Tli OREGON STATESMAN, Satan, Oregon. Saturday Morning. AprS 17. 1343 PAQZ FIVE R.nxiosaD RJews DBn'Oeffs Leave for Service Inductees leaving Salem Friday :: lor Fort Xewis Included Donald H. Weigel, Johnny Gartner, James H.JPurvis, Jtaymond C Long, Charles K. Corrigan. Stewart M. McGilchrist, Robert W. Price, James K. Ak aamit, Roger WL Munger, Lroy G Hendricks and Winston H. Tay lor, Preparing to leave Tuesday are Allan L. Henderson, Richard T. Martin and Bill M. Sturtevant Dance, Wheatland every Sat. night, 10 mi. N. on Wallace Rd. Rowland's band invites public. Dance at armory Saturday night Taxes Turned Over A tlx turnover made Friday by Sheriff A. C. Buxk from the-1942-43 tax roll totaling $18,117.65 Includes $2853.41 earmarked for the Salem school district and $2702.54 which goes to the city of Salem. ! 5 ' :''y." : 1"':" V ' ;.. '-. -X'-t i' " 'tf 'Schneider's are now opened Sun i days and invite you to try their ! delicious home cooked meals. SALEM LODGE No. 4, AF & AM, will open at 1:30 p. m. Saturday, April 17, to I conduct the funeral services of our late Brothers Charles C Ga- briel and Thomas H. Galloway, ; Bridge Okehed Marion county court Friday signed an order for construction of a bridge replacing - the span Vt miles northeast of iMt Angel on the Dominic-flax ' plant road. , The new structure is to be 64 feet long, 24 feet wide and 15 feet high. W a 1 1 pa per Imperial Washable, Strahan, Birge, Wallcrest, Sanitas, ' Duray Scrubbable at Elfstrom's. - , Dance at armory Saturday night : Theatre Plans PreviewThe management of the Grand thea tre is inviting teachers and cler gymen to be guests at a preview Saturday at 11 a. m. of their feature motion picture, 'Tennes see Johnson," a portrayal of the life of Andrew 'Johnson. Azaleas, camellias, primroses, pan sies, perennials. Boyd Nursery, S440 State street Open Sunday. Try Schneider's for your Sunday dinner. We are now open Sun Have ; O Will Marry Sunday Vernon Gingerich, Canby, route one, and Dorothy Ella-1 .a is, Hubbard, who have been granted a marriage li cense at Oregon City, will b- mar ried in Hubbard Sunday by Rev. Gingerich. Lutz florist Ph. 9592. 1276 N. Lib. Wallpaper at Elfstrom's, S75 Chem. Guild to Meet The Mayflower guild of the First Congregational church will meet Wednesday afternoon, April 21, at 2 pxo. Following the regu lar business Session, a book re-, view of wSkin of Our Teeth," by Thornton Wilder, will be pre sented by Mrs. Ray Yocum. Galloway Thomas II. Galloway, at his res idence, Rt 3, Wednesday, Ap ril 14, age 60 years. Survived by wife, Mrs. Anna Blanche Gallo way; mother, Mrs. Lizzie Gallo way, Hutchinson, Kans.; four sis ters, Miss Blanche Galloway, Mrs. Ruby Boroff. Mrs. Florence Win ner, all of Hutchinson, Kans., and Mrs. J. D. Seybert of Kendall ville, Ind.; one brother, Frank H. Gal loway -of Tulsa, Okla. Services will be held Saturday, April 17, at 2 pan. in the CIough-Barrick com pany chapel, with Rev. W. Irvin Williams officiating. Ritualistic services will be-under the auspices ef Salem lodge No. 4, AF fc AM, with interment in Belcrect Me morial park. Gabriel In this city, Wednesday, April 14, Charles C Gabriel, resident of 2095 South Cottage, husband of Ellen P. Gabriel, son of Mrs, Mary J. Gabriel of Mflwaukie, Oregon; brother of Edward B. Ga briel of Portland, Andy J. Gabriel of Eugene, Mrs. Ed Montague of Cheney, Wash Mrs. W. R. Lisko, of Burlingame, Calif, Mrs. Ivan Tichnor of Sunnyvale, Calif, and Mrs. A. E. Cooke of M&waukle, Oregon. Funeral services will be held Saturday, April 17, at 2 pan, from the W. T. Rigdon company chapel. Rev. George Herbert Swiit will officiate. Ritualistic services will be under the auspices of Sa lem lodge No. 4, AF & AM, with entombment in Mt Crest Abbey Mausoleum. Costaso In this city April 16, Agaluzo Costazo. late resident of Rt 2, at the age of 79 years. Services will be held Saturday morning at 10:- 30 ajn. in the chapel or the v. x. Rigdon company. Interment In I OOF cemetery. Gilbert In. this city on April 14, Char ley Gilbert, former resident of Toledo, Oregon; survived by one son, Herman Gilbert ox Nona Powder. Ore- and two daughters, Mrs. Lillian Finderson of Eden burfi. ND, and Mrs. Ada Dahl of CrvstaL ND. Funeral announce ments later by W. T. Rigdon com Thursday maximum temper ature 6. minimum 42. Friday rtver 4.8 feel. Weather data re stricted by . army request Fatalities Reported There were two fatalities due to indus trial accidents in Oregon during the week ended April 16 the state industrial accident commission re ported Friday. . : The victims were Clarence Bur- cham, 1 Portland, f mechanic, - and Maurice S. Schmeidler, Portland, shipyard worker. There were 1103 industrial ac cidents reported to the commis sion during the week. Gasoline Stolen W. Li Lewis reported to city police Friday that 12 . to 15 - gallons of gasoline had been! stolen from his truck as it stood parked in the driveway of the Paramount market Thursday night For home loans see Salem Fed eral,! 