The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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    PAGS 12
.Miss Gillette
Bride of "
Mr. Moule
. On Monday afternoon at 4.
" o'clock. Miss Beatrice Gillette,
, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Harry
I. - Gillette became T the bride of
Mr. Charles R. Moule, son of
. Mrs. Nellie Moule of Sacramen
to, Califs at a wedding ceremony
read in St Paul's Episcopal
chur.cS. . Rev. George H. Swift
' oficiated. Miss Alice Rose played
the organ during the' ceremony.
'. ' The bride wore a medium blue
; chiffon velvet . dress of " street
length with a white, pillbox hat
and blue veiL Her corsage was
".of white sweetpeas and garde-'
nlas. She, wore a double strand
' of pearls, a gift of the groom. ,
' The . couple was unattended.
, But parents of bride and groom'
. were present ; ;
A small reception was held at
the home of the bride's parents
1 after the ceremony. ?.
Mr Moule, "who has been a
driver for the Greyhound lines,
f will leave Thursday to report for
army duty at Monterey. - -.-'
Mrs. Moule will remain here
' as an employe of the United
States employment office.
'Miss .Smith's
' "'Mr. and Mrs: Hmer E. Smith
i are announcing "the engagement
, of their daughter. Miss Carol
e Smith, to Mr. Gordon E. Stanley,
son of Mr. and Mrs. August Stan-
ley of Toledo.
Both Miss Smith and Mr.
Stanley were freshmen at Wil
lamette' university -until the lat
ter was called to active duty in
" the army air corps. . He 'left last
Friday for Shepperd field.
Miss Smith is a graduate of
Salem high school and Mr. Stan
ley of Toledo high school. He is
a member of Kappa Gamma
Birthday Party
For Daughter
Mrs. Curtis Ferguson gave a
party for her daughter, Diane
on her 10th birthday Monday.'
' Pastel colors were used to dec
orate. ;,
Present were Joan Boyer,
Skippy Boy er,. Sharon Stewart,
Nathan . Hummel Joan Crose,
Donna Berry, Leon Gordon, Bob-
by Jarvill, Sandra Mills, Dennie
Alley, Patsy Filler, Mary Nopp,
Dorothy Miller, Joan Bradtl,
Johnnie Bradtl and Gregg Fer
guson. Mrs. Wilma Mills assisted the
i FRINGLE Mrs. Homer Ran- '.
I ey and Mrs. Jesse Crossler will ,
- be hostess at the regular meeting,
i of the Pringle Women's club on
i Wednesday, April ,7. -
Underline the slim silhouette
of your - new frocks with this
; good looking slip, Pattern 4271
by Anne Adams. The high point
ed front waist-seam and the pan
els give smooth lines.': The. bod
ice sections : are well ( shaped.
Add appUque.fcrlm.t ' Jft
Pattern 4271 is available only
' in misses and women's sizes 12, r
. If 0 OA fl tft 9 mt
11, ID, 10, w, ,
40. Size" 16 .takes two yards 39
inch fabric and. 4& yards lace,
edging. , ' :"'v i?;'' T
Send SIXTEEN CENTS m coins for
this Anne Adams .Pt,rfvT,1J2 '
plainly SIZE. NAME. .,. ADDRESS.
nrr-M tmt mnr ir1ntS TOU OUT -
5 prin g ' Pattern Book with its eaiy
to-make styles for everyono..
Send your oreer " to The- Or goo
"Statesman, Pattern Department. Sov
lem. Oregon.
Royal Neighbors ! sewing club,
with -Mrs. Minnie Gregory. (43
Union i street. I
Sons pi U won Veterans and
auxiliary, woman "f - clubhouse,
1i30 p. m. !
. All Presbyterian church circles
meet at 2 p. m. except No. 1
which; meets at 1:15.
104th Division officers wives,
luncheon. 1 p . m. Golden Pheas
ant. ' I
St. ' Paul's guild and woman's
auxiliary, with' Mrs; Russell Cat
lin. 1309 Chemeketa street, no
host luncheon, 1 pi nv.
AAUW literature sroup, S p. m.
with Miss Loren Jack. Lausanne
Keuter Red , Cross! sewing club,
library room of school, lp. m.
