, and Mrs. Alice ' Ed
mundson was chosen , president;
Mrs. William Neimeyer, , vice- ;
president, Mrs. Roy Burton, secretary-treasurer.
Mrs. A. A.'
Taylor is retiring, president.
OSC Mothers club will meet
Monday at 2 o'clock with Mrs.
W. H. Wood, 1602 Center street
for election of officers. A Red
Cross worker will speak. All
OSC mothers .are invited.
Royal Neighbors will hold the
regular meeting at the fraternal
temple Monday at 8 o'clock. Fi
nal arrangements and practice
for the district convention Tues
day in Silverton will be made.
-, The PLE and F club will meet
with i Mrs. Ama Muncey, 603
North Summer street I on Wed-,
nesday at 8 o'clock. :
TALBOT. Mrs. Lena Bursell
entertained the Talbot Women's
club at her home Wednesday afternoon.-
Mrs. D. E. Blinston pre
sided over the meeting. . Mrs.
Robert Johnson furnished a
quiz.' Plans were made to honor
Mrs." Glenn Edwards 'with a
shower May 6 at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nel
son Gilmour. Mrs. Clyde Mc
Clain, Mrs. Hattie McCarty and
Mrs. Lawrence Finlay were an-',
pointed on the refreshment committee.-
Mrs. John Finlay and
Mrs. Len Edwards were appoint
ed on the . entertainment com
mittee. The -next regular . meet
ing will be omitted. Owing to
the -tire and gas shortage, no
delegates will be sent to Gates
to the Marion County Federa
tion of Women's clubs. Mrs.
Bursell was assisted in serving
by -Miss Bernice Bursell - and
Mrs. - Ole Jorgenson. Members :
present were. Mesdames- Albert
Cole,- Chester Myers, Jan Gar
lick, Len Edwards, Robert John
son, .Richard King, Delmer Da
vidson, D. E, Blinston, , Nelson
Gilmour, Addie Davidson, Hat
tie McCarty Gilbert Belknap,
Ole Jorgenson, Lawrence Fin
lay, Clyde McClain and John
Finlay. . . v '.
Sunny-day and ' Sunday ver
- sions are ' both ; shown ' in this
. Anne Adams Pattern -4032. Its
f paneled lines are easy to stitch
:tip. The frock looks charming
' with - the in-one -yokes and
- sleevelettes . in pretty contrast.
The sundress may have a ruf-
' fie. edging. :-' L; ::-f-.
i Pattern 4032 is available only
in children's sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10,
r.ize 6. sundress, taxes li yards
C5-inch,e 1 V yards ruffling;
tlress, V.2 yards 33-inch, Vt, yard
contrast. ' i'-.j';,:,:,;-""-'
Send SKTrajpajW to eelm fot
Anne Aof' i " ."'"'
, c1t-' NAii. ADDRESS.
i 'i-- .ii Lou wjui iU asy-'
crer to If Oreron
'- . ' : tsyart-ent, &a-
. Woman's club, executive board .
meets 2 p. club at 2:30 p. to.
MONDAI ' ' - y '
Royal ' -Neichbora, Fraternal
temple, S p m. - - - -,
OSC. mothera. with . Mrs. W.
H. Wood, 1602 Center street, a
p. :m.-;- ' - ,
TUESDAY-' - - ' " "
- Salem s Council . of Church
Women, at YWCA. X p. m.
Daughter of St. Elizabeth.. St.
Paul's parish house, 1 o'clock
luncheon. .'
- McCormick women's class, with
Mrs. E. T. B. HU1. 16M Fir
street, dessert luncheon, 1 :13 pjn.
Nebraska auxiliary, with Mrs.
Lee Webb, Rt. 1, Box 209.
WOODBURN Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Chenoweth were surprised
Wednesday night by the Rural
club members' and their families. -The
Chenoweths will celebrate
' their 1 50th wedding anniversary
on Sunday.
. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. George Timm, Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Coleman, Mr, and Mrs.