130 South Liberty. . . You 'can still buy a Johns-Man-rill e Roof, nothing down, 12 mo. to pay. Mathis Bros., 164 S. ComL Retirement filed Notice of re tirement from the assumed busi ness name of State Tire Service, Inc., -was filed Friday in the coun ty clerk's office, by Barney Van Onsenoord. Countr Sells Lots Sale of lots 2 and 3 in C addition to Wood burn to W. C Miller and Anna A. Mffler for $75 has been approved by Marion county court Dance at armosy Saturday night j .t Palm Sunday Services Set The Palm Sunday message cnosen by the Rev. W. Irvin Wil Hams for Presbyterians is "Com pulsion Road" and the choir will sing two anthems, "Ride On! Ride On!" by Scott and "The Palms" by Faure. At the night service, members of the youth council will be introduced to the congre gation and will participate in the service. Mr. Williams will conclude his series of the characters surround ing the cross and will consider "Longinus, the Roman Centurion." At 8:30 pjn. the Westminster Chimes will present Dean Melvin H. Geist as guest soloist who will sing numbers from Handel's "Mes siah", and Mendelssohn's "Elijah." He will be accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Geist and by Ger- aicune Schmoker with the violin obhgato. ! Following the night service the young people will gather In the social hall for an hour of fellow ships and recreation, which will be led by Mr. Lyle Leighton, Boy Scout executive, with Gerald- ine Hynes in charge of the group. ine annual candlelight com munion service will be held on Thursday night in the sanctuary. Approximately 50 persons will be Welcomed into the fellowship of church membership at this service. Thirty-two of this group are young people of the church school. Negro Quintet Plans Recital The First Methodist church will feature the victory quintet at its night service Sunday, a group of talented negro college men who are giving concerts to men in the service and to hospital patients as well as public programs and evangelistic aid. They will sing one number at the morning ser vice, "Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?" made famous the world over by Roland Hayes. All those who love negro spir ituals are invited. The program follows: Quartet: "Lift Up Thy Voice and Sing," negro hymn; "Plenty Good Room in the Father's King dom, "Deep River," "Climbing Up ! the Mountain Children," "Good News the Chariot Is Com ing.' "Shadow "March." "Invic tus solo, "Where E'er You Walk; t Quartet: "Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?" "Goodbye," "Going, Down to the River of Jordan;" solo, "O Para dise (L'Af riciene) ; quintet: "Po' Ole Lazrus," i "Witness for My Lord." "Old Black Joe." "Climb ing Jacob's Ladder;" solo, "Asleep in the 'Deep, quartet: "Shine on Me." "Old Rugged Cross," "We Are All in the Army Now." Young People Plan Ceremony The main feature of' the Sun day meeting of the Evangelical young people will be a candle light consecration service held In the: fireplace room of the church at 6:30 pjn. , t Miss Elvira : Behrens ; Wfll lead the devotional ' hour and Misses Donna and Jean Brown will be in charge of the music. Miss Zona Millet will render a sacred num ber on her violin. - : Rev. J. Kenneth Wishart, pas tor, win be the main speaker. His subject will be chosen for its interest to young people. AH in terested young people and friends of the ELCE are Invited to attend. Service Planned - The .Gideons will hold a spe cial service at the Foursquare Gospel church Sunday morning x. -o r w trTAenrm- An unusual musical program wffl bt offered. ' Calvary Baptist Choir to Sing '"T:..- j " '1 "The Seven Last Words," Easter Baptist choir at the church Wednesday night at t 'clock. Appearing will be several gnest seletsts, Wil lamette university students, and members ef the Willamette university arches tra will accompany. Ac company la r also will be Mlaa Gladys Edfar, orranlst, who will play a concert from 7:15 to 7:45 p. m. Wednesday. -'-'l ":")k ' 1 . ' ' J L..'. ,:v ' v.