WSCS of the First Methodist
church. Carrier room 3 p. m.
Woman's missionary society.
First . Baptist church, annual
business session, installation of
officers. 3 p. m. j
Maccabees. 84d. regular meet
ing, 1p.m. - !
WRC aid society, with Mrs.
Clara McDerby. 2018 Trade street,
all day meeting and covered dish
luncheon. j
DAV auxiliary, all day Red
Cross sewing, with Mrs. Archie
Brewster,- 580 North fist street.
Covered dish luncheon.
Woman's club, 2:30. Board
meeting 2 p. m.
KCKT club with Mrs. Alma
Thompson, Court apartments, 8
p. m. -
South Salem WCTU will meet
on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock
with Mrs, Dillon Mills, 1838
South Commercial street. Mrs.
A. W.! Metzger will lead devo
tions and a good! program has
been prepared. Mrs. C. A. Ha
worth will assist the hostess.
LINCOLN Miss Barbara Dike
Polk county health nurse, was
the principal speaker on the pro
gram at the Spring Valley Home
Misionary society for which Mrs.
H. J. Neiger, Mrs. C. F. Merrick
and Mrs. Lois Crawford were
hostesses at the Neiger country
home, April 1. Statistics show
that as a general rule the farm
family is not so well nourished
as those living in the city, said
Miss Dike. :
Miss Dike, who has had per
sonal experience in canning
foods, digressed here to give a
helpful review on summer can
ning and a few important fac
tors that might be overlooked
during the rush of the canning
season. First of all, she said, you
are. fortunate to be living in a
rural area where you can have
gardens, because the more quick
ly you can get the foods, canned
after : they come from the gar
den, the higher they will be in
the necessary food elements.
The committee on food and
nutrition of the national research
council has written a dietary
pattern to meet the recommend
ed allowances. Written with the
present food situation in mind,
it has given a pattern very sim
ilar to the one jwe are accus
tomed to. ' "The main difference,"
said Miss Dike, being the allow
ance ' for milk for children, 1
pints to one quart is adequate.
It is important to see that the
child does not get, more than this
amount, not only will it spoil his
appetite for other foods he needs,
but an amount of milk over and
above one quart will not be ef
ficiently assimilated by the body.
Another difference in the new
pattern is eggs, pointed out Miss
Dike. One or two eggs, served
three or four times a week is
now j considered sufficient This
change probably! will not have to
be considered in this area where
eggs are plentiful.
"The advertisements given to
oranges for the jWgh vitamin C
content can bej matched and
raised by our strawberry patch.
Oranges contain 48 units of vita
min C to one half cup of juice
and i strawberries have 60 units
in 12 berries. Tliey also have a
higher content ofj vitamin B2 and
iron,"1 the speaker said. Citrus
fruits may be substituted by to
matoes. Miss Dike, health nurse in the
northeast, section; of the county,
said in speaking- of her work
with school children, I have seen
spectacular physical and mental
improvement in jthe schools that
I visit that serve hot lunches.
Preceding Miss Dikes' talk
Mrs. Elwood Cooper, president,
presided at the meeting when the
Easter theme was emphasized in
devotionals and! group singing
for ; which Mrs. i Ralph H. Scott
was pianist Mrs. W. W, Henry,
Mrs! Ralph C. Shepard, Mrs. C.
: M. Purvine reported on the sick i
and . charitable: committees. A
round table discussion on ways
and means of adding to the gen
eral fund of "the dub, which, is
used principally for shutins,' in
valids and indigents, was ? held."
The group will sponsor a chicken
pie supper at the Zena school .
house, April 30. '
V The committee . appointed to
make all arrangements was Mrs."
Elwood Cooper, Mrs. W. W. Hen
ry. Mrs.' Mil ton! Stephens Mrs.
Ben McKinney.j Mrs. Ralph H.
Dance Planned ;
For; Saturday : : .