W. L. Beyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ja
cob Weber, : Mr. " and Mrs. W.
Earl Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Rheinholdt and Eva May, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Dean and
Donna, Mr. and Mrs. B. E.
, Brown and. Marilyn, Mr. and
Mrs. 1 Elmer Mattson and Jean,
Mr. Rudi and Elton and Ardell,
Mrs. : Delia Pillsbury and Bobby
and Doris, Minnie Bissel, Mrs..
Margaret Nowack, Mrs.' Harriet
Durant, and Mr. and Mrs. Breu
ninger and Winona.
Mr. and Mrs. Chenoweth were
presented with a table lamp and
flowers and a corsage. Ice cream
land i cake was served for re
freshments. 'f INDEPENDENCE Mrs. Keith
Petersen and. Miss June Ramey
were Hostesses for a bridal show
er, for Miss. Gloria' Smith, Friday
night at the country home of
Mr, and Mrs. T. J. 1 Primus. .Tho
rooms v were decorated with ar
rangements of white flowers and
white tapers. 1 The evening .was
vspent playing games. Mis Srfuth
received a wealth of lovely gifts.1
Miss Smith, daughter of. Mr.
and i Mrs. Glen Smith, will be
. united in marriage to Staff Sgt.
' Robert T. Williams of Camp
Adair,' son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Williams of Randolph, Vt at the
home of her parents Sunday aft
ernoon at 2 o'clock. Miss Smith
. is employed at the Oregon phy-
' sicians service In Salem.
" Present 'for. the shower .were
Miss. Smith, Barbara Mattison,
Anna Mae Ramey, Jean Ellen Ir-
, vine,' v Barbara Ru ef, Marvel
Coon, Lucille Taft of Salem,
" Glenerva' Harnsberger, 'LaVerne
Harnsberger, Betty Addison, Lil
lian Holeche'k,' Connie Johnson,
Mrsl Glen Smith, Mrs. T. J. Pe
tersen, and - the" hostesses, ' Mrs."
Petersen and Miss Ramey.
'''.' 1 ,.: ' . ' ';
STATTON Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Smith were surprised on
the 15th anniversary of their
wedding by. a group of friends
last Sunday night. Cards : were
the diversion." '
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Harry j Porter, Mr. and Mrs.
Virga Barter and Mary Jo, Betty
and Maxine of tMarion; Mr. and
Mrs. Ambrose D o z 1 e r, Eileen
Dozler, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilt
of Jefferson, Theodore Diekman,
Qara SpanioL Kay Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Grathwohl of
. West Liberty, Iowa, Otto HeU
' man,' Mr, and 'Mrs. Tony Men
ten "and Shirley." . '
Vegetables Do
Double Duty-
An excellent source of greens
are the tops of root .vegetables.
Local cooks must be on the look
out now for vegetable tops suit-'
able for eating because new crops
are soon to. be 'coming in, and to
throw away the tops is to waste
edible greens. ' .
Already turnips, have ap
peared cin ; market with good
green 'ops, beets , and, .other
greeni" ' wDl - be coming ; along
soon. Eat "the tops one "day and
the roots the next, or combine
; i . . . - -.
. ... rooo
Canned Goods Bh stamps D.
K and W food through April 30.
Meat. Cheese. Fata Bed stamps
A, B, C and D valid through April
; 30. ; i .'-r-. - ... . -;. .
- Sugar Coupon No. 12 good for
S pounds, expires May 31. .
Coffee Coupon No. 2S. good for
I pound. Valid through April 29. .
5 : r ! - GASOL1N K ' .
Book A coupons No. a. good for
four gallons each., expire May IX..
! OIL -
Period S coupons expire Septem
ber i, : : - -
: .: shoes
No. 17 coupon la ration book No. 1 '
good for 1 pair, expires June U.
;- Cars - with C books must have
tires inspected by. May 31: B books
by June 30.
