The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 26, 1943, Page 9, Image 9

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    Thm OXSEGON STATESMAN, Salemi Dromon, Friday Morning March 23. IMS
Riverdale Pupils
Give Teacher Party
RIVERDALE The pupils of the
tipper grade room at Riverdale
school gave a surprise party for
Mrs. Elsie Carpenter and the stu
dents in the primary room last
Wednesday, in honor of Mrs. Elsie
Carpenter's birthday. The cake
was decorated with green candles.
Games were played and refresh
ments were served.
j Amos Bierly, Marion county 4H
club agent visited Riverdale school
last Thursday. Bierly f discussed
the victory gardening projects and
the canning and livestock clubs.
He particularly emphasized the
importance of the; 4H gardening
and canning projects so that we
raise and preserve; all the food
that we can in order to free all
commercially canned materials
for our armed forces in all parts
of the world. f f;- . -:.
The school lost two pupils re
cently.; They are Wanda and1 Bob
Davis, who moved to Lake Labish
and will attend school therej
' Barbara Daley, ( Howard Brass
field, Tfaaddy O'rfeil, and Wayne
Groff are all absent with the
measles. ;i j ;pf i;fC:;'
. Mrs.J Elsie Carpenter attended
the rational teachers', meeting at
Central Howell Wednesday night
' Mrs. Agnes C. Booth, Marion
county; school superintendant, sod
CannelitU Weddle paid a j visit
to the school Monday morning. ;.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davis moved
to Lake Labish.. , . . j j
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest j Edwards
moved to Roy Grettie's place on
the Croisan Creek Road, formerly
rented by the Coats. - I
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Pen rod mov
ed to Salem, Sunday. - ! . i
Shelby Funeral Set
Today in Albany
ALBANY Mrs. Margaret Shel
by, 81, a resident of the Albany
community since 1911, died at the
Paulina Nursing Home Tuesday.
Funeral services will be held from
the Fisher Funeral Home Friday
at 2 o'clock. Rev. P. A. Kleiwer
Surviving Is 5: a daughter, Mrs,"
Madalyn Johnson of Tangent, two
stepsons, N.V Shelby and E. W4
Shelby, thrte grandchildren and
four great grandchildren. Mr-I
Shelby died in '1929. 1 j j
Forest Pictures Set
BETHEL Motion pictures
la techniealsr, with sonnd. frcia
the state department ef fares
try wd be a. feature of the pre
graaa at the nMetlng of the Es
ther Cemmaalty dab en Friday
nfctV There will also be erches
trs, plane and vocal numbers.
. J. S. Carrathers Is the program ;
chairman. Refreshments will be
served. Everyone it welcome.
will i preach the funeral sermon
and ...burial wifl be in Willamette
Memorial Park. 7: ''i -
Born in" Duncan Town, UL, on
November 18, 1881, she spent her
early life in her native state. It
was In Lewiston, III, in 1900 that
she was married to A. W. Shelby.
After coming to Oregon in 1911
she had lived in the OakvOle
community and in Albany. She
was a member of the Christian
church. v-
Teachers Entertain
WEST S4LEJII The teacres
of the Weif Salem school enter-i
tained the School board last Fri-i
day eight at the gymnasium. An
informal program was featured as
pari of thp entertainment
Examination Set :
JEFTEKSON Am esamhaa
ties will be given far entrant
late officers training ssheels lav
the army er navy at Jefferson
Aaril J. . .
