The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 11, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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The OISGOIl STATESMAN. Scdea. Oregon, Sunday l-lorclng, April II. Ill
'I I
i i
t' s
? 3
Music Week
Music week win b-s celebrated
, in Salem as in thousands of other
cities and communities through
out the United States, the first
week la May. Programs are be
ing -completed swsd announcement '
' of schedules will soon be made.
. The- opening- concert of the
weeJi'wfll be-on Sunday, May
2, . when a special, chorus . will
sing In the cantata- "Gallio" hy
, Gounod at the First; Methodist
church; Dean Melrin Geist wd
direct the chorus.
This program dedicated
' to the late Clara Eness-as a me
morial. A collection will be
taken and funds, will be used
for a scholarship loan fund for
worthy music students.
Mrs. Walter A. Denton will
again head the state and local
music week "programs. Locally
she will be -assisted by Miss
Dorothy Pearce and Mrs. Jessie
Bush Mickelson, vice chairman
and- committee members. -Miss
Frances Virginie Melton, Mrs.
David. Easou, Prof, and Mrs. T.
S. Roberts, Mrs. Mable S. Pow
ers, Miss Ruth "Bedford, Miss
Margaret Hogg, Miss Elma Wei
lerm, Mrs. Bertha- Junk Darby
and Mrs. Mary Talmadge Head-
. rick. Junior- woman's activities .
will be in charge of Miss Hazel :
' Shutt, Mrs. Kenneth Dal ton and
Mrs. Gale Finley. Dean Melvin
H. Geist and Mrs. Mary Schuliz
Duncan will head activities at
. Willamette university and Mr.
Frank Bennett, Miss Lena Belle
Tartar, Miss Gretchen Kreamer,
: Miss -jrfargaret Simms and Mr
t Vernon " Wiscarson . will be in J
; charge of the public schools.
Dinner Given:
To Honor f
Jacksons "
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jackson :
will be honor. guest at a covered
dish supper on Tuesday night at
the 14th street home of Mr. and
Mrs. .Charles A Sprague, when
members of the chapter G of
- PEO sisterhood entertained.
-Some - 49 members and hus
bands are expected-to attend the
. dinner: and Informal evening.
' Mr. and Mrs. Jackson will leave
v veryisoon for Seattle, to re
' main ; for the -duration. Mrs.
Jackson Is a member of the
chapter, r
Cbat thrf caa do
What' they're doing about U
: Miss Louise Ramages .
daughter o Mr. and Mrs."
L. M. Ramage - who' recent
ly enlisted in the Marine . .
. corps. (Jesten-Miller) - .-:
Agnes Armpriest, wife of Pvt.
- James Armpriest, of Salem but
serving overseas, .has joined the
WAVES and has been ordered
to report for training at Hunter's
- college, New York, on April 18, ;
Mrs. Armpriest, daughter - in
law of Mr. and Mrs; Carl Arm-
t priest of Salem, is the former ,
? Agnes Foulks of Seattle and, a
graduate of University of Wash-;-
ington. She enlisted for 'officer "
. training in Portland.
" " X "!.-"""'; '. i ' "a i'.
MILL C I T Y Miss Mar? ,
Holthouse, the daughter of Mrs,
' Pearl - Holthouse; has enlisted in
, the army as a commissioned of-'
. ficer where she will work as a
dietician, She acquired her ed
r . ucation In New .York and has ;
recently been employed ' as .: at -stenographer
at Oregon State
college Second Lt Holthouse
will be stationed- at Camp ;
PJghV Washington.
; Auxiliary Florence Whitney of
Washington hotel, Salem, Ore
gon. . has completed', basic- train- :
Ing at" the first' women's army
auxiliary corps tndning-center
. here, and has been selected .for
. specialist trainiag in the, motor
transport school.. ."; -V; - ;
i She will receive additional ;
training in s specialized field
- preparatory to taking; over "an -S
- Important behind-the-lines exmy
job, releasing a soldier for com
bat, duty. There are now more
- than 100 jobs listed by the army
replacing soldiers with WAACs. .
". Among them are: bakers and
cocks, general clerks, drafts
men, truck drivers, library aids, ;
rad! operators, , radio technl
ciana, ctaUsticIans, , stenograph
ers, tc:c;'.s operators, typists,
1 machine record operators, photo
laboratory technicians, radio Jre
; palrmen, weather observers, v
chauffeurs and .-class lfication-
. ; v , - '
.--V ,
' .-v
kssMasaBSHSBsMsaBsaaWBsSBa . ,
i t.