War service work of the Sa
lem Junior Woman's club "will
be broadened with the proceeds
from "April Showers,? informal'
dancing party arranged for Sat
urday in the Mirror room of the
Marion hotel.; The dance is the
fifth in -a" series of partie ar
ranged during the season-by the
club, especially for the pleasure
of the army officers, their wives
and friends, now located in and
near the capital city. The army
contingent finds the . dances an
opportunity to meet and become
acquainted with the civilians of .
. Salem- and appreciation-for the
parties is indicated by the many,
requests that ' they be continued.
Officers stationed at the army
air base, fairgrounds, and Camp
Adair have been invited to the
dance, and a group of Salem girls
will be hostesses to the bachelor
officers attending. Informal and
sports attire will be worn by
guests attending the dance, and
hours are from 9 to 1 o'clock.
' Tickets may be secured from Sa
lem Junior club members and
by calling Mrs. Verne Robb,
dance chairman, 3179, - or her
committee, Mrs. J. V. Tompkins,
4133 or 5263, Mrs. Clinton Stan
dish, 8407, Mrs. Ray Roach,
21865, Mrs. Roy Mink, Mrs. Rob
ert Worrall, Mrs. J. C. Pike, and
Miss Mabelle Frazer. The com
mittee has arranged a clever dec
orative scheme to carry out the
"April Showers" idea.
Program Planned
A meeting of the 'Richmond
PTA is planned for next Monday
night when election of officers
will be held. The 7:30 program
is in charge of Miss Mathilda
Lt. Col. Frank J. Worthington
chaplain of the Timber, Wolf di
vision at Camp Adair will speak
on the work of army chaplains.
CpL John Bartley, pianist and
CpL Herbert Hay vocalist will
give several numbers.
Chrisman and Mrs. . S. Glea
son were hostesses Friday for the
Christian Missionary society in
the church parlors. In the fore
noon Mrs. Robert Terhune re
viewed four chapters of the study
book, "On This Foundation." A
covered dish dinner was served
at a table attractive with Easter
decorations. In the absence of
Mrs. K. S. Thurston,' Mrs. Rob
ert Terhune was in charge of the
afternoon program.' The topic,
"Outlines of Argentina." Mrs.
Ernest Powell gave a , reading,
"The Church in the life of the
people." Mrs. Leonard McCaw
sang, "Calvary.". Mrs. M. A.
Hutchings, gave a diary of a
mother in appreciation of the
During the business meeting,
the nominating committee were
named as follows: Mrs. E. S.
Gleason, Mrs. Frank Chrisman,
1 and Mrs. C. C Hart The society ,
decided to observe the pre-Easter
prayer meeting on Good Fri
day afternoon, and to extend an
invitation to the Methodist and
Evangelical womans societies.
Seven members and a guest
Mrs. Leonard McCaw were pres
ent SWEGLE-Miss -Mar jorie
Barnes was honored with a din
ner party Thursday night at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Noack at their home on Garden
road. Miss Barnes ' left Salem
by train on Friday for Jackson.
Miss., to become the bride of
Captain LaMar McLaughlin. A
military wedding will be solem
nized when Miss Barnes arrives
in Jackson. Captain McLaugh
lin's home is in Texas and has
was stationed at Camp Adair for
some time being only recently
transfered to a southern camp.
Miss Barnes is the daughter of
Mr. Ora Barnes of Salem and
niece of Mrs. Noack.. Mr.- and
Mrs. 1 Noack had as their guests
-for dinner: Mrs.' Walter Craven,
- Miss Pauline Praver, Miss Ethel
Craven, Miss Eva Lou Barrett
Mrs. Ferdig HalL Mrs. ' Lester
Sealey, Miss Mary Sealey, Mrs.
Paul Noack, Mrs. Terry Randall,
Mr. and Mrs. William McDonald,
Mr. - and ' Mrs. Elmer- Beavens,
Mr. and Mrs.' L. J. Barrett and
Mrs. Ray McCauley. -
,.: LD3EKTT Mrs. : David Cogs
well was the inspiration , for a
surprise party , when a group of
friends gathered at her home
Saturday. Present were Mr. and
. Mrs; ' William Lusthoff and chil-'
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Morse Stew-'
; art ' and; family, .Mrr and Mrs.
John Van' Loh and Johnny - and I
' Jacqueline; ; and . Mr. and - Mrs.
