Thar CHZGCI! CTATECMJI, i!2za..Ovgoxi,'Cetacdai7Xcxasrilpr3 Zt K13 - CUssLTled Advertising . Statesman Classified Ads Call SJI01 . Three - Insertions per Uno 25c Six insertions per tine ... 40c One month per line ., $1.25 Minimum charge X5c; 3 ti. coin- Imum 35c; 6 U. min. 45c. No refunds. Copy to, this page accepted un til 8 30 the evening before pobtica Uon for elassUicattoa Copy re ceived after this time wiH be run under tb hearting To UU to Classify." - -s.' Tbe Statesman assumes no Hnan elaJ t-esponslouity for errors which reprint thai part et an advertise ment In whicn tbe typographical mistake occurs, r Tbe Statesman reserves the right may appear In advertisement pub lished In its columns and In cases rfaere this caper la at fault will to reject quest tenable- advertising It further reserves the right to place alt - advertisings under the. proper classification.. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of tbe advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The- Statesman la not at bberty to divulge tnfor 01 alios, ee to, the Identity of an advertiser - using e Band ad. Livestock and Poultry ; ATTENTION!!! -Will remove dead Jk worthless stock . In a moment's notice! SALEM FER TILIZER a. BY-PRODUCTS, ph. 8000 Collect. No other .Phone.) -- BRING YOUR- own eggs for custom hatching. Tuesday or martr, tags. Ph. 2-2861- Lee Hatchery, CASH PAID fee -dtoaseed rabbits. Saving. Center. Portland fed. - , FOR SAf.K Newwaatpalilre pullets; ready to lay. Ph. 33881. Leo-Hatchery. Help Wanted WANT BOY ' With bicycle sfor jaart time messenger- after-: school Imum, Postal Telegraph. , ; : PASTRY COOK and Waitress, -both permanent positions. Schneider's- Cof fee Shop Call in.person. between 3 Be t or Phone 2035. WAITRESS. KITCHEN avelp. a goad griddle man or woman, saw .part time help isavailable Top wages aire paid to ged sincere -help. Mickey's- Sand- WichSatlop. ; COOK WANTED, man -The Spa. . Help Wanted Mala Workers new easiayee' 4n -war pro dec Uoa should a art apply aeal will set be considered tor. easptoynaasttr by eaa- play era advertising im this MAN for Sunday workv at storage garage. 197 S. Liberty. SERVICE Sta. work after school for high school boy. 809 Edgewater. W. Salent.''-- - .... .1 - - MEN WANTED for Hopjrardt work Ph 7958 TO CENTS an hour paid far men, hopyard work. Transportation from Ladd & Bush Bank corner. 1:30 AJd. daily. EL A. Miller, telephone SIM or 8980. . MAN AT parking tot-S VM. to I'AU, shift. Inq. J45 S. Chureh. . ; ' EXPERIENCED ' MILKER Schlndler Bros. Dairy. South Salem. 3 VETERANS World war 1 or 2. Sin gle and free to travel. Transport lion xurntsnea. Liberal drawing acc. AO vances - daily. Pay weekly. See Mr. Hawkins, Bligh Hotel. Friday and Sat. only. . . ... , Help Wanted Female Advertising Position FOR Youns Wo man . War-time , employment situation af J fords ambitious young woman of good appearance and habits, an opportunity ', to learn preparation and selling of ad- vertising copy at good starting salary and advancement.