The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 26, 1943, Page 11, Image 11

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OTXGOll STATESMAN, Solera. Oregon. Friday Horning. March 3. 1SX3
Where, Will Invasion Come?
iVine Possible Action Points Described
For Allied Thrust at Axis in Europe
, By JOHN I SPRINGEIl ' . . '
" AP Features Writer j . j .
f Where the United Nations will invade axis-held Europe
- Is the closely guarded secret of military leaders, but that it will
come there is no doubt. Here are thumbnail surveys of the nine
continental regions where full-scale action may burgeon this
spring: . . -. - - ;' ;V j
FRANCES , v,! i
Allied military leaders arc not spinning a wheel te determine which
f these numbers will come up far
are considered possible second fronts.
1 NORWAY (pop. 3,000,000),
facing sea for 1100 miles
from the North Cape to Skager
rak, has already . been invaded
many times by British comman
dos. Mountainous, irregular,
fjord -bound, Norway's 12,000 mile
coastline and 150,000 islands now
shelter nazi U-boats and part of
the German fleet.
Mountains and forests have
hindered inland rail development,
and its rugged terrain makes
Norway hard to attack, relatively
easy to defend.
2 THE LOWLANDS, facing
the North sea, are level, pro
bably ripe for revolt. Holland's
broad, sandy coast consists large
ly of delta portions of the rivers
Maase and Rhine. One-fourth of
the country is below sea-level and
Inland traffic centers on canals
and rivers.
Belgium, with its seaboard of
62' miles, boasts of Antwerp, one
of Europe's greatest ports. In the
west it is low, rising - to eastern
tablelands. The most densely pop
ulated country In Europe with
SYt million natives, Belgium is
the Invasion of. Europe, bat all
rich in axis-needed coal, iron and
1500-mile coastline from the
Straits of Dover to the Pyrenees,
has been the most heavily bombed
of all potential allied invasion
points.. Low plains and bluffs
form its coast, which at its near
est point is only 22 miles from
England. Excellent rail and mo
tor roads criss-cross France, but
strong fortifications guard the ap
proaches to Germany.j
Across the channel from Eng
land are many seaports, such as
Dieppe, where the war's greatest
invasion rehearsal has been held,
called axis "under - belly
extends along 384 miles of Medi
terranean coast and includes Mar
seilles, France's second largest
city, and the naval base at Tou
lon. Beyond the ; coast, on tne
west, stand the rugged Cevennes
mountains. Southwest, are the
sunny plains of ! Garonne -land
Languedoc On the east tower the
Maritime Alps. 1
f - SICILY, 80 xnfiesi from Cape
Bon, Tunisia, and two miles
from Italy's toe across the Straits
of Messina, has been used as in
advance base for historic attacks
on Italy. ! - :
Sicily's 9860 square miles are
mountainous in the north. High
lands In the south, j West and
south coasts are flat; the eastern,
steep and rocky. About 1200
miles of railways serve the 4,
000,000 Sicilians who fish ard
farm. Sicily has rich sulphur de
ITALY has loomed as a Hke-
ly invasion point since the
US and British offensives in north
Africa. Much of its Mediterran
ean coast is mountainous, but
there are many potential landing
spots, including the! area from
O-k A BF f A " li
nome 10 iegnom mi we center,
with flat coastlines. Railroads run
along both coasts, from the tip! of
the toe to the northern Po valley
and tha Alns. !" "
The Italian army Is estimated
at about 1,500,000. The air force
numbers from 1500 to 3000
planes; the navy has 180,000 men.
! 1
Albania, Greece, 'Yugoslavia,
Bulgaria and Rumania may be
thrown open to invasion by the
allies if - Turkey should join the
United Nations.
Separated from central Europe
by. the Transylvanian Alps in the
north, and from the Adriatic and
Ionian seas on the west by the
tall, rocky Dinaric Alps, the Bal
kan countries support more than
50,000,000 diverse peoples under
the axis, which thousands! of
guerrillas are fiercely resisting.
The geographical pattern of jthe
Balkans favors movement from
Turkey to central Europe. J
Natural link is the Danube. Ma
jor rail routes also run from the
Greek port of Salonika, where I al
lies launched a successful Balkan
invasion in World war I, and from
Istanbul up through Rumania.
' i
SPAIN, possible scene of a
nazi thrust, is the European
gateway to the British I fortress at
Gibraltar and the allies' West
flank in north Africa, j j
Despite the Pyrenees, good jrail
routes run from France to Spain
from Bordeaux to Bilbao, from
Marseilles to Barcelona. !
