The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tfco OHIGOII STATESMAN. Saltan. r Oregon.. 2ituxday XJornSag. iLprl 12
JVetu Director of Music
At First Church of Nazarene
To Lead Easier Choir Sunday .
Easter music at the First Church of the Nazarene Sunday
will be directed by Prof. Ronald J. Lush, who has been engaged
M director of all church music. - ' -
Prof Lush studied at Concordia college, Mo Minn4
and at 'the Northwest Nazarene
college at Nampa, ' Idaho, where
he was granted his AB degree.
Advance studies were taken ' at
the - American Conservatory. r of
Music in Chicago. " " t ) t r '
. While a student, he was choir
director at the Chicago Woodlawn
church and - later became a pro
fessor. He continued to the teach
ing staff at. the Northwest Naza
rene .'college in . Nampa '-.before
coming here with Mrs. Lush and
their son. Ronnie Jon. 1 "
" The Lushs were, honored by 100
members" and friends of the
church ' Monday. Welcoming them
n behalf of the church were J
M. Six; - Miss : Frances Mattson,
Milford .Stull, Mrs. Charles Ed
wards and Earnest Friesen. The
Rev. Weaver W. Hess presided,
- The Easter music, to be sung by
the choir at the two services Sun
day includes: .morning, "Blessed
Easter" by the choir; "Shall I
Crucify My Savior?" by the men's
quartet; "Open the Gates of the
Temple," Prof. Lush with a trum
pet solo; "He Loved Me &o,"
choir; night, "He Shall Reign,"
choir: ."Love Divine," duet by
Mr. and Mrs. Lush; "Alleluiah"
by the choir; "The Holy City" by
Steven Adams, " sung by Mrs.
The morning sermon by Rev.
Hess will be The Meaning ' of
Easter." At night he has selected
"Innocent or Guilty, i Which?"
Salem Scouts
Plan Spring
; Representatives of the 25 Sa
lem Scout troops, Cub packs, and
. Sea Scout ships met in the cham
ber of commerce recently to dis
cuss the plans for the spring
scouting program in - the Cherry
city; district, and to effect the or
ganization of ... the Cherry city
district committee to have an ad
ministration of - jurisdiction over
the. scout- units in the district
Frank Neer, - chairman of the
nominating-committee, turned in
the report of the'committee," and
the following men 'were elected to
administrative posts jof the Cherry
city district: y.?.
District chairman, Lowell Kern;
vice-chairman, Ralph . Cambell;
Carl Aschenbrenner, commission
er; .: camping -and ; activity chair
man. Burr Miller; finance' chauv
man, Floyd Miller; training chair
man,' Bob Nixon; organization
extehtion chairman, Ralph ' John
son; advancement chairman,
Judge Arthur Hay; .health and
safety chairman,' Caroll Hayes. .
' Plans were laid for the . Boy
Scout tin can: clean up-: supple
menting the school effort, on May
: The scout executive made a re
port on ,a recent boy fact survey
taken in the public and parochial
Junior high schools of Salem. . He
pointed out that, it was definitely
shown . that there were 140 boys
out of 570 surveyed who still
were not scouts,' but expressed a
desire to "be, and many opportu
nities in church neighborhoods of
Salem for the development of fu
ture scout units. Under the direc
tion of Burr Miller, plans are be
ing made for the . Cascade Area
Council Camporee, to be held in
Bush's park on May 14, 15 and 16,
and for the Subber Camping ses
sion .which will be held at Smith
creek over a period of two weeks,
June 27 to July 11.
named inventor i has suggested
to the office of defense transpor
tation that oil be hauled in bot
tomless barges. v.-
, Since oil. and water won't mix,
all you have to do is fill a four
aided wooden frame with oil and
tow n..::-:,-:j,i-'.v-' .
Th nronftsali :'. th OUT an
nounced; gravely, : was rejected
n several grounds :j :
Where Chieis Met
San Antonio v.. "Houston
WreJ ,c
In-- .......
