v.- rncz nm fn li . V. Cm7CTI i;4 Lsast- -Statesman Jiror The TiaV' CIGCN CTATwI IAIT. Cclarn Orssoa, IULiy Llorala Upc S l'iS You C CUiEdfled Advertising - - Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Tfare lriawrtJnns per line, ,23c Six insertions per tint' 40c One month per line 81.23 Minimum charge 25c; S ti. min imum 35c; 8 tL rain. 45c No refunds. v; j '; I j'.; Copy for . this pace accepted n tU 30 the maaf hilar publics toon for class tficaUoo. Copy re ceived after this timewtli be rue under the beading Too Late , to Classify.-1- - ' -' . The Statesman assumes ee Onan eial responsiouity (or error which may appear to advertisements pub lished in tts columns and In cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs The Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It furtbef reserves the right to place all ad vert win under the pruwer classifies lion . A "Blind Ad an ad eontatntng Statesman bos number for an sd--dress is tor the protection of the advertiser sad must therefore be answered by letter The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge infor mation ss to the Identity of an advertiser using, a "Blind" ad.. ' Livestock and Poultry : IMPORTANT Livestock Shippers; Farm ers Union -and -Grange : Members " -v ; NO PERMITS ARK NECESSARY TO TAKE OR SEND YOUR LIVESTOCK TO -THE NORTH PORTLAND MAR KET. WHEN HAULING YOUR OWN LIVESTOCK YOUR RATION BOARD WELL FURNISH YOU WITH SUFFI CIENT GASOLTNX.: ALL MARKET DETAILS WILL BE HANDLED BY fXPERIENCED SALESMEN AND OF ICE FORCE WHEN CONSIGNED TO t CLARK, TAYLOR ! & HOARD V LIVESTOCK MARKET AGENCY NORTH PORTLAND,- OREGON . - : BRING YOUR own eggs for custom batching. Tuesday or Saturday morn ings. Ph. f-ML Lee Hatchery?. j FOR SALE: Leghorn broilers. 40c a. Mrs. Floyd Vaughn. Rt. 1, Box 967. K. C. Shepard farm. . CHRISTIE New Hampshire pullets. Stood tested, high producers. Ph. !425 Rt. 3. Box 739, Salem. 4 - mi. 'from Liberty on the Skyline road. . f FOR SALE: Registered Guernsey bull calf a weeks old. Rt. 8. Box 355A. Phone 2250. Tax .second road right past Middle Grove school. 1ft miles. CASH PAID for dressed rabbits. Saving Center. Pwi tlanrt Rd. - ATTENTION II Will remove desd St worthless stock an moment notice! SALEM FER TILIZER a BY-PRODUCTS. Pb. 6000 Collect, no other phone. FOR LOW COST aaeat buy Lee's day-old Leghorn coekrels, 3c each. Ph. S-2861. Lee's Hatchery. "3 niTUD tpiifk kiia utthint - Ph -1513. 960 N. Coral Losm.. fertilizer. - WANTED: COLORED fryers. Ph 8-2861 Lee Hatchery. Help Wanted SERVICE STATION operator, one With experienced preferred, man or woman. See Mr. Pace, Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co . 430 N. Coral HELP WANTED: Reliable couple wanted for building maintenance work Live on premises. Permanent work Hot a war job. Write P. O. Box 787. balem. . - ; GROCERY CLERK, top pay. Saving Center. Portland Rd. , TWO JANITORS, two kitchen help ers, waitresses, nurses aides and hos pital maids. Good wages, Oregon State Tuberculosis Hospital. Help Wanted Male Workers new Sactisa sboeid not astalr be considered foe ess pier pioyers advertistag this RETAIL BUTCHER.' Top pay. Year srouad Joo. saving Cfenter, Portland Ha MEN WANTED: brl Week? " stc per hr. Time end half ever 48 hrs. Sa lem Concrete Pip 4c Products Co.. 10 Portland Rd. s - WANTED: Married: man. experienced dairyman on Grade A dairy. 