- ' APPLY ADVERTISING DEPT. OREGON . STATESMAN 19 S. Com! St. RJXJET matron for general duty. , capable of working; with boys. Salary- plus room, board, and laundry-. Oregon State Training School. Weodburn. WANTED 25 registered nurses,' 8 hour duty, vacation pay. sick leave. $165.00 and up. Write Box : 2582. Statesman. - . LADIES: If " you have 4 or spare hours a week we will employ you at once. Our 33 years la men's and ladies' apparel business. has added millions of repeat customer business The -present line Is broader than in past years. You do not make an In vestment for sample caseno deliver ing. Advance payment at time order is written. Several towns Ac Salem ter ritory open. For full details and furth er information write ReehUlk. P. O. BOX 733. 4 r WAITRESS wanted, full time work. The Spa.. ADVERTISING ; ' Western Advertising Representatives . ' Z George D Clues. Ina. San . Francisco Los Angelas SealUe Eastern Adverlisinx Representative . : Ward-Griffith Company. Inc. ? fr Chicago. New York. Detroit. " Boston, Atlanta Entered et the Poctoffice -at Salem' - Pr?f Second Class Katttt. Pab , Ijtsaed sveru morning except Monday Baf" ofce. ZIS South Commer ciai Ctrsst, - SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subscription Rates In Advance: Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo 60 cents; S Mos $i0; 1 year. (8.00. Elsewhere 80 cents per mo or $730 for 1 year tn advance Per cooy cents Be City Carrier. 73 cents a month. t3 W a year m advance fee Marlon and adjacent counties Kloney to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALU WRITS or phone 18188) to Salem s ' eldest tare est noon owneo and homo snanaaed finance ' anstttu Uoa Your financial affairs, will be ilHriianiil and loans made In strides! ertvacv You will be riven every eon deration la the tepavtn of TOU loan or srantla or extensions 1 to U MONTHS TO REPAY You can pay .Ja full any time , to 1WKV tflW W . ONLY. BORROWER -SIGNS Ne endorsers Loans nude a Curat HOY n SIMMONS.! MGR. Lie. Ne M UX : : j - -v.: "Cv GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lm No 8 128 134 So. Commercial St Phone 9168 rirst door south et Ladd At Bush bank Convenient ground floor tore uon i Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 1TB IXOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING . i LICENSE N. M I S EARNTNO on your Investment money . parable aeml-annuaHy. Real estate mortgage loans In amounts from SSOO up to sie.sea. STATE FINANCE CO. i Guardian BIdg. . SAVE TIME. Urea, gee Apply for your loan by phono. Telephone HOT. ask for Mies Anderson. Personal fin ance Co.. fig State St- opposite County Court House. S-UX. M-1S. LOANS Private money for good reel estafte- CHAS. HUD KINS 275 State SL Phone 444 Situations Wanted YOUNG married maa, draft exempt. Experienced truck j se Cat. driving. 132. N. Winter. i - - EXP. driver for Govt, driving, or pri.-party. Can turn. rex. Ph. eszz. TOR CARPENTER Ph. 17. WILL care -for children In my home-. References. 840 Norway. Ph. IOI.' , For Sale Bliscellaneous MXNS oxfords size 10; Tux, shirts and collars, .m. 6770. - . For Belcreet- troDTtie W. G. Krueger. 147 N. Com'L.Ph. 4728 nm -& vrvr t tic et iwi ti i ana many perennials, vsw . . a. NEW 1ECECTRIC i steam . iron,. fJO. Cau severin. 4iua. : 4 wheeled -trailec. . 22nd. 4 PC DINETTE set. small desk, and other small 1 tenia. 