? . -1 : Brownsville
Monterrey n
f1 -CITYp
Honterrey, Mexico, is the scene
, f the historic meeting between
; President Franklin Du. Reose
? velt and President Manuel
i A vila Camache -J f Mexico.
.President Roosevelt's special
train arrived there from Texas.
Associated Press Telemat.
1 Gutt of g
cS 100
Army Band
Sets Concert
For Sunday
i .'''' '- v. L- -.
A program combining sacred
Easter music with light secular
numbers suitable for spring and
its own choice of military airs is
promised Sunday afternoon when
an army band ; which has earned
thanks and praise from Salem in
the past several months for its
generosity and skill , presents a
band " concert at the state fair
grounds here to which the public
is ' invited, -i - .;
Vocal soloist for the occasion
is Cpl. Macky Swan, particularly
known to many Salem church
goers .who have heard his rendi
tion of sacred song before several
congregations of the city. Includ
ed in his part of the program is
to be a repetition of .The Holy
City," which; he is also to sing
for Easter sunrise services.
" "Beginr the Beguine," not us
ually ' a band selection, is pre
sented as. a. new : band arrange
ment as is also Gershwin's "Song
of the j Flame." 'New military
themes,' composed as tributes to
two of this nation's allies, ''Red',
Cavalry "March" and "New China
March," are included as features
of the. afternoon of music " '
Heavy numbers of the day and
one into which the band report
edly "sets its teeth" is Grand Se
lection5 fromLaTraviata. From
pppular-"Crossroads" comes the
suggestion; for "Malaguena," 'a
band number. -
: The concert, program, directed
by Chief Warrant Officer Marion
C Walter, "follows:
March Gat City Weldon
SelecUdtt March and Procession of
Bacchus .. . ; . i Leo Delibes
(From the ballet - "Sylvia")
Selections r '
A. Begin the Be?uine Cole Porter
- B. Song ol the Flame . Gershwin
Soloist Corp. Macky Swan and Band
A. Road to Mimiaiiy .... Speaks
B. Stout Hearted Men -.Romberg
Grand selection La Traviata G. Verdi
Two Concert -Marches: - . -
A. Red Cavalry March -i. Gould
. B. New China March . Gould
Soloist Corp. Macky - Swao and Band
-The Holy City . Stephen Aderis
Selection : -v
A. Malaguena (From ' Andalueia
- "Suite Espagnole) Lcudna
. B. , Sokkqny . A musical - thought)
' ' " .' . :a Rube Bloom
Group of Military-Marches:
, A. Oeneral Marshall March Branson
B. Wallibies i Lithgew
- C Independent) a .. Hall
Two Specials: - - .
A. Faster Parade Berlin
B. When the Lgihts Go on
- Again SeUer
Finale: - .
-A. Stars and Stripes Forever "
, March ., : Sousa
B. National Anthem.
New Lines Okehed
' WASHINGTON, April 23 -(fl3)
Senator I McNary (R-Ore.) said
Friday that the rural electric ad
ministration has authorized , the
North ! Douglas Electric Coopera
tive, Inc., , to, complete , 15 miles
ot line to serve 35 Oregon farm
families, VX:: Jj7:- -" Ua
Student Hnored. .1 ,
. CORVALLIS, April 23-P-Jran
Wahlgren, McMi nnv i 1 1 e, was
among , 24 Oregon State , college
women pledged to Phi Chi Theta,
national honor . society in secre
tarial science, it was announced
Friday, v
Farm Price Fixed; r A
PORTLAND. April-23 . -UPl-rA
federal juryFriday fixed the val
ue of a 306-acre f arm condemned
by the federal government in con
struction, of Camp Adair at $15,
500. The land is owned by George
J.- Amort;.
! .:-.. '
Industry Pay Up - - ;'
v PORTLAND, April 23 -(P)- In
dustrial payrolls in Multnomah
county 1 reached " a new - high " of
$207,867,768 during' 1942, as com
pared i with 139,409,306 i in 1941
and $33,946,3S3 hi 1940, the cham
ber of commerce reported Friday.