. The Salem ration board will be
closed Saturday to move, but will
. be open as usual on Monday in tho
' new location, tho Kelson building. -
: m k v : at w imu ; i
; New .Of f icers
: installed by !
. Shrine , i
. ; ..WiUamette Shrine,- Order of
jthelv White Shrine, of. Jerusalem
held an impressive formal cere-
- many at , the Masonic Temple
Monday night with Miss Edna
McElhaney Installed as worthy
high priestess and Mr; Everett
B. Millard as watchman of shep
herds. - : :
The rooms were decorated
with spring flowers consisting of
white broom, tulips and painted
poppies and in the center of the
room was a white cross formed
by' chairs where the officers
elect were seated. -.;.J."-'
Miss McElhaney wore a white
net dress with corded trim for
the ceremonies. Miss McElhaney
was I honored by her noble pro
phetess, Nettie J. Smith, ; as she
was escorted around- the white
cross to her station! where she
was installed worthy high priest
ess of Willamette Shrine each
officer presented her with a red
carnation. : I
. Other officers installed were
Nettie J. Smith, noble prophet
ess;! Willis E. Brown, associate
; watchman of shepherds; Lucretia
Hoover, worthy scribe; ; Maude
Neimeyer, worthy treasurer;
Emma Brown, worthy . chaplain,
La Verne Kantner, wormy shep
herdess, Virginia Kline, worthy
. guide; Ruth I. Reed, worthy her-
, aid; William Neimeyer, first wise
man; Arthur Edwards, ; second
wise man; John D. Bones, third
wise man; Charles Ratcliff, king;
Maude M. Space, queen; Mary
. Crawford, first hand maid; Pearl
Jones, second hand maid; Ferne
Allison, third hand maid; Pearl
Speer, organist; Cora Behrens,
worthy guardian; Alice Edwards,
worthy guard. :
"Other officers and committee
chairman appointed ; and Intro
duced were Julia A. Lytle, ma-
donna; Mona R. Yoder, courier;
M. F, Grub, color bearer; Fannie
Millard and Margaret Kelly, ma
trons of honor; Estelle E. Grubb,
Ulva Derby, Lois Stichler, Addie
Curtis, Iva B. Bushey, Myrtle
Reeves, Laura Douglass, and
Kate Rasmussen, queen's atten
dants. Finance, Myrtle Reeves,
. Constance Kantner, Charles Rat
cliffe; examining, Ila Austin, El-
, len Gabriel, Sam Gillette; resolu
tions, Letha Staats, " Julia Lytle,
Grace Babcock; program and
music, Ferne Allison; press, Dor
othy Cornelius; decorations, Stel
la . Henry; material ' objective,
Fannie Millard, Constance Kant
ner, Estella Grubb; cheer, Gladys
: Lafky; refreshments, Bertha B.
: McMahon; electrician,' T h e 1 m a
' Taylor. . " - .
; Dr." and Mrs. : Henry Mortis, as-
For Bedroom
A tisket, a tasket, a basketful
of ; fresh j spring .flowers with
merry flitting bluebirds. What a
perfect cheer-up design : to em
broider on a bedspread. : Make .
the flowers In. a brilliant .variety
of colors. Pattern 563 contains a
transfer, pattern - of I a motif
12Hxl5, one 4x10 Inches
and 4 - smaller motifs; color
schemes; stitches. T . .
Send ELEVEN CENTS in coins
for this pattern to The Oregon
' Statesman, Needlecraft , Dept.
Salem, Ore. Write plainly PAT- '
and address. r . . 1.
tutu lit itTeJ ,rn.nim iuii
sisted by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gil
lette, Grace Babcock, Eertha
Bergman and Mrs Wayne Hen
ry were in charge of the recep
tion in the fifth floor lounge
that followed the ceremonial.
Mrs. , E. B. Millard and Mrs.
Miller Hayden" were In charge
of decorations; hostesses were
Bertha Bergman and Grace Bab
cock and ushers , were Elizabeth
Anne. Herrick and Patricia Fish.