Meeting of
Auxiliary ;
Women r :
Mrs." Stanley Krueger , presid-'
ed at the meeting of the Ameri
can Legion auxiliary, which met
at the woman's clubhouse ion
Monday night X: 7 .: : .
Kirs. Esther Little- executive
secretary, oi the' YWCA'was the
speaker and. discussed problems
of: the adolescent' girls' of the
community j and how the YWCA
is meeting the increasing prob
lems resulting from the! war. --
Lieutenant . Margaret : Horn,
WAaC recruiting . officer from
Portland, answered questions re
garding the 7 recruiting ? office
which is being kept-open nights
by members of the American Le-:
gion auxiliary. f.'fVjj.--;..
Reports Jwere given jby Mrs.
. W. H. Baillie, service, chairman'
and .Mrs. Robert BlaxalV junior
chairman. , Announcement - was
. made of . the . Rummage . sale
scheduled for April 9 and, 10 .
The American legion auxiliary
program scheduled for 9:15 over
KSLM tonight will feature tbe
junior girls. Members o the ju-
nior group will give a skit, "Mis
tress Mary's Garden", undei the(
direction of Mrs. Robert Blax--all.
- . . "; - ' r '
Girls taking part in the pro
gram are: La Von Cannon, Joan
Blaxali; Barbara Flagg, Beverly
Krueger, Alice';. Louise Ohling,
Lorene Palmateer, Joan Voves,
Shirley- Webber, -Diane Putnam
and Joan Smith. ;
The engagement of Miss Bar
bara Jean Kester, daughter of
Mrs. Ruth Randall Kester of
Portland, to Mr. John Laughlin,
son of Dr. ;and Mrs. SV B- Laugh
line of Salem has been announc
ed but no j date set for the wed- j
ding. )' '
Miss .Kester, a graduate of Wil
lamette university, is plant j
chemist for the Hercules Powder
company jui Portland. She was j
a member of Beta Chi. Mr.
Laughlin, also a graduate of j
Willamette university was anj
Alpha Psi Delta and took grad
uate work at Haverford college!
in Philadelphia. He is now as-i
sistant in j physics at University !
of Illinois.
Mrs. Thomas Nelson and young!
son, James Thomas of Chico,
California, were weekend; vis
itors at the home of Mr: and Mrs.'
J. C. Nelson. Mrs. Nelson is here
to visit her mother, Mrs. Faith
. Walker of Portland and her two"
sisters, and came down to Salem
on Sunday and Monday to see
the Nelsons.
en's club members from Silver
ton took the "swing shift" from'
4 to 10 o'clock at ' the. Salem
USO center Tuesday. Those as-j
sis ting were the president Mrs.
John Rutherford, Mrs. Harvey
Kaser, Mrs. Ben Brady, Miss
Dorothy Abel, Mrs Walter Klaus
and Mrs! Mary Katherine Rice.
Final 'plans for the serving
were made Monday night when
the young women were guests of
Mrs. Harvey Kaser. .
Plans were also made at this
time for a special meeting to be
held April 19 at the home of
Miss Dorothy Abel - when the
program for the - annual cere4
- menials to be held April 26 were
discussed. Mrs. John Rutherford
presided; Monday night and spe
cial guests were Mrs. Imanual
Kellerhals, jr:, and Mrs. Casper
Oveross. t
' SILVERTON -Mrs. Ti M. LobL
dell off Salem will speak on
juvenile delinquency at the Fri
day all day meeting of the
.WCTU. The institute has been
set for the Methodist church, and
will open at 10:30 with Mrs. M.
G. Gunderson, Silverton presid
ing. ;
Otherj speakers will include
Miss Mable Downs, former dean
of girls! at Lincoln high school,
Portland, who will talk on in
ternational relations; and Mrs.
Otto Dickman, Silverton who
will give a paper on Christian
citizenship. a ,
Musical numbers are being ar
ranged, j
WOODBURN The Weedbnra
Woman's chjb will hold its reg
ular meeting in the library club
rooms Wednesday at 2:30 pjn.f
The jclub is honoring its past
presidents at the meeting.
Women! of the Junior Woman's
dub and all ' other interested
are invited.
j Mrs.