Although seven-eighths of, its
border touches watery Spain is
largely separated from the. seas
by steep, rocky coastal ranges
and has relatively few good har
bors. Spain's army is estimated
u u w r- ri r x-n
fc3 o ti t n
3 i
$1.15 Valus
Ben Tobacco
Full "71
Pound "
A fin tobaoco that la (mining friends very fast. A
fan pound or tobacco. J
15c Book Matches, 2 for 25c
Cartons of 10M lights. Handy for the home and
for personal .
50c Top Cigarette- Tobacco .
a kiui kUnd at tobaccos for iae or cigarette.
laammiiw bo eattsrjrlna Cor all t
Factory Drand Cigars
Choice blend Havanas. Buy several boxes of these
supreme cifftrs now wnue ine pnee is iow buu wmi .uey
Choose From Over 20.
Popular Brands
KaleltB Kools TwU Malls Phllh Morris
Tjareytoas Oaamete OU Golds
, Clippers Loekr Strlkos TuUmama
otar brands.
.1 . ;
Ba aasarod that you are rtttinr tha f roshostl
you buy at frod Mayor Tobaeoo Sections. Tea can
always gst ydur favorlto brands. j
$1.00 VahM Jewel Tmmm
r Plastic j.
CigcrcWp , Ccso
Xm 1mv drKnta errata! oot-
-ors. Just tao tiling o om-
Cat au ueya
oilt J cases.
VoM after Mare St. 143
. FrW Nijnr
15c Value
or xuu
Limit 2
A aootbiag amok. Viae laaia
and aroma. Vol daftor March
3ft, 1S4S. ! :
BaHaMHastas ai'ai MaisiHafSiaiai Ok -
Prices HffecUre Friday thra Monday
Drag Bailding
i - - a w
at 750,000 men. Its nav is poorly
equipped and weak. ; : j
O o O
9 PORTUGAL extending for
362 xofles along the Atlantic
face of the Iberian peninsula,
might permit allied occupation in
the event of a German Invasion
of Spain. Traditionally a friend
of Great Britain, Portugal now
profits from its neutrality. It has
two' good ports, Lisbon and Opor-
Crand Island Sisters
Happy-Beat Priorities
and resident and her sister, who
to, L and is . separated from Spain
by I no great natural boundaries.
In .1940, the Portuguese , army
totalled only 30,000, its navy' o
500: men. Both have since, been
strengthened.' rJ' S.-Zl'.-,'. ", r -t-
wlsh te remain aaonymeus, are
the happiest people in their dis
trict this week. They polled eft
some smart shopping in Salem
:i Monday. For the first time In
I more than a year, they were
, able te pnrehase a paper ef pins. .
' Besldemts ef the Grand Island
. district have"' forgotten - what
pins look like since it has been
-' so long since .they were obtain-
able " ;r-i;, S--'v;.,.
Salem Folk Visit at I
A. R. Barnes' Home
LOONEY BijTTEj-- v4to
the A. :ZL' Barnes home Sunday
were Mr. and .Mrs. T Ls BJdsIIl of
Salem.- -tV-' ; w:,
- Mr. and Mrs. C Farmen and
children visiteci Relatives In Tur
ner Sunday. i.c; ;; '-'
"Mr. a4d Mrs.' Elmo Keller and
Karen were Sunday visitors at
the G.O. McCurdy home.
The following pupils were on
the honjor roll as Looney Bu'te
school for last fauarter: Raymond
Tethune, Sue " MUle," Itfp,h
Diercks, LeRoy Farmen, Patricia
Barnes, Jean Farmen, Betty Jean
Diercks, Richard Miller, Gloria
Barnes, Elmer Diercks and Robert
Barnes, i -.. i - ; .
ST ; - - I act I
Electric Shavers WhiU Thsy Lczt ct Thit Low Price J
RomingJon Rend
. . .. - . . ,? !:! -" -
O Complete with Cord
O Leatherette Ciso
O Underwriters Approved
P Cleaning Drush
O A-C Current I f
Here is a reel value on these well-made nationally
known Electrie Shavers. Get one ow, for they '
will make wonderful eifts. Any man or woman
would appreciate such a thoughtful idea.!
I IvWty Fragrant
... .1 -, . :
Reg. 5c
Garden Bczqccl Scap
C - f. aae
Ciko Dos.
mtla aa4 dousing ooap tr '
tho i skfa or eompitooa. u(iur .
rragroat. i . - "
Practical for Everyone .
Spring Special Sale
Tussy't Regular $1.00
iUatfieferte UtlHty Kit
Baacoe ooTr wlh saa aaA oar
rjrinc kanala. Usofttlf if)
or wosliaaC aooda. V Y
At AM Prmd ttvr Qrum $ttl
I tiandy for Week: End Trips
$2.00 Box
Holds 100
Ideal for Pry
Try Jalma on any wash
able fabric. ... Removes
stains such as Cod Liver
Oil, Lipstick, Ink, Iodine,
'Mildew, etc . Leaves the
and clean, and deli
cately scented. . . lim
ited time only.
