The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 11, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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Th OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Sunday Mornlna. April 11. 1943
k 4
Mrs. Bentson
Dies, Silver ton
SILVERTON-Mri Josie McCall
lentson, resident of Silverton for
nany years, die Saturday after
toon. She was born in Pipestone,
Hinn., July 11, 1879, and attended
tchoolater teaching in Minne
sota. : In 1196 the family moved
to Garretson, SD, and she was
married to G. B. Bentson. They
came Xm Silverton in 1901. .
, Survivors include the widower
and , three children, Faye of Los
Angeles, Kenneth of Phoenix,
Ariz., and Mrs, Lawrence Rybock
oi Seattle; one granddaughter,
Barbara Jo at Phoenix; brothers,
E. J. McCall of Silverton and H.
Gordon of Portland; a sister, Mrs.
Sd Holden of Silverton.
. Mrs. Bentson was a charter
member of the Silverton public
library board and served continu
ously for 32 years. She was still
a member at the time of her
death. She was ' a prominent
member of the Woman's club, past
president of the - Marion- county
Federation of Women's clubsi
member of the Order of the East
ern Star and past matron of Ra
Biana chapter.
Funeral arrangements are being
made by the Ilkman Funeral home
and will : be ' announced later,
pending word from the daughter
in Los Angeles. v"
library silver tea' was held Tues
day afternoon at the Woman's
club. -An unusual musical pro
gram was presented during the
tea hours. Mrs. Ed Wunder was
program - chairman and an
nounced the numbers.
The program included selec
tions by a string trio composed
of Mrs. Melford Nelson, Mrs.
Collin Marsters of Salem, and
Mrs. Ed Wunder; a reading by
Mrs. - Ruth Reich; selections by
a clarinet trio from the high
school composed of Betty Mae
Peyree, Delores , Hultman, and
Barbara Kletzing; piano solo by
Donna Kletzing. : :
; , Business of the meeting was
- the election of officers for the .
coming year. Those chosen were
Mrs. Clarence, Harwood, presi
dent; Mrs. Melford Nelson,., first
'vice president; Mrs. Frank Coop-
er, second vice president; Mrs."
Ralph Kletzing and Mrs. A. L.
Thomas were re-elected secre
tary and treasurer respectively.
Hostesses for the meeting were
Mrs. A. L.' Thomas, Mrs. B. F.
Swope, and Mrs. George Ruef.
Mrs. W. R. Dale and Mrs. Etta'
Welch presided at the urns. The
table .was lovely with an ar-
' rangement of yellow and white
jonquils in a silver bowl guard-
ed by white tapers in silver can
dlebra. . The next meeting will be a '
night meeting on -April 21. Dr.
Victoi Morris of the University
of Oregon will be the speaker.
Members of the Chamber of
Commerce will be guests.
.-. " - '. i:
DALLAS Miss Clara Dona-
'schofsky was honored at a fare
well party at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Nachtigal Wed
nesday night. Miss Domaschof
fky is leaving Saturday for Ar
kansas where she will train with
the WAACs. The rooms and ta
ble were beautifully decorated
with daffodils, white hyacinths
and sptrea. Miss Domaschofsky,
Lloyd Domaschofsky and Mrs.
W. C. . Hefner rendered piano
solos and Miss Pat Krewson sang
m vocal solo. Miss Domaschofsky
was presented a gift by her
friends, and the hostess served
'delicious supper at the close
of the evening.
Those attending were Capt. A.
Strobel of Camp Adair, Mr. and
: Mrs. Louis Domaschofsky and
family, Mr. .and Mrs. William ;.
Domaschofsky and family, Mrs.
Ed Cutler of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank "Domaschofsky , and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred"
Domaschofsky, Mrs., W.C Hef
ner, Mrs. Mary Francis Perry,
Toby Nachtigal, Miss PafKrew- -son
and Miss Jean Noble. '
ALBANY Mrs. Kathlee Mil
. ler, who has served as president
of the Albany Business and Pro
fessional Women's club the past
year, was reelected to the same
office at the annual election held
by the members Tuesday; ' At the
same time Geraldine Knott' was
elected vice president, Kather
ine . Pugh recording . secretary,
.. Arlene VanDahL corresponding
secretary, and Francis McKech
nie, treasurer.