472 University St. " BLUE White Diamood ring, perfect atone.' .box X5S3.: Ktatestnaau . LADY'S bicycle, kick-stand c bead- lUfttt. Victory moeei. used very iixtie. saa ansa. Z3B7 State. ' 3. PC IVOR Y bednn. set. springs ec ixmersnrine mattress. S59. Library ta bJea. as up. Kotnta oniu taoies. xaa up. cni stove, 93 up. uu rain rural -ture, 238 Fairgrounda. Ph. 67SZ. -NEARLY JfEW 9x12 rug. Will sacri- ilee. Ph. INt :- XJKX NEW. man's all . wool, blue euit. aist M. Phone 8377.-. - CTiaSlNATroNJero Good cond. 987 N. 22nd. . HIGH GitAEflB -Brtarget ttOe? sse- trie rnnter rtnder, etc H. J. Methers, m. ! -. PRIMROSES, mums, shrubs, bring boxes 4 mi. Wallace Rd. Rte. 1. Bx. 334. SMALL range, like- new. Trailer house 7x12, buii Una. Kea. 575 s. Winter : DUO-THERM automatic oil burning hot water heater S99.50. Available on A-10 rating. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. INC 487 Court St. TULIPS, all colors, delivered. Call 2-2877. Paul Schaad. Rt. 3. Box 749w TRAILER HSE. &. sctd. bus. Ph. 7614. ATMORAYS for 'sale or rent. H. C. Pugh. P.O. Box 443. Ph. 3-2458. BURBANK SEED potatoes. No. 1. $3 per C. No. 2, $4 per C. Government In spected. Any sire order up to 1000 sacks.- R. D Lampkin, 800 WynoosU St Newberg. Oregon. S HP. - electric motor, good shape. $75. Lota of 8 soil pipe, ex. heavy. 40e ft.. 1410 So. 12th St. Ph. 3218. POULTRY FERTILIZER L00 per yd. You haul It. Ph. 7286L Lee Hatchery. see aoco brcsSw see State St for nberal trade In on your old furniture Fuller Brashes.. 174S Grant Ph. 83U Guns and Ammunition. 580 N. High. Slightly used Universal eleetrte range. Also ice box. Cheap. 87 N. Liberty. Wanted Furniture CASH FOR need turn mire as ne4d goods m Forgey Ph. T44. Wuted -SIiaxellaneont ' RENT or buy 2. to S HP. gas mo tor, good conditmn. Ph. 739 la after- TENANT. S rm. hse, close in. pas ture. 2 A. farm land. Call 113T S. 12. Elec. range. Ph. : 8882 after 8 P. M. CASH FOR tractor, plows, disk cultivator,- seeder. Ford with Ferguson attachments preferred. RL 2. Box 274. GOOD home ta country for valuable Pointer dog for summer. Ph. 21445. TTK I'll iL. h n mw w-imrMft at. condition, cash price. Typewriter Ex- cnange, sua - wasningwn sl, Van couver. Wn. ; : TO GET In touch with Charts axent. Box 2S48. Statesman. . - CASH WAITING .for sewtng ma chines. If you are not using your sewing machine we will pay top cash price for It. Singer Sewing Machine Co,- 143 S. - High- --t. ... GOOD USED Furniture, appliances. machinery, trailers or anything of value.- Glenn Woodry. the Auctioneer. See me at the Market. 1803 N. Sum mer or Phone bim. WANT TO Bur. Used cameraa St lenses McEwan Photo Shop 433 State .:' ; , J - -1 1 1 i : Ml iiSSETrUTi IhiJ II . " " TV ' "" I tT-U6MT THEM )lV . 1 t s-xNTHS..,'.- " -i Ljl - - T " S , i ' " ' s1"' iaBj aT' ' " ' Sloney-to Loan CASH LOANS ; -$30 to $3oa v AUTOMOBILE. FURNTTURE, LIVE- ; STOCK end SIGNATURE.,. Calkins , Finance ; Co.:., 318 . 3rd Fl 4 .Ph. 444S 1st Natl- Bank Bhlg.. Salem -: S-228 - LiC' - M273 - ; TRIVATEr ilONEYKt - AUTO AND TRUCK. LOANS ' CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce paymenta Money for new- at used cars Ne delay or red tape You anil retain possession or ue venicie: . 