'Phone 87F15. J. M. Nichols. Route 6. Box 141. Salem. Oregon. MEN WANTED foe Hopyard work. Ph. T956 ,- EXPERIENCED MHJCXR Sebindler Bros. Dairy. South Salem. Help WantedFemale RESPONSIBLE' Salem financial concern has attractive opening with good salary and opportnuity to advance to -executive and man- j " agerial capacity for- awastaaese. worn- . an 29 to 40 years of age. Must have pleasing personality, be able to -meet and talk with people well, and be qualified to efficiently handle general' office' work.' gupcr-1 lence in credits, couectioas. Insiir- ' ance or automobile tstahlishmswts helpful. Position - permanent for riglit party. Write Bx. 2325. states- OPENING for experienced 'office "i. appeal OTiice. hsmj pwnw. uitc salary expected and experience In reply. Box 2523. Statesman. GIRL or woman for Gen. housework Jk care of children. tSS.O per mo. to start. Do not apply unless Interested. Tel. - ajj? IJtTY tn nr Inr mnvalMMnt Taf-w Xbr week or 10 days. Ph. 24064 eves. . I 2)rtjaoiii5tate$iaatt ADVERTISING . nnKiu nuvnusuig Representatives George D Close. I no San Francisco Los Angeles - Seattle Eastern Ad vertisina - ' Representatives - ' ' Ward -Griffith Company. Inc. 1 CbJcsoNejaj JrJOetroUt. Cnfered at the Postofflre at Salem preaonnu Second Clots Matter. Pub tufted sporv morwrno eaxspt Monday BKstness oftee. IIS South Cornier csl itresL. ,v y- SUBSCRJLPT1UN .RATES -Mail Subscription Rates in Advance: within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo S cents; i Moa $3ea. 1 year. $6 00 Elsewhere 60 cents per orto. or $2 20 or 1 year tn advance Pet copy 9 cents uiy carrier. 7 a- cents a moo in. est war pro nd wUl no nw a Money to Loan QTJICK CASH LOANS CALL , WHJTI or phone 181681 u. Salem's oldest wmI kom owned and home i managed finance! trnrltu Your financial affairs i wiil be discussed and loans made hi ' strictest privacy . Voa wUl be given every con slderation la toe t epa rine ef . toon or eranttne of extensions - I to IS. MONTHS TO REPAY Too can pay to full any time U- reduce the cost -.! . i ,- - ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers Loans made rural t - SB ROY H SIMMONS MOR ue No Miss. - GENERAL ; FINANCE CORPORATION v.- I !ije No S 138 -i- 134 So. Commercial St Phone 0168 First door i south of Ladd at - Bush bank Convenient ground Qoot; location Auto Loans Willamette Credit! Co. 5TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING UCSNSE N. M ISS j , S TAP JTWn nm vme -Investment money payable semi-annually. Real estate mortgage loans in amounts from gdoe up to $10,000. ! STATE iUNftntt JJ. Estate. No agents. Box 2323. Statesman savx"to your loan by phone. Telephone 3111. ask for Miss Anderson. Personal Fin ance Co.. sis state St ooooaite County Court House. S-12S. M l 64. Situations Wanted EXPER. typist Sr bookkeeper wiab work to be done a home. Ph. T804. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants position. 2424. Statesman. ! SHRUBBERY or garden I work or handyman. 2580 Cherry AveJ Ph. 729S, tractor. Ph. 2-3304. Ray Sater. For Sale Miscellaneous j UNFINISHED vanity Finished dinette set with 4 chairs. - I S0.49 $17 93 $10.9$ j jaaoy criu i Pillows. ; 100 crushed heri feathery pair -ft $2.49 Wool blankets. 62x84. 80 wool $4.44 WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. ? 201 N. Coml. St. 1 ' f hone 717J BED St Springs, am. wood ' heater, fruit jars.' tables, linoleum, ! '29 Model A Ford. Inq. 33 Gaines St. I TWO stone hammers;, 1 garden rake: 4-4xI2's. 20 ft.: 2x4's. shiplap. etc. Nice stair, case, all intact. Cross-cut saw; S ft good one: splitting oars; buck saw. Also. lots of canned fruit. 