; D-iring the i installation a male
quartette composed of Garland
HollowelL Leon. Barrick, Balph
Scott v" andWillard ; Harnschuch
sang 'Open the .Gates of the
, Temple", "Beautiful Savior and
"Now ; the; Day is ; Over.". They
were accompanied by Mrs. Wil
' lard Hornschuch. '.' . -
- The ? Installing officers were
Mrs. Bryon' B. Herrick,,r worthy
high priestess;, Mr,' Wayne D
.Henry, watchman of shepherds;
Mrs. Mona R. 'Yoder, worthy
herald; Miss Constance Kantner
worthy . chaplain; . Mrs. Ruth
; Moore, worthy scribe; Mrs. Ma
rie Flint McCalL . organist. - . '
Miss McElhaney. will leave
Apu i to attend supreme shrine
session which - will be held In
Cincinnati, Ohio. - , .
, . "4. ' ' . .. ., ....
Wood Plays
We are back In the wooden
A few years ago' everything in
our households was of metal, if
It was really up to date, and then
almost overnight we were using
wood objects, formerly made of
, metal. . , - .
: It's wood that makes the world
. go 'round now, and there are
some 800 items made mostly of
wood, which Inow . appear. In
stores throughout the country.
' 'Wood will "go to 'church on
Easter, for there are hats made
of wood, and clothing for women
produced from wood, although
it's a far cry from the original
-tree. v " .. ; ...,
In the home we now find new
paper drapes made from wood
pulp, which are supposed to be
hard to tell from fabrics except
that they are pressed, not woven
and there are cellulose fibres
which are made Into "a new type
blanket, said to be inexpensive
but practical, v Carpets and "fur
niture coverings ' of wood will
soon appear in local stores, and
even mattresses are how being
made from tome of the deriva
tives of wood.
Plywood has taken on it ntyr
, importance, in our every day ex
istence, there are rumors of ply
wood bathtubs of wonderful" and
fearful beauty. They are said to
be in exquisitely subdued' colors,
to harmonize with 'over 25 wood
articles in a dainty bathroom.
We are again becoming famil
iar with wooden cooking spoons,
with wooden handles on other
kitchen utensils, . and wooden
Shop windows show large as
sortments of gifts made of wood,
and the gift stores display, many
others.- - .. . - ; .
There's something sort .-of
homey about wood, for after all
It's very much in keeping with
our rugged west, and we know
how many tons of precious met
al it's saving for more important
things these war days.
Today's Menu
Roast Iamb will be the Easter
dinner meat, and well have a
springtime vegetable" bowl to
begin the xneaL
Cottage cheese, peach salad
Creamed codfish on
Bran biscuits'
Buttered broccoli
Baked potatoes
-i -
. Crisp salad bowl ........
(Lettuce, . tomatoes, cucumbers)
Roast leg of lamb
- Browned potatoes -Gravy
Glazed carrots -Ice
cream ,
- - Cake
. " FnuVsalad ,-:'
' Hot Iamb sandwiches
; Franconia. potatoes - - '
Buttered fresh ' peas ;"
, Rhubarb "pie '
' 1 bunch carrots -- '
-. V teaspoon' salt .' (" ' ;
3 tabplespoons -molasses .
teaspoons hot water w
3 tablespoons butter
- Scrape .carrots and - parboIL
Place in a buttered baking dish
and dust with salt. Cover with
molasses and : water. Dot . with
butter. Place under ' broiler till
brown. -' -.w- ; v-, ; ?
3 cold boiled potatoes.
V teaspoon salt ',
U teaspoon paprika ...
V teaspoon celery salt . : -
.4 tablespoons bacon fat (or -.other
kind, saved from ,
other meals) J ,
' Cut potatoes Into inch or larg
er pieces. Sprinkle with season
ings and brown quickly in fat
heated in frying pan".