Try Jalma for all Your Flue
eraf Meyer Drmg Beotieet
sssTassSal 1
Sensitive Skin
Social Sale H. H. Ayers
Sikn Lotion
1 00F,,liT"
12 ounce St
Dolishtfully aesntod for tha skla
aad hands. Particularly fla for
dry, oonsitiva skins.
trad Mmyr Drmg Svttium.
i :
New ana Wonderfully Flattering
Sale V Off
A lovely Piece of Furniture forYeur Homt
Castlovood Do Luxo
Card TTalslleo
. h r
Highly Polished Inlaid Te
Heavily Constructed
Folding Lep that Leek
SI Tab Douklo Iraeoil k
Complete with Stand Holder!!
Horo is a trnlv flit nieea of furniture fa.voor horn.
tlcal and smart for many uses. Lorcly In apoaraaee and
for ions use and sanrlcs. A suprams quauty ptoeo ox
manshlp you will on joy for months o coinai So these
opera Castlswood Card Tables -, H
Join She Eed &oss
Furlough Dcg
Blue wa term-oof baa with a '
carrying handle.! Handy for the
service man and for week-end.-trips.
Holds a lot and will stand
lots of hard wear and use.
i .. - i . -
- - : . - i
; . ! f
- " 11
: . i i
Tussy Faeo Powdor
Regular M AA Plus Tax
$1.50 Val leUil
ExqIsitly flBOohoer txtarod-
ehoic of skin tonos sbados for a
llmltad iinaa only! Frag-raaco of
IKemamoor Me" perfume.
frt4 1ir Draff luti
Sweeping the Country
Broom Sarong Covers
For Shining Lovely Hair
0 Clo s as wdl as amoplaf the walls,
! ! comers r celling
" WaahaUo
Ties oa la a JUfy
1 i i ' -
V M of Uhm kcar Httla a room Barooa for
dtasBtoC th walla sa4 eaHtssa ta tout bom. It
Htm mMly mmd eamas hi a TarHty of dalfai
'mt olora. AU yon d la to ti fa amroag or
th bra, mat H whiaka soar ba dirt aad (rtaaa
gatoBS roar orooa iuim n oun.
$2.00 Value
Owen's Heir Brush
Nylon Brfartlee If)
Sotla Finish rj.lW
Handles I
Mlxod Color
O Nyloa Bristles O Traaspareat
Colored Haaales White Bris
tles Individually Boxed
Rare Is a kit that he will use a
tat aa oae that folds compactly.
Bsapty alaaaJ KM
HohSs ShaTtajr
Finest of Steel
Mr-Te-Fine Raxer tlaes
Kdgo. s
Zipper Billfold
1 .00
frmd Mmyr Drng firtlia
Ue Owoao Kyloa ef Oft
Brash. White brbrtles. I t7U
S row. Traaspareat Haadlesv
Identtfieatioa ! Holder
e Secret sfoaey Com partat'
Coin Pocket ! Cord J
sort ntooio- xoot&er
Sewed Edges H
Lentherie Bringg in the Return of Spring!
Douquer Tweed, 4 os., $1.10 y.
Douquet A Dientbt, 4 os., $1 .1 0 -'
Douquet Anticipsticn, 4 ox., $3.00
Douquer Gardenia, 4 ox., $1,10 ,
Douquct Confetti, 4 oz., $1.10
A Dicntot Extract, Pcteit Flacon, $1.50
Miracle Extract, Gift flacon, $2.50
Tweed, Extract, M os., $4.50 .
Carnation, Extrart, VrrSlJ5.-.
Confetti Extract, x.V $5-90.
lightly fragrant la Spring-fresh odors that lilt aad aire yoa
aew f eeliatr of buoyancy. Also a large aalecttoa ef coav
panloa ttama to match.
EzooUeat for asea - and women.
' ' i I i!
Edge, 1WW
trad Mtyor Drng SMffwe
For Body Rubs ..
J 50 Eaton's
KobbUc Aleohol
-J. Coatpoaad
16-et. si fit
Bottle I V
Refreshing as a
body rub aad for
a a after bath
frmd Umymr 0ra ItctfM
- ...v
- -
It's New! "Wonderful9
Lcnf horic 3-Pbco Sot
Unrlierlc New Spring Makeup!
S-TPeee safAttracMTety boxed.
rwoaaerrui Red" Lipstick aad:
rouge aad cool lorely pallor of
their companion powder past.
"Wonderful 1
FfS Meyer frf Setoo
Federal BetaH gales Tax ef 11 Applies to! All Toiletries,
rerfames. ete Incladed In the Tax Law and Will Be . .
: Added te the KetaU Frlee at the Cheek Stand
, j i j ' j : i - i T
i i