-:V'--; Calvary Choir Sets Program Thc Seven Last Words' to Be v Sung Here . Theodore Dubois' immortal. The Seven Last Words" will be sung by the choir of the Calvary Baptist church Wednesday night in the church auditorium. Assist ing will be members of the: Wil lamette university orchestra. Starting at 7:15 pm. Miss Gladys Edgar, church organist; will play a half hour interlude, also ac companying during the concert Guest soloist will be Willamette university students. The vocal concert will start at 8 p.m. Dubois, French composer who lived from 1837 to 1924, wrote the score for "The Seven Last Words while at the peak of his career, He is noted for his operas, con certs and orchestral works as well as his church music. j The choir of 28 voices was or ganized in 1928, originally with 30 members. Charter members still singing are Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Pickens, Mrs. Dale Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shunke, Ben Ramseyer, W. C. Pickens and Wilma Wright. The director is a Willamette university grad uate, Wendell Johnson of Port land, an accomplished violinist and teacher of voice at the Oregon State School for the Blind. Soloists will be Doris Lee An derson, soprano, junior at Wil lamette, from Sale m; Michael Carolan, tenor, a sophomore from Grants Pass and Corydon Blod gett, baritone, senior from Salem. In the choir are: sopranos, Fran ces Petti t, Maude Ramseyer,' Mrs. Taylor, Jean B a r h a m, Wilma Wright, Maude Durfee, Audrey Peterson, Mildred Allen, Marjorie Reeves and Barbara Dief endbrf ; altos, Rosemary H inkle, Mrs. Sch- unke, Mrs. Pickens, Jeanette Pet' tit, Hda Bingenheimer, Merle Cor bet, Ailene Varbel, Selina Leash, Mrs. Ruth Rhoten; tenors, Leslie White, Ludwig Peterson, Ben Ramseyer, Lawrence Maves, jW, C. Pickens, Bill Kate; bass, E. D. DDanDi0na? DBeannwalIs CIRCUIT COURT I Grace Estle vs. John Estle; mo tion for default on personal ser vice accompanied by affidavit; of non military service. : Maudie Flatman vs. Al Lulay; order allowing four specifications of defendant's motion to strike and denying one. '' I Ruth Downing vs. Clifford Downing; motion by defendant for order modifying decree by award ing to him future care and cus tody of five minor children, ac companied by affidavit to effect that defendant is married again, living in a large 1 residence j in Seattle, making sufficient money to support his family and that he is informed that plaintiff has with her only one of children, is hot consistently employed, frequents beer parlors and is receiving some form of public relief. I S. E. Key vs. E. C. Hart and Stella A. Hart; order allowing S. E. Key to file' supplemental complaint setting out his interest in cause of action and subject of action; complaint filed to the ef fect that Key was by court order substituted as plaintiff .id "case, that on January 8, 1941, the notes which are the basis of action were conveyed to him 'by A. I A. Rogers, superintendent of banks for the state of Oregon. Zimmerman continued to 10 ajn. Tuesday, April 20,' for im position of sentence. Anna Nash vs. Elma Nash; order for default - i - Albert i Titze vs. Ben Geh en to 5 and Charles Gehlen; complaint! collect $700 with Interest at percent from October; 26, 1938 alleged due on no t e, together with $150 attorney's fee and court costs. f. ; f Arley vs. Turnidge vs. Irene! T. South, alias Irene T. Turnidge; order of default," ; ; " i J State of Oregon, acting by and through; Ormand R. Bean, com missioner of public utilities Vs. F. A. BuTk; satisfaction of Judg ment - - r : -1 tf-f i -r - i Roger W. Fliesbach vs. Margaret r. iiiesoacn; aecree ox divorce. Helen Hnier vs. Herman Par rls and others; order approving sales of real property by .plaintiff trustee, declaring that said trustee has no claim, title or interest premises covered by ' lot 6, block 10 in the town of Waconda and ratifying acts and conduct of -trustee and charges and err penses Incurred, authorizing her I to oar all said obligations of the estate as reported. ' F. R. Manegre vs. W. J. FUbin s - .- - mosieal eple written by Theodore First Christian Week's Preaching Services A week of preaching will begin Sunday at the First Chris tian church with sermons by the minister, Rev. Dudley Strain, every night except Saturday this coming week. - Palm Sunday services will include appropriate Missionary Speaklmi at the close of the 20th annual missionary ' convention Sunday at the Christian ! and Misstonary Alliance will be Rev. W.,W. Arnold, missionary from French West Africa. Appearing also are Rev. J. L Perkins of East Thailand and Florence Mc Donald, youth evangelist. Serv ices will be at 11 a. m., 2:45 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. r : ! Lindburg, Edward Shunke, K. H. Pickens, LeRoy C u p e r, Robert Johnson. 