2 red lanterns. ,ph. S20T. j I $1.6t . J ROOM is all you need to pay at Montgomery wara zor au we WALLPAPER required for redecorat ing a 10x12-ft.' room. Think! how little it would ' cost you to re-paper your whole-bouse! For complete details (and a complete selection of Wards thrill ing new wallpaper patterns) come: in to your Montgomery Ward store. RADIO- like. new. battery & elec. portable; Also baby buggy. Ph. S8S1. . Wine-colored daveno. used 3 trios. Also 1 extra chair. 2ft N4 Uberty. RECONDITIONED RADIOS. SS-20. Ph. 7S77 484 S. 17th. BICYCLE good cood4 riew tires. Cash. .2061 State. Xj,?f. .i ;. 4L ALL STEEL 2 wheeled trailer. S7 So. Coral ! S FT. GRUHNOW Electric Refrige rator. Ph. 48KL . j Davenport sot. dining table. 6 chairs, smooth top gas range. Call! after p. m. 227 S. Whiter. Ph. 2-1924. Good factory built row boat. 2 : mi. Soutn. Liberty. Rt. 3, Box j 759. LGE. CIRCULATOR Heater; sun lamp. Ph.. 2241. POULTRY I"ERTTLIZEXLO0peryA You haul it Th.. 22801. Lee Hatchery. ARMY COTS. 1790 N. Front. ! i CHEST OF drawers, unpaiinted. S7.9S. Kitchen cabir-ets. book Cases. - Folsbrn Furn Mfg. 1108 Broadway. Ph. 4929. 1000 sacks No. 1 and No.! 2 Burbank seed potatoes R. B. Lampkin, : 900 Wynoocki St.. New berg. Open Sundays SEE HOGG BROS, 200 State St i tot Hberal trade in on your old furniture- Fuller Brushes. 17S;Grsat Ph. S3S1 Wanted F nrniture WANT fowl sass . s . . ... . wood! range. Ph. CASef POST aaf ramrrura Sm hoaae nold goods It rorgey Pta 244 j Wamed---MiseeIIaneons 5 Washing Machines .- Needed Portland shipyards vrgently needs f used washing machines for recondi tioning ships. Be patriotic. Give j us preference and chance to purchase. Wul pay fair, price. Can furnish high est priority for new machines if avail. Also need 4 110-volt l or ft HJ.C. Motors. ) Bos 2517,. Statesman. if WANTED: Good used wood circu lator. Ph. seas. . -! .- i ELECTRIC . Refrigerator in good condition. John Aebi, Dallas, OrtM Johnson outboard motor, 2'x or S hp. Pay cash. E. S. PwareU. Hose burg. Ore. WANTED: Private family to board elderly person.- Cell t71-M S. Com mercisL :---f I i ' 2-27S4. -Henry Beutler, Rt. a. Sale'm. GOOD USED Furniture. appMances. machinery, trailers or anything! of value. Glenn Woodry, the4 Auctioneer. See me at the Market. laB N. Sum mer or Phone SIM. ; -t . 1 j WANTED "10" ; CLETRAC Write O F. Schneider, Rt. 2. Box 29SB. Dal las. Oregon . ; ! .' ; -j WANT TO Buy. Used cameras Jk lenses ' McEwan Bhoto Shop 43 Stats USED row.l"fynJnlru.'L"rljr - WANTED: Elect., feet water beater. Ph. 2-1838. ;' V. - I : i - RIoney to Loan I'M CASH LOANS $30 to $300 AUTOMOBILE.- FTTRNTTURE. LTVE- i STOCK and SIGNATURE. - , . : Calkins Finance Co. SIS j f 3rd Fl Ph. 444 j 1st ! NatX Bank BMg.. Salem V; t- j' S-Z2S Lie. M-27S , PRIVATE MONEY i - AUTO AMD nttTCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re aTuca navments - Money .far new oi used cars No delay nr rod tape. Tou wul retain possession of the vehicle I to 19 MONTHS TO PAY j ; ROY H. SIM5I0NS : 13S South CommerclaJ Street Phono 10 - Las No M -1U Miscellaneous, Dental Plate Repair" I TWO-HOUR SERVICE IH HOST 1 I - . CASES ; -- Bring or Mall Your" Plates for Reps! ns HaRWw K EM I .KM . UKNIMr Adolpb Bid State ComX Pb 8311 Wanted- Miscellaneous CASH FOR dressed rabbits. Saving Center, Portland Rd. ; 3 months board cart of dog fa exchange for puppy, us . torn i. rcraLDS WAGON with food air balloon tires or 4 wheels and tires only.) Ph 11640. ; For Rent Rooms Close to heaps. 219S Center. -Ph. 5214. ROOM. gaf. $1$. 773 N. Cottage Heated, sleep, rnu. hot. cold water; business man or woman. Z59 i-enier. CD. LOCATION. Accom. , P. 21449. For Rent Apartments bll nnalsira snt Adults onlY. Lights, water. 