Comment Asked - '
f ROSEBURG, April 23-()-Con-gressmah
Harris Ellsworth, as sec
retary of the republican congres
sional food study, committee, has
asked. Oregonians to let him know
how they feel about the food sit
uation. . .
Baptists Set
Union Service
First Church Invites
Branches to Join
Night Worsiiip
Music will be featured at the
First Baptist church on , Easter
service, with the, night service
to be a joint one at which i the
congregations - of th e , Baptist
church branches. Brush College,
Four Corners and Hayesville have
been invited. -' " ? -- I -; 1 ' 'r : t i
Singing Sunday morning - will
be - the girls'- chorus, presenting
"The Ninety and Nine by Char
les F. Lane, and the mixed quar
tet, whose selection is "The Mag
dalene by .Warren, ii :, -. '
The 'men's and women's i chor
uses will sing the night selections
with Mary ""Copley, soloist. ; Their
numbers will include: "To Die for
Me by the men;. "Man of Sor
rows" and "Tis Midnight" by the
women; "Jesus Our Lord Is Cru
cified" and "He Lives Again" by
the men; "Christ Arose" by the
women and the closing number
by the men, "Christ the Lord Is
Risen Today." :y-
Baptism will feature the night
service. Dr. Irving Fox has select
ed "Saved by His Resurrection
Life" for his morning theme, and
"The Necessity of Christ's Resur
rection" for the later sermon.
Funeral Planned
For Authoress
EUGENE. April 23-yPV-Funer-
al arrangements were being made
here Friday for Sally. E.; Allen,
64, prominent fiction writer who
died Thursday night after an ill
ness of several months. , i ,
She was the wife of Eric W.
Allen, dean of the University of
Oregon school of journalism.
Three sons, a daughter and a
brother also survive, t :
Engines Alloted ;
new allotment of Wisconsin Motor
company engines for Oregon has
been authorized by the food dis
tribution administration. Senator
McNary (R-Ore.) said Friday. A
Portland firm had notified him
these engines were needed for pea
dusting and spreading . land plaster.;-
- ; :-
OS Grades Up 4
CORVALLIS, April 23-(JP)
Registrar E. B. Lemon of Oregon
State college reported that student
grade averages for the winter term
were 2.58 points as compared with
2.47 a year ago and 2.52 for the
fall term. Men students, upped
their average from 2.44 to 2.53;
coeds from 2.64 to 2.65.
Evening service S o'clock Methodist
and Presbyterian choirs presenting
-The Kesurrection Story."
East Lincoln treet. Rev. M. T. Gu
lick and Mrs. GulickT pastors. Sunday
school I'O son. Morning service at 11
Sermon subject. "The Credibility ot
the Resurrection." S.30 pjn.. Crusaders.
Miss Loretta' Cepeland. speaker. Ev
ening Service 7:45 o'clock. Sermon sub
ject, "Tell the Glad Story." Arranged
by Mrs. Ruth Hastie. 5 , f ?
D. Lester Fields, pastor. Sunday
school 10 ajn. Morning service at 11
o'clock. Sermon subject. "An Event
That Changed the World." 6:30 p.m..
youth feltowship. Evening service S
o'clock. Choir cantata, "The Resur
rectton. . '; - h " ; , j ".-
First and Arthur streets. Sunday
school S.4S ajT. Morning service 11
o'clock. Children's church. 7:15 pjn.
Evening service 8:45 o'clock. Tuesday
service 10:44 ajn. Wednesday prayer
service 7:49 P-m. Friday, young people.
7:44 P-m. . u , f :i v -i;
Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning serv
ice, 11 o'clock.; 'Junior -Christian En
deavor, p.m. Evening service 7 JO
o'clock. Tfoung people, C JQ pjn.
- Sabbath school 10:44 a.m. Mrs. B.
H. Hughes, - Supt.- Morning service 10
o'clock. ,j : ; .
Rev. V. L. Moffenbeier, pastor. Sun
day masses at 7. S:30 and 10 ajn. Ben
ediction after the: S:30 a.m. mass.