La '
' Tedi. Sgt and Mrs. William Bentson, married in New
Farm, Australia! on Fehruary 20. The bride ; is the former
JoanlBerneice Skdnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor G.
Staines, of Kingsholme, and the groom is the son of Mrs.
J. A., Starf of Salem and Mr, Oscar Bentson of Silverton.
Extrac urrieular ;
(Life at Willamette,
Kerduefs off to the Juniors
and the nice job! they did on
Friday, night's prom, with a spe
cial; little pat on the back to
Lois Phillips, the class vice
president who straw-bossed the
work. -You know; it's no small
task to .plan, provide and pre
sent a large-scale j dance even in
abundant peacetimes, but now
with 'the irrevocably cruel fact
of a shortage of crepe paper
stareing one in tie face its gi
gantic. -Sometimes we wonder
if, in these times; it's worth it
all, but with something almost
like panic we realize that it
may be the last school dance for
the j fellows as civilians and in
the f end we try very hard to
make it as nice as! possible under
the ; limitations, j
The significant thing about the
organization of this prom was
that the list of committees look
ed like a complete roll of the
junior class; everyone helped.
We can say it's significant but it's
almost unique as j well. Perhaps
it was a carry-over from the
uniting spirit of Freshman glee,
but whatever it j?as, there were
Ted Ogdahl and Tohn Macy ap
plying wax to the floor (with a
flit .gun!, Eleanor Todd, Dottie
Estes and Ruth Finney desper
ately conveying the awkward
paper ibackdrop which sailed
with the ' least whisper of the
wind between .Eaton and the
: Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hodg
son are announcing the birth of
a son, Chester jFairy, born at
Salem General hospital on Sat
urday morning. The child's f ath
,er is in the army air corps and
stationed, at Visalia, Calit, the
mother is the former Charlotte
Dorine Bock. Grandparents, all
of Salem, are ikr. and Mrs. C
P. Hodgson of route six and Mr.
and Mrs. F. N. Rock.
' - - :.
Mrs, KeUu K. Page win take
plane from Portland today,
for a' visit of two weeks' or more
with her sister, Mrs. William F.
Handle .of Vancouver, BC.
I . " : -.: : ' - . :
: BSTnEL Mrs. Case A. Nich
ols and daughter Coralee enter
tained at their State street home
last Sunday afternoon with a
luncheon at 1:30 o'clock In honor
of MisstCichols eighteenth birth
day. The guests were high, school
friends. :
Spring flowers in the guest
rooms carried out the luncheon3
theme of yellow and white. 2A
decorative- birthday cake 'cen
tered, the table where covers
were"' laid; for - Miss Virginia
Riessbeck, Miss Delia Price, Miss
Ruth- Saffron, ! Miss Marjorie
Rodgers, Mrs.- Cart Raetz. . Miss
June Carnes, Miss Darleen Sim
mons, Miss Coralee Nichols, Miss
Luella Nichols and Mrs, Nichols.
1 i: "
- Sn.VESTON Mr. asid Mrs.
Urlin S. Page were honor guests
at dinner Wednesday night at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl JU
Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Torn. An--derson
and Mrs. Lee Alfred as- .
sisted Mr.- and Mrs.. Adams as v
bosfs.vSix tables of bridge were
In play during the evening. The
Pages .are znoving . to Salem to "
make their home. ' V
beyond the books)
gym (they finally sat on the
blame thing to weight It down
and wait for a calm), Pat White
.voluntarily worrying about dav
enports, a piano and how to get
them and Wendell Johnson tedi
ously carrying water for the
punch in : the leaky, and only
available, bucket. Yes, the inci-
. dents sound funny land it was
fun, but it might- have been
dull drudgery had one person
done it all. And tit's an old
joke that a committee chairman
sits back and let's others do the
work, but it's a clever one who
can do it.
Intruding upon our critical
considerations of the prom comes
a romantic thought and we real
ly must rhapsodize about one
corsage we saw. Believe it or
not, pansies! Large velvety pur
ple ones and saucy yellow' faces
with a sprinkling of violets for
flavor, or rather fragrance. We
can't emphasize too much, mat.
flowers are important!
And to the lovely queen," Mary
Jean Huston, we offer a bouquet
in our own way. Her dress for
the prom was a- new, exciting
cloud of white lace and net
sounds bridal, doesn't it? It's!
the type of dress a girl has inj
her memory or dreams, as being
associated with the happiest mo
ments of her life, as Mary Jean's
smile Friday night indicated.