Under rationing refutations yen cannot save, er accumulate yeur smrs f rem enerd 1st Period; Ratio) Stamps ABC Coed Tfcrongli March list
to another, therefore, it advisable re spend 7or points during each ration period . . . : 2nd Period Blue! Ratio Stamps D I F Good New Threurh Anrii 10 i
and te receive the most for your ration point mnd the most for your monty . . . shop Just one ner week' in which yeu can use your A B C ration stamps for year purchases of
Fred Meyer Friendly Stores! You'll find the largest selection ef canned fruits and vego- canned fruit, and vegetables . . . and if yon have already used yovr ABC stamps, you
tables available fer von I., at thrift mrtLm. f ' " "ow V' D 1 f H u Tfm mllT Utt ynr tfampt now anel
.- . - rr i
Refreshing and Stimulating to the
I i mm rff$& L 1
No 2 Can fr'r 1
K?- Cling Peaches 1 lb. 13 ox. 19c
I-iouv Bartlett Pears, 1 lb. l,s 2 i
Dole Crushed Pineapple 14 ox. 13c
Crown Point Plums 1 lh-14 p 13c r
Delhi Figs, 1 lb. 14Viox.;i2c !
Fruit Cocktail, 1 IbJ 14c I
President Fruit Salad, 17 ox., 17c
Combine these extra delicious
fruits with freih fruit j" or
serve in the widb variety? of
salads, puddings,; cakes, des
serts, or serve tjiem as they
come right from I the tin. j An
extra vitamin value for jtour
family in fruits that laro
packed with all the fine ifla-
vor of tree ripened fruit.
frmd Mtyr Grocery Section
Hearty Soup Can Be a Main Dish for Meal Time!
it i
Minute Man Droth Wfrfc Rko
or Vegetable
1 10 oz. n) for 1IPC I
Pk. 1 1 !
Minute Man Noodle Soup, 2'2-oz; 2 for 13c
j Noodle Soup, 2A ox. 9c
Noodle Soup, 10Vilfc
SSI- Beef Soup, lO'i ox. 14c
2? Vegetable Soup, 10 Vi " 12s
Sr11 Noodle Soup, lOVi JBc
Rancho Vegetable 'STSS jS
Soupa can b U mainstay of a meal Um any of
i these aoupa as the main basis to stews, broths, or us
for aeaaoalnss In meat eles or for leftover dishes,
When trying a new dish ad dthat Master touea MritH
a can of soup added to your creation.
j ' Frmd Myr Crenr Sictiom
i ' . !
A Wide Awake Start to Breakfa$tl
iSSSS GrapeiTutt Juice
No. 2 Can
18 oz.
e 3 for 295
My-Te-Fine Tomato Juice,
12 ox., 6c . j
Dole Pineapple Juice, 18-ox, 13ci
2 for 25c
My-Te-Fine Pineapple Juice,
46 ox., 27c j
Church's Grapefruit Juice,
Qr. 25c j
S and W Apple Juice, 12 ox.,
13c, 2 for 25c
Libby Loganberry Juice,
12 ox., 16c
Trult JuteM add the needed vitamins and nutrition for alfoo4
wrwuan. otrr. nuiooM iruii juice tor DreeJ&asc ana row
find tt pmya diridends la appetites and in good health. The additioa
of fresh oraas juice or lemon juice or any of the fresh fruits t
weaw juices wiu oeip 70a maae ration points go farther.
Frmd Moymr Crwrery SectUm
narjv .is it it: rcivuicu. viw iwi wwy .
My Clopp's ' Dcalbv Food
Strained tTJa 5 for 19c
4iA ox. 75c Doxi
-,,- A
f ;
r m a - . . . i ..usa-
Chopped Oaby Foods
I TO rom
, OOs alasv, t teta
i lev lOe. TS
3 for
8 for SOe,
Mttnn of babv foods ia tha
LTfooS tSatS rSuiy U l-at and berve.
At AB. Frd My Crory 5etf s
- 'i . H
No. 2 Can
1J lb.