91M.Inq. JM mnd 1 rm. & 2-2 rm. apts. Mathis Apts 1620 Ferry; cau at api. 3 FURN. rooms, pri. bath, garage. Adults. No pets. 490 N. 3th. 2 Sc 3 rms. furn. 898 S. 12th. VACANCY Apr. 3 Furn. 2 room. lights; water. 839 N. Liberty. 9 LGE. RMS., furn. or unfurn 2nd floor. I oil heat. 715 S. 12th St. MOD. apt furn firrpl. 780 N. Church STT1W snts .. adults. LtS. St WSt. $1530 mo. and up. 624a 14.' Cap. . NICELY, furn. for couple. Bachelor house keep. rms.. 148 Center. 2 jms furn! Reas lTM Court St. For Rent Houses GOOD 1 rm. furn. hse. Garage, gar den, j $8.00, 1647 Waller. 2: RM. furn. house. Lts. 4c Wtr. furn. $28. 1935 Maple after 6 P.M. and Sunday FURN. 2397 Haxel. 2 RM. . FURN. Cabin. 1244 Lee. 2 RM. house, lights tt water, garden spot) $7 mo. L. Sherwood. Rt. 4. Bex 155. S mi. south on old ractxic nway 1 mi. West. - 3 RMS. furn. Inq. 333 N. 29th. For Rent FLOOR SANDER for rent. Mont gomery Ward TRUCKS for tent. You drivs Mc Cune 8r LoveiL phone 8600. TRAILER SPACE. $4 50 mo. Lts. 8x W. jl730 N. Water Wanted to Rent BY 2 adults. 2 bed room bouse wired fonelectric range. Now or before Apr. 15th. E F. HilL 407 Union St. i For Sale Real Estate 82180. 8200 dn $25 per mo. tor a 8 r. hse. North. All mod. 9 r. hse. Bamt. Sawdust burner. Fireplace. Wired for elec. range. $2750. I! F. H. Weir 488 Center Realtor Ph. 9411 $3290$ rms. St attic, basement, fur nace, several fruit trees, on Norway St. $88588 large rms.. hardwood firs. thruotrL, fireplace, garage, some trees, corner lot. close to all schools. 4 i KELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 728 Court SL - Phone 3722 LOOK AT THIS! Modern home. 4 rms. and nook. Hardwood floors, fire ptece. gas furnace, elec. water heater. S lots. Only S years old. newly paint ed. Equity $700. Wul take car in trade. Price $3400. $23.00 per sno. Inc. taxes, int. and insurance. Ph. 2-1049 1840 Grant St. I SEE THIS -room house 3 bedrooms on main floor, basement, wood furnace, fire place, nice garden spot; located near Junior High. Price $4500. Call Mrs. L. H. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS. INC REALTOM. 344 State Street, Ph. 8SS4. ODTHOTttlnJort rm., dining rm.. kitchen, hardwood ft. 2 bed rmr., fireplace, auto, sawdust burner. Paving paid. S42SS. i R. A. FORKNER . 1853 N. Capitol St. CASH BUYERS or your home at prices from $2000 to $15.000 to sell your property see LEO - N CHILDS. INC. REALTORS. 344 State Street. Pbone 8281. MOD. HSE, garage. large lot. Iro med. possess. Phone 451 Owner. f VICTORY GARDEN (Good soil, plowed ready to plant. 50x100. paved street, close tn. S288. $16 down. $16 month. Ph. 3920. LTST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WE RAVE LOTS OF BUYERS St LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS IS GOOD HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC REALTORS PH. 4108 ' ? MOD. 7 rm. house and lot. See Chris Otto at Brooks. - Listen te "Blondle" 68 (M air 6288. 2 rfurnTight waTIsoTTjfTmL Y'r xm Hollywood district. . Ph. 7184. : J (BtOW SMOKE. , - j k S- - ' i : r . ' . . . - ' ' ' ' ' For Sale Real Estate SEVERAL houses - will be' finished soon to be sold on easy JPJI.A. terms. D. A FISH 477 Court For Sale Farms OUTSTANDING VALUE -: T 85 A, with buildings.- A-I - soil, adapted to onion seed raising. In Salem iraatng area axz per casn. . H. P. Grant. Realtor S2 Court St. ! PR. 6744 FOR SALE or trade for borne tn Sa lem. SO acres. 48 cultivated. 18k timber and pasture. 10 orchard, bouse, barn, stocked and equipped. 