Violet Burlingame will
group of vocal numbers.
smg a
accompanied by Mrs. Rose. Mag-
. Mrs.! Carl Huber, Mrs. H. C.
Beaman, Mrs. Glenn Polly, and
Mrs. Frank Covey will serve as
-the hospitality committee. , . i .
Hostesses will be Mrs. T. H.
Sanderson, Mrs. Alfred Moon,
Mrs. Herbert Hoyt," and Mrs.
-Anna Chapman.' -. . f-
H.-- - L
'John' Scbindler'' will be hostess
I for the April meeting of the
' Brush;1 College ; Helpers club
Thursday aftexnon at her home.
Mrs.' jMarie Flint . 'McCal2 will
give la travelogue on her trip
to South America. Blocks will
be pieced v OT quilt the
?. group is ' making for the Red
f;Cross':: r-9'''CC'-: ;'f.s.S
Oregon, Wednesday Morning. April 7. !Si3
What (hey can do
Vhat . tbty'r doincj about It
! Virginia G Scott and Eva M.
Koessler of Salem are among It
I Eva M. Koessler .
f ' ; ? . - v-l-
Oregon women , who - left , last
4 week for the newWAAC train
i ing center - at Caiap Monticello,
Ark, . r-
LEBANON Miss Lois Gin
ther, daughter' oi Mr. and Mrs.
Perry Ginther of Lebanon, has
enrolled In the WAACS, accord
ing to the Portland recruiting of
fice. After completing -the pres
ent school ; term - at 'Silverton,
where she is music supervisor,
she will ; be called to active duty.
Miss Ginther, a graduate of Leb
anon high school and University
of Oregon, plans to enter band
work in the service.
1 BETHANY Mrs.. John Klos-
! ter has learned that her daugh-
j ter, CpL Esther . DeGuire, with
L the WAACs at Des Moines, Iowa,
1 may have a furlough . in May
when she hopes to return to this
; district for a- brief visit Cpl.
DeGuire joined from Astoria.
Mrs. Marie Flint McCall is en
tertaining as her guest Miss
Bessie Cain of Riddle, who will
remain indefinitely. Mrs. George
M. Brown and daughter, Elaine,
of Roseburg were here from
Thursday until Saturday.
The Weavers' guild will meet
tonight in Science hall on the
Willamette university campus.
There will be election of officers.
UNION HILL Ob Saturday
night the Union Hill Woman's
club held its annual club party
for the members and their fam
ilies and friends at-the Union
Hill grange hall. Six tables of
'500 were played. The children
enjoyed playing games and group
singing. At the close of the eve
ning's entertainment a lunch was
served to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Heater and Dickie; Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Mallet, Ralph jr., Betty,'
Monte and Sallie; Mr. and Mrs.
Dolph Heater, . Roilin, - Patricia,
and Ann Louise; Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Peters and Donald; Mr.'
and Mrs. Verny Scott, Guy and
. Clifford Keith; Mr. and Mrs.
Harley Scott, Maxine and Lynn;
. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Seeley; Mr.
Walter Heater; Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph. Heater; Mr. and Mrs.
' Maurice Heater; Mr. and Mrs. C.
, E. : Heater; Bertha, Charles And .
Edna Morley; Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Rabens; Mr., and Mrs. M. M.
Gilmour; Dorothy Lang, and
Richard r Krenz. Mr. and Mrs.
Roy King and Bruce Phillippi. ,
MeALPTN MeAlpin. stitchers
- were entertained at the home of
Mrs. 'Henry Eriksea last Thurs-
. day for their' monthly meeting.
- Dinner was served t noon- Mrs.
- Eriksen presided at a short bus
iness meeting. Present were Mrs. .
S. H. Downing, Mrs. J. M. Doer-
fler, Mrs. Mary Ellen ' Goffin,
Mrs. C. F. Doerfler and Martin,
Mrs." A. N. Doerfler and David,
. Mrs. Albert Mader, Mrs. Byron -McElhaney,
Miss Margaret Doer-
fler, . and Mrs. Eriksen. Mrs. .