1 to U MONTHS TO. PAY . ROY H. SIMMONS its ftmith Cammrt4f Straat' "? Phone' "v'.tJJff PRIVATE money to lean on lit Mortgages: Statesman. Box ou. Wanted-MisceIlaneous CASH FOR dressed tsbbits. Saving Center. Portland Rd. .ir- Miscellaneousv DUMP TRUCK, for Aire. Ph. -3523. v: Dental Plate Repair TWOrHOUR SERVICE XN MOST CASES -Bring or Mall -Your Phttos tor fteeat lik HARRY SEMLER- DENTIST Adolph Bids State ComX Pb 4911 For KentRoojnav : ROOM. bd. If desired. Ph. 4408. CLOSE IN. . N. Church. FOUR HOUSEKKZPXNQ RMS, am furn. 850 S. 12th. SLEEPING rm. dose in. Ph. 8480. Heated hot. bold. business man 233 cuissr. CLOHS TN: preC -& ; For 'Reel1 Ap3trtmcnlav ! 2 RM. -TURN. apU X a m. f2J0 wk. IZ80 oak. Ph. sza . 3 RMS -turn. Adults. 370 Union. FURtr. State Room Aots. on Jtiver Steamer "Gar Marie." a blocks from city, aenter. Call at Salem Boat rTnuss. iFt. ox unemexata. , S iRMS. 1st -fir. Ant, private 'bath fridaire feot water and washer. 1334 . usu l si. . S RM: -TORN, upstairs ApL S31& N.4th. I I -' !;-rU;. For R ent H oiiseav S ROOM furnished cottaee- P. R. BELL. REALTOR 212 Guardian, . BIdg. Ph. 8188 I KM. NEW home, comnletelv Tur- nished. adults only, sso mm Kt. 4, Bex 30T. Ph. 7W4 i or apsomimesii. FURNISHED 7 room modern home to - reliable - party for duration. 468 N. 1BU1 . St. , .For Rent ELECTRIC by the sraonth Bowing Machine Co 143 High. FLOOR- SANDER for r..Waxd- TRUCKS for rent. Ton otriee. Cune at LoveO. phone SflOQ. - Wanted to Rent WANTED: 2 or 3 bed rm. house. close to city limits. Ph. 2-1945. UNFURNISHED 8 room, house, strict ly modern. By June 1. Adults. Perma nent. .Tel. 8054. t t SMALL mod. furn. or partly furn. hse. by 3 employed adults, fa. 8414 or 4915 alter 8 o ciocK. 8 RM UN FURN. modern 'heme. 1m- med. possession. 1680 N. 20th. Ph. 7222. 2 OR 3 BEDRM. hse. wanted In or near Hollywood Dist. Ph. 821L For Sale Real Estate ONE of the finer homes in N Salem has. now been put on the market as owner is in the service. This is a 3 Bdrm. house with bathroom both up stairs and down. Has 3 bedrms. up and one bedrm. down. Large livinx rm. fireplace, dinmg rm., kitchen, break fast nook, full basement, rurnace. large lot. 3 car xarase. Most of the inside of the house finished in mahogany. Has been built less than four years ago. U you are looking for a home, let us show you this one. ' - One of the best buys In West Sa lem, Small 8 Rm. house. Fireplaoe. On a large lot 100x100. A good loca tion. $2800.00. Can arrange some terms. New. 8 Rms. HOw. ns, rurnace. nre- place. Large lot. FHA Terms. - SEB RICH L. RETMANN 187 8. High St. Phone 8203 tot these ana many a&ore. $5850. A good hse. 8 biks. from the Capitol BIdg, hardwood ' firs., base ment, furnace, fireplace. : wired for electric stove. 2 bath rms, 8 large rooms. - -- 34500 8 rm. modern home in NX. Salem, fine let, double garage. 3Z100 9 rm. hse. on Richmond Ave, bath, garage, close to - school. . MXLVXN JOHNSON. REALTOR 7ZS Court St. . Phone 3743 L NEW. modern. 8 R. home 3c' nook. Plumbing upstairs and down. Full basement, new automatic oil furnace. Landscaped. $9500. " ' ' 2. Strictly modern 8 R. house with additional room In basement. Apt. up stairs is bringing 840.00 a month. Good location. Only $6300.00. , G. E. VOSBURGH . Phone 2588 1043 Cascade Drive t ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT In closinx an estate we offer a rood old house ot g rooms for only $2400. It's plastered, has fireplace, nice lot with large trees, and only three blocks from school. Call for appointment. Mrs. L. H. Ellis with LEO N. CHTLDS, INC. . REALTORS.. 