Weekday masse at .70 aan.
Second and Garfield streets.' Morn
ing service 11 o'clock. . '
Sunday school 10 ajn.- Morning serv
ice 11O0 o'clock. Confirmant class Sat
urday at 10 ajn. Junior choir practice
at 2 JO pjn. Ladies' Aid Thursday,
hostesses, Mrs. William .Nelson, Mrs.
Ole Vick and the Falnes sisters.
Rev. V. M. Abbott, pastor.' Sunday
school S:4S a.m. Morning service at 11
o'clock. Young people 7 pjn. Evening
service 9 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wed
nesday. pjn. " .
. . - .
H. S. Fulton, pastor. Sunday school
10 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ev
ening service 7 iJO o'clock. Sermon sub
ject. "The Fellowship of His Suffer
ing, in story and song. Prayer service
Wednesday, 7:44 pjn.
Sunday-school 10 ajn. Morning serv
ice It o'clock. Christian. Endeavor, 7
pjn. Joint Methodist. Presbyterian sa
cred music service at I pjn. Prayer
service Thursday, pjn.,
See It! - Hear It!
By the Dawn's Early ;
. Light" -
An Easter Drama
to be presented
.' Sunday Night at 7:45 at
t The Foursquare Church
lSth and Breyman Stfc ,
. - No Admission Charge -
Drama Preceded by Children's"
' . . Program
Church Services in
Center and High streets. Dudley
Strain, pastor. Sunday school :44 a.m.
Morning service 10 M ajn. Morning
service 10:50 o'clock. Sermon subjet:t.
"The Easter Footrace." 11 ajn chil
dren's church. Sermon. "An Easter
Lily's Message, by Mrs. C. E. Lee. t'JO
pjn. Christian Endeavor. Four groups.
Evening service, 730 o'clock. Sermon
subject, "Living Eternally.", Easter
cantata. Baptism. Service Thursday, S
pjn. .' - - -
South 12th and Leslie streets.-L..L.
Freeman, pastor. Sunday school .10
a.m. -Morning service 11 clock. Even
ing service $-J30 o'clock. Sermon, 7:30
pjn.- -- " .- " .
1410 - Madison . street. Kay . Blixeth,
pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning
service $ II o'clock. Evenings service S
A'rlnrk R.vlval BIMtinM CVT niSht
including May S with Evangelist Paul
race ana sots, trice ei sracuon, wwu.
Mission and 12th streets. A. S. Hen7
derson, pastor, sunaay . . scnoox is a.m.
Easter " program. Morning service 11
o'clock Sermon subject, "The Keur-
recUon. ce at 7 pjn.
Robert . Z. Bennett, pastor. Sunday
school 10 a'jn. Vesper service p.m.
Church rededication. Prayer meeting
Thursday at 9 pjn,
. and Liberty streets. Irv
ing A. Fox, DO, pastor, Sunday school
0:44 a.m. Morning service -11 o'clock.
Sermon subject, 'Saved by His Life. .
Evenir g service 1 -J30 o'clock. Sermon
subject, "The Necessity of the Resur
rection, xoung people and adult in
ble study. 0:30 pjn. ? - v .' -FOUR
East State and Elma streets. Sunday
school 9:44 ajn. Leon Lambert. Supt.
United Service with the First Baptiit
cnurcn. .-- :
Hayesville school. Sunday school 0:43
a.m. ewey Davis, supt.
Brush College school. Rev. Earl Ba
ser, pastor. Sunday school 0:43 m..m.
Morning service 11 o'clock. Young peo
ple. 2:30 o'clock.
ALLIANCE .. ? .: - v-
Sth and Gaines streets. C. H. Stein-
mann, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m.
Homing : service1 it . .0 clock, sermon
subject. "The Glory of the Resurrec
tion." Evening service 7:30 o'eloek. Ser
mon subject, "Seeing the Risen Christ."