1 Orchestra members who will be playing include: Marcia Fry, Ger aldine Schmoker, Joyce Reeves, Morris McElroy, Marian Fischer, Kennard Adams, violins; Dick Adams, viola; Warren Downs, El bert McKinley, 'cello; Vern Scott, string bass; Reba Lehmam, flute; Melvin Gil son, oboe; Millard Doughten, clarinet; Rosemary Geiser,, bassoon; Hume Downs, horn; Dean Barnhart, trombone; Don Stroudenmeyer, timpani; Harvey Loveall, trumpet; Jean Milch, piano. j order striking defendant's further and separate answer. Asel C. Eoff and Mary Jane Eoff vs. Lewis Wentz and others; complaint to quiet title. PROBATE COURT Anna Corhouse guardianship: order appointing Amos Corhouse guardian, naming M. G. Gunder son, Ole Satern and John J. Moe as appraisers. Reese E. Anderson estate: de cree allowing final account : Henry Albers estate: will ad mitted to probate and Amela Al bers appointed executrix; Elton Thompson Roy Nelson and J. Fuhrer named appraisers of estate tentatively valued at $2000. ! Elizabeth Luper guardianship: Irma Gray, guardian, authorized to pay unpaid accounts In sum of &22 and to accept from Salem water commission sum of $3.18 and approving sale of personal property to Ole J. Sundsrud for $17.20. - L. Grice estate; final account by Ammon sSGrice, administrator. shows disbursements totaling $647. 25; hearing set for May 22.: JIAKRIAGE APPLICATIONS Robert W. Wolweger, 1 28, US army, Camp i Adair, and Aileen Holman, 22, civfl service, Dallas. JUSTICE COURT . . Oscar S. McGee; violation of basic rule; $5 and costs. MUNICIPAL COURT Robert James Bergin; reckless driving; $3. . . Roy Hall; Jaywalking; $1. Peggy ' Koehn; Jaywalking; $1 bail. . Gayle L. Ryan; violation of ba sic rule; $3 bait Mrs. J. Odem; jaywalking; $1 baiL . REVIVAL . ; - With Evangelist Sunday, April mi i in iiW- i - - 2 , - - . t i'-y-. v - ' ' 'v " '. " Special Divine Healing Services . Old-Fashioned Hymns - j . ; . Inspirational Messages , ' Come Worship God in Spirit and Truth Madison Street Tabernacle Corner IXadison and Baker Sts, Everybody Welcome There Will Be Free Bus Service for Those Desiring to Attend Sunday School and Evening Services Phone S322 Wednesday m I A , . Dubois, will be sang by the Calvary Schedules music by the adult choir with the morning sermon entitled "Triumph by Contrast" In the afternoon at 3:30 o'clock a bap tismal service will be held for young : people at the Chemawa Indian school, planned coopera tively by the First Baptist and the First Christian churches. At the night 'service, the new service flag with 60 stars will be unveiled and dedicated. Special music at this service will be giv en by a group from the Chema wa Indian school; there will be a solo also by CpL Mackey Swan The sermon will be preached by Chaplain Harry M alone of the Salem- air base. Boy Scouts will usher at the service and will have charge of the unveiling of rthe flag. Immediately following the service, a reception will be neld in the church parlor, par ticularly for parents, wives and relatives of the men who are rep resented in the service flag. Week-night meetings will - be gin at 7:45 p.m. Special music for these services will be under the direction of John Schmidt jr. Sermons for the week include: Monday "Where the Scriptures Speak;" Tuesday "Conversation at Midnight:" Wednesday "What Have' You Lost?" Thursday "Why the Church?" Friday "The Tra gedy of Treason." On Good Friday the union services in which all churches of the city will partici pate will be held at the First Christian church' from 12 noon until 3 p.m. Outstanding among the musi cal programs scheduled for Eas ter is the presentation of the can tata. "The Easter Victory," by the choir of the First Christian church. This choir of 25 voices is under the- direction- of John Schmidt jr. Soloists for the pro duction are Betty Pugh and Ger trude Cherrington, sopranos; Re ba Nye, alto; Leslie Carson and John SchmlHt Jr-. tenors; and Fred E. Bates, baritone. Lois Plumer Schmidt will be at the organ. Scheduled for presentation on Easter night "The Easter Vic tory" combines both the brilliant and the soft and tender passages within its compass. The Easter story is picked up at the garden sepulcher where Christ was laid. From there on. the Easter