9 miles S. of Salem. Inquire 2325 Rex SU Salem, BARGAIN 171 Acres East; over 108 acres in cultivation, good improve ments. Dandy 3 inch pipe irrigation system, over i 200 ft. fall; ideal for stock. Widower going East reason for selling. Innned. possession. Only $15,000. - E M. LARS EN. REALTOR Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 153 South High St. Pbone 7490 100 ACRES 1 mile East, on Silverton road, all in cultivation. No bldga. Only $150 per acre. Good investment I Excel Wnt subdivision - - . E. M. LARS EN, REALTOR " ; Exclusive Listings - . Personal Service ; 153 S. High St , Ph. 7490 Acreage 10 A. A real berry farm. $4500. ' 1 A. Good hse Filberts At fstnitv orchard. $3000. tjpectai out-or-town owner. Good' 3 hse. Nice , corner lo A wmml bun tnr ennft . . i H. C. SHIELDS. Oref. Bldf. Ph. 8902 Z A. SNAP $14SS Not far out! near Paved Hiway. good gravel road, good soil. 7 R. house, elec. light and water system. Barn, hen house. ; Another srood buv 12 A about la A. walnuts and prunes. No buildiiuz. Price cut to : $1000. Both owners are non-resident. ; See Louis Bechtel or Mrs. Needham, 341 SUte. R. 4. 1 A. North. 5-rm. nlastered house. 4 yrs. old, wired -for range, small barn, excellent soil $4000. 5 A. South. 3 B.R. house wired for range. $4750. Terms. - E. M. LARS EN, REALTOR Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 153 s. High St. Ph. 7490 : DAIRY 8 acres, barn 22x58. chicken house 11x16, milk house; 3 room hse apt over garage. Price Includes 11. cows, 14 heifers, all equip., bottles, separator A milk Rte. Average mo. income $400.00. Price $8600.00. S4750.00 5 acres S. town, a bed room hse. barn. ckn. hse., milk house. Attractive surroundings. P. H. BELL. REALTOR 212 Guardian Bldg. Phone 8168 19 A. Filberts about 4 years old. in excellent condition. Located 7',, miles East. No buildings. Good investment $4850. E. M. LARS EN. REALTOR Exclusive Listings - Personal Service ia.s. High St Ph. 7490 VERY CHOICE tracts. 3 minutes down town, city water, electricitv. good streets, fine residence district One acre or 9. Some with bearing cherries and walnuts. Phone 8413 af ter 5 P. M. Suburban GARDEN TIME IS HERE Buy bow a choice suburban tract, a. 1 or 8 acres and- uo: beet at soil- close in on good roads, easy terms. See LEO N. CHILDS, . INC.. REAL TORS, for small acreage and garden tracts. 344 state street Phone 9261. Business Opportunities LEASE St Furniture of It Ants. A 10 Sleeping : Rooms. Steam Heat Low; overhead. Business good. O. E. RAE, Realtor. 1255 State. Ph. 8761 Wood Sawing Charles F. Simon. 1311 N. Liberty Ph.. 8685. Business Cards In this directory n a monthly b a 8 1 a only. Rate: $1.25 per line per month, i Airplane Models KITS and SUPPLIES, Cherry Model Aircraft 21st 4t Market. City Auto Brakes Mike Panek 279 South Commercial Batteries wTLLARD batteries, aU types R. D Woodrow 384 Church Phone 8800 BicycU BICYCLES New and reconditioned Harry W Scott 147 S tna'cl P. 45.6 Canvas . NOTICE , j Salem Tent St Awning Co. T2 N Liberty St Ph. 4788 sua rasa a larce- stock of canvas. an widths and weixhts. Awninx strioe and waterproof duck.- You need no priority. f : , Chimney Sweep Ph 4458 Florist - 447 Court. an Funeral Directors TerwUhger Funeral Be Ph. 8928 Gifts THE APRON Shop 879 N. High. Hosiery Real SlTk Hosiery Mills. Ph. 8769 ! Mrs. K. Moseley. Gen. DeL Salem Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO Pbone '4068 Uonday .olxbta. 7Jt. KOLN ; For : Sale Used Car 4 . . NASH USED CAR LOT Dodge streamline oil truck, in perfect shape, capacity j 800; gallons. Will 1941 Ford Sedan, A-l. 1941 Nash" 600 Sedan. ; shape; " v-"' 1S40 Chrysler ; Royal 5 ' mileage.: I -l.J.t - I 1937 Cheyrojet Pickup. Real good. . 