IN CHRIST . - -..-v
North 17th street shd Nebraska av
enue.' Rev Chester O. - Goodman, pas
tor. Sunday school 9:44. ajn. Morning
service 11 o'clock. . Sermon subject.
"Christ Liveth in Me. OaO p.m Chris
tian Endeavor. Evening service 7:30
o'clock. - - Sermon subject, "Salvation
and -the Resurrection." Thursday, 7:44
p.m., prayer meeting. ...
343 North Church street. M. A. Get
zendaner, DD, pastor. Sunise service
7 a Jn., "An Easter Greeting." Sunday
school 9:44 a.m. Morning service 11
o'clock. Sermon subject. "Seeing After
Jesus.'' Evening service 7:30 o'clock.
Easter cantata by choir, "Our Risen
Lord and King."
Chemeketa and Winter streets. W.
Irvin Williams, pastor. .Church school
10-10:30 a.m. Morning services at . 9
o'clock and 11 o'clock. Sermon subject,
"We Must Be Saved." Easter vespers.
S pjn. Sacred cantata. "The Seven Last
Words of Christ, Dubois.' Young peo
ple's joint Easter service S p.m. Mon
day, 7:30 p.m.. Boy Scouts. Thussday,
7:30-pjn, service.-
Ferry and 13th streets, Eric M. John
son, ' pastor. Sunday school 9:44 ajn.
Four adult Bible classes. Morning serv
ice 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "The
Call of the , Risen ChriaU" Evening
service 7:43 o'clock. Sermon subject,
"The Supreme' Gift of Christ." -...- :
South Commercial and Myers streets.
Joseph Kxiotts. pastor. Sunday school
9:44 - ajn. Easter . program. - Morning
service li- o clock. Sermon subject.
"Why the Stone Was Rolled Away."
Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Sermon
subject. ""Christian Triumph." Four
young people's -meetings at :30 pjn.
Peeyer. meeting Thursday. at 7:30 pjn.
North Cottage and D streets. J. F.
Olthoff. DO, pastor. Sunday school 9:44
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject. On the Way to Em
ma us." Baptism. Evening service 7:30
o clock. Easter program by the Bible
school. Young people's Easter ' break
fast at 7:14 a.m.
315i North; Commercial street. Rev.
J. C. and Daisy Wilson, pastors. Sun
day school 2 pjn. Devotional service 3
pjn. Evangelistic service 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, 7:30
241 State street. Adj. Edward T. Rill,
pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning
service -11 o'clock. . Sermon subject,
"The Joys of the Resurrection." Young
people pjn. Evening . service 7:43
o'clock. Sermon subject. "What Does
the Truth Mean to the Individual!" ..
Marion and Cottage streets, David
Nielsen,: pastor. Easter Sunday. 9:14
and 11 a.m. Sermon subject, "Life's
Ultimates." ,
Market and North Winter streets. J.
R. Stewart, pastor. Sunday school 9.-44
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject. "The Resurrection of
Christ." YP, :44 pjn. Evening serv
ice 7:30 o'clock. Easter hymns with
story of the resurrection. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday. 7:44 pjn,
State and Church streets. J. C Har
rison, pastor. Sunday school 0:43 ajn.
Morning service 10:50 o'clock. Sermon
subject. It Christ Be Not Risen." Ev
ening service 7:43 .o'clock. Address.
"What Easter Means to Me in a. Time
of War." Prof.- Frank Bennett. Inter
mediate fellowship S pjn. Youth fel
lowship. 6:30 pjn. University vespers, ;
6 JO pjn. - .
, Center and High Streets'
'Dudley Strain,-minister '
Sunday Services
Bible School 9:45 A.M. v
Mornmg Worship. .10:50 AJL
"! Sermon: "The Easter Footrace"
r Cantata: "The Easter Victory." 7:30 P.M.. s
- Sermon: 'living Eternally'
We Invite You to Worship tcith Us!
Cottage and Shipping streets.. R. R.
ThornhUl. pastor. - Sunday school -10
ajn. Morning service -11 o'clock. Ev
ening service ? 36 o'clock. -
i 18th and Ferry streets. Howard C.