, A if it: '
Pict Sweet Corn, Cream Style,
No. 2 can, 2 for 25c
My-Te-Fine Peas, 3 Sieve, No. 2
can, 1 lb. 4 oz., 12e
Osage Creen Beans, No. 2 cans,
. 1 lb. 4 oz., 13c
My-Te-Fine Tomatoes, Solid Pack,
No. 2, 1 lb. 4 ox., 14c
My-Te-Fine Tomato Sauce, 8 oz.,
5c 2 for 9c
My-Te-Fine Sliced Beets. 1 lb. 4 os.,
No. 2, lie
My-Te-Fine Asparagus, 14 oz., 21 e
My-Te-Fine Spinach, PA lbs.t
No. 2Va, 15c
Larson's Vegall, glass Jars, 1 lb., 12
Fresh rardea taste la these excellent vegetables. Serve
to all the family for any meal and watch them aak for
more. Exciting to the taste and filled with vitamin
and: health. Every meal should include at least one vege
table for a good balanced meaL
Frmd kimymr Grocery Smctiot ;
Meat Stretchers For hot's of Protein
Yellow or Groon f7 n o n nr
2 s,. HP
Fred Meyer Large White Deans,
2 lbs. 17c
Fred Meyer Small Whit Deans,
2 lbs. 17c
f. M. Soup Stock, Z lbs. 1 7e
Fred Meyer Large Prunes,
1 lb. 12c
Thompson Raisins, 2 lbs. 24c
Am a meat alternate Is scarce why not serve baked beanf
r a steammx hot soup or stew with rice, bartey, or a flna
stock that is filled with rich nutrition. High in food
value and stamina these protein foods will fill the need
of solid, hearty meal tunes. Protein is the food needed
to create energy and heat In the body.
Frmd Mmyor Grocery SmotioH
As Fresh as If Picked From Your Own Garden
- J I-I I I
I I ' 5
Rash Flan Year
..-St & , ' . , - " "X
4 -Mi
Mir Mfesj,
I 1 J - ...
You can't plant everythlnf you
cat, of cours,! but every fam
ily, with, ground suitable for
gardening should help relieve
the food shortage by planting:
soma of the vegetables they
consume you cant grow ev
erything, that's certain, it Isn't
t i
- .s i :
Fred Meyerlvegetable department always carries a wonderful
selection IbsJI vegetables aoij f raits, and In most eases, bet
ter than Ihl amatear gardener will prod ace J But plant what
you ean ndt help win the war! .
7e Are Garden Seed Headquarters
ft- i ( ... 4 r , ' I i -
r. p I I - j
W have :a Very fine selection
bl Seed potatoes, .Onion Plctnts,
all varieties Garden Seeds,
TJhubarhf (oots. Cabbage and
Lettuce jldnts
Also paper covers for
tender, . fyoung plants.
Hi !
v ' est) v v
SrapaiFEii Jake
-''fir Onl;' 5 Per Bag
Coihe in land tee our Specials, for this
tviitc. Small shopping bags filled ivith
I: ' if) - - 5
Nothings too cood tor my baby
I' 4 :Hnr35c : i'- 'Case S4.20.
Catsup Adds Flavor to Most Meals
Frigid Food Freih Cni
.:. BEANS...
Frigi food Cut Corn,
j Hos.pkg. 15r
Frigid Food Strawberries,
Friifoo! Peachtt , 1 6 oSs
21c ,
Fainer Dcitcn Oike'd
I Desns, 16o 1S
Frigifood DrosoIII,
FriMtsd foods ara a
t dS is to thaw and
ia shsi lftteUoaa.
i " 't : .
,.- -. f I .'. ' .
easy to premrc AJ 70a naaa
than puca ta waxar aeeorwa
0 os
rrleee Kffeeiire FrUar Um Mandar -
r "
Holrli: CaScua 14 02.
its (Lap
g 2 for 225
. 1
- v:
' . .4. 1
1 -,
,T -
10 riata
1 f I
r? tJ oOtr la eondlnieBts aak for the euaa you krw tt
t 7- tuvu v suwmv vas van. lur ma lis
- V' iyTs-Slas foo4s are fresh, apptUxizii ani add grax
v... - . . awuB lasxes. t - - 1...... - -i
" , . - 2jv.. :- -tL,.:r j t
- ' " ' " " "f -r'CftwsT JSeyar Craeavy faclas
v.' ry-r,:?::.':,:--
. . - - Ik -v.-. :. . l
w v w - r TV av-s ,
ta aad t.vcr 1
ktkls ta v; . t.i