Mrs. Say Stayner of Bremer
ton, i Wash, (Joan Evans) and
her small daughter, Carol Joan,
are spending the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har
vey JS. Evans.
Walker and Mrs. Gordon Had
ley were hostesses for luncheon
and bridge at the Walker home
Wednesday. The rooms were
decorated with forsythia, quince,
and Jonquils. Individual tables
were centered with small bou
quests of trilliums.. j
Those invited Included Mrs.
Walter Smith, Mrs. Florence
Herley, Mrs. Elmer- Addison,
Mrs James Hart, Mrs. Kate
Walker, Mrs. A. L. Thomas, Miss
Myra Montgomery, Mrs. James
Brown,' Mrs. C A. Fratzke, Mrs.
Clarence Harwood, Mrs. ODon
neD, Mrs. Ray Haener, Mrs. Jack
Stump of Monmouth, Mrs. The
ron Hoover, Mrs. Ira Mix, Mrs.
Beulah Parsons of Elgin. Mra.
Hugh Amsberry, Mrs. George
Knott, Mrs. Ralph Kletzing, Mrs.
Thad Moreland, Mrs. M. J. But
ler, Mrs. Hadley and Mrs. Walk-
,.. : .:::;,:
' STAYTONSrt. Clarence K.
Baldwin, stationed near Los An
geles, revealed his marriage on
April l at Yuma, Ariz,' to Miss
June Noble, daughter of Mr.
. Fannie. Noble .of Grants Pass,
where both, families r formerly
lived and where the bride and
groom were" acquainted In grade
- school days, vs: J: t-i f;
STLVERTON Officers elected
Wednesday night by the Veter
ans of Foreign Wars auxiliary
are Ida Johnson, reelected presi
dent: -Mrs. Charles Hartmnn.
senior : vice president v Sadie
Jarkhurst, jtinior vice president;
Agnes . Naegeli, chaplain; Marie
Thomaav conductress; ; M a r ion
Tucker,; treasurer: OaratTok
Stsdj4rustee; Ida McCIuns; guard.
At Glub
Lt C6L B. C Welker. execu
tive officer of the 104th cavalry,
stationed at the Fairgrounds, will
be the guest speaker at Monday
eight's meeting of the Salem
Junior Woman's club. CoL' Wel
ker, Is civilian editor of the
. Ilarrisburg Telegram, Harris
burg, Pa wCl speak on the sub
Ject, "The Newspaper and its
Importance in the Present World
Situation." The club is extend
ing, an invitation to the interested
public to hear CoL Welker, who
will speak promptly at 8 pm.
in the clubhouse, 460 North Cot
tage street'' 4 t-
The' Juniors will -hold their
: regular - business meeting for
members only, immediately fol
lowing the talk. The speaker's
appearance has been arranged by
the press and publicity depart
ment of the dub. In- charge of
Mrs. Thome H. Hammond and
Mrs. L. M. Falkenhagen. T
Baptists Hold !
I Woman's Missionary society
i First Beptist church, held its
I regular session at the church
'.Thursday. Mrs. E. D. BuelL first
vice president took charge in the
; absence of the ; president Mrs.
? Irving A. Fox. Hostesses wfr
Mrs. E. D. BueU, Mrs. Lee Cross, 1
ivu-s. Mwm aones, Mrs. L. G.
The theme for the year is
"Hope" which was emnhasizorf
throughout the installation of of- !
j ficers, conducted by Mrs. Ben T. 1
i Bolt. Officers for the year are: I
j President Mrs- Irving A. Fox, I
first vice president Mrs. E. D.
I BueU; recording secretary, Mrs. i
Humpnrey; corresponding secre
tary, Mrs. Harry Still well; treas- i
urer, Mrs. C. H. McCullah; publi- f
city, Mrs. L. G.-: Prescott; mis
sions, .Mrs. ' J. W. Cabeen; de- J
votional, MrsIda Warnock; so- I .
cial, Mrs.- Leo Lambert; loving
kindness, 'I lira. Floyd White;
membership, .Mrs. Harry Still-1
well; Christian citizenship, . Mrs. i
Ben T. Bolt; student counseler. i
Mrs. Lee Cross; house, Mrs. L.S.
McClintic; decoration, Mrs. A.