Elmer Ryan Killed
At RR Crossing
, ALBANY Elmer Ryan, 35,
was fatally Injured at ll:lf
o'clock Tharsday morning when
the logging track he was driving
: was bit by the second section
f Southern Faelfle passenger
train 19, at the : Geary street
crossing in - East, Albany.; Ryan
was burned to death when the
: eab of his truck eaoght fire, as
"the truck was carried 7 feet
by; the I ni pact before being
shoved to the side of ' the rail
; road tracks:"-:'-:'''.-County
Coronor.E. CMFishery
Assistant Coronor John Sum
: mers,' District Attorney : Harlow.
TVIenrlch and .state police were
all InvesUgaUnr' the- accident,
bat as yet had not placed- the
; biajne,;:',;;;; - i'B.
' Ryan, "whose'' home . address
- Is 3 tilt . Fairway ' Drive, Fort
land,; is said to have been log-
- ging for himself . He was : eom
' Ing late town "with a"' load of
three logs 'when the accident
ceared. J
Sarrivlng is the widow and
nlne-rear-od daughter at their
home In Portland; also three .
sisters, Airs. Hilda . Fease, Al
bany; Mrs.' Elsie Walters Oak
land; ! and ' Mrs. Elma Alrick,
Astoria; and two brothers. Otto
with the US army at Fort War
den, Carl also with the US army
at Salt Lake City and William
of Elsie, Ore. -
The body Is In charge of the
Fisher- Funeral Home, while
f aneral arrangements are' pend
ing. ;.':,...
Barred Worker
Seeks Appeal
PORTLAND, April 23-(JP)-At
torneys for Verl J. Hillyard in
dicated Thursday that they might
appeal Circuit Judge Earl C La
tourette's dismissal of his suit
against the Portland Boilermakers
Union, .
Hillyard, who ; had been em
ployed on a crane at' Albiha En
gine and Machine Works , here,
obtained an employment! release
and asked to be assigned to the
company's conversion dock. A
union agent refused to clear him,
but offered to certify him for work
in any other shipyard of this area.
The court ruled that . the union
business agent is the best judge
of where workmen will best fit
into the war effort. ' .
Lindquists Hosts :"'r
At Family- Gathering
LD3ERTY -Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Lindquist Were hosts for a family
gathering at their .home i , Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Pryor of Wyoming, and
Mr. and'Mrs. W. J. Pettit of . Sa
lem were guests. for noon dinner,
Arriving later "to 'spend, f the day
Were rl&n;1- Clara. Linquist, Mrs.
George Fake, 'Misir Mabel Lind
quist, Mr. and. Mrs. George Lind
quist of Portland and .Mrs. Don
Cheeld -and son,- Charles, of San
Mateo, Calif.,; who is visiting the
various members of the family in
Salem. -u: .
Riite Held Thursday t K
For James Littell
. LEBANON J ames iitteli.: who
came to' this -vicinity ..from' the
middle -.west in. 1 935,' died jt the
Sacred Heart hospital in Eugene
Wednesday and ; was buried in
the Union cemetery . Thursday af
ter services in . the LBrownsviHe
Church of . Christ .' conducted by
Miss Catherine Hutchins of Eu-
gene: " ' ' , " v'', . ; . .
The widow survives with-three
son, William of Portland; , James
and Shelley of Brownsville. There
are - seven grandchildren. -
Mr. Littell- was born in' Iowa
November 21, 1880.
Kuhn Up for Post ;
WEST SALEM - Elmer Cook.
Polk county supervisor - of AWS,
is recommending Philip Schweit
zer of Monmouth as his successor."
Cook says that his duties have so
piled up that it is impossible to
give it the proper attention; He is
recommending Fred Kuhn of
Gerth street, West Salem, as dis
trict supervisor of east Polk coun
ty. ' M , : .; ; .,.
Shortage of Babies '; V;
SILVERTON Hospital' authori
ties ? have reported :'a ' surprising
dearth of : babies" during' the ' past
three days. None " were" born on
Tuesday, , Wednesday 1 or'-' Thurs
day at the hospitalZ'A few days'
prior "to'this'Vacation'- the- iium"
ber of infanul V"a s ' considered
large' at. - thr hospital. ;
Homecoming Canceled .