. The new officers take charge
; in September, although Mrs.
VanDahl will be the only new
officer, as the others held , the
same offices the past year. .
- WALDO HILLS Mrs. Tbeo-"
. dore Riches was hostess Friday
.... in compliment to Mrs. Robert
I Riches, .with guests- including .
Mrs.. Robert Baches, Mrs. Elmer
Peterson, Mrs. Floyd ; Mulkcy,
, Mrs. Frank ' Egan, Mrs.- Godfrey .
. Priddy, Mrs. W: J. Haberly, Mrs.
; Roy Browp, Mrs. J.' - W. Good
" knecht, Mrav Frank Bowers, Mrs. '
' Earl Pooler,' Mr R. "M. Mortnn,
Mrs. Ida McManus, Mrs. Verle
' King, MrsI J. M. Doerfler," Mrs.
Miles Ottawa, Misses WTinifred
: and Lois Riches. . ,.v. . ,
DALLAS Mr and JUr& Wal
lace IL Martin of Corvallis have ;
; announced the. jengagemen. f.
' their daughter. Miss .Mary Mar
: tin to Sgt Fred Bradley, of Camp ;
Adair. Miss Martin is the music
instructor of f the - Dallas city
schools. ;yThe'datr"for; the We'd-'
dins' h lvii set for June 9th.
Pioneer Club
Will Fete Seniors
. PIONEER The Pioneer Sewing
club met at the play-shed Thurs
day. A business, session was held
in the afternoon with the president
Mrs. Mark Blodgettjin charge.
The members voted to honor
the eighth grade graduating class
with a j banquet, the time to be
announced later. Those graduating
this year are June Edwards, Mar
garet Well, Shirley Keller, Char
les Morben, Leo Wood, and James
Coy. j . , ; j : .
' The time was spent sewing for
the Red Cross. Mrs! Frank Dorn
hecker f was appointed - to serve
on the visiting committee for April
After the business' meeting the
president read a story entitled
"Yanks Take my Breath Away."
Those present were Mrs. Phillip
Theiss,! Mrs. Robert Kent,'; Mrs.
Mark Blodgett, Mrs. Roy Black,
Mrs. Tom Keller, Mrs. Oliver Sch-
nieder and son, Gary, Mrs. An
drew Theiss and j Douglas, -Mrs.
Gladys Frakes and j son, Raymond,
Mrs. Earl Wood,!) Mrs. Clifford
Garland, Mrs. Harry Wells and
Mrs. Frank Dornhecker."
Pedee Teacher Joins
Hill Academy
" MONMOUTH Miss Ethel Grif
fith of Portland, . who has taught
in the Pedee high school this year,
resigned this month, to accept a
position in Hill Military", academy.
TALBOT Mrs. Addle David
son entertained the Talbot Wom
en's club at her home Wednes
day afternoon. Members present
were Mesdames G. W. Potts, sr.,
Len Edwards, Richard King, Gil
bert Belknap, Lawrence Finlay,
D E. Blinston, Clyde. McClain,
Nelson Gilmore, Hattie McCarty,
Chester Myers, Paul France and
the hostess. Miss Bernice Bur
sell was a guest Mrs. D. E.
Blinston, club president, presid
ed over the business meeting.
'Plans for an j honor roll for
the boys of the community who
are in the armed forces, was dis
cussed. Mrs. Delmer Davidson
and Mrs. Gilbert Belknap have
been appointed to make the
honor ; roll. Mrs. Davidson was
- assisted in serving refreshments
by Mrs.'Richard King, Mrs. D.
E. Blinston and Mrs. G. M. Bel
knap. - ;
WOODBU RN The regular
business ! meeting of the Wood
burn : Junior Woman's club was
held Wednesday evening at the
meeting rooms- in the library.