W. Smither; literature, Mrs. L.
A. Dunn; reading, Mrs. Edwin
J ones; - Christian friendliness,
Mrs. Ira Herbert . r 4
Chaplain Will
Be. Speaker
Richmond PTA will hold
business meeting Monday. af7;30.
o'clock with Mr. George. Kayser
presiding at the election of of-:
ficers. The program is in charge
of Miss Mathilda Gilles. r j
Lt Col. Frank J. Worthington
of the Timber Wolf division j of!
Camp Adair will speak or the:
work of the chaplain. Cpl. John:
Barley, pianist and Cpl. Herbert
Hay,; vocal soloist wfll present
several numbers. j
All parents and friends are in-vited.-
Refreshments will be
served in lunch room after the
' program.
Thomases Hosts
Saturday !
A group of friends were in
vited to the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Thomas on Satur
day night. Games were in play
during the evening and refresh
ments were served later.
Present were Mr. and Mrsl
Keith Brown, Mr; and Mrs. E.
A. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. George
Rhoten. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cool
ey, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Knapp
and the hosts. i
Junior gvOd of St Paul's Epis
copal church will meet Tuesday
for a 1 o'clock luncheon at the.
home of Mrs. Miller Hay den,
1695 East Turner road, ; which
may be reached by the Four
Corners bus. Assisting Will i be
Mrs. U. G. Shipley, Mrs. Homer
Gillette, Mrs. G. W. Parker and
Mrs. Harry Belt j. - i !.
! W
S10 II. liberty Elrei.
i ' ' "" i i ii i Jin j-
Mrs. J. H. TurnbulL Qeft) state regional vice president
of the Parerrt-Teacher associcttion and Miss Frances Clinton,
Marion county home demonstration agent both of , Salem,'
who will appear on the program of the Oregon congress
of PTA bienniel convention being held in Portland this
week, , y y:-ysXy'y'ry-'yX:''i V ""V
Marriage in Indiana Revealed in
Salem by Groom's Parents
Word has reached Salem of
the marriage" of Lt Robert J.
Sell of La Grange, Indiana, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Joy C Sell of
Salem, to Miss Mary Jane Will,
. daughter of Mrs. Pearl Will of
La Grange, and Mr. James Will
of Puyallup, Wash.
. Rev. George. W, Allison per
formed the ceremony on March
24: in Ft Wayne. The couple
was attended by" Mrs. Gaylord
Spears of Ft. Wayne and Mr.
Donald Beaty of La Grange. Mrs.
Lawrence B. Shepperd of Good
land, Indiana (Virginia Sell),
sister of the groom, attended the
After the ceremony, a . recep
tion and luncheon were held at
V The Salem Deaconess hospital
auxiliary, 1 :30 p. m. at hoe pi tel.
Delta Phi mothers, chapter .
., house, a p. m. t
y. Richmond PTA. 7J0 p. m.
.. Hollywood Lions auxiliary, spa
citl meeting. 1:15 p. m.
.4M club, with Mrs. W. B. Frink.
t p. m
South circle. First Christian
church, special all day meeting -with
Mrs . J. Mock. 333 Hsek
' ory- atree
lassie WSCS with Mrs.- Emil
Stripling. 943 South Liberty
street, IS t. m.
Missionary -society of Presby
' terian church, 1 :30 board meet
S o'clock business session.
-PLE andsf club with Mrs.
Mary Aplin, 1397 North Commer
cial street. S o'clock.
Missions Group
At! Church i
r The missionary society of the
First ' Presbyterian church will
meet at. 2 o'clock in the church
on Wednesday afternoon, follow
ing a 1:30 o'clock board meet
ing. Mrs. Bert Hulst is In charge
of the business session. '
Mrs. D. B. Kleihege will, be
installed as president and Mrs.
Ralph Scott as vice president, at
a ceremony conducted -by Mrs.
W. Irvin Williams. Mrs. Agnes
Drummond, will sing a group- of
numbers for the musical portion
of the afternoon's program. '.
Beta Chi Mothers "will hear.
Dean Melvin Geist sing during
their afternoon meeting on Tues
day at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs Geist
will accompany the singer. Mrs.
S. B. Gillette will ictfas tea
chairman. Mrs. W. A. . Pugh,
Mrs. U. S. Dotson, Mrs.'"S.-L.
Shinkle -and Mrs. W. A. SlUnn
will be hostesses. .
Guests far the duration "in the ,
'home of .Mr. and TTrs. W. G.
Hardy are their daughter, . Mrs.
Melvin Bowcut and her small
daughter, Eleanor. The "Hardys
went to Burleigh, Ida last week
end to get Mrs. Bowcut and baby -when
Mr. Bowcut was called in
to the service.