344 State Street. Phone 8361. . . . S ROOM Home at 1333 Waller street. large lot. part basement, $1600. 8200 dawn. $30 month. 4 Room home with at tie,, lot 80x288. excellent location. $3500. - O. E. RAE. REALTOR, Ph. 8761 1255 State Street See "Blondie" in color, in new Statesmen abloid comic section For Sale Real Estate r - 4 BEDROOMS , ' 2 -SLEEPING PORCHES . : Large living room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, lots of built-ins; cement basement hot water heal -parage; 8 fruit- trees.: Price $5500 reasonable terms. Call Mr. Voorhees with LEO W. - CHTLDS, . INC, REALTORS, 344 state streev- cnone szu. - . . .V-SPECIAL - S-roora house. partly furnished, ' close to State - Buildings - $3750. See- Mrs. L. II. ElliS With LEO N. CHTLDS.. INC. REALTORS. 344 State Street, Ph. 8281. - 1 A.- EAST, close to boa - Se school. 3 room house, gar, elect. $1500. $300 down. See owner, 231 N. High. 5838. DEAL WITH OWNER AND SAVE - Corner - lot.- d rm. hse, -1 bedtoom down, 3 up. Dbl. garage c full base ment.-rurnace c launary "trays, a most , new -Priced rights Ph.. 2-1739. "'NICE "s-yr.- old honieNorth East. H.W. -Floors. -Fireplace." Auto.' Heat. Nice large yard. See Mr. Goodwin with . UAWKIMS Oc ROBERTS. IMC . . . REALTORS $T?50.00 5 room modern homo, base ment, furnace- dc garage. $1350.00. Small 4 room cottage. P. H. BELL. REALTOR 212 Guardian Bid. - Ph. 8168 -- FOR SALS by Owner: 8 acres with small house. In Salem Heights dist rict. Reasonable tor- quick sale. Tele phone mornings and evenings 22098. A GOOD Home, wall located, Y rm. bouse, good cend, large lot, fruit and garden, wniy S77&0. Terms. i M. B STEGNES 520 N. ComX ' COOD-Heuaa on State St. only $3750. Subtirban tracts, -easy terms. 36 A. on pavement. Lots of material for -Ouiwmg. Sail all, r jsart. Terms. tu c buuuH, oreg. side. Ph. UST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE rXAVK LOTS OF BUYERS Jt LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKlNtt Si ROBEHT8V INC, sULftXTORft PH. 4108. -S KM. house. Good , lecatten. 1337 liacket. By a' For Sale Farms Rf A. EAST Good lmprovemettta. 108 acres cultivated, excellent gravity water system. Biped t or- trri-r gauon. vwqer retirmg. siaiuui E M. XARSEN. REALTOR Sxclusive Listings - Personal Service. '153 South High - . Ph. 3480 v IDE AX. STOCK JIANCH 7S3 A. .23. mi. Salem. 40 A eoad fir Timosr; eisnas at springs. 4 -roo trouae. barn saxlOQ. Price SISjDOB. C H. SANXXERS 23- N. High 5838. MXL ACHES. 3 dmhtini ifiouu vanl nicely amdacaneiL Uan Sk ehielra. house. 23 .acres with year round creek. lovely country home) lis siC, tin :barn. P; 31, wan-rr JtEAZTTDR . 212 Guardian 31d. jh. S188 vONI ACM : mini. rOrsnlaas. ibath: chicken 'house: anac trsea. sail Prise only WlSa - So- l oarbees avrtb IZO If. CHTLDS. 