story is unfolded through a series of well written choruses, solos, du ets and a quartet Rene Bronner and H. W. Petrie collaborated in the production of the cantata, the former preparing the text and the latter composing the music. Easter Moniing Rites Schedule Near Completion Flans are neartng eosapletien for city-wide partleipatUn In a maris serviee Easter ssernhir. Rev. W. Harold Lysaaa. whe w newnced. First step was to secure per mission fee the services to be held the steps ef the eapIteJ; for this purpose Court street will be roped off. Ia ease ef rata services will be held either fas the capital er ia the First Presbyterian ehnreh. Dr. J. Edgar rmrdy will be speaker ef the day, selecting far Ids sermon theaae, "The Easter Message." Masie will be led by WeadeU Johnson, Instructor ia snmsle at the Oregon state school far the blind. Tentatively .the army band stationed at the falr gremads has accepted an tnvlta itsna te furnish music. Soloists will be Prof. R. J. Lnih, tram peter, whose selection will be "Open the Gates of the .Tem ple, aad Herman Burke of Eu gene, trombone player, whe has chosen The Holy City. John son will lead congregation sing-' lag. MEETINGS! ... ..... Price, Stockton, Calif, . 18, to May. 2, Inc. I Church Services in Salem SAINT PAUL'S KPISCOPAI. Church and ChemekeU street. Kev. George Herbert Swift, rector. Sunday school i a-m. Morning service 1:30 jn. and 1! o'clock. Wednesday, cem mtmka T nd II un. Good Friday. -Three Hour Serriee- IS to S pjn, , 334 State street. Olive Stevens. VsD. pastor. Moraine service 10:45 o'clock. Sermon ubiect. . Teodina the Five Thousand." , v.-- christian" and mission amy - ALUANCI - i ruth and Gaines streets. C. H. Stein- mann. pastor. Sunday vchool IS a jn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Guest speaker, Bev. W. W. Arnold, mission ary xrom French West Africa. After noon service 2:4. Missionary rally. Florence McDonald; speaker. Evening service 1JO o'clock. Rev. W. W. Ar nold. ,": SOUTH SALEM FKIENDS South Commercial and Wash ins ton streets. Dillon W. Mills, pastor. Sunday scnooi , iv a.m. Moming service li o'clock. Christian Endeavor, fJSO pan. Evening service Tav o'cioca. waiter l;ook, evanKeust. wui speak noth moraine and night. Prayer meeting Thursday, 730 p.m. JASON LEI MKTHOOIST North Winter and Jefferson streets. S. Raynor Smith, pastor. Sunday school 1:45 s.m Morning service 1 1 o'clock. Sermon subject. "Easter Victory." Ev ening service T JO o'clock. Seminar group. Intermediate fellowship S psn. Youua zeuowsnip i pjn. SALVATION AJtMT S41 SUte street.' AdJutont Ed Hin. pastor. Saturday. S to S:1S pub lic meeting; service men's meeting at 1:30 pjn. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morn ing service 11 o'clock. Maior Lewis Mc- AUen, VSO mobile unit, Seattle, speak ing. Sermon subject. - "T riomph Through Sacrifice. Young people, f p.m. Evening service 7:30 a clock. FIRST CHCHCH OF CHKIST SCIENTISTS Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun day school 11 sum. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "Doctrine of Atonement. Evening service at s, CHURCH Or GOD 840 South 22nd street. Rev. r. W. Golf.- pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning service 11 o clock. Evening service B o clock. Prayer meeting Wed nesday. S pjn. YPE Friday. S pjn. CALVARY BAPTIST South Liberty and East Miller street Edward TLk Allen, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. bermon subject. "The Triumphal En try." Youth groups, i :30 pjn. Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Sermon subject. Seeking Christ. FIRST EVANGELICAL Marion and Summer streets. Rev. J. Kenneth Wishart. pastor. Church school 9:43 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "Thy King Cometh." Evening service 730 o'clock. Cantata by the choir, "The Easter Sun. rise Song." FIRST BAPTIST Marion and Liberty streets. Irving A. Fox. DO. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Ser mon u eject, -sins Against the tioiy Spirit." Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Sermon subject. "The Coming of the Prince of Peace. Young people, 6:30 pjn. Bible study, 6:30 .p.m. Prayer meeting weanesaay, i:ae pjn. HAIESVllJJE BRANCH Hayes ville- school. Sunday school 9:45 ajn. Dewey Davis, Supt. BRUSH COLLEGE BRANCH Brush College school. Rev. Earl Ba ker, pastor. Sunday school :4 a.m. Morning service . 