; STAYTON The jdomnl jai .
soclatlon of Stayton met - Wed
nesday . night and after diseus
aUn voted to cancel the annual
homecoming . this year In keep
ing with the food,-tire and gas
oline situation. This annual afV
fair usually attracts, around 300.
graduates. Last .' year officers
will be held over. -
Visit Southern Oregon
LIBERTY Mrs. " Flora Berndt
and family visited Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Berndt in Myrtle Creek re
cently. .The . Oscar" Berndts are
former Salem ' residents but , now
ar engaged in turkey raisings in
the southern Oregon town. ,f. '
ilrdund Oregon
By Tho Associated . Press
A Baker business man, F. F.
Thimmesch, was In' 1 La " Grande
hospital recovering from iniuries
suffered when his 'automobile
plunged down, an embankment
in the Blue mountains . ; i 1 '
The CIO lumber ' and - sawmill
workers union . at PorUand re
ported that many loggers are
leaving - war . industries : and re
turning to, the woods in' response
to- a war manpower, commission
order . . ' - s
'Umatilla ' county . neared the
half-way point in its ! $3,50Q,000
second war .loan, campaign as
Pendleton and Athena .banks pur
chased i $800,000 . worth .of bonds
r V Pvt. Lloyd G.' Carth,' Port
land . air base, was rescued . zrom
his Turkish batti. bijoth in the
basement of the Multnomah ho
tel by a bellboy after being over
come by smoke .from a short-cir
cuit fire in an electric motor . . .
S;Wasco .County Agent W, Wray
Lawrence predicted at The Dalles
a , bumper- cherry -crop but light
peach and apricot -crops V i; ,
H.' E. Hendryx, president of the
Eastern Oregon Mining and Min
eral association, said he was in
formed by Washington mining
sources , that increased meat ra
tions for loggers ' and - miners of
eastern Oregon wll be available
soon . r . .
- Dun &. Bradstreet reported!
Portland . bank" dearines for' the I
past week made a percentage gain
of 62.5 per cent over a year ago,
as compared with San Francisco's
30.8 per cent and Seattle's 33.8.
Officers Probe
Accident Death
ALBANY, April 23-(VAuthor
ities continued- Thursday night
their investigation of a railroad
crossing accident here that claim
ed the life of Elmer -Ryan, 35,
Portland. -
Ryan's loaded logging truck was
demolished J when struck by a
southern Pacific train locomotive
and the engine disabled. The truck
caught fire and Ryan's body was
burned before it could be removed
from the crushed cab. ."
Holley. Resident
Dies ' Wednesday :
LEBANON Clyde Richard Da
vis, born in Jacksonville,. Ore., in
1882, .died at the family home
in the Holley neighborhood Wed'
nesday and was buried Friday
afternoon in the Union: cemetery
after services in the Howe chapel
in "Sweet Home.'- .
He w a s married in 1906 to
Clara Ellen Malone, . who with
son, Thomas, "and a. daughter.
Fretta Henson, both of Sweet
Home, survives. . He also leaves
five grandchildren. Beulah Mc-
Oun, Harvey and Lindley Hamil-
. Tl ' Trill ' -'tm
and brothers of the" deceased. ' '
Polk PTA Sets
Election' Meeting
i WEST, SALEM The execu
tive . committee of the -Polk
county - PTA - naet at - Indepen
dence Wednesday. Mrs. Bessie .
Rust and Mrs. Fern Bradford of
West Salem attended. Mrs. Rust
Is . committee chairman. ' . -,'
-' Plans were laid for the county
meeting which will be held at :
Monmoatli on 'April 28, the ses-'
slon beginning, at It o'clock and
continuing until 3 . pjn. The
principal items' of business .will
be the election of of fleers and
the planning of the program of
work for the coming year.