Stover, pastor. Sunday school ,10 a Jn.
Morning service . 11 o doer, sermon
subject. An Easter Journey Into the
Unseen.". Young people t 7 pm. "
f Hood and Cottage streets. Rev: J. F.
Lawson, . pastor.. Sunday school 9:43
ajn. Morning service -11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject. Rev. U. G. Clark, Port
land. will briaa' an Easter message
Basket dinner -to follow. Burning of
the church- mortgage at 2 p.m., after
which the RevU. G. Clark will bring
a message. no service at 730 pjn.
Highland avenue and North Church
street. Herman H. Macy, - pastor. S un
day school 10 ajn. Horning service fl
o'clock. Sermon subject, ."Easter Sym-
boys. r special--music by the choir.
Youth groups at 0:30 p.m. Evening ser
vice hj o'clock, prayer service Thurs
day at 730 p.m. . -. , '
Hazel and Academv streets. Warren
C. Hale, pastor. Sundav school IS a.m.
Morning service 10:45 o'clock. Sunaay
sciiooi presenting asier, ? program.
Young, people at 130 pjn. Evening
service s o ciock. service Wednesday
at S pjn.: v- y-n: -
Center and 13th streets. Rev.-Weav
er W Hess, pastor. Sunday school 9:44
ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser
mon subject, "The Meaning of Easter."
30 pjn- youth fellowship. Evening
service 730 o'eloek.- Sermon subject.
xujioceni or uuiity, wnicn? Easter
music. Wednesday, 730 pjn, prayer
umung. ,. - - ; -
19th and Breyman streets. Rev. T. W.
Henderson, ThB, pastor. Sunday school
9:45 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Sermon subject. "The Importance of
Christ's i Resurrection." Evening serv
ice ?: o clock. Easter drama. "By the
Dawn's Early Lights Also children's
program. Tuesday, 7:45 pjn.. Inspira
tional f service. Thursday, 7:44 pjn.,
young people's service.
24S North Commercial street. Rev.
Maxine Roberts, pastor. Service at 230
m.. "Easter." Rev. Roberts and -Rev.
dith H. Scott, Eugene, speakers. Ev
ening service 730 o'clock. Sermon sub
ject. "Our Redeemer Lives." s
Stata and lSth itmh s . w ra-
BD, pastor. Sunday school 9:44 ajn.
Morning service 11 , o'clock. Sermon
subject, "The Opened Tomb in Jo
seph's Garden.' Confirmation class,
Saturday. 9 ajn. - - -
Market and Capitol streets. Rev.
William L. McGlasson. pastor. Sunday
school 9:43 a.m. Easter program by
junior, primary classes. Morning serv
ice 11 o'clock. Young people, 730 p.m.
Evening service S o'clock. Prayer meet
ing midweek, 8 pjn.
Marion and Summer streets. Rev. J.
Kenneth Wishart. pastor. - Sunday
school 9:44 ajn. Morning service 11
o'clock. Junior church at same hour.
Sermon, subject, "He Is Not Here."
Youth groups at 030 p.m. Evening ser
vice 730 o'clock Sermon subject. "The
Power of Love." Bible hour Thursday
at 730 p.m. Robert Johnson, negro
tenor, will sing at both Sunday services.-
-. ... ', -.-
Chemeketa and Liberty streets.- Sun
day school 11 a.m. Services 11 a.m. and
S pjn. Sermon subject, "Probation Af
ter Death." ,
17th and -Court streets. W. -H. Ly
man, pastor. Easter breakfast. T ajn.
Sunday school 9:44 a.m. Bible school
Easter T program. Morning service 11
. Calvary
Baptist :
Church , .
S. Liberty ert E. Miller
"That friendly church
with an- Easter message'
11:00 A. M. The Omnipo
- tent Christ"
7:30 P. M. That Interven
ing1 Stone". ; , ?
E, L. Alien, pastor
. - .-;V' a
; ' . H
o'clock.. Sermon subject. "The Living
Lord.' Christian tndeavor, ao pjn.