10:45 o'clock. Young peoples meeting z:3U pjn. FOUR CORNER'S BRANCH East State and Elma streets. Sunday school 8:45 ajn. Leon Lambert. Supt. Evening service 7:45 o clock. Rev. Earl Baker, speaker. BYPU 7:45 pjn. Thursday, 7:45 pjn., prayer meeting. ENGLEWOOD UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST ' North - 17th and Nebraska- avenue. Rev. Chester O. Goodman, pastor. Sun' day school 9:45 ajn. Morning service 11 o ciocK. sermon subject. Acciama tion and Tears." Christian Endeavor, 6:30 pjn. Evening service 7:30 o'clock. sermon subject, wnen trnnst con fronts the Church." Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:45 pjn. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Chemeketa and Winter streets. W. Irvin Williams, pastor. Church school 9:43 ajn. Morning service 10:50 o clock. Sermon subject. "Compulsion Road." Young people 6:15 p.m. Girls chorus. 7 :OS pjn. Evening service 7 JO o'clock. sermon subject. Lonnnus, tne Roman Centurian." Youth fellowship. 8:30 p.m, social hall. Boy Scouts. Monday, 1-J30 pjn. Thursday, S pjn, candlelight service. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE ASSEMBLY OP GOD Ferry and 13th streets. Erie M Johnson, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning service 11 o clock, ur. Nicholas Piroio preaenmg. sermon subject. "God's Kingdom vs. Kingdom Evening service at Sermon subject. "The Story of Our Family and of Experiences in Italy." Concluding service of Dr. Pirolo's cam paign. Children's churcn ax ii a.m Wednesday, 7:45 pjn.. Christian fel lowship. BETHEL BAPTIST North Cottage at D street, jr. T. Olthoff, DO, pastor. Sunday school 9:4 ajn. Morning service 11 'clock. Sermon subject. "He Shall Reign." Quarterly church meeting at 1:30. Fellowship luncheon at noon. Evening service 7 JO o'clock. Sermon subject. "The Death of Christ." Prayer meeting Wednesday. 7.-43 pjn. , COURT STREET CHRISTIAN ' 17th and Court streets. W. H. Lv man. pastor. Sunday school S:4S ajn. Morning service ism o'clock. Sermon subject. "The .King of Kings." Chris tian Endeavor, srsa pjn. Evening serv lee 730 o'clock, sermon subject, -imitators of God." Service, choir practice. xnursaay. tarn pjn. KNIGHT MEMORIAL CONGREGATIONAL 19th and Ferry streets. Howard C Stover, pastor. Sunday scnooi 10 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "A Day of Triumph." Young people- at i pun. PILGRIM HOLINESS 775 Market street. Rev. William X. McGlasson. pastor. Sunday school 6:43 sun. Morning seiice 11 o'clock. Even Ing serviee 7 JO 'clock. Prayer meeting weanesaay, 739 pjn. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Marlon and Cottage streets. David NieJson, . pastor.-. Sunday school. 9:43 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock, ser men subject Types of Triumph. 6 JO p.m league of youth; Rev, Nielsen on first Methodist Church and State streets. J. C. Har risen, pastor. Sunday school 9:4S ajn. Morning service-10 o'clock. Sermon subject. "The Universal SignUieanee of Christian Fellowship." Evening service 7:45 o'clock. Victory quartet of negro singers appearing. Intermediate fellow ship S pjn. Youth fellowship, 6 JO pjn. University vespers. 6 JO pjn. Mrs. Lu- MM""""""MMW"M"""""MM"MM"M""M"""""" MMMMa iBiiiigisswiuiasasassnsssanswirWTnT 1'" '" '"fl G. T. Dickinson Lecturer. and Bible Exponent ; due Libby speaking on Iter experiences witn wane Adams in huu nouse. FltEC METBODIST Market and North Winter streets. J. B. Stewart, pastor. Sunday scnooi S:49 msn. Morning service It o'clock. Ser mon by Rev. E. I". Aiken. Evening ser vic t JO o'clock. Rev. Aiken. YP Bible study :4S pjn. Prayer meeting Wed- nesday, i:o pjn. , , ; . . CHVSCH OF TUB MAZAXCNar - Center and Thirteenth streets. Wea ver W. Hess, pastor. Sunday school 9:43 gjn. Miilord stuu. Sunt. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "Je sus the King." JO pjn youth's fel lowship hour. Evening service JO o'clock. Sermon subject. The uiory 01 the Cross." Wednesday, . 1 i30 p.m, prayer meeting. , . ISfMANUaX BAPTIST Ual and Academy streets. Warren C. IHale, pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning serviee 11 o'clock. Young peo ple's meeung 7 DJn. Evening service S o'clock. Service Wednesday at S p.m. AMEKICAN LCTHCSAN '""-V 33! North Church street. M. A. Get. sendaner, DD pastor. Sunday school S: ajn. Morning 'service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "The Praise of Youth." Luther league :15 p.m. Evening serv ice 730 o'clock. Sermon subject, "Nearness to Jesus." SLEg1! BLESSED HOPE MISSION - 340 North FTont street. Sundav action! 