3rjvr REALTORS 34 JBtete H treat. Ph. 8381 Resnrt Prorjexry Three-iuein .firra. enbten. nmranea. only 83800. tG. Robert Want, Cutler. City Cards tm tfcb directory, ria en , aannutly fc a a I s only. Sale: SL25 per Una per Airplane Models and SUPPLIES. Cherry City Aircraft, 21st at Market. , Auto Crgaves an Sooth Cemmarclal "Catteries WTLLATUr 'batteries, nil trues. ."R. J wowioe' uiurca. tenant sow. Bicycles BICYCLES Naw and ramndltTasiMt Harry W Scott. 147 S. ttem'cL P. 43.4 Canvas Salem 'Tent j Awoim Co. 739 N. Ilbailj Bt. : Pbw 788 sun nae mac atoca or eaeivas. all wldthaand weigh ts. AwiUisgintripe and waterproaf Huck. Yaw priority.; Chirrmcy Sweep; Northness Chimney Ph. Florists Breithaupta 44T Court 9199 Funeral Direntsrs TerwUliger Foneral IPh. Gift. TBS APRON Shop 879 N. H'h. Heating Service LLOYD X, ROBINSON. Ph. 23163. Hosiery Real 80k 4fesler UfflL Ph. S78S Mrs. AL Moseley. Gen. iDeU JBalem Lawn Mower Sliai-penin Tfi r hi ne ground. 648 Capitol SL -TTiriTTT atPTTOL BQnnKQ CO PbsiM Business Directory . Wanted-Real Estate WE NEED LISTINGS We have the buyers, you have the homes. Let's get together 'and .talk it over. List your property with us today. Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Need ham, 341 State SL Room- 4. HAVE A- NUMBER of cash buyers for Salem property. A listing with us at this time means a ready sale. RICH L. RETMANN ir? South High, Street " Phone 9203 WANTED LISTINGS. We have buy ers every day for city and suburban propel ty In all price ranges. Wa can sell your property at a good price for cash. List with us. - ROSTETN At ADOLPH, INC 110Mb N Commercial. Business Opportunities S APARTMENT HOUSE S Apt, with . income of $140.00 per month., Owner says. sell as they are leaving the city. ood location, oaw dust heat. IX you are looking for good income property, this one can oe neat. - -. ; SEE RICH L. RETMANN 167 S. High St. Phone 9203 For Sale Wood RECEIVING several cars wood. Get your supply now white available. Plan er and box for immediate delivery. oejeni box uk imona SlSS. MILL WOOD. 884)0 per toad. Prompt net. rn. ntn. . .,..: , r , 14- MILL WOOD. 4 ft. slab, fresh cut sawomtt. ph. gaez. Wood Graen, 412 H Ust St Ph 8378 Plywood Pav Wood Sawirxg Charles T. Ph. 8888. Simon. 1311 N. Liberty Lost and Found LOST: , Small m,l .Mllaa Wa. T rc-r. ti-i-.w i. .-. talning money, key and miscellaneous artlclea. Finder call 417L Ext, 377 day. w avcnjBx. rtswara. JLC3BT: 8k ration dasok menr Saving Canter tora. April atn. T. m. Morgan. VHBK tg3f ihuree lahnind frw i fit X 3ox 1828, simn- thna Tuaev Contact N. iOruves tat- aimve laaldrnni -for mtuzn lat For Stde Used Cars 1940UUICK "40 - 'EouruM , wood Tires r - Unusually cksaa . . ITniataat Rortv Vim. IrHm BuicoU Springing, only $10854)0 . -ttamo Heater XO LXEB BROS. SOUR QLESMOBTLE 'DEALER 44fe Center St. 1937 FORD 1 v4-ton Pickup .OOOD, TTRES at GOOD MOTOR Biirgoyne Motor Co. ! Center St. Ph. 2-1539 1937 FORD $433.00.-898 South 13th St. fsmting Painting lDacorating. Ph. 7532. Paints amd Xacquers Complete Bne-'NASON psinU Uberal terms, n u waamun. we N. -wnnren Pamtrng & Pa per hanging Reesonablac 'Ph. 4329 Heating FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets, prog earns baoka or -any kind at print mx. cau me aiMtesiinui Piiuiugue partroent 319 S Commercial. Tele- piiune gm- - Plowing Garden plowing at discing. Ray Setter. Ph. 2-3504. GARDEN PLOWING; Ford tractor; immediate service. Ph. 8298. Radio Service PIERCE Radle Service. 