Evening service 7 :30 o'clock. Sermon
subject, "The , Fourth Coming ef
Christ.' Service and choir practice on
Thursday.' 7:30 'pjn. 1 - -
. South Commercial and Washington
streets. Dillon W. Mills,' pastor. Sun
day school 10 ajn. Easter program.
Morning service 11 o'clock. 'Sermon
subject. '"Living Proof of the Resur
rection.,. Evening serviee (:30 o'clock.
Sermon subject, "Lesson from the
Calvary Miracles." Prayer meeting on
Thursday at 7 n jn. - - :i .;,.':'.:
340 Front street: Sunday - school 1
p.m. Service S pjn. Sermon subject,
"The Abomination -of Desolation." by
Elder Albert Brayton.
... South Liberty and - East - Miller
streets. Edward L. Allen, pastor.- Sun
day school S:4S . ajn." Morning 'serv
ice II o'clock. "Sermon subject.' fThe
Omnipotent Christ." Youth groups, 6:30
p.m.' Evening service "7 o'clock. Ser
mon subject, "That Intervening Stone."
Wednesday r 7:30 pjn, service. , Rev.
and - Mrs. . R. R. Robbuis, guest speak
rsi.1f'. ':';''','"" M '-'tc-':--'-. .-- r
Church and Chemeketa streets. Rev.
George 'Herbert Swift, - rector. .Choral
euchariit. choir, 7 a jn.. Children's, eu
chsrist. junior choir, 9:45 ajn.-Choral
eucharist, junior ' and senior choirs.
North Winter and Jefferson streets,
S. Hay nor Smith, pastor. Sunday school
9:44 ajn Morning services at 9 and
11 o'clock.. Sermon subject. "A Victor
ious Christian Faith." Evening : serv
ice 7 JO o'clock. . . . .
REFORMED ' " ,' v -
Capitol - and Marion - streets. E. A.
Kielsmeier, pastor. Sunday - school 10
a.m. Morning service 11 -o'clock. Ser
mon subject, "Behold the Place Where
They Laid - Him." Reception of new
members and holy communion. " -
16th and A streets, H. ' W." Gross,
pastor. Sunday school a.m. Morning
service lO o'clock. - Sermon " subject.
Easter service., Evening ' service S:15
o'clock Choir singing Easter concert,
19th and MiU streets. Lowell Gilger.
pastor. Sunday school ' 10 ajn. Morn
ing service 11 o'clock. WYPS ;43 pjn.
Eyening service 7:30 o'clock. Prayer
service Wednesday?. 8 pjn.' - v
Valley Churcho:
NIDAROS LUTHERAN ' . . " . " '.
Monitor, duf As per, pastor. 'Morning
service 10 a.m. Sunday school follow
? . .
Third and Gerth streets, Riddell A.
Kelaey, pastor.-Sunday school 9:30 a.m.
Morning service 10:30 o'clock. King
wood post, American Legion, and fam
ilies are guests. Sermon subject. "A
Prince and a Saviour."-Youth fellow
ship at 6:30 p.m. Evening service 7:30
o'clock. Rev. William Tennant, r guest
preacher. Intermediate . league, i Wed
nesday at the parsonage, 7 pjn.
Girls' choir Thursday after school at
the parsonage. Nominations commit
tee meets Thursday. 7:30 p.m, at par
sonage. Membership committee meets
Friday 7 JO pjn, at parsonage.
Elm and -McNary streets. West Sa
lem. Rev. Abe A. Loewen. pastor. Sun
day, school 9:44 ajn. Morning service
10:49 o'clock. S p.m, visiting conval
escent homes. 7:14 p.m.. YPF literary
department in charge.-: Evening service
7:44 o'clock. Wednesday, prayer meet
ing. Thursday, choir rehearsal.
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A Cappella
Choir to Sing
-.-The a cappella-chorus directed
by' ProtW. IV. Zimmerman will
sing Easter hymns at the Sunday
services at u the Free ; Methodist
church. The ' morning ' sermon
theme by: the' pastor, -Rev; ' J, ? R.