2 P.m. Preaching S D m. Sermon nib. ject.J"What Constitutes a Christian?" juaee aagieston. speakuig. Evening service S o'clock. Wednesday, Bible study. LESLIE METHODIST South Commercial and Mvers atrMts. 7oseph Knotts. pastor. Sunday school 9:45 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermoa subject. "Thy King Cometh Unto Thee." Four youth groups meet atl J0 pjn. Evening ' service- 7 JO o'clock. Sermon subject, "The Look of Keproacn." xrayer meeung Thursday, 7 JO P.m. . I ! ' -" - . .. CHURCH OF CHRIST Cottage and Shipping streets. H. R. ThonuuU, minister. Sunday school 10 ajn. ; Morning service 11 o'clock.' Major Jackson will be the .guest speaker, chaplain from Adair. Evening service 7 JO jo'dock. MADISON STREET ONENESS . TABERNACLE. 1410 Madison street. Ray Blixseth. pastor. Sunday .school 10 a.m. Moraine service 1 1 o'clock. Evening service 8 o'clock. Revival meetings April IS to May z inclusive with Evangelist Price of .Stockton. Calif. - FOURSQUARE GOSPEL I9th and Breyman streets. Rev. T. W. Henderson. ThB. pastor. Sunday school 9:4 i ajn. Mornin service 11 o'clock. Service by the Gideons. Evening serv ice 7:45 o'clock. Sermon subject by "Skipper Henderson. 6 JO p.m, young people. Tuesday. 7:45 p.m, inspiration al service. Thursday, 7:45 p.m., young people services Monaay. Wednesday and Friday at 7:45 pjn, 12th and Rur al streets. . f PENTECOSTAL LIGHTHOUSE 445 Ferry street. G. M. Eads. nastor. Sunday school -IS ajn.- Morning serv ice ill o'clock. Evening service 7 JO o'clock. 7 JO p.m, Wednesday, prayer service. 7 JO p.m, Saturday, mission service. ! BETHANY EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED Capitol and Marion streets. E. A. Kielsmeier. pastor. Sunday-school 10 ajn. j Morning- service 11 o'clock. Ser mon 1 subject. "Triumph and Tears. Service Friday, 10 JO a.m, '.'Forsaken CHRIST LUTHERAN ALC State and 18th streets. F. H. Theuer, BD.ipastor. Sunday school 9:45 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "The Victory of the Cross." cpnnrmauon class Saturday, -9- a.m. PENTECOSTAL MISSION . 315V North Commercial street. Rev. JJ Cy-WiJsen,'pastor. Sunday school 2 ?.m Service 3 pjn.- Evening service JO "clocks Evangelistic service Tues day. Thursday and Saturday, 7 JO pjn. ST. 'JOHN'S LUTHERAN 16th and A streets. H. W. Gross pas tor. Sunday school S a.m. Morning ser vice 10 o'clock. Evening service 7 JO. FIRST CHRISTIAN 1 iHlgh and Center streets. Dudley Strain, pastor. Church school 0:45 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "Triumph by Contrast," 6:30 p.m;. Christian Endeavor.' Evening service 7 JO o'clock. Dedication ef serv ice flag. Chaplain H. E. Malone, lead ing.! Midweek service 7 JO pjn. FIRST SPIRITUALIST 248 North Commercial street. .Rev. Evelyn B. Bennett, pastor. Service at 2 JOi pjn. Sermon subject. "Jesus." Ev ening service 7:30 o'clock, sermon sub' Jectj "Christ. the Master.' CHURCH Or CHRIST 1 12th and Leslie streets'. Sunday school 10 avm Morning service 11 o'clock. Ev eningservice 8 JO o'clock. Preaching at 7 JO; o'clock. Singing school each night. Holy Communion Set I A service of holy communion will be held at the First Congre gational church Maundy- Thurs day night at 7:30 o'clock. Recep tion of communicants and- new rnernbers wOl be observed. "The Lord's Prayer," by, Malotte, will be j sung by guest soloist CpL Mackey Swann. A meditation win be- given by the- pastor n the theme, "In Remembrance of Me." The vested choir will sing. Mrs. Jean Hobson Rich Is the organist. . . . '. , :t : - . Twentieth Annual IVfissionary Convention CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Cor. K. 5th it, Gaines - C H. Steinmann, Pastor - Phone 24060 . Convention Spealters . V Friday 7:45 P. M John I. Perkins "of East Thailand Sunday 11 :45, 7:30 Walter W. Arnold of French W, Africa . r ,',.-.-?: ,:-:''"'X:-:. , ':.. i&&-VX-Z :X ---.'': Great Missionary Rally Sunday Afternoon, 2 :45 With the Followm ParticipatinjT . . ; J. I. Perking tnd W, V. Arnold Showing Native Costumes and Curios, of the Lands They Represent. i I Florence McDoDd--OutstandlriE YounE Canadian Evangelist PIGS, WAR AND VEGETABLES TTasm AhAnt Giants Don't Miss This Tiael ilessar Tho Vctcrcmo Hall Church tnd Hood : : . .'..'