Evergreen. Chapter '. ;
To Initiate Candidates
WOODBURN : The Evergreen
chapter four. Order of the Eastern
Star, will hold its regular meeting
Monday night at the Masonic tem
ple. Two candidates for member
ship will be initiated. The re
freshment committee is Elsa Fi
kan, ' Mabel Fikan and Nettie
Johnson ; ' - ' :
Pig Quo-Formed 4 -
EVENS VALLEY;- A - boys "4H
club has been .formed' in Evens
Valleys and officers- elected' In
clude J Marvin LeRud, " president;
Alton Anderson,'-vice president;
Melvin Miller, -sjecretary; : Nets
Langsev; leader. f'Z .. . '
The boys will -hold meetings on
every other' Wednesday, night un
til further notice. They have nam
ed thier club 'the "Evens Valley
Victory Pig cluft" ; -
Command Gills . Meet " 1
v SILVERTON The fourth fight
er command of Portland. Is spon
soring a- meeting . for the . people
of Silverton, - to. be held in - the
Eugene ' Field school - auditorium
at 8 o'clock on May 19.' . .
Lt Hynes and Sgt Seibert will
present . w 1 1 h demonstrating
equipment, to show the importance
of reporting all aircraft. and what
happens when the observers give
the .army flash messages. .
To I. violators of l,eep-off-the-grass'
signs, Brig. Gen. A. Emery,
commander' of - this . infantry re
placement .training center,' is out
spokendefinitely. .. v"..
So when . former Wheeler offi
cers and men now in Africa found
an unexpected grass patch in the
desert,'" they remembered. They
fenced In the patch, 6 feet by 6,
and named it General Emery park.
Vice President Henry A. Wallace
.Bolivia, by Enrique Fenarande,
: presidential palace during his
Press Telemat.
Marilee McFarlahe
CHosen May Queen
DAYTON The Dayton Union
high school May Day court has
been chosen as follows: juniors,
qneen, - Marilee M eFarlane;
maid of honor,. Sylvia Tribbett;
princesses, seniors, Verle Saucy,
Ellen Rutschman; sophomores,
Virginia Dixon, Rena .Gossett;
feshmen. Colleen- Coburn, Betty .
Gossett. -
The Dayton May Day ex
ercises will be May 14 on the
.aeens ISik birthday. .The
crowning . will be at night at
the auditorium - of the high -school
followed by the student
body play, "Bir Hearted Her
1Irs. Jenseii Reported
Recovering From Flu
Jensen is reported . as improving
following an attack of flu.
A committee from the Brush
Creek Booster club is arranging
for furnishing a room at Camp
Adair and this week Is making:
the draperies. Serving on the com
mittee are Mrs. Alwn, Krug, Mrs.
Sumner Schorn and; Mrs. Harvey
Lincoln. ' ' - , ' . .
Tbo Padding Ktver bridse.
. while not yet. eiulte completed
Is again open for traffic The
crew of men" Is working' on' the
aaard rails this week.
Critical IUneeees v. .
Listed, ' Independence :
Ruddell is in the Deaconess hos
pital in Salem : with pneumonia.
He has been ill for several weeks;
Mrs. -Carrie Smiley was called
to Salem Sunday to care for. her
sister, Mrs. E. E. '' Roberts, who
is quite llL ' "'. -j
t Mrs. Felix Wattenberger- re
turned home after: visiting in Port
land last week with her grand
son. Dee wattenberger, who is
critically -ill- at the Providence
hospitaL'jjf 'T'y'A'J 'H -A-
Qub Ends Meetings
SUNNYSIDE The Friendly
Hour club met .Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. Gwen Wain for the
last . time before summer. . Those
present were Mrs. C L. Pool, Mrs.
Cliff Feller, Mrs. Robert Foat,
Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mrs. Ray
Hechart, Mrs, George Heehart,
Mrs. W. S. Chandler, Mrs. Frank
Bernett, Mrs. Cliff Pearson, Mrs.