Delegates were j appointed - for
the convention of the Marion
County Federation to- be held
at Gates at the last of : the
month. The delegates are the
Agnes Maricle was named
chairman of the committee for
the Mother-Daughter party on
April 21. Virginia Murphy and
Evelyn Morris are her assistants.
Zoa Lowthian in the chairman
of the youth survey to be con
ducted among the city organi
zations. Leona Fallen led the
group .in games for the remain
der of the evening.
DALLAS The VFW auxiliary
held its regular meeting in the
library club rooms Wednesday
evening. Chola Svensrud, presi
dent of district No. 4 and Mil
dred Santil were guests from
Oregon City. ' Ethel Frommyer
of Oregon City, war rservice
chairman for the department of
Oregon was the inspecting of
ficers for the auxiliary.
The officers elected for the
ensuing year were: Mrs. H. D.
Peterson, president; Mrs.: L. M.
Dennis, senior vice president;
Mrs. William ', T. Nevitt, junior
vice president; Mrs. Fred Hol
man, treasurer; Mrs. Mel Cutler,
conductress; Miss Fannie Demp
sey, j chaiplain;! Mrs. Robert
Storey, guard and Mrs. Lawrence
Cook, trustee.
WOODBURN Delegates to the
Rebekah assembly to be held
at Portland oiji May 18-19 were
chosen j at tbje Tuesday night
meeting of j the Woodburn Re-
' bekah lodge. ' They were Freda
Burt, and Gertrude Beach, with
.Mabel Wright and Lora Livcsay
as alternates.
The district convention at Tur
ner i May-. l j was ' announced.
Gladys McClure, Myrtle Free
man - and , Addie , Dpud were
named on the refreshment com
. mi t tee for next meeting..'
- Afterwards the Odd Fellows
surprised the Rebekahs with
lunch. :
I" '. .-,;; ;.
DALLAS Miss Sylvia Thom
as of Dallas, niece .of Mr. and
t Mrs. C. ' W. Henkle,' has ; been
chosen Queen of the May for the
; annual May fete at St. Helens
hall ; in .Portland. Miss Thomas
is a senior and will have a court
of six senior girls. ' -
AUSOK A Wednesday 4be
Aurora Woman's club met at the
home of Mrs; James Ogle. As
sisting hostesses were Mrs. E.
E. Bratl, Mrs. W. C. Grim and
MrsJ Ulrich Eilers. The follow
ing officers were elected for the
coming year: president, re-elected,
Mrs. Jennie Michcll; vice
. president, Mrs. Hazel Yerger;
secretary,"' Mrs. Theora Miller;
treasurer, Mrs. Eva Dental; fi
nancial -secretary, Mrs. Ethel
Mannock;; librarian, Mrs. Ethel
Mannock and Mrs." Ata Ottaway,
' trustee. ' A 'Dutch ' auction was
She was granted release by the
Pedee directors.
Mrs. J. E. Winegar, . longtime
local resident, is improving at a
Salem hospital : from i major
operation performed t last week.
She hopes to be able to return
home soon. .
Mr. and Mrs.. G. L. Russell en
tertained Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dun-
lap from Gresham this weekend.
Dr. Smith to Speak ? '
STAYTON A Joint dinner tm
be attended by Lions and Wom
' en's club members, with has-,
bands and wives. Is being plan
ned for the night f 'April It
when Dr. G. Herbert Smith,
president of Willamette nnlver
tity, has been secured as speak
er. A program Is. being worked
ut by the Lions : committee,
W, H. Bell and Dave John.
Woodcraft Circle
Officers Installed
- AMITY Myrtle circle. Neigh
bors of Woodcraft, installed offi
cers at their April meeting. Mrs.
Alma Owens of McMinnville was
installing officer.