.. " -' Sunday, April 10 - 7:20 P. M. Voodburn Churches :'.' BETHEL PRESBYTERIAN '" . Sunday school 10:45 ajn. Mrs. B. T. Hughes. Supt, Morning service 1 'clock Baptism, reception of saem- FTEST PRESBTTEEIAN Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning serv ice 11 o'clock. CE. 7 pjn. Evening ser vice 7:45 o'clock. Prayer service Tbure- omj, m yjn. FOURSQUARE GOSPEL East Lincoln street. Rev. M. P. On- lick, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon, subject, "The King Cometh." Crusad crs, :30 pjn. Evening service fH 'clock., Sermoa subject, "Xing Kings." :-:,. '-- -yM. , ; ST. LUKE'S CATHOLIC Rev.1 V. L. Moffenbeler. pastor. Son- day masses at 7, S JO and IS a.m. Bn edictton after the "8 JO ajn. maas. Weekday masses at 7 JO ajn. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN Sunday school 10:4S a.m. Morning wrrlrc tat o'clock. Luther learue. 7.-4S pjn. Thursday, communion, 8 pjn. Thursdav. Ladies Aid. 1 Djn. Satur day, connrmant class. 10 a.m. Satur dav. Junior choir practice. 9 P.m. Sat urday. Easter party for Sunday school classes, p.m, pansn nau. sister day services 11 JO ajn. METHODIST D. Lester Fields.' pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. ; Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermoa subject. "Who Is This?" g JO pjn, youth fellowship. Ev ening service, 7:30 o'clock. Sermon sub- . ject, "The Easter King." cantata. Tuesday, 2 JO pjn, WSCS with Mrs. Wallace Jones. Thursday, 1 JO p.m., : candle-lighting service. Easter Sunday, S pjn, cantata. "Th Resurrection." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE - Second and Garfield streets. Sunday school 11 a.m. CHRISTIAN ' - Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning serv ice 11 o'clock. Junior CE. 4 p.m. Young people, S JO p.m. Evening service 7 JO. rULL GOSPKL " First and Arthur streets. Sunday school 9.-45 ajn. Morning service 11 . o ciock. cnuartn cnurcn i;i p. m. Evening service 7:45 o'clock. Tuesday . . service 10:45 a.m. Wednesday 1 service. 7:45 pjn. Friday,, young people, 7:45. CHRISTIAN Lincoln and Doud streets. Newell Morgan, pastor.. Sunday school 10 ia. Morning service 11 o'clock.' Evening service 7 JO o'clock. . K Valley Churches NIDAROS LUTHERAN Monitor. Oluf Asper. pastor. Sun day school 10 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. - WEST SALEM METHODIST Third and Gertfa avenues. Ridell A. Ketoey, pastor. Sundsy school 9:30 a.m. Morning service 10 JO o'clockSermon subject. ''Gambling at the Foot of tlie Cross." Youth fellowship at 8:38 p.m. Evening service 7 JO o'clock. Bible stu dy. ' Easter service Thursday at 7JS jn. - lntermeoiaio jeague 1 uwaiy m p.m. in the parsonage. Girls' music practice at parsonage Thursday after school. . . MENNONTTE BRETHREN Elm and McNary streets. West Sa lem. Rev. Abe A. Loewen, pastor. Sun day school 9:49 ajn. Morning service 11 o clock, sermon subject. "Trtumpnai Entry." Evening service 7:45 o'clock. 7:1s p.m., nrr. weanesaay, prsyer meeting. Thursday, choir rehearsal. Friday, service. 7:43 pjn. EMMANUEL MENNONITK ' ! Pratum. Daniel J. Unruh. pastor. Sunday school school 10 a.m. Morning service 11 o clock. Sermon subject, "we Would See Jesus." 7 p.m. Christian Endeavor. Evening service S o'clock. Sermon subject. "Three Steps to Pe ter's Denial." Tuesday, S pjn., choir practice. Friday. I sn. Good Friday service of the Pratum Methodist and : Metinooite churches,. Rev. A. K. Kiels meier, guest speaker; GESVAI9 PRESBYTERIAN ' James Aiken Smith, pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "What Are You Worth 7" Special pre-Easter serv ices Wednesday, 8 pjn. Rev. W. Irvin Williams of First Presbyterian churcH Salem, preaching. Thursday the pastor will administer the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Friday night the Rev. H. C. Stover ot tne juugnt Memorial Congregational church. Salem, will preach, faster aunaay.. special serv ices.. - " '' . .j j ':. Silverton Churches FIRST CHURCH OF i CHRIST Park and First streets, Russell aft ers, pastor. Sunday school 9:49 a.wi. Morning service 11 o'clock. Evening service 7 JO o'clock. ,.. i; . .. TRINITT "'. . Second and B streets. M. 3. K. Fuhr. pastor. Sunday school 18 a.m. Morning service 11 'clock. Sermon subject. "The Power of the Cross." Evening servic 7:1S o'clock. Luther league in charge. ;., IM MANUEL ; " - ' !.'-' Church street, M. J. K. Fuhr, pastor. Sunday school 18 ajn ' j 1 METHODIST li Main and Flska streets. O. Leonard Jones, pastor. Sunday school 8:48 ajn.. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "A Cross A Step Toward Chrisrisn Living." Evening set lce 8 'clock. Sermon subject, . candle-light service conducted by Mrs. Ben S prick. CALVARY Jersey street. O. C Olson, pastor. Sunday school 18 ajn. Morning serv iee 11 o'clock. Sermoa subject, "We Would, Sea Jesus." ilia Amsvn of India ; pany. - - -