Marlon-Pelk county ' medical
auxiliary wfll meet Tuesday with
Mrs. Jerald Backs trand for a
dinner meeting. Assisting host
esses are Mrs. Paul "Wolfe, and
Mrs. L B. Hffl. il
i VbxmmVIll
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gay
lord Spears. , j
, The bride Is a graduate of La
Grange schools and a member
of Trl Kappa sorority. -
Lt Sell, who recently received'
his commission at Ft Monmouth,
N J, attended Indiana University
and was a member of Delta Tau
Delta. He went to LaGrange in
1939 and entered the real estate
business, later buying into the
abstract and Teal estate . firm
owned by his bride and . her
family. She is now associated
with him in the firm. The Jay
C. Sells lived in Indiana before
coming to Salem.
Lt. Sell is now stationed with
the signal corps at Asbury Park,
New Jersey, Mrs. Sell will re
main in Indiana. i
WSCS Meets on
The Women's society of Chris
tian service of the Leslie Meth
odist church will be entertained
at an all day meeting Wednesday
at the. home of Mrs. Emil Strip
ling, 943 South Liberty street
The executive Committee will
meet at 10 o'clock.) At 11 Mrs.
C F. French will conduct the
study class on Latin America. A
luncheon win be served at noon
by the hostess, committee; Mes
dames Emil Stripling, B. E. Ot
jen, and H. H. Boyes.
In the afternoon ' a business
, and program session will be held
Mrs. Lillian Tourtellotte will
conduct the devotional service.
Rev. Joseph Knotts, who spent
some time ps a missionary; in
Peru, will speak on the subject
native Leadership in Latin
America. , -
Director Calls
For Singers
Dean Melvin Geist has called
a rehearsal for the Gounod,
"Gallia" on Sunday, April 18
at 3 pjn. In the First Methodist
church. He is inviting members
of all church choirs and choruses
in the. city to attend the reheas-
als. . ' r
The cantata will be sung as
the opening event in the Music
Week program on May 2. The
rehearsal will start promptly,
Dean Geist emphasises.
The south circle of the First
Christian church will meet at
the homeof Mrs. - E. J. Mock,
335 Hickory street on Wednes
day for an all day session. A
luncneon will oe served at noon.
This is a special meeting.
Chad wick chapter, Order of
Eastern Star will meet all day
Tuesday for Red, Cross sewing.
Hostesses will be . Mrs. A. H.
Barker, Mrs. James Jennings,
Mrs. Ira Darby, Mrs. E. D. Mil
lard and Mrs. A. ,G. Utley.
Sotrntific Fit
Plus the coofrol of an ab-.
donunal support Pra-thmnk
cotton cloth; non-rust ' bo
hq. Earhc ud$u
' ' ' Store nonTs: - . , '
Dairy J9 A. IX. to r. U.
Ml A. IX. U f P. It
Ccnp Fir G!rU
Colcrr.n -
L Friday night the Guardians as
sociation of the Camp Fire girls,
assisted by Mrs. E. O. Welling
and Mrs.' Paul Acton, entertain--.
ed at a dinner for fifty Camp Fire
girls who have attended Camp
- Kilowan. Guardians present
were Mrs. A. E. Archibald, Mrs.
Sidney King, . Mrs. James Man
ning, Mrs. Harry 1 McDonough,
Mrs. Orville Bowers, Mrs. Gran
ville Perkins, Mrs. A. E. Ullman,
Mrs. Paul Morse and. Miss. Estelle
SmithJ -', ':-:-y yy, y;y:
. - ! The affair was . held ; In the
Fiftt Methodist church. The
tables were centered with logs,
moss, ferns, and mirrors to simu
late the woods. Betty Grant pre
sided 'as toastmistress. Singing
of 'camp songs entertained the
group .during the meat. .
High school girls who assisted
with the games and stunts in the
- basement fireplace room after
dinner were Donna Unruh, Rose
mary ) Gaiser, Leona Wallace,
Mary Parker, Janet Rflea, Jane
Acton; Sara Anne Ohling, and
Florence Lewis. . ' :
Cheskchamay Camp Fire group
met Thursday nd- announce
ments were made concerning
rank, grease collections and fu
ture hikes. : Next week, the group
plans j to go through a paper
mill and a printing shop; A
talk On flowers 'was given by
Mrs. Archibald, guardian. The
girls began their , nature note
books: which will be completed -on
their nature hikes. The girls
are also making plans for camp
this summer. ; H ..