Taking posts were: Edna Ged
dings, past ' guardian neighbor;
Cordia Morrison, guardian neigh
bor; Jessie Wood, advisor; Elona
Wood, attendant; Pete Mekkers,
flag bearer; Fay ; Morrison, cap
tain': of the, guards; Rose -Wood,
inner sentinel; Marie Vincent,
banker; Gertie Richter, clerk J Ha
zel Rosenbalni, musician; Laverna
Mekkers, magician; John Hahood,
Elennor Grabel and Thelma Ro
senbalm, manager; Edna Giddings,
senior guardian.
. After the installation ceremony
a short program was presented in
cluding a vocal duet by Sharon
Johnson and Freddie Vincent -and
a reading by Barbara Freeman.
OCE Summer School
Slates Kindergarten,
Nursery Courses
MONMOUTH Special cours
es In kindergarten and nursery
school techniques will be offered,
during , the Oregon College of
Education" summer session this
year. Details of the program
recently have - been announced
in the Issue of the 1943 summer
session catalog sent out by the
general extension division of the
state system of higher educa
tion. t These . courses will meet
state .requirements for emer
gency certificates to be used in
the schools now being organized
In defense areas throughout the
The. first summer session will
berin on June 7 and end July
13; the second session will be
gin July 14 and end August 20.
A full program will be offered,
designed to carry out upper di
vision work toward a bachelor's
degree in elementary education.
Fisher -Visits
McALPIN Andrew F i i h
visited in Salem Thursday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Canned Goods Blue (tamps D.
E and F good through April 30.
Meat. Cheese. Fats Red stamps
A. B and C valid through April 30.
Sugar Coupon No. 12 good for
' 9 pounds, expires May 31.
Coffee Coupon No. 26. good for
1 pound, valid through AprU 25.
Book A coupons No. S, good for
four gallons each, expire May 21.
FUEL on.
Pei iod 5 coupons ' expire Septem
ber 1.
No. 17 coupon in ration book No. 1
good for 1 pair. "expires June 15.
Cars with C books must have
tires inspected by May 31: B books
by June 30.
- A worttiir
! rf . S2
Kited t
$pLU jr-Save a dollar
box on Dorothy Gray Nosegay
Ftce Powder. Leotls skia
frajtile Icmtnin look. Choice
of hsdes, iitcluding beloved
SpecUl BU4.
WiUett's '
- Cor. SUte Liberty
Phone 3113
Day Family
Leaves ICeizer
KEIZER Mr. and Mrs. ; Dar
win Day and children .. Joanne
Dean and Bobbie moved to Port
land ; last Tuesday." They: have
rented war w orke r's house
there. - Day is . employed r at the
Swan Island : shipyard. He " has
been riding to and from his work
dally. Joanne was in the fourth
grade at the Keizer school. t
. Darwin ; Day's father, Charles
Day, will continue to live on their
place here at Keizer close to the
Arch Claggett's farm home, v
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cooper have
recently moved into the John
Wagner house in east Keizer.;
They formerly lived in the Hud
son house by the Smith and Ward
store. Mr. Wagner returned to
southern California where he la
in war work. i
Mrs. Otis Mitchell returned last
Monday from Sacramento, Calif.
She had spent a week visiting
with her daughter, Elaine, -and
son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. George
Robertson, jr., are employed there
also. The Robertsons live at Kej
zeri on the east road. jj
John Wills is in very poor
'Buy Better
Last Longer
health at his home; at times he
is hardly able to do his chores.
Mrs. Jean Hoxsey is quite til at
her home. Mrs, W. P, Collard of
Mission Bottom Is caring for her.
Mrs. Ernest Porter returned re
cently from San Francisco. She
had accompanied her son, CpL
Albert Porter, when he left, for
his base at Needles, Calif. While
in the sotuh she also visited with
her sister in San Francisco.
lonitor Families 4 '
Entertain Visitors
MONITOR Mr. and MrsT John
Schwabauer entertained as guests
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bow
land and family, including son,
Cpl. Raymond Bowland, in the
army air corps, Lt Oaksford, Mr,
and Mrs. George Berg and child
ren, all of Canby.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Barnes of
Portland visited Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Fanske and Judith Trayer.