Byron McElhaney will be host
ess for the next meeting on May
lard Women's club will be en
tertained Thursday afternoon at
.the home of Miss Olive Ottaway.
This meting is being held a week
early as Miss Ottaway plans to
leave next week for a brief visit
with her sister, Mrs. Bliss Jones
at. Aberdeen, Wash. . .
Mrs. Dan Hillman will preside
J'-: at the , club meeting ... and-, Red
"I Cross, sewing will occupy , the
. time -of - members. . ; "
' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kaser
. and family were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merl Bye
at Molalla.
. ' " '
WOODBURN The Woodbarn
Lutheran Ladies 'Aid delegates
to the Woman's Missionary. Fed
eratiory of the Oregon : circuit
meeting at Eugene are Mrs. Nel-
lie Ashland and Mrs. William
. Nelson. Others going : from
' - Woodburn are Mrs.' Olga : Rog
er, the circuit president and Mrs.
Melvin Johnson, the circuit sec
- retary. -v:- - v.- ;: -.-
Tryl Tpata Va-tro-nol. It (I) shrink
swollen nxanbranes, (2) soothes irrita
tion, (3J relieves transient nasal con-
gestion-. . . And nnngs great-
er U eathing comfort, y
V ll I.V ll t3nnn SISM
directions in folder. A-TZP1
Today's Menu .
, Fruit and vegetables wiir be
gin today's menu, the main duh
will use either liver, c- heart ;
A good way to use one of the
higher flavored meats lamb,
pork or beef instead of the highly
J. popular calves liver: . j " ;
s ,V" (TlUmln-Paeked) 9
-" ,2 cups! shredded. cabbage
." :cup..cubed grapefruit ,
. cup diced apples
. :ry teaspoon salt ,
1 teaspoon lemon juice
5 tablespoons salad dressing
' Chm ingredients. Combine by
mixing lightly with fork. - J
1 pound pork, lamb or . beef ;
"i-T -; Uver or heart .-.'; - .-I
. ' 1 small onion' ,
1 cup ground raw carrots . ...J ;
i ear ; ' " - - ' : :
1 cup soft breadcrumbs
w 1 teaspoon salt . . .
v V cup catsup ' "
" -'Scald "liver (no need to scald
? heart, if' used) 5rind and add
- ground or finely 'diced - onion ;
egg, seasoning and, crumbs. "Pack
in n- oiled pan or casserole.
Brush . with catsup,- bake in a
moderate oven (350 degrees) lor
about 1 hour. Makes 8 servings.
. -.' mod . .
Canned Good Blue- stamps D.
at and T good Uirousli April 30. I
--Heat. Cheese. -Fats. Red -stamps;
A. and B valid through. April 30. . j.
Sugar r Coupon No. IS food for
8 pounds, expires May SI. I
. Coffee Coupon No. SS. good for
1 pound, valid Uirousn Apru zs.
Book A coupons No.' S. ' good for
four-gallons each,, expire May 31 j ;
' ' ' ' FUEL. on. -"I '
Period 4 coupons expire April I. -period
S coupons now good, expire '
September I. s. - -
No. IT coupon in ration book . No.
good for 1 pair, expires June 15.
Cars with C books must have
tires inspected by Hay 31; B books
by June 30.
DAYTON T here were 17
ladies, . three of . which wef e
guests, attended the regular
monthly meeting of the Dayton
Christian Missionary society held
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sherman.
The guests were Mrs. Robinson
and Mrs. Peter Wirfs of near
Dayton and Mrs. L. R. Rash of
Canada who is visiting relatives
here. Mrs. Harry Sherman con
ducted the devotionals and Mrs.
H. G. Colburn was lesson leader.
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
LIBERTY Mrs. C W. Staeey
and her mother, Mrs. - Winifred
Stevens are leaving Monday aft
ernoon for Walla Walla. They
will attend the gathering of rep
resentatives of women's organi
zations who will be addressed by
"Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. . ',
. Following that the two women
will visit at the home of their
son and brother, James Stevens,
and return after week.
LINCOLN Mrs! W. C. Blndel.
Mrs. Joe Bindel and Mrs. H. W.