The Okizee group of Camp
Fire girls met on Monday at En
glewood school, to elect the fol
lowing officers: Shirley Clark,
president; . Delores Taft, -vice
president; Ardith Miller, secre- -tary;
j Ruthanna Morgan, treas
urer; Dolly Davidson, scribe and
Lorraine , Welling, : song leader.
The girls practiced the two basic
Indian dances.
Stanyan Camp Fire group met
at the home of the guardian, Mrs. -Richard
Severin. Plans were
made for a treasure hunt to be
concluded by a wiener roast at
Mrs.1 Severin's home. - It was
voted to donate $5.50 from the
' treasury to the Red Cross. Many
' hikes are planned for the sum
mer months. Beads, honors and
membership cards were given
lout j.V-1 .-v,;. :yy-: . '
Wahanka group of Camp Fire
girls met with - their guardian,
Mrs. Lloyd Edgell. Wednesday.
: It was reported that the sponsor.
Dr. Kenneth Waters, bas ar-
, ranged for the group to visit the
statej penitentiary. The girls
planned a bicycle ride.
Tawanka Camp Fire girls met
with j their guardian, Mrs. A. E.
Ullman at Grant schooL. Several
small May baskets-were made by
the girls which are to be taken
Doyon Plash
Cunning bunnies with
perky long ears, twin
Ulna button evst. Soft.
! chubby bodies ere - f
I fSed with cotton.
Edzzi. Crc.
m sm
III ' fsv
fJ - "TI Mfr-.f MrJ i f Jr M -
( Cart I
to the hospital and put on the
trays of patients May morning.
--Patsy Ullman, scribe, -y : ?
Oklciyapi Camp Fire girls met
Thursday at the home of their
guardian, Mrs. Orville Bowers.
The girls working for torch bear-
. era rank gave their . third cook
ing lesson. Afterward! the candy
made by the girls was passed
around for a treat Plans were
made for the May, baskets to be
made at the next meeting for
: soldiers at Camp Adair. Several
of the girls, working for the rank
of fire maker completed some of
" their requirements. . .. .( y
; All the group enjoyed a dinner
given Friday night at the First
Methodist church for girls who
went to Camp Fire summer, camp
last year Donna Carr, scribe. -
Oteyokwa , Camp Fire, girls
met at. the home of their guard
ian. Bonnie Bell Stewart ' pre
sided j The group decided to
make scrap books for the Fair
view home. Mary j Polales,
scribe ' . .vt V" -' '
The Wlcaco and TTaditaka
Camp Fire groups at Englewood
school held their weekly meet
ing- Thursday. The new officers -took
over at this meeting. During
that meeting, twelve fracture pil-
; lows were made, new budget
charts were distributed,, health
charts were received, and. a few
announcements were made by
. the guardian of the two groups,
Mrs., Manning. Janice Middle-
ton, scribe..
Auxiliary to
Have Meeting
; The Salem Deaconess hospV
tal auxiliary will meet Monda
at 1:30 at the hospitaL Th
interested public Is invited to
these meetings.; Mrs. A. H. Wil
son, president will preside. Dr.
J. C. Harrison of the First
Methodist church will, speak ac
cording to Mrs. A. AJ Lee, pro
gram chairman. Mrs. D. J. Un
ruh has asked i Miss Gertrude
Hynes,. young people's director of
the Presbyterian church to lead
devotions. ; -y .j
Hostesses for. the social hour
will be headed by Mrs. Mayme
Hill assisted, by Mrs. Wilmer C.
Page, Mrs. J. A. Remington and
Mrs. Clara Millard.
Members ef the Rainbow girls
will meet at Masonic temple on
Tuesday night for a business
meeting and program. After the
business session, presided over
by Joan 'Remington, worthy ad
visor, students of -the speech de
partment at the high school will
present a program. Members of
all Masonic orders are invited
. to attend. . .
Usual Wave $2.99 Complete
Perm OD'1
Push Wave s r
Open Thurs. Eve,
by Appointment
. -' rnene sees
MS rirst' National Bank BIdg.
I A t 9 - sbs-.O aa
vaorawe Krtie f eflowt
some wHk terry
percale suift. Al fa
vorites wHk the saiMf.
bos sat.
f. - . - - 'v
7 X
IT. 7 II 1 i
stose nouns .
DaGr fJ A, It to P. m.'
Saturday 93 A. M. to t P. M.