Some garden and lowland plant
ings must be done over because
of the heavy rains. .
A large number, of Elliott
Prairie residents attended the
meeting at Oak Lawn pertaining
to observation post work.
1 jA
rv i
4 JE
VAN.' c
Calahan Service
Held; Shields
Learns Uncle's Death
, JEFFERSON-Funeral " services
were held at the Christian church
Wednesday afternoon j; for Mrs.
Ann Marguerite Calahan, 60, of
Jefferson, who died in) a hospital
in Salem; Sunday, following a
lingering illness. 1 1 v: ,
Rev. James Whi taker v of Eu
gene, former pastor of, the local
church, ; officiated. Rev. . William
Richardson . sang, accompanied . by.
Mrs. Leonard McCaw. Palleabers
were; Robert-- Terhune, - Walton
Looney. Guy Aupperle, Lee Wells,
Clair Haight and K. S.I Thurston.
Mrs. E. M. Ackerman ! and : Mrs.
Hugh Bilyeu arranged ! the flow
ers. Interment was made in the
Jefferson cemetery, with Fisher
Funeral Home in charge.
JEFFERSON-L. L. Shields re
ceived word this week of the
death of his uncle John Shields at
Lawrence, Kan.' 1 He and Shields'
father came to the United States
from Ireland together when boys.
Visits Brother
FAIRVIEW Joan Knight who
graduated from the Salem : high
school in January has left, for a
. ' . j -
New' Arrivals! j
. - : ' " " L 1
visit with her brother at Redding,
Califl, enroute to enroll in school
in Kansas. Mrs. Oscar Taskenin
is a guest for several days with
her daughter. Miss. Jean Taskenin
in Portland jwtule receiving medi
cal observation there.
Staytotf Meat Dealer
doses; One Shop ,
Remains. in Business
N. STAiYTON The StayUa
Meat market eperated by Drew
Lambreeht suspended this week
dae tm scarcity ef meat. Stock
n. hand was sold to J. L. Sleg-
' fund of : Slegmnnd's market. Mr.
Lambrecht's fature plans are
not f yet formulated. . ,
Of three neat and fresh fish
markets in Stayton a. year ago,
Slegmnnd's Is the only remain
big market, the proprietor of the
second j market -. having-: 'b ee i
called Into the armed forces last
ML f M : . .
Teacfier Visits -
Goodknecht has-been spending
week s ; vacation at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrf. John
Goodknecht. M lit Goodknecht
teaches , at Springfield. .
Easter wardrobes will bask,
glory of these "dandies" . . &zzh. one a ce-
. ' ' ' .v - ' ..." .
liqhtfiii asset to y cur outfit. Chorda the fcice
of your limited ensembles with colorful sieves,
vay hjandkerchiefs, charming- iswa'ry, r.cvel
ly belts, and smart fobrics, leathsr and p'cEtic'
bags, I ' :. '-
J fM
A A. x I
Eastern Star Lodge
Members Celebrate
Natal Anniversaries
STAYTON Birthdays of eight
members of the Eastern Star lodge
whose natal day has fallen during
the first four months of 1943 were
celebrated by an. after-chapter
party last Tuesday. During re
freshments a gypsy appeared and
read the future in: her lamp-globe
crystal bowL - j;
, TURNER The social club of
Victoria chapter of Eastern Star
sponsored a card party in the
hall with progressive five hundred
in play. Fifty guests and mem
bers were in attendance," -with
Mrs. J. O. Russell making high
score. Mrs. 'Cunningham of Salem
and , Fay Webb won consolation
prizes. .Refreshments were '.served
to the group by the social com
mittee, Mr. and, Mrs L. A. Ed
wards and Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Mitchell. : rv'-'-V ' " "i ' .: - 1
Substitutes V , . i
a A. Ferguson is doing substitute
teaching in the fourth , grade at
the Dayton school during the ab
sence of the teacher, Mrs. Ber
neta Hunt.
in the reflected