808 N. Liberty Real Estate LIST your ptopcity with Commer cial Realty Co. 2820 So. ConVL P. 7034. Septic Tanks Cleaned ' SEPTIC " TANKS .and 1 cess - pools e 1 eetnvd. Saatsf action . guaranteed. State seiite' service. Gene- rite. 842 St, West Salem. Ph. 8745. ' Inspection "tree.- Kenneth Hsmei. a resktent.jof Weat Salem. Ph. sow. Transfer U-DRJVE TRUCKS FOR RENT rum 197 S. Liberty Ph -8062 FOB LOCAL OR DISTANT trenfer storage, burner ail. briquets Trucks to Portland daily. - Agent Pierce Auto Freight, tactadme-Calif, points Larmer Transfer Co Ph 313L VacanrmIle2mer JSerrvico Certified, guar, service. All makes. Vinee'e Electric . 157 S. Lib. T. 6292 FRER inspection tar your- noma. Au- 81 I M a eisal i f-87 a mm at si laean Ski I UTtfl KSBsna, txwwm aacm W we m arasa w aar w makes cleaners Hogg Bros. Pb 9148 WeU Drilling a A West at S3. S B 448 2-2298 every Sunday. For! Sale Used Cart ' JOIN THE EASTER PARADE HERRAIIPOWENS It .'Good Will Car i - :t 1 .JS Pontiacs 1948 DL 2 dr. R. & H. Excellent tires. Youll like thuf ear. fT938 Dl 4 dr. Sed. New ear guarantee on motor, new paint, h.- ec it. -1938 DL 4 dr. SedTPerfecC , Chevrolets -' '41 Spec. D. L - 8 Pass. Cpa.- 36 D. L. 2 dr. Sed. Plvmouths 41 Spec. D. L. 4 dr. Sed. R. aV H. Beautiful gray gunmetal finish. Seat covers, , .-.- ' ... , "41 Station wagon Defense workers at tention I This will carry 8 pstaangers oesiaes me arrver. c Special This Week Only! 4 cylinder Dodg. single wheel truck. ui 10X7. Excellent tires. Median , leally perfect throughout. $193 TERMS at TRADES. Wanted to Buy Cars, Trucks, Pick-ups, & Panels We Pay Cash for Equities , Or Clear Titles HERRALL-OWENS CO. 233 "S. Cam mere Ul Ph. 2189 1948 PLY. Statlnn Warm mu M. owiu. (jroou tUIKIJHOn. tH. . 7XE8.-' iaa- unnit a. top. edde- curtains Ac battery: Tires end body fair. $50.00 Cash. Ph. 9649, 9 ta IM SLACK- 1240 PONTIAC Toronto Spt. Coupe. $1050. by orJelnal own. Drive it to -appreciate it If you need a cooa car one nvyour eganet. - can Mr. Clark -at 9181 or 3349 33 CHEV sedan. New rlnes. -s-ond ures. eis rtignianq Ave. 1938 FORD 4 dr. Cood tins, mnewi anapv mecnaiucany. neeas Clean ma un. $195 Cash. Ph. 4519 after 6 P. M. FORD V-S i ton nfrlmn naw irm ana una, new racx. iios U. at. 1930 Model A Ford 475. 132 Leans St. CHBYSLIHt - AtrrViw Win at.Il m.m trade. Ina, 860 Howard or Hogg Bros. Wanted Used Cars FOR YOUR CAR e OR A EQUITY S Late Models. NO DELAY NO RED TAPS See us first or last The Best Deal In Town" ! H AT HUBBARD MOTOR CO. Higb at Chemeketa Ph, 4119 FOR YOUR GAR one or a dozen Valley Motor Co. Orval Pays TOP CASH PRICES:. For Used Cars : ALL MAKES , Mt MODELS OR VALS USED CARS Center at Church Ph. 4703 Cash ' in your Car FOR CASH Tf to '41 Modal Cars and Pickups. Burgoyne Motor Co. 448 Center Phone XI333 ARC YOU BtTTTNO OR SELLINOf SEE SAM'S FIRST FOR THE BEST DEAL SAM'S MOTOR CO. 433 Chemeketa v - Phone- 7811 Opposite Downtown- City Fire Dept WE V PAY TOPS! Get every dime your car Is worth. Cash on the Barrel-Head "CT SHR0CK SALEM'S eldest Udependent eaad ear dealer. 1,-.: NX Corner Church St Cham. Ph. 1933 Transportation RIDERS wanted oT Oregon Shin- yard, private ear. day shift. F day off, CaU. 8319 after 8 P. M. i ATTENTION THOSE now working or anyone Interested in working at Commercial Iron Works and la need of transportation, please call 9793. 