4 t 1936 " Chevrolet 1-ton panel, a" dandy defense biis. 1941 Pontiac Club Coupe, A-l. 1940 Ford, Convertible Coupe, a dandy. 1941 Ford 2-door. Real good. 1933 Chevrolet Sedan., As is. 1940 Ford Sedan Delivery, perfect. 1939 Ford Panel Delivery, a dandy. 1941 Pontiac Six Streamliner, like new. 1941 Ford Sedan Super, a fine car. 1937 Plymouth Sedan, I SEVERAL OLDER CARS, PRICED RIGHT ! ' 240 Center Street, Salem, Oregon v Bank Terms Trades Phone 3734 Open 'till 8:00 p. m OTTO J.WILSON ESTATE 41 DODGE I DR. DEL. SEDAN. RA DIO St HEATER. NEW TIRES. 41 FORD 2 DR. 6 CYL. SEDAN. RA' DIO E HEATER. LOW MILEAuC. 41 FORD V8 2 DR. SEDAN. 2 "39 FORD VI SEDANS. 28 INTERNATIONAL PANEL VERY j CLEAN. 37 BUICK 2 DR. SEDAN. "37 BUICK 4 DR. SEDAN. PLYMOUTH 2 DR. SEDAN. CHEAP, Our stock is low we'll pay top prices for used cars. Otto J: Wilson ESTATE Com'L 388 N. Ph. 8491 For Sale Wood 16 MUX WOOD. 4 ft slab, fresh cut sawdust. Ph. 8862. Wood Graen 412 N 21st St Ph 8370 Plywood cores & . ends. Ph 8505 Transportation 2 RIDERS wanted to Oregon Ship. Swing F day oft. 1113 E. Rural. WANTED: Elders to ComT. Iron Works. Swing shift Ph. 7331. WANTED: Riders to TVUlamette Iron St SteeL i Day shift Ph. 21310. TRANSPORTATION to Buckler lob on Denver Ave, Portland. Phone 8681 7:30-8 p m. Directory Painting Painting and Decorating. Ph. 7551 Paints and Lacqners Complete line- NASON paints Liberal terms. R D Woodrow. 394 N. Church Painting & Paperhanging Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4323 Printing FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamphlets. programs dooks or any Kind oi print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 219 phone 8101. Radio Service PIERCE Radio Service. 809 N. Liberty Septic Tanks Cleaned. 1 Inspection free. Kenneth - HameL resident of West Salem. -842 Edgewater St Ph. 8748. " Transfer U-DRTVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn. 1J7 S Uberty Ph 0062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT tranfar storage, burner eat briquets fruoks to Portland daily.- Agent Pierce Auto Freight taciudina Calif notats Lamm Transfer Co Ph aia.' ' ' Vacuum Cleaners VTNC'E S VAC. -Store. Ph. 8382,: Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE Inspection in your home.. Au thorized Hoover service We service ail makes cleaners Hogg Bros Pbr; 8148 Well Drilling R A -West 8s 111 B 448 2-228V ; For Sale Used Cars sell truck without tank. - ; , ' Real economical, r perfect passenger" Coupe, small reconditioned, perfect tires. STATE MOTORS ? - OFFER :.'."'.. TRULY FINE CARS 1941 PACKARD CLIPPER SEDAN. 1941 CHRYSLER 8 SEDAN. 1M1 PACKARD 6 SEDAN. 1838 CHEVROLET SEDAN. 1938 HUDSON TERRAPLANE SEDAN. 1837 TERRAPLANE 2-DOOR SEDAN. 1839 TERRAPLANE SEDAN. MANY HAVE HEATERS St RADIOS, ALL ARE IN THE BEST OF CONDI. TION. WITH GOOD TIRES 8c PAINT. 12 Months Guarantee We also hav a good as sortment of new Hudson & Packard cars. Come in & see us. Perhaps we can help you buy a new car. STATE MOTORS, INC. Ph. 4438 240 V. High St HUDSON-PACKARD DEALERS YOUR PONTIAC DEALER Has Best Available Transportation J- 38 BUICK SPEC. 4 DR. SED... $795 This car is really priced $100 under the going market. , '40 OLDS TORPEDO SEDAN Rubber foam seat, cushions. Radio St Heater W.0O0 actual miles. 38 FORD DEL. -4 DR. T $245 You better hurry. This will go quick. "39 NASH 2 DR. SEDAN . Overdrive. Radio & Heater. Original dark blue paint is spotless. 41 CHEVROLET SPEC. DL. SPT. CPE. This is a popular 5 pass, model. Beautiful light gray color. Good rub ber. Radio As Heater. "40 CHRYSLER 4 DR. SEDAN This car is spotless and is thoroughly equipped even to a ventilator in the trunk for taking your dog with you. 4I PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DEL. SED. Radio St Heater. Gunmetal color. TRUCK DODGE FLAT BED. single wheel. 