The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 11, 1943, Page 14, Image 14

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Tt CCII CTATZCMA1& Cdaa, Ore-on. Caadiy X -IcssJasw fc U. IC
Ways to Save in Planning, Running a Home
Dress Types
In the News
The slim silhouette character
izes the fashions seen in the re
cent spring openings. Pencil slim
- T'"
though they are, they are never
theless becoming to all because, of
their modifying touches. Rufflings,
simulated; peplums, flounces and
drapery as well as the new short
jacket do much to alter; the pillar
Like silhouette and make for grace
and femininity.''-:'- "'
u 1 1 AH)
' '
: x
SAVE - IXOORSPACE with ' this
' suite i fit int the hemes ef
war brides and war workers, ;
WAR .SAVINGS FASHIONS in the kitchen: sMninr class. cookwarer
a multi-color tolaid freek with drawstrinrs. . .; ' w-.
i . f"
1 k. : .
SAVE Til AT BLANKET: just the
bound edge of . this blanket is
- ironea the iron aheuid never
-. touch the napt.'.l k-' 7.i
, -'. i i s I
fe 'i, j , 4 I . : .-. .. . -
. J
SPRINGLESS FURNITURE, designed to conform U human posture, tailored to human proportions for
: .maximum comfort. The sectional sofa can senre as three separate units.
. Among the New York creations
bound for success is the navy blue
sheer. It is a favorite for that one,
figure flattering dress that every
one likes to have. It lends itself
to jewelry, accessories and -whimsical
little hats and Is- the perfect
foil for hats gay ;"with flowers.
,A particular favorite in the two
piece navy sheer classhas a short
Jacket accented by three shiny
buttons ' and a ; crisp 'white gilet
Sleeves are bracelet length : mak-'
ing it possible to match the glitter
ing" buttons .withi bright : wrist
bands. : Another,, two-piece sheer
has a straight skirt and a lavender
jacket, very "short and with a one
button closl ng. Cartridge-like
tucking is used at the waist and
shoulders.. This "also lias a - white
gilet.' 'and looks u extremely chic
when! worn with "whit g!oves.:. '
- Still another two-piecer i with
iiiai siraiKiu-iroinew iorK ioqk
has- a' shrimp colored wool jacket
with 1i print skirt : and ' gilet to
match the jacket The print has
small: blue asters scattered! on ..a
shrimp color ground. It is made
up -int. a variety of colorful prints
and jackets. '- V..- . : ,
Perennial favorite, next to'rthe
print and polka-dot, is the rayon
iersey!, so good to wear before
hotter cotton-time comes ' along.
X New , York creation, slated, for
success is a tiny brown -and white
check! with, a stitched-down front
peplum ;'which"' forms' two deeo.
roomy pockets. It hai -"a-" simple
turn back collar and a deeo 'V
neck. iThe slim waistline is ' ac
cented by a brown alligator belt
A matching leather button holds
the-.- bodice together. The new
bracelet length : sleeve" is:, used to
good Advantage on this little dress.
For; those who are dressing up
all over the" country for important
USO dances, there are plenty of
lovely! dinner dresses and evening
gowns! in a .variety of prices.
'.1 r ; -
During the first two months of
the national tire inspection pro
gram, an estimated 400,090 pas
senger car casings were found to
be" so jworn or damaged that they
needed immediate repair to save
them for further' use.
; Blankets Afotrtk
j Saying,5 Since
I W06I So Scarce .
j Now!. that many of the world's
j best wools are scarce, it's wise to
I conserve your precious wool blan
, jKets by giving them" the best of
care. Safeguard their warmth and
beauty and make them last longer
; by proper laundering, storage, and
care when in use; The right kind
f laundering does more than re
store .'the.- cleanliness and beauty
'of your blankets it helps to pre
, serve Vtheir 1 oy e 1 y colors "and
' lengthens 4 their- life, .- saving' you
' money, ; . - . !
', Dirt," dust and soot .not only soil
'' the surface of the blanket, but sift
into' the 'nap and fabric and clog
the air-cells, impairing the' in-
. sulating quality of the blanket and
the life; 6fithe material. The longer
.dirt is; allowed to remain in the
blanket fibers, the harder it Is to
remove and the more strenuous
vthe washing treatment must be;
v In laundering use- plenty, of soft
water, - never over 100 degrees
Fahrenheit, " end - wash only one
blanket at a time, either .ina
j machine or by hand. If hard water
is" used, water softener may be dis
solved in the water before adding
.inild soap or flakes to make rich
C kilds Dissolve soap thoroughly be-
lop; immersing blankets. .
: ( s:Let the machine run three min
utes, or if washing by hand wash
from three to five minutes, squeez
ing : the blanket-; gently.; If neces
sary -repeat the operation in a
second lukewarm suds. Use a
smooth-bristled brush on bindings
if necessary.
; After washing, squeeze the wa
ter from the -blanket, but do nqt
twist it If using a wringer, thor
oughly - loosen the tension of the
rolls. : v7 - - - ;.-
.Rinse thoroughly in soft water
of the same temperature. Rinse in
two or three lukewarm waters to
remove all soapv squeezing water
but after each rinse. '
. Hang blankets, lengthwise to dry
and pull gently into shape. When
blanket is partly, dry reverse it on
thetline.' ' ' '
: Brush with a clean whisk broom
when dry to raise the. nap. Brush
in one-direction only, toward the
binding. f "
Press only the bindings, never
the blanket itself.
; Snipping' one-sixteenth to one
quarter of an inch off each match
manufactured in the United States
in 1943 will save seven million
board feet'of lumber.
- Army Spread-is a new type of
butter-like product especially de
veloped, for troops in extreme cli
mates. It can! be stored without
refrigeration, t "
Look pretty please this Easter! r
Look pretty in clothes that will i.
still look that way. a year from
now. There's no need to have ' -a
monotonous wardrobe. And
there's n need ; to spend a .
young fortune to have; an -exciting
one!. These- are th kind
of clothes we'vealwayslwaht-.
1 1 ..
ed womenj to wear
In Bonnets
i I.
' Here are our very most "come--hither
hats. Choose one that
. shades your eyes demurely. Or
pick one to tit atop your curia
; for , a wide-eyed look.- Every
hat in our Easter collection is '
an- important one. And it's
wonderful : what ; aj really im- ;
portant hat can" , do for - your .
spirits tand your .'appearance.
why we have such aXwonder- U
ful selection now!- :.
I:.-.- Ms .
eart-lreakers iSf f Sli
ft - TIT x ' I ifrA IVVMH Jfc X"
115 N. LIBERTY ... Salem " ''
tc ? If you're buying a new dress for :
- Easter ; . you'll want to ee;the
r 'fashion-right styles in our com
f ., plete selection. . We've dainty -
pastels, town - and -country,
checks, and lovely prints . ..all
; T expertly made to gather compli-
mettts, and flatteryour figured
;'r . AH - can he worn right through -L
the summer. -
r i
rl. -i
-The Greaterl
136 N. Gmmercial 'The Store of Better Values
1 if-' - VKW,::1
5 : WW- pl:pli;
Hi iiiiiiiiiiiii
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Salem, ; Oregon