Ashford will be hostesses for a
social - afternoon of the Lincoln
Ladies Goodwill club, Thursday
at 2 o'clock at the Bindel home.
Mrs. Roy Hammer and Mrs. Lois
Crawford the committee ap
pointed to find out" what is need
ed in the recreation rooms ! at
Camp Adair, will give a report.
WOODBUEN The monthly
meeting of the Junior Woman's
club of Woodburn will be held
Wednesday in the library club
rooms. There will not be the
usual speaker. Zoa Lowthian will
be the hostess, , and Leona Hal
len will be the program chair
DAYTON The Arrowennah
needle club card party held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. EJ M.
- Maxwell near Dayton Wednes
day was attended by 18. The
husbands were guests. The next
. meeting will be held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Leach..-
-. .
ette Lodge Country club, will
hold a social evening at the club
rooms, Saturday night." ,Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Ramp and Mr. and
Mrs. . Elmer ' Cook Will be in
charge of the 7 o'clock supper. -
Master Breed, ka ts4akility '
its hi an Ui. evem texruie ak4
hist the right six slices saake
raal toast. .
f , Familialrity with rationing has
" taken away much of the. fear we
- felt for" it A few" months ago
7 we - thought .gasoline -rationing
. would just , about break -our
hearts, a ew weeks' ago we sin-
. cerely befieyed that food ration-
woulf change our mode of
life from something pleasant to
complete ionhappiness. , 4 "
But we ound the change not
too awfully bad, life is going on
- about the same as usuaL . except
that ; discussion food and red
-stamps displace' talking about the
-weather and the "war,' and l we've
long needed a change of 'convert
sation anjrway - ; -- -
. Although war " has " brought
such . a ' lrge. number of adjust
ments at home, it certainly hasnt
eliminated our social activities
completely. - Most of the. city's
social life is now' made up of
small parties, a table of bridge, a
dinner with two or .four invited,
an afternoon of sewing with tea
served liter. - - ,v"; ; ' -
Refreshments . sort of slipped
j into a neyr place, since .we frank
ly must j be careful of what we
serve, and many housewives
have found it a relief to be able
to serve really simple food, just
as a sortj of bonus for the guests.
Elaborate, afternoon or evening
refreshments were beginning to
bore many hostesses anyway.
- One luncheon club now serves
salad - and tea- because . fresh
fruits , pr vegetables! take, no
points at all, sal a d ' dressing
takes a few but tea is still a
ration free beverage.
- Cinnamon toast and. tea is a
fine afternoon refreshment, and
most people like cinnamon toast.
Women have plenty of sugar for
such, refreshments as this and
anyway many guests insist on
bringing their own sugar, even
over the polite protests of the
hostess. However in case of small
parties, Pa hostess one week will
be a guest the next, so it all
evens up pretty welL .
Recently I asked one woman
who entertains a . lot, how she
was managing for a dinner party
she planned.- .
f we'll use what points we
need for the dinner" - she . said,
"and the family- will get along
nicely for the rest of the week
on point-free foods, that's easily
done." j . ..
Yet another said her guests
had been so generous in bring
ing along coffee and sugar late
ly, that she was away ahead n
these. '.
There's one very nice thing
about rationing, whatever you
serve (or if you don't serve any
thing at all) it is all right with
your guests. . War times, like
those . we went through during
the depression y ears, develop
tolerance, which makes for far
: better understanding and deeper
friendships. We Americans need
a good j hard jolt every once in
a while. ?
Plywood Company .
Buys jjriesen Mill; ' -
Wins jVavy Contract
" i' ' ' .' ''
- WEST! SALEM Monday night '
at the West Salem water board
meeting: a company incorporat
ed under the name of the Ply
wood Designing corporation was.
awarded a contract by the navy '
for - the snanafactare of naval
- equipment. It was announced.