Stewart,- will be :"The . Resurrec-
Uon .of Christ." .
A program of sacred music in
terspersed, with the reading of the
story of the resurrection by Mrs.
Zimmerman ' and feltogram ar
rangements by Mrs.:, Ward -Lane
will comprise the night program.
.Vocal' numbers will include:
Tis ' Midnight on' Olive's Brow,"
by the chorus; "Jesus Is Standing
in v PUate's HauV by ; Orip ilm
mert, ; soloist; i "The ' Crown" of
Thorns," a duet by Bemetta Bolt
and Clarke Houser;tWhat a Won
derful - Saviour," by. : the mixed
quartet, Marcella 4 Amacky Ger
trude Tvrner, Orlo "Emmert and
Byron Jacobson; "The Old Rug
ged Cross," by the chorus; "When
Jesus Was Dying," duet by Ber
netta Bolt and Bonnie Zimmer
manT."Low In the Grave He Lay,"
chorus; "He Did Not Die in Vain,"
women's octet; and "All Hail to
Thee. Emmanuel," by the chorus.
Officers Seek
Robbery. Suspect
' YAKIMA," AprU 23 -P)-State
patrol officers- were searching
Kittitas valley Friday night for
Sam Christian,. 18, Yakima bur
glary suspect, who escaped in a
state patrol automobile in Cle
Hum this afternoon as he was
being brought from - Seattle to
Yakima to face charges.
Hero Was OS Gracl
PORTLAND, April 23-(rVSec-ond
Lt. John A. Gilpin of Port
land, whose award of the distin
guished service' cross was an
nounced in a Cairo dispatch, Fri
day, was a 1940 graduate of Ore-j
gon State college. Wounded in ac
tion last month, he is recovering
in a north Africa r hospital, his
family here learned.
Houses Exempted
PORTLAND, April 23-(iiP)-Va-cation
. housing accommodations
will be exempt from rent control
between J une 1 and September
30, Daniel D. Gage, district OPA
rent' director, announced - Friday.
Evangelican3 Set
Flag Dedication
' Rededication ef the Frultland
Evangelical church will be held
at a speeiaf vesper service Son
day at 4 'clock. The auditorium
f the church has been reflnlsh
ed. ;.',!;;; .,:..vy.
' . Special features of the ser
vices will Include the dedication
f the service flag, reading ef
the roll ef honor. Easter mnsie
sang br (he Gospel Ambas
sador's ; male " quartet aad an
Easter meditation by the pastor.
Rev. Robert D. Bennett. ''
.'. ' ."i" """ " " ' :
ni.nfifips to TTnitft: r
Easter Morning
WEST SALEM Union Easter
services will be held at the Meth
odist church at 9:30 o'clock Eas
ter morning by members of the
beginners class, the intermediates.
th arliilf - snii th 'Rfhla rlau'
Parents of beginners are especial !
ly invited to attend, as this "class .
will participate in the presenta- ;
tion of songs and recitations.
numbers. The intermediate class I
has invited the school band to
y iy, several oanu niemucri ue
ing in the class. Norma Jean Rob
lin will play a piano solo. Mrs.
Vosburg will lead the scriptural
reading and Nellie Hathaway will
give a reading. .
Ely Justice
To Be Arraigned
(iffJ-William Titus, JusUce of the
peace at BJy, will be arraigned in
circuit court here . Monday ' on m
charge of murder in connection
with the fatal shooting of his
WifeErma, several weeks ago.
Titus, found wounded after the
shooting,' was moved from a Kla
math Falls hospital to the county
jail Friday.
Agriculture Director
To Assume Duties
Ervin L. Peterson, until re
cently Coos, county judge, will
assume his new duties as state'
agriculture director on - May 15,
he advised Governor Earl Snell
here Friday; Peterson spent ,a
couple of days In Salem last week ,
conferring with J. I). Mickle, re- ,
tiring head of the state agricul-