4 cyl. truck. This will help some farm er harvest his crop. HERRALL-OWENS CO. 239 S. Commercial Ph. 3168 Looking for Late Model Cars? Stop and Look SAM'S JUST OPPOSITE DOWNTOWN CITY FTRE DEPT. 41 Ply. 4-dr. Sedan 41 Chev. 2-dr. Sedan 41 Hudson 4-dr. Sedan 41 Ford Coupe 40 Ply. 2-dr. Sedan 40 Olds 2-drSedan 40 Ford 2-dr. Sedan, 38 Buick Conv. . Coupe 'SAM'S MOTOR CO. sSS'Chemeketa St Phono T81T LIKE NEW 1941 Plymouth S p ecial Deluxe Sedan: 1941 FORD DELUXE 2-DOOR SEDAN. 1941 PLYMOUTH DELUXE 2-DR. SED. 1948 FORD DELUXE COUPE. - 1939 FORD STANDARD 2-DOOR SE DAN GOOD TRANSPORTATION. 1838 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR ' SEDAN. 1938 FORD COUPE. ' 1933 FORD SEDAN. .NEW MOTOR. EXTRA- GOOD TIRES. 1834 FORD SEDAN. A NICE ONE. SALEM:': AUTbMOBILE CO. , Home of - CHRYSLER "SERVICE - PLYMOUTH North Commercial at Center Street r - . nm . maIm . . e4e Hires. Gone to the service. Must aelL 1444 S. 12th. Ph. SOTS. , . , iatV OTEVROLET DeLTxnvnred. I4.50S miles. Good rubber. A-l condi tion in every way. See Ed EOis. Nei- Wanred Uted Cars WE 1YT0PS! Get every dlrtV youjr ear is worth. Cash on the Barrel-Head "C"!S1K)CK SALEM'S olded pdeendent used car - . - 1 dealer. : . NJC Corner Church Aj Chem. Ph. 7922 f Cash in your Car - FOR (tASH i- Tf to 41 ModelCrs and Pickups. Burgoyne'Motor Co. ,4.. Center Phone 21539 , ARE YOU BUYXNGj OR SELLING T. SEE SA'3T FIRST FOR THE -iKST DEAL SAM'S AtPTOR- CO. 455 Chemeketa -' r , Phono 7817 Opposite Downtown City Firs ' Dept 'jyru'1r ' ' cash fiOTIJ"run:r CARS. PICK-UPS, PANELS. TRUCKS HERRALllOWENS 238 8. ComL . Phone 3168 r Mototcvcles FOR SALE: &4 Indian motorcycle. $275. Ph.. 2-1338..,. . 1 Lost and Found , - LOST; Ration boojc No. t In maU bill fold. J. E. Lyoyis. 1329 Hines. ; LOST: Ritton boo N. 2. Ph. 8475. Legal Tf otice ADMrNXSTRATftrX NOTICK Notice ia hereby given that Elis- SDein 5. 5wiuiorL; by order of the Circuit Court the State of Ore gem for Marlon Cininty, has been appointed administratrix of the es tate of Edwin Xery Swanson, de ceased. Any pet$oi)s having claims against said esUu are requested to present ; thenV ; with7roper vouchers, to said administxatirx at xl MM' '' a 1 -v . . ok o nice, oi net- aitomeys, siu Pioneer Truif: Building, Salem, Oregon, . within si)c months from the date of this Notice. . Dated, Marc 19, 943 EUSfeET S. SWANSON Admihtratfix of the es tate of ;5dvyn Leroy Swan son 1v i- g. . " -V - . . SAM F. SPEfiHSt A RHOTEN tt RHOXEN Attorneys for he Restate of Edwin Leroy Swanson, deceased. 310 Pioneer Trust -Building Salem, Oregon. ....-'. MpO-25 A. 2-9-16 NOTICE Of ITNAL. ACCOUNT NOTICE js KEREBY GIVEN, that the undersed, HOMER W. EG AN. Executor 6f the Estate of ALBERT J. EC? AW, deceased, has filed in the CifctMt Court of the State of Oregon, r Marion Coun ty, his Final Account, and that said Court has by an oyder thereof, de signated Tuesday the twentieth day of April, Ajp.1943, at the hour of. 10:00 o'clock fat the forenoon of said day at the Circuit Court room t Crossword Puzzle i 1 'S 19 12 2 25 Z4 3 34 55 '21 41 4i 4 j4s SO SA SONTAI. - . Wbt treach irsitor heidi it Nszt-demiatted government ol his country t . f . - S. Rodent' . '. - lO. Goddess, of iarth 12.Straightjen ..' ". 13.Lesscnu' c-'.-.v-'-. .' 15; Tumult tr" r ;-'- S IS. Mertssitr' ' 'v ': XT. Remnant' ' ; ' - ' "- 1$. Which Ot tht t mo famous Bsrrjnhore brothers is still i ' Mlirefth fr-Tfr 20. Ardmal's fee J ' - 2L Malt drink. '.. '-:.y ' -23. Comrade . vj ' : Sped n 25. Decay - 26. Rubbed; out 28. Concerning- ife ; 30. Guarantee : r 32. Savors 1 ' -34. Down (prefll;) 25. Goes by. .i;;-., . 