John Neuenschwander. '
Cause For Song
- i
rivt-YEAK-OLO Marflyn RelshTgo'f
Momence, DL, has good reason for
bursting into song. A champion
drum majorette as well as a tal
ented singer and dancer, she has
Just signed - ar seven-year movie
Contract ' With VttnLMnnm.
Mayer studios. f JateraafiojiaJ;
. . - . .. 1
In Bolivia
(left) was entertained In La Pas,
Bolivian president (right), In tho
South American tour Associated
- ' ... "
Second Welder
Is Convicted
Of Sabotage ,
BALTIMORE, April 23 -(P)-Harvey
Lee Thomas, 21-year-old
former navy aircraft inspector,
was convicted by a federal jury
Thu'rsday night on four of six
counts charging him .with sabo
taging navy patrol planes at the
Glenn L. Martin aircraft factory. -1
The jury deliberated two hours
and 15 minutes.
Judge William C. Coleman de
ferred sentence until Monday.
The conviction was the second -of
its kind in Baltimore within
a 'week. Ashipyard welder was
sentenced last Monday in federal
court to one and half years in
a US reformatory for doing' faulty
welding on ' a Liberty ship.
Nine other 1 shipyard r welders
were arrested last week on simi
lar charges and most of them al
ready have been ordered held for
grand jury action on sabotage ac
cusations." Wards Purchase
Daniels Home
' :" .:;.- .;.': ' . ' : : :
SWEGLE - Another home in
this community has been sold.
The new home and acreage ef t
Mr., and Mrs. Rolla Daniels at
the corner cf East Turner Road;
and Garden Road was to Mr. and
Mrs. Roy -Ward of Newberg, who
have moved into the district and.'
Mr. Ward Is employed as a guard
at the state penitentiary. Mr." and
MrsI ' Daniels and Luella Mae
have moved Into Salem.'
.Mrs.'. George Kufner has . been .
confined to her bed for rest tho,
past , two weeks at the home ef
her -parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Marshall. , -
C. A. Dunagan and son of Port
land spent Sunday at the home of .
Mr. Dunagan's mother- arid sister .
on East Turner Road. ;
Wage Increase"
Strike Over ; - ,
AURORA, HI.; April : 23 '-jn
AFL union bus drivers and main
tenance men voted - Thursday
night to resume, after a day's in
terruption, operation of the only'
public transportation system that1
serves five cities and about 100
war plants In this area. About
25,000 persons were affected.
The men refused to work Thurs
day In protest against a regional
war labor board hold-the-line
order denying them a seven cents
an hour wage Increase. 1
Lyle Stephens Move
To Home in Fairvlew
FAIRVIEW Mr. and Mr: T.vl'
Stephens ; and son. Merle, - a n d .
daughter. . Mary Ann. of -Wilia-
mina moved Monday to their re
cently purchased Jhome here. Merle -Is
a first grader at the Fairview
school. Mr. and Mrs. John Thlen
moved . the first of the week to
their new : home, the Westfall
place In Unionvale. - :
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Beuse-:
kamp of Portland were weekend'
guests of their brother and sister-
in-law, VMr. . and Mrs. Lowell
Campbell.' -w-f -. -
The "April meeting of the hnm'
demonstiation unit will be held
Wednesday. AdHI 28. T at
home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wood.'
Sawmill Being Set Up
By Gates Company " : .;
GATES Work Is well under
way preparing for the aettin ub
of the sawmill which is being In-;
stalled by Shepherd and Eckleson
at Gates. The mill will probably
be operating by May I. - . - -
Hershel Motley and wife ef
Reno, Nev spent a few days last'
week visiting at the Mobley home.
SgLvMobley is with a chemirai
warfare unit and is staUoned at'
the Reno air base." ' - ' "
CHICAGO.-WV-The museum of
science and industry j has gone -into
war work. . .'
The institution's Iron
originally designed only for ex-
lubition purposes, bes-arr f,,.
m . casungs. it . will be operated
,VC .5 a Week- Visitors may!
view the machinery if they wish.'