1030 A. M. to I P. 8a. " . ,i Ltzl Notice - NOTICE The partnership of Ford M. Converse and Earl R Ilitchman doing business under the name of C & H. Logging Co. Is dissolved as of April 1st,' 193. ' V. - The Mehama operation will be carried on by E R Ilitchman tin der the name of E. R. Ilitchman. Losing. . , Z " - CASH Yank LIccts Tommy iVr US Army 8gL Joseph aUndell (right) of Stale Center. Lv. sad Drttlsh Lamee SgL Wllllana Brewa mt neldawerthy. ieretisbire, TgUnd. were Ute first soldiere te meei as salts-af the AisiIbbb nd ItrtUsJi armies jotned forces em ta. GatosHGmfg road April. V after avxJs resistaace t Gabea Gas ta TanJsia waa breJua. rtetare freca CaJre ; r radto-Asgtwsted lYaas Teletnst. : , u . : Supplies for Guadalcanal ; aaaji71ijiii.l.g"jaajaaa m.jaxiaim.jaaaalia ay . .. ... -J f ;vi'v-i;'ii-.,,.. i- r- f Crates antf tarpYidla-cerered pMlatges are- daiasad mm. Use beach at Gsmdslcaaal, the flnlsmeas, freaa Ugh tars, -after a convey arrived sad! anehered la deep water. The eaavey was attacked by di beasbera while Miclcoy Mouso Club Notes Good Morning, Mice! ' ; Well, Mice, last Saturday's show was a killer. We had a contest that knocked everybody out of their seats. We also had a swell num ber by two lovely girls. '.r. MMC :;; V This Saturday's show is going to be "SUr Spaced Rhythm," with all the movie stars that you like. Puzzle a -Z2 23 24 25 29 32 53 26 SI 41 44 AO 59 54 55 COSaONTAL 1. obscure 4. acute t. strike 12. conetenaUoa 13. whole Jury 14. rught beior 15. pantry . IT. baUerin If. exchange 2Lalao 22. stratum - 24. neater 25. city in India 29. unemployed - 30. sheltered side SLsun god 32. circuitous ways 35. concerning way of 3S. semester 29. compensated ' 4 L hymns 43. book leaves 1 44. sailor 45. weax away 4T. rules SO. unlocked S3, rowing .. Implement etiivirj , S4. ruler of Tunis ST. before 53. musical Instruments 69. beverage VEKTICAL L.8pUt pulse 2. maacuUne name Yd 1 Answer to yesterday's puzxle. :f- t Vi Rtrr. :tn Aversgs tlsM ef setstleai ST'euaates. Cist, ty Klag reatares Sraaicata, Xae. m . ywi-'..wnH.aB. I .iAk'UW'v9i0m ( J V ... f . ' 4 . ft- enroaie. Aaaaciated Freaa Phote. so don't miss it MMC As you know. Mice, Sunday 4s going to be Easter, and we are going to have a contest that is going to be baaed on Easter. Wa are also going to have a tap dancer-for you, so don't miss it. , - MMC . Well, Mice, that will be all for this Saturday, except that if you want to come down and sing, be sure to be there at 10:30. So. until 1 o'clock, ni be seeing you. . , j BOB HAGEDORN HO II 14 22 2b in 30 34 5q I40 SI A-21 1L by means of I lCfear IS. negative I ': word : - v 20. support y 22. stage of Insect's ttfe ... 23. anew 23. astringent , ' 2Svreird 27. pastoral , ptpee 29. news article 33. everiastinf 34. gardening tool 27. dress 3. victim of ' convictions 4. lance s.duacuit 5. article 7. color 8. Urge-plate -S. resound 10. avenue . (abbr.) (TTOTti f . I ' - :rr-MH K.1 4 !')' l 1 :H .40. day's 42. crone 43. church heads 45. wander V 47.tsh tzs 3.-orrn of hearing 43. foxy . Cl.elon3.ted fl3h C2.tint . C3. IriHum tym.), . t 4ia 7777777 777 vs. .V