Ta CnaCH CTilirIAIL Cc!rSr Crsta. Frcy tsy ria IX i::3 A7 iKE.3ii mzi mi gote as mi .' ' . A .. -:i f . valcial i I I ( I f 1 - " S" w ' 1 ri V dgi lrftwimiii V ,60 1 UMx 1 djHir-MHhomt i t Jhoro is onosfaric and simple fact abcul war which you had boftor got straight end qukhly, fco THERE IS NO SECOND PLAGE IN A WAR IT'S EITHER WIN OR LOSEO Qfhu wir ii being fougtu for tremendous sokes . . for jour life aad jovir liberty. ,.fot jroul cfaardi and ywit children. '...for yur freedom and jout fittur. 'Aad k't "WINNER TAKE ALL. Don't forget tkat for a minute. i : ' The winner will dictate whether tomorrow you shall be a free citizen el -si free world, or a helpless serf to a "master race." . .1 The winner will dictate whether you shall lire and prosper under the four Freedoms, or toil hopelessly in the darVnett of a "New Order. The winner wiU dictate... because the wiriner takes aU. f T The winner takes ail. All you own, all you hold dear. The winner is being decided right now . . . today . . . this rery minute . ; ta battlefields all orex the world. Will you stand idly by ... or throw all our weight on r sid? - . The weight of mighty tanks and planes. The weight of thousands of guns and millions of shells. The weight of billions of dollars ... 13 billions .which your country a&s you to lend during this Drire. ; 9 Your country wants to borrow every idle dollar you lureevery dollar except what you need for the barest necessities of life. You'll have to give up some luxury or comfort which was dear to your ' heart. You'll have to postpone some pleasure which you had been eagerly anticipating. But what of it? Your sons and brothers and husbands are ij'm out there . . fighting your fight. Surely it is no sacrifice to Itnd your dollsrs while they are giving their lives. , ' . They need your help. They need the weapons your money can buy. If one of the 7ar Loan volunteers calls on you .' . . greet him with open pocket' book. Remember, Uncle Sam's goal is 13 billion dollars in April. Don't wait to be asked. Go to your nearest bank, investment dealer, broker, Post OfSce or issuing agency and lay your money on the line. Remember, it's an inrestmenS you're makingan investment that pays la good return and insures a happier future for you and your loved ones. So up to the limit. , You'll sleep better for iG ' s TtJ8 m 7 tffcrcl tjTs cf U. S. E Csftd StZttS l?2r txfS& tzzit-lahl LTka perfect iavetUBeat foe itkdlridmtl aad familj utIas. Gives joe hack 94 fox every ' $i wfctatltt Bond autvres. Dcsia-aed cspcdaUj for tin gaudier inrcstoe. Datad 1st day of moatk in which pmjmtnt is neairtdt Interest: 2.9 a year If held to saatoriry. Dcaosainatioas; 23 950, 1 100, 93500, 91000. Redesapdoa: aay ttata 60 dars a&et 1mm data. Prictt 75U of mataiitj valaa; Trtsy tzZi Cf HSI-USt: lUadfly -urleubk. accept ahl as bask collateral, these Bonds are ideal utTesttteats fee trmst foads, estates aad iAdividiuIs. A special feature provides that they aaay be redeeesed at par and accraed Interest for the parpose of sadafyinf Federal estate taxes. Dated April IS, 19451 daa .Jaae 15 199. Deacauaationsi 9300, 91000, 9500O 910,000, 9100.000 aad 9l.0O0.00O. Redenptioax Hot call able till Jaaa 15, 1964; thereafter at par aad accraed inter cm any latere date at 4 saoaths aotice. Prices par aad accraed iaterestt VSSX SSlC Series rC Tax Notes; Ti?4 Certificates of la . debcedaass; 2 Traasary Bonds of 1930.1932; United -State Savlaajs Boads Series JT"; Uaited States Savlaa;s Boade Series W . . WEI an u rirfn MMWW U II 1 T E 0 STATE S T It E A S 0 H TJ A tl F I II A II C E C 0 U U I T T E E U A It S A V I tl Q S S T A F F V.I C T 0 R T F U II D - C O U M ITT E men i..j 5 1 I t! 11