The company has taken ever the
old Frisea mlllwerk plant en ,
the Wallace road. ; Mr. Bohren, v
president, - with another repre-;
. sentatiye were present at the .
meeting and - made application
for the Installation of a two
- inch pipe line. -The plant will '
employ from 3t to 4 men. The
application was granted and
. arrangements were made for the
Immediate installation;
Docioircav oqav
D - ' Powder while you can savia doi:
22 - , EIitei; textured; ; J
Inds skin a fragile1 1nU
S - " v . look,
$ . -
Cerner Liberty and SUte Thone 311J '
Accident Befall
MrSoRE. Wood! 1
' UNIONVALE Mrs. F. E. Wood,
SI,- of Plummer, Idaho, a former
resident of Unionvale - is in the
hospital, at Spokane, WaslL, .with.
broken. hiD received Saturday;
March .20, at her home.- She - has.
resided ajone since jthe death of
her husband, about Six yearsj ao.
She was-splitting; , wood ; Ui tho
inorning when; she; fell,- breaking
and also : disioeaUna her nip. wrs.
Henrv Devoe was notified iof . the "
seriousness of her mother's injury
and she left .Portland Thursday by
miin . an rif w i iji a mr i
Wood a son in. Vancouver, Wash..
joined Mrs. Deyoe at:Prtland to.
help in the care oi inia, jnpiner.
Mr. and Mrs. Wood -nwned the.
residence and .acreage .from 1931
Walter Deibel about eight years
Mrs. - Arnold Brown and son
Donald of Portland were Friday
ovemieht euest of C J. Countiss
here and "; accompanied try jar.
Countiss they visited briefly with
Mrs. Countiss at the McMinnville
Lincoln Families
n.iicta rsf sflrsiifiins
...!'. - k -;.-.
LINCOLN Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Ashford -and daughters, Grace and
Genevieve, Mrs. J. ID..' Feller and
Mr. and Mrg. Frank - Dye, all ; of
Lincoln, were Saturday f dinner
guests at the home1 of their, cou?
-wit- c t TXn...
of .Molalla. S. B. Powers is post
master at Molalla. j.- - j
Miss Alice Smith , was compli
mented with birthday j dinner
Sunday at the Portland home of
her parents, Mr. apd Mrs. Henry
E. .Smith. - Accompanying; her to
Portland . were her sister, ' Miss
Dudrey Smith andj a friend. Miss
Barhara Dike. I j
i Miss Mabel Anderson of Port
land was a weekend guest at the
home of Mrs. Lois Crawford and
daughter. Miss Wilma. Miss An
derson formerly resided here. She
is now employed kt the Portland
box factory. " '". ' - j . . '
" Sunday visitors at the home cf
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Yungen were
Mrs. M. Riechen of Salem, and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Yungen and
baby of PortlandJ
Junior Women's Guild
To Meet Tonight
SILVERTON T h e Emmanuel
Junior Women's Guild will meet
tonight at 8 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. Cecil Humphrey. An Eas
ter program is bejing planned. " ,
. Mr. and Mrs. Tom A. Belling,
who' have been operating the
meat market'at the Aim grocery '"'
store for th epast
and are moving
year, have qott
to their ranch .
Otto; Frank,'
in the I market
near Woodburn.
who has been
since last fall, will Continue In
; charge. ' -. . : ;
I Miss Evelyn McDonald of North
Howell will succeed Mrs. Fern
Shaw 'at 'the Silverton Safeway.
Mrs. Shaw will enter the war ef
fort in nurse's training work. ;
XT?" anil Jtrm Ta-V KrmrMf ItfltrA
purchased the . E la w a r d, Teigen
home on Norway
Bennie Wooden !
aufferft Ev Tnmrv!
May Lose Sight
! POX VALLEY )- Bennie Wood
en suffered a serious injury Fri-
day while he was driving the. ca
terpillar at the Kintz and i Ditter
loealnsr camn on thi Fnirhr-i
road. A vine maple limb - struck
him in the eye. rle was taken to
Salem, where his 'parents, Mr. and
IJTm w T TtT . J . ..... . .
"". - omucti.-visiiea nam
at the hospitaL The Attending nhv
sidan , hopes the eye will not ha
to be removed, but it' doubtful
if the sight can be restored. , .
Mr. , and Mrs. Errol Kintz and
daughter. Loveli, were Sunday
dinner guests at
AW - 1 ' . . . '
uie nome oi Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Johnstonl
DorothyGray Noses.. iw
Choice of hadeii,WiJ: - -
sr - - raw