37. S-shaped worm 38. Dance Step t v 39. The lion J ' ' 40, Consumed . k'J 41. Dove calls r. 47. Whtt doted tnglish Undscspe- painter men in isur 45. Worthies bit s 46. Assists 47. Columbus's ships were: Pints and Seats Maris? 50. Gathering together ' . ? 52. Burrovrs-.. . . - 53. Upon- -'"S- - ' 54. Irish-, ' . 55. Rim; : , VERTICAL 1. Romsh god r : ' . 2. Fourth calipi -s. Springf flowirs , 4-Against pretix 5. Oriental measure .Feminine name 7. Biblical chsi scter ft. Crovr can i .Near VMM Legal Notice tn the Court House at Salem, Oregon,- ss the time and place for hearing objections' to said .Final Account and the settlement of said Estate, at which said " time and : place all persons' objecting shall appear and show cause, . if any there' be,, why said account should not in all things be-allowed and approved, the said? estate settled and closed, and the Executor tii-. charged.'. .: ' c : - :" ' . HOMER VY. EG AN; . - ' Executor of the Estate of AXr BERT EGAN, DeceasW. LYLE J. PAGE 'A Salem, Oregon - j-' Attorney for Estate. " J First Published, March 19. 943. Last Published, April 18, 1943. M 19-28-A 2-j9-18. : NOTTfTE ftr r . nwit omi runni a aiv last obti ucdoui a t ' New S21S Ia the Circuit Court ef the Stats of Oregon, for the Conntf - -? ' ef Marlea, J ,; In the Matter of the Estatje. of REESE E. . ANDERSON 1 De--I ceased. ' , ' Notice is hereby given that & A. Morgali, administratrix, with the will annexed, of the estate of Reese E. Anderson, Deceased has filed her final account as such ad ministratrix in the Cricut Court of the Stat of Oregon, for Mar ion County, and that Friday, the 16th day of April, 1943, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court Room Of said' Court in the County Court house in Salem, Oregon, has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to the said final Ac count, and the settlement thereof, j Dated and first published; March 12, 1943. : ; Date of last publication: April 9, 1943. . R. A. MORGALI, ' Administratrix, with the will annexed, of the Estate . of Reese E. Anderson, Deceased. M 12-19-26-A 2-9. BISMARCK, ND. -&)- Arthur Weisenburger. of Bismarck, sta tioned with the US navy in Texas, . planned a big surprise for his mother. A He didn't tell her that he had obtained a furlough and was com- , ing home to visit her. It was a tough break. The day before he arrived home, his moth er Mrs. 'Phil Weisenburger, left for the west coast. Lodges Salem Lodge No. 4. A F. St A.M. Fri.. Apr. 2. Stated Meet ing, 736 P M. ,. ; S 17 20, 24 17 isT 29 127 3) 7 40 44t 4 Si S5 3-30 10. Tear with teeth U. Incite' - 14. What is the modern name tot Persia? IS. Trap . 18. Musical dramas 20. OasMosks 21, WStAS8S 22;SoUtry. .-'.' 24. Cause , ' ; i v 27. Guide ' 2S.Eaae- - ,; 29. Being 3L Javanese) tree 33. Rending 3S. Mud -, ' . 38. Cookihsr utensils ',- 1 .- - 41. What Italian take ia noted for.: " 'its beauty and as a tormer 1 pleasure resort f v ; v 42. What seaport in Africa felt ,: to our African expedition fast November? ' 43. Metal containers ' ' ' 44.Tennysonian character . . 46. Ventilate - r ' ' ' 48. Born ' ' 5 - - v: 49. Beast of burden . $ 1 51. Compass point (sbbr.) 52. Pronoun , - ,1. Answer, to yesterdays pu2zle. lAlBisr iLlAlwl nTTaT KTTtTALlATGTTl or IllNlNlQlclElHlTl A D a N M N M a sIaTT sir OA AUG JSIE MTL Averars tisss ei ftelstieat M lssU. Disc by Klag Featarrs Syndicate.- Iac Bros, 338 tt.. Liberty. . . Wi..'-- ' h